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Group : 5

Member of group :
1. Tamaka Pambudi K (P1337420116005)
2. AL Novita Dewi (P1337420116016)
3. Dina Muhyina (P1337420116032)
4. Luthfi Annisa (P1337420116036)
5. Mutiara Handaru M (P1337420116048)

1. When the fourth stage of labor, the procces of downward movement of the fetal head into
the birth canal is ?
a. Engagement
b. Descent
c. Flexion
d. Extension

2. Stage of labor begins with birth of placenta and ends 1-4 hours after birth. Woman may
feel exhausted, she want to interact with the newborn and woman is often ranevous. The
characteristic can occur in stage ?
a. First stage of labor
b. Second stage of labor
c. Third stage of labor
d. Fourth stage of labor

3. Supine hypotension occurs of women after labor and birth because ?

a. Desreased blood pressure
b. Oculation vena cava in uterus
c. Cool clammy skin
d. Dizziness

4. To prevent Hypotension of women after labor and birth, the nurse must do ?
a. Monitoring vital signs and fetal heart rate
b. suggest to consume iron essence
c. Give O2 at 7-10 L/mnt by face mask
d. Give thick blanket to protect temperature

5. The first stage pain during labor can feel in area ?

a. uterus
b. The lower abdominal wall
c. Over the lower lumbar and sacral
d. All of choise is correct

6. In second stage pain is associated with hypoxia of the muscle cells during contractions.
Where is located pain fell ?
a. Uterus
b. Upper margin of the legs
c. Perineal area
d. Lumbar and sacral

7. Fetal heart rate in fetal can auscultating with ?

a. Palpation
b. Droppler
c. Ultrasonic Sound Gram
d. Electrocardio Gram

8. Normal patternfetal heart rate is baseline rate of ?

a. <110 bpm
b. >160 bpm
c. 110-160 bpm
d. <110 - >160 bpm

9. In Intrapartal terms time between contractions is called ?

a. Duration
b. Intensity
c. Rest period
d. Rhythm

10. Compression of fetal head associated with contractions and pressure at head on cervix is ?
a. Early deceleration
b. late deceleration
c. Acceleration
d. Deceleration

11. Mrs. Sarah, 25 years old, G1P0A0, 38 weeks pregnant, came to BPS at 08.00 West
Indonesia Time, complained of kenceng-kenceng stomach, the results of the examination: I
was good, TD: 110/70 mmHg, Pulse 80x / minute, respiration 24x / minute, TFU 30 cm , the
head has entered 2/5, the result of VT opening of the cervix is 8 cm, the membranes are still
intact, the mother says anxiously facing labor.
In accordance with the case of Ny. The direction of the head's decline is at
A. Hodge I
B. Hodge II
C. Hodge III
D. Hodgee IV

12. Palpation to determine the location of the fetal back using an examination technique
called ....
A. Leopold I
B. Leopold II
C. Leopold III
D. Leopold IV

13. A woman aged 30 years, G1P0A0 was 36 weeks pregnant and came to the midwifery
polyclinic for routine examinations. The nurse then measures vital signs and continues with a
physical examination. Through the leopold maneuver it is known that the highest position of
the buttocks, felt by the small parts of the fetus on the left and the back on the right, the
lowest part of the fetus has not entered the pelvis. Where is the nurse able to listen to DJJ the
a. Lower left abdomen
b. Upper right abdomen
c. Upper left abdomen
d. Lower right abdomen
14. fetal pulse testing in pregnant women is usually done at 16 weeks' gestation. the fetal
heart rate to be normal is
A. 120-160
B. 110-140
C. 130-160
D. 140-160
15. A nursing implementation that a woman in labor needs during the First stage includes :
a. Prepare for the birth
b. Evalute uterine contractions every 30 minutes and each time FHR is evaluated
c. Observe and record birth of the Placentia
d. Dry the bab completely
16. During pregnancy monitor labor is needed to find out signs of fetal such as
a. Meconium staining of amniotic fluida
b. Good fetal movement
c. FHR normal
d. Variable decelerations not late
17. In the stage 2 or cervical dilation is complete, the woman’s respons is feel out of control.
Support measures are, except :
a. Assist woman in pushing efforts
b. Encourage woman to assume position of comfort
c. Provide encouragement and praise for effort
d. Encourage woman to restu between contactions
18. the nursing process during the second stage, how many times a nurse conduct an FHR
assessment for high-risk women
a. every 20 minutes
b. every 15 minutes
c. every 10 minutes
d. every 5 minutes
19. at the planning second stage, what nurses do when doing physiological integrtity
a. provide encourage for pushing etfors
b. monitor maternal ang fetal status
c. assessment maternal blood pressue, pulse, and respiratory
d. assessment coping pattern

20. in the third stage of nursing process, signs of placenta separation are, except :
a. fundus rises slightly in abdomen
b. uterus don’t change shape
c. umbilical cord lengthness
d. slight gush of blood from vagina is noted
21. Cortisol may effect maternal esterogen levels, this is theory of…
a. Progesterone withdrawal
b. Fetal cortisol
c. Oxcytosin
d. Oxcytosin stimulation
22. Characteristics of transition phase …
a. Contractions are every 2-3 minutes. Intensity is strong
b. The woman focuses more inward
c. Woman focus is outward
d. Contraction every 3-5 minutes
23. Characteristic of false labor ..
a. Contraction is regular
b. Contraction increase
c. Walking usually increase the constraction pattern
d. Discomfort is felt in abdomen

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