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' Academy of Management Execulive, 2002, Vol, 16, No.

Organizational designs for R&D

Geiaidine DeSanctis, Jeiiiey T. Glass, and Jngiid Moiiis Ensing

Executive Overview
Research and development is becoming increasingly business-oriented, and corporate
reliance on new technology and innovation is greater than ever. How can R&D activities
be organized to yield the greatest value for the enterprise? A study of 14 leading
technology-intensive companies in six industries illustrates how three organizational
designs are being used to manage distributed, flexible R&D organizations: (I)
decentralized. (2) networked, and (3) integrated. Decentralized designs limit the role of a
central R&D group: they direct R&D resources more toward products and markets rather
than basic scientific activities. Networked designs push the boundaries of R&D outside
the confines of a central R&D group and the firm as a whole. Integrated models use
sophisticated communication linkages to tie centralized, science-based activities with the
business needs of the corporation. Within the three design approaches, there are design
variants, each with its positive and negative tradeoffs. We show how some designs for
R&D are more effective than others and provide suggestions for how companies in search
of an ideal organization design for R&D can select among possible configurations to
promote adaptive, value-oriented R&D organizations.

How can R&D activities be organized to yield the global and local, disciplined and flexible. Master-
greatest value for the enterprise? In an era when ing paradox is paramount.^ The head of R&D for
corporate strategy and survival can depend GlaxoSmithKline recently put the issue this way:
heavily on a firm's ability to innovate rapidly, with "We need to be big and small at the same time."^
maximum business impact and rigorous cost con- More than ever, companies seek value from their
trol, organization design issues have moved to the R&D initiatives. The potential payoffs from organ-
foreground.' The dilemma is classic: how to simul- izing R&D effectively are enormous and the costs of
taneously yield value from centralized and decen- ineffective organization structures extremely high.
tralized forms of organizing; but the context is new: Executives confront a quandary: how to construct
a heightened pace of innovation, reduced product an ideal organization design for R&D among a sea
life cycles, a global marketplace, growing reliance of possible configurations.
on intellectual property rather than hard-core tech-
nologies, and the massive infusion of electronic
communication systems for creating and coordi- Trends and Tensions
nating knowledge work.^ Organizations are mov-
Historically R&D operations were centralized, and
ing from reliance on hierarchy and rigidity of struc-
this organization design persisted long after World
ture to new forms that are flatter, cross-functional,
War II. Even as organizations grew, diversified,
and dynamic.
and spread across the globe, R&D remained cen-
tralized for many companies. Well-documented
problems, however, arose out of centralized struc-
How can R&D activities be organized to tures, among them weak links between R&D efforts
yield the greatest value for the and meeting the needs of customers and product
enterprise? lines. Product development cycles were perceived
to be too slow and R&D costs too high. R&D was
viewed as overly scientific and out of touch with
Within this context, R&D activities are increas- the business enterprise. By the late 1980s, most
ingly business-oriented and capital-intensive. large technology companies had decentralized
Firms seek to be both innovative and efficient. R&D operations, breaking down (though not neces-
56 Academy of Management Executive August

sarily eliminating) corporate laboratories and

moving R&D activities closer to business units.^ A Companies continually struggle with
move from a central R&D (CRD) design to a busi- how best to reconcile the competing
ness unit R&D (BU-R&D) design shifted the strategy pressures associated with organizing
of R&D away from one of hope toward one of ac- R&D around science versus organizing
tion—that is, from heavy emphasis on pure re- R&D around products or markets.
search to heavy emphasis on product development.^
Without doubt, R&D in technology companies
has become more business relevant. But organiza- Insights from Leading Companies
tion design choices for R&D are not without con-
We examined 14 leading technology companies
troversy. Classic tensions in R&D management
from six major industries with the goal of identify-
persist. (See Figure 1.) Companies continually ing the various organizational structures that firms
struggle with how best to reconcile the competing are using to arrange their R&D units. We sought
pressures associated with organizing R&D around out large, profitable, multinational firms with
science versus organizing R&D around products or strong, established reputations for technology
markets. Executives wish for the benefits of both leadership and significant R&D investments. All of
science and business-oriented R&D; however, de- the firms rely on technology to support their core
veloping both centralized and business-unit R&D business strategies, and all have been operational
groups is costly, and coordination needs become for at least 10 years. On average, the firms we
more complex as R&D activities spread throughout studied spend over $1.7 billion annually, or 8% of
the enterprise.'' The organization design dilemma revenue, on R&D. They employ over 122,000 people
is that decentralized structures and formal ac- and generate approximately $303,000 of sales an-
countability for R&D are more likely to bring more nually per employee. With one exception the com-
new products and incremental innovations, but panies have a history of maintaining large corpo-
major technology advancements are more likely rate laboratory facilities and attracting the best
when R&D is centralized and informal.^ These ten- scientists and engineers in their industries.^ We
sions are evident in industries as varied as chem- identified the dominant organization designs for
R&D in these firms. We compared and contrasted
icals, electronics, aerospace, communications, and
the firms on some basic financial parameters and
Pharmaceuticals. then documented in detail how centralization-
decentralization tradeoffs were managed via or-
ganization design. Because theorists emphasize
paradox in new organizational forms, we were es-
pecially interested in the structures used to meet
Central R8ED Business Unit R&D basic science and product development needs si-
(CRD) (BU-R&D) multaneously.^°
• Services the needs of the • Services the needs oi
corporation the market or product
line Organization Designs for R&D
• Permits long-range thinking • Pushes short-term
We observed that three general models are being
• Brings frame-breaking science • Develops technology in used today for design of R&D: (1) decentralized
lo product innovation response to business models, (2) networked models, and (3) integrated
needs models. Decentralized models place R&D close to
• Encourages risk taking • Promotes product or within BUs, limiting the role of any centralized
success R&D function. Networked models link BUs to R&D
• Attracts leading-edge scientists • Attracts business-savvy
and engineers technologists
sources inside and outside of the organization. Inte-
• Emphasizes research • Emphasizes grated models combine centralized with decentral-
development ized R&D structures and use special communication
• The balance of power within • The balance ol power mechanisms to tie these structures together. All of
the management structure within the management the models address current pressures to simulta-
tends toward centralization structure tends toward
neously meet the competing R&D goals of long-term
research and short-term product development.
FIGURE 1 Figure 2 summarizes some basic financial and
Competing Organization Design Pressures related parameters and shows the dominant organ-
in R&D ization design associated with each of the firms in
2002 DeSanctis, Glass, and Ensing 57

