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Safety and Efficacy of Volatile Anesthetic

Agents Compared With Standard Intravenous

Midazolam/Propofol Sedation in Ventilated Critical
Care Patients: A Meta-analysis and Systematic
Review of Prospective Trials
Angela Jerath, FRCPC, FANZCA, MBBS, BSc,* Jonathan Panckhurst, MBChB,† Matteo Parotto, PhD, MD,*
Nicholas Lightfoot, FANZCA, MBChB,† Marcin Wasowicz, PhD, MD,* Niall D. Ferguson, FRCPC, MSc,‡
Andrew Steel, FRCPC, FFICM, FRCA, MBBS, BSc,* and W. Scott Beattie, PhD, FRCPC*

BACKGROUND: Inhalation agents are being used in place of intravenous agents to provide
sedation in some intensive care units. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis
of prospective randomized controlled trials, which compared the use of volatile agents versus
intravenous midazolam or propofol in critical care units.
METHODS: A search was conducted using MEDLINE (1946–2015), EMBASE (1947–2015), Web
of Science index (1900–2015), and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Eligible stud-
ies included randomized controlled trials comparing inhaled volatile (desflurane, sevoflurane,
and isoflurane) sedation to intravenous midazolam or propofol. Primary outcome assessed the
effect of volatile-based sedation on extubation times (time between discontinuing sedation and
tracheal extubation). Secondary outcomes included time to obey verbal commands, proportion
of time spent in target sedation, nausea and vomiting, mortality, length of intensive care unit,
and length of hospital stay. Heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 statistic. Outcomes were
assessed using a random or fixed-effects model depending on heterogeneity.
RESULTS: Eight trials with 523 patients comparing all volatile agents with intravenous mid-
azolam or propofol showed a reduction in extubation times using volatile agents (difference in
means, −52.7 minutes; 95% confidence interval [CI], −75.1 to −30.3; P < .00001). Reductions
in extubation time were greater when comparing volatiles with midazolam (difference in means,
−292.2 minutes; 95% CI, −384.4 to −200.1; P < .00001) than propofol (difference in means,
−29.1 minutes; 95% CI, −46.7 to −11.4; P = .001). There was no significant difference in time
to obey verbal commands, proportion of time spent in target sedation, adverse events, death,
or length of hospital stay.
CONCLUSIONS: Volatile-based sedation demonstrates a reduction in time to extubation, with
no increase in short-term adverse outcomes. Marked study heterogeneity was present, and
the results show marked positive publication bias. However, a reduction in extubation time was
still evident after statistical correction of publication bias. Larger clinical trials are needed to
further evaluate the role of these agents as sedatives for critically ill patients.  (Anesth Analg

edation is a cornerstone of intensive care unit (ICU) procedures, and to manage agitation.2 Midazolam and pro-
therapy and is required by >85% of patients.1 Sedative pofol are 2 of the most commonly used intravenous seda-
medications are used to assist tolerance of endo- tive agents.3,4 Metabolism and clearance of these agents rely
tracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, invasive on adequate function of renal and hepatic systems, with
many agents also producing active metabolites.2 Critically
From the *Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Toronto General ill patients commonly demonstrate hepatic and renal dys-
Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; †Department of Anesthesia and function, delaying systemic clearance of these drugs. This
Pain Medicine, Middlemore Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand; and
‡Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care, University of Toronto, Ontario, is often compounded by oversedation associated with
Canada. high doses of these agents, which occurs in up to 60% of
Accepted for publication August 24, 2016. ICU patients.5 Slow clearance of these agents leads to drug
Funding: Alternative Funding Plan (AFP), Mount Sinai Hospital-University hangover, which slows down patient awakening, return of
Health Network Academic Medical Organization. airway reflexes, and extubation times.2 Furthermore, these
Conflict of Interest: See Disclosures at the end of the article.
intravenous sedatives are associated with delirium.5,6
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of
Volatile-based ICU sedation entails the delivery of
this article on the journal’s website ( inhaled isoflurane, sevoflurane, or desflurane anesthetic
Address correspondence to Angela Jerath, FRCPC, FANZCA, MBBS, BSc, agents. These volatile agents have a long tradition of use
Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Toronto General Hospital, within the operating room to provide general anesthe-
3-EN 200 Elizabeth St, Toronto, ON, M5G 2C4 Canada. Address e-mail to sia. Their use within the ICU has largely been confined
Copyright © 2016 International Anesthesia Research Society to the management of status asthmaticus and epilepti-
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000001634 cus.7,8 However, there is increased interest in their use as

