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Residual Stress Distribution

Masahito Mochizuki
Department of Manufacturing Science,
Graduate School of Engineering,
Depending on Welding Sequence
Osaka University,
2-1, Yamada-oka, in Multi-Pass Welded Joints
Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan;
formerly, Hitachi, Ltd.
With X-Shaped Groove
Residual stress in a large-diameter multi-pass butt-welded pipe joint was calculated for
Makoto Hayashi various welding pass sequences by thermal elastic-plastic analysis using the finite element
method. The pipe joint used had an X-shaped groove, and the sequences of welding passes
Toshio Hattori were changed. The distribution of residual stress depends on the welding pass sequences.
Hitachi, Ltd.,
The mechanism that produces residual stress in the welded pipe joint was studied in detail
Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0013, Japan
by using a simple prediction model. An optimum welding sequence for preventing stress-
corrosion cracking was determined from the residual stress distribution.

Introduction Pipe Joint Configuration

Residual stress caused by welding has various kinds of influ- The configuration of a large-diameter multi-pass butt-welded
ence, eventually leading to fatigue-fracture, stress-corrosion pipe joint is shown in Fig. 1. The outside diameter is 5600 mm
cracking, or brittle fracture in welded structures. In particular, it is and the wall thickness is 50 mm. The cross section in Fig. 1 shows
important to know the distribution of residual stress, including the X-shaped groove for multi-pass welding on both inner and
that in the through-thickness direction, for strength design or outer sides. The weld metal and the base metal are both austenitic
crack propagation evaluation of welded structures. Even though stainless steels. Welding is done with gas tungsten arc.
residual stress can be measured precisely and easily, it is desirable
to establish an analytical method for estimating residual stress Residual Stress Analysis
commonly as well as a measurement technique. This is because an Residual stress was calculated by thermal elastic-plastic analy-
analytical method can be used to evaluate designs before fabricat- sis using the finite element method as an axisymmetric model.
ing a specimen or actual products. Welding residual stress in a butt-welded pipe joint actually varies
There are two methods of calculating welding residual stress: around the circumference. However, various axisymmetric analy-
inherent strain analysis 关1–6兴 and thermal elastic-plastic analysis ses by thermal elastic-plastic analysis have been conducted for
关3,7–17兴. Inherent strain analysis can simply evaluate residual calculating it. These analytical results show that thermal elastic-
stress by elastic calculation. Therefore, its range of application plastic analysis is effective for obtaining the precise residual stress
will expand when a database of inherent strain values for various in multi-pass butt-welded pipe joints for an axisymmetric model,
welding conditions and structure shapes is prepared 关4兴. Thermal once reliable material properties have been obtained, because the
elastic-plastic analysis, on the other hand, requires an enormous analytical results agree well with measurements using strain gages
amount of computation time, but it can precisely evaluate residual and neutron diffraction 关8,16,18兴.
stress in a specific object. Improvements in computer power have Residual stress in a multi-pass butt-welded pipe joint was thus
made it feasible to perform thermal elastic-plastic analysis on a calculated using an axisymmetric model by using the conventional
two-dimensional modeled object without much difficulty 关16,3兴. method of thermal elastic-plastic analysis. The temperature-
Various evaluations of welding residual stress have been done dependent material properties at various temperatures from room
using these techniques, but most of them were done under specific temperature to the melting point must be known for the materials
welding conditions. It is well known that welding residual stress used in the analysis. The temperature distribution at each time due
varies depending on the welding conditions, but the relationship
between residual stress and welding conditions has not always
been clear. In this paper, the welding pass sequences were varied
as a parameter of generating residual stress, and residual stress in
large-diameter multi-pass welded pipe joints with an X-shaped
groove were calculated by thermal elastic-plastic analysis. The
production mechanism of residual stress was studied in detail us-
ing a simple hand-calculated prediction model. The simple model
was validated by comparing its calculated values of residual stress
with computed results. Considering the operating conditions of
welded pipe joints, an optimum welding sequence for preventing
stress-corrosion cracking at the heat-affected zone of the inner
surface in a multi-pass butt-welded pipe joint is proposed from the
residual stress distribution.

Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division for publication in the
Division, September 16, 1998; revised manuscript received October 11, 1999. Asso- Fig. 1 Configuration of a large-diameter multi-pass butt-
ciate Technical Editor: R. Seshadri. welded pipe joint and its cross section

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Through-thickness circumferential residual stresses along the
heat-affected zone are compared in Fig. 5, where the horizontal
axis shows the radial distance from the inner surface to the outer
surface along the heat-affected zone. In Figs. 3–5, the circumfer-
ential residual stresses all had a similar tendency for the six se-
quences. Tensile circumferential stress distributes near the weld-
ing deposit on the inner and outer surfaces. The stress is maxmum
near the weld metal and decreases with distance from the weld
metal, and finally it becomes compressive about 40 mm from the
center of weld metal. In each analytical result, tensile stress of
about 300 MPa occurs on the surface of the heat-affected zone.

Fig. 2 Welding sequences of a multi-pass welded pipe joint

to the heat input of welding during the welding procedure was

computed by transient heat conduction analysis. Transient stress
during the welding steps was sequentially calculated from the
thermal loads obtained by heat conduction analysis, which was
done by thermal elastic-plastic analysis taking into account the
nonlinearity of materials. Residual stress is obtained as the stress
when the material is cooled down to room temperature after Fig. 3 Comparison of circumferential residual stress on the
welding 关16,3兴. inner surface in multi-pass welded pipe joints
The residual stress distribution depends on the welding pass
sequence since the joint is fabricated by multiple welding passes.
In order to study the dependence of residual stress on the welding
sequence, residual stress was analyzed for six welding sequences,
which are shown in Fig. 2. In these sequences, the welding ma-
chine position was changed once in Cases 1 and 2, twice in Cases
3 and 4, and three times in Cases 5 and 6. The welding sequences
show in detail the following:
Case 1: welding the whole inside groove before the whole outside
Case 2: welding the whole outside groove before the whole inside
Case 3: welding half the inside groove, the whole outside groove,
and then the remaining inside groove;
Case 4: welding half the outside groove, the whole inside groove,
and then the remaining outside groove;
Case 5: welding half the inside groove, half the outside groove,
the remaining inside groove, and the remaining outside Fig. 4 Comparison of circumferential residual stress on the
groove; outer surface in multi-pass welded pipe joints
Case 6: welding half the outside groove, half the inside groove,
the remaining outside groove, and the remaining inside

The lamination number of welding passes is dozens for actual

welding of a multi-pass butt-welded pipe joint. Welding lamina-
tion in the analytical model was treated as 10 layers for the
X-shaped groove. Half the first part of the groove was divided into
three layers and the remaining part was divided into two layers
each for the inside and outside grooves. The effectiveness in this
simplified modeling of welding pass has been validated by the
authors 关16兴.

Results of Residual Stress Analysis

Six analytical results for circumferential residual stresses on the
inner and outer surface in multi-pass butt-welded pipe joints are Fig. 5 Comparison of circumferential residual stress across
compared in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. The horizontal axes show through-thickness along the heat-affected zone in multi-pass
the axial distance from the center of the weld metal on the surface. welded pipe joints

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direction, but the axial residual stress distribution at parts remote
from the weld metal is not affected by the welding sequence.

