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ffi".#;u. **[iitv (deseneraron) or"the
that can produce variation or
:::fffi.H[;,|i[ffiiffi":1ffi;"ti'i#:1X1"::I'il:; ch structurar
process by which structural
ccic\ soniocrrlttrral evolution is
;?ffi:*iffi';il"ilt:l,i:Hl*'i il::'lx:Xt'.lri]',.4.iil;.ffii:]ffiffi'. *ni.n q'Jitativerv d,rrerent rrom the ancestrar iorm"
:J:'[',H:[J''["$fllHi;fi1?]i "
Diflerent Types of Soeieties and Their Major
1' Forasins"societies
rand and domesticare rhe animars, rhev
had to live together, share work, use
Hli:tjnoflltitrH*stlff1f;]t" if rivers oned up or they run out of animals
fresh water carefuly and arso migrate gregariousry ;;;ytfiwent wrong, t.r
mairiarchy because men were always in danger dunng
and women were gatherers in ir,*" .o.i"tl., and this caused
men were hunters
hunting and generary nuntei m"*ue[ retumed
no*" -.uu" with rimited ,ffi;;
L;b"r in hunting and gathering societies was divided
was not any political organization compared to understanding
were so smatt and mobile. rnere
equally among the members because they tn" ;*''"ty and equality conducted it' They gathered plants
uoo1, incruo"a *v"rv p"oon *no riulln
today.s dipromacy uut tneir iecison mating
to make cloths
ug and small animals and using their hides in order
2' Pastoral Societies ' uls for transportation and permanent
---,^ ,:..^r:^ ^ ^nr+ain nrano rr
Approximately12,000yearsago,peoplelivedinacertainplaceandstartedtopastureantn horticulture and manufactunng are not
of societies still exist in so*aiia, Etniopia and ruo*n ntnca countrles where
food. Those types using animals' wool' milk' and
J,i*.ti..te,.animail-necause tney realized that
possible (samarar, 1gB9: 35),hunter-gathere, ,o","ti'oiJ had aroused
fedilrty was more uener;Jtn , rrrntir'g ana
wasfing'th*. conr*qu"ntrv, ,"i*[
trrJe nao startea,.but arso non-survival class
nomadic did not
&main and
such as the spirituar readers, hearers, traders,
*6;&i; iil.* rormation nio society together in a certain
ot-peopte came out {or the {irst time; the nomadic
;;.;;th; pasture arimitirle vlrsion of urban- uno uiro on"t*nce animals and
migrate so far, circurate Moreover, as they had to domesticate
o{ p"opr" *n" riue in *ral,and urban areas.
and settled people. rnese are the first forms rapidly' Trade improved easily
rntJJ *'r'rithey needed. ey tdm"ar- iecnnotogy
people need some toors and they in to hunter-
use them,
and differences between nomadic and setfled
p"oprl gr; up, .on."quuntri *.-c
social inequality started to appear compared

gatherer societies.

3. Horticultural Societies these societies cultivated

first appeared 10,000 to 12,000 years ago but
similar to pastoral societies, horticultural societies instance, {orced the people to leave since' they
lands resources or ciwindling water supplies, for
vegetables, fruits and plrrt.. n"pr-ti"n o{ the trade as well Division of labor continued'
there was not a non-survivai class and not
were mobile and smalr like hunter-gatherer societies; from foraging societies' They could not develop
not develop and because oiinir, t ort.rltural societies oia not dtfier
social structures d[d plants dried up lt is
g,oooyears ago and tney couio noi r"to.ut rivers and iater sources' thar
because agricurturar *uL,iui, inu"nted about same trme in the other parts of
to shape societies, at the
easiry rearized that why deveropment of technorogf
i; rr *p"ttqT ano'no* iirttecls
technology was not enough'
the world, people could i;;;;i;; develop wnat tnlv neeouo nut tor agnculture,

4. Agricultural Societies
8,000's with the new inventions'
were the late agricultural inventions around the
what cause horticultural societies to extrnguish, land owners and also waniors
together.-popuradon gr.* up.*piJ; ;iilrd
came.up.and farmers,
food suppries increased and peopre setfled showed itself A ngid caste
arouseJ firsily r. ih;; .o.i.ti"., sociai inequality solidly
who protect farms in exchange fcr food against "n"*i"i C system developed the dfferentiation
sravery ind ownership started to be too different
.on."pir in I'ylt:-9:ste
system deveroped; after
to fifteenth centuries'
between the erite and agricurturar raborers inctuorn!
Jruo. t-rro" started to be so important, especially iiorn ninth
of people who live for them as well
the understanding of feudalism developed, .u"rv
*i,rriiand owners saw tnemsetves as kings and owners
did not have to try to survive
Euiope ana not only land o*n.", but alslo religious
concept of social classes spread througn me w"ri'in religious leaders' hands because of this'
that ihey had. A*, fitlrature-anJpiirorophv
because workers had to give them everything rulei in their lands and each lord led the
io existing monarchy, ownem set up iheir own
time of feudalism is known as the dark ages. oue rebellion, workers were sweated and
society with different rutes and all o{ them o"p.n&i
onih;i;g rni. rtiitii.rt*n preventeo slaves from

until the industialrevolution.

.Lrru, and inequalities in Europe continued
5. lndustrial Societies
to produce and distnbute goods
to use machines and advanced technologies
with usage of the steam power, human beings started ,nd to the iest of the world, industrial societies
in dritain and tnen spreal trorgh rrrop"
and services. lndustrial revolution process began daveryJlost its significance, economy developed
in farmin;"tech;iffi,
startedto develop. The growth of technologie.'i"J to u&un.., into two
but then societies divided
govemments' aids grew uplFeuoat social classes removed
quickly and understanding of social charity and class and they hold all money and also set
that non-workeo rr" .ornporing capitalist
parts as wcrkers ano non]wo*ers. Karr trrtan exptaineo like lords and religious leaders
thai non-workers are'the same with non-survivors
up rules. considering this explanation, it is,easitiuna""i."a and there is only worker class' Leaming from
brought onrv tne-slveny
in preindustriat socretres. iriur, tn" industrial r1*rution "*tln.tion they gave to the slaves' with changes in
social *"r,inty uno .iro g.;" more rights than
previous mistakes rulers gave more opportunites for their power on citizens'
;;h;; ;ilr";oom! cifizens"and then kingdoms and autocracy lost
sociar inequarities peopre started to want their more important and so' citizens
Democracy seemed more beneficial and necessa"f
*iin i"n.n ana Rmerican Revolutions, nationality became

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