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Today's lecture is IP Addressing

Addressing is of 2 types
Logial addressing
Physical addressing

In physical addressing, physical addresses are allocated to devices.

The e.g of physical address is MAC address.

It is of 48 bits and written in hexadecimal form such as 48:4A:94:CV:E3:F2
Each device that has a unique MAC address.

In logical addressing, IP addresses are allocated.

IP address is a logical. It is of 32 bits.
In dotted decimal format it is written as
The same could be written in binary form as
1100 0000. 10101000. 0000 0000. 0000 0101

It can be observed that there are 4 octats in it.

So address space or total number of addresses in IP v4 is 2 power 8

There are different classes of IPv4

Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Class E

The octate of class A in dotted decimal form starts from 0 to 127

For B: it is 128 to 191

For C: it is 192 to 223
For D: it is 223 to 240
For E: it is 240 to 255

In Class A, the first octate represents number of NetID and rest of three octate
represent number of host IDs

For B: two octates represent NETids and two represndts no. of host ids

For C: three octates represenst number of NEDids and one ocatate represent no. of
host id

So when we start to calculate the number of host ids and netids,

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