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January 18, 2019

VIA E-MAIL Tracking Code: FOIA 0118-19

Ms. Mikenzie Frost

Sinclair Broadcast Group
6825 Hickory Point Drive West
Portage, Michigan 49024

Dear Ms. Frost:

This notice responds to your October 3, 2018, email (copy enclosed), received by the
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) on October 4, 2018, requesting information
under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), MCL 15.231 et seq. You requested
information that you described as: [a]ll correspondence between all MDEQ employees and
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding scheduling a visit to Michigan to
discuss PFAS; as well as [a]ny and all draft agendas that were discussed for the
visit/meeting. (Original formatting modified.)

The request is granted in part and denied in part.

As to the partial grant, enclosed are copies of responsive records containing non-exempt
information. The DEQ states that, to the best of its knowledge, information, and belief, the
enclosed records represent all of the existing, non-exempt information in the DEQ’s possession
falling within the scope of your request.

As to the partial denial, portions of the enclosed records have been redacted under section
13(1)(a) and (u) of the FOIA, MCL 15.243(1)(a) and (u). Respectively, these exemptions
provide, in part, for the nondisclosure of “[i]nformation of a personal nature if public disclosure
of the information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of an individual's privacy[,
and] [r]ecords of a public body’s security measures, including . . . passwords, [etc].”

In this particular instance, the exempted information is composed of personal names, email
addresses, telephone numbers, and cellphone numbers; as well as teleconference passcodes.

In raising the privacy exemption, the DEQ relies, in part, on Mager v Dep’t of State Police, 460
Mich 134 (1999), where the Supreme Court distinguished official information that sheds light on
an agency's performance and information about private individuals. The Court concluded that
the FOIA’s core purpose – the citizens’ entitlement “to full and complete information regarding
the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials
and public employees . . . so that they may fully participate in the democratic process” – is not
fostered by disclosure of information about private individuals that reveals little or nothing about
an agency’s conduct.

The security exemption speaks for itself.

CONSTITUTION HALL • 525 WEST ALLEGAN STREET • P.O. BOX 30473 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-7973 • (800) 662-9278
Ms. Mikenzie Frost
Page 2
January 18, 2019

As to the partial denial, under Section 10 of the FOIA, MCL 15.240, the DEQ is obligated to
inform you that you may do the following:

1) You may appeal this decision in writing to the Administration Deputy Director,
Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 30473, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7973.
The writing must specifically state the word “appeal” and identify the basis for which the
disclosure determination should be reversed. The Administration Deputy Director, or her
delegated designee, must respond to the appeal within 10 business days of its receipt.
Under unusual circumstances, the time for response to the appeal may be extended by 10
business days.

2) You may commence a civil action in the Court of Claims within 180 days after the date
of the final determination to deny the request. If you prevail in such an action, the court is to
award reasonable attorney fees, costs, and disbursements, and possible damages.

You may access the DEQ’s website that contains information about our FOIA policy and
procedure, public written summary, and several online databases at

Karen Edlin, Special Projects FOIA Coordinator



From: Mikenzie Frost <>

Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2018 3:18 PM
Subject: FOIA Request


Please see this as my formal FOIA request for the following information. 

This request is pursuant to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act. MCLA 15,231, et seq. 

Newschannel 3, WWMT CBS is seeking to obtain copies of the following: 



WWMT understands that certain portions of the document may need to be redacted. 

WWMT agrees to pay any reasonable costs not exceeding $300 incurred in compiling these 
public records as are allowed by the Freedom of Information Act.   

We would prefer but not require the documents be provided in digital format. 

We also understand you have 5 days to provide us with the information. However, we would 
request you waive the 5‐day rule and supply us with the information as soon as possible.   

If you have any questions, please contact me at 517‐897‐4861 

Thank you, 

Mikenzie Frost 
Political Reporter 
Sinclair Broadcast Group 

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ); Karen Vorce (; Wierzbicki, David (DEQ); Rothe, Randy (DEQ);
Jury, Michael (DEQ); Harn, David (DEQ); Heywood, David (DEQ); Walters, Kent (DEQ)
Subject: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Date: Friday, September 28, 2018 6:12:01 PM
Importance: High

Hey all – In anticipation of the EPA visit to Michigan next week (we don’t have any
details, will let you know when we do) we have been asked by EOA to submit to them
names of key community folks we have engaged with during our PFAs activities.
Cn you send me the contact info for:
-CCR, Rockford
Key Neighborhood Assn leaders (Alogma Township area?)
-Grayling Lake Margarethe Neighborhood Assn
-NOW Oscoda (Mike, can you send me info?)
-Alpena folks?
-Richland folks?
-Central Sanitary Landfill folks?
-Parchment folks?
We have already advised EPA that they should invite all local health departments and
health directors
Also any other folks / groups you can think of that we would want to submit for EPA
Thanks xo
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Subject: Accepted: 10:30 Update: EPA visit

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Subject: Accepted: EPA Visit in MI (TBD)

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Subject: Accepted: EPA Visit in MI (TBD)

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2018 8:37 AM
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Subject: Accepted: 10:30 Update: EPA visit

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Virginia Manolakoudis (; Isaacs, Carol (GOV) (
Cc: Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ); Sliver, Steve (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Subject: Charleston July 24-27
Date: Tuesday, July 03, 2018 5:20:54 PM

Hey Carol and Virginia –

I just tried calling Carol on her cell with an update regarding the EPA visit – In short its
being moved to an August date TBD.  (If you’ve not left for holiday yet, feel free to call
me for details.)
So, this means that we are now free to book travel to Charleston at any departure
time of your choice on July 24th. 
Virginia – Heather is available to help book Carol’s flight arrangements. Feel
free to call her at your convenience at: Cell (616) 808-1095.
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Isaacs, Carol (GOV) (; Adler, Ari (GOV); Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Cc: Keatley, Aaron (DEQ); Sliver, Steve (DEQ)
Subject: DRAFT DELIBERATIVE - Recommendations for EPA visit
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:10:14 PM
Attachments: DRAFT DELIBERATIVE Recommendations for participation.docx

Per our conversation – the attached is the updated version of recommendations for
EPA consideration.  As we think of additional orgs, we can continue to submit to
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Brown, Eric (GOV); Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: Details?
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 10:17:51 AM

Good morning Jeff!

We are just touching base to see if you’re able to share any announcement today regarding the EPA visit this week.

We standby for details -

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) (; Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV); Sliver, Steve (DEQ);
Dean, Scott (DEQ); Wells, Eden (DHHS); Kory Groetsch (; LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS);
Boeskool, Travis (DEQ); Harn, David (DEQ); Heywood, David (DEQ); Dickerson, Chelsea (DEQ)
Subject: EPA Visit - Parchment Roundtable
Attachments: Agenda MI roundtable 10.1.18-v4.docx

Friday, October 5, 2018

12:30 – 1:00 PM Check In

1:00 – 1:30 PM Welcome and Overview


Welcome and Overview

Cathy Stepp, Regional Administrator 

U.S. EPA, Region 5

Peter Grevatt, Director

U. S. EPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water

Carol Isaacs
PFAS Action Response Team


Congressional Remarks

1:30 – 3:00 PM Roundtable Discussion

1:30 PM

Identifying PFAS

This session will include brief remarks 3 panelists followed by discussion among roundtable members.

2:00 PM

Communicating PFAS

This session will include brief remarks 3 panelists followed by discussion among roundtable members.

2:30 PM

Solutions to PFAS

This session will include brief remarks by 3 panelists followed by discussion among roundtable members.

3:00 – 3:15 PM Closing Remarks


Closing Remarks

Cathy Stepp, Regional Administrator 

U.S. EPA, Region 5

3:15 PM Adjourn

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) (; Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV); Sliver, Steve (DEQ);
Dean, Scott (DEQ); Wells, Eden (DHHS); Kory Groetsch (; LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS);
Boeskool, Travis (DEQ); Harn, David (DEQ); Heywood, David (DEQ); Dickerson, Chelsea (DEQ)
Subject: EPA Visit - Parchment Roundtable
Attachments: Agenda MI roundtable 10.1.18-v4.docx

Friday, October 5, 2018

12:30 – 1:00 PM Check In

1:00 – 1:30 PM Welcome and Overview


Welcome and Overview

Cathy Stepp, Regional Administrator 

U.S. EPA, Region 5

Peter Grevatt, Director

U. S. EPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water

Carol Isaacs
PFAS Action Response Team


Congressional Remarks

1:30 – 3:00 PM Roundtable Discussion

1:30 PM

Identifying PFAS

This session will include brief remarks 3 panelists followed by discussion among roundtable members.

2:00 PM

Communicating PFAS

This session will include brief remarks 3 panelists followed by discussion among roundtable members.

2:30 PM

Solutions to PFAS

This session will include brief remarks by 3 panelists followed by discussion among roundtable members.

3:00 – 3:15 PM Closing Remarks


Closing Remarks

Cathy Stepp, Regional Administrator 

U.S. EPA, Region 5

3:15 PM Adjourn

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) (; Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV); Sliver, Steve (DEQ);
Dean, Scott (DEQ); Wells, Eden (DHHS); Kory Groetsch (; LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS);
Boeskool, Travis (DEQ); Harn, David (DEQ); Heywood, David (DEQ); Dickerson, Chelsea (DEQ)
Subject: EPA Visit - Parchment Roundtable
Attachments: Agenda MI roundtable 10.1.18-v4.docx

Friday, October 5, 2018

12:30 – 1:00 PM Check In

1:00 – 1:30 PM Welcome and Overview


Welcome and Overview

Cathy Stepp, Regional Administrator 

U.S. EPA, Region 5

Peter Grevatt, Director

U. S. EPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water

Carol Isaacs
PFAS Action Response Team


Congressional Remarks

1:30 – 3:00 PM Roundtable Discussion

1:30 PM

Identifying PFAS

This session will include brief remarks 3 panelists followed by discussion among roundtable members.

2:00 PM

Communicating PFAS

This session will include brief remarks 3 panelists followed by discussion among roundtable members.

2:30 PM

Solutions to PFAS

This session will include brief remarks by 3 panelists followed by discussion among roundtable members.

3:00 – 3:15 PM Closing Remarks


Closing Remarks

Cathy Stepp, Regional Administrator 

U.S. EPA, Region 5

3:15 PM Adjourn

SOM Team:

Carol Isaacs, MPART Director

Eric Brown, Federal Liaison, Governor’s Office

Heidi Grether, DEQ Director

Steve Sliver, PFAS Project Technical Lead, DEQ

Stephanie Kammer, District Manager, DEQ, (Huron River stops only)

Gerald Tiernan, Environmental Manager, DEQ, (Huron River stops only)

David Harn, Project Manager, DEQ, (Parchment and Kalamazoo stops only)

David Heywood, District Manager, DEQ, (Parchment and Kalamazoo stops only)

Scott Dean, MPART Communications

Melanie Brown, DEQ External Affairs

Chelsea Dickerson, Project Coordinator, DEQ (Parchment / Kalamazoo only)

Dr. Eden Wells, Chief Medical Executive, DHHS

Kory Groestch, Environmental Health Coordinator, DHHS

Sarah Lyon Callo, State Epidemiologist DHHS

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) (; Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV); Sliver, Steve (DEQ);
Dean, Scott (DEQ); Wells, Eden (DHHS); Kory Groetsch (; LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS);
Boeskool, Travis (DEQ); Harn, David (DEQ); Heywood, David (DEQ); Dickerson, Chelsea (DEQ)
Subject: EPA Visit: LUNCH and TRAVEL to Expo Center

-No details on lunch arrangements yet; Be prepared for lunch on your own

-Please arrive to Expo Center by 12:30PM for check in

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Dickerson, Chelsea (DEQ)
Cc: Peterson, Amy (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: EPA visit - Thurs and Fri
Date: Thursday, September 27, 2018 8:54:11 AM

 Hey Miss Chelsea-why don’t you plan to spend next Thursday and Friday with me and Scott for next weeks event?
Even though it is an EPA event, I am sure there will be plenty for us to do because we will have multiple principles
Plus I think it would be a great experience for you to see firsthand!

Let me know if you can go -

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Brad Deacon (; Budds, Bryan (MDOT); Sehlmeyer, Kevin (LARA); Newcomb, Tammy
(DNR); Edgerly, Jonathan W NFG (US)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) (; Hiipakka, Scott (DTMB); Sliver, Steve (DEQ); Wells, Eden
(DHHS); Kory Groetsch (; LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS); MacKenzie-Taylor, Deb (DHHS)
Subject: EPA visit to Michigan - List of potential invitees to send to EPA for consideration
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:02:42 PM

Hey all – As MPART representatives of your departments I’m looking to see if you
want to recommend any groups or organizations in your department’s genre who
you’ve been working with on PFAS issues. WE can pass them up to the EPA for
consideration –
Will need them asap since the event is next week.
P.S. – I’ve already inquired with DHHS in separate email… thanks for sending.
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: "Brown, Eric (GOV)"
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) (; Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: FW: DRAFT DELIBERATIVE - Recommendations for EPA visit
Date: Thursday, September 27, 2018 10:34:11 AM
Attachments: DRAFT DELIBERATIVE Recommendations for participation.docx

Sorry Eric – thought you were on his form last night…

Youre sharing the list of orgs at bottom with Upton?
This has been vetted by Heidi and Carol – so Im planning to send this to EPA Region
5 yet this morning.
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:10 PM
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Isaacs, Carol (GOV) (
<>; Adler, Ari (GOV) <>; Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Cc: Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>; Sliver, Steve (DEQ) <>
Subject: DRAFT DELIBERATIVE - Recommendations for EPA visit
Per our conversation – the attached is the updated version of recommendations for
EPA consideration.  As we think of additional orgs, we can continue to submit to
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Subject: Fwd: EPA PFAS Visit
Date: Thursday, September 06, 2018 8:32:50 AM

From: Jury, Michael (DEQ)

Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 8:24:35 AM
To: Sliver, Steve (DEQ); Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Leeming, Susan (DEQ); Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ)
Cc: Peterson, Amy (DEQ); Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Subject: FW: EPA PFAS Visit
Here is who is coming from EPA.
Michael Jury
Environmental Manager
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Saginaw Bay District Office
Office 989 894 6255, Cell 517 242 9578
From: Troy Techlin []
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 4:23 PM
To: Jury, Michael (DEQ)
Cc: Engelhart, Larry (DEQ); Delaney, Robert (DEQ); Carey Pauquette; Kruse, Katherine (DEQ)
Subject: EPA PFAS Visit
Below is a draft agenda for the September 17, 2018 EPA visit to the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe.
We have confirmation that EPA will be coming. I believe this meeting will be held at our Ziibiwing
Center, but I will confirm that at a later time.     
9 a.m. Brief introduction with environmental staff
9:30 a.m. Local partners meeting -  Tribal staff and Council members,  State of
Michigan, District Health Department, County, City, and Township agency staff
·         Information sharing (Former Roosevelt Refinery – Larry Engelhart)
·         Source water sampling
·         Challenges
·         Communications
11 a.m. Site Tour – Former Roosevelt Refinery Tour
Noon – Lunch
1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Tribe, US EPA, and MDEQ discussion (Wurtsmith – Bob Delaney)
Also, for your awareness, the following EPA staff will be attending the meeting:
Jennifer McLain, Deputy Office Director, EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
Christina Wadlington, EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
Elizabeth Murphy, EPA Region 5
Jennifer Manville, EPA Region 5
John Haugland, EPA Region 5
Thank you,
Troy Techlin
Environmental Response Program Specialist
The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan
7070 E Broadway
Mt Pleasant, MI 48858
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Subject: Gotta give you update on EPA visit after my 8am Call is over...
Date: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:53:00 AM

I’ll come find you -

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) (; Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ);
Sliver, Steve (DEQ)
Subject: HOLD - EPA Visit to Michigan

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Wells, Eden (DHHS); Minicuci, Angela (DHHS); Kory Groetsch (; MacKenzie-Taylor, Deb
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) (; Sliver, Steve (DEQ)
Subject: Health orgs to recommend to EPA visit -
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 6:40:50 PM

Hey there DHHS peeps –

We are putting together a list of entities to recommend to the EPA for possible
invitation to their Michigan PFAS visit next week – the following are who I already
have on the list, are there others we can recommend?  Please let me know asap –
-Michigan Assoc of Local Public Health
-Local County Health Officers
-Michigan Assoc of Health Environmental Health Administrators
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: July 24 and or 25th - EPA visit
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 11:35:07 AM

They are looking to do an event on either July 24th or July 25th in Oscoda area – Is
Heidi able to one of these days? If so, please put a hold on her calendar for these
dates. We will be able to confirm soon.
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: REVIEW: EPA Visit Scope
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 5:54:19 PM
Attachments: 20180619-michigan options-v1 553PM.docx
PFAS community engagement in Michigan
July 24 (9:00 AM – 1:00 PM) Oscoda, Michigan

Option 3
• Site visit in Oscoda – Tour foam; onsite plume
EPA, DEQ, MPART and military (U.S. Air Force)
• One-on-one interviews with local reporters; opportunity to talk about national dialogue on
PFAS, answer questions about national approach
• Large round-table with participants from across Michigan (about 40 people total)
Wurtsmith Air Museum; would need to confirm location availability
o Township officials
o Need Our Waters members
o Wurtsmith Restoration Advisory Board members
o DoD, Congressional Members, State Legislators
o MPART leadership
o Community group leadership from Rockford, Grayling, Pierson, etc.

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: TOUR / BRIEFING of Van Etten Lake beachfront to view foam (if visible);
Tour area of plume. Onsite briefing by DEQ and DoD staff.
(*Could imbed key reporters on this tour)

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM: TRAVEL to Roundtable site; PREP for Roundtable

10:30 AM – 1:00 PM: HOST Public Roundtable (EPA, DEQ, MAPRT)

Live Streamed for public; Open to press

10:30: EPA Director Stepp OPENS event with Welcome & Purpose - EPA
Director Stepp SPEAKS / PRESENTS; INTROS DEQ Director Grether to

10:40: DEQ Director Grether SPEAKS / PRESENTS; Turns back to Director Stepp
to intro MPART Director Isaacs

10:50: MPART Director Isaacs SPEAKS / PRESENTS; Tuns back to Director Stepp
to introduce Roundtable Purpose

11:00: Roundtable Discussion BEGINS:

-Participants introduce themselves / organizations
-Director Stepp leads conversation

12:15: Director Stepp wraps up Roundtable discussion; Invites members of

press to pose questions to Roundtable

12:30: Roundtable Concludes; Directors Stepp, Grether, Isaacs conduct press

1x1s with key media

1:00: Directors Stepp, Grether, Isaacs depart

• EPA is traveling to a number of states with communities impacted by PFAS to listen to feedback
from the public on ways the agency can best support the work that’s being done at the state,
local, and tribal levels.
• The purpose of these community engagements is to gather facts and listen only. The
information gained will be used to better inform the management plan. EPA officials should
refrain from expressing conclusions or make other forward-looking policy statements other than
restating the Administrator’s four action items.
• Using information from the National Summit, these community engagement events, and input
received through the public docket, EPA plans to develop a PFAS Management Plan for release
later this year.
• These events will play a key role in understanding the challenges states, tribes, and communities
face when they are identifying, addressing and communicating about PFAS.
• Each engagement will be designed to hear directly from the public. It is critical for EPA to hear
the state and local perspective and engage with these communities so that we may find
solutions to these PFAS related challenges.

Key Topics
• Learn about how PFAS has impacted their community
• Understand strategies they have implemented and their effectiveness
• Identify additional tools that are needed
• Understand challenges when identifying, finding solutions, and communicating PFAS
• Communicate work and research done by EPA
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: REVIEW: EPA Visit
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 6:06:17 PM
Attachments: 20180619-michigan options-v1 553PM.docx

Heidi – Per our discussion, please review. Recommending this as our feedback to
EPA on how this could be framed. Please advise on your thoughts –
We like to get this back to Jeff Thursday am…
PFAS community engagement in Michigan
July 24 (9:00 AM – 1:00 PM) Oscoda, Michigan

Option 3
• Site visit in Oscoda – Tour foam; onsite plume
EPA, DEQ, MPART and military (U.S. Air Force)
• One-on-one interviews with local reporters; opportunity to talk about national dialogue on
PFAS, answer questions about national approach
• Large round-table with participants from across Michigan (about 40 people total)
Wurtsmith Air Museum; would need to confirm location availability
o Township officials
o Need Our Waters members
o Wurtsmith Restoration Advisory Board members
o DoD, Congressional Members, State Legislators
o MPART leadership
o Community group leadership from Rockford, Grayling, Pierson, etc.

