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RemotePhoneControl 2.5.

Installation and User Guide for a Windows


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© 2015 Singlewire. All rights reserved.

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All other referenced trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners and our reference to them does
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approval, endorsement, sponsorship or affiliation is expressly indicated.
Last Updated: March 11, 2015
Table of Contents
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Hardware/System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Supported Phones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
User Guide Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Interface Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Installing RemotePhoneControl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Configuring RemotePhoneControl to Work with CUCM . . . . . . . . . . 9

Configure CUCM SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Create a CUCM Application User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Using RemotePhoneControl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Install Your License Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Edit RemotePhoneControl’s Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Add a Phone to View/Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Interact with a Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Delete a Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Quit RemotePhoneControl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Release Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide

Singlewire’s RemotePhoneControl application was originally developed as a support tool to allow
authorized you to remotely connect to and view an IP phone, regardless of where the phone is located.
By viewing an image of the phone via a web browser, you can quickly determine if there’s a problem
with the telephony infrastructure or if the problem is due to user error.
However, RemotePhoneControl allows you to do things beyond simply viewing the screen of any
XML-capable phone. Not only can you see multiple phones or view the phone’s operation, you can
actually remotely seize control of a phone for testing, troubleshooting, and training purposes.

Intended Audience
This user guide is written with two audiences in mind: the installers and users of RemotePhoneControl.

Hardware/System Requirements
RemotePhoneControl has the following requirements:
• 256 Mb RAM
• 500 Mb HD space
• 1 GHz Pentium Processor
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) 5.0.x, 5.1.x, 6.0.x, 6.1.x, 7.0.x, 7.1.x, 8.0.x, 8.5,
and 8.6.

Supported Phones
RemotePhoneControl supports the following phones:

• 6921a • 7921/25/26b • 7970/71/75

• 6941/45 • 7931/37 • 8961
• 6961 • 7940/41/42/45 • 9951
• 7911 • 7960/61/62/65 • 9971
a. On some models of phones (e.g. 6921, 6941, 6945, and 6961), the buttons for the Back Arrow
(<) or Help (?) display differently on the “screenshot” of the phone’s interface than they appear
on the real-life phone’s display. This is a known issue with the phone firmware, but does not
disrupt functionality.
b. The 7921, 7925, and 7926 phones stop responding to remote button presses when a menu is
open, making them of limited use remotely, and the Message Waiting Indicator state is not
available. This is a known issue with the phone firmware.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide

User Guide Standards

Specific fonts are used to represent specific kinds of information in this user guide. The fonts and their
meanings are listed here:
• Bold fonts indicate the name of a button, text field, or other element with which you interact and
any text that you must enter.
• Italic fonts indicate the name of an area or section on one of RemotePhoneControl’s windows.
• Angled brackets enclose text that varies with your specific environment, i.e. http:\\<Your IP
Address> means that you would enter your specific IP address instead of the brackets and what
they enclose.
• Blue, underlined text indicates a hyperlink.
There are several kinds of notification boxes used in this guide:
• Tip. These offer advice or “best practices.”
• Note. These contain additional information, usually relevant in special cases.

Interface Orientation
The interface for RemotePhoneControl has two windows: a Settings window where you set up the
phones you’d like to view, and a Phone window, which displays the phone’s interface that you’re

Settings Window

Phone Window

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide

If you’ve followed the instructions in this guide and are still having trouble getting
RemotePhoneControl to work, “Troubleshooting” on page 24 may help you figure out what’s wrong.

As of January 1, 2015, RemotePhoneControl is now offered as one of Singlewire’s free applications for
Cisco IP phones. It is offered in good faith to anyone in the world who would care to use it. Singlewire
does not offer technical or developmental support for RemotePhoneControl.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Installing RemotePhoneControl

Installing RemotePhoneControl
Before you can begin using RemotePhoneControl, you must download its installation files and install
RemotePhoneControl on your computer. You will need access to the Internet to perform the

Step 1 Open a web browser and go to The Free Applications for
Cisco IP Phones page appears.

Step 2 Scroll down to the RemotePhoneControl area and click the RemotePhoneControl button, which will
download the file containing:
• The RemotePhoneControl application (RemotePhoneControl_2.5.2.exe)

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Installing RemotePhoneControl

• Its license key (LicenseKey-RemotePhoneControl.txt)

• This user guide (RPC for Windows Install and User Guide.pdf)
Step 3 Navigate to where you saved your downloaded file and extract all of its files.
Step 4 Double click the RemotePhoneControl_2.5.2.exe file. A security warning appears.

