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NAME OF STUDENT Dian Dewi Novianty


STUDENT ID NUMBER 220110140019



Atlastieka Praptiwi, S.Kep., Ners., MNurs
Ryan Hara Permana, S.Kep.,Ns.,MN.
20 June, 2016; 04.00 pm

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Signature of Student: Date: 19/06 /2016

Dian Dewi Novianty


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Type 2 Diabetes Is Strongly Influenced by Lifestyle

Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the patient's body does not receive enough
insulin or because of resistance to insulin , causing blood sugar levels to be high. insulin
resistance , which is the first factor that causes type 2 diabetes occurs because :

1. Insulin produced by the beta cell in pancreas is defect

2. The amount of receptor in cells is much lower than in normal conditions
3. Insulin can not bonded to receptors

In contrast with type 1 diabetes who have autoimmune due to genetic factors , patients with
type 2 diabetes not. Insulin resistance is not a genetic disease or declined, although
individuals with insulin resistance have a special gene that makes it resistant to insulin .
Experts agree that insulin resistance caused by lifestyle or unhealthy diet . It makes one's
primary factor for insulin resistance.

As has been explained that the main factor for cause type 2 diabetes is not due to
genetic , but lifestyle living wrong or unhealthy diet. The lifestyle can affect type 2 diabetes ,
among others :

1. Rarely exercise : Physical activity has many benefits . in fact you can still avoid type
2 diabetes if you are a healthy lifestyle , such as regular exercise ( jogging for 30
minutes , bersepada , swimming , and etc).
2. Selection of unhealthy eating : food that is filled with fat and less fiber ( which can be
obtained from grains , vegetables , and fruits ) it will increase your chances of
developing type 2 diabetes and also reduce foods that are high in sugar.
3. Overweight / obesity : Lack of exercise and unhealthy food choices can cause obesity
, or even worse . Overweight can make the body to become resistant ( immune) to
insulin and cause many other diseases.

According arikel which I got the research by Professor , Community Medicine, Yenepoya
Medical College and Research Consultant , Yenepoya University , using method the literature
review was a search for design databases for publications in 1990- 2006 that identified
reports on lifestyle interventions designed to Prevent or modify risk factors and to control
type 2 diabetes that “obesity is a major factor of the wrong lifestyle that can lead to type 2
diabetes, and in developed countries of 40-60 % of type 2 diabetics are people that his BMI >
25 and also those who are not control their lifestyle, explained also that after doing research

decreasing sugar levels in diabetics occurs after people began to live a healthy life , sports
like ( yoga ) are effective for lowering insulin and also set up a balanced diet , it significantly
decreased glucose levels gradually declined be normal”. I agree with this article because of
its many cases of people affected by diabetes was due to wrong lifestyle , because first
because the modern era makes people often forget and do not pay attention to the food that is
good for health , for example, prefer fast food (junkfood)than that created itself , second
much of his work is done so often do not remember to exercise, exercise can actually
improve stamina and health for our bodies and make us avoid the various types of diseases
and last who think only moment, regardless of the impact on health.

conclusion that for type 2 diabetes as a major factor not genetic , but lifestyle is not
true. Although genetic factors also have an effect , but if we are now beginning to do the
healthy lifestyle , such as regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy
weight , it can minimize their risk of type 2 diabetes . Because there is a saying that healthy
it's cheap it's which expensive when ill want to feel healthy again .


WHO. 1998. Prevention and Control of Diabetes mellitus. Dhaka& Bangladesh

Price, Sylvia A and Wilson, Lorraine M. 2012. Patofisiologi. Konsep Klinik Proses-
proses Penyakit. Jakarta : EGC

Wing RR., Venditti E., Jakicic JM, Polley BA. ,Lang W. 1998,21(3):350-359. Lifestyle
Intervention in Overweight Individuals With a Family History of Diabetes.

Boyle JP, Honeycutt AA, Narayan KM, HoergerTJ, Geiss LS, Chen H, et al. 2001. impact of
changingdemography and disease prevalence. U.S : Diabetes Care.

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