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2006 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition Latin America, Venezuela

Operational Availability Study in Transmission

Lines. Case: PDVSA 115kV System
Anny Mago1, Pedro Jiménez2, and Ezomar Uzcátegui3

In a same way through the operational context can be

estimated the Mean Time to Failure pondered (MTTFpond) of
the causes that produces programmed interruptions (failures),
as well as the Service Time Outage Mean pondered
(SOMTpond) for causes of events so much programmed as
not programmed, also specifying which it is the cause that
prevails. The study embraces the system 115kV of PDVSA of
the Oriental region of Venezuela, in its three areas:
Anzoátegui, Monagas and Morichal.


The operational availability of a transmission system is the
half probability that said system is under conditions of
transmitting the energy until its consumption place. The
methodology for their study (it figures 1), it involves analysis
of the historical data of events and the models of reliability
and maintainability.
Index Terms—Availability, Electromagnetic analysis,
Maintainability, Reliability.
Operational Availability

Reliability Maintainability Aalysis of the historical Disponibilidad del sistema
GRP: Generalized Renewal Process data
WGRP: Weibull GRP
MTTF: Mean Time To Failure
TTF: Time To Failure Design Operational Context Operational Context
(Characteristic curve
SOT: Service Outage Time of the línea)
SOMT: Service Outage Mean Time
Fig. 1. Operational availability
A: Availability
The reliability is the instantaneous probability that the
T HE traditional methods of calculation of the availability
are based on probability distributions that don't consider
the magnitude and order of occurrence of the failure
system doesn't fail (associated to no-programmed events) for a
certain time. The reliability (Fig. 1) will be studied from two
points to view: from the design and the other one is from the
events neither of the events that originate interruptions in the
operational context.
systems, that which is considered by the model used in this
work denominated General Renewal Process, in a same way
A. Reliability from the design of the line
neither is considered what is called reliability from the design
The methodology for the design of the transmission lines, is
of the lines, which depends highly on the study of the rate of
based on the calculation of the lightning outage rated, which is
lightning outages direct if it is a system of transmission of 115
the result of the summation of the Shielding Failure
kV. On the other hand it is important to delimit that with the
Flash_Over Rate (SFFOR) and the backflashover rate (BFR),
historical data and the characteristic curve of lightning outage
both they are calculated under that contemplated in the EPRI.
of the line can be estimated the resistance of grounded real.
The use of the ATPDRAW is an alternative form of
evaluating the phenomenon of retroactive discharges.
Electrical Engineer Currently work in PDVSA Oil Company, Venezuela,
since 2005. E-mail:
Electrical Engineer MSc Maintenance Management Currently work in
A.1. Shielding failures Flashover Rate (SFFOR)
PDVSA Oil Company, Venezuela, and professor since 1996. E-mail: The shielding failures happen when a ray avoids guard's cable or the structure and it finishes directly in the phase
Electrical Engineer Currently work in PDVSA Oil Company, Venezuela, driver, this behavior originates high voltages in the impact
since 2003. E-mail:
1-4244-0288-3/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE

place that possibly one will reach or more insolator string 1

dF(t) (2)
O , MTTF ³J tf (t )dt , f(t) R(t) 1 - F(t)
causing flashover. The calculations of forced exits before MTTF dt
shielding failures were carried out through the methodology Where: "O" it is the failure rate, "MTTF" it is the Mean Time
proposed by EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) to Failure, "J" it is the location parameter, "f(t) it is the
A.2. Backflashover rate (BFOR) distribution function of probability of time of failure, "F(t) it is
The retroactive discharges or backflashover happen when the distribution function of cumulative probability of the time
the ray directly either impacts in guard's cables or in the of failure and "R(t) it is the function of Reliability. The MTTF
structure, this produces an overvoltage that could overcome that depends on the component failure rates, it figures 3
the dielectric strength of the isolation producing obtained through the historical data of events not programmed
backflashover. For the calculation of the value of produced probabilístics and independent; in other words, events that
overvoltage the model is used shown in the figure 2, which is happen among a certain line with a cause specify as for
based on a line three-phase double terna with two shield wire. example atmospheric discharges, fallen of lines, driver
The line is represented through the model Jmarti, the current rupture, among others.
of the ray is represented by means of a current source in form The Mean Time to Failure pondered (MTTFpond), is
of double ramp. calculated through of the sumatoria of each one of the causes
To obtain the value of the critical current (Ic) that causes obtained multiplied by the percentage that represents each
rupture of the insolator string, the value of the magnitude of one; in a same way it should be made with the deviation, since
the current injected in guard's cable is increased progressively, each estimate of times probabilistics should go accompanied
until the tension between the terminals of the top of the tower by the obtained range for the same one.
and the crossbeam overcomes the critical value of isolation, This way it is obtained that:
the failure rate it is calculated with the equations of the
methodology proposed in the EPRI.
TMPF Pond ¦ TMPF * P i i (3)

