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Communication Skills: Perceived Factors of Academic Expression of BS Accountancy student of RTU

Dear Respondents,

First of all we would like to thank you for the time that you will be spending in answering this
questionnaire. The purpose of this research is to know the factors affecting the student’s academic
expression in terms of communication skills.

Instruction: Put a check mark on the box provided below which corresponds to the choice you have

Part I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age

15-17 18-20 21-23 24-26 27-29

1.2 Gender

Male Female

1.3 Year Level

SHS 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year

Part II

Importance of communication skills in terms of psychological interaction SA A N D SD

1) Effective communication skills enhance students ability to interact with

people around them.

2) Poor communication skills lower the self confidence of a student.

3) Good communication skills help the potential of every students ability in

dealing with society either through verbal or written communication.

4) Lack of communication skills lead to failure.

5) Having a good communication skills will lead to improve productivity.

Importance of communication skills in terms of academic expression SA A N D SD

1) Communication skills are essential to the future success of every student.

2) Communication skills are found to be one of the barrier in academic


3) Having good communication skills makes it easier to students to express

their ideas.

4) Accountancy student can survive academically without the use of

communication skills.

5) Communication skills has a greater impact on self improvement of


Importance of communication skills in Academic Expression SA A N D SD

1) Having good communication skills makes it easier to interact with fellow


2) Lack of communication skills lead to confusion to those who are listening.

3) Effective communication skills lead students to better understanding of

the topics that they are discussing among themselves.

4) Insufficient information leads to misunderstanding and lack of


5) Good communication skills help student to interact with the professor



SA - Strongly Agree A - Agree N - Neutral SD - Strongly Agree D - Disagree

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