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Name :- Kiranbir kaur

Class :- (N) first year

Ward :- Psychiatry

Date :- 24 december , 2018

Topic :- Substance abuse

Language :- Punjabi

Venue : Deaddiction centre , Faridkot

Group : drug addict patients

Av. Aids :- Charts , flash cards

Time :- 15 -20 min.

Supervisor :-



To make proper awareness about substance abuse, causes, types, clinical features, evaluation,
testing and treatment of delirium so that at the end of teaching people will be able to know all
about substance abuse .


A group is able to:-

 Define substance abuse

 Educate about causes of substance abuse
 Types of drugs abused in substance abuse
 Precipitating & Predisposing risk factors.
 Clinical Features of substance abuse
 Effects of substance abuse
 Signs of withdrawal and overdose
 Evaluation of patient with suspected substance abuse.
 Prevention of substance abuse


With group. I am Kiranbir kaur student of nursing first year,
SINPMS, Badal. I am here to
educate you about prevention of
substance abuse

2. Introduce the 2min INTRODUCTION: What do you know

group about the about substance
topic i.e. Substance abuse refers to the abuse?
substance abuse harmful or hazardous use of
psychoactive substances, D
including alcohol and illicit I
drugs. Psychoactive substance S
use can lead to dependence C
syndrome - a cluster of U
behavioural, cognitive, and S
physiological phenomena that S
develop after repeated substance I
use and that typically include a O
strong desire to take the drug, N
difficulties in controlling its use,
persisting in its use despite
harmful consequences, a higher
priority given to drug use than to
other activities and obligations,
increased tolerance, and
sometimes a physical withdrawal

3. Enlist the causes 3 min. CAUSES OF SUBSTANCE C What are the causes
of substance ABUSE: H of substance
abuse A abuse ?
There are many reasons why a R
person may turn to the abuse of T
drugs and/or alcohol. The S
following are the causes and risk
factors that experts in the field of
addiction believe to be true in
terms of what makes some
individuals more susceptible to
abusing substances than others:
Genetic: Researchers have H
discovered a set of genes that A
can make an individual R
vulnerable to developing a T
substance abuse problem. Given S
this information, if a person has
a first-degree relative who has C
struggled with substance abuse, U
addiction, and/or chemical M
dependency, that individual is at
risk of also struggling with
similar challenges at some point
during his or her lifetime. D
Environmental: In addition to S
genetic influences, the S
environment and places one C
spends most of his or her time U
can have an impact on whether S
or not an individual will come to S
abuse substances. For example, I
those who are exposed to O
substance abuse from an early N
age are vulnerable to also
abusing substances if they lack
effective coping skills and
proper social support.
Additionally, if an individual
resides in an impoverished area,
has a history of experiencing
trauma, or associates him or
herself with others who also
abuse drugs and/or alcohol, there
is a higher risk for substance
abuse to occur at some point in
that person’s life.

Psychological Factors

General rebelliousness

Sense ofinferiority

Poor impulse control

Low self-esteem

Inability to cope with the

pressures of living and
society (poor stress
management skills)

Loneliness, unmet needs

Desire to escape from

Desire to experiment, a
sense of adventure

• Machoism
• Sexual immaturity

Psychiatric disorders:
Substance use disorders are
more common in depression,
anxiety disorders
(particularly social phobias),
personality disorder
(especially antisocial
personality) and occasionally
in organic brain disease and

Risk Factors:

 Possessing an impulsive

 Possessing a novelty-
seeking temperament

 Personal history of

 Family history of
substance abuse,
addiction. and/or
chemical dependency

 Family history of mental

health concerns

 Personal history of
mental health concerns

 Living in an
impoverished area

 Lacking coping skills

 Having an inadequate
support system

4. Types of drugs 2 min TYPES OF DRUGS ABUSED IN Verbally What are different
abused in SUBSTANCE ABUSE: types of drugs
substance abuse The major dependence producing abused ?
drugs are:
• Alcohol
• Opioids
• Cannabis
• Cocaine
• Amphetamines and other
• Hallucinogens, e.g. LSD,
• Sedatives and hypnotics, e.g.
• Inhalants, e.g. volatile solvents
• Nicotine
• Other stimulants, e.g. caffeine
5. Enlist signs and 3 min Pamphlets What do you know
symptoms of Signs and Symptoms of about signs and
substance abuse Substance Abuse symptoms of drug
abuse ?
Behavioral symptoms:

 Possessing drug

 Abusing drugs and/or

alcohol in situations that
could be dangerous

 Poor occupational

 Missing work

 Failing to adhere to
responsibilities and

 Failed attempts at ending

one’s substance abuse

 Abusing a substance
despite a desire to stop

 No longer participating in
activities that were once

Physical symptoms:

 Fluctuations in weight

 Nausea

 Increased energy

 Fatigue

 Sleep changes

 Slurred speech

 Vomiting

 Bloodshot eyes

 Excessive perspiration

 Tremors

 Injection marks caused by

intravenous drug use

 Headaches

 Poor hygiene

Cognitive symptoms:

