Urban Issues and Challenges Revision

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Urban issues and challenges revision

Define the following key terms:

1. Migration 5. Natural increase

2. Push factor 6. LIC
3. Pull factor 7. NEE
4. Urbanisation

Explain why rates of urbanisation in HIC’s has slowed over the last 50 years.

Explain why rates of urbanisation in LIC’s has increased over the last 50 years.

Name 3 characteristics shared by megacities around the world (so HIC and LIC).

Name 5 megacities in the world.

Using this map describe the patterns of urban living in the


Describe AND explain the changes in population by state

since 2010.
Urban issues and challenges revision

Define the following key terms:

1. Tourist hotspot. 5. Secondary Sector work.

2. Informal Economy 6. Tertiary Sector work.
3. Formal Economy 7. Multiplier effect.
4. Primary Sector work. 8. Favela

Give 3 reasons why Rio is an internationally important city. 3 reasons why it is nationally important. Be specific.

Give 3 push factors of the countryside in Brazil. Give 3 pull factors of Rio de Janeiro.

Explain 3 social opportunities that Rio provides to residents.

Describe the patterns shown in the 3 graphs below.

Explain how these patterns are connected and linked together.

Name 3 specific interventions or policies that could have produced the patterns seen in the graphs above in Rio.

To what extent do you agree that urban planning in Rio has solved issues that resulted from its growing population?
Are there any areas left to improve?
Urban issues and challenges revision

Define the following key terms:

1. HIC 5. Urban deprivation

2. Urban sprawl 6. E-waste
3. Traffic congestion 7. Landfill
4. Urban greening 8. Redevelopment
Explain the difference between greenfield sites, brownfield sites and greenbelt land.

Give 3 reasons why London is nationally important. Give 3 reasons it is internationally important. Be specific.

Describe and explain how the ethnic make-up of London compares to other areas of the UK.

Do a field sketch of both of the photos below. Remind yourself of the success criteria.

What evidence is there to support the notion that London is an economically divided city?

Give 3 positive and 3 negative impacts of urban sprawl.

Explain how a city could try and ease traffic congestion.

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