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Int. J. Public Law and Policy, Vol. 4, No.

2, 2014 131

Effect of bribery in international commercial


Divya Srinivasan*, Harshad Pathak,

Pratyush Panjwani and Punya Varma
National Law University,
Delhi, Sector-14, Dwarka,
New Delhi, 110078 India
*Corresponding author

Abstract: The issue of bribery in international commercial arbitration

throws up complex issues throughout the proceedings. The given paper
addresses the three procedural concerns associated with claims tainted
by bribery – arbitrability, admissibility, and investigative powers of arbitral
tribunal. Regarding arbitrability, it is amply clear that claims tainted by bribery
are no longer non-arbitrable in nature. However, an arbitral tribunal ought to
proceed to the merits of the dispute only in the circumstance that such claims
are found to be admissible before the tribunal. With respect to admissibility of
such claims, the authors suggest that if bribery is shown to exist, then such
tainted claims shall be procedurally barred due to the application of the
Doctrine of Clean Hands and the public policy implications. Lastly, the paper
also discusses the three-fold duty of an arbitrator as to determination of
corruption in a commercial dispute.
Keywords: commercial arbitration; bribery; doctrine of clean hands;
corruption; arbitrability; admissibility; public policy.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Srinivasan, D.,
Pathak, H., Panjwani, P. and Varma, P. (2014) ‘Effect of bribery in
international commercial arbitration’, Int. J. Public Law and Policy, Vol. 4,
No. 2, pp.131–146.
Biographical notes: Divya Srinivasan is a student of law at the National Law
University, Delhi, India, pursuing the course of BA, LLB (Hons.).
Harshad Pathak is a student of law at the National Law University, Delhi, India,
pursuing the course of BA, LLB (Hons.).
Pratyush Panjwani is a student of law at the National Law University, Delhi,
India, pursuing the course of BA, LLB (Hons.).
Punya Varma is a student of law at the National Law University, Delhi, India,
pursuing the course of BA, LLB (Hons.).
This paper is a revised and expanded version of the paper titled 'Effect of
bribery in international commercial arbitration’ presented at 3rd International
Private Law Conference, Athens, Greece, 4 October 2012.

Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

132 D. Srinivasan et al.

1 Introduction

Corruption levels around the world are perceived to have increased over the past few
years. Consequently, international commercial arbitrators today are faced with more
allegations of corruption, including bribery, than ever before.
The claims tainted by bribery throw up difficult factual and legal issues at practically
every stage of the arbitral process. These issues raise complex concerns, varying from
arbitrability of the subject matter to the capacity of a quasi-judicial authority to
investigate such claims. Thus, the question arises as to how such issues can be resolved
within the confines of international commercial arbitration?
The objective of the given paper is to address the procedural concerns associated with
claims involving allegations of bribery in international commercial arbitration. In
particular, three concerns are individually addressed – arbitrability, admissibility, and
investigative powers of an arbitral tribunal.
First, the authors discuss the questions of arbitrability of claims involving allegations
of bribery, analysing the judicial development since Judge Lagergren’s famous words in
the 1963 ICC award, as well as considering the public policy implications. It is proposed
that claims tainted by bribery are no longer non-arbitrable in nature; however, an arbitral
tribunal ought to proceed to the merits of the dispute only in the circumstance that such
claims are found to be admissible before the tribunal.
This brings us to our second concern – admissibility of claims involving allegations
of bribery. The authors propose that in the event bribery is shown to exist, such tainted
claims shall be procedurally barred. Reliance is placed on the Doctrine of Clean Hands
and the highly contentious considerations of international, as well as transnational, public
In the third and last section, the authors address the question as to how an arbitral
tribunal should decide the question of existence of bribery. The discussion focuses on the
investigative powers of an arbitral tribunal and the evidentiary considerations that ought
to be taken into account while making such decision.

2 Arbitrability of claims involving allegations of bribery

“Arbitration is no longer an unwelcome stepchild in the courts”.1 The gradual decline of

the era of judicial hostility towards arbitration coupled with the advent of the public
policy favouring arbitration has resulted in a significant expansion of the domain of this
dispute resolution mechanism.
The widespread acceptance and approval of arbitration has posed questions on the
relevance of the notion of inarbitrability, that is, the awareness that arbitration is
unsatisfactory for resolving certain classes of disputes.2 Courts across the globe have
backed away from this doctrine, rejecting some of its former applications entirely.3
The moot point that this section seeks to address is whether the courts/tribunals, when
faced with a claim involving allegations of bribery would take recourse to this doctrine
and hold such a claim to be inarbitrable?
Arbitrability refers to whether the specific claims raised are of a subject matter
capable of settlement by arbitration, and are not subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of
the courts.4 It may be ‘subjective’, that is, the incompetence of either of the parties to
submit the specific dispute to arbitration, or ‘objective’, involving the simple question of
Effect of bribery in international commercial arbitration 133

what type of issues can and cannot be submitted to arbitration.5 The latter basically
pertains to the implications of the public policy exception to arbitrability,6 relevant to the
present discussion.