Production Mechanism of Residual Stress

A stress-corrosion crack, which is the easiest type of crack to
generate and propagate, can be assumed to exist in a large-
diameter multi-pass welded pipe joint by considering three condi-
tions that induce the stress-corrosion cracking: the magnitude and
direction of residual stress, environment of a welded joint, and
sensitivity of materials. Considering the residual stress distribu-
tion and the area where the material is sensitized, a surface crack
along the heat-affected zone is the easiest location of crack to
generate and propagate in a multi-pass welded pipe joint 关19兴.
This crack is located on the vertical cross section in the axial
direction of the welded pipe joint. Therefore, the axial residual
stress distribution has a large influence on its generation and
Fig. 6 Comparison of axial residual stress on the inner sur-
propagation. In practical use, it is also effective to establish a
face in multi-pass welded pipe joints
simple method of predicting the residual stress distribution in a
welded pipe joint, in the same way as in thermal elastic-plastic
analysis. A simple hand-calculated model for predicting axial re-
sidual stress through the thickness direction in the weld metal of a
large-diameter multi-pass butt-welded pipe joint is proposed. The
production mechanism of residual stress from welding pass lami-
nation is studied by using the simple prediction model.
The distributions of the axial residual stress in the weld metal
and that in the heat-affected zone have the same tendency. There-
fore, the mechanism of producing axial residual stress in the weld
metal can be directly applied to that in the heat-affected zone.
Residual stress caused by welding is actually generated as the
result of the complex elastic-plastic behavior of the materials, and
it has a complicated distribution. But it can be approximated as
being elastically generated and can be superposed in our simple
model 关20,16兴. The following theoretical study was conducted
with a wall thickness much smaller than the pipe diameter in the
multi-pass welded pipe joint.
Axial residual stress in a large-diameter multi-pass butt-welded
Fig. 7 Comparison of axial residual stress on the outer sur-
face in multi-pass welded pipe joints pipe joint can be considered to be generated mainly by the sum of
the stress caused by the axial shrinkage of the welding deposit and
the stress caused by axial bending deformation of the pipe. As an
example of a simple prediction method, two kinds of production
mechanism of residual stress for the welding sequence of Case 6
are shown in Figs. 9 and 10. Figure 9 shows the axial stress
generated by the axial shrinkage of the welding deposit, and Fig.
10 shows that caused by the axial bending deformation of the
pipe. Residual stress at each welded part is calculated as the sum
of these stresses, as shown in Fig. 11. These figures show the
production mechanism of axial residual stress in order of welding
sequence as follows: half the outside groove, half the inside
groove, the remaining outside groove, and the remaining inside
In the first pass of the welding sequence 共welding half the out-
side groove兲, hardly any axial stress is generated in the welding
deposit. One reason for this is that no stress is caused by axial
shrinkage of the welding deposit because the axial shrinkage be-
comes a rigid deformation due to the restriction-free condition.
The other reason is that no stress is caused by axial bending de-
Fig. 8 Comparison of axial residual stress across through- formation either, because there is no part which restricts the axial
thickness along the heat-affected zone in multi-pass welded bending deformation near the welding deposit. Thus, hardly any
pipe joints axial stress is created in the welding deposit by these two factors
in the first pass of the welding sequence.
In the second welding pass, half the inside groove is welded.
The part that is already welded 共half the outside groove by the first
Axial residual stresses on the inner and outer surfaces of multi- welding sequence兲 restricts the axial shrinkage of this inner weld-
pass butt-welded pipe joints are shown in Figs. 6 and 7, respec- ing deposit. Therefore, tensile axial stress caused by the axial
tively, and through-thickness axial residual stresses along the shrinkage of the deposit occurs in the inner welding deposit, and
heat-affected zone are compared in Fig. 8. In Figs. 6–8, axial compressive stress occurs in the outer latest welding deposit, as
residual stresses near the welding deposit differ, depending on the shown in Fig. 9. The maximum absolute values of the axial stress
welding sequences. Those in the heat-affected zone vary with the are assumed to be 300 MPa, which are around the yield stress of
welding sequence both on the surface and in through the thickness the material. And axial bending stress is caused by the bending

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology FEBRUARY 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 29

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Fig. 9 Production mechanism of axial residual stress by axial Fig. 10 Production mechanism of axial residual stress by
shrinkage of the welding deposit in a multi-pass welded pipe bending deformation of the pipe in a multi-pass welded pipe
joint „Case 6 sequence in Fig. 2… joint „Case 6 sequence in Fig. 2…

