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S.Y. 2017-2018

A Research Paper
Submitted to:
Mr. Junexzon Lloyd M. Laurna

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

For MATH10: Statistics

Submitted by:



MARCH 2018
Chapter II

Question 1: Have you ever been bullied?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 42 84%
No 8 16%
Total 50 100%

Table 1:
Table 1 shows that 42 out of 50 or 86% of the respondents experienced bullying. While, 8 out of
50 or 16% of the respondents experienced bullying.

Question 2: How were you bullied?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Tease or name calling 26 52%
Threatened or blackmailed 6 12%
Had items stolen or damaged 6 12%
Harassment 0 0%
Physical hit 8 16%
Other please specify 4 8%
Total 50 100%

Table 2:
Table 2 shows that 26 out of 50 or 52% of the respondents experienced teasing or name calling
and 8 out of 50 or 16$5 of the respondents experienced physical hit. Also, 6 out of 50 or 12% of the
respondents experienced threatening or blackmailing and had their items stolen or damaged. While, 4 out
of 50 or 8% of the respondents experienced other type of bullying.

Question 3: Was this bullying happen because of their:

Choices Frequency Percentage

Ability or disability 31 62%
Age 7 14%
Color 4 8%
Gender 4 8%
Religion 2 4%
Other please specify 2 4%
Total 50 100%

Table 3:
Table 3 shows that 31 out of 5o or 62% of the respondents experienced bullying because of their
ability or disability and 7 out of 50 or 14% of the respondents experienced bullying because of their age.
Also, 4 out of 50 or 8% of the respondents experienced bullying because of their color and gender. While,
2 out of 50 or 4% of the respondents experienced bullying because of their religion and others.
Question 4: What did you do about the bullying?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Reported it to a teacher 13 26%
Spoke with your parent 8 16%
Spoke with your friend(s) 6 12%
Tried to avoid the bullies 13 26%
Nothing 10 20%
Other please specify 0 0%
Total 50 100%

Table 4:
Table 4 shows that 13 out of 50 or 26% of the respondents reported it to their teacher and tried to
avoid the bullies and 10 out of 50 or 20% of the respondents did nothing. Also, 8 out of 50 or 16% of the
respondents spoke with their parent. While 6 out of 50 or 12% of the respondents spoke with their

Question 5: What do you think is the effect of bullying to the students?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Trauma 32 64%
Transfer to another school 8 16%
I don’t know 8 16%
Other please specify 2 4%
Total 50 100%

Table 5:
Table 5 shows that 32 out of 50 or 64% of the respondents experienced trauma and 8 out of 50 or
16% of the respondents thinks that some of the students transferred to another school and didn’t know
what is the effect of bullying to some students. While, 2 out of 50 or 4% of the respondents have answer
other please specify.

Question 6: Why do students bully their classmates or schoolmates?

Choices Frequency Percentage

They think it is fun 30 60%
They want to “show off” or 17 34%
impress their friends
I don’t know 2 4%
Other please specify 1 2%
Total 50 100%

Table 6:
Table 6 shows that 30 out of 50 or 60% of the respondents bully their classmates or schoolmates
because they think it is fun and 17 out of 50 or 34% of the respondents bully their classmates or
schoolmates because they want to “show off” or impress their friends. Also, 2 out of 50 or 4% of the
respondents didn’t know why some students bully their classmates or schoolmates. While 1 of 50 or 2%
of the respondents answer other please specify.

Question 7: Is bullying is one of the major problem in your school or classroom?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 9 18%
Agree 35 70%
Disagree 4 8%
Strongly disagree 2 4%
Total 50 100%

Table 7:
Table 7 shows that 35 out of 50 or 70% of the respondents agree that bullying is one of the major
problem in their school or classroom and 9 out of 50 or 18% of the respondents strongly agree that
bullying is one of the major problem in their school or classroom. Also, 4 out of 50 or 8% of the
respondents disagree that bullying is one of the major problem in their school or classroom. While, 2 out
of 50 or 4% of the respondents strongly disagree that bullying is one of the major problem in their school
or classroom.

Question 8: What kind of attitude of students do you think often gets bullied?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Shy and quiet 25 50%
Slow learner 9 18%
Students with disabilities 10 20%
I don’t know 3 6%
Other please specify 3 6%
Total 50 100%

Table 8:
Table 8 shows that 25 out of 50 or 50% of the respondents think that shy and quiet attitude of
students are the one that often gets bullied and 10 out of 50 or 20% of the respondents think that students
with disabilities attitude of students are the one that often gets bullied. Also, 9 out of 50 or 18% of the
respondents think that slow learner attitude of students are the one who often gets bullied. While, 3 out of
50 or 6% of the respondents didn’t know what kind of attitude of students are often gets bullied and
answer other please specify.

Question 9: What will be your reaction when you see someone is being bullied?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Shock 5 10%
Sad 16 32%
Mad 28 56%
No reaction 1 2%
Total 50 100%
Table 9:
Table 9 shows that 28 out of 50 or 56% of the respondents are mad when they see someone is
being bullied and 16 out of 50 or 32 % of the respondents are sad when they see someone is being bullied.
Also, 5 out of 50 or 10% of the respondents are shock when they see someone is being bullied. While, 1
out 50 or 2% have no reaction when they see someone is being bullied.

Question 10: What can you do to avoid or prevent bullying?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Stay away from the bullies 21 42%
Talk to them in a nice way 20 40%
Other please specify 9 18%
Total 50 100%

Table 10:
Table 10 shows that 21 out of 50 or 42% of the respondents think that staying away from the
bullies can avoid or prevent bullying. Also, 20 out of 50 or 40 % of the respondents think that talking to
the bullies in a nice way can avoid or prevent bullying. While, 9 out of 50 or 18% answer other please

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