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SEMESTER 2 2018/2019



Low Earth Orbit Satellite

Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite is advance satellite, becoming the alternative for the
traditional one, geosynchronous orbit (GEO). LEO satellite technology capable to provide
the coverage as near as 100%. A constellation of LEO satellites can provide continuous,
global coverage as the satellite moves. Unlike GEO satellites, LEO satellites also fly at a
much faster pace because of their proximity to Earth. In nowadays real life application, LEO
constellation enables communication anywhere in the world remain uninterrupted – even for
ships sailing at high latitudes, or adventurers in remote regions. At the other hand, due to the
fixed nature of GEO satellites, signal blockages between a user and satellite can easily
occur; however, since LEO satellites are always moving, the chances of a long or persistent
signal blockage are greatly reduced.
All of these constellations mentioned use the radio frequency spectrum to send and
receive their signals, traditionally between 3 and 30 GHz. As more and more devices and
systems are crowding up the radio frequency spectrum and the demand for bandwidth
increases, different spectrum ranges that have not been used as much in the past will have to
be utilized.

MCMC Allocation
Amateur radio describes the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-
commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private
recreation, contesting, and emergency communication. Amateur radio frequency allocation
is done by national telecommunication authorities. Globally, the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) oversees how much radio spectrum is set aside for amateur
radio transmissions. Individual amateur stations are free to use any frequency within
authorized frequency ranges; authorized bands may vary by the class of the station license.
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is a regulatory
body and its key role is the regulation of the communications and multimedia industry.
Below is a part of the standard that has been put by MCMC for amateur radio frequency
allocation, which is from 430 MHz to 440MHz.
Radio Frequency
Radio frequency (RF) is produced by the oscillation of electromagnetic radio waves along
with alternating currents carrying the radio signals and then radiating it off a conductor that
is called as antenna. RF signals are sent and received using conductors through the
phenomenon known as the skin effect, where RF current latches itself and flows through
the surface of conductors rather than penetrating and passing through them like it does with
other non-conducting solids. This effect is the core and basis of radio technology.
The frequency band that is used for communications transmission and broadcasting
is in the range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz. The frequency band is regulated in IEEE Std
C95.7(TM)- 2014 as requirement for protection from potential hazard, as defined by
exposure limits, and specifying appropriate controls.
Radio frequency is being used in a lot of fields, and is being divided into different
parts, which are then assigned to different technology industries. The radio spectrum for
Very High Frequency (VHF) band that ranges from 30 MHz to 300 MHz is being used for
FM radio, TV broadcasts, and amateur radio. Electronic communication devices such as
mobile phones, wireless LAN, Bluetooth, and TV use Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) band.

Figure 1: Example of 6 elements of VHF Yagi Antenna

Figure 2: Example of 6 elements of UHF Yagi Antenna


A ground station is needed to provide transmission and receiving signal modules to enable the
communication between devices occurred. Below is the requirement to decide the range of
frequency spectrum to be used to locate the ground station.

Analysis requirement:

A ground station operating at amateur radio frequency (RF) band is to be installed on the
The system is expected to receive low earth orbit (LEO) satellite signals without any
interference at the frequencies of 400 - 470 MHz. As RF consultant, the need to gauge
information of the existing radio frequencies surrounding the area is essential to help plan
suitable system for the ground station. The suitability of the location to receive the above
radio frequency signals by is needed by performing RF scanning.

On the rooftop of BN building in COE, Yagi antenna is being setup by assembling the reflector
rod, driver rod with feeder, and director rod on the main antenna’s bone. The tripod stand is
then setup as the support stand for antenna which later is set in vertical direction for vertical
polarization of signal.
The Anritsu’s spectrum analyser is turned on. The start, center and end frequency is set
to be 400 MHz, 435MHz, and 470MHz respectively. As the setup is done, the cable is
connected from the spectrum analyser to the feeder of driven element of Yagi antenna in order
to capture the signal by the relationship of signal strength in dB against the frequency.
The change of signal can be seen right after the feeder is connected to spectrum analyser
and it shows slight different with the spikes when the antenna is being rotate slowly. As the
connection is clearly established, the signal wavelength is captured for every 5 degree
The captured data from Anritsu’s spectrum analyser is exported into its software called
as Anritsu Software Toolbox for further analysis.

Figure 3: Antenna model used in the analysis

Figure 4: Setting up the Yagi Antenna connected to Anritsu Spectrum Analyzer

Figure 5: Measurement Parameters Shown on Anritsu Master Spectrum Analyzer Tool

Software's Interface during Analysing The Data

Figure 6: Spectrum Analyzer Software's Interface for 360 or 0 degree within allocated
frequency of 400 to 470 MHz
Figure 7: Signal of 360 or 0 degree antenna direction for amateur frequency that falls within
430 - 440 MHz

Figure 8: Spectrum Analyzer Software's Interface for 155 degree within allocated frequency
of 400 to 470 MHz
Figure 9: Signal of 155 degree antenna direction for amateur frequency that falls within 430
- 440 MHz
Table 1: Frequency Range 1 within 430 -440 MHz that is affected by interference signal