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: TOUR / BRIEFING of Van Etten Lake beachfront to view foam (if visible);
Tour area of plume. Onsite briefing by DEQ and DoD staff.
(*Could imbed key reporters on this tour)

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM: TRAVEL to Roundtable site; PREP for Roundtable

10:30 AM – 1:00 PM: HOST Public Roundtable (EPA, DEQ, MAPRT)

Live Streamed for public; Open to press

10:30: EPA Director Stepp OPENS event with Welcome & Purpose - EPA
Director Stepp SPEAKS / PRESENTS; INTROS DEQ Director Grether to

10:40: DEQ Director Grether SPEAKS / PRESENTS; Turns back to Director Stepp
to intro MPART Director Isaacs

10:50: MPART Director Isaacs SPEAKS / PRESENTS; Tuns back to Director Stepp
to introduce Roundtable Purpose

11:00: Roundtable Discussion BEGINS:

-Participants introduce themselves / organizations
-Director Stepp leads conversation

12:15: Director Stepp wraps up Roundtable discussion; Invites members of

press to pose questions to Roundtable

12:30: Roundtable Concludes; Directors Stepp, Grether, Isaacs conduct press

1x1s with key media

1:00: Directors Stepp, Grether, Isaacs depart

• EPA is traveling to a number of states with communities impacted by PFAS to listen to feedback
from the public on ways the agency can best support the work that’s being done at the state,
local, and tribal levels.
• The purpose of these community engagements is to gather facts and listen only. The
information gained will be used to better inform the management plan. EPA officials should
refrain from expressing conclusions or make other forward-looking policy statements other than
restating the Administrator’s four action items.
• Using information from the National Summit, these community engagement events, and input
received through the public docket, EPA plans to develop a PFAS Management Plan for release
later this year.
• These events will play a key role in understanding the challenges states, tribes, and communities
face when they are identifying, addressing and communicating about PFAS.
• Each engagement will be designed to hear directly from the public. It is critical for EPA to hear
the state and local perspective and engage with these communities so that we may find
solutions to these PFAS related challenges.

Key Topics
• Learn about how PFAS has impacted their community
• Understand strategies they have implemented and their effectiveness
• Identify additional tools that are needed
• Understand challenges when identifying, finding solutions, and communicating PFAS
• Communicate work and research done by EPA
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Vorce, Karen (DEQ)
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Date: Monday, October 01, 2018 1:52:16 PM

From: Vorce, Karen (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 1:19 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ)
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
:  Her phone number is 616-866-
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2018 12:57 PM
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ) <>; Vorce, Karen (DEQ)
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Importance: High
Can I get the phone number and /or email  for ?
From: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 11:11 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Vorce, Karen (DEQ)
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Rockford:  City Manager: Thad Beard; Rockford Public Schools- Dr. Michael Shibler,
Concerned Citizens of Rockford,
Algoma Township: Kevin Green & Kelly Sheeran
Plainfield Township: Cameron VanWygarden
Cannon Township: Steve Grimm
I believe that EPA has contact information for all of these people with their CERCLA work at the
Tannery and House Street.
Let me know if you need additional information,
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 6:12 PM
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ) <>; Vorce, Karen (DEQ)
<>; Wierzbicki, David (DEQ) <>; Rothe, Randy
(DEQ) <>; Jury, Michael (DEQ) <>; Harn, David (DEQ)
<>; Heywood, David (DEQ) <>; Walters, Kent (DEQ)
Subject: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Importance: High
Hey all – In anticipation of the EPA visit to Michigan next week (we don’t have any
details, will let you know when we do) we have been asked by EOA to submit to them
names of key community folks we have engaged with during our PFAs activities.
Cn you send me the contact info for:
-CCR, Rockford
Key Neighborhood Assn leaders (Alogma Township area?)
-Grayling Lake Margarethe Neighborhood Assn
-NOW Oscoda (Mike, can you send me info?)
-Alpena folks?
-Richland folks?
-Central Sanitary Landfill folks?
-Parchment folks?
We have already advised EPA that they should invite all local health departments and
health directors
Also any other folks / groups you can think of that we would want to submit for EPA
Thanks xo
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Jury, Michael (DEQ)
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Date: Monday, October 01, 2018 1:52:02 PM

Thanks -
From: Jury, Michael (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 1:29 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Michael Jury
Environmental Manager
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Saginaw Bay District Office
Office 989 894 6255, Cell 517 242 9578
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 6:12 PM
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ); Vorce, Karen (DEQ); Wierzbicki, David (DEQ); Rothe, Randy (DEQ);
Jury, Michael (DEQ); Harn, David (DEQ); Heywood, David (DEQ); Walters, Kent (DEQ)
Subject: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Importance: High
Hey all – In anticipation of the EPA visit to Michigan next week (we don’t have any
details, will let you know when we do) we have been asked by EOA to submit to them
names of key community folks we have engaged with during our PFAs activities.
Cn you send me the contact info for:
-CCR, Rockford
Key Neighborhood Assn leaders (Alogma Township area?)
-Grayling Lake Margarethe Neighborhood Assn
-NOW Oscoda (Mike, can you send me info?)
-Alpena folks?
-Richland folks?
-Central Sanitary Landfill folks?
-Parchment folks?
We have already advised EPA that they should invite all local health departments and
health directors
Also any other folks / groups you can think of that we would want to submit for EPA
Thanks xo
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Vorce, Karen (DEQ); Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ)
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Date: Monday, October 01, 2018 1:22:08 PM

Rockstar – Thanks -
From: Vorce, Karen (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 1:19 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ)
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
:  Her phone number is 616-866
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2018 12:57 PM
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ) <>; Vorce, Karen (DEQ)
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Importance: High
Can I get the phone number and /or email  for ?
From: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 11:11 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Vorce, Karen (DEQ)
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Rockford:  City Manager: Thad Beard; Rockford Public Schools- Dr. Michael Shibler,
Concerned Citizens of Rockford,
Algoma Township: Kevin Green & Kelly Sheeran
Plainfield Township: Cameron VanWygarden
Cannon Township: Steve Grimm
I believe that EPA has contact information for all of these people with their CERCLA work at the
Tannery and House Street.
Let me know if you need additional information,
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 6:12 PM
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ) <>; Vorce, Karen (DEQ)
<>; Wierzbicki, David (DEQ) <>; Rothe, Randy
(DEQ) <>; Jury, Michael (DEQ) <>; Harn, David (DEQ)
<>; Heywood, David (DEQ) <>; Walters, Kent (DEQ)
Subject: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Importance: High
Hey all – In anticipation of the EPA visit to Michigan next week (we don’t have any
details, will let you know when we do) we have been asked by EOA to submit to them
names of key community folks we have engaged with during our PFAs activities.
Cn you send me the contact info for:
-CCR, Rockford
Key Neighborhood Assn leaders (Alogma Township area?)
-Grayling Lake Margarethe Neighborhood Assn
-NOW Oscoda (Mike, can you send me info?)
-Alpena folks?
-Richland folks?
-Central Sanitary Landfill folks?
-Parchment folks?
We have already advised EPA that they should invite all local health departments and
health directors
Also any other folks / groups you can think of that we would want to submit for EPA
Thanks xo
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: "Rob Britigan"
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Date: Monday, October 01, 2018 12:59:53 PM

Thanks Mayor!
From: Rob Britigan <>
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 8:33 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Hi Mel:
Attached is the contact for our City Manager in Parchment.
Robert D. Britigan III, CPM® ·
Midlink Business Park ·
5200 East Cork St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49048
T 269 384.1100 x 120 · F 269 384.1677
This e-mail transmission and any attachments that accompany it may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise
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From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) []
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 6:12 PM
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ); Vorce, Karen (DEQ); Wierzbicki, David (DEQ); Rothe, Randy (DEQ);
Jury, Michael (DEQ); Harn, David (DEQ); Heywood, David (DEQ); Walters, Kent (DEQ)
Subject: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Importance: High
Hey all – In anticipation of the EPA visit to Michigan next week (we don’t have any
details, will let you know when we do) we have been asked by EOA to submit to them
names of key community folks we have engaged with during our PFAs activities.
Cn you send me the contact info for:
-CCR, Rockford
Key Neighborhood Assn leaders (Alogma Township area?)
-Grayling Lake Margarethe Neighborhood Assn
-NOW Oscoda (Mike, can you send me info?)
-Alpena folks?
-Richland folks?
-Central Sanitary Landfill folks?
-Parchment folks?
We have already advised EPA that they should invite all local health departments and
health directors
Also any other folks / groups you can think of that we would want to submit for EPA
Thanks xo
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Walters, Kent (DEQ)
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Date: Monday, October 01, 2018 12:58:37 PM

You rock – thank you!

From: Walters, Kent (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 8:50 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Dan Buyze (pronounced “Buys”) has been very involved with both the DEQ and the landfill.
He is the president of the Big Whitefish Lake Homeowners Association, which is the large lake just to
the west of the landfill.
He can be reached at, or by phone at,
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2018 8:41 AM
To: Walters, Kent (DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Thank you! Where there any contact info for key residents or municipal leadership?

On Oct 1, 2018, at 8:23 AM, Walters, Kent (DEQ) <> wrote:

See below for Central Sanitary Landfill Contacts.
Roger is the onsite operations manager, he is at the landfill every day.
Roger Rockburn – Operations Manager
21545 W. Cannonsville Rd.
Pierson, MI 49339
O: 616-557-7066                C: 616-292-8114
Todd Harland is a general manager for Several Republic Landfills in western and
Northwestern Michigan including CSL
Todd Harland – General Manager
3890 Camp Road
Manistee, MI
O: 231-723-4850                C:  231-510-7923
Joe Montello is the regional hydrogeologist for Michigan and states to the east.
Joe Montello – Senior Manager, Hydrogeology
2 Homesteads Rd.
Placitas, NM 87043
O:  505-588-2926               C: 440-759-8459
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 6:12 PM
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ) <>; Vorce, Karen (DEQ)
<>; Wierzbicki, David (DEQ) <>;
Rothe, Randy (DEQ) <>; Jury, Michael (DEQ)
<>; Harn, David (DEQ) <>; Heywood,
David (DEQ) <>; Walters, Kent (DEQ)
Subject: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Importance: High
Hey all – In anticipation of the EPA visit to Michigan next week (we don’t
have any details, will let you know when we do) we have been asked by
EOA to submit to them names of key community folks we have engaged
with during our PFAs activities.
Cn you send me the contact info for:
-CCR, Rockford
Key Neighborhood Assn leaders (Alogma Township area?)
-Grayling Lake Margarethe Neighborhood Assn
-NOW Oscoda (Mike, can you send me info?)
-Alpena folks?
-Richland folks?
-Central Sanitary Landfill folks?
-Parchment folks?
We have already advised EPA that they should invite all local health
departments and health directors
Also any other folks / groups you can think of that we would want to
submit for EPA consideration…
Thanks xo
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Jury, Michael (DEQ)
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Date: Monday, October 01, 2018 1:52:34 PM

From: Jury, Michael (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 1:35 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Another couple that have been active are the Coles:
Don’t forget Aaron Weed, Oscoda Township Aaron Weed
Jeff Moss, Au Sable Township
Michael Jury
Environmental Manager
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Saginaw Bay District Office
Office 989 894 6255, Cell 517 242 9578
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 6:12 PM
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ); Vorce, Karen (DEQ); Wierzbicki, David (DEQ); Rothe, Randy (DEQ);
Jury, Michael (DEQ); Harn, David (DEQ); Heywood, David (DEQ); Walters, Kent (DEQ)
Subject: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Importance: High
Hey all – In anticipation of the EPA visit to Michigan next week (we don’t have any
details, will let you know when we do) we have been asked by EOA to submit to them
names of key community folks we have engaged with during our PFAs activities.
Cn you send me the contact info for:
-CCR, Rockford
Key Neighborhood Assn leaders (Alogma Township area?)
-Grayling Lake Margarethe Neighborhood Assn
-NOW Oscoda (Mike, can you send me info?)
-Alpena folks?
-Richland folks?
-Central Sanitary Landfill folks?
-Parchment folks?
We have already advised EPA that they should invite all local health departments and
health directors
Also any other folks / groups you can think of that we would want to submit for EPA
Thanks xo
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Kelley, Jeff
Cc: Deamer, Eileen
Subject: RE: EPA Visit
Date: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 9:37:22 AM

How’s 2:30PM – 3PM EST?

From: Kelley, Jeff <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 9:34 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Deamer, Eileen <>
Subject: RE: EPA Visit
Actually, maybe we can do something earlier? I could do 10, 11, 2 or 3 Eastern.
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Kelley, Jeff
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 8:24 AM
To: 'Brown, Melanie (DEQ)' <>
Cc: Deamer, Eileen <>; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>;
Thiede, Kurt <>
Subject: RE: EPA Visit
Eileen Deamer is going to be the lead on this project in my office. I think this is still something of a
moving target, but maybe the three of us could talk this afternoon? 3 p.m. your time?
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) []
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 8:11 AM
To: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>; Thiede, Kurt <>
Cc: Kelley, Jeff <>
Subject: Re: EPA Visit
Thanks Nate -
Hi Jeff and Kurt - Please let me know when you’d like to chat...

From: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)

Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 8:36:46 AM
To: Thiede, Kurt
Cc: Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Kelley, Jeff
Subject: EPA Visit
As discussed in our phone call yesterday, MDEQ is happy to assist in coordinating an EPA visit to
Rockford, Michigan. Mel Brown is our Community Engagement lead. Please feel free to connect with
her going forward.
Nate Zimmer
Chief of Staff
Executive Office
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
525 W. Allegan St. | Lansing, MI 48933
Mobile: 517.230.3581 | Office: 517.284.6703
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Kelley, Jeff
Cc: Deamer, Eileen
Subject: RE: EPA Visit
Date: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 9:45:13 AM

Sure thing – My cell is 313-220-6215

At that time, Ill be traveling from Grayling to Oscoda (community townhall week) so Ill
be on mobile all afternoon-
From: Kelley, Jeff <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 9:39 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Deamer, Eileen <>
Subject: RE: EPA Visit
That works for me. Should we call you?
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) []
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 8:37 AM
To: Kelley, Jeff <>
Cc: Deamer, Eileen <>
Subject: RE: EPA Visit
How’s 2:30PM – 3PM EST?
From: Kelley, Jeff <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 9:34 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Deamer, Eileen <>
Subject: RE: EPA Visit
Actually, maybe we can do something earlier? I could do 10, 11, 2 or 3 Eastern.
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Kelley, Jeff
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 8:24 AM
To: 'Brown, Melanie (DEQ)' <>
Cc: Deamer, Eileen <>; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>;
Thiede, Kurt <>
Subject: RE: EPA Visit
Eileen Deamer is going to be the lead on this project in my office. I think this is still something of a
moving target, but maybe the three of us could talk this afternoon? 3 p.m. your time?
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) []
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 8:11 AM
To: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>; Thiede, Kurt <>
Cc: Kelley, Jeff <>
Subject: Re: EPA Visit
Thanks Nate -
Hi Jeff and Kurt - Please let me know when you’d like to chat...

From: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)

Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 8:36:46 AM
To: Thiede, Kurt
Cc: Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Kelley, Jeff
Subject: EPA Visit
As discussed in our phone call yesterday, MDEQ is happy to assist in coordinating an EPA visit to
Rockford, Michigan. Mel Brown is our Community Engagement lead. Please feel free to connect with
her going forward.
Nate Zimmer
Chief of Staff
Executive Office
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
525 W. Allegan St. | Lansing, MI 48933
Mobile: 517.230.3581 | Office: 517.284.6703
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ)
Subject: RE: EPA visit
Date: Tuesday, July 03, 2018 10:12:19 AM

Cool - thanks
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 8:41 AM
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Cc: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Dean, Scott (DEQ)
<>; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>; Feuerstein, Heather
(DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: EPA visit
I will try to call in. Dicey connection here. Have to walk the road to get one.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 3, 2018, at 8:19 AM, Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <> wrote:

If you all are available, I scheduled for 10:30 this morning.

If Director cannot participate, then Scott, Mel, and Nate to discuss first.
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2018 6:59 PM
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>; Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
<>; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>
Cc: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>; Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ)
Subject: EPA visit
Hey there-I just spoke to EPA comms about the visit… Can we do a quick five minute
call tomorrow so I can brief all of you?
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Newcomb, Tammy (DNR)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Subject: RE: EPA visit to Michigan - List of potential invitees to send to EPA for consideration
Date: Monday, October 01, 2018 2:35:20 PM

Thanks -
From: Newcomb, Tammy (DNR)
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 10:48 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>
Subject: RE: EPA visit to Michigan - List of potential invitees to send to EPA for consideration
Here are there names and contacts for this Mel – not sure where we are at in process, but it might
be helpful.
Lake Erie Citizens Fishery Advisory Committee
Frank Corl or 734-439-
Michigan United Conservation Clubs
Dan Eichinger - (517) 346-6475,
Tammy J. Newcomb, Ph.D.
Senior Water Policy Advisor
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 30028
Lansing, MI  48909
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 3:46 PM
To: Newcomb, Tammy (DNR) <>
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>
Subject: RE: EPA visit to Michigan - List of potential invitees to send to EPA for consideration
Thanks Tammy -
From: Newcomb, Tammy (DNR)
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 2:11 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: EPA visit to Michigan - List of potential invitees to send to EPA for consideration
Hi Mel –
I would recommend Michigan United Conservation Clubs and the chair of the Lake Erie Citizens
Fishery Advisory Committee.  I can get you their contacts if you think they are appropriate.
Tammy J. Newcomb, Ph.D.
Senior Water Policy Advisor
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 30028
Lansing, MI  48909
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:03 PM
To: Deacon, Brad (MDARD) <>; Budds, Bryan (MDOT)
<>; Sehlmeyer, Kevin (LARA) <>; Newcomb,
Tammy (DNR) <>; Edgerly, Jonathan (DMVA)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>; Hiipakka, Scott (DTMB)
<>; Sliver, Steve (DEQ) <>; Wells, Eden (DHHS)
<>; Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS) <>; LyonCallo, Sarah
(DHHS) <>; MacKenzie-Taylor, Deb (DHHS) <MACKENZIE->
Subject: EPA visit to Michigan - List of potential invitees to send to EPA for consideration
Hey all – As MPART representatives of your departments I’m looking to see if you
want to recommend any groups or organizations in your department’s genre who
you’ve been working with on PFAS issues. WE can pass them up to the EPA for
consideration –
Will need them asap since the event is next week.
P.S. – I’ve already inquired with DHHS in separate email… thanks for sending.
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS); Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS); Wells, Eden (DHHS); Minicuci, Angela (DHHS); MacKenzie-
Taylor, Deb (DHHS)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Sliver, Steve (DEQ); Todd, Orlando (DHHS)
Subject: RE: Health orgs to recommend to EPA visit -
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:11:05 PM

Cool – thanks – weve added all county Medical Directors to the list
From: LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS)
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:08 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS)
<>; Wells, Eden (DHHS) <>; Minicuci, Angela (DHHS)
<>; MacKenzie-Taylor, Deb (DHHS) <>
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>; Sliver, Steve (DEQ) <>;
Todd, Orlando (DHHS) <>
Subject: RE: Health orgs to recommend to EPA visit -
Orlando Todd is the best person to speak to this so if he disagrees, please take his advice over mine!
But I usually think of the health officer is the “director” of the local health department, the medical
director may be part time or may cover multiple departments.  So it is useful to send to each so the
MD is clear what jurisdiction they are being asked about .

