Journal Reading

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Name (s) of author (s): Kaheni S., Yaghobian M., Sharefzadah G., Vahidi A., Ghorbani
H., Abderahemi A.
Title of article: Quality of Life in Children with Β-Thalassemia Major at Center for
Special Diseases
Title of Journal: Iranian Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Vol3.No3
Statement of the problem or issues discussed: Quality of Life in Children with Β-
Thalassemia Major

Guide Questions:
1. What does the author want me to know about the topic?
The author of this study wants me to know the about the stress and anxiety the
children who are diagnosed with Beta Thalassemia have undergone. They also wanted
to explore what a child ranging from 7-18 years old, who is under treatment and
management, are thinking and feeling. It is obvious that children have little to no
knowledge regarding their disease condition. This research also deals with the children’s
over-all insights regarding their disease. The authors of this study also want the readers
to know regarding the quality of life of the children who was constantly having trips to the
different hospitals or who have been confined for a long period.
2. What information does he/she give me about this topic?

The research provided the quality of life of the children diagnosed with Beta
Thalassemia, according to the various aspects or dimensions of health. Which are;
physical, psychosocial, environmental, mental, and social. It showed that there was a high
regard for the physical, psychosocial, environmental, and mental states of the children.
The authors concluded that this was because of the children’s high economic status.
However, the study showed that when it comes to their social aspect of health, the
children reported a decrease in satisfaction and quality of life. A prominent factor was the
children’s recurrent hospitals visits or confinement.
3. Does the article have a research-base? Is the research-base timely?

I believe that the research article has a research-base because it was taken from
a widely accepted published website. Also, it was submitted by the Iranian Journal of
Pediatric Oncology which is an accredited journal base of the website. The research
article is also very timely. The study was submitted and published last 2013. Which makes
the study very feasible for use until now.

4. Based on the journal reading/article, what researchable problem/s related

to my client’s condition can I identify?

Since the study was conducted in a different country and locality, a researchable
problem that can be made is one that pertains to our setting. Since the health care system
in the Philippines is very different from other countries, the same study may or may not
have a varying result. Also, the economic status, type of treatment, and capability of the
physicians to manage the disease, is more diverse compared to the country this research
study was conducted. Another researchable problem that can be based from this study,
is the quality of life of children with other disease conditions and not solely focus on rare
genetic illnesses.
5. Is the material practical or feasible to my actual client’s case? If not, what
is/are the problem/s?

The study is very practical and feasible to my client’s case because the study
utilized a questionnaire that was given out to the respondents. Since the financial aspect
of the study is minimal, it can easily be done and carried out to my clients. Also, the
material is very practical since it only uses a brief amount of time. It can be done in the
ward or can be brought at home for easier transactions. This study would be a great way
to establish better rapport with my client since it deals with their thoughts and insights
regarding their condition and the many aspects of health it affects.

6. What information shared by the author can I incorporate in my client’s

nursing care plan?

Since the research article deals with the quality of life of the clients in their different
aspects of health. It would be fitting that I use the information and result that the authors
of the study have presented to further formulate other nursing problems. The study may
also be used as a basis to not solely focus on the physiologic problems the disease
process has caused, because I decrease in quality in any aspect means that overall
health may also be affected. I can also use the material to determine which appropriate
health care team personnel can be contacted and collaborated with. The study also
showed the great deal of stress and anxiety the patients have undergone, and with this, I
can focus on easing these problems as well.

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