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​ Birth control ​ ​5162345318

Birth control is basically about benefits for every young woman finishing college or starting

career. It benefits the mother and father who planned their family and had children when they

were ready. Well leading to the birth control method used by age 15-29 in the United States.

People usually get their period while taking the placebo pills because the body reacts to the drop

in hormone levels by shedding. Well birth control can help people when they have regular

period. Birth control avoid having baby when people do sex, but they used birth pill every day

for ten days. Birth control pill is safe, affordable, and effective if you always take it on time.

Besides preventing pregnancy, the pill has lot of other health benefits, too. Birth control pill

works stopping sperm from meeting an egg (which is called fertilization).​ Birth control has been

used since ancient times, but effective and safe methods of birth only became available in the

20th century. There are many types of birth control pills. ​Keeping the woman's ovaries from

releasing eggs that could be fertilized. ​Planning, making available, and using birth control is

called family planning. The​ placebo pills are sugar pills that do not contain any active hormones.

However, some brands of pill also include other ​vitamins​ or minerals, such as iron or folic acid.

Birth control is any activity, medicine, or equipment used to prevent pregnancy. There are many

types of birth control available for women who do not wish to become pregnant.​ High school

should offer contraceptives to students because it would reduce unwanted pregnancies,

reduce sexually transmitted disease (STDs) and ​birth control help young people to plan

their future

​First reason, High school should offer contraceptives to students because it would reduce

unwanted pregnancies. Birth control can help with unintended pregnancy and in US there are 45
percent people who have unintended pregnancy and baby. I​f a woman did not want to become

Pregnant at the time the pregnancy occurred, but did want to become pregnant at some point in

the future, the pregnancy is considered mistimed (27 percent of pregnancies). More than 88% of

women of reproductive age in the United States have used birth control at some point in their

lives. “Katelyn Dennison The Morality of Birth Control Margaret Sanger Margaret was born

September 14, 1879, She opened the first birth control clinic in 1916 In 1921, Sanger founded

the American Birth Control League, which later became Planned Parenthood. She died

September 6, 1966, Ethos Pathos Logos In the early 1920s women were just gaining their rights.

The ethos used in Margaret's speech very powerful, since it is such a strong subject. The

nineteenth amendment was passed, allowing women to vote. Women were becoming more

independent.” In united states around 1,318,248 teenagers used birth control and most US city

that used birth control for teenagers in Missouri. Race black people have 63.9 percent who used

control in US. Race white people have 28.8 percent who used birth control. There is lot of

teenagers or young adult who is unwanted pregnancies around the worlds. I think if they don't

want baby then they can use birth control pills or condoms for their protection. Well for young

teenagers school should offer birth control pills because that pills may save some students’ life,

and they don’t have to face the problems. Well in my culture people never accepts the girl who is

pregnant without marry. I am upset about our society because they don’t accept pregnant girl,

and they don’t stop gossiping about peoples. Most people used birth control but still get

pregnant, and they try to do abortion. Well most google for using birth control around 91 or 95

percent safety using birth control. I think younger teenager should take or carry birth control

because we never know what gonna happen in few hours later and in this today society can’t
trust nobody. Like birth control is most important in this society. Well birth control help lot of

humans and those people have time to plan their future. Most people planned to have baby, but

they used birth control and later they will have better future for their kids. That why school

should offer or give every student a birth control, so they can focus on work and don’t have to

look at bad condition by not using birth but wanted to have sex with boyfriend of girlfriend.

Teenagers or adult if you guys don’t want baby then use birth control because it may help you

guys and have enough time to plan for kid when you wanted to have one then stop using birth

control. Being in control of when or whether you get pregnant means having more freedom to

pursue educational, professional, and personal goals. So that mean every school should offer

birth control.

Second reason, High school should offer contraceptives to students because it reduces sexually

transmitted disease (STDs). STDs are caused by bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Having an STDs

can make it easier to get HIV. Talk to your health care provider about your risk, and get tested

for STDs. ​Using a condom with every sex act can lower the risk of transmission (STDs).