XXX 2016 • Volume XXX • Number XXX

Copyright © 2016 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volatile-Based Sedation: Meta-analysis and Systematic Review

general ICU sedatives because the early trial performed sedation, sedative agents used, and dose (when available).
by Kong et al9 demonstrated faster patient awakening and Primary authors were contacted for missing information.
extubation times. The associated adverse effects of these
agents include nausea and vomiting and possible fluoride- Statistical Analysis
induced nephrotoxicity.10 Volatile agents are a novel seda- The primary outcome of time to extubation and other con-
tion modality that has the potential to expand our current tinuous outcomes were assessed using the difference in
sedation treatment options. The primary objective of this means (95% confidence interval [CI]). Dichotomous data
analysis is to systematically review and meta-analyze the were assessed using the risk ratio or difference (95% CI). If
efficacy and safety of volatile agents for sedation among the full text article had data presented as median, interquar-
adult patients admitted to critical care units compared with tile range, and range, the mean and standard deviation were
standard intravenous midazolam or propofol sedation. calculated using the methods outlined by Wan et al12 (unless
available from the author). Heterogeneity was assessed via
METHODS calculation of the I2 statistic, where values >50% indicated
This review adhered to the methodology as described in the moderate heterogeneity. A random-effects model was used
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.11 when combined studies demonstrated at least moderate
heterogeneity; otherwise, a fixed-effects model was used.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Publication bias was assessed using a funnel plot, as well as
Eligible studies included were published single or multi- an Egger regression test for funnel plot asymmetry. A sensi-
center randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in which adult tivity analysis was performed using the trim and fill method
(>18 years of age) ICU patients received either inhaled (with a random-effects model) to impute potentially miss-
volatile anesthetic agent or intravenous benzodiazepines ing studies generating a symmetric plot.13,14 Data synthesis
or propofol-based sedation. Patients within medical, sur- was completed using Review Manager 5.3 provided by the
gical, and specialized cardiac ICUs were included. There Cochrane Collaboration (Oxford, United Kingdom) and
was no restriction to sample size. Quasirandomized trials, metafor package in R software v 3.02.11,15 To control for mul-
crossover, case-control, or case series studies were excluded. tiple testing, Bonferroni method was used to adjust P values
Inhaled volatile anesthetic agents include the use of isoflu- by dividing the conventional P value of .05 by the number
rane, sevoflurane, or desflurane anesthetic agents. of main hypotheses (n = 9). Therefore, P values <.006 were
considered statistically significant.
Electronic Search Strategy
Eligible trials were identified using MEDLINE (1946–2015), Subgroup Analyses
EMBASE (1947–2015), Web of Science index (1900–2015), The initial analysis compared the entire class of volatile
and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Search agents with all intravenous agents (midazolam or propo-
terms included volatile anesthetics, intensive care units, fol). A priori subgroup analyses were performed comparing
randomized controlled trial limited to human, adults, and volatile agents with midazolam and propofol separately.
English language. In addition, we reviewed trial registries Sufficient studies were also available to compare sevo-
to discern both unreported and/or ongoing trials (clinical- flurane with propofol and isoflurane with midazolam Abstracts required the full article for consider- separately.
ation. We also perused the reference list of identified studies
and review articles to identify any other studies. Sensitivity Analysis
An additional analysis was performed comparing time
Methods of Review with extubation outcomes in trials that were sponsored by a
The literature search was performed by 2 teams of 2 inde- pharmaceutical company versus trials that were sponsored
pendent reviewers with the aid of a librarian. Reasons for by a grant or institution.
exclusion were noted. Data were extracted by both teams We calculated the power and sample size required for the
using a data abstraction form and disagreements resolved primary outcome, time to extubation, and clinically impor-
by consensus. Trial bias was assessed using the Cochrane tant outcomes such as ICU length of stay. Using a 2-tailed
Risk of Bias tool.11 The primary outcome for this review was 2-sample t test with type I error probability of 5%, power of
time to extubation (time between discontinuing sedation 80%, and standard deviation of 848, a sample of 252 patients
and tracheal extubation). Secondary outcomes included (126 per group) would be required to detect a 300-minute
other clinical sedation and safety outcomes. Additional difference in extubation time between volatile-based seda-
sedation outcomes were time to obey verbal commands tion and intravenous midazolam.9,16–18 To detect a reduction
(time between discontinuing sedation to squeezing hand in ICU length of stay by 12 hours with a standard deviation
and moving toes on command), proportion of time spent in of 74, a sample size of 1194 patients (597 per group) would
target sedation, duration of mechanical ventilation, length be required.16,18–24
of stay in the ICU, and length of hospital stay. Patient safety
was assessed by nausea and vomiting requiring pharma- RESULTS
cological treatment, creatinine levels (12- to 24-hour post- Study Identification and Selection
sedation or postoperatively), and death. In addition to The initial search identified 2173 records. We removed 506
these outcomes, reviewers extracted the number of patients duplicate records plus an additional 1623 records that failed
and type of ICU within each study, age, sex, duration of to meet inclusion criteria (1534 non-ICU or non-volatile