Firm's Percent
Organization Design Annual R&D Annual Total Firm's Percent of Industry of Industry Value
Company' for R&D Expenditures^ Revenue^ Employees R&D Expenditures Revenue Ratio*

F DECENTRALIZED 2279 33900 251900 37.04% 13.70% 01.47

E DECENTRALIZED 3524 23200 234000 5.96% 3.53% 02.53
A DECENTRALIZED 394 15128 70400 7.92% 11.61% 20.81
B DECENTRALIZED 92 2363 150000 0.34% 1.41% 27.92
Average 1572 18648 176575 12.82% 7.56% 13.18
L NETWORK 3648 30147 i41600 6.17% 4.59% 05.25
P NETWORK 1308 39150 lGlOOO 16.51% 18.67% 11.20
C NETWORK 1020 8458 15000 1.73% 1.29% 49.72
Average 1992 25918 85867 8.14% 8.18% 22.06
G INTEGRATED 1930 100469 293000 31.37% 40.60% 04.42
I INTEGRATED 5046 81667 291067 8.54% 12.43% 05.00
M INTEGRATED 1297 8648 31800 16.37% 4.12% 07.92
T INTEGRATED 2674 26273 64500 4.53% 4.00% 13.70
D INTEGRATED 807 18441 39029 10.18% 8.80% 22.13
X INTEGRATED 701 4809 25000 2.56% 2.87% 44.75
H INTEGRATED 35 1300 2000 0.41% 0.18% 216.19
Average 1784 34515 106628 10.57% 10.44% 44.87
Overall 1768 28140 122164 10.69% 9.13% 30.93

' Companies E, L, C, T, and I are in the information and electronics industry. Companies P, D, and M are in the chemicals industry.
Companies F and G are in the machinery and equipment industry. Companies B and X are in the medical/pharmaceuticals industry.
Company A is in aerospace, and Company H is in the industrial materials industry.
^Millions of U.S. dollars.
^Millions of U.S. dollars.
" The ratio is calculated as ((Firm's % of Industry Revenue/Firm's % of Industry R&D)' l,000,000)/total employees. The larger the ratio,
the more revenue the firm generates Irom R&D expenditures, relative to industry averages and controlling for firm size.

Organization Design, Size, and Financial Measures for the 14 Companies

our study. The integrated model is the most popu- firms using the decentralized designs spend an
lar, and this is probably due to its many advan- average of 12.8% of their industry's R&D budget,
tages relative to the other design types, as we yet generate only 7.6% of industry revenue. In con-
shall discuss below. Note that there is no dominant trast, firms using integrated designs expend about
organization design type as a function of industry. 10.5% of industry R&D budgets and generate about
For example, firms in the information and electron- the same portion of industry revenue.
ics industry fall across the three organization de- As a simple measure of each firm's ability to
sign categories. generate value from R&D within its industry, we
The data in Figure 2 reflect a few general pat- divided each firm's percent of industry revenue by
terns. Firms that adopt the decentralized approach its percent of industry R&D expenditures. To ac-
to organization design have smaller R&D budgets, count for firm size, we then divided the result by
generate less revenue, and employ more people the firm's number of employees.'^ The larger this
than firms adopting the other two organization de- ratio, the more revenue the iirm generates from
sign models. Firms that adopt the network organi- R&D expenditures, relative to industry averages
zation design are smaller, relatively speaking, in and controlling for firm size. The data in Figure 2
terms of number of employees, and spend more on are displayed in order of increasing values of this
R&D than firms using the decentralized and inte- ratio for each organization design type. On aver-
grated models. Firms using the integrated design age, integrated designs are associated with
are mid-range in the size of their R&D budgets and greater value generation from R&D, but it is impor-
number of employees, yet they generate the high- tant to note that there is wide variation in value
est corporate revenue, on average. To account for ratios within each design category. Looking across
variations in R&D budgets and revenue across in- the three right-hand columns of Figure 2, it seems
dustries, we calculated for each firm its percent- that integrated and network designs are associ-
age of overall industry R&D expenditures and its ated with lower cost and greater value generation
percent of industry revenue." So, for example. from R&D relative to decentralized designs. The
58 Academy of Management Execufive August

