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Journal of Earthquake Engineering

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Rei Okadaa; Narutoshi Nakatab; B. F. Spencer† Jr.b; Kazuhiko Kasaic; Saang Bum Kimd
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan b Department of
Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA c
Structural Engineering Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagatsuta Midori-ku
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan d Engineering & Construction Group, Samsung Corporation, Bundang-
Gu Sungnam-Si, Gyonggi-Do, Korea

To cite this Article Okada, Rei , Nakata, Narutoshi , Spencer† Jr., B. F. , Kasai, Kazuhiko and Kim, Saang Bum(2006)
DAMPERS', Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 10: 1, 97 — 125
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/13632460609350589


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Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2006) 97-125
@ Imperial College Press @ Imperial College Press



College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
1-8- 14 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8308, Japan
mkadaQedu. cst.nihon-lr.


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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
205 N. Mathews Awe. Urbana, IL 61801, USA
* nakataQuiuc. edu
t bfsQuiuc. edu

Structuml Engineering Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Nagatsuta Midori-ku Yokohama, Kanagawa 226-8503, Japan
kasaiQserc. titech.


Engineering & Construction Group, Samsung Corporation
270-1, Seohyuun-Dong, Bundang- Gu Sungnam-Sa
Gyonggi-Do, 463-824, Korea
saangbum.kimOsamsung. com

Received 6 April 2005

Reviewed 15 August 2005
Accepted 16 August 2005

The objective of this paper is to introduce a Rational Polynomial Approximation (RPA)

method for modelling the response of structures that contain discrete elements with
linear frequency-dependent stiffness and damping characteristics. The RPA method con-
sists of two steps: First, system identification is performed to obtain a rational polyno-
mial approximation for the system's transfer functions. Then, a time-domain model for
the system is realised. The main advantage of the RPA method is that the resulting
model is a system of ordinary differential equations, facilitating time history analysis
of both linear and nonlinear structures using standard time-step integration algorithms
and procedures.
Vicoelastic (VE) dampers comprise one of the primary classes of frequency-
dependent dampers with both frequency-dependent stiffness and damping. VE dampers
are used for mitigation of seismic- and wind-induced structural vibration. When using
VE dampers in analysis, effective modelling of the frequency-dependent characteristics
of the VE damper plays a key role in accurate simulation of structural responses.
Following a description of the theory behind the RPA method, the efficacy of the
method 1s verified through several nunierical examples employing VE damped structures.
The results are compared with Kasai's fractional derivative model for VE dampers.
98 R. Gkoda e t al.

Appiication of the RPA method to nonlinear structures is also given. The RPA method
n be effective and efficient for modelling VE damped structure.
is s n ~ n to

Keyrcorris: Rational polynomial approximation; frequency domain system identification;

frquenq-dependent materials; viscoelastic damper; time history response analysis.

1. Introduction
To date. numerous studies have been reported on the modelling of frequency-
dependent phenomena (e.g., the interaction between the soil and structures,
[Venanco-Filho, 19971 the loading for offshore structures [Liagre and Niedzwecki,
20031. em). Many kinds of frequency-dependent materials also have been studied
and tested in the last decade [Dressel, 1998; Ymeri et al., 2001).
Among these frequency-dependent materials, VE (Viscoelastic) materials have
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received significant recent attention for response control in civil engineering struc-
tures. VE materials are used in vibration control devices, termed VE dampers, for
energy absorption. Although their behaviour is usually considered to be linear, a
key issue regarding VE dampers is the adequate modelling of the frequency- and
temperature-dependence of their properties. Adequate modelling of VE dampers
and \X damped structures is very important for analysis and verification of the
performance of such structural systems.
There are two approaches for modelling VE damped structures. The first one
employs a global damping model based on the direct estimation of the modal p r o p
erties ( e g , natural frequencies, mode shapes, damping ratios) of the VE damped
structure. The global damping model can be used for both time history analysis
and response spectra analysis, but it is generally limited to the case where the pri-
mary structure remains elastic. Chang et al. (19931 adopted this model for the time
history analysis of the VE damped structure based on the conventional modal super-
position methods. Kasai et al. [I9931 discussed the accuracy of the global damping
model with regard to simulation of global responses as well as local responses of
the dampers and the surrounding members.
The second approach uses a local damping model in which the frequency depen-
dence of the VE damper is expressed directly. This model can be used for time
history analysis based on direct integration of the equations of motion; therefore,
it can be used for a structure having nonlinear characteristics.
blodels for the constitutive behaviour of VE material have been proposed by a
number of researchers using fractional derivatives [Chang e t al., 1993; Kasai and
Okuma 20041. Kasai and Okuma [2004] presented a fractional derivative model
using frequency-dependent storage and loss modules. This model can also capture
the temperature-dependence of the properties of the VE damper using the so-
called '-Temperature-frequency equivalence principle". For example, the storage and
loss modulus kom 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz at 0°C are equivalent to those parameters from
3.8 Hz to 380Hz a t 20°C.Likewise, the parameters at 40°C are equivalent to those
from 0.091Hz to 0.910Hz a t 20°C. The accuracy and flexibility of the fractional
RPA Modelling for Analysis of Structures with VED 99

