Js Prom Script

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Joemar: Buenas tardes la Señora Perla!

Ma’am Pearl: Buenas tardes tambien, el senorito Joemar!

Both: And good evening, ladies and gentlemen!
Ma’am Pearl: You look handsome tonight!
Joemar: Gracias, Señora Perla. You also look beautiful tonight!
Ma’am Pearl: Well, I have all the reasons to be dressed up tonight because this is going to be a very
wonderful experience for all of us!
Joemar: I agree with you Ma’am Pearl. And I’m sure that all of us here went out of our ways to look as
dazzling as possible for this very special occasion.
Ma’am Pearl: Yes, that’s right! It’s really great to see our Juniors and Seniors in their Spanish Latino
outfits. The girls are stunning while the boys are ravishing!
Joemar: Yes, Ma’am Pearl. Obviously, everyone, including us, is prepared for this occasion! I say this
because we also have researched about Spanish expressions that we could also use in our script to suffice
the call of the occasion!
Ma’am Pearl: Yes, that’s right, Jomz. And I am already excited to deliver those Spanish lines!
Both: So, buenas tardes las damas y caballeros!
Joemar: In English, good evening ladies and gentlemen!
Both: La bienvenida a Junior de este año y el paseo marítimo principal del departamento de la
Ma’am Pearl: In English, welcome to this year's Junior and Senior promenade of the high school
department of the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA!
Joemar: The JS Prom surely marks a special event for every student present this evening because this is
considered as one of the most awaited highlights in the course of a high school life.
Ma’am Pearl: I agree with you, Jomz. As we savor every exhilarating moment of the night, we will try to
make this experience a remarkable one.
Joemar: Para empezar, por favor, lugar de la invocación a ser dirigida por Lois Ann Rance, un lay-
Ma’am Pearl: To start with, please rise for the invocation to be led by Lois Ann Rance, a lay-out artist of
the Junior Perpetualite.
Ma’am Pearl: Por favor, permanecer de pie durante el canto del Himno Nacional de Filipinas, con
Joemar: Please remain standing for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem, with Jobeth P.
Zerrudo, secretary of the High School Choir club.
Ma’am Pearl: Ahora puede estar sentado.
Joemar: You may now be seated.
all on the selected Juniors and Seniors for their JS
formation. Démosle la bienvenida con un gran aplauso!
Joemar: Please welcome them with a big round of applause!
JS formation
Joemar: Muchas gracias, Juniors and Seniors, for that very tasteful and classy performance.
Ma’am Pearl: I agree Jomz, and I just feel auspicious to see them on one end of the spectrum basking in
such a great presentation. On the other end, I also feel comfortable to see that the seniors will soon be
bidding goodbye to their Alma mater.
Joemar: Seeing them graduate in high school is excitingly inevitable! But before that happens, the seniors
will, of course, hand down all responsibilities conferred on them to the juniors.
Ma’am Pearl: Be that as it may, let us now then move on to the bequeathal ceremonies. May we now
request Carl Angelo D. Elano, president of the Junior Supreme Student Council, and John Joel U. Manalo,
the Junior SSC vice-president external, to turn over the key of responsibility to Cristian David D. Yabut,
the Junior SSC vice-president internal, and Burton B. Yague, the Junior SSC treasurer.
Bequeathal of the Key of Responsibility
Ma’am Pearl: Muchas gracias, a todos nuestros futuros líderes en el buen gobierno.
Joemar: Thank you very much to all our future leaders in good governance.
Ma’am Pearl: Aside from having responsible student leaders, our university also keeps in its treasure
chest a retinue of students performing well in academics.
Joemar: Sí, señora Perla, eso es cierto. (Yes, Ma’am Pearl, that’s true.) May we now then request
Patricia Anne Mari R. Samarita, Science and Technology section editor of the Junior Perpetualite and
Christian Joy F. Dominguiano, editorial cartoonist of the Junior Perpetualite to hand down the Book of
Knowledge to the care of John Paulo E. Baticulon, public relations officer of the Junior SSC and Maria
Danica A. Villanueva, associate editor of the Junior Perpetualite.
Bequeathal of the Book of Knowledge
Joemar: Muchas gracias, a todos nuestros estudiantes que han sido de confianza como
Ma’am Pearl: Thank you very much to all our students who have been trusted as caretakers of the Book of
Joemar: We also take pride and honor to claim without bragging that the high school department also
hoards a cache of achievements in various fields of learning.
Ma’am Pearl: That is indeed a humbling fact, Jomz. At this point, may we call on Jeanne Mari L. Julia,
editor in chief of the Junior Perpetualite, and Karl Angelo C. Resurrecion, auditor of the Junior SSC to
turn over the Laurel of Achievement to Jellian Razelle A. Kwok, business manager of the Mathematics
club ,and Nicolyn Angelica H. Sese, managing editor of the Junior Perpetualite.
Bequeathal of the Laurel of Achievement
Ma’am Pearl: Muchas gracias, a todos nuestros estudiantes que son las manifestaciones de vida
Joemar: Thank you very much to all our students who are the living manifestations of our school’s
excellence in quality education.
Ma’am Pearl: I state this with conviction because I have been a witness, too, to the innumerable
achievements that our high school students have added to the school’s collection. With that in mind, I
have high hopes that our Juniors will continue to live up to the legacy that our Seniors will lay down
before them.
Joemar: May we now then request Athena Almira Benedictos, editor in chief of the Junior Perpetualite,
Rozen Marrel B. nava, vice-governor of the Fourth Year Level Council, Jacob B. Sabuquia, assistant
secretary of the Junior SSC, and Jessamyn Roux B. Ado, managing editor of the Junior Perpetualite for
the Lectura de la última voluntad y testamento or the reading of the last will and testament.
Reading of the Last Will and Testament
Joemar: Muchas gracias to our Seniors who willingly bestowed upon the Juniors their last will and
testament. We hope that the Juniors will do the best of their ability to continue to nurture and protect the
will power of the Seniors.
Ma’am Pearl: Yes, I truly believe that with the flicker that they have displayed tonight, the Juniors will
surely not fail us in our expectations. I know that a few years from now, the Seniors will be dominating in
their respective fields of learning in their own right. And speaking of that, let us now move on to the la
lectura dela profecia de clase or the reading of the class prophecy by the following writers of the Junior
Perpetualite: Neil Roy B. Rosales, editorial cartoonist, Shaira Mae R. Flores, sports section editor, Edgar
Maurice G. Bajado, features editor, and Jeanette L. Abunales, layout artist.
Reading of the Class Prophecy
Ma’am Pearl: Muchas gracias, Juniors for that very promising prophecy for our dear Seniors. May you,
then, have the right predictions! So there, ladies and gentlemen, you have just witnessed the several
exchanges of speech like: clave de la responsibilidad or the key of responsibility!