2.1 Notions of public policy in international commercial arbitration

Public policy as applied in the field of international arbitration is indeed an eclectic
notion. It operates not only as a defence against enforcement once the arbitral award is
rendered, but is also relevant as a limit to the procedure followed during an arbitration
proceeding. Occasional exceptions to arbitrability are also based on notions of public
policy whether derived from statute or decisional law, or neither.
Public policy is believed by many to be the ultimate and necessary limit to the
autonomy of international commercial arbitration, and the relationship between the two is
exemplified, on occasions, as evidently confrontational,7 while others characterise it in
terms of an alliance.8 The public policy of a particular place can be defined as comprising
the principles and rules ‘pertaining to justice or morality’ or serving ‘the essential
political, social or economic interests’ of that place.9 It can be either national, or
While transnational public policy is about the internationally accepted standards to be
applied,10 the national public policy can be further categorised as either international
public policy or domestic public policy.
International public policy, narrower in scope than the domestic public policy, refers
to those principles of the country’s domestic public policy that it will insist on applying
in an international relationship or relationship involving different nationalities. Domestic
public policy, on the other hand, applies territorially in the sense that it applies only to
transactions or relationships which do not involve any foreign element.11
Recently, the International Law Association in its Resolution 2/2002 on International
Commercial Arbitration had attempted to define the scope of such international public
policy to include,
1 fundamental principles, pertaining to justice or morality, that the State wishes to
protect even when it is not directly concerned
2 rules designed to serve the essential political, social or economic interests of the
State, these being known as lois de police or public policy rules
3 the duty of the State to respect its obligations towards other States or international
Thus, “[a]ccording to this distinction, what is considered to pertain to public policy in
domestic relations does not necessarily pertain to public policy in international

2.2 The public policy exception to arbitrability

The notion of public policy in international commercial arbitration brings us to another
associated question regarding the law (or the public policy) applicable to arbitrability.
The following solutions have, inter alia, been advocated in answer to the incommodious
question regarding the applicable law14:
134 D. Srinivasan et al.

1 locus regit actum, meaning the law of the place where the arbitration agreement has
been concluded
2 the law of the seat of the arbitral tribunal, i.e., the lex arbitri
3 the proper law of the substantive contract in which the arbitration clause is embedded
(lex causae)
4 the law of one/both the parties
5 the law of the country where the arbitral award is (most likely) to be enforced (which
of course leaves us with the uncertainty and indeed speculation where enforcement
proceedings might take place)
6 a combination of laws which may be contemplated under any one of the foregoing
seven solutions.
In certain cases, tribunals have chosen to not apply the specific law of a country, but have
taken recourse to a transnational approach to determine arbitrability.15 Whenever there
exists a principle that is so intrinsically a part of transnational public policy, tribunals
may choose to pay little heed to arguments from the countries relevant in the
arbitration.16 Therefore, when transnational obligations override the international public
policies, the tribunal is obliged to apply transnational principles in determining
arbitrability.17 Depending on the facts and circumstances, tribunals have on different
occasions picked different solutions from the aforementioned lot. However, the public
policy governing arbitrability has most often been determined on the basis of the lex loci
arbitri, because the same is most easily identifiable.18
In international commercial disputes, certain legal claims, such as civil rights, and
employment discrimination claims, do not only implicate the interests of the parties
involved in the dispute, but also have significant repercussions for the public at large.19
However, commercial arbitration is believed to be essentially private in its structure and
its aims, and is completely consensual in nature; party autonomy being its backbone.
Since commercial arbitrators are men drawn for their specific business expertise, they
might, therefore, be incapable of delving into matters which involve public interest.
Thus, the public policy exception to arbitrability is founded on the premise that in
cases where an important interest of the public at large is likely to be affected by the
resolution of a dispute, decision by arbitration is inappropriate.20
The question to be addressed here is whether claims involving allegations of bribery
come within the epithet of the aforementioned doctrine.

2.3 Bribery and the public policy exception to arbitrability

Traditionally, arbitration was not considered an appropriate venue for adjudicating claims
involving allegations of bribery. The reluctance in recognising the arbitrability of bribery
claims can be attributed to concerns about the tribunal’s restricted power to compel the
production of evidence and to impose penalties. Earlier judicial decisions frequently
concluded that challenges to the legality of the parties’ underlying contract also
implicated the associated arbitration clause.21
The much debated ‘Lagergren case’, which was a 1963 International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC) arbitral award, relied on “general principles denying arbitrators the
power to entertain disputes of this nature” to hold the contract (including the arbitral
Effect of bribery in international commercial arbitration 135

clause) to be null and void because it had been drawn up to facilitate the bribing of
Argentine officials.22
Contracts which seriously violate bonos mores or international public policy
are invalid or at least unenforceable... Such corruption is an international evil; it
is contrary to good morals and to an international public policy common to the
community of nations... Parties who ally themselves in an enterprise of the
present nature must realize that they have forfeited any right to ask for
assistance of the machinery of justice (national courts or arbitral tribunals) in
settling their disputes... Thus, jurisdiction must be declined in this case.23