derivative model for VE dampers have been examined and verified for a wide range
of temperatures and excitation frequencies [Chang et al., 19951. Although this model
accurately simulates the damper responses, it can not be analyzed using standard
time history analysis tools, but rather requires implementation of special algorithms
[Chang et al., 19951. Therefore, many approximate methods using conventional
models have been proposed to more simply represent the behaviour of VE dampers.
Kasai and Okuma [2001]proposed a practical approach for representing the VE
damper with a simple Kelvin model. The model parameters are set at the resonant
frequency of the VE damped structure; good agreement with the fractional deriva-
tive model was obtained in the vicinity of the resonant frequency. However, this
Kelvin model does not necessarily capture the actual behaviour of the VE damper
over a broad range of frequencies. In particular, inaccurate results can occur when
Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

the excitation frequency is lower than the resonant frequency. This limitation affects
simulation of a high-frequency VE damped structure under earthquake loading,
since the dominant frequency of the earthquake input can be comparatively low.
Kasai and Okuma [2002], therefore, proposed a method to calibrate the parameters
of the Kelvin model by considering both the resonant frequency and the dominant
excitation frequency.
Use of the Kelvin model was also examined by Soda and Takahashi [1997] and
Huang et al. [1999]. To more accurately represent the behaviour of VE damped
structures, use of models with more damper and spring elements was proposed by
researchers such as Soda and Takahashi [2000] and Kaneko and Nakarnura [1998].
The parameters of these models are typically calculated based on a least squares
approximation of the experimentally obtained storage and loss coefficients of the VE
damper. Soda and Takahashi [I9971 also proposed a Fourier transform approach.
Based on the relationship between the displacement as input and the load as output,
the equivalent stiffness and damping are estimated. In their approach, an arrange-
ment of Kelvin-Voigt elements was used to approximate the damper's frequency
dependence. The number of elements required will depend on the kind of VE mate-
rial and the target frequency range. As with the RPA method proposed in this
paper, the advantage of this class of models is that commercial modelling programs
can be employed to simulate the response of the resulting structural system. The
disadvantage is that the frequency-dependent characteristics of the system that can
be represented limited both in variety and form by the various combinations of the
spring and damper elements.
In this paper, a new approach using a rational polynomial approximation (RPA)
method is introduced for modelling the response of structures that contain discrete
elements with linear frequency-dependent stiffness and damping characteristics.
The RPA method consists of two steps: First, system identification is performed
to obtain a rational polynomial approximation for the system's transfer function.
Then, a time-domain model for the system is realised. The main advantage of the
RPA method is that the resulting model is a system of ordinary differential equa-
tions, facilitating time history analysis of both Linear and nonlinear structures using
100 R. Okada e t al.

standard time-step integration algorithms and procedures. FolIowing a descrip

tion of the theory behind the RPA method, the efficacy of the method is verified
through several numerical examples employing VE damped structures. The results
of the RPA method are compared with Kasai's fractional derivative model for VE
dampers. Application to nodnear structures is also gwen. The RPA method is
shown to be effective and efficient for modelling structures that include frequency-
dependent damping and stiffness devices.

2. Rational Polynomial Approximation Method

The transfer function of a linear, time-invariant, dynamical system contains a com-
plete description of the system and can be represented as a ratio of two polynomials
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in the Laplace variable, s. The transfer function is complex-valued and represents

the relationship between the steady-state input and output of the system as a func-
tion of frequency. This section describes the basic concepts behind the RPA method
for estimating the transfer function of a dynamical system and shows how the RPA
method can be used to model structures with frequency dependent behaviour.

2.1. Basic concept

In the frequency domain, the relationshp between the inputs and the outputs of a
linear time-invstriant dynamical system is given by:

where ~ ( s )termed
, here as the target transfer function matrix, is a complex-valued
function of the LapIace variable, s. v(s) and y ( s ) are the Laplace transforms of the
input and output time histories v(t) and y ( t ) , xespectively. The target transfer
function matrix ~ ( s can ) be obtained either experimentally or born appropriate
modelling t e c h n i q u ~ .
In the RPA method, a.n approximate transfer function matrix H(s) is sought
which adequately represent HIS) and takes the following form:

where the kl entry in H(s) represents the transfer function between vl(s) and yk(s)
and can be written s Hkl (s) = %. The numerator and denominator polynomials
can be expressed as

The roots of the denominator polynomial, d ( s ) , are called poles. The magnitudes of
the poles correspond t o the undamped natural frequencies of the system. The roots
of the numerator polynomial, nk'(s), are called zeros of the transfer function Hk[(s).
RPA Modelling for Analysis of Structures with VED 101

The order of denominator and numerator polynomials are q 'and p k l : respectively,

and have to be chosen to capture adequately the dynamic behaviour of the target
transfer function H(s) over the frequency range of interest. Transfer functions that
can be represented as in Eq. (2) can be realised as systems of ordinary differential
equations, thus allowing the use of all the standard tools for linear system theory.
The parameters, bkl,. . . ,b,ki, , a l , . . . , a q , can be determined using the least
square method minimising the following equation:

where s = j w in Eq. (Z),j = G,and urnin 5 w 5 w,,, is the frequency range

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of interest.
Kim et ai. [2005] developed an efficient and accurate method for the problem
given in Eq. (4) for the multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) case. Their method com-
bines a linear least square and two nonlinear methods to improve the approximation.
For computational purpose, Eq. (4) is evaluated at N equally spaced discrete points
in the interval w,i, t o w,,,.

