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Grade 9 Drama 1

Unit Plan

Unit: Spoken Movement

Grade: 9
Subject: Orientation to Drama
Course: 900
Dates: September 1, 2019- September 11, 2019
School: Dallas Field Junior High
Teacher: Kimmy Orr
Grade 9 Drama 2
Unit Plan

Table of Contents
I. Rationale: pg. 3
II. Unit Objective: pg. 4
III. Unit Overview: pg. 5
IV. Lesson plan #1 – Handshakes: pg. 6- 8
V. Lesson plan #2 – Repeat After Me: pg. 8-10
VI. Rubric: pg. 11
VII. Self-Assessment: pg. 12
VIII. Checklist: pg. 13
IX. Materials: pg.14
X. Bibliography: pg. 14
Grade 9 Drama 3
Unit Plan


A student’s role in the fine arts is spun together by those who have come before them.
But the threads of the past can become unraveled and intertwined into something new.
Creativity guides the student’s fingers as new bonds form unique patterns. As the fingers tie
each knot they are guided by the hands of others who before us, have sewn together their
own story. Our hands are not bound by those around us but encouraged by the community
which offers inspiration and motivation. Our creativity can be explored within a framework,
yet reaches unlimited borders that only our minds can restrict. Creativity no longer becomes
a thread that follows a single line but interweaves into the tapestry of our life shared for all to

Our eyes see what our lived experiences have explored. We interpret them, then pause for
a breath, and analyze the impact of each line.

As we continue to cast our own lines, we learn to reach further only through trial and
error. As our creativity expands it forms into something new, bolder, and sturdier. But there
are holes, vulnerable, and left open. As the creativity flows in and out of our net we realize
that our very flaws are our assets needed to draw on our potential. Our catch will not all be
accepted. We will reject some of our experiences, critique others and explore most.

What we draw on to inspire us is ultimately up to us. We have interwoven many threads

so we may cast out our ideas and test out their impact on the fine arts community. What we
receive is another piece of our story that outlines our journey of who we are and where we
belong in relation to others.
Grade 9 Drama 4
Unit Plan

Unit Objective:
Helps students articulate their words to better communicate to their society, enhancing their
ability to express their creativity and strengthen their interpersonal relationships.

GOAL II: To develop competency in communication skills through participation in and

exploration of various dramatic disciplines.

Top Skills:

1. Touch: (GLO) become familiar with disciplines that enhance dramatic process (C)
(SLO)Movement, Level 1 : beginner 2, 4
Level 3- Advanced 26-28
 Lesson 1 : Handshake

2. Communicate: (GLO): develop the body and voice as tools of communication (S)
(SLO)Speech, Level 3 – Advanced 15-16
 Lesson 5: Claymation

3. Structure of story: (GLO)become familiar with dramatic terminology (c)

(SLO)Speech, Level 1 – Beginner 1-4
 Lesson 3: Narrate

4. Non-verbal cues: (GLO) develop the ability to give form or expression to feelings, ideas
and images (S)
(SLO)Movement, Level 2 – Intermediate 21-23, 25
 Lesson 4: Tangle

5. Relationships: (GLO) gain awareness of how the integration of disciplines enriches

dramatic communication (C)
 Lesson 5: Claymation

6. Improvisation:(GLO) become familiar with disciplines that enhance dramatic process

(SLO) Improv, Level 1 – Beginner 1, 2, 11
Level 2 – intermediate 1-4
Level 3-advanced 29, 33
 Lesson 3: Narrate & Lesson 5: Claymation
Grade 9 Drama 5
Unit Plan

Orientation Unit Overview

Lesson 1- Handshakes
Lesson Objective: Students will successfully shake hands while making eye contact with
one another.
Activities: Fun fact and Name Circle, Look-Die, Clapping, Nod and Wave, Stella Ella Olla, High
Five Tag, Wink Tag
Learner Expectations: Movement: Level 1 Beginning 2-4

Lesson 2- Repeat after Me

Lesson Objective: Students will manage their language by recognizing their speech
patterns, specifically um and lengthened pauses.
Activities: Voice Warm, Solo Speech, Impromptu, Duo Speech, 1 – 10, Echo, Speech Thief, One
Word Sentences
Learner Expectations: Level 1- Beginner 1, 2, 11, Level 2- Intermediate 14, Level 3- Advanced
29, 33

Lesson 3 - Narrate
Lesson Objective: Students will tell an improvised story with a beginning, middle, and end.
Activities: Vocal Warm-up, Fortunately- unfortunately, Blocked: No , Building: Yes, Wimping:
I don’t know, Expand or Advance, Still Frame, Vocal Frame
Learner Expectations: Speech, Level 1 – Beginner 1-4, Level 2 Intermediate – 13
Improv, Level 1 beginner 1-5, Level 3 Advanced – 26

