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Division  44  

Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

Electric Mobility

Perspectives and Recommended Reading and Links

July 2010
Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

In order to address way to cater with the limited fossil fuel availability, the increasing CO2
emissions and local air and noise pollution caused by conventional road vehicles with
combustion engines, three key policy avenues are considered to be appropriate to meet the
challenge of sustainable urban transport for the future: reduction of travel distance; shift to
environmentally friendly transport modes; and, improvement of fuel and vehicle technologies.
From the viewpoint of clean fuel and vehicle technology, electric mobility seems to be an
innovative alternative to gasoline-powered transport. In fact, electric vehicles are not a recent
invention. They have a history as old as that of the gasoline-powered automobile.

However, taking the negative effects of conventional road transport modes into account,
electric mobility has been recognized by many in the nascent automobile industry and many
transport policy makers as the dominant technology for future urban mobility. Governments
are increasingly supportive, because a sustainable electric automotive development is also a
vital economic opportunity. In urban areas, promoting electric vehicles could offer a locally
emissions-free and quiet transport system; and also reduce the dependence on fossil fuels.
However, the sustainability of the electric mobility is challenged if the non-local energy
sources are not renewable. The reduction of CO2 emission is highly dependent on the energy
mix and the share of renewables.

Recently, most industrialized countries have developed their own political programs and
concrete plans for electric mobility. Some national and regional plans are already in the
implementation phase. First experience and problems in detailed pilot projects have already
been collected and documented.

To integrate electric mobility in the current urban transport scenario, a series of appropriate
measures should be taken not only in the vehicle design and production phase, but also in
urban infrastructure planning. For example, the recent trial for the combination of parking and
electricity charging station is an innovative solution. Charging stations not only provide the
necessary electricity for electric vehicle users, they also function as an interface between
vehicles and the grids, i.e. the infeed of renewable energy sources can be optimally linked to
the usage of electric vehicles.

Various automakers are designing diverse range of new electric cars with better energy-
efficiency and a new driving system to meet the demand of their potential consumers. The
most important part of the development is the storage system for the fluctuating supply of
electricity from energy source. The range of electric vehicles will remain limited to 100-200km
and then a longer charging time is required. Battery technology and charging infrastructure
therefore are decisive factors for developing electric vehicles in general.

In order to illustrate current approaches and challenges, we have invited four authors to
share their perspectives on electric mobility:

o Towards a future of electric vehicles: Why electric cars mean far more than
climate protection (by Markus Becker / German Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety)
o Electric Mobility in Europe' s hilly heartland: The Swiss case (by Jörg
Beckmann, Swiss Mobility Academy)
o MINI E Berlin powered by Vattenfall ± *HUPDQ\¶V)LUVW'DLO\7ULDOVZLWKHOHFWULF
vehicles in Berlin (by Ulf Schulte / Dornier Consulting and Carl Friedrich
Eckhardt / Vattenfall Europe)

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

o The Rise of Electric Bikes in Asia (by Chris Cerry, University of Tennessee-

The reading list provides not only an overview of policies of and planning for electric mobility,
it gives also an in-depth look at its recent technology and expertise. The structure of the
reading list is organized as follows:
x History of and prospects for electric mobility
x Policy of and planning for electric mobility
x Impacts and benefits of electric mobility
x Development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure
x Technology and design of electric cars
x Energy source and energy storage/battery
x Electric two- and three-wheeler
x Webpages of organisations and internet portals

For more information on our work, please see the last page of this document and visit our

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

Table of Contents

Towards a future of electric vehicles: Why electric cars mean far more than climate
protection .............................................................................................................................. 4  
Electric Mobility in Europe' s hilly heartland: The Swiss case ................................................ 8  
MINI E Berlin powered by Vattenfall ± *HUPDQ\¶V)LUVW'DLO\7U\RXWVZLWK electric vehicles in
Berlin ....................................................................................................................................12  
Electric Bikes in Asia ............................................................................................................15  
Reading List .........................................................................................................................18  

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

Towards a future of electric vehicles: Why electric cars mean far

more than climate protection

By Markus Becker, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety - Environment, Traffic and Transport Division

Decarbonising transport systems ± there is no alternative

Motor transport in the early 21st century faces unprecedented challenges that demand a
paradigm shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Three factors essentially drive this
ƒ the growing level of emissions from transport,
ƒ the diminishing availability of the primary resource of crude oil,
ƒ and the rapid pace of technological development in emerging economies.

In climate policy a 'two-degree target' ± that is, the goal of limiting global warming to not more
than 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels ± is increasingly used as a guideline. For the
industrialised countries this means a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of at
least 80% by 2050. Two inescapable requirements arise from this: power generation must
come close to being CO2-free by 2050 and the transport sector must make a first drastic
reduction in GHG emissions ± even while traffic volumes continue to increase significantly.
This can only be achieved by means of a complete rethink of the power unit used in mass

Fig. : CO2 emissions of various energy paths

Source: BMU, 2009. Data from Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA), eucar/concawe5.
Consumption: 4 l diesel or 18 kWh per 100km.

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

Today 98% of motorised road transport is based on crude oil derivatives. Oil is a finite fossil
resource. In the past, opinion varied considerably as to how long the supply would last. Now,
however, even the authoritative and conservative estimate of the International Energy
Agency (IEA) is that output will fall shortly after 2020. A certain consequence of this will be
high fuel prices and a resultant slowing of economic growth. Tapping unconventional
resources such as tar sands or coal liquefaction may then become lucrative. With their high
energy requirements, however, such approaches would be disastrous for the climate.

For this reason, the emerging economies are also doing all that they can to reduce their
dependency on oil, which has become all too much an elixir of life. Electric power for vehicles
makes it possible to kill two birds with one stone: on the one hand, the thirst for oil and
resultant emissions will fall, while on the other, countries such as China can keep pace with
this new technology from the outset. It is improbable that such countries can catch up on a
hundred years of experience with conventional vehicles, yet when it comes to battery and
electric drive technology, the long-established automotive corporations of the industrialised
world are also newcomers. This amounts to a rare opportunity for the aspiring new
competitors to leap-frog their way to the top.

Developments in Germany

Against the backdrop of these interacting factors, electrification of the power train in the
German and European automotive industry is highly desirable ± in both economic and
environmental terms. Climate policy pressure has already given rise to the EU Regulation on
CO2 from cars, which is expected to be tightened significantly by 2020. Marketing electric
vehicles offers manufacturers an opportunity to reposition themselves in a competitive arena
and to avoid the penalty payments that result from the Regulation if fleets exceed limit values.
There is also the prospect of a window of opportunity for facilitating expanded use of
renewable energies to the point at which they become the principal source ± which will
happen in any case ± whereby electric vehicles function as flexible consumers and stores of
electricity. A reconfiguration of electricity grids is essential if they are to accommodate high
proportions of fluctuating renewable energy sources. The cost to consumers and the
economy of the necessary restructuring can be reduced by intelligent integration of electric
vehicles into the structure. And one thing is clear ± electric vehicles only reduce CO2
significantly if the electricity is from renewable sources. Otherwise emissions are simply
shifted from the vehicle exhaust to the power station.

Paving the way to the lead market for electric mobility

The development and market introduction of electric mobility presents a number of

opportunities and risks. From the point of view of the German Environment Ministry the
following aspects are vital:

Battery development is the key to market maturity and value creation

Traction batteries are the most cost-intensive single components and represent over 50% of
the manufacturing cost for small cars. Range, price and thus user acceptance depend to a
large degree on the battery. Economies of scale, achieved through mass production, are a
milestone for the progress of electric mobility overall.

The route to the mass market is via intermediate technological steps...

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

The current limiting factors of battery costs and range can be overcome with plug-in hybrid
vehicles. For everyday mobility, batteries with a range of less than 100 km are sufficient. For
the few longer journeys, a small petrol engine provides the required flexibility by extending
the range.
.... and pioneering market segments

These include those segments in which many short daily journeys are made. Such is the
pattern for urban commercial traffic, for example postal and delivery services and mobile
service providers. The low operating cost of electric vehicles goes some way towards
compensating for the high battery costs already today.

Intelligent integration into the network makes the expansion of renewables simpler and

Used in conjunction with time-controlled charging, electric cars can 'harvest' peaks in the
electricity supply from renewables and can also perform a medium-term storage function.
This valuable balancing function saves substantial costs in integrating green electricity into
the grid. Specifically designed interfaces and meters allow flexible tariffs and thus make this
integration attractive to users.
Image gains make electric vehicles easier to market

For both fleet operators and private first buyers, the image of a zero-emissions vehicle
serves as a strong marketing and purchasing incentive. This increases willingness to pay a
premium price and covers a proportion of the cost difference that remains relative to
conventional vehicles.

