Forms of Govern-Wps Office

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The following are the forms of government:

As to the number of persons exercising sovereign powers:

Monarchy - the supreme authority is in the hands of a one person only; how he got into power or how
long his tenure would be does not matter

Absolute monarchy - the power of the monarch is based on divine right

Limited monarchy - the power of the monarch is based on the constitution

Aristocracy - the ruling power is in the hands of a few privileged class

Democracy - the power is in the hands of the people

Direct or pure democracy - the power is directly exercised by the people through assembly or mass

Indirect, representative or republican - the power is exercised by a group of persons chosen by the
people to act as their representatives

As to extent of powers exercised by the central or national government:

Unitary government - the control of national and local affairs is under the central or national government

Federal government - the powers of the government are divided between two sets of organs, one for
national and the other for local affairs, each organ being supreme within its own sphere

As to relationship between the executive and the legislative branches of the government:

Parliamentary government - the executive is dependent on the legislative

Presidential government - the executive is constitutionally vested with powers making it independent
from legislative department

Other forms:

Civil government - the affairs of the state are administered and directed by the citizens or their

Military government - established and administered by a belligerent in the territory of an enemy

occupied by him

Constitutional government - the powers of those who rule are defined and limited by the constitution

Despotic government - the powers of those who rule are vague and may seem limitless because it is not
defined nor limited by the constitution
Elective government - the state confers powers upon a person or organization chosen by qualified voters
and the holding of powers is for a limited term and under certain conditions

Hereditary government - the state confers the powers of government upon a person or organization
standing in a certain family relations to his or their immediate predecessors

Coordinate government - the powers of the government is distributed among separate departments
equally independent of but coordinate with each other

Consolidated government - the state confides all governmental powers to a single body

De jure government - established according to the constitution of the state and has the general support
of the people

De facto government - established against existing constitution of the state and is maintained against the
rightful and lawful government

Revolutionary government - installed, whether by force or otherwise, not in accordance with the
procedure prescribed in an existing constitution

The Philippines is a representative, unitary, presidential civil, constitutional, elective, coordinate, and de
jure government. In a way, it also exercises direct or pure democracy because of the constitutional
provision on initiative and referendum.

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