More recent awards and national court decisions have not accepted the aforementioned
view.24 Since 1968, a number of arbitral tribunals have had to consider other cases of
alleged bribery. Rather than dismissing such disputes on jurisdictional or non-arbitrability
grounds, tribunals have found that they had jurisdiction, chosen to enter into the merits of
the case, and then admitted or rejected the claims for the illicit commission.25 Therefore,
arbitral tribunals have either decided that corruption was not established and applied the
contract,26 or that corruption was proven and refused to apply the contract, referring
themselves to either international or transnational public policy.27
This post-Lagergren approach is based on certain basic principles underlying
international commercial arbitration.
Firstly the preservation of the sanctity of the arbitration agreement which is the root
of the arbitrator’s jurisdiction and secondly, the principle of severability (or separability)
of the arbitration clause, meaning that the illegality only goes to the substance of the main
contract and would not ipso facto render the arbitration clause void. Therefore, tribunals
today prefer to “consider separately the impact of bribery on the arbitration clause and on
the contract itself”.28
In the ICC Award No. 5622, while opting in favour of their jurisdiction, the tribunal
held that “the protection of the superior interest of the international community seems
much more to urge the arbitrator not to renounce jurisdiction over the merits of the case”.
A number of ICC awards,29 including the high-profile Hilmarton arbitration and the
Westacre arbitration, (and the post-award litigation that followed) endorsed the view that
an illegality such as bribery would render the agreement null and void. However, the
question of the arbitrator’s jurisdiction to hear the dispute involving illegal commissions
was not in issue at all,30 pursuant to aforementioned principles.
Furthermore, even ICSID tribunals have upheld their jurisdiction without any demur
having analysed the public policy implications of the alleged bribery as a question of
merits.31 The English Court of Appeals has also approved the aforementioned view in
stating that “if arbitrators can decide that a contract is void for initial illegality, there is no
reason why they should not decide whether a contract has been procured by bribery”.32
Till date, there has been only one exception to this approach, the much criticised
Pakistan Supreme Court judgment in HUBCO v. WAPDA33, which went back to
Langergren’s award, and held bribery claims to be inarbitrable.
Although, historically, arbitration has been sporadically used in criminal matters,34 it
is clear today that an arbitrator has the power to look into matters falling outside its
primary, civil jurisdiction so as to draw the civil consequences of a rule of criminal law in
a business dispute.35 Therefore, the march of case law suggests that disputes which
involve allegations of bribery are not considered to be non-arbitrable.
This recent trend of taking jurisdiction in matters concerning the allegations of
bribery consists of allowing the arbitrators to hear disputes relating to matters of public
136 D. Srinivasan et al.

policy, irrespective of a possible contravention of the same.36 The arbitrators are,

therefore, to hear disputes involving such allegations “in so far as [they] confine
themselves to examining the public policy implications on their mission”37 before
admitting claims based on contracts tainted with bribery.
It is the admissibility of the claim and not the arbitrability which is to be decided by
the arbitrator on the basis of the relevant public policy applicable to the dispute.

3 The question of admissibility

While the recent trend suggests that claims involving allegations of bribery are arbitrable,
there is yet to appear any significant international consensus as to the admissibility of
such claims. This section addresses the very same concern.
The question sought to be addressed is whether, in international commercial
arbitration, claims involving acts of bribery are admissible before the tribunal.
It is proposed that if any claim before an international arbitral tribunal is found to
have been tainted by an act of bribery, then such claims ought to be dismissed as being
inadmissible; the reasons being two-fold. First, claims tainted by an act of bribery are
barred by the Doctrine of Clean Hands; and second, allowing such claims may also
contravene the relevant public policy applicable to the dispute.

3.1 Doctrine of Clean Hands

The Doctrine of Clean Hands, commonly associated with the maxims of ex turpi causa
non oritur action38, acts as a procedural bar to the admissibility of the claim. Therefore,
“claims tainted by wrongdoing will not succeed, and the loss lies where it falls”.39
The doctrine bars the claimant’s claims due to its illegal or improper conduct in
relation to those claims.40 “It applies to a party whose own conduct in connection with the
transaction has been unconscientious, unjust, marked by a want of good faith or violates
the principles of equity and righteous dealing”.41
The question of application of this doctrine in international commercial arbitration
raises a preliminary concern as to whether a common law doctrine is applicable to an
international dispute.
Admittedly, the clean hands doctrine is based on the general common law principle of
equity requiring that one, who seeks equity, does equity. However, “it seems to be taken
for granted that various equitable rules, such as [the clean hands principle] are part of
international law and require no further explanation than their relevance to the case at
hand”.42 Thus, there do not appear to be any hurdles in applying the doctrine to an
international dispute.
Moreover, arbitrators have always had their reservations in allowing claims involving
corrupt activities. Although Judge Lagergren in 1963 had gone on to conclude that an
arbitral tribunal would lack jurisdiction where there is a prima facie case of corruption –
an opinion that is no longer accepted – it is hard to argue with the reasoning behind such
The observations of the Judge bear resemblance with the objective of the clean hands
doctrine that – no polluted hand shall touch the pure fountains of justice. Therefore, the
authors tend to align with Judge Lagergren’s line of reasoning, adopting a similar
approach towards bribery, although to draw a different conclusion.
Effect of bribery in international commercial arbitration 137

Recently, in the ICSID case of WDF v. The Republic of Kenya, the tribunal dismissed
the investor’s claim concluding that the claimant is not legally entitled to maintain any of
its pleaded claims in these proceedings on the ground of ex turpi causa non oritur actio.
However, the tribunal’s decision was also influenced by the public policy considerations,
subsequently discussed by the authors. Therefore, it cannot be disputed that a claim
tainted by bribery does not pass the test of the Doctrine of Clean Hands; thereby, being
inadmissible before an arbitral tribunal.