New business models ease entry into the mass market

The battery cost factor calls for innovative systems services such as battery leasing, use of
batteries for temporary electricity storage and even for stationary uses at the end of their
mobile service life. Here power utility companies and vehicle manufacturers can offer
products that increase their own added value and boost user acceptance.

Without a resource strategy, new dependencies will appear

Important raw materials used in electric mobility systems are as finite as oil and globally
available in still more concentrated form. Recycling must be factored into the structuring of
the production chain from the outset.

Support from the German government

Electric mobility is of the essence for environment and climate, but is no less important to
ensure Germany's competitiveness. Germany sets standards worldwide in both automotive
technology and environmental and climate technologies. If it is possible to unite these
strengths and to gradually establish a new development trajectory, all will benefit ± the
environment, the economy and users. The German Environment Ministry is pursuing this
goal together with the federal government and is supporting application and research
projects with funding of EUR 100 million up to 2011. The Ministry is additionally supporting
projects for decarbonising transport systems in developing and emerging countries as part of
the government's International Climate Initiative, including a project implemented by GTZ to
foster electric mobility in the People's Republic of China.

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Further information:

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Electric Mobility in Europe' s hilly heartland: The Swiss case

By Jörg Beckmann, Mobility Academy

Ask any representative of the new E-Avantgard in Europe, which country you should visit in
order to get in touch with the latest and hippest innovations in electric mobility and 8 out of 10
would send you to Switzerland. For years, the Swiss were seen as both the "innovators" and
"early adaptors" of electrified vehicles and Switzerland was considered to become the e-
frontrunner in Europe, quickly attracting an "early" and "late majority" of automotive
consumers to electric mobility and thus paving the way for Europe's "laggards" to eventually
follow the Swiss-lead electric hype.

Indeed, Switzerland had lot's to offer when it came to showing the pathway of shifting from
combustion-powered vehicles to battery-electric ones. Start with the Mendrisio, in the Italian-
speaking part of Switzerland that ran a pioneering project with light and electric vehicles
(LEVs) between 1995 and 2001. As one of the first of its kind, this state-funded experiment
generated substantial insights into the demand-side of everyday-use of electric two- and four
wheelers as well as the means to overcome some of the obstacles on the supply-side,
ranging from battery-maintenance to infrastructure provisions. Whoever was involved in this
project clearly got a fair insight into the nitty-gritty bits of electric mobility ± something that
many of the current pilot-projects in Germany and Austria are now trying to repeat.

The Mindset: An electric car Swiss-made

Although the project, with its budget of 21 Million Swiss Francs, fell short of its goal to reach
a threshold of 8% LEVs in Medrisio, it became the point of reference for most of the
subsequent activities in Switzerland and maybe elsewhere in Europe. Up to today almost all
of the cars introduced during the project are still on the road and many have made it to

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neighbouring countries like Austria and Italy. Moreover, Mendrisio certainly helped to further
fuel the ambitions of new and established Swiss automotive suppliers like Mes-Dea, Brusa or
Protoscar to continue their R&D in the field of electric cars and develop new propulsion and

Beyond innovative automotive suppliers, the Swiss e-innovations-cluster as of today entails a

series of other actors, that all have their share in promoting electric vehicles. Amongst them,
for instance e'mobile, the "Swiss Association for Electric and Efficient Vehicles", which runs
consumer-awareness campaigns since 1980 and strives to "nudge" consumers into electric
mobility by organising exhibitions and test-drives throughout the country.

At the political level two federal offices are currently sharing leadership over electrification
issues. While the Federal Office of Energy (BfE) has traditionally framed the public debate
over electric cars, for instance by funding demonstrations projects such as Mendrisio or
organisations like e'mobile, the Federal Roads Office (ASTRA) is now challenging the pole
position of the BfE and begins to define its own stakes in current and future electrification
policies. Rightly so, one may say, because with the new electrification-consensus spreading
across countries and industries in Europe, as well as the large-scale market-entry of big-
series electric cars in a foreseeable future, a governmental body in charge of motorised
individual transport, like the ASTRA, is well-advised to get involved and its "hands dirty". In
particular, the question of how to guarantee a sufficient budget for road infrastructure-
investments, if, under an aggressive electrification-scenario, the revenues from fuel-taxes are
shrinking, is at the top of the ASTRA-agenda.

It is precisely the issue of infrastructure-provision and -planning that featured amongst a

number of other issues during the debates at the recent Swiss Forum for Electric Mobility in
January 2010. For the first time and under the patronage of Federal Counsellor Moritz
Leuenberger, all Swiss E-stakeholders gathered in Lucerne to map Switzerland's electric
avenue ahead. Upon invitation by the Mobility Academy, a forward-looking Think-Tank,
founded by the Swiss car-club TCS (Touring Club Switzerland), key actors from both, the
transport- and the energy-sector, rolled out their expectations with regards to the
electrification of individual motorised transport.

While the Forum took a distinct transport-perspective, it became clear that many of the
country's electricity companies have identified E-mobility as a prospering new market and are
now in search of viable business-models for serving the needs of tomorrow's battery-minded
transport-users. In particular market-leaders such as Alpiq or BKW have gathered substantial
momentum throughout the past two years and are engaged in a number projects and
partnerships with players from the automotive sector. Alpiq, for instance, presented its Vision
2020 at the Forum, an ambitious road-map for electrifying Switzerland's car fleet, foreseeing
700.000 hybrid- and battery-electric vehicles for 2020, corresponding to approximately 15%
of all passenger cars.

Other small and medium-sized utilities, such as the KWO Grimselstrom, are seeking to
harness the sustainability-potentials of electric cars, by stressing the role of renewable
energy sources and thus their contribution to reducing GHG-emissions from road transport.
Contrary to countries like Germany, Switzerland is largely free of CO2-intensive energies and
already today generates 60% of its electricity from renewable sources ± an ideal precondition
for a truly sustainable electric car.

The massive engagement of many Swiss utilities in this emerging market is also driven by
the absence of another big player: the car-manufacturers. Switzerland does not benefit from

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

(or suffer under) the ambitions of motor-manufacturers to overcome their crisis and boost
electrification. Nevertheless, a number of manufacturers regard the alpine republic as an
ideal test-bed for their new products, given the purchase-power and eco-mindedness of
many Swiss citizens. It is therefore, that the Forum also featured a European premiere:
Nissan Europe displayed its purpose-designed "Leaf" for the first time and presented both
the ground-braking battery-technology and the business-case behind this innovative vehicle.

For the time being, however, other car-manufacturers are shaping Switzerland's struggle to
serve an increasing demand for BEVs and PHEVs: Tesla is selling is first models to
Trendsetters around the country, Think has entered partnerships with several SMEs and
promises to provide fleet-cars and fleet-management-services and Smart returns to its cradle,
hitting Swiss roads with its first EVs before the end of 2010. (For Nicolas Hayek, the Swiss
"watch-mogul" and spiritual father of Smart, who always wanted the "SwatchMercedesART"
to be an electric car, this return must be a most welcomed one). Beyond these makes,
another truly exciting car has been making the headlines of Swiss papers during the past
year: the Mindset. Far from entering the market in the next year this prototype of a BEV is
indeed Swiss-made. Designed by a former VW-Design Chief, equipped with the latest
battery-technology and initially financed by an investor, who already had his hands in another
Swiss E-innovation ± the TWIKE ± this car really introduces a new era of motoring and might
some day become the icon of an emerging Swiss electric mobility industry.

Jörg Beckmann, director of the

mobility academy presenting the
Charta of Lucerne

Like elsewhere, there are high hopes linked to the market-uptake of electric vehicles in
Switzerland. But Switzerland, just like its neighbour Austria, is also keen to ease the
integration of electric vehicles into its regional and national transport systems and not merely
replace one private ± although more energy-efficient ± car by another. For Swiss opinion-
leaders, electrification embraces the entire transport-system and affects cycling and walking
just like motoring. The best example is the fantastic success of Flyer, the Swiss-made
electric bicycle ± a true high-flyer in terms electric mobility marketing.