variation between companies within each organi- their use of the decentralized approach—in terms
zation design category, however, suggests that of achieving value relative to their industries. (See
specific implementation of the models varies the value ratios in Figure 2.)
across firms. Value generation is possible within Decentralized designs hold in common the fact
each organization design approach, perhaps de- that they limit the role of a central R&D group. In
pending on the specific ways in which firms apply the purest form of decentralization, there is no cen-
the models. With the data in Figure 2 as a back- tiai R&D at all. All R&D activity takes place within
drop, we can now look more deeply into the organ- the BUs. R&D groups across BUs may or may not be
ization designs of the 14 companies. coordinated through a central office, such as the
Chief Technology Officer. This purely decentral-
ized approach puts R&D close to the customer or
Integrated and network designs are product and is consistent with what Miles and
associated with lower cost and greater Snow labeled a defender strategy.'^ Scientific and
value generation irom R&D relative to engineering expertise is directed toward the spe-
decentralized designs. cific product and/or market domains of the busi-
ness, and any innovation effort tends to be highly
targeted. If R&D budgets are held relatively low,
(1) Decentralized Models monies can be directed toward projects with high
payoff, thus yielding value from R&D activities.
Four of the fourteen firms maintain a decentralized
Despite these advantages, there is little learning
approach to R&D management, though their strat-
egies and approaches to decentralization suggest or leveraging of R&D capabilities across the enter-
three forms. (See Figure 3). Companies A and B prise as a whole, because the R&D group of one
adopt the first form, whereas companies F and E business unit is not likely to interact with the R&D
use the second and third forms, respectively. Note groups of other BUs. Research support for firm-
that companies A and B are more successful in wide strategic initiatives is difficult if not impos-

Chief Technology
NoCRD Segmented CRD
BU 1

BU 1 BU 1 R&D
BU2 BU 2 R&D
R&D BU3 BU 3 R&D

BU4 BU 4 R&D


Figure Legend

= person
( I = department or division
= cross-functional team
= computer system

Decentralized Models for R&D Organization Design
2002 DeSanctis. Glass, and Ensing 59

sible. Economies of scale from R&D spending are continual (though not monitored or required) infor-
not available, since laboratories and scientists are mal information exchange among the many, diffuse
duplicated and not shared across the enterprise. R&D activities. Informal information exchange oc-
Companies E and F have attempted to overcome curs via electronic discussion groups, seminars, and
some of the downsides of the no-CRD approach but workshops made available to technical employees.
with mixed success. Company F adopts a seg-
mented CRD model in which R&D personnel asso-
ciated with specific markets or products are con- The dispersed model for R&D
solidated into a central location but operate management scatters R&D throughout
independently of one another. CRD is essentially a the enterprise, anywhere and
shell operation, a physical location and/or logisti- everywhere there is deemed to be
cal unit for managing R&D personnel and related
resources. The major advantage of the segmented
opportunity and business need.
model over the no-CRD model is that it increases
possibilities for knowledge transfer across the The advantage of the dispersed approach is that
R&D groups of the various BUs. Co-location can it fosters a culture of product innovation and ex-
facilitate informal collaboration and joint problem- perimentation. The model fits a prospector ap-
solving. Further, this model offers cost advantages. proach to R&D strategy. As one manager in Com-
Scientists and engineers in co-located laboratories pany E put it, "New product ideas come from
can be managed together, thus streamlining hir- anywhere and everywhere." The problem, of
ing, training, and other personnel costs. On the course, is that ensuring adequate information ex-
other hand, co-located BU-R&D groups risk becom- change is difficult when operations are scattered,
ing out of touch with the BUs that they were de- and good ideas and research resources can be
signed to serve. squandered in the fray. Recognizing this potential
Company F is not achieving high value from its weakness. Company E has established an "ideas
segmented model, perhaps because the firm's R&D database" into which technology development
strategy is not consistent with its organization de- ideas from throughout the enterprise can be placed
sign. Company F is pursuing what Miles and Snow for later use by others. Still, the reliance on an
would call a prospector strategy; the firm is very information system to integrate R&D information,
aggressive with regard to searching for opportuni- without an organizational unit or other authority
ties beyond immediate customer and product role, is problematic. The dispersed model risks be-
lines, and the BU-R&D groups are having trouble coming decentralization run amuck, and although
staying aligned with BU needs due to their distant value through growth may be achieved in the long
location from them. R&D expenses are very high run, it is an extremely expensive approach to or-
relative to industry averages, and value from R&D ganization design.
expenses is difficult to achieve. Like the no-CRD
approach, a segmented model may be better used
with a defender approach to R&D strategy, since in (2) Networked Models
the segmented model R&D remains organized Much is written today extolling the value of the
along product or market-oriented lines. so-called network organization design in which
The dispersed mode! for R&D management scat- the walls of corporate divisions or BUs—or indeed
ters R&D throughout the enterprise, anywhere and the organization itself—are opened, allowing fluid
everywhere there is deemed to be opportunity and exchange of information across corporate and BU
business need. Company E in our sample exempli- boundaries.''^ For R&D, networked models facili-
fies this model. BUs that need and can afford R&D tate transactions-on-demand in which R&D re-
create R&D groups. Some BUs may have more than sources are applied when and where they are
one R&D group. Other BUs may have no R&D. needed, regardless of where the technical capabil-
Cross-unit product-strategy groups form on an as- ities lie^whether inside a CRD, inside a BU, or
needed basis to develop and/or support new tech- outside of the organization. Networked models are
nologies. In the dispersed model, there may or may compatible with the prospector approach to R&D
not be a CRD. Where a CRD exists, its role is not so strategy, as they deliberately aim to link basic
much to coordinate R&D efforts as it is to take on technology developments to business needs. Firms
special projects that fulfill particular product- adopting a networked approach create and nurture
development needs that cannot be met inside of a set of relationships to link basic technology
the BUs. In Company E there is no central coordi- sources to business demands. As business needs
nation or control unit for R&D. Rather, there is change, new relationships are established, and so
60 Academy of Management Executive August

