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Modifying boiler operation to reduce primary air port cracking in a recovery


Article  in  Tappi Journal · December 2003


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9 authors, including:

Honghi Tran
University of Toronto


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Modifying boiler operation to reduce primary

air port cracking in a recovery boiler

ABSTRACT: This systematic study examined the cause of severe cracking of SS304L/SA210 composite
waterwall tubes at primary air ports in the recovery boiler at Irving Pulp & Paper’s Saint John mill. The results
show that the severity of the cracking problem was strongly related to the frequency and the magnitude of
tube temperature excursions at the air ports. The cracking problem has been significantly reduced by oper-
ating the boiler at a lower black liquor solids content and at a higher primary air flow. These operating con-
ditions appear to keep the char bed away from the air ports and help reduce tube temperature excursions.
Application: Mills that experience this type of primary air port cracking problem might want to try this
approach; other mills may gain insights on boiler operating parameters to avoid.

evere corrosion and cracking of water-

S wall SS304L/SA210 composite tubes at
primary air ports has occurred in a num-
retrofit in 1991 to increase the firing
capacity to 3.25 million lbs/day of BLDS
Subsequent upgrades included the instal-
the primary air ports) that required the
welds to be cut out and short replace-
ment tubes installed.
ber of recovery boilers in recent years lation of a new tertiary air system, a high A planned boiler inspection in
[1,2,3].The exact cause is not known, but solids crystallizer, a saltcake purge sys- November 1999 revealed extensive pri-
most agree that the severity of the prob- tem, precipitator upgrade and steam mary air port cracking, butt weld crack-
lem is related to the frequency and mag- drum internals replacement [4]. These ing, and membrane bar wastage that
nitude of temperature excursions upgrades allowed for an increase of as- required replacement of 20 m (60 ft) of
observed on the air port tubes. Such vari- fired black liquor solids content from membrane bar in the rear left corner (FFig.
ations at the tube surface during boiler 68% to 72% in 1996 and to 74% in 1997. 2). Due to the continuing deterioration of
operation may lead to excessive corro- By 2000, the boiler was firing 3.7 million these wall panels, the mill decided to
sion and to high internal stresses that may lbs/day of BLDS at a solids content as replace the south (rear/spout) wall and
initiate new cracks and/or propagate high as 76%, and producing 550,000 east (left) wall with WOL 625 tubing dur-
existing cracks at the tube surface. lbs/h steam. ing the April 2000 outage. During this
The recovery boiler at Irving Pulp and As part of the 1991 retrofit, a new outage, eight crown thermocouples were
Paper’s mill in Saint John, New lower furnace with SS304L/SA210 com- installed just below the primary air ports
Brunswick, Canada, was one of the boilers posite tubes was installed. In 1995, severe to monitor tube temperatures and ther-
that experienced a severe primary air localized cracking was found in the mem- Fig. 3).
mal conditions near the air ports (F
port cracking problem. In addition to the branes and on floor tubes on the rear- Tubes East 67 and South 22 were select-
primary air port cracking, this boiler also most third of the floor closest to the ed as these tubes were in the center of
experienced widespread membrane bar smelt spouts (F Fig. 1). This floor cracking the major problem areas. The remaining
wastage and cracking of butt welds locat- prompted the mill to replace the bottom six thermocouples were installed using
ed between the bottom of the primary air half of the composite tubes on the floor the same tube spacing from their respec-
ports and the floor. The significant effort with 625 welded overlay (WOL) tubes in tive corners. Compilation of tube temper-
put into solving the problem by the mill 1996. After six years in service, the WOL ature data was important because fre-
has met with great success, and all the 625 tubing and membrane continues to quent, high tube temperature excursions
cracking problems are now under con- operate without cracking or material are believed to be the main cause of
trol. This paper describes the experience loss. cracking.
of primary air port cracking problem at In May 1998, cracking of primary air Following the April 2000 shutdown, a
the mill, the possible causes, and the port tubes was found in the southeast study program was developed to monitor
actions taken to minimize the problem. (SE) or rear-left corner of the boiler (Fig. the thermal variations (temperature spik-
1). Initially, only a small area was affected, ing) in the lower furnace, and to deter-
CRACKING EXPERIENCE but the extent of cracking problem mine which operating parameters, if any,
The recovery boiler is a 1970 Babcock & increased drastically with each subse- correlate to the thermal variation.
Wilcox UK boiler constructed with 3-in quent outage. In May 1999, extensive pri- Extensive trials were subsequently con-
diameter tubes spaced on 4 in centers. mary air port cracking was found in the ducted in which the black liquor solids
The boiler was originally designed to east (left) sidewall and along the south content was held at 76%.The results were
burn 2.4 million lbs/day of as-fired black (rear) wall. In addition to the primary air inconclusive, mainly due to the extreme
liquor dry solids (BLDS) and to produce port cracking, extensive butt weld crack- thermal conditions in the SE corner of
360,000 lbs/h steam rated at 825oF and ing was found over two smelt spouts the boiler. Changes were made in several
900 psig. The boiler underwent a major (between the smelt spout openings and boiler operating parameters, but none