Against this background, it does not come as a surprise that another successful Swiss
transport innovation is often seen as an almost natural partner for the electric car: the car-
sharing company Mobility with its 90.000 clients. Hopes are, that thanks to Mobility, the
introduction of the electric drive-train into the automobile will also further challenge traditional
forms of car-usage and accelerate the shift from ownership to usership, in particular in urban
agglomerations. For Mobility, however, the currently available generation of electric cars
does not seem ripe for car-sharing fleets that are typically characterised by a strong user-

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

friendliness and high reliability. Still, other fleet-operators, such as the state-owned Swiss
Post with its daughter "Post Mobility Solutions", are already today electrifying their scooter-
fleets and are test-running small fleets of full-battery electric cars in several Swiss communes.

To summarize, as any industrialized country struggling with the unintended consequences of

modern transportation, Switzerland is looking out for technical and social innovations to
make mobility more sustainable. Electric mobility in general and the electric car in particular,
are offering substantial opportunities to modernise the Swiss transport system, increase its
energy-efficiency and reduce its CO2-emissions.

During the 1st National Forum for Electric Mobility, leading decision-makers in the Swiss road
transport community have made a strong commitment to promoting electric mobility and
helping to pave the way for a successful market-introduction of electric vehicles, by signing
up to the Charta of Lucerne.

In absence of a consistent "top-down" approach by the Swiss government, the Charta of

Lucerne is meant to become a key "bottom-up" policy-document for "electric-action" in
transport development for the next years. Such bottom-up approach is regarded by most
Swiss transport actors, as an appropriate way forward in a country, where the issue of
electrification is not "high-jacked" by any dominant player from a particular industry. It offers
the chance to build up an electrified transport-system in a coherent and participatory way,
taking into consideration indigenous potentials and local specificities, rather than forcing a
new technology into the market with substantial state-subsidies and costly fiscal instruments.
The mission is, to offer electric mobility products and services that are both ecologically
sound and economically competitive. Eventually, it will have to be the Swiss transport user,
who defines his or her own degree of electrification ± a truly Swiss way of doing things.

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

MINI E Berlin powered by Vattenfall ± *HUPDQ\¶V)LUVW'DLO\7U\RXWV

with electric vehicles in Berlin
(by Ulf Schulte / Dornier Consulting and Carl Friedrich Eckhardt / Vattenfall Europe)

Introduction & Overview

With the intention to at least double the share of renewables in the energy mix from 16% in
2010, the governments focus is on wind power. As the supply of wind power is fluctuating
and frequently asynchronously to demand, storage capacities become crucial in order to
maintain the stability of the grid. The beauty of electric vehicles in this context is that their
batteries can be used as storage and even as a virtual power plant. Furthermore, the
government aims at reducing CO2 emissions and the dependence of fossil fuels and,
therefore, has defined the goal of introducing 1 million electric vehicles by 2020.

Against this background, Vattenfall Europe in cooperation with %0:KDVVHWXS*HUPDQ\¶V

eMobility under the circumstances of day to day life. Therefore, in addition to its Managed
Charging concept and certified electricity from renewable sources, Vattenfall has developed
and is operating a hardware concept.

50 publicly available charging stations are deployed with the open access functionality. Open
access allows not only each and every electric vehicle to charge but also each and every
energy sales organisation to sell its specific products via this platform. In addition, all users
have a so called wall box installed which is equipped with the Wind-to-Vehicle-Application.

The MINI E has shown that it is pure driving pleasure combined with environmental
protection. It is suited for daily use and has more than convinced its users.

Setting up and managing such a unique project is certainly a special task. Professional
project management combined with mobility expertise was the right combination to make this
project a success.

This project is promoted by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation
and Nuclear Safety and lasts until Q3 2010.

Managed Charging ± The Wind-to-Vehicle Application

The reliance on intermittent renewable energy poses fundamental problems in terms of grid
stability and energy storage. Vattenfall makes use of the possibility of storing renewable
energy in the batteries of electric vehicles labelled Wind to Vehicle (W2G). Vattenfall
optimises the charging cycle of the vehicles by charging during time frames when there is a
high supply of wind energy and a low demand for it. Users therefore need to determine their
individual time frames, during which time the grid operators then manage the most
convenient ecological charging. Additionally, the users can also choose to charge
immediately. Furthermore, given that there is no wind at a certain time, the users have the
guarantee that their vehicles will still be fully charged before the agreed upon time when they
need it.

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

This wind-to-vehicle charging is carried

home. This home charging box is linked
via GSM and enables real-time control.
The charging status is determined by an
algorithm. Statistically, the vehicles are
charged during the night, which is also the
most favourable time to charge with
renewable energy as the overall electricity
demand is low. 80% of the time, the
electric vehicle is charged for 5 hours.

71% of the users view controlled charging

positively and intend to use it. 91 % of the
users are convinced that controlled
charging contributes to the efficient use of
intermittent renewable energy.
Nonetheless, despite 37% of the users being afraid of range anxiety resulting from controlled
charging during an emergency, 88% of the users feel a sense of comfort due to the
possibility to charge immediately. Despite some anxiety arising from controlled charging, 97%
of the users view it as important to charge with renewable energy.

MINI E ± Pure Pleasure with environmental Protection

The 50 2-seater MINI Es are provided by BMW and have a maximum velocity of 152 km/h, a
net battery capacity of 28 kWh, a range of 150 km and recharge times of 4 hours with 32 and
8 hours with 16 A. In essence, the outstanding driving performance makes environmental
protection a driving pleasure. This was confirmed by the users, who took place in the trial.

The average obtainable maximum range for the user is 150 km. According to the users, a
range of 100 km is not satisfactory; 200 km would be satisfactory, while 250 km would be
optimal. However, only 14% of the intended travels could not be undertaken due to [primarily
space] limitations of the MINI E.

Overall the project has shown that the usage behaviour of a MINI E is only marginally
different from that of a comparable MINI Cooper and BMW 116i with internal combustion
engine. Before the implementation of the project it was perceived that the range of the
vehicle would pose a problem. However, this was only the case for a few applications. In
conclusion, out of the acquired data, one can deduce that a MegaCity vehicle with a slightly

Division  44  
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User Acceptance ± Sample Characteristics and User Feedback

TKHSURMHFW³0,1,(%HUOLQ´started its trial in June 2009 with 50 electric vehicles in Berlin for
six months of which 40 were used by individual users and 10 by fleets. The majority of the
private users (in phase one) was generally over 35 years old, male, very educated, had an
above average income and an affinity for new technology. The electric vehicle was used as a
second car for commuting and the available range matched their daily mobility needs. In fact
for 90% of the users the available range provided by the MINI E was enough. Interestingly,
35% users adapted their mobility needs according to the characteristics of the car. Due to the
electric vehicle the users felt less guilty for driving and enjoyed driving more. Roughly 66% of
the users evaluated the obtained flexibility with the MINI E as equal to that of a comparable
internal combustion engine vehicle.

The pilot project has

shown that emission-
free driving ideally
complements with the
related possibilities of
the energy sector: the
proportional rise of
renewable energy as
part of the energy mix
as well as the
stabilisation of the grid.
The increasing
awareness within
politics and the
population, the trend of rising oil prices and substantial progress in battery technology have
resulted in electric mobility developing into a useful daily option for urban mobility.

Project management
Dornier Consulting has set up the project management on behalf of Vattenfall Europe using a
solid mix of management-, planning- and technology skills combined with mobility expertise.
Sales, Distribution Service Operations, Network Services, and Communications, with an in-
depth understanding of how electro mobility works and the technical expertise to understand
charging infrastructure needs was the key to success.


Programme Electric Mobility range from project and program management and the
development of charging and mobility concepts to the implementation of the applications in
the model regions Berlin/Brandenburg and Hamburg. Furthermore, Dornier Consulting
advises about the development of viable business concepts for electric mobility.

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Electric Bikes in Asia

(by Chris Cherry, University of Tennessee-Knoxville)

Electric two wheelers (or e-bikes) command an enormous market share in China. The
kingdom of bicycles has been rapidly motorizing for more than a decade and part of that
motorization trend has been the rapid surge of new electric bikes and scooters. Indeed,
many bike lanes are flooded with nearly silent and low emitting two wheelers, which have
rapidly exceeded the number of cars in China, with over 100 million on the road today. There
are a number of interesting policy questions related to whether this a welcome transformation
of the urban transportation landscape and all of these questions revolve around the question
of whether electric bikes displace bicycle, transit, or car trips. The answer varies by city, but
studies in several cities, including Shanghai, Kunming, Shijiazhuang, and Jinan, consistently
show that the majority of electric bike users would otherwise use bus or bicycle. Still, one in
six electric bike users would otherwise use a car based mode in the absence of an electric
bike and this small shift has significant environmental, congestions, and safety impacts.