Step 5 Click the Run button. InstallAnywhere will begin the installation process.

When it’s finished, the License Agreement window appears.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Installing RemotePhoneControl

Step 6 Click the I accept the terms of the License Agreement radio button and click the Next button. The
Introduction - New Installation window appears.

Step 7 Click the Next button. The Choose Install Folder window appears.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Installing RemotePhoneControl

Step 8 Click the Next button to accept the default location for the RemotePhoneControl installation files or
click the Choose button to navigate to a new location for the installation files. The Pre-Installation
Summary window appears.

Step 9 Click the Install button. The files will begin installing on your computer. This may take a few moments.

When installation is complete, the New Install Complete window appears.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Installing RemotePhoneControl

Step 10 Click the Done button. You have finished installing RemotePhoneControl.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Configuring RemotePhoneControl to Work with CUCM

Configuring RemotePhoneControl to Work with CUCM

RemotePhoneControl requires that SNMP is configured properly through Cisco’s Unified
Communications Manager (CUCM) and that CUCM has an application user with the correct rights for
interacting with phones.

Configure CUCM SNMP

Before you can begin using RemotePhoneControl, you must configure SNMP settings.
RemotePhoneControl retrieves phone information from your CUCM over SNMP.

Enable SNMP on CUCM Cluster Nodes

Follow these steps to enable SNMP on CUCM cluster nodes.

Step 1 Open a web browser and log into the administration interface of the CUCM server (the address will be
similar to https://<CUCM IP Address>/ccmadmin). The Cisco Unified CM Administration page

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Configuring RemotePhoneControl to Work with CUCM

Step 2 Select Cisco Unified Seviceability from the Navigation dropdown menu and click the Go button.
The Cisco Unified Serviceability page appears.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Configuring RemotePhoneControl to Work with CUCM

Step 3 Go to Tools | Service Activation. The Service Activation page appears.

Note If you have more than one server, you’ll have to select your server from the Server dropdown
menu and click the Go button. The Service Activation page for that server will then appear.

Step 4 Ensure the following services’ checkboxes are selected: Cisco CallManager, Cisco Tftp, Cisco
CTIManager, Cisco AXL Web Service, and Cisco CallManager SNMP Service.
Step 5 Click the Save button to save your changes.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Configuring RemotePhoneControl to Work with CUCM

Step 6 Click the OK button if you receive a message about activating/deactivating services.

Step 7 Verify that the SNMP service is running by going to Tools | Control Center - Feature Services. The
Cisco CallManager SNMP Service should say it is Activated. If not, click the green arrow in the top
left hand corner to start the service.
Step 8 Repeat Steps 3 through 7 for all nodes in your CUCM cluster.

Create an SNMP Community String

Follow these steps to create an SNMP community string.

Step 1 Go to SNMP | V1/V2c | Community String. The SNMP Community String Configuration page

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Configuring RemotePhoneControl to Work with CUCM

Step 2 Select your server from the Server dropdown menu and click the Find button. The SNMP Community
String Configuration page refreshes.

Step 3 Click the Add New button to create a new community string. The SNMP Community String
Configuration page refreshes again.

Step 4 Enter RemotePhoneControl into the Community String Name field. You will need to remember
this name when you edit RemotePhoneControl’s preferences in “Edit RemotePhoneControl’s
Preferences” on page 18.
Step 5 Select ReadOnly from the Access Privileges dropdown menu.

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Configuring RemotePhoneControl to Work with CUCM

Step 6 Select the Apply to All Nodes checkbox, if possible.

Step 7 Click the Save button. If you are prompted to restart the SNMP service, click the OK button.

SNMP is now configured properly to work with RemotePhoneControl.

Create a CUCM Application User

RemotePhoneControl needs to authenticate to phones as a valid CUCM user associated with each
phone in order to control the phone. If you already have an application user with Standard CTI
Enabled selected, you can use its associated credentials and continue with “Install Your License Key”
on page 17. If you don’t have an application user with Standard CTI Enabled selected, use the
following directions to create one.