Joemar: El libro del conocimiento or the book of knowledge

Ma’am Pearl: El laurel de logro or the laurel of achievement
Joemar: Lectura de la última voluntad y testamento or the reading of the last will and testament
Ma’am Pearl: And la lectura dela profecia de clase or the reading of class prophecy
Joemar: Ladies and gentlemen, after listening to the series of speeches from the selected Juniors and
Seniors, we shall be witnessing a series of dance numbers from our selected interlude dancers.
Ma’am Pearl: Las damas y caballeros, vamos a poner nuestras manos para nuestros bailarines
Joemar: Ladies and gentlemen, let us put our hands together for our interlude dancers.
Ma’am Pearl: Muchas gracias, interlude dancers for that very awe-inspiring performance! The ladies are
very well-dressed and the gentlemen are also very appealing in their Spanish Latino outfits!
Joemar: I totally agree with you, Ma’am Pearl! And because of that, some members of the faculty and the
high school office have chosen some of the interlude dancers who would be proclaimed as the Mr. and
Miss Junior and Senior Personalities 2010-2011.
Ma’am Pearl: Yes, that’s right, Jomz. And to present to us the finalists for the search for the Mr. and Miss
Junior and Senior Personalities 2010-2011, may we call on the Chairman of the board of judges….
Joemar: Muchas gracias! Those lads and lasses really deserve to be finalists for the search for the Mr. and
Miss Junior and Senior Personalities 2010-2011.
Ma’am Pearl: Yes, that’s right! And I also think that the other Juniors and Seniors and our fellow teachers
have their own favorites among the finalists. But before the board of judges will finally announce the
winners, let us first suspend their excitement with the traditional cotillion de honor.
Joemar: Por lo tanto, demos la bienvenida con un aplauso a los bailarines cotillion de honor!
Ma’am Pearl: So, let us welcome with a round of applause the cotillion de honor dancers!
Cotillion de honor
Ma’am Pearl: Muchas gracias, cotillion de honor dancers! I am sure that you have entertained well one of
the most important personalities in our university who has also unselfishly given us a vital fragment of his
eventful time just to be able to celebrate with us tonight. May I now request Athena Almira Benedictos,
editor in chief of the Junior Perpetualite, to introduce to us our esteemed Guest Speaker.
Introduction of the Guest Speaker
Ma’am Pearl: Las damas y caballeros, vamos a poner de pie y las manos juntas como damos
Joemar: Ladies and gentlemen, let us stand and put our hands together as we give honor and reverence to
our esteemed Guest Speaker.
Inspirational message of the Guest Speaker
Joemar: Muchas gracias, Senor Anthony Jose M. Tamayo, president of the University of Perpetual Help
System DALTA. Another resounding applause for our President, ladies and gentlemen.
Ma’am Pearl: Ladies and gentlemen, I am sure that up to this very moment, you still have your bets on
who would be proclaimed as the Mr. and Miss Junior and Senior Personalities 2010-2011. Let us now
receive with a big round of applause Dr. Julie H. Reyes, the vice principal of the high school department,
to present the winners. May we also request Sir Anthony Jose M. Tamayo, to hand over the trophies to the
Joemar: Puede también llamar a la señorita Melissa A. Ramos, nuestro director de educación
Ma’am Pearl: May we also call on Miss Melissa A. Ramos, our basic education director, and Miss
Veronica V. Marmol, the coordinator for students’ welfare, to assist in the awarding of winners.
Awarding of winners
Ma’am Pearl: There, ladies and gentlemen, are the winners in the Search for Mr. and Miss Junior and
Senior Personalities 2010-2011. Vamos a darles una nueva ronda de aplausos!
Joemar: Let us give them another round of applause!
Ma’am Pearl: Muchas gracias y felicitaciones a todos los ganadores.
Joemar: Thank you very much and congratulations to all the winners.
Ma’am Pearl: That ends, ladies and gentlemen, the first part of the JS prom. This evening has been great
for all of us.
Joemar: Sí, señora Perla. And I am sure that everyone is excitedly looking forward to the next part
which is la danza, la danza, la danza or dance, dance, dance!
Ma’am Pearl: But before the revel begins, we want to thank everyone for sharing this moment with us.
This is Mrs. Perlla P. Demagante, the coordinator of the English Learning Area.
Joemar: And this is Joemar L. Furigay, the moderator of the Junior Perpetualite, the official school paper
of the high school department.
Both: Your maestro y maestra de ceremonias!
Joemar: Let us altogether enjoy the party!
Ma’am Pearl: Vamos a disfrutar de todo el partido!
Both: Adiós y gracias!