2 anesthesia & analgesia
Copyright © 2016 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
trials, 39 reviews/meta-analyses, 27 animal, 13 pediatric, 3 Time to Extubation. Eight studies totaling 523 patients
scavenging, and 1 trial update). Forty-four full-text articles reported this outcome.9,16–18,20,21,24,27 All 3 volatile agents
were assessed for eligibility, which were reduced to 15 trials were represented and compared with either midazolam or
with a total of 989 patients for this meta-analysis (Figure 1; propofol. Volatile agents showed faster extubation times in
Supplemental Digital Content, Supplemental Appendix 1, comparison with intravenous sedatives (difference in means,,16–29 A full list of search −52.7 minutes; 95% CI, −75.1 to −30.3; P < .00001) but with
articles that were reviewed and excluded is available from an I2 of 92%, indicating high statistical heterogeneity (Figure
the authors. 3A). Subgroup analyses based on the type of medication
were performed. Four studies compared all volatile agents
Study Characteristics with midazolam in 143 patients and demonstrated that
Main characteristics of the 15 RCTs are summarized in volatile agents reduced extubation time (difference in means,
Table 1. Fourteen trials were parallel RCTs, and 1 trial had −292.2 minutes; 95% CI, −384.4 to −200.1; P < .00001) with
3 arms. Three authors published 2 articles with different moderate statistical heterogeneity (Figure 3B).9,16–18 Three of
reported outcomes that appear to have been conducted these trials with 110 patients allowed direct comparison of
within the same clinical trial population.16,17,21,26,28,29 isoflurane with midazolam and showed a similar reduction in
The majority of patients within these trials were male extubation time (difference in means, −265.2 minutes; 95% CI,
(45%–95%), with the mean age ranging from 52 to 69 −361.8 to −168.7; P < .00001; I2 0%).9,16,17 Five studies compared
years (Table 1). Out of 15 trials, 6 were set within cardiac all volatile agents (sevoflurane used in 3 trials, desflurane
ICUs, and the remainder were set in surgical and mixed in 1 trial, and sevoflurane or isoflurane used in 1 trial) with
medical-surgical ICUs. Short-term sedation (duration of intravenous propofol in 399 patients and showed a difference
sedation of <24 hours) is likely to involve 10 trials pre- in means of −29.1 minutes (95% CI, −46.7 to −11.4; P = .001) with
dominantly set within cardiac ICUs.9,19–25,27,29 Seven trials a high degree of statistical heterogeneity (Figure 3C).18,20,21,24,27
used sevoflurane, 6 used isoflurane, 1 used desflurane, Review of these studies showed that extubation times within
and 1 trial randomized patients to either sevoflurane or both the control and the volatile arms were significantly faster
isoflurane sedation. in the trials performed by Meiser et al27 and Hellström et al.21
Removal of these 2 trials showed a reduction in extubation
Quality Assessment time (difference in means, −146.0; 95% CI, −207.3 to −84.8;
Selection, performance, detection, attrition, and reporting P < .00001) with lower heterogeneity (I2 38%). Four trials
bias were assessed as high, low, or unclear. The trial dates with 310 patients compared sevoflurane with propofol and
ranged from 1989 to 2015 (Figure  2). Study quality was showed a statistically nonsignificant reduction in extubation
highly variable, with many poorly documented trial char- time (difference in means, −114.3; 95% CI, −215.3 to −13.3;
acteristics within the early studies. P = .03; I2 90%).18,20,21,24

