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1.1 Background of Study

1.2 Background of Company
1.3 Problem Statement
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Objective
1.6 Hypothesis
1.7 Scope of Study
1.8 Significance of the Research
1.8.1 To the Organization
1.8.2 To the Employees

1.9 Definition of Key Term


The research will briefly explain on how work life balance gives benefits to organization.
Factor that related to work life balance is explained in this research on how the factor
influences the work life balance among employees. This research is among staffs in
Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia.

The research focuses on exploring the most factors that will effect work life balance among
the employees. This research will explore on research background, problem statement,
research questions and research objectives. Significant of study, scope of study and
limitation of the study are also explored in this research.


Human area valuable resources of the organization serves as the source of

competitive advantage for the organization. This is why the organization needs
people to fulfil the organization objective, mission and vision. Employees are given a
task which is one of their responsibilities to fulfil in order for the organization to
succeed. Apart from the responsibilities as employees, employees also play roles in
society and life in a family. Work life balance as said in Wikipedia is balance
between an individual’s work and personal life. In the norm of culture, we are
educated to perform well in our roles. In certain situations, it may occur a conflict of
roles when individual couldn’t balance the roles equipment and this will become
burden to others and affects party that involved in the circle. According to
Greenhaus et al, (2003), work life balance is the extent to which an individual is
engaged in and equally satisfied with their work role and family role consisting three
components of work family balance (equal time devoted to work and family),
involvement balance (equal involvement in work and family) and satisfaction balance
(equal satisfaction with work and family). Work life balance is the individual
perception that work and non work activities are compatible and promote growth in
accordance with an individual’s current life priorities (Kalliath and Brough,2008).

Duxbury L (2004) had defined work life balance as a combination of role overload,
work to family interference and family to work interference. According to Heery and
Noon (2008), work life balance is the principle that paid employment should be
integrated with personal life and community participation in the interests of personal
and social welfare. When an individual commits a large amount of their time to their
work and neglecting their personal life or vice-versa, level of satisfaction with work
life balance tend to fall. Work life balance is not about the amount of time spends
working and not working but it is more on how individual spends time working and
relaxing, recognizing that what a person does in one, fuels energy for the other
(Morgenstern, 2008). Clark (2000) describe work life balance as the level of
satisfaction that individual feel when they can function at work and at home with a
minimum of role conflict.


Finding of this research might be useful for the human resource management
to improve their awareness in work life balance among their employees in order to
increase their performance.

1.2.1 Jabatan Penerangan (JaPen) Overview

Jabatan Penerangan is a government agency under Ministry of Communication and

Multimedia. The roles and functions of the Jabatan Penerangan were being
escalate, planned and structured in keeping with the national objective, aspiration
and philosophy aimed in making Malaysia a developed nation by the year 2020.
Jabatan Peneranagn have the strength of 3450 manpower to deliver the government
massage to the public. The role of the Department is to instil into the minds of the
people the thinking as well as the philosophy behind Vision 2020. Besides, the roles
and objectives of Jabatan Penerangan also has been to foster the emergence of a
Malaysian nation, well-informed and with self-respect, for the purpose of achieving
political, economic and social stability consistent with the aspirations of Vision 2020
towards becoming a developed country.

Functions of The Organisation

a. To provide information and explanations on policies, philosophy and vision of

the country

b. To manage issues and public feedback as input for Government’s planning

c. To assist the Ministry of Communication and Multimedia (KKMM) in offering

public relations consulting services to government agencies at the federal,
state and district level

d. To provide expertise and publication material


To be the main driving force in ensuring the success of the 1Malaysia concept and in
nation-building based on the national principles of the Rukun Negara.


Translate and promote the policies and national agenda to ensure it is understood,
supported, appreciated and assimilated/cultivated/practised by the citizens through
information programmes.

Organization Chart

1.3 Problem Statement
Nowadays each organization is compete with one and another. They try to
attain their best which they can used as their strength that hard to achieved easily by
other organizations. In order to gain this competitive, management use different
technique and try to satisfy their employees. Work life balance plays important role in
employees performance. It is a crucial issue that been discuss by the government,
practitioners and in academic forum. Align with the organization mission to get the
competitive advantage, well happy, talented and satisfied employees are needed to
the organizations. Work life balance is an important for employees, that is why the
Unions of employees demands for such policies which maintain the work life balance
for employees (Gregory & Milner ,2009).

It has been discussed that work life balance influences employees

performance and their satisfaction. During making policies for employees in
developed countries, the work life balance is being paid attention (Gregory & Milner
,2009). To have a good work life balance managing in an organization increases
employees performance and satisfaction (Scholarios & Marks,2004).

The researcher want to focus on factor time management, technology and

personality to examine the factors that influences work life balance. The main
purpose of the research is to reduce work life conflict, decrease turnover, improve
company image and ability to improve performance.