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)

Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:04 PM
To: LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS) <>; Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS)
<>; Wells, Eden (DHHS) <>; Minicuci, Angela (DHHS)
<>; MacKenzie-Taylor, Deb (DHHS) <>
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>; Sliver, Steve (DEQ) <>;
Todd, Orlando (DHHS) <>
Subject: RE: Health orgs to recommend to EPA visit -
We already have all the water utility folsk on the list…
We will add Medical Director – Im presuming each County health team will share with
their director?
From: LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS)
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 6:55 PM
To: Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS) <>; Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
<>; Wells, Eden (DHHS) <>; Minicuci, Angela
(DHHS) <>; MacKenzie-Taylor, Deb (DHHS) <MACKENZIE->
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>; Sliver, Steve (DEQ) <>;
Todd, Orlando (DHHS) <>
Subject: RE: Health orgs to recommend to EPA visit -
Thanks Kory and Mel – yes I agree, if you are inviting a local health officer from the jurisdiction, you
should make the officer to the Medical Director as well. 
Assuming you already have the association of municipal water company directors (I don’t know
there official name!).
Michigan Environmental Council?

From: Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS)

Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 6:52 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Wells, Eden (DHHS)
<>; Minicuci, Angela (DHHS) <>; MacKenzie-Taylor,
Deb (DHHS) <>
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>; Sliver, Steve (DEQ) <>;
Todd, Orlando (DHHS) <>; LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS) <>
Subject: Re: Health orgs to recommend to EPA visit -
Hi Mel,
Looping in Orlando and Sarah.
Should the local Medical Executives also be invited?  Leaving that call to Eden, Sarah and Orlando.
Get Outlook for iOS

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 6:40 PM
To: Wells, Eden (DHHS); Minicuci, Angela (DHHS); Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS); MacKenzie-Taylor, Deb
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Sliver, Steve (DEQ)
Subject: Health orgs to recommend to EPA visit -
Hey there DHHS peeps –
We are putting together a list of entities to recommend to the EPA for possible
invitation to their Michigan PFAS visit next week – the following are who I already
have on the list, are there others we can recommend?  Please let me know asap –
-Michigan Assoc of Local Public Health
-Local County Health Officers
-Michigan Assoc of Health Environmental Health Administrators
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: RE: July 24 and or 25th - EPA visit
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 12:28:30 PM

Thanks – We will push for the 24th – Expecting EPA write up soon, will send…
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 12:25 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: July 24 and or 25th - EPA visit
Leaving on the 26th, so would prefer the 24th.
C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 11:35 AM
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: July 24 and or 25th - EPA visit
They are looking to do an event on either July 24th or July 25th in Oscoda area – Is
Heidi able to one of these days? If so, please put a hold on her calendar for these
dates. We will be able to confirm soon.
•          Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (MDMVA) – COL Tim Houchlei
•          Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) – Jen Holton
•          Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) – Ed Golder
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: RE: REVIEW: EPA Visit
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 6:37:36 PM
Attachments: 20180619-michigan options-v1 553PM.docx

Yes – Good point – How about if Director Stepp leads conversation by posing a few
questions to group for participants to take turns addressing. Then Director Stepp
invites questions from participants for Directors Stepp, Grether and Isaacs to address.
This way EPA can lead with a few key topics that participants get to opine on; but
then participants get to pose their own questions directly to leadership to – win / win?
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 6:15 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: REVIEW: EPA Visit
Looks great as a starting point. How would we structure the roundtable? Would participants have an
opportunity to make a statement or pose questions, etc.,

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 20, 2018, at 6:06 PM, Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <> wrote:

Heidi – Per our discussion, please review. Recommending this as our

feedback to EPA on how this could be framed. Please advise on your
thoughts –
We like to get this back to Jeff Thursday am…
<20180619-michigan_options-v1 553PM.docx>
PFAS community engagement in Michigan
July 24 (9:00 AM – 1:00 PM) Oscoda, Michigan

Option 3
• Site visit in Oscoda – Tour foam; onsite plume
EPA, DEQ, MPART and military (U.S. Air Force)
• One-on-one interviews with local reporters; opportunity to talk about national dialogue on
PFAS, answer questions about national approach
• Large round-table with participants from across Michigan (about 40 people total)
Wurtsmith Air Museum; would need to confirm location availability
o Township officials
o Need Our Waters members
o Wurtsmith Restoration Advisory Board members
o DoD, Congressional Members, State Legislators
o MPART leadership
o Community group leadership from Rockford, Grayling, Pierson, etc.

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: TOUR / BRIEFING of Van Etten Lake beachfront to view foam (if visible);
Tour area of plume. Onsite briefing by DEQ and DoD staff.
(*Could imbed key reporters on this tour)

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM: TRAVEL to Roundtable site; PREP for Roundtable

10:30 AM – 1:00 PM: HOST Public Roundtable (EPA, DEQ, MAPRT)

Live Streamed for public; Open to press

10:30: EPA Director Stepp OPENS event with Welcome & Purpose - EPA
Director Stepp SPEAKS / PRESENTS; INTROS DEQ Director Grether to

10:40: DEQ Director Grether SPEAKS / PRESENTS; Turns back to Director Stepp
to intro MPART Director Isaacs

10:50: MPART Director Isaacs SPEAKS / PRESENTS; Tuns back to Director Stepp
to introduce Roundtable Purpose

11:00: Roundtable Discussion BEGINS:

-Participants introduce themselves / organizations
-Director Stepp leads conversation by posing a few questions to group
for participants to take turns addressing.
-Director Stepp invites questions from participants for Directors Stepp,
Grether and Isaacs to address.

12:15: Director Stepp wraps up Roundtable discussion; Invites members of

press to pose questions to Roundtable
12:30: Roundtable Concludes; Directors Stepp, Grether, Isaacs conduct press
1x1s with key media

1:00: Directors Stepp, Grether, Isaacs depart

• EPA is traveling to a number of states with communities impacted by PFAS to listen to feedback
from the public on ways the agency can best support the work that’s being done at the state,
local, and tribal levels.
• The purpose of these community engagements is to gather facts and listen only. The
information gained will be used to better inform the management plan. EPA officials should
refrain from expressing conclusions or make other forward-looking policy statements other than
restating the Administrator’s four action items.
• Using information from the National Summit, these community engagement events, and input
received through the public docket, EPA plans to develop a PFAS Management Plan for release
later this year.
• These events will play a key role in understanding the challenges states, tribes, and communities
face when they are identifying, addressing and communicating about PFAS.
• Each engagement will be designed to hear directly from the public. It is critical for EPA to hear
the state and local perspective and engage with these communities so that we may find
solutions to these PFAS related challenges.

Key Topics
• Learn about how PFAS has impacted their community
• Understand strategies they have implemented and their effectiveness
• Identify additional tools that are needed
• Understand challenges when identifying, finding solutions, and communicating PFAS
• Communicate work and research done by EPA
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: RE: REVIEW: EPA Visit
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 7:53:36 PM

Sounds good We are going to send on to Cathy’s guy Jeff now for review…
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 7:42 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: REVIEW: EPA Visit
Sounds good. Cathy can take the lead.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 20, 2018, at 6:37 PM, Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <> wrote:

Yes – Good point – How about if Director Stepp leads conversation by

posing a few questions to group for participants to take turns addressing.
Then Director Stepp invites questions from participants for Directors
Stepp, Grether and Isaacs to address.
This way EPA can lead with a few key topics that participants get to opine
on; but then participants get to pose their own questions directly to
leadership to – win / win?
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 6:15 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: REVIEW: EPA Visit
Looks great as a starting point. How would we structure the roundtable? Would
participants have an opportunity to make a statement or pose questions, etc.,

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 20, 2018, at 6:06 PM, Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>


Heidi – Per our discussion, please review. Recommending this

as our feedback to EPA on how this could be framed. Please
advise on your thoughts –
We like to get this back to Jeff Thursday am…
<20180619-michigan_options-v1 553PM.docx>
<20180619-michigan_options-v1 553PM.docx>
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Walters, Kent (DEQ)
Subject: Re: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Date: Monday, October 01, 2018 8:41:04 AM

Thank you! Where there any contact info for key residents or municipal leadership?

On Oct 1, 2018, at 8:23 AM, Walters, Kent (DEQ) <> wrote:

See below for Central Sanitary Landfill Contacts.
Roger is the onsite operations manager, he is at the landfill every day.
Roger Rockburn – Operations Manager
21545 W. Cannonsville Rd.
Pierson, MI 49339
O: 616-557-7066                C: 616-292-8114
Todd Harland is a general manager for Several Republic Landfills in western and
Northwestern Michigan including CSL
Todd Harland – General Manager
3890 Camp Road
Manistee, MI
O: 231-723-4850                C:  231-510-7923
Joe Montello is the regional hydrogeologist for Michigan and states to the east.
Joe Montello – Senior Manager, Hydrogeology
2 Homesteads Rd.
Placitas, NM 87043
O:  505-588-2926               C: 440-759-8459
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 6:12 PM
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ) <>; Vorce, Karen (DEQ)
<>; Wierzbicki, David (DEQ) <>;
Rothe, Randy (DEQ) <>; Jury, Michael (DEQ)
<>; Harn, David (DEQ) <>; Heywood,
David (DEQ) <>; Walters, Kent (DEQ)
Subject: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Importance: High
Hey all – In anticipation of the EPA visit to Michigan next week (we don’t
have any details, will let you know when we do) we have been asked by
EOA to submit to them names of key community folks we have engaged
with during our PFAs activities.
Cn you send me the contact info for:
-CCR, Rockford
Key Neighborhood Assn leaders (Alogma Township area?)
-Grayling Lake Margarethe Neighborhood Assn
-NOW Oscoda (Mike, can you send me info?)
-Alpena folks?
-Richland folks?
-Central Sanitary Landfill folks?
-Parchment folks?
We have already advised EPA that they should invite all local health
departments and health directors
Also any other folks / groups you can think of that we would want to
submit for EPA consideration…
Thanks xo
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Lysanne Harma
Subject: Re: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Date: Wednesday, October 03, 2018 8:42:00 AM

Thanks Lysanne - we already added you on previous list of recommendations to the EPA :)

Excuse typos/brevity, sent from my iPhone...

On Oct 3, 2018, at 8:20 AM, Lysanne Harma <> wrote:

Lysanne Harma from Richland Township

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) []
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 6:12 PM
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ) <>; Vorce, Karen (DEQ)
<>; Wierzbicki, David (DEQ) <>;
Rothe, Randy (DEQ) <>; Jury, Michael (DEQ)
<>; Harn, David (DEQ) <>; Heywood,
David (DEQ) <>; Walters, Kent (DEQ)
Subject: ASSISTANCE - Contact info to recommend to EPA for PFAS visit
Importance: High
Hey all – In anticipation of the EPA visit to Michigan next week (we don’t
have any details, will let you know when we do) we have been asked by
EOA to submit to them names of key community folks we have engaged
with during our PFAs activities.
Cn you send me the contact info for:
-CCR, Rockford
Key Neighborhood Assn leaders (Alogma Township area?)
-Grayling Lake Margarethe Neighborhood Assn
-NOW Oscoda (Mike, can you send me info?)
-Alpena folks?
-Richland folks?
-Central Sanitary Landfill folks?
-Parchment folks?
We have already advised EPA that they should invite all local health
departments and health directors
Also any other folks / groups you can think of that we would want to
submit for EPA consideration…
Thanks xo
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Jury, Michael (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ); Mussa, Abiy (DHHS-Contractor); Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Subject: Re: Call before Senate hearing
Date: Monday, September 24, 2018 2:04:28 PM

Ok - we could still submit one easily enough...

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 24, 2018, at 1:58 PM, Jury, Michael (DEQ) <> wrote:

She asked me about this in the last one or two weeks.

Michael Jury
Environmental Manager
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Saginaw Bay District Office
Office 989 894 6255, Cell 517 242 9578
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 1:00 PM
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ); Jury, Michael (DEQ); Mussa, Abiy (DHHS-Contractor)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Subject: RE: Call before Senate hearing
Were we aware of her request for a newspaper ad?
From: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 12:51 PM
To: Jury, Michael (DEQ) <>; Mussa, Abiy (DHHS-Contractor)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>; Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Subject: FW: Call before Senate hearing
NOW is asking the following:
“Why no response from my request of MDEQ to place an ad in local paper on how to
report foam.   What are plans on addressing all the foam reports they are now
What have we done to spread the word locally beyond mentioning it at the RAB
meetings and posting info on the MPART site?
From: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 11:23 AM
To: Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS) <>; Jury, Michael (DEQ)
<>; Sliver, Steve (DEQ) <>; Peterson,
Amy (DEQ) <>; Dean, Scott (DEQ)
<>; Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ)
Subject: FW: Call before Senate hearing
Can you all answer these questions?
What Region 5 summit?  Does she mean the EPA visit?
Foam?  Kory – you have the info.
Acceptable levels – I think she means the Science Board Report and our
recommendations.  We already provide water and filters for those below 70 so I don’t
know how to answer this one.
Biomonitoring – Kory, you have this one. 
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 11:19 AM
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>
Subject: Re: Call before Senate hearing
1) why no news about a Reg. 5 summit plans?
2) why no response from my request of MDEQ to place an ad in local paper on how to
report foam.   What are plans on addressing all the foam reports they are now getting?
Cody to ask:
1) When report coming out on what acceptable levels is?
2) what steps they are moving forward to do biomonitoring?

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 24, 2018, at 10:36 AM, Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <> wrote:

Can you send me your questions? 

Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 9:58 AM
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>
Subject: Re: Call before Senate hearing
Ok, just briefly wanted to touch base.  Get your thoughts on a couple of
things.  I'd like to have join us to if that is acceptable.
Will you provide a call in number for us?

On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 7:50 AM, Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
<> wrote:
I think I have people who can be on a phone call about 2pm today.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 21, 2018, at 10:33 AM,

<> wrote:
> Hi Carol
> I’m wondering if we could set up a call between our NOW group and
you to discuss issues that may be brought up in Senate hearing next
week. Do you have any availability Monday or Tuesday?
> Sent from my iPhone
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Kelley, Jeff
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Brown, Eric (GOV); Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: Re: Details?
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 10:57:38 AM

Thanks -

> On Oct 2, 2018, at 10:46 AM, Kelley, Jeff <> wrote:

> Sorry it's taking so long, hope to have details to share soon
> ---
> Jeff Kelley
> Director, Office of External Communications
> U.S. EPA Region 5
> ph: 312-353-1159
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 9:18 AM
> To: Kelley, Jeff <>
> Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>;
Brown, Eric (GOV) <>; Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
> Subject: Details?
> Good morning Jeff!
> We are just touching base to see if you’re able to share any announcement today regarding the EPA visit this
> We standby for details -
> Thanks
> Mel
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Cc: Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ)
Subject: Re: EPA visit
Date: Tuesday, July 03, 2018 8:36:18 AM

Thank you -

From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)

Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 8:19:21 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Cc: Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ)
Subject: RE: EPA visit
If you all are available, I scheduled for 10:30 this morning.
If Director cannot participate, then Scott, Mel, and Nate to discuss first.
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2018 6:59 PM
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>; Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>;
Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>
Cc: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>; Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ)
Subject: EPA visit
Hey there-I just spoke to EPA comms about the visit… Can we do a quick five minute call tomorrow
so I can brief all of you?
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Deacon, Brad (MDARD)
Subject: Re: EPA visit to Michigan - List of potential invitees to send to EPA for consideration
Date: Thursday, September 27, 2018 6:45:15 PM

Ok thanks 

On Sep 27, 2018, at 6:24 PM, Deacon, Brad (MDARD) <> wrote:

I don’t think we’d have anyone we’d suggest for this.

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:03 PM
To: Deacon, Brad (MDARD) <>; Budds, Bryan (MDOT)
<>; Sehlmeyer, Kevin (LARA) <>;
Newcomb, Tammy (DNR) <>; Edgerly, Jonathan (DMVA)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>; Hiipakka, Scott (DTMB)
<>; Sliver, Steve (DEQ) <>; Wells,
Eden (DHHS) <>; Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS)
<>; LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS) <>;
MacKenzie-Taylor, Deb (DHHS) <>
Subject: EPA visit to Michigan - List of potential invitees to send to EPA for
Hey all – As MPART representatives of your departments I’m looking to
see if you want to recommend any groups or organizations in your
department’s genre who you’ve been working with on PFAS issues. WE
can pass them up to the EPA for consideration –
Will need them asap since the event is next week.
P.S. – I’ve already inquired with DHHS in separate email… thanks for
MELANIE BROWN Public Affairs and Engagement
Michigan Department of Enviromental Quality
EMAIL:  PHONE: 313-220-6215
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Wells, Eden (DHHS)
Cc: Minicuci, Angela (DHHS); Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS); MacKenzie-Taylor, Deb (DHHS); Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Sliver,
Steve (DEQ)
Subject: Re: Health orgs to recommend to EPA visit -
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 8:15:56 PM

K thanks 

On Sep 26, 2018, at 7:26 PM, Wells, Eden (DHHS) <> wrote:

Looks good so far if I think of anymore I will send you another note!

Sent from my iPhone, please excuse typos.

Eden V. Wells, MD, MPH, FACPM
Chief Medical Executive

On Sep 26, 2018, at 6:40 PM, Brown, Melanie (DEQ)

<> wrote:

Hey there DHHS peeps –

We are putting together a list of entities to recommend to the
EPA for possible invitation to their Michigan PFAS visit next
week – the following are who I already have on the list, are
there others we can recommend?  Please let me know asap –
-Michigan Assoc of Local Public Health
-Local County Health Officers
-Michigan Assoc of Health Environmental Health Administrators
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Wells, Eden (DHHS)
Cc: Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS); Minicuci, Angela (DHHS); MacKenzie-Taylor, Deb (DHHS); Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Sliver,
Steve (DEQ); Todd, Orlando (DHHS); LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS)
Subject: Re: Health orgs to recommend to EPA visit -
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 8:16:21 PM

Got em 

On Sep 26, 2018, at 7:26 PM, Wells, Eden (DHHS) <> wrote:

Local medical directors....

Sent from my iPhone, please excuse typos.

Eden V. Wells, MD, MPH, FACPM
Chief Medical Executive

On Sep 26, 2018, at 6:51 PM, Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS)

<> wrote:

Hi Mel,

Looping in Orlando and Sarah.

Should the local Medical Executives also be invited?  Leaving that

call to Eden, Sarah and Orlando.


Get Outlook for iOS

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 6:40 PM
To: Wells, Eden (DHHS); Minicuci, Angela (DHHS); Groetsch, Kory J.
(DHHS); MacKenzie-Taylor, Deb (DHHS)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Sliver, Steve (DEQ)
Subject: Health orgs to recommend to EPA visit -
Hey there DHHS peeps –
We are putting together a list of entities to recommend to the
EPA for possible invitation to their Michigan PFAS visit next
week – the following are who I already have on the list, are
there others we can recommend?  Please let me know asap –
-Michigan Assoc of Local Public Health
-Local County Health Officers
-Michigan Assoc of Health Environmental Health Administrators
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Zimmer, Mike (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Cc: Payne, Nicholas (GOV)
Subject: Re: Parchment epa visit
Date: Monday, September 10, 2018 1:30:53 PM

I spoke with J Kelley this morning - they have no confirmed date; still looking at next week -
and are reconsidering doing roundtable and tour... they promise to let us know ASAP.

From: Zimmer, Mike (GOV) <>

Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 1:26:10 PM
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Cc: Payne, Nicholas (GOV)
Subject: Parchment epa visit

Any date set yet?

Sent from my iPhone

From: Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ)
To: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV); Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Sliver, Steve (DEQ);
Dean, Scott (DEQ); Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Subject: EPA Call re: Visit
Start: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 3:45:00 PM
End: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 4:45:00 PM
Location: Conference Call
Importance: High

From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
To: Keatley, Aaron (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Cc: Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ); Howes, Sarah (DEQ); Shaler, Karen (DEQ)
Subject: EPA Cathy Stepp at Otsego Site Visit/Tour Superfund Events
Attachments: EPA Region 5 Admin Site Visit Briefing 1.docx
Draft Run of Show for Superfund Task Force event at Kalamazoo River 7.9.18 pr markup.docx

It is my understanding that Aaron Keatley and Scott Dean will attend from the Executive Office. 

Per Mel Brown, others from the Superfund Section plan to attend. 