3.2 Public policy concerns

The type of public policy, relevant under the New York Convention, is the international
public policy of the state where the award is sought to be enforced.43 Though the
Convention does not apply directly to proceedings before an arbitral tribunal, it is still
necessary for the tribunal to ensure that the potential award is consistent with the
international public policy of the state of enforcement.44 Additionally, an arbitral tribunal
may also have to take into consideration the transnational public policy since failure to do
so may threaten the enforceability of the award at the place where it is sought to be

3.2.1 International public policy and bribery

Most developed systems consider corruption to be contrary to their international public
policy, and prescribe that agreements tainted by corruption are unenforceable.45
In particular, “[b]ribery is considered to act as a threat to the international public
order as it enables individuals to exert influence over other areas of business and
governance”.46 Consequently, it can be conclusively suggested that such principles are
arguably part of international public policy of various states For instance, in 1993 the
Paris Court of Appeal recognised that,47
A contract having as its aim and object to traffic in influence through the
payment of bribes is, consequently, contrary to French international public
policy as well as to the ethics of international commerce as understood by the
large majority of States in the international community.
Evidently, the body of legal rules and authorities that have emerged over the past two
decades make it almost inconceivable for any court to now deny that corruption
contravenes international public policy of most nation states.48
In such a scenario, if an arbitral tribunal allows a claim tainted by bribery, then in
nine cases out of ten, it shall conflict with the international public policy of the enforcing
state. Therefore, it becomes the duty of the arbitral tribunal to take into consideration the
public policy concern and dismiss such claim as being inadmissible due to violation of
the international public policy of the enforcing State.

3.2.2 Transnational public policy

Despite the condemnation of corruption by most nation States, there still exists a lack of
uniformity between the international public policies of different States, particularly with
respect to activities like purchase of private influence and influence peddling, defeating
the purpose behind enacting the UNCITRAL Model Law and the New York Convention.
138 D. Srinivasan et al.

This lack of uniformity has led many jurists to emphasise on the need for a
supra-national or truly international public policy, which is not subject to State autonomy.
The demand for a supra-national public policy [hereinafter ‘transnational public policy’]
is not recent and was first recognised by Judge Lagergren when he had relied on general
principles of law recognised by civilised nations to declare that contracts which seriously
violate bonos mores are invalid.
Presently, it is thought to refer to the “fundamental rules of natural law, principles of
universal justice, jus cogens in public international law, and the general principles of
morality accepted by civilized nations”.49 The need to recognise a transnational public
policy stems from the professional duty of International arbitrators,50 as well as a duty to
their own notions of what is correct,51 to use best endeavours to protect the public policy
considered inviolable by the majority of states.52 Moreover, recognising a transnational
public policy has a significant practical effect of making awards more transportable, in
that this practice increases the likelihood that enforcement courts will not have a problem
with the ultimate award that they did not have a hand in creating, thus making
enforcement more likely.53
Hence, though the New York Convention is thought not to refer to transnational
public policy, it is now widely recognised that there should be transnational public
policy;54 furthered by the fact that different courts have already admitted transnational
public policy.55

3.2.3 Bribery as a transnational principle

In determining matters of bribery, a transnational public policy approach is considered to
be of great help.56 In this regard, it is the duty of an arbitral tribunal to establish whether
the threshold of transnational public policy should be applied and under what
conditions.57 However, prior to deciding if a claim violates a transnational principle, an
arbitral tribunal ought to satisfy itself if a particular issue constitutes a part of the
transnational public policy. This is based on a subjective satisfaction of whether there
exists a ‘broad consensus’ amongst the nation States to elevate a particular concern to a
transnational level.58
Thus, the essential question to be answered is whether bribery possesses the requisite
‘broad consensus’ so as to constitute a part of the transnational public policy? The answer
to the aforementioned question is not straightforward. While bribery in the public sector
has often been acknowledged to be a part of the transnational public policy, no such
conclusive assertions can be made with regard to bribery in the private sector.
In case of bribery in the public sector, “[o]utright bribery aimed at subverting state
officials’ proper discharge of their duties is clearly a violation of transnational public
policy”.59 The requisite broad consensus is evidenced by the existence of a plethora of
Conventions to combat bribery.60 One need not look beyond the enactment of the
United Nations Convention Against Corruption (2003), the OECD Convention on
Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions
(1997). “International financial institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF have
[also] adopted guidelines that deny funding to governments whose officials have solicited
or accepted bribes”.61
Hence, it is sufficiently established that corruption and bribery in the public sector
contravene transnational public policy,62 rendering claims tainted by bribery to be
Effect of bribery in international commercial arbitration 139

