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General Objective

The expenditure cycle normally deals with expenses incurred by a company. It is a repetitive
process of creating purchase orders, ordering goods and services, receiving these items, approving
the invoices for these items and services and paying the invoices. This project will provide businesses
an improved accounting services to achieve accurate, timely and efficient expense transactions. To
ensure the effectiveness of purchasing and minimization of cash expenditures.

Specific Objective

1. To ensure timely payment of goods and services.

2. To avoid double payment of goods and services.

3. To ensure that the goods paid were received and charged to the correct amount.

4. To record and classify cash disbursements accurately.

5. To make sure that the materials needed are available on time.


Logical Scope (activities covered of this project, elaborate each)

 Creating purchase orders

 Ordering goods and services

 Receiving

 Approving invoices

 Payment and Delivery of cheque

Temporal Scope (Gantt Chart/ Horizontal Bar Chart)

Month January February

Week 1st 2nd 3rd 4t 1st 2nd 3rd

Group discussion, researching
and data gathering
Formulating objectives
Identifying scope
Determining input and output in
the system
Making input and output design


Organizational Scope

1. Project Team

Andren Matthew
Project Manager

Database Software
Systems Analyst
Administrator Engineer

2. Project user

Financial Scope

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