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Jinji Zhang│​GitHub​ ​LinkedIn​ ​Medium​ ​Email 


Software Engineer 
1887 20th Avenue 
San Francisco, CA 
(978) 727-4140  

C, Python, Bash, JavaScript, Unix/Linux, GCC, Emacs, Git, Regex, JSON, CSS, HTML, ASM, Makefiles, Test 
Driven Development, Technical Writing, Teaching, Public Speaking. 

AirBnB Clone, Console 1.0​​, ​Web Static​ ​NOV 2018 
Wrote a command interpreter to manage our AirBnB objects in a team of 2 to allow serialization 
and deserialization of object instances to and from a JSON File. I helped implement the 
command line interpreter, adding alternative/flexible syntax for commands. I wrote unittests and 
documentation for the console.  
This project laid out the foundation for the rest of our AirBnB clone. This was our first time 
creating a command line interface in Python and utilizing file storage for object persistence.  

Monty ByteCode Interpreter​​ ​SEPT 2018 

Wrote a byte code interpreter for scripting language Monty, written by Julien Barbier, in a team of 
I built the main function which parses a Monty byte code file that checks for opcodes and executes 
the appropriate function if valid. I wrote many of the opcode functions and led my team in building 
clean, well-tested, modular code. 
This project was my first time implementing a stack data structure with a doubly linked list and my 
first time building a bytecode interpreter. Leadership and Product Management was also a big 
aspect of this project. 

Custom Shell​​ - ​AUG 2018 

Wrote a custom UNIX shell that handles the PATH and executes commands in both interactive 
and non-interactive mode. Focused on understanding how processes work under the hood and 
how the shell parses arguments. 

Holberton School, San Francisco, CA ​- Software Engineering 
June 2018 - April 2019 

San Francisco Conservatory of Music, SF, CA ​- Bachelor of Music, Flute Performance 

September 2012 - May 2017 

Jinji Zhang│​GitHub​ ​LinkedIn​ ​Medium​ ​Email 


Teaching Assistant - Holberton School ​SEPT 2018 - Present 
Assisting Holberton School staff by reinforcing key technical concepts, creating and maintaining 
school culture, assisting with school operations, and providing extra help to students. 

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