Lesson 4 – Tangle
Students will be able to communicate non-verbally to complete the task tangle.
Activities: walk, collapse, blob, zucchini, tangled
Learner Expectations: Movement, Level 2 – Intermediate 21-23, 25 Level 3 – Advanced 26 – 28

Lesson 5 – Claymation
Students can structurally manipulate others while telling a story
Activities: walking, freeze walking, partner freeze, 3 freeze tableau, Vocal Tableau, Story
Learner Expectations: Improv, Level 1–Beginner 1, 2, 11 Level 2–intermediate1-4 Level 3-
advanced 29, 33
Grade 9 Drama 6
Unit Plan

Lesson Title Handshake Date 13/01/2019

Subject/ Grade Drama Time 40 minutes
Level Grade 7 Duration
Unit Orientation Teacher Ms. K.O.

General Learning Movement: Level 1: Beginning

Outcomes Motivation—Orientation should involve students in interesting,
challenging and enjoyable activities that will stimulate them to participate
with enthusiasm in the drama program.

Specific Learning 2. Demonstrate awareness of personal and shared space

Outcomes 4. Recognize the need for and demonstrate warmup activities.
 Listen effectively.
 Move in a variety of ways.

Main Inquiry How can trust be built within a classroom


Formative Observation: I will verify they are participating

Assessment I will observe their previous knowledge so I may make the
following lessons plans accordingly
Think, Pair, Share: I will give them time with a partner to feel
supported through sharing something of value about themselves
Summative Mastery: /10
Assessment Can they complete the objective of the day? Have
they participated in the below activities? If so, they have completed the
Resources Teacher Resource Manual DRAMA Junior High School. 1989 Alberta
Education ISBN 0-7732-0078-9

Introduction (7 min)
Attention Grabber Greet them as they walk in the door
Introduction of Myself:
Once they are settled, with posture and eye contact say:
 My name is Ms. K.O.
 I went to the U of C
 Degree in dance minor in English
 Finishing my degree in drama education
 (talk longer if they are nervous)
Grade 9 Drama 7
Unit Plan

 Drama and dance did shows together

 Professional dancer for 4 years
 Taught dance for 8 years
 I believe the arts is important because creativity is problem
solving, and provides us with failure which helps us grow
Expectations of 1. Participation: as long as they are participating in several
Behaviour activities that is acceptable
2. If they must sit out, they are making observations and
Body (26 min)
Learning Activity #1 Fun Fact and Name Circle (assuming they already know each other’s
(10 min)  Share with a friend
 Walk around share with another friend
 Will stand in a circle and be asked to share two peoples fun facts
 Walk again
 Will stand in a circle and ask to share two people that have
something in common
 Walk again
 Will stand in a circle and share three, then four who have
something in common
Learning Activity #2 Look – Die
 Everybody sits in a circle and closes eyes
(3 min)  Each person chooses one person in their head they will look at
when they open their eyes
 When they open their eyes if that same person is looking at them
each person has to yell die and hold guns out at them to be the one
to win
Learning Activity #3 Clapping
 Sitting in a circle, each person holds their left hand up over the
(2 min) person next to them knee and their right hand down
 they must try to find a rhythm and tempo
Learning Activity #4 Nod and Wave
 walk in front of someone and nod
(2 min)  walk in front of someone and wave
Learning Activity #5 Stella Ella Olla
 sing stella ella olla clap clap clap singing s tiga tiga hello hello 1 ,
(3 min) 3 ,4 ,5
 on fifth person they have to pull their hand away before it is
Learning Activity #6 High Five Tag
When tagged must freeze in a dramatic position ready for a highfive
(2 min)  to unfreeze person that is it give them a high five
Learning Activity #7 Wink Tag
Grade 9 Drama 8
Unit Plan

 wink at someone to unfreeze them

(4 min)  add a hand shake to the wink
Closure (7 min)
End of Lesson Sit in a circle and Review:
 have a discussion about the objective
 think- pair-share
 why did we meet the objective
 did everyone get 10/10
 why?
 How does this help us be better performers?
 How does this help with our classroom environment?

UC: John Poulsen

Lesson Title Repeat After Me Date 18/01/2019

Subject/ Grade Drama Time 40 minutes
Level Grade 9 Duration
Unit Improvisation Teacher Ms. K.O.