D: Good evening .ladies and gentlemen! Good evening, Kathleen
K:Good evening, too, Daniella! You look so stunning tonight.
D:Thanks and I can return the favor to you right away for you look so gorgeous in time for this occasion.
K:Well. There are one hundred and one reasons of getting dressed up elegantly and ravishingly tonight.
D:You bet, Kathleen. Tonight is one of the highlights of SVDPA cocurricular events in the pantheon of social
graces & gregariousness!
D:The much-awaited social gathering of the junior and senior students of our school as they are poised for
take-off to the world of fashion, fad & craze!
K:Talking about fashion, fad and craze.are you familiar with the red carpet premiere in international
D:Yes, definitely, Kathleen! A red carpet premiere is the meeting of the stellar cast of whatever film genre to
be promoted for initial world screening. Like the red carpet premiere nights held in Universal Studio and the
famous Metro Goldwyn Mayer. The attendees of such gatherings.what a power-house cast ever assembled!
K: Aside from paving the way for world cinema milestones, Red Carpet premiere is also anchored on the
annual international film & television recognition nights from the world renowned award-giving bodies like
Academy Award, Cannes Film Festival, MTV Music Award, Golden Globe Award and many others.

D:And tonight.to suffice the call of the occasion..this years JS Prom is geared towards the Red Carpet Premiere
as our thematic concept.
K:And without further adoto kick the ball rolling, lets paint the town red and roll out the red carpet for the
grand entrance of juniors and seniors as they take a walk of fame.
D:Lets give them a resonating applause!
Presentation of Prom Attendees3rd & 4th Year Students
K: And that wraps up the so-called SVDPA version of Walk of Fame. guys are so hip and fabulous

D: And to formally commence this event, please rise and feel a few moments of solemnity for an invocation to
be led by Klein Santos

Opening Prayer Klein Santos

K: Please remain standing and imbibe among ourselves the virtue of nationalism & patriotism through the
singing of Philippine National Anthem to be conducted by Denise Perez.
National Anthem Denise Perez
D: You may now be seated.
K: Daniella, are you fond of watching red carpet premiere on velvet channel?
D: Yes. One of the most remarkable red carpet premiere nights I have watched was the Moscow Premiere of
the Transformers: Dark of the Moon last June 2011. That event was highlighted by classy entrance of Rosie
Huntington Whiteley with her sought-after Gucci gown. How about you Kathleen? Any favorite actress or
entertainer who graced a certain Red Carpet premiere?
K: I remember the premiere night of the movie, Black Swan held in New York last year. Natalie Portman, the
winner of Academy Award Best Actress, added color to the event through her jaw-dropping and breath-taking
aura & style. She was simply fantastic during that night. Or Megan Fox in promoting Transformers: Revenge
of the Fallen in various countries. Her higher than high slits in all her gowns from Donna Karan to Herve
Leroux, Alberta Ferretti to Roberto Cavalli were strikingly amazing.
D: Very well said Kathleen. You really did your intensive research on that, didnt you? How about the Eclipse
Premiere Nightwhich was a Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner sandwich! And to explain
further the central idea of this evenings soiree, lets all welcome the Communications Officer of the Student
Council, Samantha Camille Espiritu, for her opening remarks.
K: On her way to the red carpet and to the walk of fame, lets give her a resounding applause!Welcome
AddressSamantha Camille Espiritu
D: Thank you very much Sam for your inspiring message to all the attendees tonight. May your words of
wisdom be our moving spirit as we enjoy the night here in the Sulo Hotel. By the way, Kathleen, what do you
think is the essence of this event?
K: Well in my own angle of vision, every JS Prom signifies the celebration of awards and achievements of our
senior students and these legacies should be handed over to the deserving and trustworthy inheritors..who else?
The junior students!
D: Very good! Aside from that, all the scholastic emblems held by seniors for one school year should be
bequeathed to their honorable recipients----those symbols of academic victories, co-curricular triumphs and
team-building upheavals.
K: At this juncture, lets now move on to the bequeathal ceremony.
D: To begin with, may we call in Ingrid Lacambacal & AJ Generoso for the bequeathal of the symbolic
torch.Turn-Over Ceremony Symbolic Torch Ingrid Lacambacal & AJ Genoroso
D: Thank you Ingrid and AJ.our role models of hope & enlightenment. May we request the presence of
Frances Espanola and Lawrence Cabiling for the turnover of the Holy Bible.Holy BibleFrances Espanola &
Lawrence Cabiling
K: Thanks to you Frances & Lawrence. Indeed, you are the xylems of values and spirituality. Lets proceed to
the endorsement of the book of knowledge. May we request my fellow emcee Daniella Salcedo and my
classmate Pauline Camerino to come forward and deliver their tasks. Book of Knowledge Daniella Salcedo &
Pauline Camerino
K: To Daniella and Pauline, thank you so much. May you inspire all the Vincentians with your impressive
academic standing and well-balanced study habits.
D: Thank you Kathleen for recognizing our efforts to strive hard for academics. Our turnover ceremony will
not be complete if we dont give stress to a cache of accomplishments of the Student Council in various
programs and projects. Towards the end of this School year, the SC has left no stones unturned in empowering
the student body and in serving the Vincentians in every step of the way.
K:And such odyssey of service and leadership is about to end.to turn the hourglass upside down for the new
breed of student-leaders in the service of the Vincentians. And to make it happen, may we hand in the
microphones to the predecessor and the successor of SVDPA leadership by example.SC President Karl
Abellera and SC Vice President for Internal Affairs Ralph Canoyfor the passing of the golden key of
responsibilities. Lets give them a nice big hand!Key of ResponsibilitiesKarl Vincent Abellera & Ralph Canoy
D: Thank you fellow SC Officers Karl & Ralph. Were more than just halfway for this turnover stuff.
Furthermore, no JS Prom is considered memorable in the absence of candle-lighting ceremony. Such ceremony
symbolizes the hand-over of the candles to the next bearers so as to lead & guide our school and its
stakeholders in reaching their dreams and aspirations.
K: The flame atop of every paraffin elucidates the road to success of the outgoing seniors in the next chapter of
their academic career. At this point, lets move onward and go forward to the Candle-Lighting Ceremony. We
would like to call in the selected juniors & seniors to be led by Leonor Artillaga & Victoria Ilagan for the said
ceremony. Lets give them a warm round of applause. Candle-Lighting Ceremony Leonor Artillaga & Victoria
D: Thank you guys for participating in that ceremony. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will be
successful in whatever chosen field to be undertaken in the near future.
K: And to my fellow juniors or should I say incoming seniors, may we fulfill our noble obligations to our
school in general and to our fellow schoolmates in particular for the next academic year.
D: At this point in time, I am quite sure that everyone is excited to get the taste of luscious & sumptuous food
to be served for dinner by the accommodating crew members of Sulo Hotel.
K: So before we prolong such digestive revolution inside us, we are now declaring with full force that.ITS

