Updated Cbe Confidentiality Agreement 2016

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This Schedule "B" is to be read, understood and signed by each

Practicum Student and Instructor prior to commencement of the
Practicum. Each Practicum Student and Instructor is required to
bring the originally signed copy to the CBE school prior to the
start of the Practicum placement.

I, ______________________________________________ (print or type name of Practicum Student

or Instructor) (the "Individual"), in consideration for my participation in a practicum student program
with The Calgary Board of Education (“CBE”) as part of my post-secondary institute studies or as
an instructor at the post-secondary institution instructing such student in respect to the practicum
student program and being granted access to CBE facilities in connection therewith, agree to and
accept the following:

1. It is the Individual’s responsibility to become familiar with and abide by the regulations,
rules, policies and administrative regulations established by CBE as posted from time to
time on CBE's website at www.cbe.ab.ca, as amended from time to time.

2. The Individual shall not make any direct or indirect use of any CBE Confidential
Information for his or her own personal gain or for any purpose other than as required for
participation in the CBE practicum ("Practicum") and shall not disclose any CBE
Confidential Information to any person, except as required by law or court order and
except to my post-secondary institution instructor/supervisor as required for the purpose
of the Practicum and on a confidential basis. "CBE Confidential Information" means all
information that is of a confidential or proprietary nature now or hereafter existing related
to the business, operations, assets and/or management of CBE, including without
limitation: (i) information, knowledge or data of an intellectual, technical, scientific,
commercial or industrial nature, or of a financial cost, pricing or marketing nature relating
to the business operations of the CBE; (ii) "personal information", as that term is defined
by applicable privacy laws (and, if applicable "health information" as that term is defined
by the Health Information Act (Alberta) ("HI Act")), of any CBE Student, parent, agent,
volunteer, trustee or employee, that is provided by CBE or is otherwise created, obtained
or collected by the Individual in the course of the Practicum; and (iii) any information
supplied by CBE that is expressly identified "Confidential", and all copies, extractions,
summaries and derivatives thereof, but shall not include information that is, as shown by
documented and competent evidence, in the public domain through no fault of the
Individual, or at the time of disclosure was already known to the Individual on a
confidential basis.

3. The Individual shall not use CBE's name, logo or any trade-mark for any promotional
purposes or public announcements in respect of this Agreement.

4. All of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be carried out by the Individual in
compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta)
("FOIP") and, if applicable, the HI Act and any other applicable statutes and laws,
including those regarding confidentiality of personal information, and individual records.

5. The Individual shall not directly or indirectly collect, access, use or disclose CBE student,
parent, agent, volunteer, trustee, employee or consultant personal information (as
defined in FOIP) or, if applicable, health information (as defined in the HI Act) obtained by
or provided to the Individuals in the course of or related to the Practicum to any third
party or for any other purpose than in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and
applicable laws. The Individual shall also ensure that any such personal information in its
possession or control, is not accessed, stored or processed outside Canada.

6. The Individual acknowledges that information and records maintained or provided by the
Individual to the CBE under this Agreement may be subject to the protection and access
provisions of FOIP and other applicable privacy laws. Should CBE receive a request for
any of these records, the Participant shall forward the records, at its expense, to CBE
within five (5) business days of CBE's notification to do so. The Individual agrees to
return to CBE forthwith upon completion of his or her Practicum all such information or
records and copies thereof in his custody or control retain such records for no less than
the period prescribed by applicable privacy laws, following the Practicum.

7. The Individual shall advise CBE immediately in writing of a breach of privacy of "personal
information" or "health information" of any CBE student, parent, volunteer, trustee or
employee, or of a loss of any associated record of which the Individual is aware, and
shall take all reasonable and prompt measures to prevent any further breaches or losses.

8. The Individual acknowledges that title to and all intellectual property rights in works
created by or contributed to by the Individual during the Practicum shall vest in CBE and
he or she shall transfer and assign to CBE all of his or her rights and interests therein and
waive his or her moral rights therein.

9. The provisions set out herein shall survive the completion or early termination of the

10. This Agreement is governed by Alberta laws.

[Remainder of this page intentionally left blank.]

11. The Individual is over the age of 18 years and has executed this Agreement voluntarily,
read and understood the provisions hereof.

Signed at Calgary, Alberta this ______ day of ___________________, 20___.

CBE School: ____________________________________________________________

(Witness Signature) ) (Practicum Student's or Instructor's Signature)

(Print Witness Name) ) (Print Name)

(The information provided on and with this form is collected under the authority of the Post-
Secondary Learning Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP)
Section 33(c). It will be used to meet requirements for practicum placement course work. Your
personal information is protected by Alberta's FOIP and can be reviewed on request. If you have
any questions about the collection or use of this information, please contact the CBE's FOIP
Coordinator at (ph) (403) 817-7989.)

(CBE Principal Signature) )

(Print CBE Principal Name) )



Principal to keep this Agreement on file at the CBE school. The Practicum
Student/Instructor shall receive a copy.

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