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Grace Times

Vol. XXII/06 Grace Bible Church, C 930, Sector B Mahanagar, Lucknow, India February 2019

Dear GBC Family,

Pulpit Calendar As we progress

on with the new year 2019, it is our pray-
February 2019 er that the Lord will make each one of us a use-
ful vessel for the furtherance of His kingdom.
Check-in 15 minutes before service As the end times are drawing near, our endeav-
Morning Services at 10 am ors for progressing the Kingdom of God should
03 Holy Communion Pastor J T Raja also gather momentum. What is the need of
10 Pastor Ashish H Khan doing so? "Christianity is one beggar telling
17 Pastor J T Raja another beggar where he found bread"- D.T.
24 Pastor Ashish H Khan Niles, New York Times. Though it sounds
crude, but that is exactly what is required. We
Allipur Grace Bible Church services at 10
should remember the state we were in, once
03 Bro. Shyam Babu upon a time and how someone led us to Christ.
10 Pastor J T Raja I still remember when I was in sunday school,
17 Holy Communion Pastor Ashish H Khan
my sunday school teacher Mr Valentine
24 Bro. Joshua Rout
Davidar led me in prayer and helped me com-
mit my life to Christ. After that there have been
many people who have influenced me in shap-
Sunday School ing my faith. Therefore the role of human be-
Will be held during ings cannot be undermined in leading someone
worship services to the Kingdom of God. No matter who you are
and what your profession is, you are called to
make a contribution to the Kingdom. Can you
influence someone by your friendship? Can you
Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. be a role model to someone? Are you a good
14 The Prakashs Home musician and singer? Are you a good writer?
28 Dr. Ruth Chakravarthy Are you a good colleague who is sought after
for advice and counsel? There are so many
ways in which we can pass on the Kingdom
values to people around us. In doing so, we
help open the doors of God's salvation to those
Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. who are still lost in this world's darkness.
07 The Phillips’ Home
Grace Bible Church has always been a
21 The Khans Home
church with focus on the essentials. No matter
how much the role of the church is expanded
trying to cover a range of activities, yet at the
heart must be a collective desire to be agents
of change. The change must begin with our-
at the Sanctuary
selves. Be regular to church. take out time to
on Saturday,16th at 5.00 p.m.
study the Word and pray regularly. This will
enable and empower you to be beacon of light
in this dark world.

"Out in the highways and bi-ways of life, many

“Prayer is a strong wall and fortress are weary and sad,
of the church; it is a goodly Carry the sunshine where darkness id rife,
Christian weapon.” Making the sorrowing glad"

Martin Luther In His service,

Income January 31 2019

Jan 2018 January 2019 Jan 2019 Budget 2019 projection

General Offerings 21,640 28,479 28,479 3,20,000 3,41,000

Donations 11,400 2,200 12,200 75,000 erratic

Pledged Giving 45,300 52,550 52,550 6,00,000 6,30,000

2nd Mile Pledges 7,200 14,200 14,200 1,65,000 1,70,000

Christmas Donation 10,000 10,000 60,000 erratic

Church Scooter sale
Designated collections
Sunday School 1,950 1,191 1,191 erratic

Grace Church in Village 500 1,000 1,000 25,000 erratic

Medical Aid Fund

GRAND TOTAL 87,990 1,09,620 1,09,620 12,45,000 11,41,000

Holly & Ajit Khan are blessed with a baby girl.

Fizza Phillips had a fall and hurt her knee.
Nalin Phillips was unwell.
Amrit Modwell has slip disc.
Ravi Modwell is suffering from bronchitis.
Jeba Raja was down with throat infection.
Shweta Lal hurt her foot in school.
Vicky Singh is suffering from spondylitis.
Birthdays in February
Biak Guite had root canal treatment.
02 Y K Singh
Mawi Gutie was suffering from severe cold. 13 Christine Deena John
Akansha Khan is undergoing treatment for eye 16 Olvin Paul
problem. 27 Pushpa Singh

Della Singh is battling with backache.

Ramesh Bharathi’s mother in law met with an For Pastoral Care contact
accident and lost her memory. Rev. J T Raja 995 639 9835
Rev. Ashish H. Khan 964 843 1177
Mona Rout was unwell

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