Draft Agenda from EPA: 

9:30am                RA arrives at command center (note new location)

                              557 Lincoln Road, Otsego, MI 49078

10am                   Tour begins

* Meet and sign in at main office

* Drive to site of former dam (press remarks)
* Drive to BRSA 3 (view restoration at M-89 bridge)
* Drive to BRSA 1 (view restoration and new public access area to river)

11:30am                            Event ends


From: Leeming, Susan (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 5:30 PM
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) < <> >; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
< <> >
Cc: Kneale, Catherine (DEQ) < <> >; Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <
<> >; Boeskool, Travis (DEQ) < <> >; Howes, Sarah
(DEQ) < <> >; Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <
<> >; Dean, Scott (DEQ) < <> >; Brown, Tiffany (DEQ)
< <> >
Subject: RE: EPA RA Visit on 7/24

Attached is a one-pager regarding the site, and the proposed Run of Show for the media event.  A number of congressional members, other elected
officials and media are invited to the event with Cathy Stepp. 

The schedule shows the tour and photo op in the morning of the 24th, Tuesday.  Perhaps Aaron would like to go?  If not, Kathy or I could attend, as
well as project staff, and district supervisor (Dave Haywood).

Please advise. thanks.

Sue Leeming, Director

Remediation & Redevelopment Division

Department of Environmental Quality

517.897.2839 (cell)

517.284.5091 (desk)
Kalamazoo River EPA Administrator Site Visit
The Superfund Task Force Report
Site Update

Superfund Task Force Report

The one-year anniversary of the issuance of the Superfund Task Force Report corresponds to
the day the Region 5 Administrator is planning her site visit to the Kalamazoo River Superfund
Site. The intent of her visit is to celebrate the successes of the Superfund program by
showcasing a site that has utilized several of the Task Force recommendations and has shown
progress. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Department of Natural
Resources (DNR) are excited to celebrate the successes of the Time Critical Removal Action
(TCRA) at this site and showcase all the work that has been done. It should be noted however
that a number of hurdles remain and much work is left to be accomplished on the Kalamazoo
River. The current momentum of the project and the teamwork is a positive asset.

Site Update
A Time Critical Removal Action (TCRA) was issued for Area 3 (Otsego Twp. impoundment) by
the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) due to the uncontrolled release of
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)-contaminated soils and sediments. Three Responsible Parties
(RPs): Weyerhaeuser, Georgia Pacific and International Paper, are under a Unilateral
Administrative Order (UAO) dated April 2016. Work began on-site in August 2016. Prior to
work commencing, the State removed the Otsego Township dam and installed a temporary
Water Control Structure (WCS) in March 2016, which allowed for upstream water levels to be
manipulated and helped facilitate the remediation. The cleanup effort described in the UAO
covers approximately 1.7 river miles, beginning at the former Otsego Township Dam located at
the base of Bittersweet Ski area, and extending to the M-89 road crossing. The UAO includes:
removal of the WCS; excavation of contaminated instream sediments and bank soils located
within approximately 30-feet of the river to provide a clean buffer; and restoration of the
remediated areas to provide a stable channel. The UAO does not address the remaining 1.7-
miles of instream sediments and banks upstream of M-89, floodplain soils upstream and
downstream of M-89, or the Pine Creek Impoundment in Area 3.

The total cost for the TCRA to the RPs is estimated to be between $30 million and $40 million
when the project finishes. The DNR contributed approximately $3 million for the removal of the
dam and construction of the WCS. A $250,000 grant was secured by the Office of Great Lakes
so the DNR could encumber a contractor to remove the auxiliary spillway structure, which was
not included in the scope of the UAO.

While the size, scale, and cost of the TCRA is immense, the total effort will remove less than 1%
of the mass of total PCBs from the system. In addition, the state still owns highly-contaminated
property from the city of Kalamazoo to Lake Michigan, which includes another high-hazard rated
dam on the River, and large portions of the project area remain unaddressed and
uninvestigated. The total cleanup cost for the Kalamazoo River, not including the other landfills
units, is anticipated to eclipse $1 billion and has been estimated as high as $1.7 billion.
Kalamazoo River EPA Administrator Site Visit
A Site Update and The Superfund Task Force Report
Page 2

The Superfund Task Force Report was issued on July 25, 2017, and provided a list of 5 goals
and 42 recommendations to streamline and improve the Superfund program. The 5 goals in the
report were:

• Expediting Cleanup and Remediation;

• Re-Invigorating Responsible Party Cleanup and Reuse;
• Encouraging Private Investment;
• Promoting Redevelopment and Community Revitalization; and
• Engaging Partners and Stakeholders

Some of the specific recommendations under those goals applicable to the Kalamazoo River
Superfund site included: developing a “Top 20” list of sites for immediate and intense action and
Administrator involvement – which the Kalamazoo River was one of two sites in Region 5 to be
placed on the list; encouraging the use of adaptive management and interim Record of
Decisions or removal actions to expedite cleanup; national consistency and expedited review of
proposed remedies by the remedy review board (e.g. Contaminated Sediments Technical
Advisory Group); and maximizing the use of special accounts to facilitate cleanup or

The Kalamazoo River has been utilizing many of the recommendations from the Task Force
since before the report was issued. The issue with progress on the Kalamazoo River is there
has been ongoing litigation between the RPs to determine cost allocation for several years,
previous court rulings are being appealed, and a fourth party is being sued to determine if they
are liable for the contamination in the river (however higher court decisions in similar cases
make their liability unclear).

Prepared by: Dan Peabody

July 12, 2018
Superfund Section,
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
From: Mikenzie Frost
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 11:47:55 AM

Hi Scott,

I'm looking to find out if you or anyone else at the MDEQ is aware of any details regarding the
EPA's planned visit to Michigan for PFAS discussions this Thursday and Friday, October 4 and

Those dates were thrown out last week in Washington, D.C. during the Senate subcommittee
hearing regarding PFAS and no one seems to know any more information about the visit.

Please let me know if you can help.


Mikenzie Frost
Political Reporter
Sinclair Broadcast Group
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Tiernan, Gerald (DEQ); Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS); Wells, Eden (DHHS); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Isaacs, Carol (GOV);
Sliver, Steve (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV); Boeskool, Travis (DEQ); LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS); Kammer, Stephanie
(DEQ); Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: EPA Site Visit #2 - Barton Pond Dam to view foam
Date: Thursday, October 04, 2018 10:05:14 AM
Attachments: attachment 1.pdf
From Barton Dam, we will head to the Ann Arbor Water Treatment
Plant at 919 Sunset Rd, Ann Arbor, MI.

You should park in the “Visitor Parking Lot,” the first lot on the right
off of Sunset.

Brian Steglitz will need to wait at the gate of the lot to let everyone
in. He will wait until everyone has arrived.
All - Map for today’s visit to Barton Dam.

EPA Site Visit #2 - Barton Pond Dam to view foam

Scheduled: Thursday, Oct 4, 2018 from 5:30 PM to 5:45 PM
Location: Barton Pond Dam: 1010 W. Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Invitees: Tiernan, Gerald (DEQ) (‌, Kory Groetsch (‌, Wells,
Eden (DHHS)‌, Dean, Scott (DEQ)‌, Isaacs, Carol (GOV) (‌, Sliver, Steve (DEQ)‌, Brown, Eric
(GOV)‌, Boeskool, Travis (DEQ)‌, LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS)‌, Kammer, Stephanie (DEQ)‌, Grether, Heidi (DEQ)

Excuse typos/brevity, sent from my iPhone...

file:///C/Users/edlink/Documents/ATT00001 htm[1/17/2019 8:24:11 AM]

From: Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: FW: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 7:59:13 AM

From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 7:16 PM
To: Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Great, thank you. Agree Scott should go as well.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 16, 2018, at 6:35 PM, Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <> wrote:

I am likely available if you want someone from the Exec Office there.  I’d also suggest
Scott Dean or someone from his team be there as well.
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:21 PM
To: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <>; DEQ-Legislative-Office <DEQ->; DEQ-Media-Office <DEQ-Media->; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
<>; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
I am not able to attend this. Recommendations on who from DEQ Lansing
should participate?
C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
From: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:11 PM
To: DEQ-Legislative-Office <>; DEQ-Media-Office
<>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
<>; Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Zimmer,
Nate (DEQ) <>
Subject: FW: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Latest on the proposed EPA RA visit to the Kalamazoo River Superfund site in
the Otsego area.
Kathy Shirey
Assistant Director
From: Peabody, Daniel (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 2:14 PM
To: Kline, David (DEQ) <>
Cc: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <>; Leeming, Susan (DEQ)
Subject: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Dave, Kathy and Sue,
I just wanted to circle back with you three regarding the EPA Region 5 Regional
Administrator coming on 7/24 to see the Kalamazoo River TCRA. I just got a message
from my on-scene coordinator, Paul Ruesch, who just wanted to make sure that our
Division and Department will be adequately represented. I know everyone is busy and
it is the peak of summer so I just want to make sure that this isn’t forgotten. I will also
be out of town starting Wednesday until Monday, the day before the visit, so I just
want to make sure no additional information is needed from me.
I attached a draft agenda and schedule that Paul Ruesch provided.

Daniel Peabody
Environmental Quality Analyst
Site Assessment Site Management Unit
Superfund Section
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Constitution Hall
525 W Allegan St.,
Lansing, MI 48929
Office: (517) 284-5072
Office Hours: T,TR,F 0715-1545, MW 0900-1730
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: FW: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 4:22:41 PM
Attachments: Draft Run of Show for Superfund Task Force event at Kalamazoo River 7.9.18 pr markup.docx

See attachment
From: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:11 PM
To: DEQ-Legislative-Office <>; DEQ-Media-Office <DEQ-Media->; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>;
Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>
Subject: FW: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Latest on the proposed EPA RA visit to the Kalamazoo River Superfund site in the Otsego
Kathy Shirey
Assistant Director
From: Peabody, Daniel (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 2:14 PM
To: Kline, David (DEQ) <>
Cc: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <>; Leeming, Susan (DEQ)
Subject: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Dave, Kathy and Sue,
I just wanted to circle back with you three regarding the EPA Region 5 Regional Administrator
coming on 7/24 to see the Kalamazoo River TCRA. I just got a message from my on-scene
coordinator, Paul Ruesch, who just wanted to make sure that our Division and Department will be
adequately represented. I know everyone is busy and it is the peak of summer so I just want to make
sure that this isn’t forgotten. I will also be out of town starting Wednesday until Monday, the day
before the visit, so I just want to make sure no additional information is needed from me.
I attached a draft agenda and schedule that Paul Ruesch provided.

Daniel Peabody
Environmental Quality Analyst
Site Assessment Site Management Unit
Superfund Section
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Constitution Hall
525 W Allegan St.,
Lansing, MI 48929
Office: (517) 284-5072
Office Hours: T,TR,F 0715-1545, MW 0900-1730
From: Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV)
Subject: Fwd: EPA PFAS Visit
Date: Thursday, September 06, 2018 10:30:47 AM

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Jury, Michael (DEQ)" <>

Date: September 6, 2018 at 8:24:35 AM EDT
To: "Sliver, Steve (DEQ)" <>, "Brown, Melanie
(DEQ)" <>, "Leeming, Susan (DEQ)"
<>, "Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ)"
Cc: "Peterson, Amy (DEQ)" <>, "Isaacs, Carol
(GOV)" <>
Subject: FW: EPA PFAS Visit

Here is who is coming from EPA.

Michael Jury
Environmental Manager
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Saginaw Bay District Office
Office 989 894 6255, Cell 517 242 9578
From: Troy Techlin []
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 4:23 PM
To: Jury, Michael (DEQ)
Cc: Engelhart, Larry (DEQ); Delaney, Robert (DEQ); Carey Pauquette; Kruse, Katherine
Subject: EPA PFAS Visit
Below is a draft agenda for the September 17, 2018 EPA visit to the Saginaw Chippewa
Indian Tribe. We have confirmation that EPA will be coming. I believe this meeting will
be held at our Ziibiwing Center, but I will confirm that at a later time.     
9 a.m. Brief introduction with environmental staff
9:30 a.m. Local partners meeting -  Tribal staff and Council members, 
State of Michigan, District Health Department, County, City, and
Township agency staff
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->Information sharing
(Former Roosevelt Refinery – Larry Engelhart)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->Source water sampling
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->Challenges
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->Communications
11 a.m. Site Tour – Former Roosevelt Refinery Tour
Noon – Lunch
1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Tribe, US EPA, and MDEQ discussion (Wurtsmith –
Bob Delaney)
Also, for your awareness, the following EPA staff will be attending the meeting:
Jennifer McLain, Deputy Office Director, EPA’s Office of Ground Water and
Drinking Water
Christina Wadlington, EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
Elizabeth Murphy, EPA Region 5
Jennifer Manville, EPA Region 5
John Haugland, EPA Region 5
Thank you,
Troy Techlin
Environmental Response Program Specialist
The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan
7070 E Broadway
Mt Pleasant, MI 48858
From: Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: RE: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 7:46:26 PM

From: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 10:23 AM
To: Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ) <>
Cc: Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>
Subject: FW: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Me in Kzoo on the 24th.
From: Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 7:59 AM
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: FW: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 7:16 PM
To: Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Great, thank you. Agree Scott should go as well.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 16, 2018, at 6:35 PM, Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <> wrote:

I am likely available if you want someone from the Exec Office there.  I’d also suggest
Scott Dean or someone from his team be there as well.
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:21 PM
To: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <>; DEQ-Legislative-Office <DEQ->; DEQ-Media-Office <DEQ-Media->; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
<>; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
I am not able to attend this. Recommendations on who from DEQ Lansing
should participate?
C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
From: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:11 PM
To: DEQ-Legislative-Office <>; DEQ-Media-Office
<>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
<>; Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Zimmer,
Nate (DEQ) <>
Subject: FW: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Latest on the proposed EPA RA visit to the Kalamazoo River Superfund site in
the Otsego area.
Kathy Shirey
Assistant Director
From: Peabody, Daniel (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 2:14 PM
To: Kline, David (DEQ) <>
Cc: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <>; Leeming, Susan (DEQ)
Subject: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Dave, Kathy and Sue,
I just wanted to circle back with you three regarding the EPA Region 5 Regional
Administrator coming on 7/24 to see the Kalamazoo River TCRA. I just got a message
from my on-scene coordinator, Paul Ruesch, who just wanted to make sure that our
Division and Department will be adequately represented. I know everyone is busy and
it is the peak of summer so I just want to make sure that this isn’t forgotten. I will also
be out of town starting Wednesday until Monday, the day before the visit, so I just
want to make sure no additional information is needed from me.
I attached a draft agenda and schedule that Paul Ruesch provided.
Daniel Peabody
Environmental Quality Analyst
Site Assessment Site Management Unit
Superfund Section
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Constitution Hall
525 W Allegan St.,
Lansing, MI 48929
Office: (517) 284-5072
Office Hours: T,TR,F 0715-1545, MW 0900-1730
From: Leeming, Susan (DEQ)
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ); Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
Cc: Kneale, Catherine (DEQ); Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ); Boeskool, Travis (DEQ); Howes, Sarah (DEQ); Brown, Melanie
(DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Brown, Tiffany (DEQ)
Subject: RE: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 5:30:05 PM
Attachments: EPA Region 5 Admin Site Visit Briefing 1.docx
Draft Run of Show for Superfund Task Force event at Kalamazoo River 7.9.18 pr markup.docx

Attached is a one-pager regarding the site, and the proposed Run of Show for the media event.  A
number of congressional members, other elected officials and media are invited to the event with
Cathy Stepp. 
The schedule shows the tour and photo op in the morning of the 24th, Tuesday.  Perhaps Aaron
would like to go?  If not, Kathy or I could attend, as well as project staff, and district supervisor (Dave
Please advise. thanks.
Sue Leeming, Director
Remediation & Redevelopment Division
Department of Environmental Quality
517.897.2839 (cell)
517.284.5091 (desk)
From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:22 PM
To: Leeming, Susan (DEQ) <>
Cc: Kneale, Catherine (DEQ) <>
Subject: FW: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Please see Heidi’s note below. 
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:21 PM
To: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <>; DEQ-Legislative-Office <DEQ-Legislative->; DEQ-Media-Office <>; Thelen, Mary Beth
(DEQ) <>
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>;
Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
I am not able to attend this. Recommendations on who from DEQ Lansing should
C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
From: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:11 PM
To: DEQ-Legislative-Office <>; DEQ-Media-Office <DEQ-Media->; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>;
Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>
Subject: FW: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Latest on the proposed EPA RA visit to the Kalamazoo River Superfund site in the Otsego
Kathy Shirey
Assistant Director
From: Peabody, Daniel (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 2:14 PM
To: Kline, David (DEQ) <>
Cc: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <>; Leeming, Susan (DEQ)
Subject: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Dave, Kathy and Sue,
I just wanted to circle back with you three regarding the EPA Region 5 Regional Administrator
coming on 7/24 to see the Kalamazoo River TCRA. I just got a message from my on-scene
coordinator, Paul Ruesch, who just wanted to make sure that our Division and Department will be
adequately represented. I know everyone is busy and it is the peak of summer so I just want to make
sure that this isn’t forgotten. I will also be out of town starting Wednesday until Monday, the day
before the visit, so I just want to make sure no additional information is needed from me.
I attached a draft agenda and schedule that Paul Ruesch provided.

Daniel Peabody
Environmental Quality Analyst
Site Assessment Site Management Unit
Superfund Section
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Constitution Hall
525 W Allegan St.,
Lansing, MI 48929
Office: (517) 284-5072
Office Hours: T,TR,F 0715-1545, MW 0900-1730
Kalamazoo River EPA Administrator Site Visit
The Superfund Task Force Report
Site Update

Superfund Task Force Report

The one-year anniversary of the issuance of the Superfund Task Force Report corresponds to
the day the Region 5 Administrator is planning her site visit to the Kalamazoo River Superfund
Site. The intent of her visit is to celebrate the successes of the Superfund program by
showcasing a site that has utilized several of the Task Force recommendations and has shown
progress. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Department of Natural
Resources (DNR) are excited to celebrate the successes of the Time Critical Removal Action
(TCRA) at this site and showcase all the work that has been done. It should be noted however
that a number of hurdles remain and much work is left to be accomplished on the Kalamazoo
River. The current momentum of the project and the teamwork is a positive asset.

Site Update
A Time Critical Removal Action (TCRA) was issued for Area 3 (Otsego Twp. impoundment) by
the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) due to the uncontrolled release of
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)-contaminated soils and sediments. Three Responsible Parties
(RPs): Weyerhaeuser, Georgia Pacific and International Paper, are under a Unilateral
Administrative Order (UAO) dated April 2016. Work began on-site in August 2016. Prior to
work commencing, the State removed the Otsego Township dam and installed a temporary
Water Control Structure (WCS) in March 2016, which allowed for upstream water levels to be
manipulated and helped facilitate the remediation. The cleanup effort described in the UAO
covers approximately 1.7 river miles, beginning at the former Otsego Township Dam located at
the base of Bittersweet Ski area, and extending to the M-89 road crossing. The UAO includes:
removal of the WCS; excavation of contaminated instream sediments and bank soils located
within approximately 30-feet of the river to provide a clean buffer; and restoration of the
remediated areas to provide a stable channel. The UAO does not address the remaining 1.7-
miles of instream sediments and banks upstream of M-89, floodplain soils upstream and
downstream of M-89, or the Pine Creek Impoundment in Area 3.

The total cost for the TCRA to the RPs is estimated to be between $30 million and $40 million
when the project finishes. The DNR contributed approximately $3 million for the removal of the
dam and construction of the WCS. A $250,000 grant was secured by the Office of Great Lakes
so the DNR could encumber a contractor to remove the auxiliary spillway structure, which was
not included in the scope of the UAO.