This algorithm will be employed herein.

For the single-input-multi-output (SIMO) case, once the transfer function is
obtained in the form of a rational polynomial in terms of s (i.e. Eqs. (2) and (3)),
it can be realised as a state space representation. If the system is proper (pl 5 q),
then a single-input and multi-output system (with n outputs) can be realised as

where A: B, C:and D are the system matrices; and x is the state vector.

- 0 1 0 .-. 0 - -0-
0 0 1 0
A= , B= 0 ,
0 ... 0 1
--a0 -a1 - - . -aq-2 -aq-l- -1,

C= [ bp bi') . .. b p
b p bl") ... bp)
0 .. .

0 -.. 0
102 R. Okada et al.

The relationship between the transfer function By,(s) and the system matrices are
given by
H,, (s) = c (SI - A)-'B + D. (8)
Therefore, the state space realisation based on the RPA method is seen to allow
us to realise a proper transfer function in the form of ordinary differential equations.
These ordinary differential equations can then be investigated by standard system
analysis tools, which is one of the major advantages of the RPA method.
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. The next sections introduce two approaches, RPAS and RPAD, for frequency
domain system modelling using the RPA method.

2.2. RPAS method

The first approach, called the RPAS method, directly considers the transfer func-
tion for the entire structure. Given the dynamic characteristics of the frequency-
dependent device and an appropriate model of the structure, the equation of motion
of the entire structure with frequency-dependent devices can be written as

where, M, C,,and K, are mass, damping, and stiffness matrices, respectively,

of the structure without the frequency-dependent device; C d ( w ) and Kd(w) are
the frequency-dependent damping and stiffness matrices, respectively, representing
the frequency-dependent device a s installed in the structure. I' is the load influence
coefficient vector which indicates the effect of the excitation, w(t), on the structure.
ii(t), G(t), and u(t) are acceleration, velocity, and displacement vectors, respectively,
relative to the ground.
Taking the Fourier transform of Eq. (9) yields

Thus, the target transfer function matrix for the entire structure from the ground
acceleration to the relative displacement, ~,,(jw), is given by

The RPAS method employs the RPA scheme to estimate the transfer function for
the entire structure by solving the following problem:
RPA Modelling for Analysi.3 of Stmctvres with VED 103

H,, (jw), the approximate transfer function of the entire structure, is a finite order
rational polynomial in w and can be converted into time domain model using the
state space representation.
Alternatively, the experimentally obtained transfer function for the entire struc-
ture can be used in the RPAS method as the target transfer function ~ ( s ) The .
advantage of the RPAS method is that one model represents the entire structure
with frequency-dependent devices; the resulting time domain model is simple, con-
sisting of a relatively low order model. However, the disadvantage of the RPAS
method is that the application is limited to linear structures with a small number
of DOF.
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2.3. RPAD method

A second approach employs the RPA scheme to determine a time domain model
(i.e. a system of ordinary differential equations) that can accurately represent the
behaviour of the frequency-dependent device; this model is then incorporated into
the model of the structure under consideration. This approach is called the RPAD
method and allows for more detailed modelling of the device; additionally, both
linear and nonlinear structure can be considered.
The frequency-dependent behaviour of a device is often expressed as follows:

where fd(t) is the devices reaction force; Cd(u)and K d ( w ) are the frequency-
dependent damping and stiffness coefiicients, respectively; and ud(t) and ud(t) are
the diplacement and velocity of the device in local coordinates. Taking the Fourier
transform of Eq. (13) with displacement as input and force as output, the transfer
function can be written as follows:

Alternatively, the transfer function of the device, Hf,,,(jw), can be obtained

directly from experiments.
The transfer function, &,,(jw), is not always guaranteed to be proper. As can
be seen from Eq. (14),in the case C ~ ( W ) K d ( u ) are constant, then k f d , , ( j w )
is not proper. To get a redisation for the damper that can be implemented in a
computational model, a proper transfer function is required. Note that the following
relation holds for a broad class of problems:

~ i mf
I iW
I (7 = 1 . 2 ) .

For example, consider the case when C d ( w ) and K d ( w ) are constant; for 7 = 1,
Eq. (15) is seen to be satisfied.
104 R. Okada et al.