Sexually transmitted disease (STDs) is used to refer to a condition passed from one person to

another through sexual contact. You can contact an STD by having unprotected vaginal, anal, or

oral sex with someone who has the STD. That doesn’t mean sex is the only way STDs are

transmitted. Depending on the specific STD, infection may also be transmitted through sharing

needles and breastfeeding. Recent calls for changes in public policy in the United States have

cited the "hidden epidemic" of STDs in the United States, an epidemic that is characterized as

hidden from view, cloaked in nondisclosure, stigmatizing attitudes, avoidance of medical care,

and a byproduct of a society not prone to discuss sexual behaviors and sexuality openly (Eng and
Butler 1997). This hidden epidemic is fortified by social norms that do not promote healthy,

sexual behavior. If true, this realization may explain differences in reported STD rates among

industrialized nations and May be instrumental in elevated STD rates in many developing

countries. Bringing the hidden epidemic out into the open may be the key to major progress in

STD prevention in the United States and in other parts of the world. Sexually transmitted disease

(STDs) are a major health problem affecting mostly young people, not only in developing, but

also in developed countries. Sexually transmitted disease (STDs) are disease or infection

transmitted to healthy males or females due to sexual intercourse with infected persons. Sexually

transmitted disease that are transmitted through sexual intercisre with another domestic partner.

Usually STDs are transmitted through oral, anal, or other sexually active bodily contact. Well

most couple or partner use condoms to avoid having baby or STDs. More than 12 million people

in the United States, including 3 million teenagers, are infected with STDs every year. People

who do not know they are infected risk infecting their sexual partners and, in some cases, their

unborn children. If left untreated, these diseases may cause pain or may destroy a woman's

ability to have children. Some STDs can be cured with a single dose of antibiotics, but AIDS

cannot be cured. Those most at risk for contracting STDs are people who have unprotected sex

without using condoms, people who have multiple partners, and people whose sex partners are

drug users who share needles. Static’s show that Americans between the ages of 16 and 24 are

most likely of catching STDs than older adults because younger people usually have multiple

sexual partners than an older person in a long-term relationship. Teenagers may be embarrassed

to tell their sexual partners they are infected Teenagers may also be embarrassed or unable to

seek medical attention for STDs. This means that they only more likely to pass the disease to
other young people and have a greater risk of suffering the long-term consequences of untreated

STDs. All sexually active women under age 25 should be tested for chlamydia infection. The

chlamydia test uses a sample of urine or vaginal fluid you can collect yourself. Some experts

recommend repeating the chlamydia test three months after you've had a positive test and been

treated. The second test is needed to confirm that the infection is cured as reinfection by an

untreated or undertreated partner is common.

According to the graph, unintended pregnancy is high risk in teenages. For example, age in

18-19 has 76 percent of Unintended Pregnancy. Age in 20-24 has 59 percent of unintended

pregnancy. Age in 25-29 has 42 percent of unintended pregnancy. Age in 30-34 has 31 percent

of unintended pregnancy. More than 35 age people have 34 percent of unintended pregnancy.

Last reason, ​School should off birth control for each student because birth control help young

people to plan their future. ​All reversible birth control methods will help prevent pregnancy

while you’re using them, but none have long-lasting effects on your ability to get pregnant when

you stop. That’s why people who use the pill but accidentally forget to take it for a few days can

get pregnant that month. Well if young people plan their future than they know when they gonna

have baby. On the other hand, family planning is the concept of actively planning if, when and

how many children you plan to have. It’s the idea that pregnancies don’t just happen to you, but
instead are decisions that you make for yourself. Your life and your choices are completely up to

you, so being honest with yourself and discussing your options openly are good places to start.

Family planning often includes counselings, helpful information and services that help ensure

you only become pregnant when you want to be. So to sum up, family planning is a larger

concept involving preparation and knowledge around your family future. And birth control is the

group of methods you use or steps you take to avoid pregnancy before you’re ready. Well birth

control help to avoid pregnancy and protect egg from sperm. “ Many people think only of the

rhythm method when they hear NFP, so they perceive NFP methods to be unreliable,

unacceptable, and ineffective. They interpret the Catholic Church's approval of these methods as

its opposition to birth control.” example, “You want to the right thing and get on birth control to

be safe, but you know your mom will say “no”. Girls in the 21st century should have right to

protect themselves with any sort of birth control they choose without parents’ consent. About 40

percent of sexually active teenagers admit is not using any form of protections (like a condom)

during their last session. Behavior like this leads to higher risks of pregnancy.” that true but some

teenagers don’t want to tell their parents’ about sexually active. But birth control help everyone

to plan their better future. Birth control is any method that you choose to used to prevent

pregnancy. There are many options available today and it is important to choose one that is right

for you, your lifestyle and your partner. When school offer birth control then student should not

worry about buying any birth control because if student need one then they can tell to their

teacher about birth control. Birth control can help with unintended pregnancy and in US there are

