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Implementation of Home Visitation Towards an Advocacy

and Social Mobilization Program

Research Questions

1. What is the level of implementation of Home Visitation in terms of:

1.1 Objectives
1.2 Planning
1.3 Monitoring
1.4 Evaluation

Direction: Assess the level of implementation of the Home Visitation using the scale below:
5- Very High
4- High
3- Average
2- Below Average
1- Failed

Assessment on Level of Home Visitation

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. The objective is clear and simple
2. The objective is in line with DepEd goals
3. The objective is verifiable by facts
4. The objective is learner- driven
5. The objective is used for decision-making
1. Planning is initiated by school head
2. All stakeholders are involved in planning
3. Planning is executed using a framework
4. Planning involves attainment of the objectives
5. Planning provides better results
1. Key personnel monitor the home visitation
2. All stakeholders are involved in monitoring
3. Reporting is needed in monitoring
4. Record are kept in the monitoring process
5. Continuous improvement is conducted during the
monitoring process
1. There is a tool that is used in evaluation
2. The evaluation report is used in decision-making
3. The evaluation process is periodic
4. There are assigned personnel to evaluate the program
5. The evaluation is communicated to the concerned
2. What is the level of students performance in terms of:
a. Attendance

Please put a check on the appropriate information needed.

____ Perfect Attendance (205 days)
____ 200- 204 days present
____ 195- 199 days present
____ 190- 194 days present
____ 185-189 days present
____ below 185 days present

b. Tardiness
____ No tardiness
___ 1- 5 times tardy
___ 6-10 times tardy
___ 11- 15 times tardy
___ 16-20 times tardy
___ More than 20 times tardy

c. Student Participation
Curricular Activities Co-curricular
_____English Club _____Boys scout
_____Filipino Club _____School paper
_____Math Club _____Band/Music
_____Science Club _____Athletics
Others: ____________________________________________

d. GWA for the Third Grading Period: _________________

3. What are the enabling factors in the implementation of the Home Visitation?

4. What are the challenges you encountered in the home visitation? Please check what is

_____ Time to visit

_____ participation of parents
_____ financial constraints
_____ vague address
_____ parents don’t have time for accommodate visits
_____ communication is not clear
_____ school support
_____ teachers support
_____ students support
_____ Others, please specify _______________________________

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