Frequency Range 1 Direction Angle (°) Strength (dBm)

North 0 -70.33
5 -70.33
10 -70.33
15 -70.33
20 -72.56
25 -72.56
30 -72.56
35 -72.56
40 -72.56
North East 45 -72.56
50 -72.56
55 -72.56
60 -72.56
65 -72.56
70 -72.56
75 -72.56
80 -72.56
85 -72.56
East 90 -72.56
438.56 - 438.85 MHz
95 -72.56
100 -72.56
105 -72.56
110 -72.56
115 -72.56
120 -72.56
125 -72.56
130 -72.56
South East 135 -72.56
140 -72.56
145 -72.56
150 -72.56
155 -72.56
160 -72.56
165 -72.56
170 -72.56
175 -72.56
South 180 -70.33
South West 185 -70.33
190 -70.33
195 -70.33
200 -70.33
205 -70.33
210 -70.33
215 -70.33
220 -70.33
225 -70.33
230 -70.33
235 -70.33
240 -70.33
245 -70.33
250 -70.33
255 -70.33
260 -70.33
265 -70.33
West 270 -70.33
275 -70.33
280 -70.33
285 -70.33
290 -70.33
295 -70.33
300 -70.33
305 -70.33
310 -70.33
North West 315 -70.33
320 -70.33
325 -70.33
330 -70.33
335 -70.33
340 -70.33
345 -70.33
350 -70.33
355 -70.33
Table 2: Frequency Range 2 within 430 - 440 MHz that is affected with signal interference

Frequency Range 2 Direction Angle (°) Strength (dBm)

North 0 -71.6
5 -84.26
10 -84.26
15 -84.26
20 -84.26
25 -84.26
30 -84.26
35 -84.26
40 -84.26
North East 45 -84.26
50 -84.26
55 -84.26
60 -84.26
65 -84.26
70 -84.26
75 -84.26
80 -84.26
85 -84.26
East 90 -84.26
437.73 - 438.23 MHz
95 -84.26
100 -84.26
105 -84.26
110 -84.26
115 -84.26
120 -84.26
125 -84.26
130 -84.26
South East 135 -84.26
140 -84.26
145 -84.26
150 -84.26
155 -84.26
160 -84.26
165 -84.26
170 -84.26
175 -84.26
South 180 -84.26
South 185 -84.26
West 190 -84.26
195 -84.26
200 -84.26
205 -84.26
210 -84.26
215 -84.26
220 -84.26
225 -84.26
230 -84.26
235 -84.26
240 -84.26
245 -84.26
250 -84.26
255 -84.26
260 -71.6
265 -71.6
West 270 -71.6
275 -71.6
280 -71.6
285 -71.6
290 -71.6
295 -71.6
300 -71.6
305 -71.6
310 -71.6
315 -71.6
320 -71.6
325 -71.6
330 -71.6
335 -71.6
340 -71.6
345 -71.6
350 -71.6
355 -71.6
Strength Of Interference Signal Against The Angle
Direction Of Antenna For 438.56 - 438.85 Mhz
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Strength (dBm)




Angle (Degree)

Figure 10: Graph of strength of interference signal against the angle direction of antenna for
438.56 – 438.85 MHz

Strength Of Interference Signal Against The Angle

Direction Of Antenna For 437.73 - 438.23 Mhz
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Strength (dBm)




Angle (Degree)

Figure 11: Graph of strength of interference signal against the angle direction of antenna for
437.73 – 438.23 MHz
Interference within 430 - 440 MHz for all angle directions
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Strength (dBm)


-80 438.56 - 438.85 MHz

437.73 - 438.23 MHz


Angle (Degree)

Figure 12: Comparison of strength of interference signal against the angle direction of
antenna for 438.56 – 438.85 MHz and 437.73 – 438.23 MHz

According to MCMC, amateur radio allocation is from 430 MHz to 440 MHz frequency
bands. Although the given spectrum allocation that is needed to be analyzed is given from
400 MHz to 470 MHz, the analysis is narrowed down into the mentioned amateur radio
spectrum allocation where it is needed for the purposes of non-commercial exchange of
messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, contesting, and
emergency communication. .
Based on our measurement result, we have found out that in 0⁰/360⁰ antenna direction
data, there are 4 major interference with different signal strength, as per shown in figure 7
and 8. However, in our project, we have neglected the signal strength equals to or below -80
dBm since it is mostly the background noise and any functionality at this point is very
unlikely. Thus, the spikes number 1 and 4 in figure 7 have been neglected. Same goes with
spike number 1 in figure 9. For figure 9, excluding the number 1 spike, the only left
interference is the spike number 2. For all angle of antenna direction, the data obtained for the
signal are almost same. This can be seen in table 1 and table 2.
Within the interested frequency allocation i.e 430 – 440 MHz, it has shown that it is
capable to be used for ground station since there is no significant interference except for the
two frequency range of 438.56MHz - 438.85 MHz and 437.73 MHz - 438.23 MHz where at
certain angle, there are significant signal strength coming from another application devices.
Graph shown in figure 10 at 438.56MHz to 438.85 MHz of frequency range, angle
from 20⁰ to 180⁰ is suitable to be used as amateur radio location as its signal strength is lesser
which is about -73dBm hence, interference level is lower but almost to -70 dBm that will
give problem to the received signal. When narrowed down to 437.73 MHz till 438.23 MHz,
5⁰ to 255⁰ is more suitable to be used as amateur radio location since its signal strength is
lesser which is -84. This value can be seen in the graph in figure 11.