Figure 1. PRISMA study flow chart. ICU indicates

intensive care unit.

XXX 2016 • Volume XXX • Number XXX

Copyright © 2016 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volatile-Based Sedation: Meta-analysis and Systematic Review

Table 1.  Characteristics of Included Studies

Volatile end-
tidal %, mean
Admission Exposure Age (y) Male Duration dose, mean
Study n ICU Diagnosis Control Mean (SD) n (%) Sedation (h) (SD) Funding
Kong et al (1989)9 60 MSICU Not specified Isoflurane 67.5 (15.3) 20 (66.6) 18.5 (4.3) .2% (.08) Unknown
Midazolam 67.5 (13) 25 (83.3) 18 (3.0) 3.1 (2.2)
Kong et al (1990)25 60 MSICU Postsurgery, other Isoflurane 66.2 (10.7) 17 (65) 18.2 (5.1) … Unknown
Midazolam 65.5 (11.2 18 (90) 18.3 (4.5) …
Spencer et al 60 MSICU Not specified Isoflurane 62 (15.6) 19 (63.3) 36 (29.3) … Pharma
(1991)26 Midazolam 68 (11.3) 21 (70) 36 (25) …
Spencer and Willatts
Meiser et al (2003)27 60 SICU Postsurgery Desflurane 65 (23) 19 (68) 11.5 (5.7) 3.5% (.5) Pharma
(esophagectomy, Propofol 59.9 (22) 17 (61) 9.7 (5.3) 4.4 (1.1)
gastrointestinal mg/k/h
abdominal aortic
Sackey et al (2004)17 40 MSICU Trauma, Isoflurane 60 (10.3) 9 (45) 52 (21) .3% (.18) Pharma
Sackey et al (2008)28 postsurgery, Midazolam 60 (15.3) 12 (60) 32 (23.3) …
failure, airway
Röhm et al (2008)20 70 CVICU CABG Sevoflurane 64.6 (8.6) 28 (80) 8.1 (3.1) .7% (.5)a Institution
Propofol 66.4 (8) 25 (71.4) 8.4 (4.2) 2.4 (1.1)
Röhm et al (2009)19 130 SICU Postsurgery (major Sevoflurane 67 (10) 46 (72) 9.2 (4.3) … Institution
Propofol 67 (8) 44 (72) 9.3 (4.7) 2.1 (.6)
thoracic, CABG,
aortic valve
Mesnil et al (2011)18 60 MSICU Trauma, Sevoflurane 52 (23) 10 (53) 50 (23.7) … Institution
postsurgery, Propofol 54 (13.3) 9 (64) 57 (40) …
respiratory Midazolam 55 (22.2) 10 (71) 50 (24.4) …
failure, sepsis