With respect to bribery in the private sector, the opinion is still divided. On one hand,
it may be argued that there exists no such ‘broad consensus’ as there is in case of the
public sector. The reasons are multiple.
First, various tribunals that have elevated the act of bribery to a transnational status
have confined their views to situations where the alleged act of bribery pertained to a
public official, and not the private sector.63
Second, there exist numerous legal systems wherein the practice of purchase of
personal influence in the private sector is not considered to be criminal. “Many countries
do not ban contracts with… influence peddlers as long as… no improper influence is
exercised over the public official. In fact, it stands to reason that influence is the main
stock in trade of any agent”.64
For instance, practices such as purchase of private influence are expressly permitted
in certain major jurisdictions, most notably in the USA by virtue of the Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act 1977, as well as in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Korea.
Under the fiscal law of many countries, ‘bribes’ paid can also be deducted as business
Third, the existence of transnational conventions or resolutions alone condemning a
particular practice does not necessarily translate into a ‘broad consensus’ which might be
used by the arbitrator as a justification for ascertaining the existence and violation of a
principle of international public policy.66 For instance, the OECD Convention on
Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions is
limited to prohibiting bribery in the public sector, while remaining silent with respect to
such activities in the private sector.
Lastly, doubts have also been expressed on multiple occasions that the threshold of
‘transnational public policy’ is extremely high to be met in cases of purchase of private
Colman J. in the case of Westacre Investment Inc.67 had observed that “although
commercial corruption is deserving of strong judicial and governmental disapproval, few
would consider that it stood in the scale of opprobrium quite at the level of
While equating the transnational public policy principles with the jus cogens norms, it
has also been suggested that no norms from international arbitration rise to the level of
jus cogens norms.68 Thus, there appears to be sufficient evidence to suggest that bribery
in the private sector does not violate transnational public policy. However, on the other
hand, one may still insist that a broad consensus exists even with regard to private
bribery. After all, most modern states regard the definition of corruption as extending to
include all persons who are induced to act corruptly in the discharge of their duties,
whether in the public or private sectors.69
This is demonstrated by the fact that there is swathe of new legislation in all regions
aimed at tackling private sector corruption.70 In fact, many believe that private bribery is
as deleterious as its public sector counterpart, if not worse, since the private sectors in
most countries are actually larger than the public sector.71
International consensus on a broad definition of both public and private sector
corruption may also be found in the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC),
considering that there are 158 state parties to the UNCAC.
Therefore, considering the divided opinion, the authors choose best to not adopt a
definite stance in this regard. However, the basic premise of the proposition remains
unaffected – if an arbitral tribunal finds bribery in the private sector to also conflict with
140 D. Srinivasan et al.

the transnational public policy, then any claims consequently tainted shall be
inadmissible before the tribunal. This leaves us with only one question to be considered –
how does an arbitral tribunal determine the existence of bribery in a commercial dispute?

4 Investigation and evidence of corruption in international commercial


An arbitrator is not an investigator or a criminal judge and thus lacks power to draw civil
consequences. However, an arbitral tribunal still has significant discovery tools available
to it, which it can use to unearth the truth relating to bribery allegations.

4.1 Investigative powers

Like most crimes and intentional misconduct, and perhaps more so acts of corruption and
collusion, are specifically designed not to be able to be identified or detected.72 Even
without the police powers of the State, arbitrators are able to order the disclosure of
documents under many international arbitration institutions’ rules, which also authorise
tribunals to issue subpoenas for witnesses or documents. Moreover, the parties are
permitted to obtain the assistance of the tribunal for taking the testimony of both
voluntary and involuntary witnesses.73
In addition, arbitral tribunals may also be assisted by the courts in compelling the
testimony of witnesses or production of documents pursuant to the national laws of the
arbitral seats.

4.2 Evidentiary considerations

4.2.1 Burden of proof
To effectively exercise its investigative powers in order to identify a corrupt transaction,
an arbitral tribunal needs stout knowledge about the placement of burden of proof
between the parties, the standard of proof to be applied once the burden is established and
what universal indicators point towards a corrupt transaction.
The practice of nearly all international arbitral tribunals is to require each party to
prove the facts upon which it relies in support of its case.74 This practice is recognised
explicitly in the UNCITRAL Rules.75
However, requiring a party which was not party to the questionable transaction and
who has no access to data or documentation maintained by the other party to present
evidence or prove the corruption of such activities may be tantamount to aiding and
abetting such corruption.76
Thus, where there is a reasonable indication of corruption, we may shift the burden of
proof to the allegedly corrupt party to establish that the legal and good faith requirements
were in fact duly met.77 However, such a reversal of burden of proof may not be
compatible with the right to fair trial.78
Thus, in ICC Award No. 6497, the arbitral tribunal seems to have accepted to the shift
of the burden of proof which is only to be made in special circumstances and for very
good reasons.
Effect of bribery in international commercial arbitration 141

Since most of such evidence has to be procured from officials or politicians who have
been bribed by the intermediaries or the parties in question, the burden of proof becomes
insurmountable.79 On the other hand, the party accused of corruption can easily produce
countervailing evidence to prove his innocence.80 Therefore, shifting the burden of proof
when there is a reasonable basis to believe corruption is involved may solve many

4.2.2 Standard of proof

Even if it is decided that the party alleging corruption has the burden of proving the
existence of the same, there are differing opinions as to the standard of proof required to
prove the existence of corruption.
There have been many cases where allegations of corruption or bribery have been
dismissed by the tribunals citing lack of proof,81 and tribunals have stated ‘clear and
convincing proof’ is required.82 In contrast, in many cases, circumstantial evidence has
been considered sufficient to prove the existence of bribery or corruption as proving
allegations of bribery is usually a very difficult task as the illicit object of the contract is
generally hidden83. Thus, arbitrators are left with no other choice than to analyse the clues
and indicators available in order to determine whether corruption had taken place.