Wireless communication operate in designated frequency bands within the electromagnetic

spectrum and health effects have been extensively studied for over 50 years. The
International Scientific Committee ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing
Radiation Protection) has set guidelines for human exposure to EMF. The guidelines include
a substantial safety margin to assure that no adverse health effects are experienced when
EMF levels are within the established limits. Personnel working at base station and antenna
sites are largely exposed to exposure of radio frequency electromagnetic fields and extreme
radiations. Therefore, some guidelines have to be taken into account in order to minimize the
adverse effect on health. Before entering a base station or antenna site, personnel must
acquaint themselves with the up-to-date technical and safety information provided by their
employer, the site management company, and any relevant local safety requirement. A risk
assessment approach should be applied looking at all risks at the site. As far as EMF is
concerned, due regard shall be taken to consider all RF sources in the immediate vicinity of
the work location and access routes. EMF radiation also produces adverse effect on
environment if it not within the established limit.

EMF Limits for Workers and General Public

The level of absorption is expressed as SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) with the unit W/kg
(watts/ kilogram of body tissue). Exposure guideline limits for EMF workers are higher than
for the general public because workers are adults who are generally exposed under known
conditions and are trained to be aware of potential risk and to take appropriate precautions.

Sufficient information or warning signs should be provided to ensure that other workers
who have not received specific EMF training can take measures to avoid exposure above the
relevant limit, as shown in figure 13.
Figure 13: Exposure limits to workers according to ICNIRP

Exposure Limits According To ICNIRP

Table 3: Public and Occupational Exposure Limits

Mobile Phone/ Base stations

Frequency GSM 900MHz GSM 1800MHz

Public Exposure
4.5 9.0 10.0

22.5 45.0 50.0
Exposure Limit

Compliance Distance
In principle, RF levels decrease rapidly when a person moves further away from the source,
for instance, a transmitting antenna. For each antenna, the RF level can be calculated based
on its electrical characteristics or measured. The distance at which the RF level is always
below the RF limit is called the compliance distance. The compliance distance may be based
on the reference levels or an SAR evaluation; in either case it incorporates a substantial safety
Figure 14: Sign to inform compliance distance to RF workers

Figure 15: Compliance boundary for workers and general public

For a typical base station and antenna (output power is 20W, antenna gain is 15dBi) and
considering general public, the area outside about 4m diameter around antenna is safe.

Actual Deployment Conditions

From the mentioned regulations in previous discussion, below, in figure 16 shows how
antenna requirement should be deployed:
 The minimum height for the installation of radio antenna is 24m.
 Minimum distance from base of a telecoms mast to a domicile is 10 m.
 ICNIRP compliance bundary is 4m.
Figure 16: Deployment conditions of an antenna

Another Way in Minimizing Radiation Effect on Environment and Public

 Radiation Shield
Consist of multiple orthogonally polarized broadband monopole antennas that are
designed to cover frequency range from 800 to 4000MHz. The antennas absorb harmful
radiation to produce a safe radiation free environment.
 Rules
State and Local authorities should all electromagnetic radiation equipment and facilities to
follow their guidelines.
 Shielding Paint
Stop cell tower radiation from home through an outside wall with a high frequency EMF
shielding paint.
 Minimize exposure in microwaves
Minimize installations of cell towers in residential and commercial areas.

By going through the results that we have obtained, we can conclude that the amateur radio
frequency is very smooth without any significant interference from 430 MHz to 437 MHz at
any angle direction of antenna and can be used for the ground station. Applicable frequency
to be used for an amateur satellite radio location is also obtained which is from 437.73 MHz
to 438.23 MHz, from angle 5⁰ to 255⁰, where the interference can be neglected since it does
not reach up to -70 dB that will affect the packet data transfer.
The location for rooftop of BN building in COE is valid to be used as the ground
station considering it also follows the guidelines for public health and safety, where the safe
deployment of directional antenna can be executed in terms of height, the distance and the
location where people are less likely to access.

[1] “C95.7-2014 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Radio Frequency Safety Programs,
3 kHz to 300 GHz,” IEEE-SA - The IEEE Standards Association - Home. [Online].
Available: [Accessed: 10-Jan-


[2] “What is Radio Frequency (RF)? - Definition from Techopedia,”

[Online]. Available:
rf.[Accessed: 10-Jan-2019].

[3] “RF Safety at Base Station “[online] Available at


[4] “Health Impacts Of the Mounting of Telecommunications Mast Close to Buildings”

[online] Available at

[5] Anooja, Sourabh Munjal,” Cell Tower or Base Station Electromagnetic Radiation:
Living Organism, Health Consequences and Protection”, pp.1-9, 2016.

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