Ilft# ,' : J."li::1, T:: I.r, XT:TR-D 'F'ilre::iifi1":i LL I :n:ln"ti:::tii::tr:uch :iilir

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otne, socTilisXlSil:??:'Htffi:i:JJl"':',ffi;:;l;;;"a1,
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$ilXij'l'r:?fi,:l'U5:jH,.,:.:ffi:E:;',l"Jfffii'J;-:',i* .'d;; ;i*iir"sv,

.^inrnn, nr nnrrrca daes,
or course, does not investioate
investigate economic, religious,
-.^ L..*^^ ri{a anrt aatiuitioc ns srrch *
lt onlv
onrv stUdigs
studies human
/ ;lllo[5: J."li::1,T::;i.r,xT:tr-d;'f'ilre::iifi1":i*ll*i*:n:ln"Ti:::tii::tr:uch
themsdves to be senerar sociar sciences
Slilliil; ilft#;,';;; ;.ffi;ro!,;#r*i"r p'v.r,ir"gv onen craim
;:iilir, soiiotosy is'both a rationaland an -Tp:111,::.'.flT:
,tr::$i:'#"';:ffi'il:;:T:Jffiilffii".'ii.1".ueau" jn..l!:y: :-T?:l:l:T,: :1",#[:* 11',iHtr',f;
Tlu otn"i known is'rationalism as the reason and theones
**o"n"n.lT,l3 ,x..:ffi ?;:l?"fffi'."11H1",i1i";;-"*p",i*"ntrti"i,.
result {rom log'liir*ifiiSiects them. Theones and facts are required in the construction
tacts, the ratronalist co-ordinates and ananges an opinion Pacis' by
i-s nothing more than
signiticant. n in"orv unsuu.taniiaLc uy naro facts
knowledge. ln sociological inquiry, both are said, "theorieswithout facts are empty and facts
themserves, in their isorated character, ,r. m"rningl.r"rnc
Socidogy is not an
without theones are blind,'. All modem sciences,
*i"i.Li", avail themselv"" or nottr emprrical and rattonal resources'
gener:alizing both a rational
exceprion. lt is crear from tne anove that sociology
i".n ina-#noent, a social, a categoricil, a pure, an abstract, a
and empirical social science.

lmportance of SociologY
1. Sociology studies role of the institutions
in the development of the individuals
work community
religion, the state and govemment ,industry and
-home and family ,the school and education, m" .-nui.n and 'the
suitable measures for
and suggests
and their role in the devoopment ol tnJindividual
and association- Sociology studies these institutions
witt a view to enable them to serve the individual better'"ngth.ning them
planning of society
slrlv oi socioiogy is inoispensable for understanding and
*.idodv ptannlng
no rear effective sociat would be possible' lt helps us to determine the
without the investrgation camed out ov is necessary before any social policies
most ef{icient means for reaching the goals ,gr"ud
up;n. A..l.tuin r*ornt of xnowreoge ibout society
can be camed out.
iociology is of great importance in thesolution of social us to controi the
wirr urtrmatety piovide the body of knowledge and pnnciples thatwill enable
The scientrfic study of human affairs
condttions of social li{e and improve them'
Sociologyhasdrawnouraftentiontotheintrinsicrvorthanddignityofman o{ the motives by which others
we can hardly know the people of otner areas intimatelylln
orer to nave insight and appreciation
knowledge oi sociology is essential'
ltve and the conditions under which ihey exist,
Sociologyhaschangedouroutlookwithregardtotheproblemsofcrime The cnminals are now treated as
ouflook on various aspects of cnme has change'
It is through the study of sociology that ouiwhole as useful members of the society'
maol to rehabilitate them
human beings sufiering from mental defisencies ano ettorts are accordingly
io"iology ias mde lreat contribution to enrich human questions conceming onesel{, one's religion' customs' morals
Socrology has given us training to have r,atlonar
approach io
both of himself and
taught us to be objectrve, crltcat and dispassionate. it enautes *"]n to hur" better understanding
institutrons. lt has turther would othemase be'
o{ others. By comparatrve study of societies uno
g*rp, ;ther than his existenle, nii life becomes ncher and fuller than it
narow personal prejudices, ambitions and class
Sociology also impresses upon uS the necessity of overcoming
io"ioroiv is of great importance in the solution of international problems
the social field the worid
the nations oi tne worto nearer to each other. But in
The progress made by physical sciences has brought to stress and conflict Men have
potitically giving rise
progress of ine sciJnce. The world is divrded
has been left behind by the revolutionary
understanding the underlying causes and tensions'
failed to bring in p"r.*. i*6ogy."n n"ip u-s in

us update on modern situations

The value ol sociology lies in the fact that it keeps knovdedge of the society lt
.olutrons to tne community problems. lt adds to the
It contnbutes to making good citizens ,no'r,nJing promotng what Giddens calls
stuov o:f social pn*no*"nu ,nd of the ways and means
helps the individualnno nis reut[i to society. rne because it looks at the structure o{ society and
social adequacy is one of the most urgent needs ot1i,"
*oo"* sosety sooorogv is impo*ant aM this
can help to socialize individuals in society
us to understand how iristitutions
how its components and institutions fit togetner. lt'hJps in the past to those that we
cultures. socidogy allows us to compare societies
therefore provides a good insight into why w" r,"ue Jtrer"nt
from different penpectives'
have now and it can look at hJmanity and analyze it

Areas of SociologY
1' Social groups and individual People' social
3::il?:"#.tion refers to a pattem of rerationships betneen and among difierent
complex activites that other
modem Lociety, as it allows for t6e canyrng out of very
organization could be ,"io to tn" rundamental basis of
mlmbers of society either par'ticipate in or are affected by'

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