4.2.3 Indicators of bribery in a commercial transaction

If the tribunal decides to admit circumstantial evidence to show proof of bribery, it needs
to decide what evidence would be considered as indicators of corruption.
The activities of the agent or the intermediary forms one of the most functional
indicators of bribery. In ICC Case No. 8891/1998, the arbitral tribunal termed excessively
high fees/commission of the agents as a ‘red flag’ for corruption. Similarly, “unusual
patterns or financial arrangement” including unusually high commissions were
considered as red flags indicating corruption by the FCPA in the USA. However, the
entirety of facts needs to be considered before any inference may be drawn. There might
be instances where the amount of commission promised to the agent (even though higher
than international standards) was warranted by the facts of the case.84
Further, if the high amount of commission is not backed by a proportionate benefit
flowing to the agent; it is considered a suspicious practice as the excess amount may be
paid as a part of a bribe.85
The duration of the service provided by the agent also plays an important role.
Sometimes, a relatively short duration of service period can indicator of corrupt intent.86
Moreover, the actions of the agent in the completion of his agency agreement also
become relevant. Since most disputes between the principal and the agents are centred on
the non-action of the agents towards the fulfilment of the agreement, a majority of most
principals insist on the inclusion of a clause demanding the proof of the agent’s causal
connection with the completion of the agreement. Thus the absence of the same is a
strong indicator of corruption.87 Another indicator of corruption can be the widespread
existence of corruption in the country where the agreement took place.88
As can be seen, there exist a variety of indicators to corruption in international
commercial transactions. It is thus the duty of the tribunal to look into the facts of the
particular dispute and decide the matter accordingly. The tribunal is not bound by any of
the indicators mentioned herein and may itself observe new criterion indicating
142 D. Srinivasan et al.

corruption. Moreover, a balance between the strength of the complainant’s case and the
presence of the indicators needs to be maintained. In WDF v. Kenya89 where even though
the respondent failed to defend the case to a satisfactory level, the tribunal noted that due
to ‘the gaps in the [claimant’s] story [of solicitation of bribes by the respondent] [were]
very significant’ and thus as the claimant was unable to establish its burden of proof,
none of the indicators could have been used to crystallise the inference of bribery.

4.3 Role of the arbitrator

An arbitrator, unlike a judge in a national court, is appointed at the request of the parties
having the contractual dispute and may assume that he only needs to address the
particular interests of the parties in the arbitration and need not be concerned with
international policy issues.
Thus, in issues of corruption and bribery, the question arises as to whether the
tribunal is obligated to investigate even when neither party raises the issue before the
tribunal, but the facts and circumstances of the case suggest the contract is likely to have
been tainted by bribery. Arbitrators must consider a number of factors when deciding
how to proceed, especially fact that the primary duty of the arbitrator is to render an
enforceable award.90
To investigate claims of bribery, particularly where none have been raised by the
parties, may invite challenges to the arbitrator’s jurisdiction and the validity of the award
on the basis of ultra vires and/or ultra petita. Conversely, to disregard the possibility of
bribery in a dispute may also undermine the enforceability of the award. Enforcing a
claim based on a contract that is void due to bribery would violate international public
policy, and result in any award being likely to set aside.91
The tribunal in the Westacre case took the position that “If the defendant does not use
it in his presentation of facts, an arbitral tribunal does not have to investigate”.
It has been argued that given the clear confirmation that bribery is bonos mores and
illegal in international law and that the duty of arbitrators is to uphold such law,
arbitrators need to be proactive in dealing with bribery issues. Otherwise, it is possible
that an arbitral tribunal may be used to validate the legality of a contract that a state
prosecutor would view as illegal and the participants as criminal.92 For example, in the
recent Megafon case93 involving a Russian cell phone operator, an arbitral tribunal based
in Zurich, on its own suspicion, conducted a private investigation into the crime of money
laundering and ruled that a party could not reap the benefit of the disputed agreement
because it is a criminal organisation and its money was tainted.
However, most arbitral tribunals tend to restrict themselves to the allegations of the
parties, and require clear proof of bribery or corruption, irrespective of what suspicions
they may have. Only in very rare cases is search for indicia of bribery made on
commercial arbitrators’ own initiative.

5 Conclusions

The plethora of issues arising due to claims involving allegations of bribery are marred
by complexity, compelling arbitral tribunals to adopt a cautious approach.
Yet, the issue of arbitrability of such claims provides the most straight forward
approach. In the post Lagergren era, an arbitral tribunal is expected to assume limited
Effect of bribery in international commercial arbitration 143

jurisdiction to determine the existence of bribery. The exercise of jurisdiction to consider

the merits of the dispute, however, is contingent upon the admissibility of such claims
before the tribunal.
The issue of admissibility raises more complicated concerns. The authors proposed
that such claims, shown to be tainted by bribery, are inadmissible owing to the
application of the Doctrine of Clean Hands. In addition, such claims are bound to violate
either the international public policy of the enforcing State, or the often cited
transnational public policy; reinforcing the argument for inadmissibility.
Lastly, the vast investigative powers of the arbitral tribunal used to identify tainted
commercial transactions impose a threefold duty upon the tribunal – to possess the
knowledge of the placement of burden of proof, to weigh the evidence produced against a
standard of proof, and to take cognizance of the tainted contract even if the parties have
not brought forth the allegations.
The actual extent of such powers, however, varies on a case by case basis, influenced
by the attitude of the tribunal towards condemning corruption in international commercial

