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Bieber meets Jonas - Part 1 (Running Away)

"The name's Bieber, Justin Bieber" (insert hot hair flick here)
"More like, Douche, Gay Douche" said my best friend, Nick
" Shut up Jonas, just 'cos your jealous of me" I pouted
"Psh! Me? Jealous of you?"
"Yeah 'cos I'm more famouserer than you"
"Justin, Famouserer isn't a word"
"I made it up, 'cos I'm smart"
"You are not smart"
"Okay, give me one good reason why"
"Because" said my mum, walking through the door, " you just failed year 8. again
!" my mum thew my end of year test paper in front of me.
"how did you manage to fail year 8 at the age of 16?" asked a very surprised Nic
"Just read his answers" replied my mum furiously. Nick grabbed the paper and fli
cked through it. "Justin, some of your answers are just stupid"
"Like..." I asked him.
"Like" he said reading one of my answers out "Who is the most infulential woman
in the world? Kim Kardasian, have you seen those boobs? They can convince anyone
I stifled a laugh, but my mum just glared at me. "Nick, honey could you go and w
ait in Justin's room? Justin and I need to talk" She gave me the You're-in-troub
le-young-man look.
"Sure Pattie" said Nick. He got up and went into my room.
"Mu-" I began
"No, hear me out first Justin. You are getting really spoilt and I think it is t
ime you cancelled your upcoming tour and go to a boarding school. I can't stand
the sight of you!" yelled my mum.
"So you are embarrassed to call me your son?" I asked on the verge of tears.
" Justin, don't go there" warned my mum.
" No mum, I will go there! Answer the fucking question!"
" Justin Drew Bieber! Mind your language!"
" Not until you answer the question!"
" Yes, I am embarrassed of you, I only put up with you for the money"
"Thanks mum"
" No that's not all, I think you are the biggest mistake ever, I lost so much be
cause of you, do you know how much easier my life would be without you?"
" Well you are about to find out how easy it will be without me" I turned around
and ran out the door but not fast enough to not hear my mum say " I hate you Ju
stin! Never come back to this house again!"
Nick heard the whole argument and ran out after me. He pulled me into his car a
nd drove me to his house. On the way I couldn't hold back my tears any longer. T
hey broke free and I cried all the way to Nick's house.
Before we got out, Nick put his arm around me and said "It's going to be fine, y
ou can stay with us and we will show you how important you are"
I managed out a thankyou before we went in to face the Jonas family.
" Hey Nick, I thought you were sleeping over Justin's. Oh hey Justin... what's w
rong sweetie?" asked a concerned Denise.
" Mum" began Nick " Justin was kicked out of home, he needs to stay with us" sai
d Nick on my behalf.
"Of course Justin. How about we sit down and you can tell us about it. I'll call
the family down" said Denise
" Thanks Denise your great!" I managed to croak
Soon all the Jonases were on the table and were eying me worriedly. This family
was truly great, they cared about me so much and I wasn't even part of the famil
Kevin sat next to me and asked " Hey buddy, I know it will be hard but how about
you tell us what happened"
Usually I'd be skeptical about opening up to people but not this family. I told
them the whole story and then I looked at all of them nervously after I finished
my recount of my altercation with my mum earlier. Joe was the first to speak "
Mum, we should take Justin in"
Kevin was next" Yeah, could be a part of our family, another son for you"
Denise and Paul were quite happy with that idea they asked me "So what do say Ju
stin? Want to be a Jonas?"
Bieber meets Jonas - Part 2 (Wanna be a Jonas?)
"So what do you say Justin? Want to be a Jonas?" I was speechless. They actually
wanted me to be a part of their family. Wow!
" I couldn't ask that of you. I'd be such a burden!"
I was quite surprised when Frankie spoke up " No way! I want you as my brother,
don't get me wrong these three monkeys" he pointed at Nick ,Joe and Kevin " are
great but I would love you to be my brother as well!"