Hellström et al 100 CVICU CABG Sevoflurane 65 (8) 37 (76) 2.8 (.9) 0.8% (.2) Pharma/
(2011)29 Propofol 66 (11) 42 (84) 3.1 (1.4) 2 (.7) industry
Hellström et al mg/k/h
Soro et al (2012)23 75 CVICU CABG Sevoflurane 68.3 (10.7) 27 (75) Not Not specified Nil
Propofol 69.4 (9.3) 30 (81.1)
Steurer et al (2012)22 117 CVICU Aortic valve, Sevoflurane 63 (12.4) 32 (69) Not Not specified Pharma
mitral valve, specifiedb
combined cardiac Propofol 64 (14.7)
Jerath et al (2015)24 157 CVICU CABG Sevo/Iso 65 (9) 61 (91) Not Not specified Grant
Propofol 63 (10) 70 (95)
Abbreviations: CABG, coronary artery bypass grafts; CVICU, cardiovascular intensive care unit; Iso, isoflurane; MSICU, medical surgical intensive care unit; Sevo,
sevoflurane; SICU, surgical intensive care unit.
Extrapolated from figure.
Cardiac surgical population and thus duration of sedation likely <24 h.

4 anesthesia & analgesia
Copyright © 2016 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 2. Risk of bias assessment.

Subgroup analyses were also performed based on the within the volatile groups (difference in means, −156.6;
duration of sedation. Three longer-term sedation trials 95% CI, −230.0 to −83.1; P < .0001) with lower statistical
(duration of sedation >24 hours), with 130 patients predom- heterogeneity (I2 56%). The influence of pharmaceutical or
inantly performed in mixed medical-surgical ICUs showed industry sponsorship was reviewed, with 4 trials receiving
a large reduction in time to extubation (difference in means, commercial sponsorship, 3 trials were grant or internally
−314.5 minutes; 95% CI, −452.2 to −176.7; P < .00001; I2 funded, and funding for 1 older trial was unknown (Table
30%).16–18 Five short-term sedation trials (duration of seda- 1). The type of funding did not negatively impact the above
tion <24 hours) with 393 patients were largely performed findings, with reductions in time to extubation remaining
for postoperative sedation and showed a smaller reduction larger within the nonindustry funded trials (difference in
in time to extubation (difference in means, −30.9 minutes; means, −195.8; 95% CI, −311.6 to −79.9).
95% CI, −49.2 to −12.7; P = .0009; I2 92%).9,20,21,24,27 As men-
tioned previously, removal of trials performed by Meiser et Other Sedation Outcomes. Four studies assessed the time to
al27 and Hellström et al21 maintained faster extubation times obey verbal commands upon discontinuing sedation (Table 2).

XXX 2016 • Volume XXX • Number XXX

Copyright © 2016 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volatile-Based Sedation: Meta-analysis and Systematic Review

Figure 3. Time to extubation (min). CI indicates confidence interval.

Table 2.  Summary of Secondary Outcomes

Mean Difference or
Risk Ratio
No. No. b
Risk Difference P
Outcome Studies Participants (95% CI) Heterogeneity (I2) Value
Time to obey verbal commands (min)9,16,17, 27 4 198 −26.1 (−59.4 to 7.2) 71% .12
% Time spent in target sedation17,18 2 73 −1.1 (−13.8 to 11.5) 0% .86
Duration of mechanical ventilation (h)18–21 4 341 −2.0 (−3.9 to −.2) 66% .03
Nausea and vomiting20,21,24,27 4 363 1.2 (.7 to 2.2)a 13% .47
Serum creatinine19,24–26,29 5 446 .7 (−5.4 to 6.8) 0% .83
Intensive care unit length of stay (h)16,18–24 8 700 −.05 (−1.1 to 1.0) 0% .92
Hospital length of stay (d)19–24 6 610 −.03 (−.2 to .1) 56% .74
Hospital mortality9,17,24 3 241 0 (−.02 to .03)b 0% .95
Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.

