Micro Cogeneration Could Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

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13 March 2008

Micro cogeneration could reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions could be cut sharply using micro combined heat and power
systems (micro cogeneration), according to new research. The research suggests that micro-
cogeneration plants could contribute to the 20 per cent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions
needed by 2020 to meet the targets set under the Kyoto agreement.

Meeting the Kyoto commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will mean significant changes in the
way Europe generates power. Out-of-date power stations will be decommissioned and in Germany, for instance, 40
GWel of power plant capacity, approximately a third of Germany’s total installed capacity, must be replaced by the
year 2020. An understanding of the environmental impact of alternatives to centralised sources of energy supply is
crucial in terms of developing energy technologies and deciding policy.

Research from the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg, Germany, explored the contribution
of micro cogeneration systems to reductions in GHG emissions, savings in grid capacity and a move to renewable
fuels. Life-cycle assessment and an analysis of emissions were conducted on a range of technologies, such as fuel
cells, reciprocating and large or small Stirling engines, to evaluate their environmental impact.

The researchers studied systems with a capacity of 15 KW or less, and believe that the main market for these
systems will be in replacing gas heating boilers in single buildings within existing housing stock. They compared
these systems with the environmental impact of new power plants which would otherwise have to be installed, for a
range of effects including emission of GHGs and acidification.

Most micro cogeneration systems were found to be superior as regards GHG emissions both to today’s average
electricity supply mix in Germany, and to separate production of electricity and heat using the latest gas operated
power plants and condensing boilers, and comparable to district heating systems based on cogeneration. GHG
reductions of 1 tonne per year (for a single family house) to 11 tonnes per year (for a hotel) could be achieved.
When compared with coal-fired power plants, even greater reductions were achieved. From the point of view of local
air quality in residential areas, reciprocating engines were found to produce insignificant levels of emissions, and the
researchers recommend that low NO2 reciprocating engines should be further developed.

The likely consumers of these technologies are single family households, where peak demand in both heat and
power are likely to coincide. Micro cogeneration would reduce consumer demand from high cost centralised peak-
load power plants. This suggests that fuel cell technology, with its high power- to-heat ratio, could have a
competitive advantage in the case of a single family house.

The micro cogeneration systems investigated still relied on a fossil fuel, namely natural gas, so further developments
would ideally be part of a strategy focusing on developing renewable energy technologies, combined with
improvements in energy efficiency and energy saving.

Source: Pehnt, M. (2008). Environmental impacts of distributed energy systems -The case of micro cogeneration, Environmental Science &
Policy. 11(1): 25-37.

Contact: martin.pehnt@ifeu.de

Theme(s): Climate change and energy

Opinions expressed in this News Alert do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission
To cite this article/service: "Science for Environment Policy": European Commission DG Environment News Alert Service, edited by
SCU, The University of the West of England, Bristol.

European Commission DG ENV
News Alert Issue 100
March 2008

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