E-­‐bike  Alternative  Mode

Shijiazhuang  2006
Shanghai  2006
Kunming  2006
Kunming  2008
Jinan  2007




From an environmental perspective, electric bikes still emit CO2 and conventional pollutants
from the electricity sector, which relies heavily on coal. None the less, electric two wheeler
emissions are lower than any of their counterparts (in some cases by orders of magnitude),
with the exception of the bicycle. The environmental advantage is even more pronounced in
southwest regions of China where a large share of electricity generation is by hydropower.
To the extent that bicyclists are moving toward different modes already, electric bikes are
perhaps the most fuel efficient, lowest emitting vehicles that are available because of their
relatively low weights and highly efficient drive systems. One environmental challenge that
has yet to be adequately addressed with electric bikes is environmentally sound battery
recycling and manufacturing practices, though strategies to address this problem are

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Several other issues drive electric bike policy in China. Safety issues have gained media
attention lately and reactive policies have been implemented, including banning electric bikes
completely in some cities. Like any vulnerable road user, electric bike riders often bear the
worst impacts of traffic conflicts and they are often perceived to be a dangerous mode, even
if they are not at fault. Still, considering fatality rates per vehicle, electric bikes rates are
about 3.8 fatalities per 10,000 vehicles, double the bicycle fatality rate, but less than half of
improve the safety situation on Chinese streets.

Importantly e-bikes in China provide users with some of the lowest cost, lowest emissions,
and highest mobility motorized modes in existence. Slightly more expensive to users than
bus fares or bicycles, but they provide much higher mobility. They are much less expensive
than cars or motorcycles, but provide similar urban mobility with a fraction of the congestion,
safety, or environmental impacts. E-bikes have become one of the most transformational
urban transportation modes in China and will continue to have a strong influence in urban
mobility for years to come.

While electric two wheeler growth in China is notable, it is noticeably absent in other Asian
Chinese cities, but lack electric two wheelers. Instead, gasoline motorcycles and scooters
dominate the Vietnamese personal transportation market. A notable difference compared to
China is that gasoline motorcycles are heavily regulated in many Chinese cities, allowing
electric bikes to fill that niche. In Vietnam, urban travelers have adopted gasoline
motorcycles because of their low costs, high mobility, carrying capacity and speed. A recent
market study showed that households in the two-wheeler market were quite skeptical of
electric scooters. However, according to their stated preference, they would respond to
various market and regulatory incentives such as preferential tax treatments, reduced
licensing and registration requirements, unsubsidized gasoline, and increased electric
scooter performance (relative to existing Chinese electric scooters). Various technological
and regulatory incentives could push the electric scooter market share up to 40% of the new
two-wheeler purchases, resulting in significant improvements in local air quality and CO2
emissions. A similar study in India showed much lower levels of adoption, with the most
aggressive policies only resulting in about 20% electric scooter market share.

Electric bikes and scooters are an exciting new development in rapidly developing and
motorizing Asian countries. China has seen largest adoption of alternative fuel vehicles in the
cost, low emitting, high mobility vehicles are among the most efficient personal vehicles
available. Adopted in conjunction with other sustainable transportation strategies such as

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improved public transit and efficient land use planning, electric two wheelers can be a strong
contributor to sustainable mobility in Asia and beyond.

Some supplemental reading:

o Cherry  and  Cervero.  Use  characteristics  and  mode  choice  behavior  of  electric  bike  users  in  
China.  Transport  Policy  (2007)  vol.  14  (3)  pp.  247-­‐257
o Cherry  et  al.  Comparative  environmental  impacts  of  electric  bikes  in  China.  Transportation  
Research  Part  D  (2009)  vol.  14  (5)  pp.  281-­‐290

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Reading List

History of and Prospects for Electric Mobility

Anderson et al. (2005): Electric and Hybrid Cars: A History

Far from being a modern conception, electric cars were among the first vehicles on
the road. In the formative days of the automobile, a third of all cars were electric, and
they challenged internal combustion engine-driven vehicles for primacy. Economic
and environmental concerns have periodically revived widespread interest in electric
cars and hybrid vehicles, and the quest for a non- or less-polluting vehicle that meets
consumers¶ performance demands continues today. The story of the electric car is a
long one, and it is still being written.

This illustrated history of electric and hybrid vehicles covers the companies that
produced various models; the politics that have surrounded them; the environmental
aspects of electric and hybrid vehicles versus internal combustion engines; efforts to
overcome technological challenges associated with electric vehicles; marketing
strategies through the decades; and public attitudes towards these vehicles
throughout their existence. An appendix lists important dates in the history of electric
cars, and a glossary defines associated acronyms.

Earth2tech, Garthwaite (2009): &KLQD¶V 2SSRUWXQLW\ *UHHQ 0RELOLW\ YV (OHFWULF


In November 2009, US president Obama and Chinese president Hu Jintao launched


Eckermann (2001): World History of the Automobile

Thousands of years separate the invention of the wheel and the first self-propelled
vehicle. The intervening centuries witnessed wind-powered vehicles, wheeled sailing
ships, and muscle-driven vehicles, in which human or animal power, hidden or in
plain sight, served as motive power. Development of self-propelled road vehicle
depended on finding a suitable power source.

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Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) (Germany)

(2010): Yes to Electric Cars- If They Offer Value for Money,2589.1129380/Yes-to-electric-cars-if-they-

This document shows findings of the survey on electric mobility conducted by the
German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development. "What
would be the crucial criteria for you personally if you were going to buy an electric
car?" The German Federal Ministry of Transport recently asked its website users this
question. The findings show that the public are very open-minded regarding the
purchase of an electric car. Around one half of those surveyed (45 %) would like to
make a personal contribution to protecting the environment and tackling climate
change. Almost 40 % of the participants stated that they drive predominantly short
distances and in conurbations. For them, switching over to an electric car would be
an ideal solution.

Mom (2004): The Electric Vehicle: Technology and Expectations in the

Automobile Age

Recent attention to hybrid cars that run on both gasoline and electric batteries has
made the electric car an apparent alternative to the internal combustion engine and
its attendant environmental costs and geopolitical implications. Few people realize
that the electric car -- neither a recent invention nor a historical curiosity -- has a story
as old as that of the gasoline-powered automobile, and that at one time many in the
nascent automobile industry believed battery-powered engines would become the
dominant technology.

Sperling et al. (1995): Future Drive: Electric Vehicles and Sustainable


In Future Drive, Daniel Sperling addresses the adverse energy and environmental
consequences of increased travel, and analyzes current initiatives to suggest
strategies for creating a more environmentally benign system of transportation.
Groundbreaking proposals are constructed around the idea of electric propulsion as
the key to sustainable transportation and energy systems. Other essential elements
include the ideas that: improving technology holds more promise than large-scale
behavior modification, technology initiatives must be matched with regulatory and
policy initiatives, government intervention should be flexible and incentive-based, but

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should also embrace selective technology-forcing measures, and more diversity and
experimentation is needed with regard to vehicles and energy technologies.

In his work, Sperling evaluates past and current attempts to influence drivers and
vehicle use, and articulates a clear and compelling vision of the future. He formulates
a coherent and specific set of principles, strategies, and policies for redirecting the
United States and other countries onto a new sustainable pathway.

Wyman (2010): Power Play with Electric Cars

Over the next 15 years, battery electric vehicles will barely reach a market share of
three percent in the worldwide automotive sector. Substantial extra costs, which
presently reach as much as 20,000 Euros for a car in the same category as the
Volkswagen Golf, and limited driving ranges, stand in the way of broad distribution of
these vehicles. According to the UHFHQW 2OLYHU :\PDQ VWXG\ ³(-0RELOLW\ ´ WKH
current hype about battery electric YHKLFOHV VKRXOG GLH GRZQ EXW WKHUH¶V QR ZD\ RI
getting around electric-drive systems in the long run ± after all, battery electric
vehicles are vital to the DXWRPRWLYH LQGXVWU\¶V ORQJ-term chances of survival. Until
then, the industry will be faced with unprecedented investment requirements
combined with an extremely limited earnings potential. Particularly during the
automotive crisis, the government needs to make massive investments in the
German automotive industry in order to safeguard its future viability. Otherwise,
emerging markets such as China will be cutting past Germany.