The researcher has been a concern that Jabatan Penerangan normally

involve in government campaign which need them to run a programme. Normally
programme will take place on weekends where the expected crowd are more
compare to normally day. In order to run a programme, the employees are involving
in preparation of event. This will consume their time. Employees will tend to spend
more time at work rather than spend time at home or doing what they like to do.
Allign with the vast development of need in social media, Jabatan
Penerangan also involved in creating and share content in social networking. As we
know the growth of social media is very fast. In order to keep track employees need
to be alert on what is going on in the country. The information that given must be up
to date as Jabatan Penerangan is the government intermediary with the public. In

this situation, employees who is involved in media social is 24/7 doing their update
on social media. This consume the employees personal time. Even though
employees can do the update at their home still the employees are giving up their
quality time that they need to spend with their family and time that they need to
spend dong things that they like to do.

Drive for the researcher’s interest in the topic has been a concern on how the
employees in Jabatan Penerangan feels about their work life balance. The
researcher wants to investigate factor that influence work life balance among
Jabatan Penerangan employees.

1.4 Research Questions

The research questions in this study are:

1. Is there is any relationship between time management and work life

balance among employees in Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia?
2. Is there is any relationship between technology and work life balance
among employees in Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia?
3. Is there is any relationship between personality and work life balance
among employees in Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia?

1.5 Research Objectives

The research objectives in this study are :

1. To determine the relationship between time management and work life

2. To determine the relationship between technology and work life balance.
3. To determine the relationship between personality and work life balance.


This research is based on quantitative study. Hypotheses can explained as the

logical link between two or more variable stated in the form of testable statement.
The hypotheses in this research are:

H1 : There is significant relationship between time management and work life

balance among employees in Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia

H2 : There is significant relationship between technology and work life

balance among employees in Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia

H3 : There is significant relationship between personality and work life

balance among employees in Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia


This research focus on direct relationship between four factor of work life
balance (time management, technology, absenteeism and personality) and
job performance. The research is to deliver in better understanding and clear
picture on important of work life balance among employees in organization.
This study involved the employees of Jabatan Peneranagn Malaysia . The
medium used to obtain the data is by using questionnaire.


The main objective to conduct this study research is to deliver in better

understanding on important of work life balance among employees in organization
nowadays. Work life balance is a central concern in everyday discourses
(Greenhaus & Allen, 2011). Work life balance for individual is having the right
combination of participation. Experience work life conflict may reduce worker

1.8.1 To The Organization

It is important to study factor that lead to work life balance as it is an individual

assessment of their satisfaction towards their life. Organization needs to understand
factor that influence work life balance so that they can improve the satisfaction
among the employee towards the organization. Once the satisfaction is high the
performance of the employee will increase. The various work life conflicts align with
organizational and individual outcome (Raisinghanil and Goswami, 2014).

1.8.2 To The Resercher

By conducting this research, the researcher will have clear overview on factor
that lead to work life balance and the effect to theperformance among employees.
The researcher will have clear view on the relationship between factor that lead work
life balance. Other than that, this research filled the gap of the body of knowledge
and also add to existing literature by reading material and article from previous
researchers while providing a deeper understanding about the topic and get variety
idea and information related to the research.

1.9 Definition of Key Term

1.9.1 Work life balance

Work life balance according to Wikipedia is balance between an individual’s work
and personal lifei. According to Duxbury L (2004), had defined work life balance as a
combination of role overload, work to family interference and family to work
interferenceii. Clark(2000) describe work life balance as the level of satisfaction that
individual feel wen they can function at work and at home with a minimum of role
conflictiii. When an individual having a bad day at work normally will lead to be

unproductive day. The negative mood, stress and anger are all the feeling that will
effect on employees performance. An employees that have this positive outlook are
more satisfied with their work and will be more productive. They have good relation
with their colleague as they are surrounding with positive behaviour and open to the
opinions of others. Key for positive employees is they have a good work life balance.
A survey conducted by Corporate Executive Board come with a result saying that
people who feel they have a good work life balance work 21 per cent harder than
those who don’t. Individual who is feel good about themselves and their work are
more committed.
Having a balance life is a feeling of conscious feeling of energy, aliveness, interest
and enthusiasm which related to traits such as self-motivation, positive mood, good
self-esteem and life satisfaction and living with quality life. In the other side, tension,
anger and depression will cause individual feel tired, exhausted and unproductive.

1.9.2 Time Management

Time management is the process of planning and practices conscious of time spent
on specific activitiesiv. Time management is the ability to fulfil time effectively
specifically at work. Time management involved work, social, life, family, personal
interest and commitment with time to the highest level. Managing time effectively
gives the person space for their own time and expediency. Good time management
enable individual to work smart, not harder so that the activities that there is more
done in less time even when time is tight and pressures are high. Failing to manage
time properly can cause effect on effectiveness and cause stress.

1.9.3 Technology

Technology is the implementation of scientific knowledge for practical purposesv.

Technology is the tools and machines that used to solve real-world problems.
Nowadays the used of technology become a part of human life and they can imagine
living without. Individual gain a lot with the help of technology.

Duxbury L(2004)-
Clark (2000)-
Oxford Dictonary


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