NORTH, front
NORTH, front #22
Floor membrane
cracking, 1999

#17 #17
WEST, right

EAST, left
Butt weld Primary air

WEST, right

EAST, left
cracking, 1999 port tube
Floor tube cracking, 1999
cracking, 1995

#67 #67

SOUTH, rear
1. Locations of cracking in the lower

3. Locations of crown thermocouples installed on primary air port tubes during

April 2000 boiler shutdown. Photo showing the crown thermocouple installed
on WOL 625 tube E67.
appeared to have an effect on tempera- more severe on the south and east walls
ture spiking. The crown thermocouples than on the north and west walls (Fig. 1).
in the SE corner burned out at the end of The December 2000 planned shut-
June 2000, after less than two-and-a-half down revealed cracking in several mem-
months in operation. brane bars in the rear left (SE) corner
The thermal activity near the air ports below the primary air ports on the new
varied widely from day to day. Figure 4 WOL 625 walls (F Fig. 5).The problem was
shows temperature variations registered confined to the membrane bars, and
by crown thermocouples at various pri- none of the cracking was observed on
mary air ports for two extreme days. On the tubes.Approximately 10 m (30 ft) of
the “good”day (June 6, 2000), the thermal membrane bars were replaced during
activity near the primary air ports was this shutdown, along with the crown
relatively calm and little temperature thermocouple shields that had burned
spiking was observed. On the “bad” day off.
(June 30, 2000), the frequency of tem- Following the December 2000 shut-
BURNT-OUT perature spikes increased markedly and down, the mill established an investiga-
the magnitude of spiking increased, par- tion team to systematically study the
2. Burned-out SS304L membrane bar ticularly at air ports on the south and cause of temperature spiking and to
on the east (left) sidewall, just below east walls of the boiler.At air ports on the develop strategies for controlling the
the primary air port, November 1999. north side (N22 and N65) and at one on cracking problem. The study was con-
Note cracks on the SS304L/SA210 the west side (W17), no temperature ducted in collaboration with Babcock &
spikes were observed.The thermal activ- Wilcox Canada and the University of
composite tube and the membrane
ity was consistent with the cracking pat- Toronto. It involved i) reviewing boiler
bar. tern in the boiler: the problem was much operating data from the past few years, ii)

700 700
W17 S22 N22 June 6, 2000 "Good Day" W17 S22 N22 June 30, 2000 "Bad Day"

E67 S65 N65 E67 S65 N65

600 600

500 500

400 400

300 300

200 200
6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 0:00 3:00 6:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 0:00 3:00 6:00

