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The Quadrant One Newsletter

31 March, 1991 Issue 13

Part of the
History of the Imperium Working Group
Family of Documents, Fanzines, and Newsletters

t-few BIVIG Documents

001 - HowLoHfW'G IJ/I-
5 pages. Clay Bush, (31-Mar-91)

142.03 - Rcv.lseoAJrcrn.t1EC
SLorsh.ip CO.IRnoL
.1~Ptge.'C R<.~rA:{;rfu--e/

142.04 - son Hecb.; How do LDCj

Collected Notes rod?
8 pages. Roger Myhre (9-Feb-91)
.RobP.o~?/" anda/~gM.<Jt;.'L7l.JrecaNS' cand...~OJ4!tr 3312 - 72ic Ho..dIan HebeioD
OIi'urfdw .~a.:; .aodLb~ HiUl".i.. db.l~ lo.R~.A:!~~ 2 pages. Allan Hopkins (J an, 1991). Outline descr!?t:on of
He :;·de..~):neda great/errerceadA.?f!t'l' / .m~p.!tar;·e foslea/ religion common in parts of Dagudashaag. :::nci ::: '';:lara-:c..;!r
parI d:it~~~~ profile.
RM: Where the Ovurrdon map is already official (in
Alien Module 3), I will only make up names for the worlds
that do not have any names, in addition to the subsector Rr03 - Kib Kcpoflbc Dmc./.inc
llames. I will do some mapp!.."lg to lay some mi."lor
4 page,:;, By Don McKinney.
trading routes and courier routes. A good (and usable without copyright dispute) version of
I have also got one problem. In Alien Module 5, Droyne, how the Rift Republic could have come to be. Somewnat
one Drovne system is maooed. When I try to locate this dated by appearance of Domain of Deneb map in MTH.
world in Gvurrdon, there'a~e only vacuum worlds around
My best guess so far is that the world at 2005 has Droyne Rv07 - InLc//q-CDCcACLiY./bcs
inhabitants. 3 pages. Oay Bush (15-Mar-90)
There are two maps ofOvurrdon, one where lots of Discusses nature of operations undertaken by Vilani
worlds are Otllitted, due to lack: of Imperial mapping of the intelligence bw:eaus. Outlines role of AAB organization
system. Should I do the same? I ca.'). figure out a lot of and a coordinating office in overseeing activities.
j'eaSOllS to do this, but if they are practical is something else..
CB: DO P and 0 DW feel buyers (players and referees) Espionage! See article
W~lnt the truth, not any myths or propagand3, So I have to
vote for one map. Parts of it may be limited by the referee, on page four for
of course, and suggestions to that effe...'t should be given. details!
CODliolied 00 pBF J
Not Another Reality Shift! By David Schneider

/.o ..7.~ b..'1l;e.~i.a:Jex.d;ere mltitio bered that hewas a Society member. friend had some experience with
MeLtzlpe.l7l.Jm. All over the place our people are reality shifts. Perhaps he should invite
The member of the HIWG Develop- suddenly thinking that they are part of them over and discuss the situation.
ment Corp relaxed behind his the Curator Corp or they get an ir- But first he had better make some
cluttered desk admiring his new map. resistible urge to go off and enlist in it." sandwiches. He ieft the room headed
He now had every known sector name The HIWOer sat silently for a toward the kitchen.
save those of the Hive Federation- moment. It was as bad as he feared. A
and those where not immediately vital. reality shiftv....s forming and unless he 166_01 ComtDluzicarkUl8 Soc./cty
A buzz from his desk: startled him out did something fast the Communica- 4 pages, by David Schneider (4Jan,
of his reverie. Following the sound, he tions Society would vanish forever. 1991). Covert orgaruzation spreading
soon discovered his commlink buried "Thanks for bringing this to my news and non-military technologies.
under a pile of TAS news reports. attention, Rost.l'll get to work on it
HYes.?" he said int.o the deviCe,;e he right away." Rost noticed the f~ulli1iar
had uncovered it. expression on his friend's face, and
"Sorry to bot..1:ier you, Sir, but the quietly left the room as the HIWGer
Communications Society Liaison sat thinking furiously.
Officer is here to see you." "Tbere must be a cause," he
"Ah. Oood. Send him straight in." muttered to himself, and was suddenly
The iris "..lve hissed apen shortly, struck by inspiration.. Moving quickly,
and in walked a man wearing a ships he rummaged through his desk until
suit and a worried e..'l:oression.; he found a new document labelled
"Rost, II said the HIWOer \\'armiy as "Tiffany Star 24." He quickly scanned
he shook the man·s hand, "What t..1:irough it until ...
seems to be the trouble?" "I've found it!" he cried aloud. "The
"\Vell, there seems to be a problem cause is that the HIWG Development
with our personnel," Rost mumbled, HQ hasn'tyetapproved the society
his eyes averted. "The thing is they because they think it may be too much
seem to think they're working for like Margaret's Curator Corp. They
someone else half c·.f the time." haven't realized the difference yet."
The HIWOer sat up in his seat. This Without another wasted minute, the
sou.Tlded bad, very bad indeed. "Tell HIWGer swiftly prepared a revised
me more," he said while keeping his document and sent it to Developmen-
voice and face carefully controlled.. tal HQ and other prominent members
"Well, old Red Astin got back from a by courier. Now all he could do was sit
mail run a couple a£ day~ ago, and bade, wait a.nd~e·whjchw:>lythA
insisted that he was a member of the reality shift went.
Curator Corps. It took us nearly four, the
hours of arguing before he remem- analyst on Medurma and his S'mrii