How could I say no to that kid? Besides I want to be a part of the Jonas family,
they actually care about me unlike my mum. The thought of her sent me off cryin
g again.
This time Denise was the one to comfort me " I think you deserve a good family J
ustin, and don't worry about your mum, you'll never see her again"
I then made my decision," I'd love to be a part of this family, only if you want
me" I said.
"Of course we do!" They all shouted.
"so that's that" said Nick, "You are my brother!" And he gave me a big bear hug.
" Nicholas, stop strangling the poor boy and show him to his room!" said Denise
" Mum, stop calling me Nicholas, my name is Nick" whined Nick
" You'll always be my baby Nicholas, now get Justin to his room" replied Denise
ruffling Nick's hair.
" Don't touch the hair" said Nick running upstairs grabbing me on the way.
" So Justin, this is your room" said Nick, showing me to a massive room " but th
ere is one problem..."
Oh no, here it comes, I thought
" You don't have any clothes to wear!"
" Crap! Whast do I do? I'm not going back to mum's house" I cried, slapping my h
ead with my hand.
" Chill Justin, this just means that we get to go shopping!"
I don't know how Joe and Kevin heard, but they ran into the room screaming "SHOP
"How on earth did you two hear?!" asked Nick.
"Meh, we're just cool like that" said Joe
"Correction, your cool, I'm awesome" (insert triumphant music here)
" No fair, I wanna be awesome too" whined Joe
" Newsflash! You are both gay!" said Nick in a matter-of-factly voice
"Hey!" They both yelled. And then they all began tackling each other.
" Well, bye guys! I'm going shopping" I told them. They immediately stopped figh
ting and followed me out.
"Bye mum, we're going shopping" yelled Nick as we were going out the door.
" Okay honey, take Frankie!". Frankie ran up when he heard we were going shoppin
"Kevin your driving!" said Joe, "I wanna talk to Justin"
"Fine" grumbled Kevin. We all got into the car and headed for the mall.
"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked Joe.
"well, don't take this the wrong way..."
Bieber meets Jonas - Part 3 (Shopping)
"well, don't take this the wrong way..."
Oh no! I thought.
"I need some advice about girls and well you seem to be really good with them" a
sked Joe very hesitantly.
"Sure Joe" I laughed "But don't you think it's kinda weird getting advice from a
" It's better than asking his teddy bear Justin" added Kevin, " And yes Joe I di
d see that". Joe looked down as his face
turned a deep scarlet. We all cracked up laughing. "Anyway Joe, who's the girl?"
"Taylor Swift" he replied. My eyes grew wide.
" Is there something wrong with her?" Joe asked
" No, it's just that, I wrote a song for Taylor, back when I had a crush on her,
don't worry I don't like her in that way
anymore, and I never released it so you could sing it to her if you wanted to"
" Really? Can I?"
" Sure Joe, it's called Favourite Girl. I'll teach it to you when we go home"
" Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!"
"Guys..." said Frankie
"What's up Tank?" asked Nick. Frankie pointed oustide and we saw that we had arr
ived at the mall but there was a mass
of 600 girls.
"How the heck did they find out?" asked Kevin
"Beats me, they do it every time" I replied. It's true they always managed to fi
nd out where we were at all times.
"Time to get the emergency disguises out" said Joe and he laughed evilly.
"Ok now I'm scared" I said, I really was scared.
"so you should be" said Nick opening a hidden compartment in the car that I didn
't know exsisted.
"Guys, we have a problem" said Nick. He pulled out a note that read:
"Boys, I figured these clothes needed a wash so I put them in the laundry.
I'll return them in a few days.
Love, Mum"
"Good luck" said Frankie.
"This looks like a job for Big Rob!" said Kevin
"I've always wanted to meet Big Rob, he looks so cool!" I wondered out loud. Nic
k pulled out his phone and asked Big Rob to meet them
in the parking lot and 10 minutes later the big guy came up to our black SUV and
let us out.