1 Sterk, S.E. (1981) ‘Enforceability of agreements to arbitrate: an examination of the public
policy defence’, 2 Cardozo L. Rev. 481, 482.
2 Youssef, K. (2009) ‘The death of inarbitrability’, in Mistelis, L.A. and Brekoulakis, S.L.
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3 Stempel, J.W. (1990) ‘Pitfalls of public policy: the case of arbitration agreements’, 22
St. Mary’s. L. J. 258, 284.
4 Shore, L. (2009) ‘Defining arbitrability: the United States vs. the rest of the world’, N.Y.L.J.
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5 Lehmann, M. (2003–2004) ‘A plea for a transnational approach to arbitrability in arbitral
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6 Bockstiegel, K-H. (2008) ‘Public policy as a limit to arbitration and its enforcement’, IBA
Disp. Resol’n. J. Special Issue 123, 128.
7 Fouchard, P. (1999) ‘Preface’, Ordre Public et Arbitrage Commercial International vii, viii
(Jean-Batiste Racine).
8 Arfzadeh, H. (2001) ‘Arbitrability under the New York Convention: Lex Fori revisited’, 17(1)
Arb. Int’l 73.
9 International Law Association, Resolution 2/2002 – International Commercial Arbitration, 1
10 Lo, C-f. (2008) ‘Principles and criteria for international and transnational public policies in
commercial arbitration’, 1 Contemp. Asia Arb. J. 67.
11 Ma, W. (J-M.) (2005) Public Policy in the Judicial Enforcement of Arbitral Awards: Lessons
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12 International Law Association, supra note 9.
13 Jan van den Berg, A., The New York Convention of 1958: An Overview [online]
14 Blessing, M. (1998) ‘The law applicable to the arbitration clause’, in Jan van den Berg, A.
(Ed.): Improving the Efficiency of Arbitration Agreements and Awards: 40 Years of
Application of the New York Convention, ICCA Congress Series 168, 170.
15 Gaillard et al., E. (Eds.) (1999) Fouchard Gaillard Goldman, International Commercial
Arbitration 330, Kluwer Law International, ICC Award No. 4131/1982.
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16 Kreindler, R. (2003) ‘Approaches of application of transnational public policy by arbitrators’,

4(2) J. World Invest’ts, 239, 244.
17 Hunter, M. and Silva, G.C.E. (2003) ‘Transnational public policy and its application in
investment arbitrations’, 3 J. World Invest’ts 367, 372.
18 Mistelis, L.A. (2009) ‘Is arbitarbility a national or an international law issue?’, in
Mistelis, L.A. and Brekoulakis, S.L. (Eds.): Arbitrability – International And Comparative
Perspectives 1, 13.
19 Gruner, D.M. (2003) ‘Accounting for public interest in international arbitration: the need for
procedural and structural reform’, 41 Colum. J. Transnat’l L. 923, 924.
20 Born, G.B. (2010) International Commercial Arbitration – Cases and Materials 588.
21 Born, G.B. (2009) International Commercial Arbitration 803–804.
22 Barrington, L. (2000) ‘Arbitral and judicial decision: HUBCO v. WAPDA: Pakistan Top
Court rejects modern arbitration’, 11 Am. Rev. Int’l. Arb. 385, 393.
23 ICC Award No. 1110/1963.
24 ICC Award No. 3913/1981; ICC Award No. 3916/1982; ICC Award No. 5622 (Hilmarton –
1988 and 1992).
25 Born, supra note 21, at 805.
26 ICC Award No. 6401 (Westinghouse – 1992); ICC Award No. 7664 (Frontier – 1996).
27 Prager, D.W. (2006) World Duty Free Company Ltd v. Republic of Kenya, ICSID Case No.
ARB/00/077, 4 October 2006, A contribution by the Institute of Transnational Arbitrator
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28 ICC Award No. 6401 (Westinghouse – 1992).
29 ICC Award No. 3916/1982; ICC Award No. 7664 (Frontier – 1996); ICC Award No.
30 Barrington, supra note 22.
31 World Duty Free Company Limited v. The Republic of Kenya, ICSID Case No. ARB/00/7.
32 Fioma Trust & Holding Corp v. Privolay [2007] 1 All. E.R. (Comm.) 891 (England Court of
33 P.L.D. 2000 S.C. 841.
34 Hiber, D. and Pavić, V. (2008) ‘Arbitration and crime’, 25(4) J. Int’l Arb. 461, 462.
35 Mourre, A. (2006) ‘Arbitration and criminal law: reflections on the duties of the arbitrator’,
22(1) Arb. Int’l. 95, 100.
36 Gaillard, supra note 15.
37 S.P.D. v. Societe D.P.F, Cour d’Appel de Paris (Paris Court of Appeal) 20 January 1989,
Revue de l’arbitrage 280, 1989.
38 “From an immoral consideration, an action does not arise”.
39 Kreindler, R. (2010) ‘Corruption in international investment arbitration: jurisdiction and the
unclean hands doctrine’, in Hober, K., Magnusson, A. and Ohrstrom, M. (Eds.): Between East
and West: Essays in Honour of Ulf Franke, 319.
40 Lamm, C. et al. (2010) ‘Fraud and corruption in international arbitration’, in Fernández-
Ballesteros, M.A. and Arias, D. (Eds.): Liber Amicorum Bernardo Cremades, 701, 726.
41 Crown Construction Co. v. Huddlestone, 961 S.W.2d, 559; Thomas v. McNair, 882 S.W.2d
870, 880.
42 White, J.M. (2004) ‘Equity – a general principle of law recognised by civilised nations’,
Q.U.T. Law & Justice Journal, Vol. 4 No.1, 110.
43 International Law Association, supra note 9.
44 Abdel Raouf, M. (2009) ‘How should international arbitrators tackle corruption issues?’, 24(1)
ICSID Rev. Foreign Invest’t L. J. 116.
45 International Law Association, supra note 9.
Effect of bribery in international commercial arbitration 145