The W A D method employs the RPA scheme for the target transfer function,
(jw), of the device by solving the following equation:

The approximate transfer function Hfdyd(jw)is a rational polynomial. The input for
this transfer function is not the displacement ud(t), but rather e.
Therefore, For
7 = 1,yd = ud and HfdVd(jw)= Hf,~,(jw). For 7 = 2, yd = iid and Hfdyd(jw)=
Hfdiid(jw).Because the approximate transfer function obtained in this manner is
proper, it can be converted into the state space form as follows:
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where yd(t) is the local input for the damper as described previously; fd(t) is the
damper output force; xd(t) is an internal state vector; and Ad, B d , Cd, and Dd are
system matrices for the state space model of the damper.
A model such as is given in Eq. (17) can be developed for multiple frequency
dependent devices and coupled with the model of the structure as shown in Fig. 1.
The model of the structure can take the form:

where w ( t ) is the excitation vector; fd(t) is the vector of the damper forces; yd(t)
is the vector of local coordinate inputs for the device; y,(t) is the output structural
response vector; x,(t) is the internal state vector for the structure; g(x,(t)) describes
the general behaviour of the structure; B,, C,, D,, and E, are the system matrices
for the state. space representation of the structure; and T is the transformation
matrix from the global structural coordinates to the local device coordinates.
To better illustrate this idea, consider the single damper case in a linear, time-
invariant structure. Noting that in this case g(x,(t)) = ~ , x , ( t ) ,combining Eq. (17)
and Eq. (la), and eliminating yd(t) and fd(t), the state space model of the combined

Excitation * Structure Response


RPAD VE damper

Fig. 1. RPAD simulation model.

RPA hIodelling for Analysis of Strrrctvres with VED 105

structure-damper system can be written in the following manner:

The RPAD method enables the use of standard tools for advanced analysis of the
system. The advantage of the RPAD method is that it does not require the inverse of
a potentially large matrix such as in Eq. ( 1 2 ) for W A S method. Therefore, it is not
limited to the smail number of DOF. Furthermore, RPAD method is not limited
to linear systems and can accommodate vector input excitations. On the other
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hand, the RPAD method is that resulting model is somewhat more complex, and
the associated time domain analysis will require more computation effort. Overall,
the W A D method has powerful capabilities to perform complex analyses of the
structures with frequency-dependent devices.

3. Application to the VE Damped S t r u c t u r e

In this paper, a viscoelastic damper (VE damper) model is used to illustrate the
application of the RPA method. Because of their frequency-dependent nature, VE
dampers are one of the most challenging types of devices to analyse. Simple spring
and dashpot models, so called Kelvin models, cannot adequately represent their
behaviour. Fractional derivative models, Kasai et al. [2001], effectively represent
the VE damper, but require special analysis methods. Therefore, the applicability
of the fractional derivative model is limited to simple cases. The RPA method
is applied to the VE damper here and its modelling performance is evaluated in
comparison with the fractional derivative model.

3.1. V E damped stmctuml model

Many studies have been performed for the modelling VE damper; one of the effec-
tive modelling techniques for VE dampers is the fractional derivative method. The
fractional derivative representation for the frequency-dependent stiffness and the
damping, terms in Eq. ( 1 3 ) , proposed by Kasai et aL [2001] are given by

Ki ( w ) = G .
1 + (a + b) wQ cos (a7r/2) + As
1 + 2awQ cos ( a 7 r / 2 ) + a 2 w 2 ~
= Kd ( w ) , (20)

where G is the static shear modulus of the VE material, and a , b, and cr are mate-
rial constants. As and d are the shear area and the thickness of the VE material,
106 R. Okada et al.

respectively. K i (w) and q d (w) are the storage stiffness and the loss factor, respec-
tively, for the VE damper.
The material constants for the VE damper (Sumitomo 3bf acrylic material called
ISDl11) at 20°C are as follows: a = 5.6 x b = 2.10, CY = 0.558, G = 3.92 x
lo4 ~ / and m As/d
~ = 6.06 m, [Kasai et al., 20011. The frequency-dependence of
the damper storage stiffness and loss factor are shown in Fig. 2.
Single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) and three-degree-of-freedom (3DOF) linear
structures, as well as 3DOF nonlinear structures, are considered in this section. The
structures are based on shear beam modelling with elastic members. Schematics of
the SDOF and 3DOF structures are shown in Fig. 3. The Bouc-Wen hysteresis
model [Wen, 19761 is employed to represent the inelastic elements in the nonlinear
structures. M ,Cfand Kfare the mass, damping and stiffness, respectively, for each
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storey of the frame without VE damper. For the simple Kelvin model, the damping
C d and stiffness Kd coefficients of the VE damper are selected based on the values at
the resonant frequency of the structure with VE damper [Kasai and Okuma, 20011.
Figure 4 shows the transfer function of the VE damper for the Kelvin model in
comparison with the Kasai model. Because both SDOF and 3DOF structures have
the first natural frequency around 1.OH.z; the Kelvin model is selected to match
Kasai model at 1.0 Hz.

Frequency [Hz]

Fig. 2. Frequency-dependent characteristics of VE damper.