While the size, scale, and cost of the TCRA is immense, the total effort will remove less than 1%
of the mass of total PCBs from the system. In addition, the state still owns highly-contaminated
property from the city of Kalamazoo to Lake Michigan, which includes another high-hazard rated
dam on the River, and large portions of the project area remain unaddressed and
uninvestigated. The total cleanup cost for the Kalamazoo River, not including the other landfills
units, is anticipated to eclipse $1 billion and has been estimated as high as $1.7 billion.
Kalamazoo River EPA Administrator Site Visit
A Site Update and The Superfund Task Force Report
Page 2

The Superfund Task Force Report was issued on July 25, 2017, and provided a list of 5 goals
and 42 recommendations to streamline and improve the Superfund program. The 5 goals in the
report were:

• Expediting Cleanup and Remediation;

• Re-Invigorating Responsible Party Cleanup and Reuse;
• Encouraging Private Investment;
• Promoting Redevelopment and Community Revitalization; and
• Engaging Partners and Stakeholders

Some of the specific recommendations under those goals applicable to the Kalamazoo River
Superfund site included: developing a “Top 20” list of sites for immediate and intense action and
Administrator involvement – which the Kalamazoo River was one of two sites in Region 5 to be
placed on the list; encouraging the use of adaptive management and interim Record of
Decisions or removal actions to expedite cleanup; national consistency and expedited review of
proposed remedies by the remedy review board (e.g. Contaminated Sediments Technical
Advisory Group); and maximizing the use of special accounts to facilitate cleanup or

The Kalamazoo River has been utilizing many of the recommendations from the Task Force
since before the report was issued. The issue with progress on the Kalamazoo River is there
has been ongoing litigation between the RPs to determine cost allocation for several years,
previous court rulings are being appealed, and a fourth party is being sued to determine if they
are liable for the contamination in the river (however higher court decisions in similar cases
make their liability unclear).

Prepared by: Dan Peabody

July 12, 2018
Superfund Section,
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ); DEQ-Legislative-Office; DEQ-Media-Office; Thelen, Mary Beth
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ); Keatley, Aaron (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Subject: RE: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 4:47:11 PM

Just talked with EPA Comms – they are doing the site visit right now…
They recommend anyone who comes to wear closed toed shores, bug spray and
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:21 PM
To: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <>; DEQ-Legislative-Office <DEQ-Legislative->; DEQ-Media-Office <>; Thelen, Mary Beth
(DEQ) <>
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>;
Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
I am not able to attend this. Recommendations on who from DEQ Lansing should
C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
From: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:11 PM
To: DEQ-Legislative-Office <>; DEQ-Media-Office <DEQ-Media->; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>;
Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>
Subject: FW: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Latest on the proposed EPA RA visit to the Kalamazoo River Superfund site in the Otsego
Kathy Shirey
Assistant Director
From: Peabody, Daniel (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 2:14 PM
To: Kline, David (DEQ) <>
Cc: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <>; Leeming, Susan (DEQ)
Subject: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Dave, Kathy and Sue,
I just wanted to circle back with you three regarding the EPA Region 5 Regional Administrator
coming on 7/24 to see the Kalamazoo River TCRA. I just got a message from my on-scene
coordinator, Paul Ruesch, who just wanted to make sure that our Division and Department will be
adequately represented. I know everyone is busy and it is the peak of summer so I just want to make
sure that this isn’t forgotten. I will also be out of town starting Wednesday until Monday, the day
before the visit, so I just want to make sure no additional information is needed from me.
I attached a draft agenda and schedule that Paul Ruesch provided.

Daniel Peabody
Environmental Quality Analyst
Site Assessment Site Management Unit
Superfund Section
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Constitution Hall
525 W Allegan St.,
Lansing, MI 48929
Office: (517) 284-5072
Office Hours: T,TR,F 0715-1545, MW 0900-1730
From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
To: Leeming, Susan (DEQ); Keatley, Aaron (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Cc: Kneale, Catherine (DEQ); Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ); Boeskool, Travis (DEQ); Howes, Sarah (DEQ); Brown, Melanie
(DEQ); Brown, Tiffany (DEQ); Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ); Shaler, Karen (DEQ); Cristea, Paula (DEQ)
Subject: RE: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 10:18:58 AM

Thanks Sue for the information. 

Per my conversation with Mel Brown, it is my understanding that Chief Deputy
Director Aaron Keatley and Communications Director Scott Dean will be attending the
meeting/site tour on the morning of Tuesday, July 24.  I also understand that your
Superfund staff will be attending as well. 
I have placed this on the calendar for Aaron and Scott. 
Thank you.
Mary Beth
From: Leeming, Susan (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 5:30 PM
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
Cc: Kneale, Catherine (DEQ) <>; Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ)
<>; Boeskool, Travis (DEQ) <>; Howes, Sarah (DEQ)
<>; Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Dean, Scott (DEQ)
<>; Brown, Tiffany (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Attached is a one-pager regarding the site, and the proposed Run of Show for the media event.  A
number of congressional members, other elected officials and media are invited to the event with
Cathy Stepp. 
The schedule shows the tour and photo op in the morning of the 24th, Tuesday.  Perhaps Aaron
would like to go?  If not, Kathy or I could attend, as well as project staff, and district supervisor (Dave
Please advise. thanks.
Sue Leeming, Director
Remediation & Redevelopment Division
Department of Environmental Quality
517.897.2839 (cell)
517.284.5091 (desk)
From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:22 PM
To: Leeming, Susan (DEQ) <>
Cc: Kneale, Catherine (DEQ) <>
Subject: FW: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Please see Heidi’s note below. 
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:21 PM
To: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <>; DEQ-Legislative-Office <DEQ-Legislative->; DEQ-Media-Office <>; Thelen, Mary Beth
(DEQ) <>
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>;
Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
I am not able to attend this. Recommendations on who from DEQ Lansing should
C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
From: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:11 PM
To: DEQ-Legislative-Office <>; DEQ-Media-Office <DEQ-Media->; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>;
Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>
Subject: FW: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Latest on the proposed EPA RA visit to the Kalamazoo River Superfund site in the Otsego
Kathy Shirey
Assistant Director
From: Peabody, Daniel (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 2:14 PM
To: Kline, David (DEQ) <>
Cc: Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <>; Leeming, Susan (DEQ)
Subject: EPA RA Visit on 7/24
Dave, Kathy and Sue,
I just wanted to circle back with you three regarding the EPA Region 5 Regional Administrator
coming on 7/24 to see the Kalamazoo River TCRA. I just got a message from my on-scene
coordinator, Paul Ruesch, who just wanted to make sure that our Division and Department will be
adequately represented. I know everyone is busy and it is the peak of summer so I just want to make
sure that this isn’t forgotten. I will also be out of town starting Wednesday until Monday, the day
before the visit, so I just want to make sure no additional information is needed from me.
I attached a draft agenda and schedule that Paul Ruesch provided.

Daniel Peabody
Environmental Quality Analyst
Site Assessment Site Management Unit
Superfund Section
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Constitution Hall
525 W Allegan St.,
Lansing, MI 48929
Office: (517) 284-5072
Office Hours: T,TR,F 0715-1545, MW 0900-1730
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: RE: July 24 and or 25th - EPA visit
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 12:24:45 PM

Would probably need to fly.

C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 11:35 AM
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: July 24 and or 25th - EPA visit
They are looking to do an event on either July 24th or July 25th in Oscoda area – Is
Heidi able to one of these days?  If so, please put a hold on her calendar for these
dates. We will be able to confirm soon.
From: Mikenzie Frost
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 11:59:15 AM

Okay. Please let me know when you do.


Mikenzie Frost
Political Reporter
Sinclair Broadcast Group

From: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 11:49:12 AM
To: Mikenzie Frost
I haven’t seen any details yet.
From: Mikenzie Frost <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 11:48 AM
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Hi Scott,
I'm looking to find out if you or anyone else at the MDEQ is aware of any details regarding
the EPA's planned visit to Michigan for PFAS discussions this Thursday and Friday, October
4 and 5.
Those dates were thrown out last week in Washington, D.C. during the Senate subcommittee
hearing regarding PFAS and no one seems to know any more information about the visit.
Please let me know if you can help.
Mikenzie Frost
Political Reporter
Sinclair Broadcast Group
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Cc: Brown, Eric (GOV); Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Zimmer, Mike (GOV); Kammer, Stephanie (DEQ); Tiernan, Gerald
(DEQ); Harn, David (DEQ); Heywood, David (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Wells, Eden (DHHS); Groetsch, Kory J.
(DHHS); LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS); Dickerson, Chelsea (DEQ); Sliver, Steve (DEQ)
Subject: Re: EPA Site Visits - Staff representation
Date: Wednesday, October 03, 2018 11:28:47 AM

Adding Scott Dean to list.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 3, 2018, at 10:47 AM, Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <> wrote:

Eric – I believe this is the full list, please note that some staff are set to
participate at specific sites. Let us know if questions.
Carol Isaacs, MPART Director
Eric Brown, Federal Liaison, Governor’s Office
Heidi Grether, DEQ Director
Steve Sliver, PFAS Project Technical Lead, DEQ
Stephanie Kammer, District Manager, DEQ, (Huron River stops only)
Gerald Tiernan, Environmental Manager, DEQ, (Huron River stops only)
David Harn, Project Manager, DEQ, (Parchment and Kalamazoo stops
David Heywood, District Manager, DEQ, (Parchment and Kalamazoo
stops only)
Scott Dean, MPART Communications
Melanie Brown, DEQ External Affairs
Chelsea Dickerson, Project Coordinator, DEQ (Parchment / Kalamazoo
Dr. Eden Wells, Chief Medical Executive, DHHS
Kory Groestch, Toxicologist, DHHS
Sarah Lyon Callo, Epidemiologist DHHS
From: Brown, Eric (GOV)
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2018 9:49 AM
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>; Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
<>; Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>;
Zimmer, Mike (GOV) <>
Subject: EPA Site Visits - Staff representation
Please provide names and titles for all State of Michigan staff attending the EPA site
visits ASAP. I need to relay to our Congressional contacts as well as EPA. Thanks.
Eric K. Brown
Deputy Director, Federal Relations
State of Michigan – Governor Rick Snyder
Washington D.C. Office
202.480.7235 (mobile)
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Sliver, Steve (DEQ)
Subject: Canceled: HOLD - EPA Visit to Michigan
Importance: High

Canceling – EPA moving to August date

Plainfield Township: Cameron VanWygarden
Cannon Township: Steve Grimm
Another couple that have been active are the :
Aaron Weed, Oscoda Township Aaron Weed
Jeff Moss, Au Sable Township
Mayor Brittigan,
Robert D. Britigan III, CPM® ·
Midlink Business Park ·
5200 East Cork St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49048
T 269 384.1100 x 120 · F 269 384.1677
Parchment City Manager: Nancy Stoddard,, 269-349-3785
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Adler, Ari (GOV); Dean,
Scott (DEQ); Brown, Tiffany (DEQ)
Subject: Conf call this afternoon re EPA event
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 3:26:43 PM

Just heard from EPA region five, they will send us a conference call meeting notice shortly for a conversation this
afternoon. Heidi hoping you can dial-in from the road.

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Adler, Ari (GOV); Brown, Eric (GOV)
Subject: DRAFT DELIBERATIVE - Draft EPA Roundtable
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 10:33:00 PM
Attachments: Agenda MI roundtable 9.24.18.docx

FYI - Still in draft form; Subject yo change

From: Zimmer, Mike (GOV)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Adler, Ari (GOV)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Subject: EPA Announcement
Date: Friday, September 07, 2018 11:35:40 AM

Talked to Bill and Ari.  Lets just go with an EPA announcement but we want an IMMEDIATE supportive statement
from you guys welcoming them in.  Can you loop in Ari once it goes?

Great work


Sent from my iPad

From: Zimmer, Mike (GOV)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Subject: EPA PFAS Meeting
Date: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 7:41:00 AM

1) Do we have a new date and location (if not, when will we have it)?
2) What are we saying about the negative press that said the meeting we had set was cancelled?
3) Who are we sending - who is representing the department?

Sent from my iPad

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Kelley, Jeff
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ)
Subject: EPA PFAS Michigan visit
Date: Monday, September 10, 2018 10:03:46 AM

Good morning Jeff - Hope you had a great weekend. Can you tell us if next weeks dates have
been confirmed?

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV); Sliver, Steve (DEQ); Kammer, Stephanie (DEQ);
Tiernan, Gerald (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Wells, Eden (DHHS); Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS); LyonCallo, Sarah
(DHHS); Boeskool, Travis (DEQ)
Subject: EPA Site Visit #2 - Barton Pond Dam to view foam

5:30 p.m. Barton Pond Dam -- to view PFAS Foam (5 minute walk down gravel path from parking lot) (15 minutes)
1010 W. Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor, Mich.

SOM Team:

Carol Isaacs, MPART Director

Eric Brown, Federal Liaison, Governor’s Office

Heidi Grether, DEQ Director

Steve Sliver, PFAS Project Technical Lead, DEQ

Stephanie Kammer, District Manager, DEQ, (Huron River stops only)

Gerald Tiernan, Environmental Manager, DEQ, (Huron River stops only)

David Harn, Project Manager, DEQ, (Parchment and Kalamazoo stops only)

David Heywood, District Manager, DEQ, (Parchment and Kalamazoo stops only)

Scott Dean, MPART Communications

Melanie Brown, DEQ External Affairs

Chelsea Dickerson, Project Coordinator, DEQ (Parchment / Kalamazoo only)

Dr. Eden Wells, Chief Medical Executive, DHHS

Kory Groestch, Environmental Health Coordinator, DHHS

Sarah Lyon Callo, State Epidemiologist DHHS

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV); Sliver, Steve (DEQ); Kammer, Stephanie (DEQ);
Tiernan, Gerald (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Wells, Eden (DHHS); Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS); LyonCallo, Sarah
(DHHS); Boeskool, Travis (DEQ)
Subject: EPA Site Visit #3 - Ann Arbor Water Treatment plant -- tour/briefing in conference room

6:00 p.m. Ann Arbor Water Treatment plant -- tour/briefing in conference room (30 minutes)
919 Sunset Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich.



* Mr. Walberg

* Mrs. Dingell


* Laura Rubin, Huron River Watershed Council

* State Rep. Adam Zemke

* State Rep. Yousef Rabhi

* State Rep. Donna Lasinski

* State Rep. Ronnie Peterson

* State Sen. Rebekah Warren

* State Rep-elect Jeff Irwin

* Water Commissioner Evan Pratt

* Mayor Chris Taylor

SOM Team:

Carol Isaacs, MPART Director

Eric Brown, Federal Liaison, Governor’s Office

Heidi Grether, DEQ Director

Steve Sliver, PFAS Project Technical Lead, DEQ

Stephanie Kammer, District Manager, DEQ, (Huron River stops only)

Gerald Tiernan, Environmental Manager, DEQ, (Huron River stops only)

David Harn, Project Manager, DEQ, (Parchment and Kalamazoo stops only)

David Heywood, District Manager, DEQ, (Parchment and Kalamazoo stops only)

Scott Dean, MPART Communications

Melanie Brown, DEQ External Affairs

Chelsea Dickerson, Project Coordinator, DEQ (Parchment / Kalamazoo only)

Dr. Eden Wells, Chief Medical Executive, DHHS

Kory Groestch, Environmental Health Coordinator, DHHS

Sarah Lyon Callo, State Epidemiologist DHHS

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV); Sliver, Steve (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Wells,
Eden (DHHS); Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS); LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS); Boeskool, Travis (DEQ); Harn, David (DEQ);
Heywood, David (DEQ); Dickerson, Chelsea (DEQ)
Subject: EPA Site Visit #4 - Parchment City Hall

What: This is an opportunity for the local government officials who led the response to the PFAS found in the Parchment drinking water to share their
experience with senior EPA officials and with Rep. Upton. EPA would like to learn more about what happened in Parchment, how the community
responded, and what lessons were learned.

Where: Parchment City Hall, 650 S Riverview Dr, Parchment, Mich.

When: 10 a m. on Friday, Oct. 5


* Rep. Fred Upton

* Peter Grevatt, EPA
* Cathy Stepp, EPA
* Heidi Grether, MDEQ
* Carol Isaacs, MPART
* Eden Wells, MDHHS

* Parchment Mayor Rob Britigan ( <> ), 269) 217-0120 [Already confirmed]
* Parchment City Manager Nancy Stoddard ( <> ) [Already confirmed]
* Jim Rutherford (jaruth@kalcounty com <> ), Kalamazoo County Health and Community Services [Already confirmed]
* Joe Bonhomme, Parchment utility director, (269) 344-6400
* James Baker, Kalamazoo city engineer, 269-337-8215
* Parchment school superintendent Jason Misner
* Kalamazoo Township Police Chief Bryan Ergang
* Kalamazoo County Sheriff Rick Fuller
* Jeff Sorenson, Cooper Charter Township supervisor, 269-382-0223, 269-207-1156 (cell)
* Stephanie Moore ( <> ), Kalamazoo County board chair, 269-547-9002

SOM Team:

Carol Isaacs, MPART Director

Eric Brown, Federal Liaison, Governor’s Office

Heidi Grether, DEQ Director

Steve Sliver, PFAS Project Technical Lead, DEQ

Stephanie Kammer, District Manager, DEQ, (Huron River stops only)

Gerald Tiernan, Environmental Manager, DEQ, (Huron River stops only)

David Harn, Project Manager, DEQ, (Parchment and Kalamazoo stops only)

David Heywood, District Manager, DEQ, (Parchment and Kalamazoo stops only)

Scott Dean, MPART Communications

Melanie Brown, DEQ External Affairs

Chelsea Dickerson, Project Coordinator, DEQ (Parchment / Kalamazoo only)

Dr. Eden Wells, Chief Medical Executive, DHHS

Kory Groestch, Environmental Health Coordinator, DHHS

Sarah Lyon Callo, State Epidemiologist DHHS

From: Brown, Eric (GOV)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Cc: Zimmer, Mike (GOV)
Subject: EPA Site Visits
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 10:33:35 AM

I just spoke with Congressman Walberg’s staff. They have moved their time and location for the
Thursday site visits to accommodate scheduling conflicts at EPA. I will get a more formal invitation
for the State once Walberg and Dingell finalize the particulars, but this is the most updated plan for
Thursday (10/4):
4:00 PM: Meet Congressman Walberg and Congresswoman Dingell at Klaves Marina on Portage Lake
in Dexter Twp. Spend 30-45 minutes talking about PFAS issues in the Huron River watershed.
Travel to Barton Dam in Ann Arbor with Congressman Walberg and Congresswoman Dingell to view
site where PFAS foam has been reported. They expect this visit to take approximately 10-15 minutes.
No further details yet on Friday itinerary.
More to come,
Eric K. Brown
Deputy Director, Federal Relations
State of Michigan – Governor Rick Snyder
Washington D.C. Office
202.480.7235 (mobile)
From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ); Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ); Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ)
Subject: EPA Visit in MI (TBD)

Mel, is it okay to add the meeting location/city to this meeting notice?



Let’s go with Thursday, Sept. 13.


Jeff Kelley

Director, Office of External Communications

U.S. EPA Region 5

ph: 312-353-1159
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
To: Thiede, Kurt
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: EPA Visit to Michigan
Date: Thursday, September 13, 2018 10:48:48 AM

Hi Kurt –
Hope you are well. I was wondering if there was any more clarity on the EPA
Michigan visit. I understand there was some discussion about the first week of
October. Is that still a consideration?
Thanks much,
C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
From: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
To: Kelley, Jeff
Cc: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: FW: Draft statement for press
Date: Friday, August 31, 2018 11:23:01 AM

Hi Jeff,
I haven’t heard from Molly and am not familiar with any conversations you may have had with her
This is how we’ve have been describing the cooperation:
Michigan is leading the nation in its response the emerging issue of PFAS contamination.
The support of EPA has been invaluable to Michigan in its multi-agency, state-wide effort
to protect the public from this emerging contaminant.
EPA staff have directly supported the Michigan Department Environmental Quality in a
number of PFAS investigations – including the response in the City of Parchment that
resulted in 3,000 people being protected from PFAS contamination in their drinking water.
Michigan has actively shared it’s learnings on this global contaminant with EPA Region 5
and headquarters in Washington and encourages EPA to continue national research and
rule-making on this emerging contaminant.
Michigan looks forward to continuing this cooperative approach to the global issue of PFAS
and looks forward to continued meetings with EPA both here in Michigan and in
From: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 2:58 PM
To: Block, Molly <>
Subject: Re: Draft statement for press
“sought to hold” would seem to beg a follow up question. Would “considered” or “evaluated” or
“discussed” be more clear?