"Let's go boys!" said Big Rob "Hi Justin"
"Hey" I replied. Just then my phone rang. My eyes grew wide and so Nick looked a
t the caller ID.
"Don't pick it up!" He yelled pulling the phone away from me.
Bieber meets Jonas - Part 4 (Call from Home)
"Don't pick it up!" He yelled pulling the phone away from me.
"Give it back, I need to talk to her!" I yelled at Nick " Please". Nick saw the
look in my eyes and handed the phone over.
"Hi mum" I said.
"Justin, come back home, please"
"Why? So you can take more of my money?"
"Justin I wasn't meant to say those words to you. I'm so sorry!"
" But you meant everything that you said, didn't you?
" That's not the poi-"
"It is the point, did you mean what you said"
"But, That's, ... yes I did mean it"
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't hang up now" I was trying my best not t
o cry infront of everyone. That was one weird thing about me,
I can never show my friends my true emotions in fear of them thinking that I'm a
big baby.
"Justin please listen to me"
"No, mum you listen to me, never try to contact me again. Ever. I swear someone
will get hurt if you do. When you told me to get out of your life,
I had every intention of doing just that. No matter how much it hurt me to go, I
knew that I had to get away from you for good. So please, this is the last time
I want to
tell you goodbye. It is less painful for both of us. Bye mum"
"Ju-" Despite my heart telling me not to hang up I did. I knew it would be the l
ast time I would ever see or hear from my mum. And the pain was too much.
At that moment I didn't care about the fact that I was Justin Bieber and that pa
parazzi pobably would be recording me now, or that I was in the midlle of a park
ing lot, or
even the fact that I was surrounded by 5 guys including a 9 year old. I felt som
eone come and sit down next to me but I didn't care about that either.
"Sometimes when life dumps a pile of shit on you, you just gotta pick it up and
move on" I then recognized that person as Kevin.
"What is you don't wat to pick it up?" I asked. I knew that he knew what I meant
by that.
" You have to, It maybe hard but you just have to Justin". I didn't respond.
"And I have another saying for you" said Joe, "Life is like a bullet, you only g
et one shot, so give it your best"
"Exactly, forget about your mum, and enjoy life with us" said Nick.
" I promise to make your life lots of fun" said Frankie. This made my laugh. But
it turned out funny because I was crying and laughing at the same time.
"Thanks guys, wow I've been doing a lot of crying today" I said.
"I doesn't matter, we all do sometimes" said Kevin
"Now come on let's go shopping" said Joe.
"Let's go!" I said wiping my tears away. We all took off into the mall together
and everything looked good until I realised something.
" Guys" I asked, " Where's Frankie?"
Bieber meets Jonas - Part 5 (Crazed fans)
" Guys" I asked, " Where's Frankie?"
"OH MY GOD! WE LOST FRANKIE!" cried Kevin.
"Um, calm down Kev, we'll find him" said Big Rob, but Kevin wasn't convinced.
"Okay, let's split up and that way it will be easier" I said
" Yeah, I mean he can't have gone far can he?" asked Nick nervously
"Can he?" asked Joe. And we all sprinted in different directions. I went back ou
tside and before long I saw his unmistakable green t-shirt.
"Frankie" I shouted, very relieved to have finally found him. But that feeling w
ent away as soon as it came. Around Frankie I saw about 4 girls who, judging be
clothes, were huge Jonas fans. When they saw me they demanded to know where the
boys were.
"They are looking for Frankie" I said, unwillingly giving away their location.