4. Tube surface temperatures at various primary air ports on a good day (left) and a bad day (right).



monitoring tube temperatures at various flow and secondary air flow were
air ports, iii) relating boiler operating decreased by 5% each in mid
parameters to tube temperature excur- 1997, with the equivalent amount
sions, and iv) conducting trials to exam- of air flow directed toward the
ine if the extent of tube temperature tertiary air to keep the total air
excursions can be reduced by adjusting flow constant.
the parameters which were identified as • The black liquor solids content
being responsible for the tube tempera- was increased from 72% to 74% in
ture excursions. early 1997, and to 76% in 2000;
• The as-fired black liquor load was
STUDY PLAN increased from 3.5 million
To systematically analyze the problem, lbs/day to 3.7 million lbs/day in
the investigation team followed the prin- 2000.
ciples used in Juran’s quality improve-
These changes—the increase in liquor
ment process and Kepnor-Tregoe’s prob-
firing load, the increase in liquor solids
lem solving process. Data on various
content, and the decrease in primary
operating parameters were thoroughly
air—most likely caused the cracking
examined to determine which parame-
problem, because they would probably
ters could be eliminated as a cause of
increase the char bed size and the prob-
temperature excursions, and which CROWN THERMOCOUPLES
ability of char bed buildup near primary
parameters could be considered as hav-
air ports.
ing a high probability, medium probabili-
ty, or low probability of causing the prob- 5. Arrows showing cracking of mem-
lem. The timeline of data collection was INVESTIGATION OF brane bar adjacent to Tube E67 dur-
defined by asking the question, “when POSSIBLE CAUSES ing the December 2000 planned shut-
did the problem first occur?” Since While the increase in liquor firing load down. Note the crown thermocouple
cracks were first noticed on primary air appeared to be an important cause of
burned off on Tube E67.
port SS304L/SA210 tubes in May 1998, temperature spiking, lowering the firing
the conditions causing them would have load was not a viable option for the mill total air flow was kept constant. On
been in place in the boiler by at least late to adopt. Therefore, a study was per- December 22, 2000, the liquor solids con-
1997.To test that presumption, we com- formed to determine if lowering the tent was lowered from 76% to about 74%
piled and analyzed the 1995-2000 boiler liquor solids content and increasing the by setting the boiling point rise (BPR) of
operating data.The analysis revealed sev- primary air flow would reduce the fre- the liquor in the high solids concentrator
eral important operational changes: quency and magnitude of temperature (HSC) from 18oC to 17oC (30oF). On
excursions observed on primary air port January 2, 2001, the solids content was
• The total air flow to the boiler tubes, particularly those in the SE corner lowered further, from 74% to 72%, by set-
was decreased in December 1995 of the boiler. ting the BPR of the HSC liquor to 16oC
when the mill implemented a In mid-December 2000, the primary (28oF) to determine if the temperature
consumed air strategy. air flow was increased 3% from a pri- spikes could be further reduced.
• In order to minimize carryover mary/secondary/tertiary air split of We evaluated the effect of changing
and plugging, the primary air about 32/39/29 to 35/35/30, while the these boiler operating parameters based

150 150

Spikes over 370˚ ˚F) Spikes over 480˚ ˚F)

Increasing primary air 3% Increasing primary air 3%
120 S22 120 S22
Dec. 22, 2000 E67 Dec. 22, 2000 E67
Lowering liquor solids content Lowering liquor solids content
90 from 76% to 74% from 76% to 74%
Jan. 2, 2001 Jan. 2, 2001
Lowering liquor solids Lowering liquor solids
60 content to 72% 60 content to 72%

30 30

0 0
12/1/00 12/11/00 12/21/00 12/31/00 1/10/01 1/20/01 1/30/01 12/1/00 12/11/00 12/21/00 12/31/00 1/10/01 1/20/01 1/30/01
6. Thermal activity at thermocouples below the primary air ports in the rear-left (southeast) corner of the boiler during
the months of December 2000 and January 2001. Left: Number of spikes above 370°C (700°F). Right: Number of spikes
above 480°C (900°F).



