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Exam Fees

2019 Fees Effective Dates for 2019 Fees

Step 1 $910* Three month eligibility periods beginning November 1, 2018 - January 31,
2019 and ending October 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019
Step 2 CK $910*

Step 1 and $70 Eligibility Period Extension (requests received starting January 1, 2019)

Step 2 CS $1565 For completed applications received starting January 1, 2019.

This does not include surcharge fees that are charged if you give the exams in Pakistan. That is
around $100 to $200.

Step 2 CS Live Prep: $800 to 1500

Step 1 Live courses: $1500 (but you can download these videos online)
UWorld for Step 1: $300-350
Uworld for Step 2 CK: $300-350
NBMEs: $60 each

Approximate Total: $5600-$6000

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