And finally the Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) under the

minimum range of design is:
Desviation Pond ¦ Desviation * P i i (4)

24 ˜ 365 ˜ 100 (hrs) (1) Where, MTTFi: it is the MTTF of each one of the obtained
SFFOR  SBF * L causes; Pi: it is the percentage of occurrence of this non
programmed event; Deviationi: it is the deviation associated to
Where, "L" it is the longitude average of the line (Km)
each one of the obtained causes; Pi: it is the percentage of
occurrence of the non programmed event associated to each
The maintainability is the instantaneous probability that a
equipment or system is restored (associated to programmed
and no-programmed events) at the same time. It is denoted by
M(t) and it is modeled similar that the F(t). This
maintainability is function of the Service outage Mean Time
(SOMT), which is the mean time expected of an equipment or
system to be put again in service.
dM(t) (4)
tm(t )dt , m(t)
Fig. 2. Model in ATPDRAW
Where: "r" it is the restoration rate "J" it is the location
parameter, "SOMT" it is the Service outage Mean Time, "m(t)
A.3. Characteristic curve of the MTTF of the tower it is the distribution function of maintainability probabilities
The characteristic curve of the MTTF of the tower, is and "M(t) it is the distribution function of cumulative
obtained through an analysis of sensibility in the different probability associated to the maintenance. The SOMT is
areas, which goes changing with regard to the time and with obtained through the time it was service (TFS), which are
regard to the external conditions that are presented along the events that produce desenergization in a programmed or not
lines. programmed way to see figure 3, through the obtained data by
B. Operational reliability from the point of view of the means of the historical information of events.
operational context The Service outage Mean Time pondered (SOMTpond), is
The study of reliability from the point of view of the calculated through of the summation of each one of the causes
operational context, refers to the calculation of the failure rate, obtained multiplied by the percentage that represents each
by means of the historical information of not programmed one; in a same way it should be made with the deviation, just
events that impede that the transmission system doesn't as it is shown respectively in the equations 5 and 6.
complete its function, the failure rate it is denoted
mathematically by the following equation:
TMPF Pond ¦ TMPF i * Pi (5)

Desviation Pond ¦ Desviation * P i i (6) 9 0 < q <1. better than like it was, but worse than when it
was new.
Where, SOMTi: it is the SOMT of each one of the obtained 9 q = 1 as bad as it was
causes; Pi: it is the percentage of occurrence of this event, 9 q > 1 worse than like it was
either programmed or not programmed; Deviationi: it is the
deviation associated to each one of the obtained causes; Pi: it The model solution is for Maximum Likelihood Estimation
is the percentage of occurrence of the non programmed event (MLE).
associated to each deviation. VII. AVAILABILITY
TTF3 = TO1 + TO2
Failure 1 Failure 2 Failure 3 The values of availability of the system are obtained through
a denominated software RAPTOR®, which is based on the
traditional probabilistic distribution models, given to this is
SOT 1 Corrective SOT2 SOT 3 Preventive
necessary to adjust the model GRP to one of the traditional
TTF2 Reliability
dF(t) Availability A(t) models, applying the Least Square Estimation (LSE). For
TTF3 R(t)=1-F(t)
TMPF ³J tf (t )dt , f(t) dt
previous experiences the models more precise is through of
TMPF TMFS the Weibull distribution.
f § t J ·
SOT 2 dM(t) ¨¨ ¸¸
Maintainability TMFS ³J tm(t )dt , m(t)
© K ¹
SOT 3 M(t)
The Weibull - GRP model F(t) 1  e (WGRP) is
SOT=Service Out time MTTF= Mean Time To Failure obtained applying LSE adjusted to GRP MLE model.
TOi=Time of Operation before anothe failure SOMT=Service Outage Mean time
TTF=Time to failure
Conservative criterions.
x If the data have reliability philosophy (is less probable
Fig. 3. Outline of the operational context long times) then the parameter J should be d 0 (if J > 0,
should be re-calculated for J=0).
VI. MODEL GRP FOR THE OPERATIONAL CONTEXT x For maintainability philosophy (is more probable long
times) the parameter J should be t 0.
To estimate the reliability and the maintainability from the x If the GRP MLE model doesn't have solution or many
operational context the model GRP it is used, which is a data, the Weibull MLE model (2-parameters) is
widespread version to the traditional Weibull, with the assumed as solution.
difference that their application extends to repairable
equipments. This new method of estimate probabilistic whose
patent belongs to the University of Maryland, is based in the VIII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
philosophy of neural networks, in other words, this model A. Reliability from the design:
adapts. Their model of function cumulative probabilistic is:
For shielding failure it was obtained:
ª § i 1 ·
E º Imin(kA) P(Imin) Rcmax Imax(kA) P(Imax)
« E ¨ ti  q
«§ i 1 · ¨ ¦ t j ¸¸ » 4,706 0,9926 54,74 13,78 0,89
«¨ q t j ¸ ¨
j 1
«¨ K ¦ ¸ ¨ K
» (4)
«© j 1 ¹ ¨ ¸ » The results for backflashover p.e. for ANZ they are: of the
« ¨ ¸ »
© ¹ low realized simulation ATPDRAW, was obtained that for a
F ( t i , E , q ,K ) 1  e¬ ¼
current of 57 kA (fig. 5) the rupture of the rigidity of the
isolation doesn't still take place, which is similar to 1233kV,
and for the current of 58 kA already takes place the flame, for
Where: what the critical current is similar to 58kA, for the other areas
9 K = scale parameter (scale). was carried out in a same way, like it is shown in the table I.
9 E = form parameter (shape)
9 q = parameter of effectiveness of the repair Backflashover zona ANZ
I=57 kA