The small number of temperature spikes and the absence of


Spikes over 370˚C (700˚F) cracking problem since the adoption of lower solids, higher pri-
Increasing primary air mary air operation in December 2000 clearly suggest that the
150 S22 strategy works. Unfortunately, the same strategy resulted in an
increase in carryover, more fouling in the superheater, and
Dec. 22, 2000 hence, lower boiler thermal efficiency.Therefore, we needed to
No data Lowering liquor solids content find a compromise that would minimize temperature spikes
ue to
ailure and also generate more steam with minimal additional carry-
50 over. This may be possible by increasing the liquor solids con-

Apr-00 Aug-00 Dec-00 Apr-01 Aug-01 Dec-01 Apr-02 HIGHER LIQUOR SOLIDS TRIAL
MONTH Procedure
A higher-solids-firing trial was conducted on September 24,
7. Number of spikes/day above 370°C (700°F) at thermo- 2001 to examine if the number of temperature spikes can be
couples below the primary air ports in the southeast cor- maintained at a low level while the liquor solids content is
ner of the boiler in the period between April 2000 and May increased. At 10 p.m. that day, the heating steam flow to the
9, 2002. black liquor concentrator was increased to increase the liquor
solids content. As is shown in Figure 8a, the solids content of
on the number of temperature spikes that occurred above the as-fired black liquor (measured by an on-line refractometer)
370oC (700oF), and above 480oC (900oF) in a day. In this study, a increased gradually from an initial value of 72% to 75.5% at 6
“spike above 370oC” is defined as a single thermal event in p.m. on September 25, 2001 and then gradually decreased to
which the tube temperature increases above 370oC and then 73% at about 6 a.m. on September 26, 2001. The change in
drops back below 370oC. Similarly, a “spike above 480oC” occurs liquor solids content was confirmed by the change in BPR of
when the tube temperature exceeds 480oC and then drops back the concentrator liquor.
below 480oC. Figure 6 shows the results for the thermocouples During the trial, while the solids content of the as-fired black
installed on Tube S22 and Tube E67 in the southeast corner.The liquor was changed, the total liquor firing load to the boiler was
number of spikes above 370oC decreased significantly, from kept constant by adjusting the liquor volume flow rate. The
more than 50 spikes/day to less than 20 spikes/day, after the pri- steam production, pressure and temperature were constant
mary air flow was increased and the black liquor solids content throughout the trial. As the liquor solids increased throughout
was lowered on December 22, 2000.The number decreased fur- the day, the liquor firing temperature was increased to control
ther, to less than five spikes/day, after the solids content was the bed height (Figure 8b).The airflow distribution (primary air-
lowered further to 72% on January 2, 2001.The effect was more flow and secondary airflow) were occasionally changed to
dramatic on the number of spikes above 480oC; only a few examine its effect on temperature spiking (Figure 8c). Char bed
spikes were observed in December 2000 after the changes were activity was documented using two camcorders to videotape
made, and virtually no spikes were observed during the entire the char bed through the primary air ports near tubes E67 and
month of January 2001. tube W67, and occasionally through the air port near tube S22.
The results were so encouraging that a decision was made to
keep the operation of the boiler at 72% to 73% solids and the
Figure 9 shows the trial results. No temperature spike was
primary/secondary/tertiary air split of about 35/35/30.The aver-
observed on Tubes W17, N22 and N65 (Fig. 9a). This was con-
age number of spikes exceeding 370oC (700oF) observed on
sistent with the fact that no tube cracking has been experi-
Tube S22 and Tube E67 has been low (F Fig. 7), averaging about
enced at primary air ports on the west (right) and north (front)
two and five spikes/day, respectively.What is really important is
walls of the boiler. On the south (rear) wall where smelt spouts
that the cracking problem appears to have stopped. No further
are located, the thermal activity near Tubes S22 and S67 was
cracking was found during planned inspections in May 2001
also relatively low until 6 p.m. on September 25, when temper-
and in May 2002.
ature excursions started to occur and last for 3 h (Fig. 9b).
Note that during the period from December 22, 2000, to the
In contrast, Tube E67 on the east (left) wall showed erratic
end of January 2001, the liquor temperature was held constant
temperature variations with many temperature spikes
to eliminate it as a dominant cause of thermocouple activity.
observed between 6 p.m. on September 25, and 1a.m. the next
Beginning in February, changes were made to the digester con-
day (Fig. 9c).
trols, which lowered the residual alkali content of the black
The on-set of high temperature excursions at 6 p.m. coin-
liquor.As a result, at the target % solids content, a higher liquor
cided with the time when the black liquor solids content
temperature was needed to control the bed size. The operator
reached the highest level, 75.5%, the black liquor temperature
control strategy was to increase the liquor temperature if there
was at the lowest value, 123oC (253oF), and when the primary
was an indication of increasing liquor viscosity or increasing
air was lowered from 250,000 lbs/h to 242,000 lbs/h (Fig. 8).
bed size.Thus, the liquor temperature became a secondary con-
These drastic operating changes were intentionally induced to
trol parameter which could be altered, whereas, the % solids
allow the char bed to grow so that the effect of char bed on
content was a primary control parameter which was to be held
temperature spiking could be examined.