 Delusions

 Poor decision making

 Impaired judgment

 Slowed though processes

 Psychosis

 Poor concentration

 Suicidal ideation
 Difficulty focusing

 Memory loss

 Hallucinations

Psychosocial symptoms:

 Agitation

 Irritability

 Abrupt changes in mood

 Temperament changes

 No longer interested in
activities that were once

 Depression

 Anxiety

6. Explain effects 3 min Pamphlets What do you know

of substance Effects of Substance Abuse about different
abuse effects of substance
If a person continues to abuse abuse ?
substances without seeking
professional help:

 Development of certain
types of cancers

 Job loss

 Financial difficulties

 Interaction with the legal


 Development or worsening
of mental health concerns

 Malnutrition
 Hindered immune system

 Heart failure

 Damage to vital organs

 Poor lung functioning

 Exposure to viruses,
including HIV and hepatitis

 Stroke

 Seizures

 Coma

 Overdose

 Self-harm

 Suicidal ideation

 Demise of meaningful

 Loss of child custody

 Irreversible cognitive

 Memory loss

Co-Occurring Disorders

The following mental health

conditions are among those that
people can suffer from at the
same time as a substance abuse

 Borderline personality

 Bipolar disorder
 Depressive disorders

 Posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD)

 Attention-
disorder (ADHD)

 Antisocial personality

 Anxiety disorders

7. Explain signs of 2 min Pamphlets What do you know

withdrawal and Effects of Withdrawal and about withdrawal
overdose Overdose symptoms and
overdose of abused
Effects of withdrawal: The drugs ?
following are signs and effects
of withdrawal, which also
suggest that a person is in need
of treatment for his or her

 Cravings

 Seizures

 Bone pain

 Muscle pain

 Suicidal ideation

 Nausea

 Vomiting

 Anxious feelings

 Paranoia

 Depression

Effects of overdose: For many

substances of abuse, there is an
ever-present risk of overdose
when drugs and/or alcohol are
used on an ongoing basis.
Depending on the substance that
is being abused, the telltale
warning signs of overdose can
vary. If any of the following
occur, it should heed as a
warning that emergency medical
attention is needed in order to
prevent a grave outcome:

 Seizures

 Losing consciousness

 Dizziness

 Disorientation

 Labored breathing

 Stroke

 Chest pains

 Heart failure

 Psychosis

 Confusion

 Skin tone changes

8. Explain 3-4 a) Place the client in a room near Verbally What is evaluation
evaluation of min the nurse's station or where the of substance abuse
substance abuse staff can observe the client patients?
patient closely.
(b) Monitor the client's sleep
pattern; he may need to be
restrained at night if confused or
if he wanders or attempts to
climb out of bed.
(c) Decrease environmental
stimuli (bright lights, television,
visitors) when the client is
restless, irritable or tremulous.
(d) Institute seizure precautions
(padded tongue blade and airway
at bedside, raised side-rails, etc.)
(e) Reorient the client to person,
time, place and situation as
(f) Talk to the client in simple,
direct, concrete language.
(g) Certain clinical signs lead to
the suspicion that drugs are
being injected: needle tracks and
thrombosed veins, wearing
garments with long sleeves, etc.
IV use should be suspected in
any patient who presents with
subcutaneous abscesses or
(h) Behavioral changes: Absence
from school or work, negligence
of appearance, minor criminal
offences ,isolation from former
friends and adoption of new
friends in a drug culture.
9. Prevention of 5 min Prevention: What is prevention
substance V of substance
E abuse ?
 Resist social pressures to B
engage in substance use A
 Strenghten self-esteem L

 Improve decision-making
and communication skills

 Manage stress and


Other prevention strategies


 Increasing taxes on
tobacco and alcohol
products to reduce use,
particularly among
young people

 Reducing the availability

of excess prescription

 Restricting advertising of
addictive substances,
particularly to young

 Restricting marketing of
addictive substances in
ways that appeal to youth

10. Summarization 1 min o What is substance abuse?

o Causes of substance abuse?
o What are effects of substance abuse?
o What are signs and symptoms of substance abuse?
o What are signs of withdrawal and overdose ?
o What is prevention of substance abuse ?
11. Recaptualizatio 1 min Today , I discussed with you about :
n  Substance abuse
 Causes of substance abuse
 Types of drugs mostly abused
 Effects of substance abuse
 Signs and symptoms of substance abuse
 Signs of withdrawal and overdose
 Evaluation of substance abuser
 Prevention of substance abuse


 CASA Columbia. (2012). Addiction medicine: Closing the gap between science and

 CASA Columbia. (2011). Adolescent substance use: America's #1 public health problem.

 Sadock BJ, sadock VA. Kaplan &Sadock’s Synopsis of psychiatry. 10th ed. Lippincott.
 Mary CT. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. 4th ed. F.A.Davis.

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