CFO=1230 kV Aislador Fase C Aislador Fase C' Aislador Fase A

With regard to b, the following cases are had: 1500

Aislador Fase A' Aislador Fase B Aislador Fase B'

9 E < 1. it is failure rate falling. Period of early failure

(infant mortality). 1000

9 E = 1. it is failure rate constant. Period of useful life. Call

Voltaje (kV)

"model exponential."
9 1 < E < 2. it is failure rate growing. Wear away light. 0

9 E > 2. it Wears away quick.

With regard to q, which measures the effectiveness of the -500
0 1 2 3 4 5
maintenance corrective, the following cases of restoration Time (us)

condition are had:

Fig. 5a. Simulation in ATPDRAW. I=57kA and I=58kA
9 q < 0. better than new
9 q = 0. As good as new

Backflashover zona ANZ TABLE II

I=58 kA

CFO=1230 Kv Aislador Fase C Aislador Fase C' Aislador Fase A

Aislador Fase A' Aislador Fase B Aislador Fase B'
Area Influences of the Discharge
MTTF O/100Km/año Rg
Anzoátegui a0:
Monagas 6030.3r130% 4.8 13.9 :
Voltaje (kV)

Morichal a0:

C. Reliability from the operational context

0 1 2 3 4 5
The study was divided in 3 areas (fig. 7), as they are it:
Time (us)

Fig. 5b. Simulation in ATPDRAW. I=57kA and I=58kA Monagas (MAT) with longitude average of 20,251 Km;
Anzoátegui (ANZ), with longitude average of 30,063 Km and
Morichal (MOR) with longitude average of 35,811 Km. The
events happened in the lines that conformed each one of the
TABLE I areas before mentioned have been selected for this study.
SFFOR (failure/100Km/año) 0,3339 0,4451 0,3339
SBF (salidas/100Km/año) 11,18 19,553 13,027
(failure/100Km/año) 11,514 19,998 13,547

B. Characteristic curve of the MTTF of the tower

In the figure 6 the results corresponding to the analysis of
sensibility are shown, where one can observe that the MTTF
diminishes when increases the resistance of grounded, what
implies that the rate of failures increases when increases the
resistance of grounded (Rg).

Fig. 7. Transmission system 115kV of PDVSA located by areas
TMPF (hrs)
7000 TMPF contexto
The obtained data for each case were ordered in upward
Rg< 0,01
5000 order of occurrence, just as it is shown in the fig. 8. for the
3000 area of Anzoátegui.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Rg (ohm) Anzoátegui
TMPF (hrs) Monagas 30000

8000 25000
TMPF contexto
Rg= 14,5

4000 15000

2000 10000

0 5000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Rg (ohm) 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

TMPF (hrs) Morichal

Fig. 8. Time to Failure for the area of Anzoátegui
6000 Rg <0,01
4000 In the table III the different obtained parameters of model
reliability for each case in study with their respective Mean
1000 50 time resulting are shown, these parameters was obtained of the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 coded model in MAPLE based on GRP.
Rg (ohm)
In the table IV the adapted parameters of reliability to the
model Weibull 3 parameters are shown, necessary step for the
Fig. 6. Characteristic curves of the MTTF of the tower
calculation of the availability, in a same way the obtained
The results obtained by the influence of the discharge are parameters of the maintainability model are shown, but given
used for the calculation of the real resistance, by means of the to the number of events is elevated have been carried out
characteristic curve of the feigned tower of the system, this through the model of Weibull 2 parameters for MLE.
way the table is obtained shown next.