P1l.blikalion Informat.QiQn Acknowledgements

.A.ADPr...?l."eedi'.7$i is produced and distri~uted b~ 1nf,,,,.6{."Tand Afe~'W:l}-af!"'~jJeJ"'are trademarks owned by
Clayton R. Bush, HIWG's Quadrant 1 Bdltor. It 18 Game Designers Workshop. Any refc:rences to products
I distributed free to all active analysts in that region. All I of GDW or its licensees are not intended to infringe on
! others may acquire copies at $1.00 per issue. their rights.
IIAll material copyrighted by AUTHOR, and printed for
discussion by permission. (N.B. Copyright law protects
H/&fV("History of the Imperium Working Group") is a
fan organization detailing the official MegaTraveller
words, not ideas.) Anyone interested in submitting universe. For information, write to:
materi:al should send it to:
i Ed Edwards; 1410 E. Boyd; Norman. OK 73071-2650.
I Gayton R Bush; PO Box 119; Limon, CO 80828.
Quadrant 1 Newsletter Issue 13 Page 3


HUNTVALLEY, MD - Paragon Players face a global crisis on the both human and Vargr (genetically
Software, th~ innovative game desert planet Rhylal'lOr, one of the altered canines) characters that will act
designers of the hit MEGATRAVEL- thriving economic centers of the and react intelligently based on their
LER I, has announced the April Spinward Marches. A mysterious individual skills and will combat in a
release of MEGA TRAVELLER II: structure, believed to have been built non-arcade style.
QUEST FOR THE ANCIENTS, 300,000 years ago, has begun spewing MEGATRAYELLER II will
distributed and marketed by life-threatening toxins. The only hope require 640K and will support CGA,
MicroProseSoftware, Inc. seems to lie in finding the reputed EGA, Tandy) High Res EGA and
MEGATRAVEl I ER II is based designer of the site, the fabled Ancient MeGA graphics as well as AdLib,
on the popular Game Designers' leader, Grandfather, who has Roland, Covox and Sound Blaster
\Vcrkshop role~playing system, the remained e1usi"\le for thousands of sound bc.ards. A mouse and joystick
most successful science-fiction years. Players win far..:e the ultimate test will be optional. Suggested retail price
rcJe-playing game on the market, and of resourcefulness, skill and courage. . will be $59.95.
is also a sequel to MEGA TRAVEL- MEGATRAVELLER II features. Paragon Software designs and
LER I, Dragon Mag3:Zine'sCc.mputer design impro"\lements, interface markets a completa< line of entertain-
Game of the Year for 1990. Marc enhancements and additional features ment software for personal computers,
Miller, creator of the MegaTr-aveller not found in the first MEGATRA- including the recently released SPACE
universe and role-playing geniUS, has VELLER game. Over 100 detailed 1889. Its products are marketed by
produced the game's main scenario, wcrldswill be explcrablewith at least MicrcProse Software, Inc. MEGA-
concept and design. "The invaluable half of a million square miles per TRAVELLER II will be released for
insight Marc Miller has given us into planet containing starports, cities, IBM-PC and Tandy computers. IBM
the nature of rOle-playing games will terrain, animals and exciting people. and Tandy are registered trademarks
make this game extremely exciting to Gamerswill select from o"\ler ten cflnternational Business Machines
play," said Paragon President Mark different starship types for travel. and Tandy Corporation, respectively.
Seremet. Players will also be able to generate

Aspects of the Vilani Imperium

by Karl Gaarsoe elements in the spread of disease 1."1 some systems, especially in the
The primitive nature of ViIani vectors. Systems which were pre- Vilani core, the Solomani became
medicine has been mentioned in viously isolated from each other by dominant in many other parts of the
multiple sources. To be more precise, travel time exchanged infections. Rule of Man.
Vilani epide1'l"jology and biological Given the primitive nature ofVilani I believe this will give the Vilani a
sciences in general never developed Biological science, isolation was the strong cultural prejudice against the
fully. The biosphere ofVland did not best method to avoid repeated waves use of biological warfare. Their
contain any analogues or disease of infection. technology never came up to state-of-
vectors, and neither white rats for the The waves of plagues sweeping out the-art (a technical argument), and I
lab or brown rats to carry plague. No from Terra were probably an impor- suspect that, having been the cultural
cockroaches or mosquitos spread tant factor in the Terran success, and victims of it, suggesting the use of
disease to humans or served as an also contributed to the downfall of the biological weapons would get a Vilani
infection reservoir. Rule of Man. Certainly the current government ripped limb from limb.
This meant that Vilani contact with human population has a relatively . Please note that any suggestion that
the Solomani must have been a uniform distribution of immunity. the plagues of the Rule of Man were
considerable shock: to their immune . By the end of the Second Imperium, deliberately spread is a fabrication of
systems individually and the Vilani there were probably as many radical Vilani supremacists. Reputable
Public Health system in general. Also, Solomani-descended humans as there scholars have long accepted the
Solomani development ofjump-3 were Vilani and associated minor evidence that the Rule of Man spent
speeded up communications during races. While the Vilani remained the more on public health measures than
the Rule of Man, one of the key predominant ethnic and cultural force on armaments: it just wasn't enough.
New ESIG Charter by J.T. Wister

