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Present Simple and Present Continuous Activities

1) Put the sentences into the negative and interrogative forms (Present Continuous):

a) She is speaking English. b) They are going to the door. c) Mr. Brown is speaking
now. d) We’re writing on the books. e) I’m going home now. f) Anna and Jack Brown
are speaking Japanese. g) She’s speaking Chinese.

2) Put the sentences into the negative and interrogative forms (Present Simple):

a) She speaks English. b) They go to the door after the class. c) Mr. Brown speaks
English. d) We write on the books in the class. e) I go home after the class. f) Anna and
Jack Brown speak Japanese. g) She speaks Chinese.

3) Complete the phrases with the correct missing words:

a) We use the Present Simple for an action we _______________________, for

example: “You are speaking English now, but generally you speak Portuguese”. We use
the Present Continuous for an action we _______________________, for example:
“Now, I am going to the door”.

b) In questions and negative sentences, in the Present Simple, we use the word
___________. For example: “Do you speak Japanese?” and “You do not speak
Japanese”. For “he”, “she” and “it”, we use the word _________. For example: “Does
he speak Japanese?” and “He does not speak Japanese”.

c) The contraction of “do not” is _____________ and the contraction of “does not” is

d) The negative of “He remains on the chair” is _______________________________

e) The positive of “I don’t speak” is _________________________________________

f) The question of “He’s speaking English” is _________________________________

g) The difference between the Present Continuous and the Present Simple is that we use
the _____________________ for an action we are doing now, whereas we use the
_____________________ for an action we do generally.

h) The sentence “She is going to the door” is in the _____________________________

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