Character Analysis: WHO AM I? About Your Character

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Actor’s Name: _________________________

Character Analysis
To fully develop a character, it is important to think through some details and “background” of the character.
Complete the information in this worksheet to help develop your character for the production. If you play more
than one role, complete a separate analysis for each role.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Cut out your Character Analysis and paperclip, staple or otherwise affix to the
inside cover of your script for quick reference!

WHO AM I? About your character…

Character Name: _______________________________________________________

Age: _________
Where do I live? _______________________________________________________
What is my posture like? ________________________________________________
Describe some of my typical movements and gestures:
What does my voice sound like? __________________________________________
How intelligent am I and how much education do I have?
Very Intelligent Average Intelligence Not Very Intelligent
Average Emotional Not Very Emotionally
Highly Emotionally Intelligent
Intelligence Intelligent
Highly Educated Somewhat Educated Uneducated
What is my social status?
Wealthy Middle Class Poor

How would I describe my family? _________________________________________

What do I do for a living? _______________________________________________

Character Analysis (created by Know How Theatre) 1

Actor’s Name: _________________________

WHO AM I? About your character (continued)…

Am I an emotionally expressive person?

Very Expressive Occasionally Expressive Reserved

Describe my sense of humor:

What is my best personality trait?
What is my worst personality trait?
What is my relationship to other characters in the play? How do I treat them?
What do I love to do? __________________________________________________
Who or what bothers me the most?
What about myself am I most proud of?
How would I like to be remembered?
What frightens me?
What do I believe in?
What do I want more than anything? (This is your SUPEROBJECTIVE)

Once you’ve completed your Character Analysis, complete a Scene Analysis for each scene in which
your character appears.

Character Analysis (created by Know How Theatre) 2

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