RPA Modelling for Analysis of S t m c t v ~ e swith VED 107

I M M = 100 (ton)
C, = 25 (kN dm)
K, = 2820 (kNim)

For Kelvin Model

C, = 152 (kN dm)
K, = 1 106 (kNJm)
(a) SDOF model
Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

(b) 3DOF linear model (c) 3DOF nonlinear model with.

VE damper a t 1st Boor

M =lS(ton)
C, = 3 (kN slm)
K, = 1820 (kN/m)

For Kelvin Model

C, = 152 (kN dm)
K d = 1106 (Wlm)

(d) 3DOF nonlinear model with VE dampers a t all floors

Fig. 3. VE damped structures.
108 R. Okada et al.
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Fig. 4. Transfer functions of the VE damper.

3.2. Application of RPA methods to structures with V E dampers

In this study, the transfer function of the fractional derivative model is used as the
target transfer function in both the RPAS and RPAD methods.

3.2.1. RPAS
The target transfer function. for the W A S method is constructed as in Eq. (11)
with frequency-dependent parameters for the VE damper shown in Fig. 2, and
the structural model properties as shown in Fig. 3. The poles and zeros resulting
from the RPAS method for SDOF and 3DOF models are listed in Table 1. The
SDOF VE damped structure in the RPAS model is represented by four poles and
two zeros. The 3DOF VE damped structure in RPAS model is represented by eight
poles and six zeros. The system matrices for the SDOF and 3DOF time domain
models are listed in Table 2.

3.2.2. RPAD
The target transfer function of the VE damper for the RPAD method, H F ~ , ~ ~ ( ~ w ) ,
is constructed with frequency-dependent parameters in Fig. 2. Figure 4 shows the
transfer function of the VE damper. The poles and zeros of the VE damper model
are listed in Table l(c). The VE damper is represented by six poles and four zeros.
RPA Modelling for Analysis of Structures with VED 109

Table I. Values of zeros and poles.

(a) RPAS SDOF model.
Pole Zero
Real Imag Real Imag

(b) RPAS 3DOF model.

1st floor 2nd floor 3rd floor
Pole Zero Zero Zero
Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

Real =mag Real Imag Real Imag Real Imag

-2.709 20.905 -4.029 19.261 -3.373 23.311 -0.285 19.036
-2.709 -20.905 -4.029 -19.261 -3.373 -23.311 -0.285 -19.036
-1.470 16.019 -0.302 19.075 -0.7368 13.974 -0.174 10.981
-1.470 -16.019 -0.302 -19.075 -0.7368 -13.974 -0.174 -10.981
-0.390 5.563 -21.301 0 -21.969 0 -23.886 0
-0.390 -5.563 -2.840 0 -2.8644 0 -3.552 0
-21.183 0
-2.523 0

( c ) RPAD VE damper model.

Pole Zero
Real Imag Real Imag

The time domain model, the system matrices, of the VE damper model are listed
in Table 2(c). The time domain model of the combined structure-damper system
for the RPAD method can be constructed in Fig. 1 with the VE damper model
obtained here.

3.3. Numerical results for structure with V E damper

To verify the applicability of the RPA method in simulating the responses of the
VE damped structures, simulation results for the linear SDOF and both linear and
nonlinear 3DOF structures with VE damper modelled by the RPAS and the RPAD
methods are presented. The results are compared with the fractional derivative and
Kelvin models both in frequency and time domains.
110 R. Okada et al.

Table 2. System matrices.

(a) W A S SDOF model.

{b) RPAS 3DOF model.

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(c) RPAD VE damper model.

0 0 0 0 0 2.66ef010 0

3.3.1. Transfer fvnction (SDOF)

Figure 5 shows the difference in the transfer functions of Kelvin, W A S and RPAD
models with Kasai model for SDOF structure. The W A S and the W A D models
reproduce the Kasai model very well over the wide frequency range in both mag-
nitude and phase properties whereas the Kelvin model shows the slight difference
in the low frequency range. As inhcated in Sec. 1, accurate representation of the
RPA Modelling for Analysis of Structures with VED 111

(Huw - % w ~ a s a i ) ' ~ u ~wa s a i ( H d 2 ~W- Hd% w b s a i ) I Hdtw ~ a s a i

0.2 -
.......... Kekin W e l 1.3

.-a 0.1 . $d
----- fPAS MDdel
.-0 1.2.
:g OM....................:
a...... *..-
fPAD W e l

C .3.

-0.1 .j 1 ':
a -0.2 : a 0.9 .j

4 . 3- 0.8 f
0 2 4 6 8 1 0 0 2 4 ' 6 8 10
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
- w Kasai - @d% w
Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

@u w *d% w ~asai
0.15, I 0.15, I

Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

(a) Displacement (b) Absolute acceleration
Fig. 5. Difference in transfer function of SDOF system.

VE damper over a wide frequency range is requiied to model its temperature-

dependence. Because o f the excellent agreement, the temperature-dependency of
the VE damper can be included in the RPA models.