General Learning Level 1- Beginner

Outcomes Level 2- Intermediate
Level 3- Advanced

Specific Learning 1, 2, 11
Outcomes 14
29, 33,

Main Inquiry To what extent are we influenced by the words other people speak?
Students will:
Manage their language by recognizing their speech patterns, specifically um and
Grade 9 Drama 9
Unit Plan

lengthened pauses

Formative Observation: I will verify they are participating

Assessment I will observe their previous knowledge so I may make the
following lessons plans accordingly
Partner Work: work with another partner to inspire a reaction for
Participation: they are making a working effort to attempt improv, what
can I do to inspire if this is not happening?
Summative Mastery: /10
Assessment Are the students participating? Are they putting
visible effort into working with their partners? Did the student engage in
stop thief? If so, 10/10
Resources Teacher Resource Manual DRAMA Junior High School. 1989 Alberta
Education ISBN 0-7732-0078-9
Materials Basketball, football, skate, magazine, water bottle, coffee, picture,
computer (enough objects for each person in the class)

Introduction 10 min
Attention Grabber Voice warm up:
 Walk around the room
 Find a partner
 Tell them about their day
 Repeat four times
Solo Speech:
 In a line students will stand in front of an object.
 They will talk about the item in front of them for 15 seconds,
teacher will say switch
 The switches will get faster and faster
Expectations of 3. Participation: as long as they are participating in several
Behaviour activities that is acceptable
If they must sit out, they are making observations and notes
Body 25 min
Learning Activity #1 Impromptu:
 Walk around find a partner
6 min  Label partner A and B
 Partner A will provide an object
 Partner B will talk about that object for (teacher will say when to
 Repeat 3x
Learning Activity 2 Duo Speech:
 Students will partner up
Grade 9 Drama 10
Unit Plan

7 min  Partner A will list of one random object and the other partner
must say a sentence about it
 Partner A will give another random object and partner B must
connect the two sentences together
 Continue this and switch partners when teach says
 Switch partners 2x
Learning Activity #3 1 -10
 Form a circle
4 min  In a random order, students must count to ten without talking over
top of one another
 Start from the beginning when two people say a number at the
same time
Learning Activity #4 Echo
4 min  Teacher sings a chant
 Students repeat the chant
 Repeat x3
Learning Activity #5 Speech Thief:
 In a circle one student will be selected to begin talking about a
selected topic.
 Any time the student says uh or um or pauses, a person can yell
4 min challenge
 Whoever yells challenge first will continue talking
 The activity continues for one minute and whoever remains
talking by the end succeeds
Note: start in partners and build to one large group

Closure 6 min
End of Lesson One Word Sentences:
 Students will get into groups of three
 Each student will only say one word each tern
 They will build a sentences about how the class went today
Grade 9 Drama 11
Unit Plan

Students will be able to form a three part story, containing a beginning, middle and end, out of
still frame figures and improvised words. They will also fill out a self-reflection.


Pts Structure of Attitude (x2) Craftsmanship

Story (x3)
The student had a The student respected The student communicated
clear beginning the other people when non-verbally (touch) while
middle and end they adjusted their assembling their partners
4 when they physical shape. The into a pattern.
improvised their other people were
spoken story comfortable with the
The student only The student was The student used touch but
improvised two respectful, but the also used vocal cues along
3 parts to their story people felt awkward in the way when assembling
the situation. their partners.
The student only The student made their The student only used
had one coherent peers feel uneasy from verbal cues to assemble
2 part to their story crossing their their partners.
The student’s story The student was The student goofed around
made no sense disrespectful and the and left their partners
1 students were confused of their
uncomfortable positioning.

Did they complete and hand in a self-evaluation: 6 marks



Grade 9 Drama 12
Unit Plan



I. Describe how you participated during the rehearsal


II. Describe how you listened to others in your group during


III. Describe how you took any criticism during


IV. Describe what it was like to perform your scene. Did you feel prepared? Did you feel

V. Describe the audience response to your acting. Were you surprised? Did the
responses happen as

VI. Describe what worked well for you during the


VII. Describe what you wish went differently during the


VIII. What mark would you give yourself out of six, and
Grade 9 Drama 13
Unit Plan

Names Lesson #1: Lesson #2: Lesson # 3: Lesson #4: Lesson #5:
Hold eye Recognize Differentiate Participation ✓ See rubric
contact while and adjust between a and self-
shaking hand speech structure of a assessemnt
/10 patterns story /30
Grade 9 Drama 14
Unit Plan


Teacher Resource Manual

Theater and Improv Games for the Classroom and Beyond

The Jumbo Book of Drama

Creative Drama in the Intermediate Grades: A Handbook for Teachers


Bradford, Wade. “Theater and Improv Games for the Classroom and Beyond.” Thoughtco.,
DotDash, 14 Feb. 2018,

Dunleavy, Deborah. The Jumbo Book of Drama. Kids Can Press, 2004.

Farmer, David. “Mime and Movement.” Drama Resource, CreateSpace,

McCaslin, Nellie. Creative Drama in the Intermediate Grades: A Handbook for Teachers.
Longman Inc., 1987.

McCaslin, Nellie. Creative Drama in the Classroom and Beyond. Eighth ed., Pearson Education,
Inc., 2006.

Nichelle. “Teacher’s Top Three: Improvisation and Composition Studies.” Dance Advantage,
WordPress, 29 Mar. 2011,

Teacher Resource Manual DRAMA Junior High School. 1989 Alberta Education ISBN 0-7732-

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