there is flexibility in R&D ventures. We observed The acquisition model is based on forming R&D
three networked models. (See Figure 4.) relationships with entities outside the firm. Tech-
The internal-maiket model relies on informal in- nologies are imported in accordance with the
teraction between CRD and BUs whereby BUs firm's strategy and specific needs, and then inte-
scout for relevant projects within CRD, and CRD grated into the firm's existing product-develop-
groups, in turn, seek BU sponsors for basic science ment efforts inside BUs. The acquisition model in-
initiatives. Specific CRD groups are not necessar- cludes the purchasing of technology in the
ily designated to work with specific BUs; rather, broadest sense, whether research data or methods,
linkages are developed depending on how a re- R&D staff, or even entire organizations surround-
search group's technology or expertise can be ap- ing the technology. Several companies in our sam-
plied to the BU. In Company L, where we observed ple use the acquisition approach on a limited basis
this model in action, no single person within CRD to acquire risky, cutting-edge technologies from
is assigned to manage CRD-BU relationships; the small and start-up firms. Only one company we
incentives for all of the researchers are designed to studied—Company C—uses acquisition as its
encourage proactive, targeted relationships with dominant organization design. The acquisition ap-
BUs. In turn, BUs are free to approach researchers proach allows it to keep its R&D costs relatively
in CRD with requests for technical assistance or low and its value ratio high as acquisitions sub-
full-blown research projects. Project milestones stitute for a corporate CRD function, transferring
and costs are negotiated to meet the specific needs external R&D resources to BUs as they are needed.
at hand. Extensive CRD-BU interaction is promoted The advantage of this outreach model is that it
via face-to-face meetings, regular visits to project reduces the internal need for scientific staff and
teams, job rotation between CRD and BUs, confer- laboratories and, more importantly, facilitates
ences and discussion groups around research ar- rapid fulfillment of specific R&D needs. It also re-
eas, and various social functions. Ongoing inter- duces the risk of R&D investments since acquisi-
action between BU and CRD personnel increases the tions can be made after desired technology devel-
likelihood of successful initiatives. An incentive opment milestones have been achieved. On the
structure can also be used to reward employees who other hand, identifying and developing external
take initiative to cross the BU-CRD boundary. relationships require special business and legal

Internal-Market Model Acquisition Model

(Company 1]

R&D done in acquisitions

Extended-Enterprise Model

Figure Legend

University R e s e a r c h ^ C D = P^'^™
I [ = department or division
= external entity

Corporate R&D

Networked Models lor R&D Organization Design
2002 DeSancfis, Glass, and Ensing 61