There was no significant difference in this outcome term and 1 longer-term sedation trial) using sevoflurane.18–21
(difference in means, −26.2; 95% CI, −59.4 to 7.2; P = .12; With 341 patients, duration of mechanical ventilation was
I2 71%).9,16,17,27 Only 2 studies with 73 patients assessed the not different between volatile and intravenous sedation
proportion of time patients spent within a target sedation groups (difference in means, −2.0 hours; 95% CI, −3.9 to
range.17,18 There was no significant difference between −.2; P = .03) and showed high heterogeneity (I2 66%). As
inhaled volatile and intravenous agents (difference in mentioned previously, removal of the trial by Hellström
means, −1.1; 95% CI, −13.8 to 11.5; P = .86; I2 0%). Duration et al21 reduced the duration of mechanical ventilation using
of mechanical ventilation was available in 4 trials (3 short- sevoflurane sedation (difference in means, −3.1 hours;

6 anesthesia & analgesia
Copyright © 2016 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
95% CI, −4.5 to −1.6; P < .0001) with improved statistical Clearance of volatile agents through simple pulmonary
heterogeneity (I2 0%). exhalation with minimal systemic metabolism is likely to
account for the faster extubation times. Benzodiazepines
Adverse Effects. Nausea and vomiting were reported in 4 demonstrated a larger difference in extubation times than
trials totaling 363 patients (Table 2).20,21,24,27 There was no propofol. This is likely attributable to different pharmaco-
significant difference in nausea and vomiting between the 2 kinetic properties of these intravenous agents, with propo-
sedation modalities (risk ratio, 1.2; 95% CI, .7 to 2.2; I2 13%). fol possessing faster systemic clearance with no significant
Serum fluoride levels were measured during and after metabolites in comparison with midazolam.2,30
sedation within 3 trials.19,25,26 All trials showed that fluoride Despite volatile agents demonstrating faster extubation
levels were significantly elevated within the volatile group times, this failed to translate into shorter lengths of stay.
in comparison with standard intravenous sedatives, with However, this analysis identified no difference in nausea
levels often peaking 12 to 16 hours after discontinuation of and vomiting or in-hospital mortality in patients sedated
sedation.25,26 Serum fluoride levels were not combined for using volatile agents. These mortality findings have been
additional analysis, given marked differences in timing of further supported by a recent retrospective study of 200
measurement and how the results were reported. However, surgical ICU patients sedated with either isoflurane or mid-
5 trials with 446 patients have reported serum creatinine azolam/propofol for >96 hours.31 Risk-adjusted analysis
levels during and after sedation periods. Serum creatinine demonstrated that volatile-based sedation was associated
levels were combined at 12 to 24 hours after sedation (or with lower in-hospital death (adjusted odds ratio .35; 95%
after surgery in 1 short-term sedation trial), given that it CI, .18 to .68; P = .002) and 1-year mortality (adjusted odds
was a consistent time point, and fluoride levels remain high ratio .41; 95% CI, .21 to .81; P = .01). The low incidence of
within the postsedation period.19,24–26,29 The studies included nausea and vomiting among patients receiving volatile
4 short-term and 1 longer-term sedation trial. No difference agents is likely secondary to the low doses required for
in serum creatinine was seen (difference in means, .7; ICU sedation, which are approximately one third (.3 mini-
95% CI, −5.4 to 6.8; P = .83; I2 0%; Table 2). Assessment of
mum alveolar concentration) the dose required for general
cardiovascular stability has been performed by measuring
anesthesia. With several studies showing elevated serum
