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English II Course Outline and Expectations

Instructor: Mrs. J. Rochlitz

Contact Information: email –

School Contact: phone – (505) 285-2651

Objective : In our English II course you will study multiple genres of world literature that includes fiction,
non-fiction, poetry, and drama. You as a student will have several opportunities for extensive research
and demonstrate written composition.

Expectations: English II requires students to complete multiple projects, individual reading and writing
assignments, daily homework assignments, and vocabulary. The workload will require individual study
on your part. Regardless of what you choose to pursue in life after high school, you will find that you must
prepare for your class or job on your own time.

Supplies/ Texts Required:

● A 3-ring notebook (at least 1.5”)
● A set of dividers
● Notebook paper
● Blue or Black Pen daily (no assignments in other colors)
● Highlighters
● USB Flash Drive

Required Reading:
Quarter 1 Unit 1 - “Julius Caesar” play by William Shakespeare.
Quarter 1 Unit 2 – To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
Quarter 2 Unit 1 – A Night Divided by Jennifer Nielsen
Quarter 2 Unit 2 – “Dante’s Inferno” epic poem by Dante Alighieri (found in the Divine Comedy)
Quarter 3 Unit 1 - Beowulf epic poem by Author Unknown
Quarter 3 Unit 2 – Briar Rose by Jane Yolen.

Throughout each quarter you will also be reading various forms of poetry, informational text, and historical
documents for deeper analysis and reflection. *Due dates and order of reading subject to change.

Homework: You will be responsible for reading the assigned reading at home. Copies will be provided
digitally through the class Weebly website. For students who do not have access to technology, hard copies
will be provided. You will usually have daily homework; the assignment is due the next class day.

**Work not printed and brought to class in hard copy form when class begins is considered LATE.
You will be able to submit some assignments electronically and they will be due before class
begins on the due date.

**If you are not in class on the day a major assignment is due, you are still expected to submit it to
before the due date/time, so please plan ahead. If it is an excused absence, this is the ONLY time
that you do not have to turn in a hard copy.

 Handouts from class will be available for download on the class website. It is your responsibility to
obtain copies of any notes and work that you missed. For questions you need to see me before
school or during lunch; DO NOT interrupt class in order to get make-up assignments.

 The number of days you are absent is the number of days you have to complete your missed

 If you miss a test or a quiz, you must make it up the day you return. I am here at 7:00 a.m. every
morning for make-ups or you can take it in Mrs. Cunningham’s room during lunch. If there was no
notice of the quiz or test before your absence speak with me to arrange a date and time to make up
the test or quiz.

Late Policy: I do NOT accept late work. If a student knows that he/she is going to be absent, that
student must make arrangements to turn in his/her work prior to the absence. If a student is absent due
to illness, the student must have a homework request slip from the front office to receive make-up work.
You have as many days you were absent to complete the missing assignments. If the assignment was due
the day you missed, you MUST submit it the day upon your return. If a student is absent for three or
more days, it is recommended that a parent request the student’s work and pick up the work at the high
school. .

Classroom Procedures
 Going to the Restroom: Please go to the restroom during the passing period. Unless it is an
emergency, you will only be permitted to go the bathroom during a transition point in the class.
Do not interrupt class to ask for permission to go to the restroom

 End of Class: Remain seated until I dismiss you. Even if the bell has rung, please wait until I wrap
up the class in order to avoid missing important final comments or reminders.

 Please note that I do allow food and drinks; however, if students consistently leave a mess in class,
then this privilege will be taken away.

Academic Dishonesty (Cheating and Plagiarism)

Cheating or plagiarizing on an assignment or test will result in a zero being recorded for that assignment or test. In
addition, cheating and plagiarism is considered a conduct violation and is subject to additional disciplinary
measures which includes several days in the In School Suspension room.

You are expected to complete your own work, express your own ideas, and abide by the Grants High School
Student Handbook. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Plagiarism is the taking
of another’s work or ideas and claiming them as your own; as such, it is literally intellectual theft. Plagiarism
includes failure to cite information gained from outside sources using proper, MLA-formatted documentation.
Cheating includes (but is not limited to) copying another student’s work, asking another student what is on a test
or quiz, using cheat sheets on assessments, collaborating with another student on an individual assignment,
providing your own work to another student for his/her use, and copying and pasting from the internet.
Strategies for Success in English II

Complete all work on time and with maximum effort.

Read all literature assigned, and annotate as much as possible.
Do your reasoning and inferences. Do not look to Sparknotes or Wikipedia to do your thinking
for you.
Participate actively in all class activities and discussions. Ask questions of your teacher and
classmates frequently.
Take responsibility for yourself. This includes asking for help or tutoring when you need extra

Campus Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones should remain in your backpack, unless otherwise directed, until the end of class.
Student handbook policies and disciplinary steps will be followed.

English II Acknowledgement of Expectations

I ___________________________________ have read and understand the expectations of English II outlined in the
course syllabus. I also understand that my grade in this class is contingent upon my level of effort and my
ability to prioritize to complete the necessary assignments for the class.

______________________________ (Print Student Name) __________________________________ (Print Parent/Guardian Name)

______________________________ (Student Signature) __________________________________ (Parent Signature)

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