80 20 140 300 740


AIR FLOW, 1000 lbs/h


Trial started at 10:00 pm, 9/24/2001
290 730
280 720

130 270 710

74 y
260 700
72 250 690
a b
70 10 120 040 680
12:0018:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 6:00 12:00
8. Firing conditions during September 24, 2001, trial, (a) as-fired black liquor solids content and boiling point rise; (b) as-
fired black liquor temperature; (c) primary air, secondary air, and total air flow rates (tertiary air was not changed).

500 500 500


450 450 450

400 400 400

350 350 350

300 300 300

250 250 250

12:00 18:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 6:00 12:00
9. Tube temperatures at various primary air ports during the high-solids firing trial.

Visual inspection of the primary air


2.0 900 40


ports in the southeast (rear-left) corner

of the boiler at the moment the temper- N22

1.5 700 30
ature spike at 6 p.m. occurred showed
that the char bed was quite large, and
1.0 500 20
was touching the tube E67. Examination
of videotapes of the char bed recorded
through the primary air ports near Tubes 0.5 300 10
E67 and S22 also revealed that the condi-
tions at these ports were extremely tur- 0 100 0
12:00 18:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 7:12 9:36 12:00 14:48 16:48 19:12 21:36 0:00
bulent when the temperature excursions
occurred. The char bed appeared to
move toward the air ports, with a large 10. Velocities of cooling water in vari- 11. Effect of oil firing on tube temper-
pool of molten smelt present on the bed ous tubes during the September 24, ature excursions (July 22, 2001).
surface. In contrast, the conditions on the 2001, trial.
other side of the boiler (right sidewall) culation was not a cause of the cracking
near Tube W67 were “calm;” the char bed anism of localized corrosion at primary problem at the mill. Figure 10 shows an
appeared to be “normal” and was located air port tubes, which related the severe example of the studies. During the high
away from the air port. tube corrosion to the existence of rela- liquor solids trial, the water velocity in
The trial confirmed that the high tively long-lived temperature excursions. tubes that were monitored was relatively
liquor solids content and the low liquor constant, 0.8-1 m/s.Tube E67 is of partic-
temperature are important factors in EFFECT OF WATER ular interest. No significant change in
char bed growth, particularly when the CIRCULATION water velocity was found in this tube,
primary air rate is low. If the char bed The boiler is equipped with pitot tubes despite a large number of temperature
grows and burns intensely near the air to monitor the water velocity in several spikes observed (Fig. 9c).
ports, turbulent conditions with a large tubes in the lower furnace. Extensive
pool of molten smelt will result, which studies tried to find a correlation EFFECT OF OIL BURNERS
may lead temperature spiking. This is between water circulation and tempera- There is an interesting phenomenon
consistent with the observations by Falat ture spiking. No correlation has been observed at this mill that may indirectly
[1] in his pioneering work on the mech- found to date, suggesting that water cir- help identify the cause of temperature