various hemodynamic indices (heart rate, blood pressure,
fluoride levels with the use of volatile agents, we failed to
cardiac index, systemic vascular resistance index, stroke
demonstrate any nephrotoxic effects up to 24 hours after
volume variation, and central venous pressure) and the use
sedation.17,19,26 These findings are in keeping with case series
of vasoactive drugs.9,18,23,27,29 A single long-term sedation trial
demonstrating similar findings.32,33
performed by Mesnil et al18 demonstrated that significantly
This study has several limitations. This analysis included
fewer patients receiving sevoflurane sedation required
many older trials in which current standards of randomiza-
vasoactive drug support in comparison with midazolam
tion, allocation concealment, and selective reporting crite-
and propofol sedation. However, the majority of trials have
ria were not formally documented within the article. The
shown no difference in patient hemodynamics between
current trials are small, with variation in study quality,
inhalational and intravenous sedation techniques.
analgesic regimens, use of daily sedation breaks, report-
Death and Length of Stay. In-hospital mortality was assessed ing depth of sedation, type of sedative drug, and duration
in 3 trials with 241 patients. There was no significant of use, which may have added to the clinical heterogene-
difference between types of sedation (risk difference, ity and affected treatment outcomes. Comparison of all
0; 95% CI, −.02 to .03; P = .95; I2 0%).9,17,24 Length of ICU volatile agents with intravenous sedatives was initially per-
stay and length of hospital stay were assessed in 8 and 6 formed, given that pulmonary clearance of volatile agents
trials, respectively. Both outcomes showed no significant is a unique class effect that avoids systemic metabolism
difference between the 2 sedation modalities (Table 2). required by our traditional intravenous agents. However,
additional subanalyses were performed given that the dif-
Publication Bias. A funnel plot on the meta-analysis ferent pharmacokinetic properties of midazolam, propofol,
looking at time to extubation using 8 trials shows a lack of and between the volatile agents with desflurane showing
negative trials and a positive publication bias (Figure 4A). the fastest clearance, followed by sevoflurane and isoflu-
Egger regression test for funnel plot asymmetry was also rane. These subanalyses confirmed faster extubation times
significant (P < .0001). The trim and fill method imputed 4 using volatile-based sedation with reduced statistical het-
studies to improve symmetry of the funnel plot, with the erogeneity. Furthermore, heterogeneity was improved
adjusted mean difference of extubation times estimated at after removal of the trials performed by Meiser et al27 and
−37.9 minutes (95% CI, −62.7 to −13.1; P = .003). Hellström et al,21 which showed faster extubation times in
both control and volatile arms. These may have been influ-
DISCUSSION enced by institutional weaning protocols, dose of opioids,
Our results show that the use of inhaled volatile agents and use of regional analgesia techniques. Faster emergence
reduces time to tracheal extubation in comparison with stan- within the trial performed by Meiser et al27 may be influ-
dard intravenous sedatives by about 53 minutes. This is most enced by the use of desflurane and the common use of
striking in the comparison of all volatile agents, including epidural analgesia within this surgical population. Lower
isoflurane specifically, with midazolam (265–292 minutes). doses of intraoperative opioid and midazolam were noted
Similar findings were noted in comparisons with propofol, within the cardiac surgical population of the trial performed
although the clinical difference was smaller (29 minutes). by Hellström et al21 in comparison with other similar