D: Lets enjoy the food in observance of the table etiquette as usual. Happy Eating, everyone! Bon

K: Good evening once again! Is the food great? Still craving for another serving? Seemingly, everyone enjoys
taking dinner so as to be all-set for the next part of the program.
D: Thats right, Kathleen! One of the most-awaited parts of this event is the traditional cotillion de honor that
serves as the prelude to the dancing portion of the Prom.
K: And to showcase the gracefulness and the inclination of the Vincentians tonight, lets now welcome the
Cotillion de Honor dancers under the supervision of Mr. Edwin Acierto. Lets give them a big hand with grace
and poise!Cotillion de Honor StudentsSelected 3rd Year & 4th Year
D: Thank you, cotillion de honor dancers for your awe-inspiring performance. You guys almost moved heaven
and earth in dancing!
K: That gracefulness in social dances is probably included in the roster of specific legacies of the Senior Class
to be ceded to the Junior Class.
D: And speaking of legacies and bequests, may we request the Finance & Logistics Officer, Lea Cabiling and
the Chairperson for Academic Programs of the Student Council, David Romano Perez for the reading,
endorsement and acceptance of the Last Will & Testament.Last Will & Testament PerezLea Cabiling & David
K: Thank you very much Lea & David. It is guaranteed that the last will and testament of the Senior Class is
now in good hands. We, the incoming Fourth Year students, are now committed to exerting indefatigable
effort in walking the beaten paths, so to speak.
D: Honestly, Kathleen, we dont expect you to be like us, but we expect you to be one of us or should I say
better than us. We challenge you to soar high in all aspects but to keep you both feet on the ground despite of
meritorious achievements. These are your gargantuan roles as would-be seniors!
K: Thanks for such nuggets of wisdom, Daniella. I could really imagine that you and your batch mates will
have a bright future a few years from now because of your God-given talents and desirable traits. Senior
Class.its you already!
D: Wellpredicting outcomes of our future success is a joy to do but there is one effective way to find out! Let
our Class Prophet take her course in giving her fearless predictions and formidable forecasts not based on
Chinese astrology or tarot cards but merely on the ambitions & career paths of my dear classmates.
K: Sounds great, Daniella. And to interpret the vibrations not from magic crystal ball but from the sheer guts
and will power of the seniors, may we request the presence of the SC Vice-President for External Affairs, Ma.
Ingrid Rei Lacambacal for the reading of the Seniors Class Prophecy.Class ProphecyIngrid Lacambacal
D: Thanks Ingrid for such eloquence to deliver the contents of our Prophecy. I have nothing to say with regard
to that but Good Luck to all of us.and so be it!
K: Your road to success will always be under construction. But, with your innate aptitude coupled with great
attitude, you can shape up your altitude with accuracy & fondness. Good luck to the members of the
Graduating Class 2012.
D: Were almost done with the second part of this program. And to formally end this part and to move on to the
next exciting one, please join me in welcoming Ozion John Payba for his parting words. Lets give him a warm
applause.Parting WordsOzion John Payba
K: Thank you OJ for reminding us of the partys dos and donts. Well take note of that with no ifs and buts. This
we promise you!
D: Thanks OJ. You know Kathleen I am kinda dead-eager to the next part of the program. Young ladies. let’s
be in the know about our first dance partners for this evening.
K: So we should not keep their heels cool. May we call in Mr. Richard L. Alpahando, our Guidance Counselor
& Junior Class Adviser for the announcement of the first dance? A warm round of applause for him please.
Announcement of First Dance Mr. Richard Alpahando Junior Class Adviser Guidance Counselor
D: Thank you T. Richard, guys and girls. And to test more our dancing shoes strength and endurance.
K: And get into the dance to the ultimate & bring down the house, we are now signing off for awhile.
D: For us to cut a mean rug & shake our bodies. In short, to dance the night away! Guys & gals, lets get ready
because its party-party time!

