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! Who— Wrote the Bible? w Richard Elliott Friedman CCopigh © 1967 by Richa Fede ‘Alls sed Inca the i of epacton lho prt nay frm abated by SUMMIT BOOKS {A Dion of Son Ste, Sinan & Schaner Baling 130 Avenue the Amare New Yo, New York 1020 SUMMIT BOOKS and clogon are rademaks ef Simon & Sete, Ie Desged by lig Peis Asecines Map by One Get else in the Unied Sots of Ameen woe Te s4 32 Fednan lca Elio "Whew the Bie? Dosen Trees ines Mle O Femateuh—Autoniip. 2. Bie OT Hite ncls—Authonhi 3. ible OT. Penotech Cie, teeta, 2-4. Bible OT. Hite aks~Crtcan, erection, 5. Docmetry ype (Petar ten) ina ESLLIS2675 1967 227-1065 67.1978 ISovosrias6s ‘Thisbook i dedicated to Reva A. Friedman and Lasine Frenan Linn, ‘with love. CHAPTER 2 JandE Two Clues Converge “Two and hal shoud ya afer the ven that | dese in the lt chap tok pace, tive investor f who wrote the Bible each independently mae he sme dacovery One es mit ‘sex, ne wae a pisclan, and one wa peo The deanery tha they ll made my eae don the combination fo pieces of evidence: debi andthe name of Go. They saw sat there were aparently wo version cach of ne ner of lea sores to account he eet, so secu of ech of ever sores stot the patch Abrsan sod Jac and w on Then they ovced that, te efter, one othe two verona srr ‘oul ero Goby one name and she oar econ wuld el Salty dient rie in the ease of the creation, fr example, the fit chapter ofthe Bible els one verano how the wok came tobe ceed the second chapter ofthe Bie sae over with diferent weno of ‘at happen. In many ways they dplce each then and ot sever pois they contrat each ctr For examples they de 0 Jond 3 seribe the sme evens in diferent onder. Inthe fst version, God treater planes et then animals, then ean anal woman, Inthe Second version, God erates sna fist, Then he efeates plans. ‘Then, s0 thatthe man should not be alone, Gal erates amas ‘Aad le, ser the man dos no Bnd a satsfactory mate among the tnimals, God erates woman. And so we have: Genes 1 Genesis 2 plants an imal plas tan &woonen ania ‘The oo stories have two diferent pictures of what Kappened. Now, the three inventigatos noticed that the fist version of the creation story always refers othe creator a& Gal—thiy ve ees “The second version aways refers to him by his name, Yahweh God— leven times, The fst vemion never cals him Yabwsh; the second ‘version never call im God Teter comes the star ofthe great flood and Noah’ ark, and it too, can be separated into two complete versions thar someines ‘plcare each other and sometimes contalit each ether? And, taztin, one version alway calls the deity God, andthe other version alway call im Yahweh. There ae fro versions of the story of the ‘onvenanbesween the deity and Abram.’ And, once aga, in one the deity introduces himself as Yahweh, and in one he introduces Inielf ax God. And so on. The investigators saw tha they were not simply dealing with «book the repeated ics great deal sed they inet not deling witha Toor collection of srnewhat sea stoi. “They had discovered to separate wotks that someone had ext Up and combined into one

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