3.3.2. Time history response ( S D O F )

In the time domain, harmonic and random excitations are used. Since the low
and resonant frequency ranges are significant in structural modelling, 0.3 Hz and
1.0 Hz harmonic excitations are chosen. The El-Centro NS earthquake record and
band-limited white noise ranging from 0.3 Hz to 10 Hz are selected for the random
Figure 6 shows the difference in displacement and acceleration time histories
of Kelvin, RPAS, and RPAD models with Kasai models. The difference between
Kelvin and Kasai models at 0.3Hz is not quite large compared to the RPAS and
RPAD models. However, there are relatively large differences in both displacement
and acceleration between Kelvin model and Kasai models for the case of 1.OHz.
This result is a limitation of the Kelvin model which is not effective over a wide
range of frequencies. On the other hand, both the RPAS and RPAD methods show
112 R. Okada e t aL

..........KeWin mel
-WAS M e l
-E 0.02,
----- WAD M d e l
.E 0 .
.- -0.02 ..

10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20
Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

l i m e [sec] lime [sec]

(a) Displacement (0.3 Hz) (b) Absolute acceleration (0.3 Hz)

Time [sec] Time [sec]

(c) Displacement (1.0 Hz) (d) Absolute acceleration (1.0 Hz)

-0.01 I -0.4
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time [sec] l i m e [sec]
(e) Displacement (El-Centro) (f) Absolute acceleration (El-Centro)
Fig. 6. DiEerence in time history response of SDOF system.
RPA Modelling for Analysis of Structures with VED 113
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(g) Displacement (White noise) (h) Absolute acceleration (White noise)

Fig. 6 . (Continued)

very good agreements with the Kasai model in displacement and acceleration for
the harmonic excitations.
For the random excitations, El-Centro and band-limited white noise, both the
W A S and W A D methods show very good agreement with the Kasai model in
displacement and acceleration, whereas the Kelvin model differs from the Kasai
model in displacement for the band-limited white noise. This poor performance of
the Kelvin model can be expected from the transfer function in Fig. 5.
These results show that both the RPAS and the RPAD methods can effectively
model the behaviour of VE damped structures.

3.3.3. Transfer function (3DOF)

Figure 7 shows the difference in transfer functions of Kelvin, RPAS and RPAD
models with Kasai model for each floor's displacement and acceleration. The W A D
method shows very good agreement with the Kasai model in all the transfer func-
tions over a wide frequency range. There is a little difference in phase characteristic
between the RPAS and Kasai models at the first floor around 1.8Hz. However, that
frequency is near an unexcitable frequency, which is the system zero, and it does
not affect the response of the model. Overall, the RPAS method also shows good
a*eement with Kasai model in displacement and acceleration transfer functions.
On the other hand, the Kelvin model shows disagreement with Kasai model around
3.8Hz. This is significant in the,first floor displacement.
Similar to the SDOF case, the RPA methods is seen to provide a very precise
model over a wide frequency range for the MDOF system.

3.3.4. Time histo9-g response ( 3 D O F )

Figure 8 shows the difference in displacement and acceleration time histories of
Kelvin, RPAS, and W A D models with Kasai model for 3DOF structure under the
114 R. Okada et aL.

(Huw-Huw k a i ) I H u w bsai ( Hd% w - H d ~w2 ffisai ) Hdu2 w Kasai

1 0.6
.......... Kehrin W e l I
0.5. El-
-----n S M e 4

P i
. ..............................-!
-0.5~ I
0 2 4 6 8 1 0
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
@d2u w - QdZ w h s a i
Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

-15l I
0 2 4 6 8 1 0
Frequency (Hz)
(a) Displacement (1st floor) (b) Absolute acceleration (1st floor)

-0.4 -
0 2 4 6 8
Frquency (Hz)
@U w-@u w ffisai
1 0


4 6 0
Frequency (Hz)
w-odzu w %ai

Frequency (W Frequency (Hz)

(c) Displacement (2nd floor) (d) Absolute acceleration (2nd floor)
Fig. 7. Difference in transfer functions of 3DOF system.
RPA Modelling for Analysis of Structures with VED 115

-0.4 I 4.4
0 2 4 6 8 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 1 0
Frequency (Hz) frequency (Hz)
Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

w - ad2u w ffisai

-101 I -101 I
0 2 4 8 8 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 1 0
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(e) Displacement (3rd Boor) (f) Absolute acceleration (3rd floor)
Fig. 7. (Continued)

...........Kelvin Model
- 0.005
RPAS Model
RPAD Model

(a) 1st floor displacement (0.3 Hz) (b) 1st floor absolute acceleration (0.3 Hz)
Fig. 8. Difference in time history response of 3DOF system (Sinusoidal excitation).
116 R. Okada et al.