K: Good evening once again, we would like to interrupt this dance party for a very special announcement.
D: While we were having fun throughout the night, our distinguished Board of Judges started to pick its
choices for this years Prom King & Queen.
K: And we have now the results! To announce the Prom King and Queen for this year, we would like to call in
our Activity Coordinator and Senior Class Adviser, Mr. Edwin Acierto , to do the honor. Let’s clap our hands
for him!
Awarding CeremonyMr. Edwin Acierto Senior Class Adviser Student Activities Coordinator DANIELLA
SALCEDO & KATHLEEN MODAR Masters of Ceremonies


Our journey continues and our lives are exposed to certain changes. I was watching along the veranda of the Batasang
Pambansa. I was soon to leave my office there. With me were my attach case, laptop, and some of my staffs, waiting for
my service to come and bring me to the airport. At NAIA, I saw Maam Caedo with her grandchildren and husband. She just
arrived from a retirement vacation at Switzerland. Ive seen Sir Francisquete; we had the same flight back to Davao City.
He also graduated last March from his new Doctoral Degree in Public Administration at the University of the Philippines
Manila. The flight took almost two hours. As I arrived at the Bangoy International Airport, Maam Pantinople meets me at
the airport. Shes soon to be the next City Administrator. We were on a convoy to the City Hall of Davao for a ceremony.
Along the way Maam Leony told me about some of my fourth year teachers. Maam Mira became an endorser of Slenda
after Valerie Concepcion got married. Maam Nacorda purchased a big part of land at Catalunan Grande at put up an
overlooking restaurant to the city. She also owns a Yacht. Maam Ybaez, our class adviser, now legally Miss Repamonte,
works with Ryan Cayabyab and Gary Valenciano in Religious Concerts in the Philippines. Maam Carbon continues to
study at Ateneo de Davao for her Doctoral Degree in Psychology. Maam Arellano after she got married with a young
Bachelor businessman from New York, she opens a Music Shop with 100 branches all over the country. Sir Floresca, after
having rigid exercise for 10 years he became a Bench Model. Maam Ponsica retired early from teaching, she already had
a Five Star restaurant after winning in sweepstakes. Maam Avila, a very dedicated teacher continues to teach and was
promoted as ES I in Filipino. After she retired from teaching in public school, Maam Resty Bongas continued to teach at St.
Peters College of Toril. She is also the Dean of Discipline in the school. Maam Leony ended her story when we arrived at
the City Hall. There were thousands of people around us when we got of the car. I stepped on the balcony of the City Hall,
raised my right hand and sworn in front of thousands of Davaoeo who are about to witness a great transition in the City of
Davao. After the oath taking, we immediately made our way to the CAP Grand auditorium for a victory party organized by
Talomo National High School Batch 2008 2009.I saw many familiar faces out there. Before I went to the Presidential Table,
I had a conversation to some of my teachers before. Maam Tanabe, after her annulment, immediately applied for German
Citizenship. Maam Humol now owns a Banana Plantation while Maam Ibuos founded an organization that took care of
delinquent youth. Maam Lecias with his husband operated a computer software company in Davao. Maam Boston was
happily married with six children - all are females. She would like to have a Volleyball team while Maam Tabla soon to
have a Restobar at Torres. Maam Caballero became a very in demand linguist specially in translating old Filipino writings.
Sir Calvez owns ten fish cars and supplies fish in the mountainous provinces in Mindanao. Sir Barsagas decided to put up
a Printing Press as for Sir Gangis, he already have a Pawnshop and a financing company with low interest rates. Maam
Caf decided to spend the rest of her life in helping street children go to school. Maam Balaga now owns a Videoke Bar at
Rizal St. while Maam Sito was promoted as the new Secondary Chief in DepED Region XI. Maam Bulpa retired early too
and manages a Spa Center. Maam Erica was discovered as a model of Glutathione. Maam Dulfo now works with Maconfi
in Smartload distribution. Maam Perbandos organized an independent journalism club for out of school youth. Maam
Morial manages a choir of visually impaired students and won several international competitions. Maam Madrazo opens
another branch of her dress shop at Tagum city. Maam Niocea turn out to be a pastor on her church while Maam De Asis
continues to teach Filipino at ADDU High School Department. Sir Simafranca developed IT Programs and databases that
help students learn Math easier. Maam Cynthia Agton teaches ballroom on her own dance school. Maam Padilla went to
the U.S. and stayed there for awhile and returned to the country to put up a business. It did take a very long time talking to
them. I almost forgot it was time for me to talk. Well its not about politics but where did Batch 08 09 attained after ten long
years. To my teachers, fellow alumni, friends and honored guests. a day of glory to all. Hows Batch 2008 2009? Well we
will find out. Through the Leadership of Col. Alex Abo, Col. Genesis Villahermosa, Lt. Col. Charlon Walwal, Maj. Sammy
Nabat, Lt. Roger Casio, Lt. Jimboe Porras, the MILF, CPP - NPA, NDF and MNLF were defeated. On the other hand Col.
Dan Henry Bataslac, the newly appointed PDEA chief started massive operations against drug labs and marijuana
plantations. Lt. Oscar Caliwan was awarded withPa Medal of Valor after a heroic battle at Patikan, Sulu, surviving from a
battalion of Abu Sayaff. Brig. Gen. Christine Joy Arubo now assumed office as the Commander of Camp Panacan. Admiral
Jomari Napongahan was sent to the Middle East to help escort Merchant ships from Iraq. The newly appointed DCPO
Chief Fernand Aragon Jr. warned all Kotong Cops to stop what they are doing or else they will see stars. Newly promoted
Station commanders were, Kyven James Romero of Talomo Police Station, Eugene Romay of Sta. Ana Police Station,
Road Ken Bernadas of Calinan Police Station, Benjie Vasquez of San Pedro Police Station and Maria Elsa Pelarion of