skills. Further, the company is dependent on a tionships can be scaled back in times of economic
vibrant external marketplace to meet its internal downturn.
R&D needs. In a sense, networked models replace the tradi-
The exfended-enferprise model pushes the net- tional, centralized CRD organization with modern
work notion further to include formation of R&D twists: either an open CRD or location of basic
relationships with a wide set of internal and exter- scientific activities outside of firm boundaries.
nal partners. For example, CRD may form alli- Successful implementation of networked models
ances or joint R&D ventures with government lab- requires a host of corporate capabilities—monitor-
oratories, universities, or other companies; the ing and support of the internal and/or external
R&D department of one BU may form an agreement R&D marketplace, careful review and selection of
to support the R&D needs of another BU; or the CRD available technologies, and strong internal social-
may work with university laboratories to supply ization and leadership skills to broker relation-
specific R&D needs of several BUs. The idea is to ships. R&D success is dependent on the network of
form R&D relationships that meet H&D needs, no relationships. Networked models offer high poten-
matter where the R&D source might be located. tial value, but they are tricky to implement, espe-
CRD may broker these relationships for the BUs, cially as dominant organization designs.
but BUs are not bounded by CRD and can form
relationships with external parties or with one an-
other on an as-needed basis. (3) Integrated Models
There has been a general trend among technol- Integrated organization designs for R&D incorpo-
ogy companies toward external sourcing of R&D rate both short-term product development initia-
from universities, start-ups, private labs, alliances, tives and basic science initiatives with long-run
and so on.'^ Among the firms we studied. Company potential. Integrated models practice a "mixed
P is using the extended enterprise as its dominant mode" strategy for innovation, and CRD takes on a
organization design for R&D. Many others practice key governance role in implementing this strategy.
external sourcing on a limited basis, relying more The strong governance role of CRD differentiates
heavily on internal CRD and/or BU-R&D resources. firms with integrated organization designs from
The findings from our interviews suggest that companies with dominantly decentralized or net-
the extended-enterprise model requires organiza- worked models. CRD is not necessarily large in
tional incentives that foster coordination and col- size, but it takes on an R&D leadership role for the
laboration efforts across organizational bound- corporation. CRD serves as an important hotbed of
aries. For example, both BU and CRD staff should scientific energy and as a hub in the wheel of R&D
feel free to identify and create research contracts efforts throughout the enterprise. There is a strong
or partnerships without concern for turf wars when philosophy that "technology belongs to the corpo-
dealing with a common external lab or research ration, not the business units." The goal of CRD is
site. to help BUs "steal freely," as one manager in our
study put it, by developing cross-unit technology
platforms and meaningful information sharing in
There has been a general trend among order to "look for exploitations and assure that the
technology companies toward external company will not be blindsided by new technology
developments." CRD may have some laboratories
sourcing of R&D from universities, start- that are isolated to pursue basic research, but CRD
ups, private labs, alliances, and so on. as a unit is anything but isolated. It has vibrant
ties to the BUs. CRD links BUs with one another,
In addition, effective external partnerships re- and it links firm R&D efforts with the company's
quire recognition of parties' common and differing overall, strategic goals.
needs, and the ability to coordinate technology Among integrated models, the typical CRD in-
plans and negotiate conflicts as they arise. Sophis- cludes dedicated research project teams, laborato-
ticated legal, technical, and business skills are ries, and functional support groups. Some com-
needed to manage a wider range of relationships panies have only central R&D facilities (e.g..
than in the internal market or acquisition models. Companies G, I, M, T, and X), whereas others also
But the payoff can be high for companies that are have BU-R&D groups (e.g.. Company D and Com-
able to manage a multitude of ventures. The ex- pany H.) Both approaches can be effective. For
tended-enterprise approach is particularly attrac- example. Companies X and H are yielding great
tive for simultaneous support of basic scientific value from R&D, yet they have different balances
research along with fast-paced growth; and rela- of BU and CRD resources for R&D. Company X has
62 Academy of Management Execufive August

a large CRD unit with many laboratories and func- Liaison-based coordination occurs when manag-
tional groups. CRD is responsible for supporting ers within CRD are given designated responsibil-
the R&D needs of the corporation and promoting ity for linking CRD to the BUs. As an example.
new product development, both short term and Company G appoints relationship managers
long term; almost no R&D is conducted inside of within CRD to serve as the interface between CRD
BUs. In contrast. Company H conducts R&D ven- and BUs. There is one designated relationship
tures largely within specific BUs or via cross-BU manager per BU. These relationship managers
R&D projects rather than inside CRD. The CRD unit have no line responsibility, but they are provided
has no laboratories, but it does have a visible, with enormous implicit authority by reporting to
prestigious group of managers and scientists who the head of CRD. They are an integral part of the
set leadership direction and facilitate firm-wide strategic planning for CRD, and each relationship
scientific support for R&D ventures. In both Com- manager is evaluated in part by the success of
pany X and Company H, CRD is directly funded by joint CRD-BU projects. Relationship managers who
the corporation and not from a "tax" or charge- have been transferred to CRD from a BU view the
back system to BUs on a project basis. position as a rotation that is good both for the BU
and CRD. Other relationship managers have been
Within the integrated-design approach, the long-time CRD researchers who are virell informed
choice of whether to develop CRD as a large or about corporate R&D capabilities.
small entity is secondary to the decision of how to
coordinate extensive corporate-wide R&D efforts. Regardless of whether teams or individual liai-
We observed two general approaches to structur- sons serve to mediate CRD-BU relationships, as
ing interaction between CRD and the BUs. (See they work with a particular BU on technical issues
Figure 5.) Team-based coordination involves for- these facilitators become knowledgeable about
mal mediating groups that consist of BU and CRD R&D strategy and specific BU needs. This outcome
personnel. For example. Company H has standing encourages a high probability of matching BU
tech teams and tech services groups that include needs to CRD capabilities and R&D activities to
BU members and CRD members organized around corporate strategic directions.
specific types of technology. Usually these teams Along with a formal coordination structure, con-
include members from multiple BUs. As other ex- stant communication is a cultural imperative in
amples. Company M has joint BU/CRD groups as- firms adopting integrated organization designs.
sociated with each major product line, and Com- Most firms that we studied use R&D information
pany X creates ad hoc project teams with CRD systems that are accessible by both BUs and CRD.
personnel to address specific BU research needs. The information collected for these systems may