45 percent people who are unintended pregnancy and baby. If a woman did not want to become

pregnant at the time the pregnancy occurred, but did want to become pregnant at some point in
the future, the pregnancy is considered mistimed (27 percent of pregnancies). Being in control of

when or whether you get pregnant means having more freedom to pursue educational,

professional, and personal goals. So that mean every school should offer birth control for their

student safety. Well that mean almost every teenager in the school campus need one or more

birth control because 21st century people are fast to get birth control for their safety. I know I’m

girl too and I know about girls problems because mostly Asian parent always say no for buying

birth control. Well girls has to go through lot of problems like periods and other that why every

school should offer birth control so that student can focus in class and also in their future. Like

every girl or women should carry birth control pills for safety. Teenagers can’t understand about

responsible about having baby in young age. When teenager use birth control it may help them,

and they can have best plan of their future and having kids. So that why many people in the

world they used birth control just to avoid having baby and just to plan their better future. I think

young people should avoid having sexually active in young age because if they did sex and that

girl is having baby then they will never accept the truth about what they did and their mistake. So

that all i want to tell about birth control can help to have baby and better future for every human

in the world. All reversible birth control methods will help prevent pregnancy while you’re using

them, but none have long-lasting effects on your ability to get pregnant when you stop. That’s

why people who use the pill but accidentally forget to take it for a few days can get pregnant that

month. Natural family planning requires motivation, diligence and self-control.

Birth control should offer contraceptives to students because it may reduce regular period, it may

reduce unintended pregnancy, it reduces sexually transmitted disease (STDs), and it may help all

teenagers to plan their better future. Mostly I agree with that birth control can help to plan better
future for every young people in the world, and they may think the best lifestyle for their

children. Birth control is benefits for every woman in the world because when they use birth

control they don't have to worry about having unwanted pregnancy. It benefits mother and father

who planned their family and had children when they were ready to have baby. In the united

states there are 45 percent people who have unwanted pregnancy and baby. STDs are caused by

bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Having an STDs can can make it easier to get HIV. Talk to your

health care provider about your risk, and get tested for STDs. That why most of the school

should offer birth control each student in the school. ​ Birth control topic is matter to all women in

the world.​ Birth control has important role in the advancement of women in the workplace,

allowing them to invest in their careers and plan for their future. Mostly i can our society can

gossip about birth control with other people but that doesn’t matter to other people because it

their decision about using birth control.

​Works cited
Daniel Grossman. “Over-the-Counter Birth Control Would Reduce Unintended Pregnancies,
Save Money.” ​Over-the-Counter Birth Control Would Reduce Unintended Pregnancies, Save
Money | Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health,​ The Regents of the University of
California, 5 Nov. 2015,
“About half of pregnancies in the U.S. are accidental, with inconsistent use and non-use of birth
control being the leading causes. For some women, going to a healthcare provider to obtain a
prescription stands in the way of using birth control.” (Grossman 2015)

Fredric B. Meyer, M.D. “Over-the-Counter Birth Control Would Reduce Unintended

Pregnancies, Save Money.” ​Over-the-Counter Birth Control Would Reduce Unintended
Pregnancies, Save Money | Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health,​ The Regents of the
University of California, 5 Nov.2015
“​If your sexual history and current signs and symptoms suggest that you have an STD, laboratory
tests can identify the cause and detect coinfections you might have contracted.” (Meyer 2015)

John M. Wilkinson, M.D.“Birth Control and Family Planning: MedlinePlus Medical

Encyclopedia.” ​MedlinePlus,​ U.S. National Library of Medicine, 23 Aug. 2018,
​“​Natural family planning may be an appealing birth control option if you can't or choose not to
use other contraceptives.” (Wilkinson 2018)

Roger W. Harms, M.D.“Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).” ​Mayo Clinic,​ Mayo Foundation
for Medical Education and Research, 18 Aug. 2017,
​“​If your sexual history and current signs and symptoms suggest that you have an STD,
laboratory tests can identify the cause and detect coinfections you might have contracted.”
(Roger W. Harms, M.D. 2017)

Marill JL, Miller N, Kitendaugh P “Birth Control and Family Planning: MedlinePlus Medical
Encyclopedia.” ​MedlinePlus,​ U.S. National Library of Medicine, 25 Oct. 2018,
“​Your choice of a birth control method depends on a number of factors, including your health,
how often you have sex, and whether you want children.”

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