46 Wilske, S. (2010) ‘Sanctions for unethical and illegal behavior in international arbitration: a
Double-Edged Sword?’, 3 Contemp. Asia Arb. J. 211, 216.
47 European Gas Turbines S.A. v. Westman International Ltd., (1994) Rev. Arb. 359.
48 Hwang, M.S.C. and Lim, K., Corruption in Arbitration – Law and Reality.
49 International Law Association (2000) Interim Report on Public Policy as a Bar to
Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards, 7.
50 Mayer, P. ‘Effect of international public policy in international arbitration?’, in Mistelis, L.A.
and Lew, J.D.M. (Eds.): Pervasive Problems in International Arbitration, 66.
51 Gaillard, supra note 15.
52 Blackaby, N. et al. (Eds.) (2009) Redfern and Hunter On International Arbitration, 432.
53 Mayer, supra note 50.
54 Okekeifere, A.I. (1999) ‘Public policy and arbitrability under the uncitral model law’, 2 Int.
A.L.R. 72, 73.
55 Sever, J.R. (1991) ‘The relaxation of inarbitrability and public policy checks on U.S. and
Foreign arbitration: arbitration out of control?’, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 1664.
56 Fathallah, R. (2010) ‘Corruption in international commercial and investment arbitration:
recent trends and prospects for Arab countries’, 2(3) Int’l J. Arab Arb. 65, 77.
57 Hunter, supra note 17.
58 International Law Association, supra note 9.
59 Hwang, supra note 48.
60 International Law Association, supra note 9.
61 Wilske, supra note 46.
62 ICSID Case No. ARB/00/7; ICC Award No. 1110/1963.
63 ICC Award No. 6248/1992; ICSID Case No. ARB/00/7.
64 Scherer, M. (2002) ‘Circumstantial evidence in corruption cases before international arbitral
tribunals’, 5 Int’l Arb. Law Rev 29, 30.
65 Karrer, P. (2000) ‘Commentary to Article 187 of Swiss Private International Law Act’, in
Berti, S. et al. (Eds.): International Arbitration in Switzerland, 520.
66 Kreidler, supra note 16.
67 Westacre Investments Inc. v. Jugoimport-SPDR Holding Co. Ltd [1998] 3 W.L.R. 770.
68 Fry, J.D. (2009) ‘Désordre public international under the New York convention: wither truly
international public policy’, 8(1) Chinese J. of Int’l L. 81, 118–119.
69 Nicholls, C. et al. (2011) Corruption and Misuse of Public Office, §1.01, 2nd ed.
70 Transparency International (2009), Global Corruption Report, 165.
71 Hwang, supra note 48.
72 Mills, K. (2003) Corruption and other Illegality in the Formation and Performance of
Contracts and Conduct of Arbitration Relating Thereto, Jan van den Berg, A. (Ed.), ICCA
Congress Series No. 11.
73 International Bar Association Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Commercial
Arbitration, Art. 4(10).
74 Redfurn, A. et al. (2009) Redfurn & Hunter on International Arbitration.
75 UNCITRAL Rules, Art. 24.
76 Mills, supra note 72.
77 Id.
78 Mourre, supra note 35.
79 Nicholls, supra note 69.
80 Lamm, supra note 40, at 701.
146 D. Srinivasan et al.

81 ICC Award No. 4145/1985; ICC Award 6286/1994; ICC Award No. 6401/1992.
82 ICC Award No. 6401/1992.
83 ICC Award No. 8891/1998.
84 ICC Award No. 9333/1998.
85 ICC Award No. 1110/1963.
86 ICC Award No. 8891/1998.
87 ICC Award No. 7047/1994.
88 ICC Award No. 1110/1963; ICC Award No. 3916/1982.
89 ICSID Case No. ARB/00/7.
90 Horvarth, G. (2001) ‘The duty of the tribunal to render an enforceable award’, 18 J. Int’l Arb.
91 ICSID Case No. ARB/00/7.
92 Timothy Martin, A. (2002) ‘International arbitration and corruption: an evolving standard’,
International Energy and Minerals Arbitration, Mineral Law Series.
93 Abdel Raouf, M. (2010) ‘How should international arbitrators tackle corruption issues?’, in
Fernández-Ballesteros, M.A. and Arias, D. (Eds.): Liber Amicorum Bernardo Cremades 1,16.

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