Policy of and Planning for Electric Mobility

An Electric Vehicle Delivery Plan for London

Electric vehicles offer a clean and green alternative to petrol and diesel powered
transport. There are currently 1,700 electric vehicles being used in London, and the
Mayor plans to increase this to 100,000 (or five per cent of the FDSLWDO¶VIOHHW DVVRRQ
as possible. Electric power gives us a promising opportunity to cut our CO emissions,
air pollutants and noise from road vehicles and should reduce our dependence on
fossil fuels. Moreover, it is expected that a strong market for EVs will also improve
our energy security and help to give the UK automotive industry a leading edge in
this technology.

The EV Delivery Plan sets out a comprehensive strategy to stimulate the market for
electric vehicles in London: The strategy is grouped around three key themes:
x Infrastructure
x Vehicles
x Incentives, marketing & communications

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Centre for Sustainable Transportation (2005): Action Plan for Electric Mobility in

Oil is becoming scarcer and more costly and emissions²particularly of greenhouse

gases²are more threatening than ever before. Many measures are required to curb
the impacts of greenhouse gases and to meet mobility requirements for people and
goods. The measures include further improvements to ICEs, shifts to public transport,
better freight logistics, and many others.

This document states that a key part of the solution could be more electric mobility.
Electric vehicles²powered by batteries or fuel cells or through direct connections to
an electric grid²are a serious but so far underused alternative that can keep us
moving without a major disruption. It may be time to start serious planning for a future
in which electric transport becomes the norm.

China Automotive Technology & Research Center, Wu (2010): The Trend of NEV
and Incentive Policies in China

This presentation was a report from the China Automotive Technology and Research
at the Expo 2010 Shanghai. It presents the development strategy, the status of
Research and Development (R&D), the perspective of the industry and some
incentive policies for neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) in China

Department for Transport (UK), Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory
Reform (UK), Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (UK) (2008): Ultra-
Low Carbon Vehicles in the UK

The internal combustion engine has dominated road transport over the past century.
The automotive sector now faces huge changes: an oil crisis in 2007, a financial
crisis in 2008 and a climate change crisis for many years ahead. It is clear that there
is an environmental and an economic imperative to do things differently. The
automotive industry is a pivotal part of the UK manufacturing sector, adding value of
£9.5bn to the UK economy and directly employing around 180,000 people. It is a big
challenge for the government to ensure that this strength is translated into global
leadership in the development and manufacture of ultra-low carbon automotive
technology. The government must send the right signals and provide the right
frameworks for business. And it must supply the necessary support to industry and

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workers to ensure that the market in the UK shifts rapidly and decisively to low

Department for Transport (UK) (2009): Ultra-low carbon cars: Next steps on
delivering the £250 million consumer incentive programme for electric and
plug-in hybrid cars

On 16 April 2009 the Department for Transport of the UK said that it would create a
£250m scheme to reduce the price of electric and plug-in hybrid cars, from 2011
onwards, to help motorists buy them. Around £20m of the £250m will be used to
develop an electric vehicle charging infrastructure framework helping create a UK
network of electric car cities. This document outlines the proposals for the eligibility
criteria and scheme operation for both initiatives.

German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Hochfeld (2010): Moving Towards the

Future: National Platform for Electromobility in Germany

and the City of Bremen at the Expo 2010 Shanghai. In this presentation the
development of passenger vehicle and automotive market in China are analyzed. It
also presents the new policies of electromobility in German government.

NRW.INVEST GmbH: Model Region for Electric Mobility North Rhine-Westphalia

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) intends to position itself as a model

region for electric mobility in Germany and Europe. By 2020 it planned to bring at
least 250,000 electrically powered vehicles ± from plug-in hybrids to purely battery-
powered vehicles ± on to the market.

Renewable Energy Sources (2009): Low Carbon and Electric Vehicles in the UK

The UK Government has a range of policies to support the development and

commercialization of lower carbon vehicles and their associated technologies. This
post gives a summary of some of the key activities in the implementation/introduction
of electric vehicles in the UK.

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Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (2010): The Stuttgart Electric

Mobility Pilot Region

The Stuttgart Region is one of the eight designated regions for electric mobility pilot
projects7KHVWDNHKROGHUV¶WDVNis to bring a co-ordinated approach to key questions
surrounding the design and commercialization of electric drive technology in
Germany. Ultimately, the aim is to contribute to the )HGHUDO *RYHUQPHQW¶V goal of
having a million electric vehicles on *HUPDQ\¶V roads by 2020, within the scope of
eco-friendly transportation schemes.

Zhang et al. (2009): Study on the Policy of New Energy Vehicles in China (full
text with costs)

This paper firstly analyzes the national standards for the new energy vehicles in
China. Then the government regulations to the new energy vehicles are introduced.
The incentives for the new energy vehicles in some China cities are analyzed. The
international brands hybrid cars and China brands new energy vehicles on China
market are listed. The clean vehicles which were and will be used in the public
transportation systems of the Beijing Olympic Games 2008 and Shanghai Expo 2010
are also listed. This paper can provide a reference for the auto manufacturers to
make plans on how to develop the right kind of new energy vehicles for the Chinese
automotive market.

Impacts and Benefits of Electric Mobility

Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (UK) et al. (2008):
Investigation into the Scope for the Transport Sector to Switch to Electric
Vehicles and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles

This study, jointly undertaken by Arup and Cenex on behalf of the Department for
Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) and the Department for
Transport (DfT), has investigated the scope for the transport sector to switch to
vehicles powered through electricity from the grid in the period until 2030. The report
was commissioned to provide a better understanding of the environmental and
economic benefits and impacts that would arise from mass market electric vehicle

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EGO Vehicles (2002): Consumer Purchase Criteria for Personal Electric


This note helps explain the basic purchase criteria that consumers typically use to
determine the applicability of a personal electric vehicle for their use. Electric vehicle
consumers will learn how to relate electric vehicle attributes to specific performance
and functionality needs.

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) (2001): Comparing the Benefits and
Impacts of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Options

This study focuses on the key attributes of HEV performance, energy economy, fuel-
cycle emissions, costs, consumer acceptance, and commercialization issues. The
objective is to scientifically compare several potential HEV design options with input
from automakers and other stakeholders.

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) (2007): Environmental Assessment of

Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle

In the most comprehensive environmental assessment of electric transportation to

date, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Natural Resources
Defense Council (NRDC) are examining the greenhouse gas emissions and air
quality impacts of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. The purpose of the program is to
quantify the nationwide environmental impacts of potentially large numbers of PHEVs
over a time period of 2010 to 2050. 2010 is assumed to be the first year PHEVs
would be available, while 2050 would allow the technology sufficient time to fully
penetrate the U.S. fleet.

European Environment Agency (EEA) (2009): Transport at a Crossroads. TERM

2008: Indicators Tracking Transport and Environment in the European Union

The current economic turmoil may lessen the demand for transport but the transport
sector still contributes significantly to rising emissions of greenhouse gases, noise
exposure, air pollution, fragmentation of habitats and impacts on wildlife. The
Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism (TERM) report for 2008 highlights
this trend. Although there is growing awareness of the transport sector's
disproportionate impact on the environment, the report shows that there is little
evidence of improved performance or a shift to sustainable transport across Europe.

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European Environment Agency (EEA) (2010): Towards a Resource-Efficient

Transport System ² TERM 2009: Indicators Tracking Transport and
Environment in the European Union

The objective of this report is to indicate some of the main challenges for reducing
the environmental impacts of transport and to make suggestions to improve the
environmental performance of the transport system as a whole. The report examines
issues centred around transport and climate change, which need to be addressed in
the coming years. In this report electric vehicles are widely predicted to be one of the
most effective measures to reduce CO2 emissions. The 'improve' package anticipates
an uptake rate of 50±80 % in 2050. A 35 % reduction in CO2 for electric cars by 2050
is projected on the basis of a mix of renewable and non‑renewable energy sources.

European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) (2009):

Environmental Impacts and Impact on the Electricity Market of a Large Scale
Introduction of Electric Cars in Europe - Critical Review of Literature

Vehicles with electric propulsion are considered as an attractive option on the

pathway towards low-emission vehicles that could enable the transport sector to
reduce sectorial greenhouse gas emissions by a significant degree. Due to major
progress in battery technology, vehicles with electric operation mode are expected to
enter the market within the next few years. Electric vehicles are characterized by the
highest engine efficiency of existing propulsion systems and zero tailpipe emissions.
At the same time it has to be kept in mind that well-to-wheel emissions of electric
vehicles are strongly dependent on the carbon-intensity of power generation.