Team-based coordination Liaison-based coordination

technology teams Relationship
f R&D information support system J managers I R&D information support system J

Figure Legend
^ ^ = person
I = department or division
. = cross-functional team
I = computer system

Integrated Models
2002 DeSanctis, Glass, and Ensing 63

include market intelligence, technology discussion

databases, information on competitors' R&D initi- Along with a formal coordination
atives, research data, R&D project tracking sys- structure, constant communication is a
tems, and so on. Though it may be tempting for cultural imperative in firms adopting
companies to rely on these systems in place of integrated organization designs.
more traditional forms of communication, we
found that the most successful firms rely as
heavily on people-based communication mecha-
nisms as on computer-based systems. For exam- A Value-Driven Approach
ple. Companies D, G, H, and I use R&D information Figure 6 summarizes the major advantages, dis-
systems support, but they take care to design and advantages, strategy, and other implementation
support mediating groups and managers for guidelines for the three major models of R&D organ-
knowledge transfer. Further, they promote a cul- ization design. Reviewing these models, we find
ture of communication via multiple methods, such that there is no "one best" organization design.
as bulletins, conferences, and discussion groups. Indeed, a host of factors might dictate the specific
Information systems are used to support the R&D model implemented by any given firm, such as
organization design, but they do not replace it. firm goals, resources, existing infrastructure, mar-

Organization Preferred R&D To implement tor

Design Advantages Disadvantages Strategy success . . .
DECENTRALIZED • Supports a business Difficult to share Defender: • Use when R&D needs
orientation in R8ED knowledge or leverage Innovation is are decidedly different
• Focuses R&D efforts on R&D capabilities across targeted toward across business units
current customers the enterprise improving • Avoid this approach if a
needs Research support for lirm- existing products prospector strategy is to
• Short-term benefits from wide strategic initiatives or searching for he pursued
R&D investments are is diificull new technologies • Keep R&D expenditures
emphasized Economies of scale in within specific low through careful
R&D facilities, personnel, product or market targeting of projects
etc., are difficult to lines within business units
NETWORK Can be used to support Requires business, legal, Prospector: new • Use to support growth in
basic scientific research and social skills for product and new markets or new
at lower cost than developing effective market product ventures
traditional CHD relationships between opportunities are • Troll for value
Effective matching parties in the network aggressively opportunities that lie
process puts research Network dependencies are pursued; outside of the firm
resources when and created, thus increasing exploration of (acquisition or extended-
where they are needed risk if parties withdraw or new technologies enterprise models)
Relationships are do not meet commitments is wide in scope • Invest in skills and
flexible and can be Tends to be more costly if processes to support
expanded or reduced as network reaches only effective management of
research or business inside the firm (internal relationships
needs change market model)
INTEGRATED Mixed mode of business Requires cross-functional Analyzer: a mixed • Invest in coordination
and science orientation teams or designated mode approach structures and
in R&D relationship managers to to strategy, with communication
Supports both short- coordinate CRD-BU targeted R&D for mechanisms to link CRD
and long-term R&D relationships some products or with BUs
projects CRD can be high relative markets and • Empower CRD with a
Helps link R&D to the to most decentralized and aggressive governance role for R&D
strategic direction o( network models pursuit of new • Build a reputation for
the technology-based opportunities in R&D excellence that is
iirm other areas recognized inside and
outside the firm

Summary of Advantages, Disadvantages, Strategy, and Implementation Guidelines for the
Organization Design Models
64 Academy of Management Executive August