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 30, 2018, at 1:55 PM, Block, Molly <> wrote:

“As the Agency has publicly stated several times, EPA sought to hold a PFAS Community
Engagement event in Michigan similar to those in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania,
Colorado, North Carolina, and Kansas. EPA continues to support ongoing efforts the
State of Michigan has undertaken to deal with community impacted by PFAS.”
EPA coordinated closely with the states and local communities to plan and select
locations for each of the PFAS Community Engagement events. Throughout the
summer, EPA worked to balance the need to take action with the agency’s desire to
hear from as many communities as possible. While EPA is planning on hosting its last
official community engagement event in Leavenworth, Kansas on September 5th, the
Agency’s work to support our state partners, including Michigan, continues. We
encourage those who wish to submit input to do so via our nonregulatory docket at enter Docket ID No. EPA-OW-2018-0270.
From: Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: FW: Michigan visit
Date: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:24:00 AM

From: Thiede, Kurt <>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 9:08 PM
To: Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: Michigan visit
I’m sorry, I still don’t have specifics. At this point I am guessing it won’t be next week, which I think is
better for you and Heidi. I will keep you posted.

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 10, 2018, at 4:31 PM, Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <> wrote:

Hey Kurt - Any clarity yet on the likely date and location for the Michigan public
Get Outlook for iOS
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: FW: Oscoda visit
Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 11:21:47 AM

Heidi – Scott and I will talk with Jeff on Thursday afternoon – You will wanna do a call
with Cathy on this as well? May be good -
From: Kelley, Jeff <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 9:01 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Are you guys available on Thursday to start discussing details? I could do 10 a.m. to noon or 4 to 6
p.m. Eastern.
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Kelley, Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2018 7:52 AM
To: 'Brown, Melanie (DEQ)' <>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Let’s go with Thursday, Sept. 13.
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) []
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2018 12:45 PM
To: Kelley, Jeff <>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Super – thanks!
From: Kelley, Jeff <>
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 1:44 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
I’ll check and get back to you ASAP
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) []
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2018 12:14 PM
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>; Kelley, Jeff <>
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Importance: High
Thanks MBT –
Jeff – Please see dates below… Do any of these work?
From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 12:06 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Shaler, Karen (DEQ)
<>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Although the Director has several meetings the week of September 10, the following
dates could be flexible:
Monday, September 10
Tuesday, September 11
Wednesday, NO, the Director will be in Saginaw area with the District
Thursday, September 13
I would prefer to keep Friday open for her in the office as she may be in the UP the
following week.
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2018 5:47 PM
To: Kelley, Jeff <>
Cc: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
<>; Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Thanks Jeff –
MBT – Got any dates that work the Heidi?
From: Kelley, Jeff <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 9:50 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Subject: Oscoda visit
Mel, I’m sure you’re still trying to catch your breath from last night’s meeting, but we’ve been
looking at the calendar and thinking about the long-discussed Oscoda visit. What do you think about
the week of September 10?
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
To: Thiede, Kurt
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Subject: Follow Up from Call
Date: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 11:41:48 AM

Kurt –
Thank you for your time yesterday, we are looking forward to your visit in August.
There are a couple things I want to raise as follow-up to our discussion. First, before
EPA schedules a visit to Oscoda, we need to have a discussion about past and
ongoing activities, local sentiment and challenges. Second, I ask that Cathy establish
a Region 5 Community Engagement/Response group akin to the Region 1 group
discussed at the PFAS Summit in DC. We believe an opportunity for local groups in
the region to share their varying experiences with EPA would be a good thing all the
way around. Perhaps it would be helpful to check with Alex Dunn regarding their
purpose, structure and deliverables to get a feel for its workings.
Thanks very much,
C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Subject: Fwd: EPA PFAS Visit
Date: Thursday, September 06, 2018 8:32:48 AM

From: Jury, Michael (DEQ)

Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 8:24:35 AM
To: Sliver, Steve (DEQ); Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Leeming, Susan (DEQ); Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ)
Cc: Peterson, Amy (DEQ); Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Subject: FW: EPA PFAS Visit
Here is who is coming from EPA.
Michael Jury
Environmental Manager
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Saginaw Bay District Office
Office 989 894 6255, Cell 517 242 9578
From: Troy Techlin []
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 4:23 PM
To: Jury, Michael (DEQ)
Cc: Engelhart, Larry (DEQ); Delaney, Robert (DEQ); Carey Pauquette; Kruse, Katherine (DEQ)
Subject: EPA PFAS Visit
Below is a draft agenda for the September 17, 2018 EPA visit to the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe.
We have confirmation that EPA will be coming. I believe this meeting will be held at our Ziibiwing
Center, but I will confirm that at a later time.
9 a.m. Brief introduction with environmental staff
9:30 a.m. Local partners meeting - Tribal staff and Council members, State of
Michigan, District Health Department, County, City, and Township agency staff
· Information sharing (Former Roosevelt Refinery – Larry Engelhart)
· Source water sampling
· Challenges
· Communications
11 a.m. Site Tour – Former Roosevelt Refinery Tour
Noon – Lunch
1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Tribe, US EPA, and MDEQ discussion (Wurtsmith – Bob Delaney)
Also, for your awareness, the following EPA staff will be attending the meeting:
Jennifer McLain, Deputy Office Director, EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
Christina Wadlington, EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
Elizabeth Murphy, EPA Region 5
Jennifer Manville, EPA Region 5
John Haugland, EPA Region 5
Thank you,
Troy Techlin
Environmental Response Program Specialist
The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan
7070 E Broadway
Mt Pleasant, MI 48858
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Sliver, Steve (DEQ);
Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ); Keatley, Aaron (DEQ); Adler, Ari (GOV); Brown, Tiffany (DEQ)
Subject: Fwd: Friday roundtable
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 4:13:18 PM
Attachments: Agenda MI roundtable 10.1.18-v3.docx

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Kelley, Jeff" <>

To: "Brown, Melanie (DEQ)" <>
Subject: Friday roundtable

DRAFT Thursday, Oct. 4, Site Visits

4:00 p.m. Klave’s Marina at Portage Lake (45 minutes)
8789 McGregor Rd
Pinckney, Mich.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Mr. Walberg

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Mrs. Dingell
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->MDEQ
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->EPA

Drive to Barton Pond (about 25 minutes)

5:30 p.m. Barton Pond Dam -- to view PFAS Foam (5 minute walk down gravel path
from parking lot) (15 minutes)
1010 W. Huron River Drive
Ann Arbor, Mich.

Drive to Ann Arbor Water Treatment plant (5-10 mins)

6:00 p.m. Ann Arbor Water Treatment plant -- tour/briefing in conference room (30
919 Sunset Rd.
Ann Arbor, Mich.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->EPA

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Mr. Walberg
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Mrs. Dingell
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->MDEQ*
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Laura Rubin, Huron River Watershed Council
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->State Rep. Adam Zemke
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->State Rep. Yousef Rabhi
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->State Rep. Donna Lasinski
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->State Rep. Ronnie Peterson
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->State Sen. Rebekah Warren
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->State Rep-elect Jeff Irwin
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Water Commissioner Evan Pratt
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Mayor Chris Taylor

Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Sliver, Steve (DEQ); Peterson, Amy (DEQ); Adler,
Ari (GOV); Brown, Tiffany (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV)
Subject: Fwd: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Roundtable in Parchment, Michigan Friday October 5, 2018
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 6:36:13 PM
Attachments: Agenda MI roundtable 10.1.18-v4.docx


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Deamer, Eileen" <>

Date: October 2, 2018 at 4:53:07 PM EDT
To: "" <>
Cc: "Kelley, Jeff" <>
Subject: FW: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Roundtable in
Parchment, Michigan Friday October 5, 2018

Here it is Mel. Please share accordingly.

Eileen Deamer
U.S. EPA Region 5
Congressional and Intergovernmental
(312) 886-1728
From: Deamer, Eileen
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 3:53 PM
To: '' <>; ''
<>; '' <>;' <>;
'' <>;
'' <>;'>;'
<>;' <>;
'' <>; ''
<>;'>; '' <>;'>; '' <bballard@mi->; '' <>;
'' <>;
'' <>
Cc: Kelley, Jeff <>; Rodrick, Christian <>;
Wadlington, Christina <>
Subject: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Roundtable in Parchment,
Michigan Friday October 5, 2018
Good Afternoon,
I would like to invite you to a roundtable discussion this Friday, Oct. 5, in Kalamazoo to
discuss the challenges communities face when they are identifying, addressing and
communicating about PFAS. A draft agenda is attached.
Where: Kalamazoo County Expo Center
2900 Lake St.
When: Friday, Oct. 5, 2018 from 1-3 p.m.
Please let me know if you will be able to attend. I can also be reached at (312) 886-
1728 if you have questions.
Thank you,
Eileen Deamer
U.S. EPA Region 5
(312) 886-1728
F om B own E c (GOV)
To l( h ( l ( (
Subject wd St te of Michigan a t c pants - E A Meet ngs/S te Vi i s
Da e W dnesday Octobe 03 2018 6 34 58 M

See below for head count and possible space lim tations

Sent from my mob le de ce

Begin forwarded message

From Rambosk Ke in <Ke in.Rambosk@mail house.go >

Date October 3 2018 at 5 5 33 PM EDT
To Brown Eric (GOV) <BrownE15@m chigan.go >
Subject RE State of Mich gan Partic pants - EPA Meetings/S te Vis ts

Just a heads up here s the full head count as I ha e it for he Ann Arbor sites. This h ng has ballooned n o mo e people han expected. If here are any space issues we may ha e to ha e some folks hold back in the parking lot at the dam or water facil ty. I hope we can get e eryone in though (the Ann Arbor water facili y conference room only holds 30 people) but check ng now. Just wanted you o be p epared.

Mr. Walberg
Mrs. Dinge l
Mr. Upton (Unconfirmed)

Peter G e att D rec or O fice of G ound Water and D ink ng Water
Aaron R ngel - Cong ess onal Relations
Chr stian Rodrick - Congressional Rela ions
Molly Block - Public Affairs
Peter G e att - O fice of Water
Andrea Dr nkard - Office of Water
Chr stina Wadl ngton - Office of Water

EPA Region 5
Ca hy Stepp Regional Adminis rator
Kurt Thiede - Ch ef of Staff
Jeff Kelley - Director Office of External Communications
Eileen Dreamer - Regional Coo d nator

Carol Isaacs MPART Director
Eric Brown Depu y Director of Federal Rela ions Go ernor's Off ce
Heidi Grether DEQ Director
Ste e Sli er PFAS Project Technical Lead DEQ
Stephanie Kammer Dis rict Manager DEQ
Gerald Tiernan En ironmen al Manager DEQ
Sco t Dean MPART Commun ca ions
Melanie B own DEQ External Affairs
D . Eden Wells Chief Medical Executi e DHHS
Kory G oestch Tox cologist DHHS
Sarah Lyon Callo Epidemiolog st DHHS

Brian S eglitz P E. Manager Water Treatment Ser ices C ty of Ann Arbor

Laura Rub n Huron Ri er Watershed Council
State Rep. Yousef Rabhi
State Rep. Donna Lasinski
State Rep. Ronn e Pe e son (not confirmed)
State Sen. Rebekah Warren
Water Commiss oner E an Pratt (not confirmed)
Mayor Chris Taylor (not conf rmed)

- ---Original Message-----
From Rambosk Ke in
Sent Wednesday October 3 2018 5 02 PM
To Brown Eric (GOV)' <BrownE15@michigan.go >
Subject RE State of Mich gan Participants - EPA Meetings/Site V sits

G eat -thanks!

- ---Original Message-----
From Brown Er c (GOV) <B E15@ g g >
Sent Wednesday October 3 2018 5 PM
To Rambosk Ke in <Ke in >
Subject Re S ate of Michigan Part cipants - EPA Meet ngs/Si e Visi s

Yes and I'll let you know if anything changes

Sent from my mobile de ice

On Oct 3 2018 at 31 PM Rambosk Ke in <Ke n Rambosk@ma go <mailto Ke in.Rambosk@mail house.go >> wro e

Thanks E ic! Just making sure I ha e this right would all the folks highlighted be attending the two s te isi s Thursday?

From Brown Er c (GOV) <BrownE15@michigan go <mailto BrownE15@m chigan.go >>

Sent Wednesday October 3 2018 1 6 PM
To McKinney Mac <https / look com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fu ldefense.proofpoint com%2F 2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dht p 3A Mac Mc%26d%3DDwIF-g%26c%3DL93KkjKsAC98uT C K QDTmmq1mJ2 MPtzuTpFgX8gY%26r%3D3ho8 wrTqhNwPRfT wBskX8M BTweNei-
s2sExb0 FE%26m%3D1rbkziOlL85sOkDIcDBSh UBkBwYol0ImBGCsUIgpkw%26s%3D W7SDiMqyaaP qDjFxbL6NZaYPGYdKwakbajXKi2jlo%26e&amp data=02%7C01%7CBrownE15% 0michigan go %7C87e7d0f5bcf9 878266608d629798c95%7Cd5fb70873777 2ad966a892ef 7225d1%7C0%7C0%7C6367 199935 7 6995&amp sdata=E5TYbC1Rz3%2FjC0gHnZ9QB ZUhCLNDdT 38oTZWQJc M%3D&amp reser ed=0=
K <mail o Mac.McKinney@mail house.go >> Rambosk Ke n <Ke <mail o Ke n Rambosk@ma go >> Ra ner Mark <Mark.Ra ner@mail house.go <ma lto Mark.Ratner@mail house go >>
Subject State of Michigan Par icipan s - EPA Mee ings Si e Vis ts

Gentlemen - here is he list of pa ticipan s represen ing the S ate on Thursday and Friday. Please note that some staff are set o par icipate at specif c sites only.

Carol Isaacs MPART Director

Eric Brown Depu y Director of Federal Rela ions Go ernor's Off ce Heidi Grether DEQ D rector Ste e Sli er PFAS Project Technical Lead DEQ Stephanie Kammer Dist ict Manager DEQ (Huron Ri er stops only) Gerald T ernan En ronmental Manager DEQ (Hu on Ri er stops only) Da id Harn Project Manager DEQ Parchment and Kalamazoo stops only) Da id Heywood Distr ct Manager DEQ (Parchment and
Kalamazoo stops only) Scott Dean MPART Communications Melan e Brown DEQ External A fairs Chelsea Dickerson Project Coordinator DEQ (Parchment / Kalamazoo only) D . Eden Wells Chief Medical Executi e DHHS Kory Groestch Tox cologist DHHS Sarah Lyon Callo Epidemiolog st DHHS
From: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: Fwd: Why?
Date: Thursday, August 30, 2018 10:20:42 AM

Spoke with Carol about this earlier. Waiting on a callback from Michael J.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Zimmer, Mike (GOV)" <>

Date: August 29, 2018 at 9:46:11 PM EDT
To: "Isaacs, Carol (GOV)" <>, "Grether, Heidi (DEQ)"
<>, "Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)"
<>, "Dean, Scott (DEQ)" <>
Subject: Why?

What’s the backstory here?

Sent from my iPad

From: Thiede, Kurt
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: Guidance on visit
Date: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 9:35:24 AM

We were finally able to loop back with HQ this morning. I have an update for you. Perhaps we can touch base at the
end of the day? I have mtgs straight through 4:30 today.

Thank you.

Kurt Thiede
Chief of Staff
EPA Region 5

Sent from my iPhone...please excuse my typos.

From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Thiede, Kurt
Cc: "Williams, Felicia ("; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Subject: Meeting Dates in Michigan at Ralph A. McMullan Center, Roscommon, MI
Date: Thursday, May 24, 2018 10:20:59 AM

Kurt –
Good to see you this week in DC. Below are the dates the RAM Center is available
for an EPA PFAS field trip to Michigan.
Peter –
Thank you for all your hard work to make the summit a success. I greatly appreciated
being included as a panelist. I talked with Kurt about a possible Michigan visit in
August, when we could stay at the DNR conference center near Grayling. We could
visit Oscoda from there.
Below are the details from a previous meeting notice. Please let me know if your
would like to discuss further.
C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

Begin forwarded message:

Ralph A. McMullan (RAM) Center in Roscommon, MI, (Higgins

Lake area/Grayling, Michigan area)
The RAM has availability on the following dates for meeting space
and lodging:
August 6, 7, and 8
August 20, 21, and 22
Please review the dates to see if they work for Cathy Stepp, you,
and others as appropriate.
Please also let me know if you would like to discuss further with
Director Grether and next steps.
Thank you for your consideration.
Mary Beth
Mary Beth Thelen
Executive Management Assistant to the Director
Department of Environmental Quality
517-284-6712 or 284-6700
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Sliver, Steve (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Adler, Ari (GOV)
Subject: Outline for review
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 5:11:53 PM
Attachments: DRAFT Outline .docx

In short – 3 site visits:

Huron River, Washtenaw County
Clinton River / Selfridge, Macomb County
Rockford, Kent County
1 Roundtable in Parchment
Please review – then I’ll send these thoughts to EPA Region 5 for consideration –
1:00 PM Site Visit #1 – DEQ briefing on current testing, fish advisory, next steps
Huron River Watershed; Washtenaw County
- State of Michigan: DEQ Director Grether, MPART Director Isaacs, DHHS Toxicologist, DEQ
Regional staff
- Congressional Delegation / Key State Legislators
- Media: 3-4 members of media key in covering issue: MLive, Detroit news, Detroit Free Press
+ Huron River Watershed Council leadership
+ City of Ann Arbor Water Supply
(FYI ONLY* Huron River Watershed Council hooding meeting on PFAS at Milford Civic
Center; 7pm. DEQ regional staff will be attending)

2:00 PM Travel to Site #2

2:30 PM

2:30 PM Site Visit #2 – DEQ briefing on current testing, fish advisory, next steps
3:30 PM Clinton River Watershed; Macomb County

- State of Michigan: DEQ Director Grether, MPART Director Isaacs, DHHS Toxicologist, DEQ
Regional staff
-DMVA General Isabelle
- Congressional Delegation / Key State Legislators
- Media: 3-4 members of media key in covering issue: MLive, Detroit news, Detroit Free Press

** Overnight in Kalamazoo area** (2 + hours from Harrison Township to Kalamazoo)

9:00 AM Site Visit #3 - Rockford
- State of Michigan: DEQ Director Grether, MPART Director Isaacs, DHHS Toxicologist, DEQ
Regional staff
- Congressional Delegation / Key State Legislators
- Media: 3-4 members of media key in covering issue: MLive, Bridge Magazine
+ Kent County Health Department
+Dr. Shibler School Superintendent

10:00 AM Travel to Rockford, MI

11:30 PM

11:30 PM Lunch
12:30 PM

1:00 PM Public Roundtable – Parchment / Kalamazoo County

4:00 PM

Roundtable Attendees:
- State of Michigan: DEQ Director Grether, MPART Director Isaacs
- Congressional Delegation / Key State Legislators (onlookers)
+ Kalamazoo City / County Health representatives
+Cooper Township leadership
+Community Groups:
Concerned Citizens for Responsible Engagement (Rockford)
Need Our Water (Oscoda)
Lake Margarethe Home Owners Association (Grayling)
Anglers of the AuSable Organization
Municipal leadership, Montcalm County (Central Sanitary Landfill site)
Calhoun County Health Department / Springfield Township Municipal leaders (Battle Creek site)
Michigan Manufacturing Association - PFAS Committee
American Water Works Association; Michigan Chapter (water utility operators)
Michigan Water Environment Association (wastewater groups)
Michigan Waste and Recycling Association (privately owned landfills)
Michigan Assoc of Local Public Health
Michigan Assoc of Health Enviro Administrators
From: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ); Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Boeskool, Travis (DEQ); Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ); Peterson,
Amy (DEQ); Sliver, Steve (DEQ); O"Donnell, David (DEQ); Leeming, Susan (DEQ); Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ);
Kneale, Catherine (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: RE: Action in the Morning for Abby: PFAS Hearing Thursday, September 6, 10:00 a.m.
Date: Thursday, September 06, 2018 11:41:50 AM

FYI…. Representative Dingell just requested/demanded that EPA hold a Community Engagement
meeting in Michigan. She was supported in her request by Representative Upton and Representative
Walberg. EPA, Peter Grevatt indicated his willingness to make arrangements to make that happen.
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2018 9:44 AM
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ) <>
Cc: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>; Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
<>; Boeskool, Travis (DEQ) <>; Feuerstein,
Heather (DEQ) <>; Peterson, Amy (DEQ) <>;
Sliver, Steve (DEQ) <>; O'Donnell, David (DEQ)
<>; Leeming, Susan (DEQ) <>; Shirey, Kathleen
(DEQ) <>; Kneale, Catherine (DEQ) <>; Dean, Scott
(DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: Action in the Morning for Abby: PFAS Hearing Thursday, September 6, 10:00 a.m.
Thanks so much.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 6, 2018, at 9:42 AM, Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ) <> wrote:

I will plan to watch and let you know what happens.