excursions.The tube temperatures at sev- on a tube at any location in the lower fur- the high liquor solids content or the low
eral primary air ports were found to con- nace, there must be a heat transfer imbal- liquor temperature, or the reduced pri-
sistently increase every time oil burners ance at that location. In other words, the mary air, per se, that caused temperature
were operated. Figure 11 shows an exam- tube surface must be abruptly heated at spikes, but rather the dynamics of the
ple of that. In this case, four of the six a rate greater than the saturated water char bed (turbulent conditions, move-
crown thermocouples showed an abrupt inside can cool it. Possible causes of heat ment and size) resulting from the com-
increase in tube temperature from 570oF transfer imbalance may include the bined effects of these parameters are
to 750oF as the oil flow rate reached following: responsible for temperature excursions.
16,000 lbs/h, and a sudden drop in tem- The turbulent char bed conditions make
perature as the oil flow rate decreased. • A sudden increase in heat input it easier for the molten smelt to be in
The magnitude of the temperature to the boiler (sudden increase in direct contact with the tube surface,
increase depended on the location of the liquor firing load, liquor heating and/or for the char and black liquor to
oil burners that were in use and the oil value, etc.) burn near or directly on the tube surface.
flow rate burned at the time. • Flame impingement on the tube The heat released from direct combus-
Mills operate oil burners only during • Spalling and falling of char/frozen tion or from oxidation of sulfide in
boiler startup and shutdown, and when smelt from the waterwall, expos- molten smelt may result in an enhanced
the black liquor flow is insufficient to ing the tube surface to the com- heat transfer from the furnace to the
maintain a steam production target. Since bustion gas tube, causing the tube temperature to
they are not in use most of the time, oil • Poor water circulation inside the rise at the moment of contact.Therefore,
burners cannot be the cause of tempera- tube it is critical to operate the boiler under
ture spiking, and hence, tube cracking. • Sudden contact of the tube with conditions that keep the char bed away
However, the consistent occurrence of molten/flowing smelt and the from the air ports. Lowering the liquor
temperature excursions when oil burn- subsequent oxidation of sulfide in solids content, increasing primary air
ers were on implies that if a thermal con- the smelt flow and increasing the liquor tempera-
dition similar to that encountered during • Intense burning of black liquor ture are all the operating parameters that
oil burning occurred, there would be a directly on the tube help make the char bed smaller and/or
tube temperature excursion. Although it • Radiation from intense combus- prevent the char bed from build-up near
is not clear what the thermal condition tion that occurs near the tube. the air ports.
may be, flame impingement, radiation, The first three possible causes are unlike-
and/or intense combustion near the tube ly to be important. If they were, cracking SUMMARY
surface may be a contributing factor. would not have been confined to loca- This systematic study examined the
tions near primary air ports. The fourth cause of severe cracking of
IMPLICATIONS possible cause, poor water circulation, SS304L/SA210 composite waterwall
The experience and results of studies at was not an issue in this case, as discussed tubes at primary air ports, membrane bar
the mill clearly show that the severity of earlier. wastage, and cracking of butt welds
the primary air port cracking problem The last three causes are more plausi- located between the bottom of the pri-
depends strongly on the frequency and ble because these mechanisms require mary air ports and the floor in the recov-
magnitude of tube temperature excur- air, a condition that always prevails near ery boiler at the Saint John mill. The
sions. By operating the boiler at condi- the primary air ports. The experience at results show that the severity of the
tions that produce few temperature Irving Pulp & Paper suggests that the problem was strongly related to the fre-
spikes, the mill has brought the cracking dynamics of the char bed near air ports quency and the magnitude of tube tem-
problem under control. In this case, the may play an important role in the occur- perature excursions at the air ports,
two main operational changes that rence of temperature spikes. During the which were greatly affected by the char
helped minimize temperature spikes are time when high tube temperature excur- bed dynamics near the air ports.
i) lowering the liquor solids content and sions occurred, the bed was highly unsta- The cracking problem has been sig-
ii) increasing primary air flow. In order to ble and turbulent, contained a larger nificantly minimized by operating the
understand the root cause of the crack- quantity of molten smelt, and was locat- boiler at a lower black liquor solids con-
ing problem, it is important to examine ed closer to the air ports than normal. tent and at a higher primary air flow.
how these operational changes could Even when the boiler was operated at These conditions appear to keep the
lead to the observed decline in tempera- a high liquor solids content, a low liquor char bed away from the air ports and
ture excursions in the southeast corner temperature, and a reduced primary air help reduce tube temperature excur-
of the boiler. flow (Fig. 8 at 6 p.m., September 25, sions.
Under normal conditions, the tube 2002), only the primary air ports in the In addition to the operational changes
surface temperature in the lower furnace southeast corner near Tube E67 and Tube described above, computational fluid
is stable at about 300oC (570oF), due to S22 suffered from high tube temperature dynamic modeling has been used to
the cooling effect of the saturated water excursions. The primary air ports at examine the air flow and liquor spray
that flows inside the tubes. In principle, other locations had no temperature spik- patterns in the lower furnace. Based on
in order for a temperature spike to occur ing problem. This suggests that it is not the modeling results, two additional air