Note If you’re using RemotePhoneControl in conjunction with InformaCast, you can use InformaCast’s
application user. Skip ahead to “Using RemotePhoneControl” on page 17.

Step 1 Go to User Management | Application User. The Find and List Application Users page appears.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Configuring RemotePhoneControl to Work with CUCM

Step 2 Click the Add New button. The Application User Configuration page appears.

Step 3 Enter an appropriate user ID in the User ID field, e.g. RemotePhoneControl.

Step 4 Enter a password into the User Password field, and enter it again in the Confirm Password field.
You will need to remember the user ID and password values because you will enter them into
RemotePhoneControl’s Settings window.
Step 5 Click the Find more Phones button in the Device Information area. The Find and List Phones
window appears.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Configuring RemotePhoneControl to Work with CUCM

Step 6 Adjust the filters to find phones where the device name begins with SEP. Click the Find button. The
Find and List Phones window refreshes.

Step 7 Select any and all hardware phones that you want to be able to control with RemotePhoneControl (you
may need to scroll through several pages of phones). Click the Add Selected button.
The phones have been associated with the application user if they are now listed in the Controlled
Devices field.
Step 8 Click the Save button to save your changes.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Using RemotePhoneControl

Using RemotePhoneControl
Once you have installed RemotePhoneControl and configured CUCM, you’ll need to install your
license key, set up your preferences, and add phones with which to interact.

Install Your License Key

When you open RemotePhoneControl for the first time, your only option is to install your license key.

Step 1 Go to Start | All Programs | Singlewire | RemotePhoneControl | RemotePhoneControl. The

About RemotePhoneControl window appears as well as a PDF of this documentation.

Step 2 Click the Install button. The Install RemotePhoneControl License File dialog box appears.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Using RemotePhoneControl

Step 3 Navigate to where you saved the extracted contents of the file, select the
LicenseKey-RemotePhoneControl.txt file, and click the Install button. The About
RemotePhoneControl window refreshes.

Step 4 Click the OK button. The RemotePhoneControl Settings window appears.

Edit RemotePhoneControl’s Preferences

After configuring your CUCM as described in “Configuring RemotePhoneControl to Work with
CUCM” on page 9, you need to enter its information into RemotePhoneControl.

Step 1 Go to Edit | Preferences in the RemotePhoneControl Settings window. The RemotePhoneControl

Preferences window appears.

Step 2 Enter your CUCM’s IP address in the CUCM IP field.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Using RemotePhoneControl

Step 3 Enter your CUCM username and password into the CUCM Login and CUCM Password fields,
respectively. These are the same credentials you used when logging into CUCM in Step 1 on page 9.
Step 4 Enter the name of the SNMP community string you created in Step 4 on page 13 in the CUCM SNMP
Community String field.
Step 5 Click the Save button. Your CUCM’s settings are now saved in RemotePhoneControl’s preferences.

Add a Phone to View/Control

Once you have set up RemotePhoneControl’s preferences, you can select phones from your CUCM to
view and control.
To view and control a phone, you need three pieces of information:
• The current IP address assigned to the phone (for help in finding this see the problem on page 24)
• The username of a user who can control the phone (i.e. a CUCM application user associated with
the phone)
• The password of the same user

Step 1 Go to File | New Phone. The Create New Phone dialog box appears.

Step 2 Enter the name of this phone in the available field.

Note You can use any name that makes sense to you, up to 20 characters in length. You may use any
printable character except for slash and backslash. Spaces are also acceptable.

Step 3 Click the OK button. The RemotePhoneControl Settings window refreshes.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Using RemotePhoneControl

Note When you have added multiple phones, you can use the Phone dropdown menu to switch
between settings for different phones.

Step 4 Determine whether you will manually enter your phone’s IP address or directory number in the Phone
IP (or DN) field or use the Search button.

Note To use a directory number to select a phone to control, you must have your CUCM preferences
set correctly. See “Edit RemotePhoneControl’s Preferences” on page 18 for more information.

To search for a phone, continue with Step 5.

Otherwise, enter the phone’s IP address or DN in the Phone IP (or DN) field and skip to Step 7.
Step 5 Click the Search button. The Search IPs window appears.