ket opportunities, and so on. Most important is that (3) An Entrepreneurial. Communications-Oriented
executives recognize the tradeoffs associated with Culture
the design choices they make and take steps to Value-driven organizations engage in continual
realize specific design advantages and overcome interaction between the BUs and R&D groups. They
potential disadvantages. We synthesized the at- not only create relationship managers, project
tributes of effective R&D management from across teams, R&D information systems, and so on; they
the three design types found in our sample to sug- use these mechanisms constantly. This constant
gest the general recommendations for organiza- level of communication contributes to a sense of
tion design that follow. partnership between general managers and R&D
managers and reinforces the importance of inno-
vation as a value in the firm. In this way, the
(1) Strategic Mechanisms managerial matrix between BUs and R&D operates
well beyond the reporting structure and deep
Regardless of the specific corporate strategy, val- within the company.
ue-driven companies adopt practices to link R&D
ventures and progress with the corporation's stra-
tegic goals. In Company H, for example, R&D ap- This constant level of communication
pointments are considered important and given an contributes to a sense of partnership
elite status. Company D has established an intel- between general managers and R&D
lectual property department with intellectual asset managers and reinforces the importance
managers who undertake valuation analysis for
each R&D project. The value of the technology to
of innovation as a value in the firm.
the market and/or to the firm is assessed as a
project is approved and as funding is renewed.
Company M uses information systems to bring (4) Putting Sharing Where It Matters
R&D progress and updated technical information Value-driven firms overcome the isolation of
to customers. Company A has a chief growth offi- R&D from the rest of the company by promoting
cer who scouts for high-potential projects from BU- sharing where it matters, rather than haphaz-
R&D units and then advocates them for executive- ardly or everywhere. For example, teams are cre-
level sponsorship ated where the payoff is likely to be greatest, and
chief technology officers or relationship manag-
ers target high-probability projects. Most impor-
tantly, formalities are replaced by expedited re-
(2) Executive-Level Attention view procedures and ad hoc methods of selecting
To extract value from whatever organization de- people for projects and getting work done with
sign is implemented, the executive level of the firm the highest level of excellence possible. For ex-
devotes significant attention to R&D. This attention ample. Company G has replaced elaborate
feeds downward and outward into all R&D opera- methods for selecting and managing projects
tions. Executive involvement can be very heavy, with the use of simple evaluative spreadsheets
and project milestones that can be specified rap-
such as in Company G where R&D projects of $1M
idly, usually within a few hours. Company D has
or more require executive council approval. In
replaced pacing of project requests with R&D
some companies a corporate executive council de- requests on demand—whenever there is a need.
termines all R&D initiatives. The CRD director may One manager referred to this approach as a
also be the chief technology officer and serve on an "pick-up basketball game" as opposed to the
executive council (e.g.. Company G) or even on the "formal league games" typical of previous years.
company's board of directors {e.g.. Company P).
Executive appointments and ongoing involvement
in R&D reflect the recognition that nearly every
aspect of the company is technology-based. In (5) Externally-Oriented R&D
Company H the CEO sends out weekly reports Value comes from using capabilities both inside
prepared by R&D, adding comments and stressing and outside of R&D, and both inside and outside of
the importance of various R&D activities to every- the firm, to create new technology-based options.
one in the company. As one executive put it, "Re- Value-driven R&D organizations look for scientific
search is the basis of our business, not something and business opportunities outside traditional
we do on the side." R&D walls—to individuals, groups, companies.
2002 DeSanctis. Glass, and Ensing 65

and information systems both inside and outside resources and goals. They can then take steps to
the firm. Technology found in the marketplace implement the kinds of structural, communication,
might be the basis of a new product line, provide and other mechanisms we have described to break
incremental development, or fill in the missing down organizational boundaries and satisfy re-
piece of an ongoing R&D effort. Though specific search and development needs when and where
laboratories and projects may operate in isolation they arise. The result is an adaptive and progres-
from time to time, BU-R&D and CRD operations are sive model of organizing for R&D directed toward
run with business objectives in mind, and manag- achieving value for the enterprise.
ers are customer or product oriented. They recog-
nize the need for collaboration and engage in on-
going scouting for new ideas and opportunities. Acknowledgment
Gerardine DeSanctis would like to Ihank INSEAD lor sponsor-
ing her sabbatical leave during which this article was
(6) Willingness to Mix and Match Structures completed.
Varying R&D needs across a business enterprise
can require different degrees of CRD and/or BU- Endnotes
R&D attention, or different types of teams to coor-
dinate R&D efforts. Dynamic economic conditions, ' Daft, R. L., & Lewin. A. Y. 1993. Where are the theories for the
corporate consolidations, or moves to spin off or "new" organizational forms? Organization Science, 4(4): i-vi;
and DeSanctis, G., & Fulk, J. (Eds.). 1999. Shaping organizafion
acquire businesses likewise put pressure on R&D form: Communication, connection, and community. Newbury
organizations to be flexible in their organization Park, CA: Sage.
designs and use different structural or communi- ^ Drucker. P. F. 1999. Knowledge-worker productivity: The big-
cation mechanisms as R&D demands change. Val- gest challenge. California Management Review, 41(2): 79-94;
ue-driven companies meet these challenges by and Doz, Y.. Santos, J., & Williamson, P. 2001. From global to
recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all ap- metanational: How companies win in the knowledge economy.
Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
proach to organization design; they maintain a '^ Child, J., & McGrath, R. G. 2001. Organizations unfettered:
coherent overall structure for R&D but vary the Organizational form in an information-Intense economy. Acad-
specific design attributes as needed. As one exam- emy of Management Journal, 44(6): 1135-1148.
ple. Company P in our study relies on an extended •* Dyer, G. GSK considers spinning ofl its research units. Com-
enterprise model as its dominant organization de- panies & Markets. Financiai Times. 25 January 2002, 15.
sign but complements this with use of joint ^Jankowski, J. E. 1998. R&D foundation for innovation, fle-
search Technology Management. 41 (March-April): 20: and Lar-
CRD/BU R&D teams for technology transfer. Both son, C. F. 1998. Industrial R&D in 2008. Research Technology
technologists and general managers are willing to Management. 41(November-December): 19-24.
use different R&D structures for different products ^ In this paper we use the term Business Unit (BU) to refer
or at different periods in time. generically to any product, customer, or other business-oriented
group within the organization. Central R&D (CRD) refers to any
stand-alone R&D group that reports to corporate headquarters
rather than to a business unit. Business Unit R&D (BU-R&D)
Achieving Value from R&D reiers to any R&D group that reports to a product, customer, or
To conclude, organization design does not directly other business-oriented unit.
' Birkinshaw, I.. & Hagstrom, P. (Eds.). 2000. The flexible firm:
determine corporate success, but it is one critical Capability management in networked organizations. New York:
factor that comes into play in determining whether Oxford University Press; Kreiner, K., & Schultz, M. 1993. Informal
companies are able to yield value from their R&D collaboration in R&D: The formation oi networks across organi-
spending. Both science-oriented companies and zafions. Organization Studies. 14(2): 189-205; and Kuemmerle,
business-driven companies can use new organiza- W. 1997. Building effective R&D capabilities abroad. Harvard
Business Review (March-April): 61ff.
tional forms to yield value. The integrated model is ^ Etflie, I. E., Bridges, W. P., & O'Keeie, R. D. 1984. Organiza-
an excellent starting point for most firms as it tion strategy and structural differences ior radical versus incre-
accommodates both product development and ba- mental innovation. Managemenf Science. 30 (June): 682-695:
sic science initiatives. From there, organizing R&D and Van den Bulte, C. & Moenaert, R. K. 1998. The effects of R&D
for value means pursuing centralized and decen- team co-location on communication patterns among R&D, mar-
tralized R&D activities that collectively facilitate keting, and manulacturing. Management Science. 44(11):
the firm's overall strategic objectives. ^ The exception is Company C. We conducted in-depth inter-
To design mechanisms to accommodate scien- views with key informants in each company. We also reviewed
tific and business units in the firm, executives can documents and reports made available to us by the companies
review the range of possible organization design and by publicly available sources such as annual reports, in-
dustry publications, and SEC filings. The companies partici-
options and identify the advantages and disad- pated in our study with the understanding that they would not
vantages of each model in light of organizational be identified by name.
66 Academy ol Management Executive August