"Well tell them we have their brother and that he will get it if they don't come
right now". I looked at Frankie and his small, angelic face made me pick up
my phone and dial Nick's number. I told him to gather up his brothers and come d
own right now. Nick obliged and I saw the three boys along with Big Rob,
running towards us. When they arrived Joe demanded the girls to leave Frankie al
"You have no right to touch my brother!" He yelled
" If you and your brothers take off your clothes and let us take photos with you
naked then we will release Frankie"
" That is outrageous" screamed Kevin
" DO IT!" They yelled
" The boys won't do it and we just called the police, so either release Frankie
now or you get arrested." said Big Rob, intervening in the fight. Just then all
broke loose. One of the girls punched Joe screaming " You are the worst guy ever
, you can't even do what you are told!". Nick had enough of them screaming at hi
s brothers
amd he slapped all of the girls on the cheek. The fight then erupted when all th
e boys and the girls got into it. Punches were thrown and soon I had enough. The
se were the
boys that stood by me so it's time I did the same for them. It helped that my mu
m had me learn karate when I was a kid so I was now a fully fledged black belt.
My mum, I thought.
Enough I told myself let the stupid woman go and concentrate on helping your bro
thers. I went around doing my thing until all the girls were black and blue with
bruises and let
Frankie go. Kevin and Joe, who also had a few bruises hugged Frankie so tightly
you'd think the kid would explode. Big Rob also had a couple of bruises but not
as bad as Joe and Kevin's.
Hang on, where's Nick I thought to myself. I looked around and I saw him lying o
n the floor a few metres away.
"Oh no" I said, everyone then looked at me and I pointed at Nick " I think he is
unconscious." We all ran over to him and sure enough he was unconscious. Big R
ob called the hospital and Kevin
called their parents. Soon enough an ambulance came and Joe got in with Nick. T
he rest of us got back into the black SUV and headed for the hospital. When we g
ot there Nick was being checked over
inside by a doctor.
Then the doctor came out and looked at us and said " Bad news..."
Bieber meets Jonas - Part 6 (Truth or Dare)
Then the doctor came out and looked at us and said " Bad news...". We all looked
up and the doctor at these words.
"Nicholas has internal bleeding and will have to have surgery immediately. He th
en will have to stay in hospital for a month and won't be able to do much physic
al activity for two weeks after that."
"But will he be alright?" asked Denise with tears streaming down her face. Man!
Today is such a bad day, I thought to myself.
"He should if we get the surgery done" replied the doctor, interuppting my thoug
"Well can you do it as soon as possible, doctor?" asked Paul.
"Yes, the nurses are getting him ready now and you need to sign some papers, but
we will begin in about 30 minutes, the procedure will take 2 hours."
"Okay, we'll go and get the papers now. Thankyou doctor" said Paul. The doctor s
imply nodded and returned to the theatre to sheck on Nick.
"Justin, could you and the boys along with Big Rob go home? You all need to get
cleaned up and I don't want Frankie staying here and watching Nick, it's too muc
h for a nine year old." asked Denise.
"Sure, where are they by the way?" I asked, noticing that Big Rob and my brother
s weren't in the room.
"They are in the car waiting for you, I'll call when Nick is up so you can come
back" she told me.
"Alright, bye Denise." I waved goodbye and left for the car.
The whole drive home no one said a thing until we pulled up when Frankie asked u
s, "Where's Nick? Is he dead?". What should I tell him? I couldn't explain that
he won't come home for a month.
"He's sick, so he is at the doctors, but he has to stay there for a while" said
Joe. Frankie seemed to understand this very well and got out of the car. We all
followed suit and entered the lifeless,
house without another sound. When we got in we all went up to our rooms except f
or Frankie. He followed me into mine but I didn't notice until I saw him standin
g in my doorway. I asked him "What's up Tank?"
"I can't reach the t-shirt I wanna wear. Can you get it for me?" he asked. I lau
ghed and followed him to his room, retrieved the top and returned to my own room
before I realised that we never really bought any clothes and I still don't hav
e anything to wear. I didn't
know who to ask so I went and knocked on Kevin's door. When he opened it for me,
I gave him an embarrassed smile and told him my problem.
"Um, you can wear Nick's clothes they might be a bit big but I can't help that"
he offered kindly.
"Thanks, Kevin" I replied, before noticing that his eyes were red and puffy, "He
y, you okay?"