Reliability SOM SOMTx

Causas N % Desv Desvx%
Area GRP T %
q E K J P V Unknown 42 10 1.54 150 0.16 15.59
Protections 70 17 2.24 143 0.39 24.78
Anz .379e-4 0.658 5119 0 6919 158
lightning 41 10 0.91 116 0.09 11.77
Mon 22.8 0.642 218.2 0 5475 100 Other Causes 19 5 4.5 114.4 0.21 5.38
Mor .105e-3 0.457 1247 0 3402 237 Unknown Prog 12 3 4.32 68.00 0.13 2.02
Prove of protec 22 5 5.12 56.00 0.28 3.05
Prove y Maint to int 55 14 4.95 59.00 0.67 8.03
TABLE IV Maint resistance of
MAINTAINABILITY WITH GRP Maint in bar 6 1 6.86 35.00 0.10 0.52
wash by cont 28 7 4.2 17 0.29 1.18
Reliability Maintainability
Change of insolator 19 5 6.1 54 0.29 2.54
Area WGRP LSE Weibull MLE
Hot point 13 3 3.6 64 0.12 2.06
q E K J P V E K P V Maint in line 8 2 3.4 69 0.07 1.37
Anz 0 0.686 5241 0 6770 150 0.969 4.23 4.287 103 Other Causes Prog 47 12 6 72 0.70 8.38
Mon 0 0.999 5464 0 5466 100 1.2 4.88 4.59 83 6 404 3.80 88.63
Mor 0 0.596 1787 0 2713 177 0.81 2.72 3.06 125
SOMTPond 3.8 r 88.63hrs

With the purpose of evaluating the failure times pondered TABLE VII
for causes have been evaluated each estimated time for each AVAILABILITY BY AREA
one of the causes registered in the filtrate of not programmed
Area MTTF O/year SOMT A
events and using the equations 3 and 4 that is obtained shown
in the table V. Anz 6770r150 1.294 4.29r138 99.937
Mon 5466r100 1.603 4.59r94 99.916
TABLE V Mor 2713r177 3.23 3.09r239 99.886
Causes N % SOMT Desv SOMTx% Desvx%
lightning 22 24 6426 142 1570.8 34.71
Protections 45 50 3648 201 1824 100.5 Km Failures/ SOMTpon
MTTFpond A
Other Causes 23 26 2020 99 516.22 25.3 average 100Km/year d
6 90 3911.02 160.51
3911r161% 28,7 7.8 3.8r88.63% 99.903%
MTTFPond 3911 r 160.5hrs
Ȝ 2.24Failures/year
For the modeling of the equivalent availability for each
Ȝ 7.8Failures/100Km/year substation the parameters of MTTF and SOMT of the context
will be used the values obtained for each area, using the
For lightning calculations the value to use will be:
program RAPTOR“ 5.0, to see table V.
Ȝ 4.75 Failures/100Km/year
Through the figure 6 can be observed the values of AVAILABILITY FOR NODE IN THE DIFFERENT AREAS
resistance of grounded real of each area, which were estimated
through of the graph of sensibility (to see table VI). Palital * 99.983 JoboNorte 99.859
With the purpose of evaluating the times pondered outside Morichal 99.858 Temblador 99.859
of service by causes have been calculated each estimated time
for each one of the causes registered in the filtrate of
Furrial * 99.93 Pirital 99.849
programmed and not programmed events and using the
Amana 99.85 Jusepin2 99.849
equations 5 and 6 that is obtained shown in the table VI.
Tejero 99.845 Jusepin1 99.76
Travieso 99.85 Muscar 99.847
StaBarbara 99.76
Jose * 99.983 TAEJ 99.9998 Dobokubi 99.983
Rebomb2 99.982 Bitor 99.98 DaciónEyO 99.981
Rebomb1 99.914 StaRosa 99.98 Bare10 99.916
Canoa * 99.983 Bare 99.916 Arecuna 99.916