Toril Police Sation. Rev. Father Domenick Palermo is a missionary priest in Africa. Angela Mae Padasdao is already the
DTI Regional Director, Amb. Rhea Mansilita was appointed to represent the Philippines to the Middle East. Atty. Paolo
Morcillos starts to investigate the bankruptcy of the GSIS with Atty. Noriel Masauding and Atty. Ana Lou Eno. Silverio
Magbanua became the Barangay Captain of Talomo; Francis Silao was promoted DSWD Regional Director, Dr. Leingel
Mae Cabatuan replaced Dr. Paguican as Schools Division Superintendent, Bridgit Loise Bagobe works as administrator of
the Peoples Park, Engr. Alvin Padilla works at NAPOCOR and Dr. Ernesto Poliquit Jr. Head of the City Veterinary office.
Lorenz Jim Taroja, the world wide renowned Journalist turned international Film Director famous for his film No one ever
wins in waging a war was awarded last December the Nobel Peace Prize. Chieme Pascual became the ABS CBN News
Bureau Chief in the U.S. Shiela Mae Casino is one of the newscasters of CNN. Filipinos also leads in the Maritime Sector
wherein Majority of the Captains came from Talomo NHS. Capt. Arjay Roche, Capt. Nico John Malmis and Capt. Alvin
Binanitan were captains of the vessels owned by Mearsk. Capt. Arneil Carillo is one of the stock holders of the WG & A
while Capt. Adrian Alba owns the Alba Shipping Lines, Co. Capt. Richard Ferrer committed to educate more seafarers. He
now owns the best Maritime School in Davao. Capt. Japhet Potestad maneuvers the most expensive world cruise with
Chiefmate Jerme Raguro. Patrick Mark Baring owns the first Philippine underwater transportation system. Nurses are still
in demand worldwide that gives more dollar remittances to the country. Christine Refulles, RN., Irene Marabulas RN., Mary
Cris Mojana RN., Maan Dignos RN., Jenny Rose Canete RN., Jonalyn Catigan RN., Noime Granada RN., Marilyn Sarita
RN., Marvie Joy Lumeran RN., Rowena Allado RN., Darlin Abastillas RN., Ana Luna Jimenez RN., Michelle Rosales RN.,
and Jayrose Fernandez RN., Aubrey Arsua RN., Riza Mae Bermudez RN., are some of the best nurses in the world. Irish
Mae Aberilla just graduated from her Doctoral Degree in Nursing at the Harvard University. She also owns a Review
Center for nurses who will be taking Board Examinations. Engrs. Jetron Batoon, Jesryl Paraguya, and Raymart Rabe
constructed the largest and modernized Sports Complex in the world with an area of 100 hectares found at Davao City and
because of this the Philippines will host this years Olympic Games. Archs. Jane Rose Matas and Kristine Kaye Bacatano
designed the said sports complex. On the other, hand Electrical Engrs. Jonel Ampilani, Angelito Pahugot and Felmar
Mondoy planned the first ever underwater electrical system that will deliver electricity for the whole country from an
underwater source. Engr. AR Casaos is now the Vice -President/COO of the Davao Light and Power Corporation. Jason
Ramos and Alfie Varron designed the first ever flying cars that can fly as high as 10,000 feet above sea level. The
Australian Government continued the BEAM Project that concentrates on the development of Education at ARMM. Dr.
Jean Relebante, CESO VI heads the project. Rolly Ymbong, Ph.D. teaches at Philippine Science High School. Honey Lou
Losaynon now owns a highly elite school for teachers at Davao City. Prof. Juvy Mosquera is now one of the Philosophy
Teachers at UP Mindanao. Dr. Jezza Mae Gimena and Dr. Janett Daal are Deans at Ateneo de Manila University. Rechille
Tapia teaches Biology at Cebu Doctors University. After the fall of Intel, Microsoft and Mackintosh, Lannie Tamba builds an
Empire of electronics and Softwares Company. Marineth Niere designed a micro chip that can hack Infrared Signals. Jeziel
Sinadjan and Jhonson Abayon programmed the PagXurOi.com. Renato Godarido and Filmarch Puzon made the first ever
computer controlled aircraft. Ann Rose Pangyan owns the Philippines largest Computer Networking System. Nomar Jay
Elian CPA-Lawyer works at the SGV. Marianne Lagmay President of the Davao City Business Club, Odessa Mae Ramos
President of the Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce Davao City Chapter, Merminda Roldan President Banking Guild
of the Philippines and Anna Fe Bagumba BIR Director works together to stabilize the economy of Davao. Shiela Mae
Bermudez owns the FirstPPhilippine Financing Co. and Jeny Masinadiong own the Social Development Financing Co.
both are insurance institutions. Anna Grace Mendoza, from a simple flight attendant was promoted as the Training Chief of
the Philippine Airlines training center at Clark. Floranch Enanoria, May Ann Urgel, Anacil Carreon, Ruth Ceasar and
Honeybie Gepitulan are now working at the Singapore Airlines. Abigail Hinampas now owns an exclusive school for Flight
attendants. Chef Luche Lorejo and Chef Michelle Maranga are partners of the Le Royale Restaurant. Janeth Gialon,
Janeth Padilla, Elizabeth Lasalita, Vernadette Aguilar and Marisol Pagente works at an Asian Cuisine at an International
Cruise. Ruther dela Vega and Gay Marie Tampus owns a Resort at Baguio Dist., Davao City. Note: its a 5 star resort and
hotel. Mirasol Tampipi now works as a General Manager of Limketkai Mall in Cagayan de Oro City while Rosemarie
Macario is now the Manager of Hyatt hotel Davao. Irene Apit and Sanie Fe Condes are Managers at Starbucks SM Baguio
and Robinsons Place Manila respectively. Aimee Cabal now franchises McBee and Shiela mae Catahum manages one of
the Aristocrat restaurants at Malate, Manila. Jenelyn Paladon and Melonie Petallar are already supervisors at the Marco
Polo Hotel Davao. Helen Alvarez expanded their family business and married to Filmarch Puzon while Moana Marie
Acuyado is the General Manager of Ayala Mall Davao. Maan Dignos worked as Field Supervisor Unilever Philippines. Dr.
Christine Potestas Archuleta works at a Medical School in the U.S. she became the chief nutritionist of the State of
California. After a long year of wait she was married to David Archuleta from singer to Doctor. Dr. Irish Mae Rago is the
Chief Nutrtionist and resident physician at the Philippine General Hospital and President of the Philippine Red Cross after