The purpose of this report is to offer a broad literature review on electric cars and
their environmental impacts. Aspects covered are the energy storage systems, the
different vehicle concepts under development, a market overview of EVs, a
discussion of the business models for the introduction and operation of electric cars,
the EV potential with regard to use pattern and driving behavior, market penetration
scenarios, and the impact on CO2 emissions considering average emission factors,
the interaction with the electricity market and the EU legislation.

Lave et al. (1995): Environmental Implications of Electric Cars

California and the Northeast states in the USA have passed laws requiring that 2% of
PRGHO \HDU  FDUV PXVW EH ³]HUR HPLVVLRQV´ YHKLFOHV ± that is, electric cars.
Required sales of electric cars are to increase after 1998. Electric vehicle technology
has the advantage that it produces no air pollution at the point of use, so that if the

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electricity is generated in a distant place, electric cars are a mean of switching the
location of environmental discharges.

This paper focus on the environmental consequences of producing and reprocessing

large quantities of batteries to power electric cars.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (2007): Costs and Emissions

Associated with Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charging in the Xcel Energy
Colorado Service Territory

The combination of high oil costs, concerns about oil security and availability, and air
electric vehicles (PHEVs). PHEVs are similar to conventional hybrid electric vehicles,
but feature a larger battery and plug-in charger that allows electricity from the grid to
replace a portion of the petroleum-fueled drive energy. PHEVs may derive a
substantial fraction of their miles from grid-derived electricity, but without the range
restrictions of pure battery electric vehicles. This study is designed to evaluate
several of the PHEV-charging impacts on utility system operations within the Xcel
Energy Colorado service territory.

Van den Bulk (2009): A Cost- and Benefit Analysis of Combustion Cars, Electric
Cars and Hydrogen Cars in the Netherlands

The goal of this research is to compare the costs of driving an electric- and hydrogen
car to the costs of driving a car with an internal combustion engine for the Dutch
situation. The prices of the cars are compared to each other by calculating the
depreciation costs, fuel costs, fixed costs and costs related to repair, maintenance
and wheels for the different car types. Scenarios are developed in which the annual
driving distance, the period of car ownership, the energy price development and the
specific traffic conditions are described. In a benchmark the costs per kilometer of the
electric- and hydrogen car are compared to the costs of the car with an internal
combustion engine for the years 2008, 2020 and 2030. Scenarios are developed to
estimate the cost developments until 2020 and 2030.

World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) (2009): Impacts of Electric Cars on the Power
Plant and CO2 Emissions in Germany (in German language)

The environmental benefits of electric cars are being questioned in Germany. Just
like the U.S., Germany too has an ambitious goal of introducing electric vehicles.
Germany, which today has 41 million cars, aims to have 1 million electric cars or

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plug-in hybrid vehicles on the road by 2020. The conclusion of the study is that these
electric cars only reduce greenhouse gases marginally.

Development of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

California Energy Commission (1998): Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment
Design and Health and Safety Codes


for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) and how equipment has been
developed to comply with it. Background, history, rationale and comparisons are
given for requirements in the California Health and Safety Codes, and 1996 and 1999
National Electrical Codes® (NEC®).

Electric Transportation Engineering Corporation (2009): Electric Vehicle Charging

Infrastructure Deployment Guidelines

These Guidelines were developed by BC Hydro with support from Natural Resources
Canada with the intent that other jurisdictions across Canada could readily adapt the
guidelines to support the deployment of charging infrastructure in their region.

After the general introduction of section 1, section 2 provides an overview of the

charging process and governing regulations. The details of the varied charging
scenarios are presented in Section 4 following the discussion of current technology
and charging equipment designs. Section 5 addresses unique utility interconnection
requirements and planning for future features and benefits LQFOXGLQJ³*ULGWR9HKLFOH´
DQG³9HKLFOHWR*ULG´VFHQDUios. Numerous other topics from Energy Monitoring and
Billing to Load Management are included.

Electric Transportation Engineering Corporation (2010): Electric Vehicle Charging

Infrastructure Deployment Guidelines for the Oregon I-5 Metro Areas of
Portland, Salem, Corvallis and Eugene

This Guidelines document is not intended to be an installation manual or a

replacement for approved codes and standards, but is intended to create a common
knowledge base of EV requirements for stakeholders involved in the development of
EV charging infrastructure. Electric vehicles have unique requirements that differ
from internal combustion engine vehicles, and many stakeholders are currently not

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Guidelines provide the necessary background information for understanding EV
requirements and the related codes, laws and standards.

Greater London Authority (2009): /RQGRQ¶V (OHFWULF 9HKLFOH ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH

Strategy: Turning London Electric

Recognizing the benefits and the inherent suitability of EVs to urban environments
such as London, the Mayor launched his Electric Vehicle Delivery Plan in May 2009.

The plan highlights the requirement for extensive charging infrastructure to facilitate
the uptake and usage of electric scooters, motorcycles, cars, vans and light trucks by
LondonerV DQG /RQGRQ¶V EXVLQHVVHV 7KLV draft strategy sets out the proposed
approach to the deployment of charging infrastructure for privately-owned EVs up to

Morrow et al. (2008): Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure


Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are under evaluation by the U.S. Department
of Energy Vehicle TechnoloJLHV 3URJUDP¶V $GYDQFHG 9HKLFOH Testing Activity and
other various stakeholders to better understand their capability and potential
petroleum reduction benefits. PHEVs could allow users to significantly improve fuel
economy over a standard hybrid electric vehicle, and in some cases, depending on
daily driving requirements and vehicle design, PHEVs may have the ability to
eliminate fuel consumption entirely for daily vehicle trips. The cost associated with
providing charging infrastructure for PHEVs, along with costs for onboard power
electronics and the batteries associated with PHEV technology, will be key factors in
the success of PHEVs.

This report analyzes the infrastructure requirements for PHEVs in single family
residential, multi-family residential, and commercial situations. Costs associated with
this infrastructure are tabulated, providing an estimate of the infrastructure costs
associated with PHEV deployment.

Wiederer et al. (2010): Policy Options for Electric Vehicle Charging

Infrastructure in C40 Cities

This Policy Analysis Exercise seeks to make policy recommendations to the Clinton
Climate Initiative (CCI), on the deployment of electric vehicle (EV) charging
infrastructure in C40 cities - a group of the ZRUOG¶V ODUJHVW FLWLHV ZKLFK KDYH

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committed to take action on climate change by reducing greenhouse gases, including

from the transport fleet.

This analysis included understanding potential barriers (policy, technological,

economic, etc) to the deployment of EV charging infrastructure, understanding how
various cities were approaching the issue, and the policy levers that cities could
employ in increasing the availability of EV charging infrastructure.

Winkler et al. (2009): Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Magdeburg (full text
with costs)

Electrically powered vehicles represent an option to replace fossil fuel. Distributed

charging stations are essential to ensure mobility. Charging stations not only charge
electric vehicles' traction batteries, they also function as an interface between
vehicles and the grid.

The paper presents two different types of charging stations that were developed for
research projects and academic programs.

Technology and Design of Electric Cars

Gupta et al. (2009): Relationship of Customer Needs to Electric Vehicle
Performance (full text with costs)

This paper presents results of sensitivity analyses performed by exercising an

electric vehicle model to understand relationship between customer based vehicle
requirements (e.g. size, carrying capacity, weight, aerodynamics, 0-60 mph
acceleration time, maximum velocity ) to electric vehicle characteristics (motor and
battery specs.), energy consumption during different trips, and running costs for a trip.
The electric vehicle model was developed by using available knowledge from
mechanics, electrical powertrain and battery technologies. Velocity-distance
trajectories of three trips (suburban, city commuter, and freeway) were measured and
used as inputs to the model.

Industry Steering Committee Canada (2010): Electric Vehicle Technology

Roadmap for Canada. A Strategic Vision for Highway-Capable Battery-Electric,
Plug-in and Other Hybrid-Electric Vehicles

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Electricity as an alternative to traditional transportation energy is becoming a near-

term reality for many countries, including Canada. Electric vehicles (EVs) will
contribute to promoting sustainable energy development while addressing air quality
and climate change.

This Roadmap is intended to provide the strategic direction to ensure the

development and adoption of EVs in Canada, while building a robust industry. The
Roadmap provides the perspective of numerous stakeholders, mainly industry, as to
how EVs for highway use should evolve in Canada over the next nine years and what
should be done to secure this evolution. The Roadmap covers a wide range of topics
related to the production and deployment of 500 000 or more EVs in Canada by 2018.
The topics include energy storage, components for EVs, vehicle integration, business
models and opportunities for EVs, government policies, regulatory and human
resource issues, and public awareness and education.