Note: * These data agree with that indicated in the Contract Standards:
EDELCA-PDVSA and they are adjusted to the current [7] Design of reliable industrial and commercial power system, IEEE Gold
statistic. Book, Standard 493.
[8] IEEE Guide for improving the Lightning Performance of Transmission
D. Analysis of the historical data Lines, IEEE Standard 1243-1997, (1997).
[9] IEEE Guide for improving the Lightning Performance of Electric Power
The historical data presented observations like: events that Overhead Distribution Lines, IEEE Standard 1410-1997, (1997).
didn't express hour of restoration; report without specifying [10] Insulation co-ordination Part 2: Application guide, European Standard
the associate electric line and reports that don't discriminate IEC 60071-2 (1996).
against if it is programmed or no-programmed. What forced to
Papers from Conference Proceedings (Published):
discard this it dates for the realization of the calculations.
[11] Joglar F., Modarres M. and Yánez M. (2002). Reliability Engineering &
System Safety. Generalized renewal process (GRP) for analysis of
IX. CONCLUSIONS repairable systems with limited failure experience. Approved for
University of Maryland at April 29,2002
- The real resistances estimated are: Anzoátegui Smaller than
0.01 :; Monagas 14.5 : and Morichal Smaller than 0.01 :. XII. BIOGRAPHIES
- The cause of more impact on the not programmed
interruptions is electric protection representing a percentage of Anny Mago was born in Cumaná city, Bolivarian
50 % of the total of the causes. Republic of Venezuela, on April 5, 1980. She
graduated from the Electrical Engineering School of
- The failure rate pondered obtained from the operational the Universidad de Oriente (UDO) in 2005, Venezuela.
context of the system PDVSA 115kV is 4.75 She has 1 year of experiences in PETROLEOS DE
failure/100Km/year smaller to the maximum failure VENEZUELA, S.A (PDVSA), working in engineering
contemplated by EDELCA under design (5 and electrical simulations.
She has published in some national and international
failure/100Km/year). congresses related to power systems analysis. Her
- The obtained availability of the operational context of the special fields of interest included studies of reliability, maintainability and
system PDVSA 115kV PDVSA is 99.903 % | 99.9 %, it availability in power system and Lightning Performance of Distribution
satisfies at recommended practice. Overhead Lines,
- GRP is a mathematical model that has the property of Pedro Jiménez was born in Puerto La Cruz city,
adaptability: the parameters depend on the magnitude and Venezuela country, on February 1, 1973. He graduated
occurrence order of it dates it historical. electrical engineer with honors from the UDO
- The parameter E is near at 1, which confirms that it is a University on 1996 and Maintenance Management
MSc on 2006.
relatively new system. He has 10 years of experiences with Petróleos de
- The standard deviation of the obtained results is a little high. Venezuela, S.A., working engineering and electrical
simulations, and professor UDO University since 1996.
He has published in some national and international congresses related to
X. RECOMMENDATIONS power systems analysis.

It is recommended to improve the technique of gathering of Ezomar Uzcátegui V was born in Guanare, Bolivarian
the data that allows to diagnose with smaller uncertainty the Republic of Venezuela, on November 10, 1972. He
graduated from the Electrical Engineering School of
operational context; it is also recommended to pay main the Universidad de Oriente (UDO) in 1996, Venezuela.
attention in the protection to minimize most of the happened He works in the Planning and Management
failures and to improve the grounded of Monagas (14.5 :). Department of Electrical Services in PETROLEOS DE
VENEZUELA S. A. (PDVSA) Exploration and
Production Division from 2003. Past experience
XI. REFERENCES included abroad Consultants and Project Engineering Firm. His special fields
Books: of interest included Power Systems Analysis and Studies, and Lightning
Performance of Distribution Overhead Lines.
[1] Billinton R. And Allan R., “Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems”,
editorial PLENUM PRESS, New York and London, (1994).
[2] EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute), "Transmission Line Reference
Book 345 K and Above", Chapter 12 Lightning Performance of
Transmission Lines, 2nd Edition, Palo Alto, California, (1982).
[3] Endrenyi J., “Reliability Modeling in Electric Power Systems”, editorial
John Wiley & Sons, (1978).
[4] Leuven K., Alternative Transients Program Rule Book, EMTP Center,
Volume N° 2, Belgium, (1987).
[5] Leuven K., Alternative Transients Program Rule Book, EMTP Center,
Volume N° 1, Belgium, (1987).
[6] Jimenez P. Proceso Generalizado De Restauración (PGR) Como
Modelo De Mantenimiento Para La Confiabilidad De Sistemas
Reparables. Bondades Y Limitaciones, work of grade presented as partial
requirement to opt to the title of Magíster Scientiarum, (2006).

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