-0.01 1 I -0.03 I
10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20
lime [sec] lime [sec]
Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

(c) 3rd floor displacement (0.3 Hz) (d) 3rd floor absolute acceleration (0.3 Hz)

- -0.05
10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time [sec] Time [sec]

(e) 1st floor displacement (1.0Hz) (f) 1st floor absolute acceleration (1.0 Hz)

10 12 14 16
Time [sec]
(g) 3rd floor displacement (1.0 Hz)
18 20
I -0.4
- 12 14 16
Time [sec]
18 20

(h) 3rd floor absolute acceleration (1.0 Hz)

Fig. 8. (Continued)
RPA Modelling for Analysis of Stwctures with VED 117

harmonic and random excitations. For the harmonic excitation at 1.0 Hz, all the
models show very good agreement in both displacement and acceleration.
Similar trends are seen in the random excitation cases (see Fig. 9). For both El-
Centro NS record and band-limited white noise, the RPAS and the RPAD methods
show very good correspondence with the Kasai model; the Kelvin model shows a
slight difference.
The RPAS and the RPAD methods have been shown to capture the behaviour
of the fractional derivative model very well in the frequency and time domain for
both SDOF and 3DOF systems.

3.3.5. 3DOF nonlinear

Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

To illustrate the applicability of the RPAD method to nonlinear structures, addi-

tional time history analyses are conducted here. Nonlinear structures can be

0 5 10 15 20
l i m e [sec]
(a) 1st floor displacement (El-Centro) (b) 1st floor absolute acceleration (El-Centro)

0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Time [s ec] Time [ s e
(c) 3rd floor displacement (El-Centro) (d) 3rd floor absolute acceleration (El-Centro)
Fig. 9. Difference in time history response of 3DOF system (Random excitation)
118 R. Okada et al.

10 12 14 16 18 20
lime [sec] lime [sec]
Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

( e ) 1st floor displacement (White noise) (f) 1st floor absolute acceleration (White noise)

10 12 14 16 18
lime [sec]
(g) 3rd floor displacement (White noise) (h) 3rd floor absolute acceleration (White noise)
Fig. 9. (Continued)

simulated in a similar to linear structures. As shown in Fig. 1, the RPAD damper

model is connected to the structure model in time domain. Consider the 3DOF
nonlinear structures shown in Figs. 3(c) and (d). The Bouc-Wen model is selected
to represent the nonlinearity of the structure at all the floors. To validate the simu-
lation of the RPAD method, simulation results under a band-limited white noise are
compared in three cases: (i) No VE dampers, (ii) VE damper only at the first floor,
and (iii) VE dampers at all the floors. Figures 10 and 11 show the displacement
and force relationship at each floor and the displacement time history, respectively.
Table 3 shows some of the peak values for all the cases. As shown in both the
figures and table, the effect of the VE damper to the nonlinear structures can be
evaluated using the RPAD method. The RPA method enables the simulation of the
frequency-dependent device with the nonlinear structures.
RPA modelling JOT Analysis of Structures with VED 119

i i i i i

I l l

-I0-- I I
I I ,I
-15 " " 'I

-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 4.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1

Displacement (m) Displacement (m) Displacement (m)

1 floor 2ndfloor 3rdfloor

Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

(a) Without VE dampers

1 5 I 1 I i Ii iI i I i / l 5 I1 Ii i I i I i Ii

-15 " " '
-0.1-0.05 0 0.05 0.1
Displacement (rn) Displacement (m) Displacement (m)

1St floor zndfloor 3rdfloor

(b) With VE dampers at the 1st floor

7 : I

Displacement (m) Displacement (m) Displacement (m)

1 floor 2" floor 3' floor

( c ) Without VE dampers at aH Aoors
Fig. 10. Displacement-force relationship in 3DOF nonlinear structures.
120 R. Okada et aL

1 floor 20d floor 3rdfloor

Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

(a) Without VE dampers


- 0.1
- 0.05

5 0

0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
Time (sec) Time (sec) Time (sec)

1'' floor 2ndfloor 3d floor

(b) With VE dampers at the 1st floor

0.15 I 0.15 I 0.15 I

0.05-------1-- -----

005 ------- 1 - - - - - - - . a& -------1


0 5 10' 0 5 10 0 5 10
Time (sac) Time (sec) Time (sec)

1st floor 2ndfloor 3* floor

(c) Without VE dampers at all floors
Fig. 11. Displacement time histories in 3DOF nonlinear structures.
RPA Modelling f o r Analysis of Stmctures with V E D 121

Table 3. Response of 3DOF nonlinear structures.

Without One VE damper VE damper at

VE dampers at 1st floor .all floors
Max storey 1st Floor 0.13043 0.049716 0.052473
drift (m) 2nd Floor 0.095292 0.11387 0.039932
3rd Floor 0.046117 0.058744 0.022141
Max velocity 1st FIoor 0.62596 0.4055 0.40115
(m/sec) 2nd Floor 0.39982 0.52985 0.25993
3rd Floor 0.39341 0.52985 0.15459
Max force 1st Floor 12.3544 6.2408 6.3372
(kN) 2nd Floor 10.4474 10.85 5.0278
3rd Floor &Of564 6.991 3.0529
Max VE 1st Floor 0 8.2321 8.2832
damper 2nd Floor 0
force IkNI 3rd Floor 0
Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

