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Checklist of Teaching Learning Process

The researcher observes the teaching learning process in teaching reading by

checklist as follows:

Table 1. the checklist of the student

No Activities Notes
1 The students answer the greeting of the teacher
and answer the questions of the teacher about the
previous lesson
2 The students pay attention to the material based on
the example from the teacher.
3 The students ask the teacher about the lesson
4 The students are active during the teaching
learning process.
5 The students ask the teacher about the questions
6 The students interested in studying the material of
the lesson
7 The students ask to the teacher to review the
explanation about the material discussed.
8 The students answer the greeting of the teacher

Table 2. the checklist of the teacher

No Activities Notes

1 The teacher prepare all of tool for teaching

2 The teacher use good technique in teaching
3 The teacher use paired reading technique in
teaching reading
4 The teacher lead the student to practice read
5 The teacher answer the question from student

6 The teacher give student a new vocabulary

7 The teacher use good material in teaching

8 The teacher repeat the command if student don’t



A: Good

B: Enough

C: Less

Transcript Interview for the teacher

1. What is your method that often use for teaching English?

2. What is your technique for teaching reading skill?

3. What do you think about your technique in teaching reading! it is good for

student or not?
4. Do your students understand about the lesson after get your technique?

5. Can you tell me about your technique when you teaching reading in


6. What do you think about paired reading after it applied in your class?

7. Do your students understand after they give paired technique in teaching


8. How is your respond when you teaching reading use this technique?

9. How is your student responding when this technique applied in your class?

10. What is the problem that you feel during you using paired reading

technique in teaching reading?

Transcript interview for the student

1. Do you like English lesson?

2. Why do you like/dislike English lesson?

3. What skill do you like?

4. What is skill that you think difficult? Why?

5. Do you like reading?

6. What is book that you read every day?

7. What do you think about your teacher technique when teaching reading?

8. Do you understand about the lesson after your teacher use the technique?

9. Do you like the technique that your teacher does?

10. What is your problem when you get reading in your class?

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