XXX 2016 • Volume XXX • Number XXX

Copyright © 2016 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volatile-Based Sedation: Meta-analysis and Systematic Review

Figure 4. A, Funnel plot assessing time to tra-

cheal extubation without trim and fill adjust-
ments in 8 trials (mean difference, −52.7 min;
95% confidence interval [CI], −75.1 to −30.3;
B P < .00001); B, Trim and fill funnel plot. Closed
circles refer to original studies, and open circles
are imputed studies (mean difference, −37.9 min;
95% CI, −62.7 to −13.1; P = .003).9,16–18,20,21,24,27

studies.20,21,24 We also note that faster extubation times with- end points, and additional research is required to evalu-
out a positive translation on other important ICU outcomes, ate whether volatile-based sedation truly impacts patient
such as length of stay or mortality, may not be clinically care beyond extubation times. The funnel plot reveals that
meaningful. This meta-analysis is underpowered, at 58.5%, there is a large publication bias with current trials reporting
to detect a clinically meaningful reduction in the ICU length predominantly positive results. We used a nonparametric
of stay of 12 hours. Currently, we lack a large, well-pow- method called trim and fill that imputed the studies missing
ered clinical trial to assess these clinically important ICU from the meta-analysis to improve symmetry of the funnel

8 anesthesia & analgesia
Copyright © 2016 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
plot and demonstrated that faster extubation times were inguinal herniorrhaphy surgery who received either sevoflu-
still evident using volatile agents. This technique assumes rane-based general or awake regional anesthesia.46
that data should be symmetrical and may be affected by Our results indicate that volatile agents promote rapid
study heterogeneity. Despite statistical correction of these extubation and may be the ultimate fast-track agent for
results, negative trials are lacking in the literature and postoperative patients and promote faster weaning in com-
data from ongoing active trials, and undertaking a larger plex ICU patients requiring longer-term sedation. These
clinical study would be valuable to assess these agents.34,35 findings were greater in comparison with the use of intra-
Although meta-analyses combine similar studies, they may venous midazolam than propofol. However, there is limited
still be underpowered to assess certain clinical outcomes literature assessing the safety and efficacy of these agents
and increase the chance of type II error.36 Given our find- in the short term and the longer term, and the current trials
ings and the potential benefit of volatile agents to improve demonstrate marked heterogeneity and high probability of
outcomes for critical care patients, a large well-conducted publication bias. Currently, these data do not support the
clinical trial is now required. regular use of this technique, but given the current data and
An important outcome that we were unable to address is the potential of these agents to improve patient outcomes, a
impact upon ICU-related delirium. Several studies did mea- well-designed, adequately powered RCT within a homoge-
sure and demonstrate no significant difference in the incidence neous population to truly understand the potential clinical
of postextubation agitation, hallucinations, and delusional effects of this sedation modality is required.
memories, but combining these data was not performed given
varied definitions and measurement tools.20,21,27,28 Sedation, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
particularly with benzodiazepine agents, is a recognized risk The authors thank Drs M. Steurer and P. Sackey for provid-
factor for developing delirium, which affects 30% to 80% of ing information for this analysis.
ICU patients.6,37 Unfortunately, the current trials provide lim-
ited information on this outcome, and the effect of either short- DISCLOSURES
term or longer-term use of volatile agents remains unknown. Conflicts of Interest: This analysis includes a trial conducted by the
Furthermore, dexmedetomidine has recently become avail- author group.24,35 The authors have no financial conflicts of interest.
Name: Angela Jerath, FRCPC, FANZCA, MBBS, BSc.
able, and its use in the ICU has gained considerable attention. Contribution: This author helped to study the concept, collect and
At present, there are no trials comparing volatiles with dex- analyze the data, and develop the manuscript.
medetomidine and whether the above advantages of volatiles Name: Jonathan Panckhurst, MBChB.
would remain requires additional investigation. Contribution: This author helped collect the data.
Name: Matteo Parotto, PhD, MD.
In 2013, the Society of Critical Care Medicine updated Contribution: This author helped collect and analyze the data and
guidelines and combined the overlapping management of prepare the manuscript.
sedation, pain, and delirium for ICU patients.2 Given the Name: Nicholas Lightfoot, FANZCA, MBChB.
association of benzodiazepines with drug-induced delir- Contribution: This author helped collect and analyze the data and
ium, tolerance, withdrawal, and slow systemic clearance in prepare the manuscript.
Name: Marcin Wasowicz, PhD, MD.
ICU patients with drug hangover, there is rising interest in Contribution: This author helped prepare and review the
identifying alternative sedation modalities. Prolonged use manuscript.
of propofol is often prohibitive given its higher cost, risk of Name: Niall D. Ferguson, FRCPC, MSc.
hemodynamic instability, and hypertriglyceridemia.2 The use Contribution: This author helped to review the manuscript.
Name: Andrew Steel, FRCPC, FFICM, FRCA, MBBS, BSc.
of volatile agents within the ICU poses a novel and attractive Contribution: This author helped to review the manuscript.
sedative option. This class of drug confers several advan- Name: W. Scott Beattie, PhD, FRCPC.
tages over standard intravenous medications, including rapid Contribution: This author helped study the concept and review the
onset, bronchodilation, hemodynamic stability at low seda- manuscript.
tion doses, and breath-by-breath end-tidal gas monitoring This manuscript was handled by: Avery Tung, MD, FCCM.
that correlates with cerebral concentration that aids drug titra- REFERENCES
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Volatile-Based Sedation: Meta-analysis and Systematic Review

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