Note This operation may take a few minutes, depending on the number of devices on your CUCM.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Using RemotePhoneControl

Step 6 Select the phone that you want to view/control and click the Use button. The RemotePhoneControl
Settings window refreshes.

Step 7 Enter the application user’s username in the Application User field. This is the same user you created
in “Create a CUCM Application User” on page 14.
Step 8 Enter the application user’s password in the Password field.
Step 9 Select the refresh rate of the phone from the Refresh Rate slide control.
Step 10 Display a large icon of RemotePhoneControl’s phone display by selecting the Display as large image
Step 11 Click the Open button. The Phone window appears displaying an image of the phone to which you’re

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Using RemotePhoneControl

Note Even if you set a slow refresh rate, the display will automatically be refreshed for a brief period
after you send the phone a command, and you can also manually request a refresh of the display
at any time by clicking the Refresh button.

If you regularly work with more than one phone, it makes sense to create separate settings for each
phone you need to control. Follow Steps 1 through 11 to add more phones to RemotePhoneControl.

Note You can have multiple phone windows open at once in order to troubleshoot interactions between
remote phones.

Interact with a Phone

From the Phone window, you can view the display of the phone, as well as remotely push buttons. Using
your mouse, you can click most of the buttons on the phone’s image, which will send a command to
the phone, causing it to react as if the physical button had been pressed. The display will update to show
you the result.

Note If the action takes too long to be entirely caught by the refresh, or if for any other reason you’d like to
force an update of the display, you can click the Refresh button. However, the phone’s Message Waiting
Indicator light is refreshed every 30 seconds regardless of the refresh rate you selected, and is not
affected by the Refresh button.

You can also use your computer’s keyboard for shortcuts to pressing many of the phone’s buttons, as
shown in the following table.
Buttons Keyboard Equivalents
Dial Keypad The number keysa
Softkeys F1 through F5 are the equivalent of pressing softkeys 1 through 5,
e.g. Select, Clear, Exit, etc.
Messages menu F6
Directories/Contacts menu F7
Services menu F8
Settings menu F9
Hold F10
Mute F11
Applications menu F12
Information button ?
Volume up +
Volume down -

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Using RemotePhoneControl

Buttons Keyboard Equivalents

Navigate left Left arrow
Navigate right Right arrow
Navigate up Up arrow
Navigate down Down arrow
a. Multi-tap text entry is supported for sending letters, i.e. if the phone is displaying a directory prompt that is
asking you for a letter, pressing the 2 key twice will select the letter b.

Note If your phone doesn’t have one of the buttons listed in this table, using its keyboard equivalent won’t
do anything, i.e. pressing F11 for a phone without a Mute button will not mute the call.

Tip If you let your mouse pointer hover over a phone button with a keyboard equivalent, a tooltip will
display, reminding you of the keyboard shortcuts.

Delete a Phone
As your RemotePhoneControl needs change, you may want to delete phones that you’ve added to the

Step 1 Select your phone from the Phone dropdown menu on the RemotePhoneControl Settings window.
Step 2 Go to File | Delete Phone. The Confirm Deletion dialog box appears.

Step 3 Click the Yes button. Confirming the deletion removes the specified settings, and the first remaining
settings will be displayed. If there are no remaining settings, empty “Default” settings will be displayed.

Note If you ever want to rename the default settings, all you need to do is select them, create a new
phone with the name you’d like to use (which copies the settings) and delete the default settings.

Quit RemotePhoneControl
When you’d like to quit the program, go to File | Exit, or simply close the Settings window. Your
settings are saved as you use them, so nothing will be lost. When you start the RemotePhoneControl
again, the phone you had last selected will remain selected in the Settings window.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide

This section is intended to help track down and resolve the common problems people face when
installing and working with RemotePhoneControl.

Problem I can’t find my license key.

Solution RemotePhoneControl’s license key (i.e. LicenseKey-RemotePhoneControl.txt) is included in
the file that you downloaded from If you
cannot find the extracted contents of the file, you can go to and download the file again. Because
RemotePhoneControl is one of Singlewire’s free applications for Cisco IP phones, it does not have
unique license keys for each download.

Problem How do I find the IP address of a phone so I can add it to RemotePhoneControl?