Larminie et al. (2003): Electric Vehicle Technology Explained

While the classic battery electric car continues to make only a small impact on the
automobile market, other types of electric vehicle, especially hybrids, have made
significant and promising improvements. Moreover, small battery electric vehicles
such as bicycles and mobility aids are also developing well. Presenting more than
160 diagrams and pictures, this book explains the science and technology behind
these important developments, and also introduces the issues that underpin the
design and performance modelling of electric vehicles.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E Corporation): Electric Vehicles

A general introduction of electric vehicles was provided by the Company PG&E. It

describes electric drive technologies, environmental benefits, electric vehicles on the
market, supply equipment and electric vehicle charging rate and economics etc.

Volkswagen Research Lab China, Giebel (2010): The Challenge of Designing

Electric Cars

This presentation was a report from the Volkswagen Research Lab China at the
2010 Shanghai. The presentation contains useful information about recent
achievements for improving the driving system and energy storage of electric cars.

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Energy Source and Energy Storage/Battery

Andermann (2003): Brief Assessment of Improvements in EV Battery

Technology since the BTAP June 2000 Report.

This report is a brief evaluation of changes in EV battery technology since the June
2000 submittal of the Battery Technical Advisory Panel (BTAP 2000) report. As did
the 2000 BTAP report, this report mostly covers NiMH and Li Ion technologies, with a
shorter section on VRLA batteries. All three technologies are now available from low-
volume production lines or, at least, laboratory pilot facilities.

Dhameja (2002): Electric Vehicle Battery Systems

Electric Vehicle Battery Systems provides operational theory and design guidance for
engineers and technicians working to design and develop efficient electric vehicle
(EV) power sources. As Zero Emission Vehicles become a requirement in more
areas of the world, the technology required to design and maintain their complex
battery systems is needed not only by the vehicle designers, but by those who will
provide recharging and maintenance services, as well as utility infrastructure
providers. It includes fuel cell and hybrid vehicle applications.

Frauenhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) (2010): Comparing
Electricity and Hydrogen as Carbon-Free Final Energy Sources (in German

The study pursues the question of where it makes most sense to use electricity or
hydrogen as final energy sources in comparison to conventional solutions. Based on
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and looking at the energy chain from the source to the
application, the study focused on aspects of economic efficiency, greenhouse gas
emissions and energy efficiency in vehicles. The analyses are valid for Germany and
were conducted for the years 2015 and 2030.

Furuya et al. (2009): Drive Control for Fuel Cells and Lithium Ion Battery Hybrid
Railway Vehicle (full text with costs)

A hybrid train system employing fuel cells (FC) and lithium-ion batteries (Li Bat) is
one of the most effective ways of coping with the drawbacks of diesel vehicles. This
paper describes the design, construction and testing of a drive control method for

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such a hybrid test train using a traction inverter for which the user can modify the
control program. The primary objective of this research is to deduce operation
statuses of power sources from the input voltage of the traction inverter. A secondary
aim is to change the maximum traction electric power based on the outcome of such
deduction. This paper presents the design of the method along with the results of
practical testing, and investigates compatibility between the drive control method and
the FC/Li Bat hybrid system.

Markel et al. (2009): Communication and Control of Electric Drive Vehicles

Supporting Renewables (full text with costs)

The coming intersection between a growing electrified vehicle fleet and desired
growth in renewable electricity generation presents an opportunity for synergistic
value. Some types of renewable electricity generation are variable and intermittent,
and rarely coincident with utility load pattern. Vehicles are typically parked 90% of the
time, and the batteries are a significant capital investment. In this paper is discussed
the intersection of these two growth areas, the technology needed for integration,
and several potential scenarios highlighting the limitations and opportunities for
renewable energy resources to fuel electrified vehicles of the future.

Miller (2009): Energy Storage System Technology Challenges Facing Srong

Hybrid, Plug-in and Battery Electric Vehicles (full text with costs)

Energy storage systems have been the bane of automotive products since the time
of Thomas Edison and his time and investment spent in nickel-iron as the technology
thought to be superior to lead-acid batteries of his day. Now, over a century later, the
automotive industry is still caught up in his catch 22 situation and is looking at lithium-
ion as the technology considered superior to nickel-metal-hydride and certainly of
lead-acid. In all this time there hasn't been an electrochemical technology sufficiently
superior to completely replace the existing solution, nor is there likely to be if history
teaches us anything. In this paper the proposition is made that it is time the industry
considers combination technologies, in particular, those combinations of
electrochemical storage that complement each other through the incorporation of our
era's superiority in power electronics. With power electronics it is now possible to
truly decouple the vehicle application requirements or energy and power and to
optimize the energy storage system accordingly and with advanced energy
management systems.

ReserchInChina (2010): China Li-ion Battery Industry Report 2009 ± 2010 (part of
the report)

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After years of development, the global lithium-ion battery industry has formed a
pattern dominated by China, South Korea and Japan. The three countries have
different advantages in the market competitions, and the pattern will maintain a
FRQVLGHUDEOHSHULRGRIWLPH&KLQD¶VOLthium-ion battery output is growing year by year,
reached 1875 million units in 2009, up 82% year on year, and reached 306 million
units in the first two months of 2010, equivalent to 16% of the total output of 2009.

Ritchie et al. (2005): Recent Developments and Likely Advances in Lithium-ion


In this document, advances in lithium-ion battery technology since the International

Power Sources Symposium in Amsterdam in September 2003 are reviewed. Cost
and safety are still seen as important factors limiting further expansion of application
of lithium-ion batteries. Lithium bis-oxalato borate electolyte salt and lithium iron
phosphate cathode material are being actively investigated.

Vyas (1997): Batteries for Electric Drive Vehicles: Evaluation of Future

Characteristics and Costs through a Delphi Study

Uncertainty about future costs and operating attributes of electric drive vehicles (EVs
and HEVs) has contributed to considerable debate regarding the market viability of
such vehicles. One way to deal with such uncertainty, common to most emerging
technologies, is to pool the judgments of experts in the field. In this document data
from a two-stage Delphi study are used to project the future costs and operating
characteristics of electric drive vehicles. The experts projected basic vehicle
characteristics for EVs and HEVs for the period 2000-2020.

Wang et al. (2005): Design Considerations for a Contactless Electric Vehicle

Battery Charger

This paper overviews theoretical and practical design issues related to inductive
power transfer systems and verifies the developed theory using a practical electric
vehicle battery charger. The design focuses on the necessary approaches to ensure
power transfer over the complete operating range of the system. As such, a new
approach to the design of the primary resonant circuit is proposed, whereby
deviations from design expectations due to phase or frequency shift are minimized.
Of particular interest are systems that are neither loosely nor tightly coupled. The
developed solution depends on the selected primary and secondary resonant
topologies, the magnetic coupling coefficient, and the secondary quality factor.

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

Electric Two- and Three-Wheeler

Impact on the Environment and Prospects for Growth

Electric bikes (e-bikes) provide low-cost, convenient, and relatively energy- efficient
transportation to an estimated 40 million-50 million people in the People's Republic of
China (PRC), quickly becoming one of the dominant travel modes in the country. As
e-bike use grows, concerns are rising about lead pollution from their batteries and
emissions from their use of grid electricity, primarily generated by coal power plants.

This report analyzes the environmental performance of e-bikes relative to other

competing modes, their market potential, and the viability of alternative battery
technologies. It also frames the role of e-bikes in the PRC's transportation system
and recommends policy for decision makers in the PRC's central and municipal

Asian Development Bank (2009): Electric Two-Wheelers in India and Viet Nam.
Market Analysis and Environmental Impacts

While the use of electric two-wheelers has increased in the People's Republic of
China (PRC) in the past decade, such unparalleled growth has not extended beyond
the PRC's borders to countries, such as India and Viet Nam, where environmentally
detrimental gasoline motorcycles dominate.

This report documents market conditions in Ahmedabad, India, and Ha Noi, Viet Nam,
to explain why this is so, and analyzes the potential environmental impact of electric
two-wheelers to show how they could chart a path toward sustainable transport in
these and other countries in the region.