'° Child & McGrath, op. cit.; and Heydebrand, W. V. 1989. New "'For example, see Ebers, M. (Ed.). 1997. The formation oi
organizational forms. WorJc and Occupations, 16(3): 323-357. inter-organizational networks. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
" Industry figures are based on data provided by the Office and Birkinshaw & Hagstrom, op. cit.
ol Technology Policy of the U.S. Department of Commerce and '^ See R&D trends forecast for 2001. a report published by the
the Division of Science Resources Studies in the Directorate for Industrial Research Institute, November 2000, htfp.V/www.irinc.
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences ol the National Sci- or g I web I.
ence Foundation. See U.S. Corporate R&D: Volume 1; Top 500
Firms in H&D by Industry Category, September 1999; and U.S. Gerardine DeSanctis is the
Corporate R&D Investment, October 2001. Thomas F. Keller Professor of
'^ To aid interpretation of the value ratio, we multiplied each Management in the Fuqua
ratio by $1,000,000. which is the denomination of the revenue School oi Business at Duke Uni-
and R&D budget numbers shown in Figure 2. versity, Durham, North Caro-
'^ Miles and Snow outlined four types oi corporate strategy lina. Her interests are in the
for innovation: reactors, defenders, analyzers, and prospectors. general area of organization
See Figure 6 for definitions. Miles, R., & Snow, C. 1978. Organi- design, especially the growing
zafionai strategy, structure, and process. New York: McGraw- role of information technology
Hill. This framework is widely used in research on corporate in new forms of organizing. She
strategy. For example, see Forte, M., Hoffman, J. J., Lamont, B. T., holds a Ph.D. degree in busi-
& Brockmann, E. N. 2000. Organizational form and environment: ness administration from Texas
An analysis oi between-form and within-form responses to Tech University. Contact: gd@
environmental change. Sirafegic Management Journal. 21(7):

Jeffrey T. Glass is the Joseph F. Ingrid Morris Ensing is a doc-

Toot, Jr. Professor of Engineer- toral student in management at
ing and Co-Director of The In- the Fuqua School of Business,
stitute for the Integration oi Duke University. She holds an
Managemenf and Engineering MBA from Kellogg Graduate
at Case Western Reserve Uni- School, Northwestern Univer-
versity. He received his Ph.D. in sity, with majors in organiza-
materials science and engi- tional behavior and strategy.
neering from the University of She also holds a BA with honors
Virginia and his Global Execu- in economics from Claremont
tive MBA from Duke University. McKenna College. Her areas of
Contact: research include organiza-
tional structure, organizational
learning, and knowledge man-
agement. Contact: icm@maiJ.

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