4. Conclusions
In this paper, the RPAS and the RPAD methods are introduced as the frequency-
dependent system identification tools. Both methods are based on the approx-
imation of the model in hequency domain, transfer function, in the rational
polynomials. The time domain models are obtained from the realisation of the
approximate proper transfer functions in the ordinary differential equation form.
The RPAS method is directly applied to the transfer function of the entire struc-
ture including the frequency-dependent device. This approach is quite powerful in
modelling of as-built structures based on measured response data. It can be used for
the assessment of the existing structures. The RPAD method employs the rational
polynomial approximation to the frequency device. The entire structural model is
obtained by combining the realisation of structure and the dampers. This approach
enables the detail analysis of the VE damped structures and is not limited to the
linear system.
As a case study, viscoelastic (VE) damped structures were considered. The VE
damper is one of the chalIenging frequency-dependent models, which a simple Kelvin
model cannot fully represent. Analytical result shows that both the RPAS and the
RPAD methods can capture the behaviour of the Kasai's fractional derivative model
very well over a wide frequency range in both the SDOF and 3DOF linear structures.
Time domain analysis shows very good agreement with the fractional derivative
model for harmonic and random excitations. It is proved that the RPA method
is very effective for modelling of the frequency-dependent systems both in fre-
quency and time domain analysis. Furthermore, simulation of nonlinear structures
with VE dampers is successfully performed to show the applicability of the RPA
The RPA method results in a physically realisable model that could be r e p
resented by ordinary differential equations of finite order. The RPA method can
capture the modelling, such as in fractional derivative method, in wide frequency
122 R. Okada et al.

range in the general representation. The RPA method also allows standard time-
step integration methods to be employed for system analysis. Therefore, the RPA
method is very effective for the modelling and analysis of such frequency-dependent
T h e Matlab code for calculating the responses for the examples in Sec. 3 can be
downloaded at:

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Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

VariabIe Reference Table

s: Laplace variable
w : Frequency
t: Time
v ( s ) : Input scalar to the transfer function
v ( s ) : Input vector to the transfer function
y ( s ) : Output scalar from the transfer function
y ( s ) : Output vector from the transfer function
H ( s ) : Target transfer function
H ( s ): Target transfer function matrix
file1 ( s ) : Target transfer function between yk ( s ) and vl (s)
H ( s ) : Approximate transfer function
H(s); Approximate transfer function matrix
Hkl( s ): Approximate transfer function between yk (s) and vl (s)
n(s): Numerator vector of the approximate transfer function
d(8): Denominator of the approximate transfer function
nkl((s:Numerator of the approximate transfer function
between y k ( s ) and W ( S )
p: Order of the numerator
q: Order of the denominator
ai (i = 0, . . . ,q): Coefficients in denominator
6;' (i = 0, . . . ,p): Coefficients in numerator of the approximate transfer
function between yk(s) and vl(s)
- A, B, C and D: System matrices
M: Mass matrix of the structure
C , : Damping matrix of the structure
K,: Stiffness matrix of the structure
C d ( w ) : Frequency-dependent damping matrix of the damper
K d ( w ) : Frequency-dependent stiffness matrix of the damper
124 R. Okada e t al.

i i ( t ) , $ t ) , and u ( t ) : Acceleration, velocity, and displacement vectors,

I?: Load influence coefficient vector
w ( t ) : Excitation
w ( t ) :Excitation vector
~ , , ( j w ) : Transfer function matrix between excitation w ( t ) and
displacement vector u ( t )
ud(t),ud(t) and u d ( t ): Acceleration, velocity and displacement of the damper,
y: Order of the derivative of damper displacement
p d ( t ) : Input coordinate to a damper
y d ( t ) : Input coordinate vector to a damper
Downloaded By: [INFLIBNET India Order] At: 09:46 7 October 2010

f d ( t ) : Damper force
fd(t): Damper force vector
x d ( t ) : Internal state vector for damper model
x,(t): Internal state vector for structural model
GdUd ( j w ) : Transfer function hom damper displacement to
damper force
A d , Bd, C d and D d : System matrices of the damper model
. A,, B,, C,, D, and E,: System matrices of the entire structural model
g ( x , ( t ) ) : Differential equation matrix
T: Transformation matrix from structural coordinate to
damper coordinate
G: Static shear modulus of VE material
a, b and a: the VE material constants
As and d: the shear area and the thickness of the VE material,
KA ( w ) : Storage stiffness for the VE damper
q d ( w ) : LOSSfactor for VE damper

To simulate the responses of the structure based on Kasai constitutive rule for VE
damper directly, the following procedure is employed.
(i) Calculate the frequency domain output response:

where, F,(jw) = frequency domain output response. H ( j w ) = transfer function

of Kasai's constitutive rule. Fp(jw) = hequency domain input force. p ( t ) = time a

domain input force.

RPA Modelling for Analysis of Structures with VED 125

(ii) Compute the inverse Fourier transform of the frequency domain output
response to get the time domain output response of elastic VE damped structure.

where u ( t )= response of elastic VE damped structure.

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