deformation due to welding half the inside groove, as shown in posed simple model 共Fig. 11兲 agrees well with the results from
Fig. 10. Compressive and tensile bending stresses occur on the thermal elastic-plastic analysis 共Fig. 8兲. And stress distributions in
surface of the inner and outer welding deposits, respectively. the previous three welding steps were also confirmed to agree
Their maximum and minimum values are also assumed to be with the thermal elastic-plastic analytical results. Furthermore, the
⫾300 MPa. Residual stress after the second weld of the sequence mechanism of producing axial residual stress by the welding se-
can be calculated as the sum of the stresses caused by axial quence of Case 1 共welding the whole inside groove, then welding
shrinkage and radial deformation, as shown in Fig. 11. the whole outside groove兲 is also shown in Fig. 12, which super-
In the third pass, the remaining part of the outside groove is poses the stresses caused by the axial shrinkage of the deposit and
welded and axial residual stresses caused by axial shrinkage of the
welding deposit and by axial bending deformation of the pipe are
added. Tensile axial stress of ⫹300 MPa caused by the deposit
shrinkage occurs on the latest outer welding deposit, and compres-
sive stress appears on the previous deposits, as shown in Fig. 9.
The compressive stress is ⫺150 MPa as the result of the stress
balance because the existing deposit has twice the area of the
latest one. Bending stress occurs on the outer surface of the latest
welding deposit as ⫺300 MPa and on the inner surface of the
previous welding deposit as ⫹300 MPa, as shown in Fig. 10. And
the stresses generated by this third welding pass are superposed on
the stress generated before. Residual stress after the third welding
sequence is obtained as the sum of the stress caused by axial
shrinkage and the stress caused by axial bending deformation, as
shown in Fig. 11.
Finally, in the fourth welding pass, the remainder of the inner
groove is welded. Axial stress caused by axial shrinkage of the
welding deposit occurs in the latest welding deposit as ⫹300
MPa, and compressive stress of ⫺300 MPa occurs in the whole of
the previous welding deposit, distributing equally throughout
⫺100 MPa as a result of the stress balance, as shown in Fig. 9.
Bending stress of ⫺300 MPa is loaded on the final outer surface
and ⫹300 MPa on the final inner surface, as shown in Fig. 10.
The axial stresses generated by axial shrinkage and by bending
deformation during final welding are superposed on the stress pro-
duced in the previous three welding steps. And the final residual Fig. 11 Production mechanism of axial residual stress as the
stress distribution is generated as the sum of both stresses. results of axial shrinkage and bending deformation in a multi-
The final through-thickness residual stress predicted by the pro- pass welded pipe joint „Case 6 sequence in Fig. 2…

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ering the through-thickness axial stress near the inner surface so
that the crack propagation rate is lower or zero, even if a crack
does begin to propagate by chance.
The through-thickness distribution of axial residual stress along
the heat-affected zone in Fig. 8 reveals the optimum welding se-
quence. According to Fig. 8, Cases 2, 3, and 6 are candidates
since they produce lower stress on the inner surface of the heat-
affected zone. Among these three cases, the welding sequence of
Case 6 is best because axial through-thickness stress near the in-
ner surface is almost zero until a depth of 6 mm. Therefore, the
optimum welding sequence is as follows: half the outside groove,
half the inside groove, the remaining outside groove, then the
remaining inside groove. This welding sequence should have the
lowest possibility of generating and propagating stress-corrosion
cracking. Moreover, a welding sequence that welds inside and
outside alternately is also suitable for preventing welding

Residual stress in a large-diameter multi-pass butt-welded pipe
joint was calculated for six welding sequences by thermal elastic-
plastic analysis using the finite element method. The pipe joint
Fig. 12 Production mechanism of axial residual stress as the used had an X-shaped groove and the sequences of welding passes
results of axial shrinkage and bending deformation in a multi- were changed. The distribution of residual stress depends on the
pass welded pipe joint „Case 1 sequence in Fig. 2… differences in the sequence of welding passes. The mechanism
that produces welding residual stress was studied in detail using a
simple prediction model, and it was verified by comparing the
by bending deformation of the pipe. The stress distribution pre- predicted results with the computed results. An optimum welding
dicted by the simple method also agrees well with the results of sequence was determined from the residual stress distribution,
thermal elastic-plastic analysis. Moreover, this prediction model which is the most reliable means of preventing stress-corrosion
was also verified by the other welding sequences. Therefore, cracking, considering the operating conditions of actual welded
through-thickness residual stress in a welded pipe joint can be pipe joints.
simply predicted by using the proposed method.
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