Precedence Diagram (AON - Acitivty On Node) : Sample Calculations

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Precedence Diagram (AON - Acitivty On Node)

0 1 6 6 3 9 9 6 10 12 9 15
Activity Activity Activity Activity
0 0 2 0
0 6 6 6 3 9 11 1 12 12 3 15

2 4 4 9 7 12 12 10 15 15 12 17 17 14 21
Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity
2 0 0 0 0
4 2 6 9 3 12 12 3 15 15 2 17 17 4 21

0 2 2 2 5 6 6 8 12 12 11 13 13 13 16
Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity
0 0 0 1 1
0 2 2 2 4 6 6 6 12 13 1 14 14 3 17

Forward pass: EF = ES + D ES: early start Critical path 1 (start) A C G I L N
EF: early finish Critical path 2 (start) A C G J L N
ES Activity # EF LS: late start Critical path 3 (start) B E H J L N
LF: late finish
F Activity description
D: duration
LS D LF F: float (or slack) Answers to assignment:

Backward pass: LS = LF - D 1 EF of G = 12
2 ES of H = 6
Sample calculations: 3 project duration = 21
ESA=0; EFA=ESA+DA 4 LF of J = 15
ESB=EFA; EFB=ESB+DB; repeat in case a node has one predecessor 5 LS of D = 4
ESG=max(EFC,EFD); repeat in case a node has 2 or more predecessors 6 F of J = 0
LFL=LSN; LSL=LFL+DL; repeat in case a node has one follower 7 F of F = 2
LFH=min(LSJ,LSK); repeat in case a node has 2 or more followers 8 ES of N = 17
F = LS - ES = LF - EF 9 # of critical activities = 10
10 # of critical paths = 3

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