From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 9:04 PM
To: Hendershott, Abigail (DEQ) <>
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
<>; Boeskool, Travis (DEQ) <>;
Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>; Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ)
<>; Peterson, Amy (DEQ) <>;
Sliver, Steve (DEQ) <>; O'Donnell, David (DEQ)
<>; Leeming, Susan (DEQ) <>;
Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ) <>; Kneale, Catherine (DEQ)
<>; Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: Action in the Morning for Abby: PFAS Hearing Thursday, September 6, 10:00
Importance: High
Hi Abby,
Carol Isaacs and others will be testifying at this hearing described below
on Thursday morning, September 6, 10:00 a.m. The Executive Office staff
are in a training that has been scheduled for quite some time from 10:00-
1:00 p.m. and unable to watch this during “real time” but can watch it later
via recording. However, the Director suggested that if you could watch the
testimony “live” at 10:00 a.m. it may be helpful in case any questions
come up before the Executive Office has a chance to watch it. Is it
possible for you to rearrange your calendar in the morning? Aa a FYI,
Scott Dean, DEQ’s Communications Director is attending the hearing with
It is the House Energy & Commerce Committee - the Subcommittee on
the Environment, and it is a PFAS hearing.
Here’s the link to the hearing, which starts at 10am tomorrow with the first
panel comprised of EPA and DOD. The page also lists all the witnesses.
Pleas advise.
Thank you.
Mary Beth
Mary Beth Thelen
Executive Management Assistant to the Director
Department of Environmental Quality
517-284-6712 or 284-6700
From: Shaler, Karen (DEQ)
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Keatley, Aaron (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ);
Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ)
Subject: RE: EPA Oscoda visit
Date: Wednesday, August 01, 2018 5:35:08 PM

Mary Beth,
Since you’re returning tomorrow, I’ll leave this for you to handle.
Mel said to cancel the EPA/Oscoda placeholders you sent for August 16, 20, 21, and
23.  Then please check calendars for the week of September 10.  Thanks!
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 5:20 PM
To: Kelley, Jeff <>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>;
Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Adding Aaron as well…
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 5:19 PM
To: 'Kelley, Jeff' <>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>;
Shaler, Karen (DEQ) <>
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Importance: High
Karen – Can you provide us guidance on the best days for Heidi during the week of
September 10th? This is for a PFAS engagement with Region 5.
From: Kelley, Jeff <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 9:50 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Subject: Oscoda visit
Mel, I’m sure you’re still trying to catch your breath from last night’s meeting, but we’ve been
looking at the calendar and thinking about the long-discussed Oscoda visit. What do you think about
the week of September 10?
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Zimmer, Mike (GOV)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: RE: EPA PFAS Meeting
Date: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 8:26:44 AM

Hopefully Scott and Aaron could go

-----Original Message-----
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 7:53 AM
To: Zimmer, Mike (GOV) <>
Cc: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ) <>;
Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>; Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: EPA PFAS Meeting

1. We don’t know when or where specifically. Initial mentions: week of September 17, Grand Rapids area.
Don’t know when we will. Aaron and I are on our way to an EPA meeting in Chicago and hope to find out more
2. We have repeatedly said that in inaccurate and we have been in discussions all along with them. Just so you
know, they cancelled the meeting scheduled for September 13.
3. Attendees TBD when we know more. Aaron, Scott and I are scheduled to be in the UP that week. I had to bail on
this trip last year due to my detached retina, so think it is important.

Weill keep you posted as we learn more.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 4, 2018, at 7:41 AM, Zimmer, Mike (GOV) <> wrote:
> 1) Do we have a new date and location (if not, when will we have it)?
> 2) What are we saying about the negative press that said the meeting we had set was cancelled?
> 3) Who are we sending - who is representing the department?
> Sent from my iPad
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: RE: EPA Site Visits - Staff representation
Date: Wednesday, October 03, 2018 11:30:49 AM

He was already on it
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2018 11:29 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Brown, Eric (GOV) <>; Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>;
Zimmer, Mike (GOV) <>; Kammer, Stephanie (DEQ)
<>; Tiernan, Gerald (DEQ) <>; Harn, David (DEQ)
<>; Heywood, David (DEQ) <>; Dean, Scott (DEQ)
<>; Wells, Eden (DHHS) <>; Groetsch, Kory J. (DHHS)
<>; LyonCallo, Sarah (DHHS) <>; Dickerson,
Chelsea (DEQ) <>; Sliver, Steve (DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: EPA Site Visits - Staff representation
Adding Scott Dean to list.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 3, 2018, at 10:47 AM, Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <> wrote:

Eric – I believe this is the full list, please note that some staff are set to
participate at specific sites. Let us know if questions.
Carol Isaacs, MPART Director
Eric Brown, Federal Liaison, Governor’s Office
Heidi Grether, DEQ Director
Steve Sliver, PFAS Project Technical Lead, DEQ
Stephanie Kammer, District Manager, DEQ, (Huron River stops only)
Gerald Tiernan, Environmental Manager, DEQ, (Huron River stops only)
David Harn, Project Manager, DEQ, (Parchment and Kalamazoo stops
David Heywood, District Manager, DEQ, (Parchment and Kalamazoo
stops only)
Scott Dean, MPART Communications
Melanie Brown, DEQ External Affairs
Chelsea Dickerson, Project Coordinator, DEQ (Parchment / Kalamazoo
Dr. Eden Wells, Chief Medical Executive, DHHS
Kory Groestch, Toxicologist, DHHS
Sarah Lyon Callo, Epidemiologist DHHS
From: Brown, Eric (GOV)
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2018 9:49 AM
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>; Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
<>; Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>;
Zimmer, Mike (GOV) <>
Subject: EPA Site Visits - Staff representation
Please provide names and titles for all State of Michigan staff attending the EPA site
visits ASAP. I need to relay to our Congressional contacts as well as EPA. Thanks.
Eric K. Brown
Deputy Director, Federal Relations
State of Michigan – Governor Rick Snyder
Washington D.C. Office
202.480.7235 (mobile)
From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Keatley, Aaron (DEQ); Sliver, Steve (DEQ);
Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ); Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ); Manolakoudis, Virginia (GOV)
Subject: RE: EPA Visit in MI (TBD)
Date: Friday, August 31, 2018 10:36:40 AM

EPA has canceled their visit to MI on September 13. They will review for a future
I will take off the calendar.
Thank you.
Mary Beth
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2018 8:59 AM
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ); Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ);
Keatley, Aaron (DEQ); Sliver, Steve (DEQ); Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Cc: Shaler, Karen (DEQ); Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ); Manolakoudis, Virginia (GOV)
Subject: EPA Visit in MI (TBD)
When: Thursday, September 13, 2018 8:00 AM-8:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: TBD
Please hold all day on September 13. Mel Brown will work with Jeff Kelley of EPA on the logistics and
Let’s go with Thursday, Sept. 13.
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Brown, Eric (GOV)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Subject: RE: Friday Schedule
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 2:37:07 PM

I only have Thursday details right now.

From EPA just now: "We are still hammering out a potential site visit for Rep. Upton and will circle around once we
have more info. Invitations for the roundtable on Friday should be going out this afternoon"

-----Original Message-----
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 2:35 PM
To: Brown, Eric (GOV) <>
Cc: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Subject: Friday Schedule

Hi Eric -
I saw the late day schedule for Thursday; do you have the Friday schedule? Am trying make calendar adjustments.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Grevatt, Peter
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Thiede, Kurt; Stepp, Cathy; Mclain, Jennifer
Subject: RE: Michigan PFAS Sites Summary for Potential EPA Visit
Date: Friday, May 18, 2018 1:30:18 PM

Thanks Heidi. Let’s discuss next week. We’ll want to make sure that we are setting up times to meet
with community members as well as touring some of the impacted areas. It will be good to have
perspectives on what makes the most sense from both you and Cathy, and we will certainly defer to
you in terms of what you think will be both most important for us to see and most helpful to your
broader efforts to support community needs in the state.
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) []
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 1:21 PM
To: Grevatt, Peter <>
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Subject: Michigan PFAS Sites Summary for Potential EPA Visit
Peter –
Thank you for the discussion earlier this week regarding the PFAS summit and following
actions. We would very much like to host the EPA team in Michigan and have several location
options, depending on what you would like to see. For example, in Kent County, we have
multiple sites that we believe are the result of multiple contamination sources. We know
Wolverine Worldwide is a responsible party, but there is also the Gerald R. Ford Airport, as
well as some other industrial sources. In northern Michigan we have ‘lake foam,’ which
appears to be a reconstituted PFAS substance. We don’t know how or why it forms, or what
exactly it is.
Attached is a summary of Michigan’s PFAS sites that was developed for our legislative partners
that gives a snapshot of each.
I’m happy to discuss your needs/thoughts at your convenience.
C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Rockford: City Manager: Thad Beard; Rockford Public Schools- Dr. Michael Shibler,
Algoma Township: Kevin Green & Kelly Sheeran
Plainfield Township: Cameron VanWygarden
Cannon Township: Steve Grimm
Another couple that have been active are the
Aaron Weed, Oscoda Township Aaron Weed
Jeff Moss, Au Sable Township
Mayor Brittigan,
Robert D. Britigan III, CPM® ·
Midlink Business Park ·
5200 East Cork St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49048
T 269 384.1100 x 120 · F 269 384.1677
Parchment City Manager: Nancy Stoddard,, 269-349-3785
From: Russell, Diane <>
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 12:32 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Subject: Michigan Stakeholders
Hi Mel – I left you a message – I was hoping to touch base with you about this Friday’s upcoming
public meeting in Kalamazoo? Can you call me today? I have a meeting at 2pm but am otherwise

Diane Russell
Community Involvement Coordinator
U.S. EPA Region 5 Superfund Division

Community Information Office

1300 Bluff St., Suite 140
Flint, MI 48504

Office: 989-395-3493
From: Brown, Eric (GOV)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: RE: Peters, Stabenow Call for EPA Public Meeting on PFAS in Michigan
Date: Friday, September 07, 2018 2:02:06 PM

Thanks Heidi – it’s important to get this scheduled and announced by EPA ASAP, regardless of

From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)

Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 1:59 PM
To: Brown, Eric (GOV) <>
Subject: FW: Peters, Stabenow Call for EPA Public Meeting on PFAS in Michigan

Eric –
EPA Region 5 has been working to schedule this in consultation with HQ.

C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

From: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)

Sent: Friday, September 07, 2018 11:15 AM
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: Fwd: Peters, Stabenow Call for EPA Public Meeting on PFAS in Michigan
Can we get a phone call? We need to have an answer for Eric ASAP.
Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Brown, Eric (GOV)" <>

Date: September 7, 2018 at 11:11:27 AM EDT
To: "Zimmer, Mike (GOV)" <>, "Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)"
Cc: "Isaacs, Carol (GOV)" <>, "Mcbride, Bill (GOV)"
Subject: FW: Peters, Stabenow Call for EPA Public Meeting on PFAS in Michigan

Dingell and Upton are also going to send a similar letter, likely today. Where are we
with scheduling this meeting so that we can all move forward?

From: Adler, Ari (GOV)

Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 10:34 AM
To: Heaton, Anna (GOV) <>; Baker, Tanya (GOV)
<>; Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>; Hiipakka,
Scott (GOV) <>; Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>;
Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Zimmer, Mike (GOV)
<>; Mcbride, Bill (GOV) <>; Brown,
Eric (GOV) <>
Subject: FW: Peters, Stabenow Call for EPA Public Meeting on PFAS in Michigan
Situational awareness…

From: Vosovic, Jayme (Peters) <Jayme>

Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 10:32
Cc: Dickow, Peter (Peters) <Peter>
Subject: FW: Peters, Stabenow Call for EPA Public Meeting on PFAS in Michigan
Good Morning,
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to make you aware of the press release below
—from Senator Stabenow and Senator Peters—regarding their letter urging the EPA to
hold a public engagement meeting on PFAS in Michigan. As always, if you have any
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Jayme Vosovic, MSW
West Michigan Regional Coordinator
U.S. Senator Gary Peters
110 Michigan St. NW, Suite 720
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Office: (616) 233-9150
Cell: (616) 238-5559
Follow Senator Peters:
From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
To: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Subject: RE: Peters, Stabenow Call for EPA Public Meeting on PFAS in Michigan
Date: Friday, September 07, 2018 2:34:27 PM

Okay, thanks Nate. I’ll let Heidi know.

Travel safe.
From: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2018 2:31 PM
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: Peters, Stabenow Call for EPA Public Meeting on PFAS in Michigan
I believe it’s been handled. Also, I will not be at ELT next week as I have a personal appointment in
the morning.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 7, 2018, at 2:29 PM, Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <> wrote:

Do you need this call today or discuss further at Monday’s 9:00 ELT
meeting? What is it you all need to discuss?
We are not in charge of setting this meeting up.
Please advise.
From: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2018 11:15 AM
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: Fwd: Peters, Stabenow Call for EPA Public Meeting on PFAS in Michigan
Can we get a phone call? We need to have an answer for Eric ASAP.
Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Brown, Eric (GOV)" <>

Date: September 7, 2018 at 11:11:27 AM EDT
To: "Zimmer, Mike (GOV)" <>, "Zimmer, Nate
(DEQ)" <>
Cc: "Isaacs, Carol (GOV)" <>, "Mcbride, Bill
(GOV)" <>
Subject: FW: Peters, Stabenow Call for EPA Public Meeting on PFAS in

Dingell and Upton are also going to send a similar letter, likely today.
Where are we with scheduling this meeting so that we can all move

From: Adler, Ari (GOV)

Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 10:34 AM
To: Heaton, Anna (GOV) <>; Baker, Tanya (GOV)
<>; Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
<>; Hiipakka, Scott (GOV)
<>; Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>;
Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Zimmer, Mike (GOV)
<>; Mcbride, Bill (GOV)
<>; Brown, Eric (GOV)
Subject: FW: Peters, Stabenow Call for EPA Public Meeting on PFAS in
Situational awareness…

From: Vosovic, Jayme (Peters) <Jayme>

Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 10:32
Cc: Dickow, Peter (Peters) <Peter>
Subject: FW: Peters, Stabenow Call for EPA Public Meeting on PFAS in
Good Morning,
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to make you aware of the press
release below—from Senator Stabenow and Senator Peters—regarding
their letter urging the EPA to hold a public engagement meeting on PFAS
in Michigan. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do
not hesitate to reach out.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Jayme Vosovic, MSW
West Michigan Regional Coordinator
U.S. Senator Gary Peters
110 Michigan St. NW, Suite 720
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Office: (616) 233-9150
Cell: (616) 238-5559
Follow Senator Peters:
From: Block, Molly
To: Lyons, Troy; Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Cory, Preston (Katherine)
Subject: RE: Scott dean
Date: Thursday, August 30, 2018 1:55:48 PM

Just connected with Scott. Thanks!

Go blue!

-----Original Message-----
From: Lyons, Troy
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 1:52 PM
Cc: Block, Molly <block>; Cory, Preston (Katherine) <>
Subject: Scott dean

Great seeing you at ECOS!  Do you mind sending me Scott’s contact?

Sent from my iPhone

From: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: RE: Time Approximation
Date: Tuesday, June 05, 2018 1:10:39 PM

Oops. 88 miles – 1 hour 38 minutes.

From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:09 PM
To: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Time Approximation
Thanks. How far is ti to Oscoda from the RAM center?
C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
From: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2018 1:01 PM
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>
Subject: Time Approximation
As requested, I a stab at the logistics for the site visit and town hall. See detail below:
Transportation Time at location
Location Destination
Time (minutes) (minutes)
Cherry Capital
Conference 65 60
Conference 21 60
Conference 21 60
Grayling High
Conference 19 180
Grayling High Cherry Capital
School Airport
Total time 9.15 hours
This should serve as a rough baseline. I built in an hour at the RAM center to add an extra cushion. I
can do a similar type projection for GR as well if you would like.
Please let me know if you need additional information.
Nate Zimmer
Chief of Staff
Executive Office
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
525 W. Allegan St. | Lansing, MI 48933
Mobile: 517.230.3581 | Office: 517.284.6703
From: Brown, Eric (GOV)
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Zimmer, Mike (GOV); Adler, Ari (GOV); Mcbride,
Bill (GOV)
Subject: RE: UPDATE: EPA Thursday Site Visit Details
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 2:55:17 PM

It is my understanding that press is not invited to attend the site visits, but I will confirm and report
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 1:40 PM
To: Brown, Eric (GOV) <>
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <>; Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
<>; Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>; Zimmer, Mike (GOV)
<>; Adler, Ari (GOV) <>; Mcbride, Bill (GOV)
Subject: Re: UPDATE: EPA Thursday Site Visit Details
Thanks Eric - Are they inviting press to this day?

On Oct 2, 2018, at 1:29 PM, Brown, Eric (GOV) <> wrote:

Please see below for details regarding the site visits on Thursday. Congressional staff
has confirmed that the State is welcome to send any relevant officials, including and
especially: Carol, Heidi, and the site technical leads. I will also attend, and I recommend
Mel and/or Scott also attend.
I do not yet have details for the Friday site visits or roundtable. I will provide those
detail as soon as I receive them.

Thursday, 10/4/18
4:00pm-4:45pm – Klave’s Marina at Portage Lake (8789 Mcgregor Rd, Pinckney, MI
Mr. Walberg
Mrs. Dingell
5:30pm—Barton Pond Dam (1010 W. Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor, MI) to view PFAS
Foam (5 minute walk down gravel path from parking lot)
5:45pm 6:00pm—travel to Ann Arbor Water Treatment plant (5-10 mins)
6:00pm-6:30pm—Ann Arbor Water Treatment plant (919 Sunset Rd., Ann Arbor, MI
48103) tour/briefing in conference room
Mr. Walberg
Mrs. Dingell
Laura Rubin, Huron River Watershed Council
State Rep. Adam Zemke
State Rep. Yousef Rabhi
State Rep. Donna Lasinski
State Rep. Ronnie Peterson
State Sen. Rebekah Warren
State Rep-elect Jeff Irwin
Water Commissioner Evan Pratt
Mayor Chris Taylor
From: Adler, Ari (GOV)
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Brown, Eric (GOV)
Subject: Re: DRAFT DELIBERATIVE - Draft EPA Roundtable
Date: Thursday, September 27, 2018 5:23:27 AM

Can we arrange a call to discuss?

> On Sep 26, 2018, at 22:33, Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <> wrote:
> FYI - Still in draft form; Subject yo change
> <Agenda_MI_roundtable_9.24.18.docx>
From: Thiede, Kurt
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: Re: Draft statement for press
Date: Thursday, August 30, 2018 4:49:13 PM

Sorry Heidi. Let me catch up to what is going on here. I am out of the office today. I’ll let you
know what I find out.

Kurt Thiede
Chief of Staff
EPA Region 5

Sent from my iPhone...please excuse my typos.

On Aug 30, 2018, at 3:42 PM, Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <> wrote:

Kurt -
Am about to board a flight but wanted to get this to you. This is clearly not in the
spirit of our discussion yesterday. What’s going on? Please advise.


Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)" <>

Date: August 30, 2018 at 4:38:21 PM EDT
To: "Grether, Heidi (DEQ)" <>
Subject: Fwd: Draft statement for press

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Dean, Scott (DEQ)" <>

Date: August 30, 2018 at 4:25:02 PM EDT
To: "Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)"
Subject: Fwd: Draft statement for press

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Dean, Scott (DEQ)"

Date: August 30, 2018 at 2:57:33 PM EDT
To: "Block, Molly"
Subject: Re: Draft statement for press

“sought to hold” would seem to beg a follow

up question. Would “considered” or
“evaluated” or “discussed” be more clear?

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 30, 2018, at 1:55 PM, Block, Molly

<> wrote:

“As the Agency has publicly stated

several times, EPA sought to hold
a PFAS Community Engagement
event in Michigan similar to those
in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania,
Colorado, North Carolina, and
Kansas. EPA continues to support
ongoing efforts the State of
Michigan has undertaken to deal
with community impacted by
EPA coordinated closely with the
states and local communities to
plan and select locations for each
of the PFAS Community
Engagement events. Throughout
the summer, EPA worked to
balance the need to take action
with the agency’s desire to hear
from as many communities as
possible. While EPA is planning on
hosting its last official community
engagement event in
Leavenworth, Kansas on
September 5th, the Agency’s work
to support our state partners,
including Michigan, continues. We
encourage those who wish to
submit input to do so via our
nonregulatory docket at enter
Docket ID No. EPA-OW-2018-
From: Zimmer, Mike (GOV)
To: Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: Re: EPA PFAS Visit
Date: Thursday, September 06, 2018 10:36:04 AM

Wow - not Grand Rapids huh

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 6, 2018, at 10:30 AM, Isaacs, Carol (GOV) <> wrote:

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Jury, Michael (DEQ)" <>

Date: September 6, 2018 at 8:24:35 AM EDT
To: "Sliver, Steve (DEQ)" <>, "Brown,
Melanie (DEQ)" <>, "Leeming, Susan
(DEQ)" <>, "Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ)"
Cc: "Peterson, Amy (DEQ)" <>,
"Isaacs, Carol (GOV)" <>
Subject: FW: EPA PFAS Visit

Here is who is coming from EPA.

Michael Jury
Environmental Manager
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Saginaw Bay District Office
Office 989 894 6255, Cell 517 242 9578
From: Troy Techlin []
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 4:23 PM
To: Jury, Michael (DEQ)
Cc: Engelhart, Larry (DEQ); Delaney, Robert (DEQ); Carey Pauquette; Kruse, Katherine
Subject: EPA PFAS Visit
Below is a draft agenda for the September 17, 2018 EPA visit to the
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe. We have confirmation that EPA will be
coming. I believe this meeting will be held at our Ziibiwing Center, but I
will confirm that at a later time.
9 a.m. Brief introduction with environmental staff
9:30 a.m. Local partners meeting - Tribal staff and Council
members, State of Michigan, District Health Department,
County, City, and Township agency staff
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Information
sharing (Former Roosevelt Refinery – Larry
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Source water
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Challenges
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--
11 a.m. Site Tour – Former Roosevelt Refinery Tour
Noon – Lunch
1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Tribe, US EPA, and MDEQ discussion
(Wurtsmith – Bob Delaney)
Also, for your awareness, the following EPA staff will be attending the
Jennifer McLain, Deputy Office Director, EPA’s Office of Ground
Water and Drinking Water
Christina Wadlington, EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking
Elizabeth Murphy, EPA Region 5
Jennifer Manville, EPA Region 5
John Haugland, EPA Region 5
Thank you,
Troy Techlin
Environmental Response Program Specialist
The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan
7070 E Broadway
Mt Pleasant, MI 48858
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: Re: EPA Site Visits
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 10:58:13 AM

Yeah, that’s just what I was thinking...

On Oct 2, 2018, at 10:52 AM, Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <> wrote:

Well that’s inconvenient. May end up missing the Thursday site visits.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Brown, Eric (GOV)" <>

Date: October 2, 2018 at 9:33:20 AM CDT
To: "Isaacs, Carol (GOV)" <>, "Grether,
Heidi (DEQ)" <>, "Brown, Melanie (DEQ)"
Cc: "Zimmer, Mike (GOV)" <>
Subject: EPA Site Visits

I just spoke with Congressman Walberg’s staff. They have moved their
time and location for the Thursday site visits to accommodate scheduling
conflicts at EPA. I will get a more formal invitation for the State once
Walberg and Dingell finalize the particulars, but this is the most updated
plan for Thursday (10/4):
4:00 PM: Meet Congressman Walberg and Congresswoman Dingell at
Klaves Marina on Portage Lake in Dexter Twp. Spend 30-45 minutes
talking about PFAS issues in the Huron River watershed.
Travel to Barton Dam in Ann Arbor with Congressman Walberg and
Congresswoman Dingell to view site where PFAS foam has been reported.
They expect this visit to take approximately 10-15 minutes.
No further details yet on Friday itinerary.
More to come,
Eric K. Brown
Deputy Director, Federal Relations
State of Michigan – Governor Rick Snyder
Washington D.C. Office
202.480.7235 (mobile)
From: Zimmer, Mike (GOV)
To: Brown, Eric (GOV)
Cc: Isaacs, Carol (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Subject: Re: EPA Site Visits
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 11:03:16 AM

Who is with them from us?

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 2, 2018, at 10:33 AM, Brown, Eric (GOV) <> wrote:

I just spoke with Congressman Walberg’s staff. They have moved their time and
location for the Thursday site visits to accommodate scheduling conflicts at EPA. I will
get a more formal invitation for the State once Walberg and Dingell finalize the
particulars, but this is the most updated plan for Thursday (10/4):
4:00 PM: Meet Congressman Walberg and Congresswoman Dingell at Klaves Marina on
Portage Lake in Dexter Twp. Spend 30-45 minutes talking about PFAS issues in the
Huron River watershed.
Travel to Barton Dam in Ann Arbor with Congressman Walberg and Congresswoman
Dingell to view site where PFAS foam has been reported. They expect this visit to take
approximately 10-15 minutes.
No further details yet on Friday itinerary.
More to come,
Eric K. Brown
Deputy Director, Federal Relations
State of Michigan – Governor Rick Snyder
Washington D.C. Office
202.480.7235 (mobile)
From: Thiede, Kurt
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: Re: EPA Visit to Michigan
Date: Thursday, September 13, 2018 12:44:31 PM


(312) 505-

Thank you

Kurt Thiede
Chief of Staff
EPA Region 5

Sent from my iPhone...please excuse my typos.

On Sep 13, 2018, at 11:14 AM, Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <> wrote:

Can do 12 CDT. Want me to call your cell?

C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
From: Thiede, Kurt <>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 11:18 AM
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: EPA Visit to Michigan
Hi Heidi…running between mtgs this morning. I do finally have some additional info to
share. Could I call you sometime between 12 and 2 CDT today?
From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) []
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 9:49 AM
To: Thiede, Kurt <>
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>
Subject: EPA Visit to Michigan
Hi Kurt –
Hope you are well. I was wondering if there was any more clarity on the EPA
Michigan visit. I understand there was some discussion about the first week of
October. Is that still a consideration?
Thanks much,
C. Heidi Grether
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ); Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Subject: Re: Hearing
Date: Thursday, September 06, 2018 11:26:00 AM

Cool - thanks

From: Dean, Scott (DEQ)

Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 11:25:19 AM
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)
Subject: Re: Hearing
Dingell and Upton just extended a formal invitation for EPA to visit and Gravatt seems to have

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 6, 2018, at 10:20 AM, Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <> wrote:
> Are EPA and DOD up first?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 6, 2018, at 10:10 AM, Dean, Scott (DEQ) <> wrote:
>> Will do.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Sep 6, 2018, at 9:41 AM, Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <> wrote:
>>> Please keep us posted and let us know if you need anything. Abby Hendershot will be watching
live. We will catch it later.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ); Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: Re: Oscoda visit
Date: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 8:02:53 AM

Whenever it best works for Heidi and Cathy...

From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)

Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 8:00:51 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ); Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Should this call occur after your call with Jeff on Thursday?
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 7:54 AM
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: Re: Oscoda visit
Cool -
MBT - Can you work with Cathy to schedule a time good for Heidi and Cathy for a phone
It’d include Heidi, Scott D, Mel, Aaron, Sliver... Great if it included Cathy and her Comms peeps...

From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)

Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 7:28:16 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Cc: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Subject: Re: Oscoda visit
If it can be scheduled, yes.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 14, 2018, at 11:21 AM, Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <> wrote:

Heidi – Scott and I will talk with Jeff on Thursday afternoon – You will wanna do a
call with Cathy on this as well? May be good -
From: Kelley, Jeff <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 9:01 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Are you guys available on Thursday to start discussing details? I could do 10 a.m. to
noon or 4 to 6 p.m. Eastern.
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Kelley, Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2018 7:52 AM
To: 'Brown, Melanie (DEQ)' <>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Let’s go with Thursday, Sept. 13.
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) []
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2018 12:45 PM
To: Kelley, Jeff <>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Super – thanks!
From: Kelley, Jeff <>
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 1:44 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
I’ll check and get back to you ASAP
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) []
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2018 12:14 PM
To: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>; Kelley, Jeff
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Importance: High
Thanks MBT –
Jeff – Please see dates below… Do any of these work?
From: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 12:06 PM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>; Shaler, Karen (DEQ)
<>; Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Although the Director has several meetings the week of September 10, the
following dates could be flexible:
Monday, September 10
Tuesday, September 11
Wednesday, NO, the Director will be in Saginaw area with the District
Thursday, September 13
I would prefer to keep Friday open for her in the office as she may be in the UP
the following week.
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2018 5:47 PM
To: Kelley, Jeff <>
Cc: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ) <>; Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
<>; Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: Oscoda visit
Thanks Jeff –
MBT – Got any dates that work the Heidi?
From: Kelley, Jeff <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 9:50 AM
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Subject: Oscoda visit
Mel, I’m sure you’re still trying to catch your breath from last night’s meeting, but
we’ve been looking at the calendar and thinking about the long-discussed Oscoda visit.
What do you think about the week of September 10?
Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159
From: Thiede, Kurt
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Stepp, Cathy
Subject: Re: PFAS Update
Date: Friday, September 07, 2018 5:38:32 PM

I won’t know anything until next week at the earliest.

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 7, 2018, at 11:31 AM, Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <> wrote:

Thank you. Would you advise we continue to hold the dates we discussed? And,
when do you think you will know details?


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 7, 2018, at 11:42 AM, Thiede, Kurt <> wrote:

At this time I do not yet have confirmation on a meeting, a date or a
location. I will certainly keep you posted as I learn more. I don’t anticipate
any decision or announcement this week. You will be my first call when I
learn something concrete.
Kurt A. Thiede
Chief of Staff
U.S. EPA, Region 5
Office of the Regional Administrator
77 W Jackson Blvd
Chicago, IL 60604
Office: (312) 886-6620
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Zimmer, Mike (GOV); Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Cc: Payne, Nicholas (GOV)
Subject: Re: Parchment epa visit
Date: Monday, September 10, 2018 1:30:53 PM

I spoke with J Kelley this morning - they have no confirmed date; still looking at next week -
and are reconsidering doing roundtable and tour... they promise to let us know ASAP.

From: Zimmer, Mike (GOV) <>

Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 1:26:10 PM
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Isaacs, Carol (GOV)
Cc: Payne, Nicholas (GOV)
Subject: Parchment epa visit

Any date set yet?

Sent from my iPhone

From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Thiede, Kurt
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Kelley, Jeff; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ); Dean, Scott (DEQ); Keatley, Aaron (DEQ)
Subject: Re: Sept Mtg
Date: Thursday, August 30, 2018 9:56:59 PM

Thanks for the update Kurt

We will standby for a new date...


From: Thiede, Kurt <>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 4:59 PM
Subject: Sept Mtg
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>
Cc: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>, Kelley, Jeff <>


FYI, a scheduling conflict occurred for the 13th of September. We will continue to look at the
calendar a little further out.

Give me a call if you have any questions.


Kurt Thiede
Chief of Staff
EPA Region 5

Sent from my iPhone...please excuse my typos.

From: Kelley, Jeff
To: Dean, Scott (DEQ)
Cc: Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ); Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Stepp, Cathy; Grether, Heidi (DEQ); Zimmer, Nate (DEQ);
Keatley, Aaron (DEQ); Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ); Williams, Felicia; Deamer, Eileen; Shaler, Karen (DEQ);
Thiede, Kurt
Subject: Re: Stepp/Grether - Discussion of Oscoda visit or another Michigan visit
Date: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 4:17:42 PM

He’s been talking to our HQ folks ... I didn’t get the impression he was asking about this
potential meeting, but about why EPA isn’t having a larger PFAS hearing in Michigan. I’ll
forward you the response that was sent.

Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159

On Aug 28, 2018, at 3:13 PM, Dean, Scott (DEQ) <> wrote:

Be aware that Garret Ellison from MLive has called about this potential meeting and is
writing for tomorrow.
He said he has already spoken to EPA.
I’m concerned he will allege that meeting is not public, exclusive and not transparent.
I told him from DEQ and MPART’s perspective we’re happy to host EPA and open to
shaping the meeting in whatever way is most effective for EPA to learn about the size
and scope of Michigan’s state-wide approach to this emerging contaminant.
I also told him that given the large, spread out nature of Michigan’s response and the
large number of stakeholder groups involved, it might be necessary from a practical
standpoint to limit attendance to a representative cross-section of the various local
stakeholder groups.
From: Kelley, Jeff
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ); Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ); Brown, Melanie (DEQ); Stepp, Cathy; Zimmer, Nate (DEQ);
Keatley, Aaron (DEQ); Feuerstein, Heather (DEQ); Williams, Felicia; Deamer, Eileen; Shaler, Karen (DEQ);
Thiede, Kurt
Subject: Re: Stepp/Grether - Discussion of Oscoda visit or another Michigan visit
Date: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 4:20:55 PM

Here’s the draft I saw ... I think it was sent out this afternoon, but trying to confirm.

EPA coordinated closely with the states and local communities to plan and select locations for
each of the PFAS Community Engagement events. EPA has worked to balance the need to
take action with the agency’s desire to hear from as many communities as possible. While
EPA is hosting its last community engagement event in Leavenworth, Kansas next week, the
agency’s work to support our state partners, including Michigan, continues. For example, EPA
is providing on-the-ground assistance to Michigan and to the Parchment and Rockford
communities, including participating in town hall meetings in each of these communities. EPA
also encourages those who wish to submit additional input to do so via our nonregulatory
docket at enter Docket ID No. EPA-OW-2018-0270.

Jeff Kelley
Director, Office of External Communications
U.S. EPA Region 5
ph: 312-353-1159

On Aug 28, 2018, at 3:18 PM, Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <> wrote:

Thank you. Can we learn what EPA said?

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 28, 2018, at 4:12 PM, Dean, Scott (DEQ) <>


Be aware that Garret Ellison from MLive has called about this potential
meeting and is writing for tomorrow.
He said he has already spoken to EPA.
I’m concerned he will allege that meeting is not public, exclusive and not
I told him from DEQ and MPART’s perspective we’re happy to host EPA
and open to shaping the meeting in whatever way is most effective for
EPA to learn about the size and scope of Michigan’s state-wide approach
to this emerging contaminant.
I also told him that given the large, spread out nature of Michigan’s
response and the large number of stakeholder groups involved, it might
be necessary from a practical standpoint to limit attendance to a
representative cross-section of the various local stakeholder groups.
From: Brown, Melanie (DEQ)
To: Grether, Heidi (DEQ)
Cc: Dean, Scott (DEQ); Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)
Subject: *FOIA EXEMPT* Re: RA Visit to Otsego-7/24
Date: Monday, July 09, 2018 7:01:29 PM

My notes indicate they were looking to do a celebration of the Superfund task force on a
different date. I just  checked in with Jeff, they need to knock out  an event acknowledging the
task force anniversary this month… and they’ve decided to  make the Otsego Dam at Kzoo
River a quick site visit with a reporter imbed.  She will also do a quick stop with the farm
bureau in Kalamazoo as well that day. Then she’s heading back across the lake...

 They would like us to continue holding those five August dates as a PFAS possibility.

 He will send over in the morning the details on both visits as they  invite you to participate  if
your schedule permits...

From: Grether, Heidi (DEQ) <>
Sent: Monday, July 9, 2018 6:17 PM
Subject: Fwd: RA Visit to Otsego-7/24
To: Brown, Melanie (DEQ) <>

Did you know about this?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Leeming, Susan (DEQ)" <>

Date: July 9, 2018 at 5:36:41 PM EDT
To: "Grether, Heidi (DEQ)" <>, "Keatley, Aaron
(DEQ)" <>, "Thelen, Mary Beth (DEQ)"
<>, "Shaler, Karen (DEQ)"
Cc: "Zimmer, Nate (DEQ)" <>, "Shirey, Kathleen
(DEQ)" <>, "Kneale, Catherine (DEQ)"
<>, "Kline, David (DEQ)" <>,
"Peabody, Daniel (DEQ)" <>,
"" <>, "Brown,
Melanie (DEQ)" <>, "Brown, Tiffany (DEQ)"
Subject: FW: RA Visit to Otsego-7/24

Please see note from EPA below announcing a POTENTIAL visit by Cathy Stepp to
Otsego on July 24.  Senior DEQ officials are invited to speak, EPA needs to know who
that will be, and they will provide confirmation and details later this week.  If you would
like more information on the superfund site in Otsego, RRD can provide that to you. 
Please advise, thanks.
Sue Leeming, Director
Remediation & Redevelopment Division
Department of Environmental Quality
517.897.2839 (cell)
517.284.5091 (desk)
From: Kline, David (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2018 3:37 PM
To: Peabody, Daniel (DEQ) <>; Walczak, Joe (DEQ)
<>; Bradley, John (DEQ) <>;
Leeming, Susan (DEQ) <>; Shirey, Kathleen (DEQ)
Cc: Kneale, Catherine (DEQ) <>
Subject: RE: RA Visit to Otsego-7/24
Thanks Dan.  Sue/Kathy:  FYI.
From: Peabody, Daniel (DEQ)
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2018 3:33 PM
To: Walczak, Joe (DEQ) <>; Kline, David (DEQ)
<>; Bradley, John (DEQ) <>
Subject: FW: RA Visit to Otsego-7/24
Just wanted to get this on your radar now, although it appears this is not concrete.
Also, I am not sure what level in the DEQ corresponds to the RA in EPA but we may
want to consider elevating this internally to that person or persons if we would like to
have some Department/Division representation.
Please just put a hold on your calendars if you are free. I was supposed to be on
vacation but if this happens I will do my best to come back a day early so I can attend.
Daniel Peabody
Environmental Quality Analyst
Site Assessment Site Management Unit
Superfund Section
Remediation and Redevelopment Division
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Constitution Hall
525 W Allegan St.,
Lansing, MI 48929
Office: (517) 284-5072
Office Hours: T,TR,F 0715-1545, MW 0900-1730
From: Ruesch, Paul <>
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2018 2:06 PM
To: Mills, Mark (DNR) <>; Peabody, Daniel (DEQ)
Subject: RA Visit to Otsego-7/24
Gentlemen it appears that my Regional Administrator Cathy Stepp is contemplating a
visit to Otsego on JULY 24 from 10:00 – 11:30am.  The event will consist of a brief
presentation down on the RDB at the former WCS mostly focusing on the Superfund
Sites Task Force initiative announced one year ago.  This being the anniversary they
want to get out and show some accomplishments across the country.
We would like to invite senior DEQ and DNR official(s) to participate in the brief press
remarks at 10:00 then a tour involving stops at BRSA 3 and BRSA 1 (possibly BRSA 8 if it
is further along). Can you please find out if/who could participate from your respective
offices?  I will know later this week and should be able to provide more details.
PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT I WILL NOT BE THERE on 7/24, it will likely be Sam Borries
from my office.
Paul Ruesch
On Scene Coordinator
U.S. EPA Region 5
Superfund Division
77 W. Jackson Blvd. (SE-5J)
Chicago, Illinois, USA 60604-3590
Office: 312-886-7898
Cell: 312-919-4382

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