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Minutes of the Meeting of the

Helmsdale and District Development Group

held on the 19 August 2010 in the Community Centre

Lucy Fraser (Chairman)
Valery George (Secretary)
Pete Carson (LDO)
Barbara Jappy
Alex Jappy
Nicola Henderson
Rachel Skene
Karen Sutherland
The Chairman read out the apologies.
The Chairman asked for approval of minutes of the previous meeting.
Approval of the Minutes
Acceptance of Minutes proposed by Nichola Henderson and seconded by Alex Jappy .
The Chairman introduced Jon Priddy, of Community Energy Scotland, & expressed the
Groups thanks for taking the time to attend this meeting.
She continued by explaining about the two studies that had been done that designated
Helmsdale & District as a ‘fragile rural economy. We were then invited by HIE to become
a Community Account Managed area, by agreeing to this we were then funded by
HIE/Leader to employ a Local Development Officer. Since then we have undertaken
consultation exercises with local groups and the wider Community and have now a draft
plan. There has also been a Residents survey done by an independent consultant. The
main aim of the Group was to achieve a sustainable future for Helmsdale & District and
Renewable Energy was high on the list.
Jon Priddy thanked the Chairman and said that he would explain, in broad terms about his
company – Community Energy Scotland (CES). He continued by saying that the work
came under two broad headings:-
1 Asset Based
2 Income Generating
Asset Based – these are organisations – such as the Community Centre & Timespan,
looking to make themselves more energy efficient (insulation, pelleted oilers, solar panels
Income Generating – a stand alone Charitable Company earning income from a
community owned renewable energy project (eg wind turbine or hydro unit), with a
Trading Arm with its own projects to generate income to fund other projects.
He stressed that the Community Group who wanted to generate an income from renewable
energy must be very clear in stating their objectives.
Social issues
Aging Population.
(Include supporting Reports / Studies eg UHI Research Project)
He added that a clear manate from the Community was required.
He concluded by giving some examples of CES supported projects.
The Chairman thanked Mr Priddy for atending the meeting.

Minutes of the Meeting of the
Helmsdale and District Development Group
held on the 19 August 2010 in the Community Centre


Pete Carson advised the Committee on projects progress:-
Development Trust - received the application pack and is currently looking at the original
Community Broadband - spoken to the appointed liaison officer. It appears that the main
problem is with the Strath not Helmsdale. To improve this area requires the Kildonan
exchange to be upgraded and the poblem is trying to find the right person to speak to a BT.
He continued that he would speak to the Durness LDO to see what they are doing as a 2-
pronged attack might be more effective.
Coppice / Woodland / Community Garden. - the Coppicing and associated projects is
progressing well with Sutherland Estates giving permission to re-coppice the Marrell wood.
He continued that he had been in touch with the adjacent landowner re utilising the area for
the composting / allotments.
Noticeboard - update
Core Paths - the HC Access Officer had been in contact requesting more information on
the individual paths construction and work required. It was taken to the Community
Council to no avail. Matt Dent agreed to put forward all 5 designated paths.
Coastal Rowing - this is looking very promising with Portsoy, Lybster & Wick involved in
their own boat. The Community needs £1500 to buy the boat kit, but grants are available.
Awaiting a meeting to finalise the details.
Pete Carson concluded by saying that the HDDG would have stand at the Highland Games.
This would give the Community a further opportunity to meet the LDO and view the
projects in progress.
Anne Sutherland asked what records were being kept. Pete Carson replied that there were
detailed sheet on progress of each individual project and the Chairman received a weekly
report. Anne Sutherland said there was Leader funding available - up to 90%, this was a
composite bid for several projects. The Chairman and Anne Sutherland had a discussion on
Leader funding in Sutherland.
The Chairman then suggested that a meeting between herself, Nichola Henderson and Pete
Carson be arranged.
Anne Sutherland said that the base line data had shown a positive picture, with a high
percentive of incomers being positive.
The situation re 'Affordable Housing' was highlighted and Pete Carson was asked to write
to Alan Maguire for an update.
Valery George gave an update on the Finance. Se continued that there were still unresolved
issues with the BT account. She continued that the claim for the 'Open Day' had not yet
been submitted because the original documents had to be used and they were with
The Chairman said that now the Plan had been out in the Community & both Group &
Community consultations had taken place, it was time to finalise it. It was suggested that it
could be done at the next meeting.
Anne Sutherland said that the Growth Plan report was being completed.

Minutes of the Meeting of the
Helmsdale and District Development Group
held on the 19 August 2010 in the Community Centre
Nothing to report. Item deleted.
It was agreed to amend the draft constitution provided by VG-ES.
The approved minutes of the meeting, dated 22 July 2010 , would be sent to the website.
Northern Times - Helmsdale News: it was agreed to put in a report of the Games event,
with photo.
Nichola Henderson and Pete Carson to liaise on a Blog. Ongoing.
Community Newsletter - ongoing
The Chairman asked if there was any further business.
Ann Sutherland HIE
She reminded the Group of the HIE CAM Event, in Inverness, on the 23/24 September
2010. This was designed for all LDO's. Pete Carson said that he was on holiday. Nichola
Henderson said that it may be possible for her to attend.
Nichola Henderson asked if Meg Telfer could share a corner of HDDG stand at the Games.
The Chairman asked Anne Sutherland for an update on the other groups. Anne Suthrland
replied that she thought we were well ahead.
There was no further business.
11 The date of the next meeting will be 14/10/10 at 7pm.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting.

Minutes of the Meeting of the
Helmsdale and District Development Group
held on the 19 August 2010 in the Community Centre

Gary MacMillan
Ronald Sutherland

In Attendance
Anne Sutherland HIE


Minutes of the Meeting of the
Helmsdale and District Development Group
held on the 19 August 2010 in the Community Centre

Pete Carson

Pete Carson

Minutes of the Meeting of the
Helmsdale and District Development Group
held on the 19 August 2010 in the Community Centre

Pete Carson

Valery George

Nichola Henderson

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