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the boiler and the other near the front- Solutions, Bowater Canadian Forest tions of recovery boiler primary air
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installed in an effort to eliminate the Ltd., Clyde-Bergemann Inc., Daishowa-
Proceedings of the 2001 TAPPI
recirculation flow patterns in both cor- Marubeni International Ltd., Domtar Inc., Engineering Conference, Session
ners of the furnace to minimize carry- Georgia Pacific Corporation, No. 24, TAPPI PRESS, Atlanta,
over, while maintaining the thermocou- International Paper Company, Irving Pulp Georgia, USA.
ple activity low to avoid the primary air & Paper Limited, Kvaerner Pulping 4. Mackenzie, C.M. Hiner, L., Wessel,
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ports on temperature spiking and boiler Votorantim Celulose e Papel, “Irving recovery boiler upgrade:
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1. Falat, L., TAPPI J. Vol. 79(2):
ACKNOWLEGEMENTS 175(1996). Received: September 11, 2002
This work involved many dedicated per- 2. Keiser, J.R., Singbeil, D.L., Accepted: January 10, 2003
sonnel at Irving Pulp and Paper Ltd. and Chowdhury, K.A., et al.,
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INSIGHTS FROM THE AUTHORS Despite the complexity of the problem, we were for-
We selected this topic to research because it is a very tunately able to sort out the main boiler operating
important subject from a boiler operation point of view parameters that led to the cracking problem.
and because it fits well with our expertise. This work As a further step, we will closely monitor the crack-
helped me greatly in devising critical experiments at ing conditions of the tubes and make sure that the
the university to determine the main factors causing problem is under control. We will also conduct experi-
high tube temperature excursions and cracking near ments in the laboratory to verify some of the hypothe-
primary air ports. ses and to examine if we can reproduce the tube crack-
The most difficult aspect of this research was to ing conditions in the laboratory.
determine the interaction between one boiler operating — Honghi Tran
variable and another in the recovery boiler. It is often
difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem. We Tran and Vafa are with the University of Toronto, Toronto,
needed to conduct a systematic analysis of boiler oper- Ontario, Canada; Milbury, Blaney, Piroozmand, Roherty, and
ating conditions and use our knowledge of boiler oper- Mott are with Irving Pulp & Paper Ltd., Saint John, New
ation and black liquor combustion. Brunswick, Canada; and Anderson and Rivers are with Babcock
& Wilcox Canada, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. Email Tran at

Tran Vafa Milbury Blaney Piroozmand Roherty Mott Anderson Rivers


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