Cherry (2007): Electric Two-Wheelers in China: Analysis of Environmental,

Safety, and Mobility Impacts

Chinese cities have a long legacy of bicycle use due to relatively low incomes, dense
urban development, and short trip lengths. Because of tremendous economic growth,
increased motorization, and spatial expansion of cities, trips are becoming longer and
more difficult to make by bicycle. As a result, electric powered two-wheelers have
risen in popularity over the past five years, with sales exceeding 16 million in 2006.
Recently, policy makers have enacted bans on electric two-wheeler use, citing a poor
safety record, a large contribution to congestion, and poor environmental

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

This study quantifies many of the safety and environmental impacts of electric two-
wheelers and balances the negative externalities by quantifying benefits to users in
terms of increased mobility and access to opportunities.

Cherry et al. (2007): Use Characteristics and Mode Choice Behavior of Electric
Bike Users in China

In 2005, 10 million electric bikes were produced in China. Strong domestic sales are
projected for coming years, raising concerns about the sustainability and potential
regulation of this fairly new mode. Policy makers are wrestling with developing policy
on electric bikes with little information about who uses them, why they are used, and
what factors influence electric bike travel.

This paper probes these questions by surveying electric bike usage in two large
Chinese cities, Kunming and Shanghai. Demographic comparisons are made
between the different modes and cities as well as differences in travel patterns.
Electric bike users are found to travel considerably more than bicycle users. Also,
most electric bike users would travel by bus if electric bikes were unavailable. This
suggests that electric bikes are less of a transitional mode between human-powered
bikes and full-blown automobile ownership, and more an affordable, higher quality
mobility option to public transport.

Kaufmann (2010): Schicke Stromer (in German Language). In: Green Mobility

Modern E-Bikes reveal the whole charm of a new mobility concept. The idea of
traveling fast, convenient and whisper-quiet across the city or nature is inspiring. In
addition to the previously focused target group of the best agers by the bike branch,
more and more younger people recognize the attractive potential of this
environmentally friendly form of transport. The widespread acceptance are
encouraging more and more bike developer and designer to carry out brave concepts.
The results can be found in the bike shops. Comfortable tour bikes, compact
cityflitzer or sleek sport bikes are here to win the favor of their customers.
GreenMobility has invited 10 of the Flitzer for testing. The results are obviously
different from the concepts.

Mulhall et al. (2009): Solar/Battery Electric Auto Rickshaw Three-Wheeler (full

text with costs)

Auto rickshaws are three-wheeled vehicles used extensively in many Asian countries
as taxis of people and goods. Although the vehicle design is well-suited to the
environment in which it operates, it is a crude, inefficient design. Due to poor vehicle

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

maintenance and the use of inefficient 2 or 4 stroke engines with very little pollution
control, auto rickshaws present a huge pollution problem in major Indian cities. Illinois
Institute of Technology's (IIT) rickshaw project is aimed at developing an advanced
solar-based electric auto rickshaw. This paper presents research on the conventional
auto rickshaw, future conceptual infrastructure designs for electric rickshaws, and the
recent design research and simulations of the next auto rickshaw. IIT's solar/battery
electric three-wheeler is meant to match and exceed the conventional vehicle's
performance, but with a more intelligent and efficient design.

Weinert (2007): The Rise of Electric Two-Wheelers in China

This dissertation examines the rise, present use, and future growth of the electric
two-wheeler (E2W, a.k.a. E2W or e-VFRRWHU  LQ &KLQD WKH ZRUOG¶s most successful
electric-drive vehicle. The E2W market has been experiencing tremendous growth
with over 30 million now in regular use on Chinese streets. The adoption of E2W
technology is significant because, along with their air quality and energy (low-carbon)
benefits compared to gasoline powered motorcycles, E2Ws are driving the
development of improved and lower cost batteries and may lead to a shift toward
larger three-and four-wheel electric vehicles (EV).

Webpages of Organisations and Internet Portals

C40 Electric Vehicle Network (C40 EVN)

The C40 Electric Vehicle Network (C40 EVN) is a C40 initiative to facilitate the
successful introduction of EVs through collective municipal actions including planning
and deployment of charging infrastructure, streamlining permitting processes
associated with charging infrastructure, providing monetary and non-monetary
incentives and mobilizing demand for EVs in city fleets.

Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA)

Founded in 1989, EDTA is the preeminent industry association dedicated to

advancing electric drive as a core technology on the road to sustainable mobility. As
an advocate for the adoption of electric drive technologies, EDTA serves as the
unified voice for the industry and is the primary source of information and education
related to electric drive. Its membership includes a diverse representation of vehicle
and equipment manufacturers, energy providers, component suppliers and end users.

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

Electric Vehicle Association of Asia Pacific (EVAAP)

The Electric Vehicle Association of Asia Pacific (EVAAP) is an international

membership organization founded in 1990, acting to promote the development and
use of electric and hybrid vehicles in Asia and Pacific region. EVAAP is the Asian-
Pacific representative to the World Electric Vehicle Association (WEVA) organizing
the International Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS) rotationally with AVERE and

Electric Vehicle Discussion List (Since 1991)

The Electric Vehicle Discussion List, founded in 1991 by EV enthusiast Clyde Visser
PE, is the Internet's oldest and most comprehensive resource supporting EV

ENT19 Electric Mobility

Five partners: Austria, Finland, The Netherlands, Norway and Poland have launched
a trans-national research call on Electric-mobility, to be carried out in 2010. The
general aim is to improve the tuning together of the different national policies and
action plans for electric mobility in Europe. Main driver behind this is the expected
positive effect of a common approach on the market development of electric mobility
in Europe.

European Green Cars Initiative

The European Green Cars Initiative is one of the three Public Private Partnerships
(PPP) of the European Economic Recovery Plan announced by the President of the
European Commission on the 26th of November 2008. The objective of the initiative
is to support R&D on technologies and infrastructures that are essential for achieving
breakthroughs in the use of renewable and non-polluting energy sources, safety and
traffic fluidity. Despite its name the Green Cars Initiative is not only for passenger
cars. Under the Green Cars Initiative, the topics include research on trucks, internal
combustion engines, bio-methane use, and logistics. However a main focus is on the
electrification of mobility and road transport. Beyond providing loans through the
European Investment Bank, the PPP European Green Cars Initiative is making
available a total of one billion EUR for R&D through joint funding programmes of the
European Commission, the industry and the member states. These financial support
measures will be supplemented by demand-side measures, involving regulatory
action by Member States and the EU, such as the reduction of car registration taxes
on low CO2 cars to stimulate car purchase by citizens.

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

Low Carbon Vehicle Innovation Platform

The Low Carbon Vehicles Innovation Platform aims to maximise the benefit to UK-
based businesses of the rapidly-developing low carbon vehicles market, and to help
accelerate the adoption of low carbon vehicles in the UK.

LCVPP (Low Carbon Vehicle Procurement Programme)

Cenex, the UK's Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technologies, is
the Department for Transport's delivery partner for the Low Carbon Vehicle
Procurement Programme (LCVPP). Announced in the May 2007 Energy White Paper,
the programme aims to accelerate the introduction of lower carbon technologies onto
the UK vehicle market, with the ultimate objective of reducing overall carbon
emissions from the vehicle fleet.

World Electric Vehicle Association (WEVA)

The World Electric Vehicle Association (WEVA) is an international organization

launched in 1990 with the objective of promoting the research, development and
dissemination of electric vehicles. It is also responsible for coordinating the EVS
symposia. WEVA consists of three regional organizations, the European Association
for Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (AVERE), the Electric Drive
Transportation Association (EDTA), and the Electric Vehicle Association of Asia
Pacific (EVAAP). EDTA, AVERE and EVAAP are international associations designed
to popularize electric vehicles in their respective regions of the Americas, Europe and
the Asia-Pacific.

Division  44  
Water,  Energy  and  Transport  

GTZ ± Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP)


Transport: A Sourcebook for Policy-0DNHUVLQ'HYHORSLQJ&LWLHV´ with
a wealth of information and knowledge on appropriate solutions, inter alia on tackling
climate change in the transport sector. Through training and advisory services,
decision makers in the transport sector are better informed about transport options,
mode choices, mobility management and transport related emissions and their
impact on our climate. This may lead to improved urban transport systems, less
traffic and better alternatives to individual motorized transport modes.

This flagship publication compiles most international practices and provides access
to numerous other resources. It is complemented by training courses targeted to
policymakers, planners or engineers in cities, regional entities and federal

Manfred Breithaupt / Senior Transport Policy Advisor
GTZ ± Water Energy Transport

Qi Xie / Armin Wagner

Cover photos:
Manfred Breithaupt
Shanghai, 2010

For more information on our work, please visit:

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consultants, partners, and contributors from reliable sources. GTZ does not, however, guarantee the accuracy or completeness
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