"What?" he asked, caught offguard by my question. He saw me point to his eyes.
"They are red" I told him
"Oh, lack off sleep" he lied, but I didn't push him.
"Here we are", he said handing me some clothes, "they should fit you"
"Thanks Kev" I smiled. I headed back to my room and got cleaneed up and then put
on the clothes, they fit perfectly, luckily. I then headed down to the living r
oom and saw everyone else so I decided to join them.
"Hey, oh good they fit" said Kevin, noticing me walk in.
"Yeah, hey looks like the power's out" I stated. They all nodded glumly.
"Well how about we play a game?" piped Frankie
"Like..." asked Joe, boredly
"How about Truth or Dare, it will help us get to know each other" I asked.
"Sure" they all agreed. We decided to just go around the circle because spinning
a bottle was too girly.
"Justin, your turn. Truth or Dare?" asked Joe. I picked Truth 'cos, honestly the
re's no saying how dangerous Joe could get, I figure they don't call him DJ Dan
ger for nothing.
"Ok, tell us the whole story about why you ran away."
Bieber meets Jonas - Part 7 (Justin's life story)
"Ok, tell us the whole story about why you ran away." Ok I wasn't expecting that
"I told all of you guys in the afternoon" I answered hoping to get away. No such
"You can't have run away after just one argument. Dammit, why did I pick Truth?
More importantly why did I suggest a stupid girls' game?
"Fine, but remember no one knows this, not even Nick, so you can't tell a soul."
I said giving in.
"Our lips are sealed" Frankie assured me. I sighed and began my story.
"It all started about the time I was 12. My mum started to care less about me, j
ust simple things at first, like forgetting my birthday or grounding me for no r
I didn't worry my until one day she randomly told me I was fat. She just said Ju
stin, your getting way to fat, you have to lose some weight I can't keep buying
new clothes for you.
I didn't understand but it did hurt me and pulled my self-esteem down. But I got
over it telling myself it was nothing. Then she started blaming me for things I
knew nothing about, like
missing several important parties with friends she hadn't seen in 19 years for m
e. Although I don't even remember them. Then sometimes, she used to tell me that
I was a huge failure and if I hadn't been born she
would have done more with her life than sit around and babysit me.Then she left
me locked outside of the house one day after school until 9pm 'cos she didn't gi
ve me the house keys and went shopping. Then another time
she told me to go and live out on the streets for a night after an argument abou
t what to watch on TV. My dad saw me and I stayed the night with him. But now my
dad wants nothing to do with me 'cos I'm famous. Do I have to keep going?"
I asked not sure if I was able to keep going. "We're here for you" Joe assured m
"Okay, then one day she gave all of my clothes away to charity 'cos I forgot to
clean my room. I had to spend all of the money I was saving up to buy my girlfri
end a necklace with to buy new clothes. Oh, and she told one of my girlfriends
that I was cheating on her and had 2 other girlfriends behind her back. She beli
eved my mum, and not only dumped me but told every girl in the town the lie my m
um made her believe. Then, my mum made me move to a different city just because
my grade point average came down to 4.0 from 4.8 and she thought it was because
my friends were a bad influence on me! Then once I almost committed suicide 'cos
she told me I was a worthless piece of crap that was good for nothing. But then
she told me that I should've died when I tried to commit suicide because it wou
ld make her life a hell of a lot easier. Um, that's all that I can really rememb
er, but there's more" I finished, not able to continue.
"Wow! Your mum's a bitch!" said Joe. Frankie gasped at Joe's language.
"Joe!" Screamed Kevin. Joe realised that Frankie was there and apologised. Just
then my phone rang, this time it was Denise telling us that Nick's surgery was o
ver and that we could come back. So we all returned to the car
and went back to the hospital. We went up to Nick's room and waited for the doc
tor to return with the news, as Nick was still unconscious. Finally, the doctor
came in and said, "I'd like you to meet someone..."
Justin and Nick - Part 8 (Selena Gomez)

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