the resignation of Mr. Winston Garcia. Dr. Ana Mae Padayao works with the UNICEF and helps the outreach programs in
Africa. Dr. Delia Aquitania is a resident Psychiatrist at a Mental Hospital in New York. Mildred Malinao, Rhea Mae Limot,
Daisy Ligan, Lona Grace Alquino and Gia Labaya are International Dance Icons whom replaced the Pussycat Dolls. Jose
Amadore, Jr. and Patrick Ligan won the first ever ballroom competition for both males at the International Dancing
Competitions held at Tokyo, Japan. Mary Cris Mojana replaced Tessa Prieto Valdez in showcasing extraordinary arts.
Roniel Gulayan is already an international RAP artist working with Black Eyed Peas. A friend of mine whom I used to
promise that someday Ill be back and if ever that day comes shell be the first person to know what had happened to my
life. Congratulations to Ruby Angela Pagalan for being one of the recipients of Pulitzer Prize as she showed exemplary
performance in the field of journalism. At least after ten years weve been successful in the fields we chose in our lives and
until now I am hoping against hope. While I, I am still waiting for that someone I used to love. I am also one of the
Awardees of Ramon Magsaysay. To everyone thank you for listening and God speed. Just as I ended my humble
recognition, I immediately approached Sir Jun Macarayon and told him that six years would have never been enough in
proving ones self and thanked him for the challenge he had given me. Oh my, I am still having a jetlag since my trip from
Bohol. I think I am just hallucinating Its just a premonition or perhaps a vision soon to be real.PLAST WILL AND
TESTAMENT JS PROM 2008 Time flies so fast. We are here now at the departing line: you the juniors to stay, and we, the
seniors, batch 2008 of St. Jude Academy, to leave. Being about to pass in this sphere of education, full of dreams and
aspirations, and ready to face the challenges the future may uphold, realizing that years may come and go, but there will
never be a year like this- do hereby declare this to be our Last Will and Testament. Our Alma Mater, St. Jude Academy, a
school recognized for its high standards and quality Catholic Education, will always be remembered. We will never forget
all the years that she molded us into what we are now - Achievers - and for that we will be forever thankful. With the
guidance and advice given to us by our beloved teachers, with the knowledge gained which can not be repaid, we do
hereby distribute equally as possible the interest, skills and qualifications of our class to the succeeding juniors with the
hope that our successors may, before departing, continue those we left unfinished. After the fulfillment of our four-year
struggle and happiness in this school, we hereby leave this last will and testament to our heirs .. The Juniors! To artist
Veronique Villanueva, Jake Prelligera and Xylena Derez we leave the ingenuity and artistry of Maika Yalung, Russel
Joaquin, Paul Laiz, Alvin Manliguez, Catherine Torente, Jenine Lllenado, Allyn Martin and Rikka Libatique. To those with
the unquenchable athletic enthusiasm Keno Timbang, Nicole Tarog, Bryan Pineda, Yurika Sato, Dixie Garcia, Monique
Maderazo, Princess Ella, Awie Reyes, Bajacan Brothers and Mary Grace Larazi are willing to leave their buoyancy of
athletic aces to Lesley Jacaban, Robert bauzon, Richmond Borres, Francis Mendoza, Mark Aguilar, Edward Chua, Gabriel
Clemente, Artemio De Leon, Pearl Vargas, Kevin Mauleon and Kevin Sugcang. To the scientifically-minded Jewelle
Santos, Erica Custodio, Jane Go and Justin Bascon, we leave the accuracy and precision of Russel Jay Joaquin, Kim
Aspa, Jeen Salvacion and Ritzel Tan. We leave the cheerfulness and friendliness of Kimberly Aspa to Jane Go. She
hoped that she would stay as friendly as she is. The poet Emmarson Patawaran and Jennica Parangue hands down their
poetic ability to Ragee Pascual and Jane Go to keep their thoughts and pens well-oiled with practice. We bequeathed
thrones and beauties of Rikka Libatique and Monique Maderazo to the Junior charms Kimberly Paderes, Melissa Concha,
Christa Bacani, and Cyra Clauna . To those who have the ability to do the body rock we leave the skills of Charmaine
Manaligod, Angela Lobenia, Amie Lozano, Allyn Martin, Arra Lariza, Maricris dela Cruz, Crystal De Leon, Bryan Pineda,
Bajacan Brothers, Meil Chua and Aldrin Santiago. They give their gyrations to April Abbarientos, Mabini Lumio, Paulo
Reyes, Daniel Vergara, Jazel Beltran and the Cabebe Brothers with the hope that they will always rule the dance floor. To
chess enthusiasts Freddierick Paz, Paul Vincent dela Cruz, Leandro Ty, Elyana Derez and Steven Villorene leave their
abilities and crazy devotions which make them win without their kings to Jewelle Santos and Romeo Malayo.. To dramatic
talent of our own Vilma Santos and Christopher de Leon, Darelle Lay, Nathaniel Cabrera, Katherine Galve, Theresa
Cadano, Benjamin Florentino, Mary Grace Santiago, John Carlo Pineda and Keno Timbang are handed down to Juan
Miguel dela Cruz, Regine dela Paz, Allen Ingrid Salvador and Dennis Reyes. Mary Grace Larazi and Maricris dela Cruz ,
entrust their shiny, beautiful and long hair to Jazel Beltran . To the aspiring prima donnas and balladeers, we leave the
music of our nightingale Arra Lariza, Sharmaine Valencia, Jeanine Solian and Dindi delos Santos. Their music can soften
the heart of even the wildest beast. Their golden voices are distributed to Alyannah Yap, Alieto Cajilig and Jazer Arnaiz..
To Hazel Bass, Grace Santiago hands down her flawless and white skin. Richard Santiago and Dixie Garcia, pass on their
early bird-like to Katrina Gonzales with the hope that she will continue to open the inner gate and turn-on the lights of their
classroom. The mathematically-minded Ritzel Caitlin Tan leaves her enthusiasm to solve tear-producing problems and
brain ranking equations to Jan Erika Custodio. PThe jovial Nathaniel Cabrera, Darelle Lay, Grace Santiago, Aaron
Paloma, Katherine Galve, Theresa Cadano and the PAPS with Repakz leave their funny antics to Harvey Adamson, Ryan
Balundo, Edward Chua, Paul Torres, Eric Lojica who believe that laughter is the best medicine. I just dont know, however,
