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Rangkuman Judul Nama Jurnal

Rangkuman 1 Measures for enhancing capability literacy of American Journal Of
science and learning outcomes biology Educational Research, 5(7),
through learning model guided inquiry 717-724
completed LKS SMA Negeri 1 Kecamatan
Kapur IX
Rangkuman 2 The influence of inquiry-based teaching on Research Science Education,
male and female students’ motivation and 5(1), 1-30.
Rangkuman 3 The effect of guided inquiry vs free inquiry Iosr Journal Of Research &
instruction method and learning motivation Method In Education (Iosr-
on student learning outcomes Jrme), 7 (5), 36-43
Rangkuman 4 The effect of guided inquiry learning model Indonesian Journal Of
and scientific performance on student Science Education, 2(1), 105-
learning outcomes 109
Rangkuman 5 The effect of inquiry model on science European Journal Of
process skills and learning outcomes. Education Studies, 4(12),
Rangkuman 6 Penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan
terbimbing untuk meningkatkan KPS dan IPA, 3(2): 150-160
hasil belajar siswa SMP kelas VIII
Rangkuman 7 The effect of inquiry based learning on gifted Journal Of Baltic Science
and talented students’ understanding of Education, 16(6): 994-1008
acidsbases concepts and motivation
Rangkuman 8 Efectiveness of guided-inquiry laboratory American Journal Of
experiments on senior secondary schools Educational Research, 5(7),
students academic achievement in volumetric 717-724
Rangkuman 9 Pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri Saintifika, 18 (1), 59-63
terbimbing (guided inquiry) dan motivasi
terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa
Rangkuman 10 The influence of motivation to physics Inovasi Penddidikan Fisika,
learning achievements grade XI MIA 7(4), 443-447
Rangkuman 11 Student motivation in constructivist learning Eurasia Journal Of
environment Mathematics, Science &
Technology Education,12(2),
Rangkuman 12 The effect of scientific inquiry learning model Journal of Education and
based on conceptual change on physics Pratice, 8(5), 120-126
cognitive competence and science process
skill (SPS) of students at senior high school.
Rangkuman 13 The effect of guided-inquiry laboratory Journal Of Education And
Rangkuman Judul Nama Jurnal
experiments on science Education students' Training Studies, 4(4), 217-
chemistry laboratory attitudes, anxiety and 227
Rangkuman Penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri Skripsi (Tidak Diterbitkan).
Skripsi terbimbing untuk meningkatkan sikap ilmiah Universitas Pendidikan
dan prestasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran Ganesha.
fisika kelas X MIPA 3 DI SMA Negeri 1

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