Solution A phone’s IP address can be obtained in three ways:
• Click the Search button on the RemotePhoneControl Settings window
• Use your CUCM’s administrative interface, e.g. go to Device | Phone | click the Find button
• Press the Settings button on the phone itself and go to Network Configuration | IP Address

Problem While using RemotePhoneControl to view a remote phone’s directory, such as my missed call
list or corporate directory, clicking a softkey that should dial a directory entry will sometimes just take
the phone off-hook without actually dialing the number.
Solution This is a problem with the phone itself, not RemotePhoneControl, and has been reported to
Cisco. It will need to be fixed by a future phone firmware version.

Problem I mis-typed a username or password and experienced an authentication failure. I quickly

corrected the problem and tried reconnecting to the same phone, but I still get an error.
Solution Wait a few seconds and try again. This is due to the fact that the phone sometimes rejects
repeated connection attempts in a short time interval to protect itself from denial-of-service attacks.

Problem The refresh time on color phones is still long even though I lowered the Refresh Rate slide
Solution Color phones may take 10 to 20 seconds to display the refreshed screen. This is related to the
firmware the phone is using.

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Release Notes

Release Notes
The following sections contain the release notes for RemotePhoneControl from version 2.5 through
the current version.

What’s New in RemotePhoneControl 2.5.2?

Documentation Change. RemotePhoneControl is now available as one of Singlewire’s free
applications for Cisco IP phones, which means that you no longer need to email your MAC address to
Singlewire to request a license key; it has already been provided to you in the ZIP file you downloaded
from the Singlewire website (i.e. LicenseKey-RemotePhoneControl.txt). Because of this change,
content in the following sections has been updated: “Help” on page 3, “Installing
RemotePhoneControl” on page 4, “Install Your License Key” on page 17, and “Troubleshooting” on
page 24.

What’s New in RemotePhoneControl 2.5.1?

• Fixed Issue with CUCM and AXL Schema Versions. When you use RemotePhoneControl’s
Search functionality, RemotePhoneControl uses AXL to obtain phone data from CUCM in order
to create a phone cache. In previous versions of CUCM, AXL’s schema version always matched the
CUCM version. This is no longer the case, and the version differences were causing
RemotePhoneControl to report an error when trying to create a phone cache.
RemotePhoneControl has now been upgraded to query AXL to find out the highest schema
version that it supports (this will only be done when CUCM 8.6 is being used; earlier versions do
not suffer version inconsistencies), and then decrement the schema version until AXL responds
affirmatively. RemotePhoneControl’s user interface was not affected with this change and the AXL
queries should be invisible to end users.
• Improved SNMP Interaction with CUCM. Previously, RemotePhoneControl issued one SNMP
request to CUCM for all the nodes in a cluster running CUCM and their versions; this information
was used to build RemotePhoneControl’s phone cache. With CUCM 8.6, the response changed to
include information from only the node handling the SNMP request; all other nodes’ responses
were reported as “unknown,” disrupting RemotePhoneControl’s ability to build its phone cache.
RemotePhoneControl has been improved to send separate SNMP requests to each node to correct
this behavior.
• Additional Support for Cisco IP Phones. The 7926 Cisco IP Phone is now supported.
• Streamlined Supported Models of Cisco IP Phones. The 7920 Cisco IP Phone is no longer

What’s New in RemotePhoneControl 2.5?

• Additional Support for Cisco IP Phones. New Cisco IP Phone models are supported:
– 6921
– 6941
– 6961

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RemotePhoneControl Installation and User Guide
Release Notes

– 7937
– 7971
– 8961
– 9951
– 9971
• Improved Field Names. Several field names in RemotePhoneControl v2.5 have changed in name
to improve readability (their function remains the same):
– IP or DN of phone to control has changed to Phone IP (or DN)
– User associated with phone has changed to Application User
– IP address of Call Manager has changed to CUCM IP (CUCM is an abbreviation for Cisco
Unified CUCM)
– Call Manager login has changed to CUCM Login
– Call Manager password has changed to CUCM Password
– SNMP Community has changed to CUCM SNMP Community String
• Improved Help Information. RemotePhoneControl’s help information has been updated,
elaborated upon, and included as a PDF.
• New Company: Singlewire. In April 2009, the developers, sales personnel, and support staff
involved with IPT applications at CDW/Berbee spun off into a new company: Singlewire Software.
New releases of Berbee applications (RemotePhoneControl v2.5) will branded with the Singlewire

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