if it can cure the worst sickness which is the laziness of some students. To the rubix addict Paul Stephen Laiz , Jeanine
Eryl Solian and Jeen Salvacion hands down their expertise in solving brain boggling rubix cube to Mark Renan Magno.To
all the juniors we leave the usufruct of St. Jude Academy, the responsibilities as well as the privileges, the hardships and
happiness, the tears and laughters, the do's and donts that we followed, the losses and wins, with the fervent wish that
they maintain and uphold the ideals and good name of our beloved school St. Jude Academy. May you continue to Live
on. Move on. Fly High! To our Alma Mater, we give our innermost gratitude for imparting to us those precious moments
which are unforgettable and joyful. We don't know how to define what we are feeling now but with the Plato-like statement,
we say "We thank God we are born Filipinos and not Hindus, freemen not slaves, normal not abnormal and above all, that
ning, this 20th day of February in the year 2009, will be greatly rated for being one of the volumes of the most prestigious
blockbuster film- our lives. In a few more episodes, we, seniors, will ascend to more difficult tapings and pictorials because
we will encounter a greater production; more actors to be met and more roles to be performed. And of course, one thing is
for sure: we are always the writer of our own story. As for now, let's congratulate ourselves for we all have been doing so
great to make this tale as fulfilling as we want it and as adventurous as we make it. In four years of staying here in this
institution, I may conclude that counting the wonderful moments that we shared in our high school days is a mind-boggling
thing because even the depressing ones that we lived through contributed in helping us to become what we are today.
Yes, even the giving of any sizes of paper during quizzes, "buraotan" during breaks and being "pasaways" in front of our
teachers, all are considered factors that made this experience complete and of course, a perfect one. And if we are going
to look at it, everything happened in a blast but, much unnoticed. When I made my first footsteps in this school in the early
days of my freshman year, one thing I can't forget is our innocent selves just like a blind person who seeks the right path,
looking for the white light behind the darkness of that innocence. By all means, we looked for the knowledge we need and
we craved for the wisdom we must possess before we depart from this home, from this family. We were so curious about
all the things that we encountered everyday but we did not know to whom we must hold on and how to distinguish right
from wrong. And because of such blindness, receiving only the radiance of the twilight, some succeeded in knowing all the
essential things to be remembered and to be understood by the heart but others got lost in the labyrinth and failed to know
the indispensable truth of life. We have encountered many things as high school students but still, our journey will not stop
after this stage. And I'm very proud that we never lost hope when failures and disappointments came to our way. We
defended what we love, and fought for what we believe in. And as for you, the juniors, in a few more days, your job will be
to continue the unfinished tasks we will leave behind as we sail in our respective ships to discover new oceans. In behalf of
the seniors, we are thankful because you are our companions and these years will serve as memories that we will cherish
forever. After we move on, after we step on another phase of our lives, you must learn and remember the things that have
helped us to finish this stage. You must learn how to be responsible. Responsibility is one key in order for you to succeed.
Some things that we did might not have worked out well but we trust that after we leave the portals of this institution, you
may learn from our mistakes. Expect the worst but always strive for the best. Whenever you fail, don't lose hope, just stand
up. Consider such challenges as a blessing. We must learn from these challenges, particularly the failures so that we will
achieve more success. You must also learn how to be humble. Humility is one sign of being educated, of being wise. This
will be the start of your time to grow up and make your own; we believe that you can do more than whatPwe have done.
But in doing so, always remember this: "The taller the bamboo grows, the lower it bends." And lastly, you must learn to be
contented sometimes but grow most of the time. It is always right to be contented but this will sometimes hinder you from
growing, from progressing. You only live once, so live your life to the fullest. It is not yet over so never make this as an
excuse for you to be contented; there are many more fishes in the sea, waiting for you to discover them. Just be grateful
for all your achievements and be thankful to the One who is the first and the last thing we must think of, God, because His
love for us and His will to guide us is everlasting. We hope to see all your spectacular dreams come true. Just remember
that: "All endings are also beginnings; we just don't know it at the time.we are born to have a chance to be here, to be in
this school, the St. Jude Academy. Lastly, we nominate, recommend and appoint our beloved principal, Sr. Evangeline B.
Algaba OSA, the Administrators, the faculty members, the Non-Teaching Personnel and all senior class advisers to be the
executor of this last will and testament. In witness, whereof, on this momentous and memorable Junior-Senior Promenade,
I now affix my signature for batch 2007-2008 on this testament, this 1st day of March, in the Year of Our Lord, two
thousand and eight at St. Jude Academy, Malinta Valenzuela City.PPROGRAMMEInvocation National Anthem Opening
Remarks Song (Juniors) Inspirational Talk Reading of the Class Will and Testament Turn_Over and Acceptance of the Key
and Responsibility Song Seniors Class Prophecy Induction of the Guest Speaker Message JS Song Candle Lighting/
Exchanging of Tokens Interlude ( Dance )Giving of Special Awards EMceesP

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