. :The.iL"-u/ou,,,~ "{.J· d:fll.fW;""I!!· To my

b<>LYle]:! .nae dl'?tdOlltlblJ Ulao 11: ald /
I. AGENCIES AND knOWledge, little has been written on
.bBi,-e receJ:iI/F deJ.-e{~ ane bureall:i; OPERATIONS this group. An organization within the
'f.fe:lJ,:Y'lO UleEo.rmalolltl!oedben; Bach person who reads this letter has MOJ, called the ~iif.BlF.n,,~ was
lHLJ Rr-f)::J aod.bqne tbai d.ber his or her own specific areas of interest. mentioned in the defunct Far :IJ-ir7f,-el/er
Eil,:vi.7lJS.tJZ'Ibili.-,wsWI:mdela100gUlt:NJ- There are several specific areas that magazine, a good piece of work. This
,i?!?-en<:i~.!i. require major contributions, . operation may require some tracking
henceforth termed as '7jMfilI.!i.7D$. down of old articles.
A) Zhodani: The two principaliy "./mpenBl./cie;:;;teik7.T£:'olliSerJ(J;"--e
AD~Dst 24, 1990 mentioned organizations are SORAG Cbf'a'i?' (h"lk:~.'What a mouthfuL I'll
Pear.PA::t.~"i/r~ES/O a'JO/nl'Jl/l<..~
and Tavrchedl'. It would be nice to refer to it as the IISSCO. There is a
My na."l1e isJ.T. Wister, an alleaed
.' . 0 ~ve operations for each organization good deal of flexibility here.
,",xpert on inhrnatkjo-alaffaiI'G.
SlDce they are relatively independent of There are probablv manv more
Hopefully, by the time you read this organizationswi~'the I~peria1
each other.
letter, I will be the newest HIWG
B) Vilani: It is probably redundant border, but none with the r~urces
member and BSIO coordinator.
to detail the security operations of each and scope of the above-mentioned
PURPOSE: ESIG is to assemble
of the three Vilani megacorporations. organizations.
material related to the intelligence and
One operation is sufficient here, F) Margaret Tukera Lines
security service activities of the variol,lS
detailing one megacorporation's anyone?
factions during the Rebellion of 1116.
security organization, responsibilities, 0) Aslan: Like the Vargr and the
The ultimate goal is to provide a
etc. It would be necessary to briefly Vilani, only one organization from a
gaming resource for other players by
mention the responsibilities of the specific clan needs to be detailed to
the submission of this material for
other sister services. One may need to serve as a model to others.
eventual approved publication.
consult the VIand domain analyst and H) Daibei: University ofWarinir.
CREDIT: At this point I wish to
any existing published text for help. I) Antares: Archduke Brzk's
address a point of concern indica-
C) Vargr: Where a group Tmslibnagency. There isn't much
ted in one of. the letters Charles
represents many individual splinter bacl.cground associated with it, so
rece~ved. As a member of our foreign
groups, it is always best to detail one flex~bility and imagination will go far.
servIce, I have learned first-hand the
specific splinter group and call it a
value of teamwork, trust, and (S) IRIS: Note to Charles Gannon:
model for others. The contributor for
cooperation. Contributors to the ESIG Your IRIS articles in c.he~.- are
this one operation has a lot of leeway
project should be treated and excellent pieces and good mOdcls for
in developing the specific organization
acknowledged equally. the presentation style each agency
for any known Vargr Corsair band.
When a published product is printed, should get IRIS is omitted from being
Some of the bands in Corridor sector
HIWG may be mentioned, but I an ESIG operation because it is
may provide a starting point.
would 1ot,/S/lipan ,:y?;X/}iJ):;gea;..Y1 presented as alternative-type material
", D) Solomani: Any'Qne like to write
.IomJqQua/GJeall""r/ar iI;.9~'l.'JO/n"""­ and all this nobility bashing may not
ror ,these dedicated fan~tics of SolSec?
hbo,,,!b;:;.~' IJ~~~Sp.7lJS10/e fb.r; This mesh welL
ThIS could be a lot of fun .•'/ ,
has the further merit of allowing Feudalism is a key element of the
B) Imperial: Notice the term, not
readers to directly contact the original Imperial government IRIS may
specific to any faction. The agencies for
contributor with questions or requests appear to give a strong impression of
Lucan, Dulinor, and Strephon are all
for clarif1cation. class conflict. The Imperium may have
firmly rooted in pre-Rebellion
PAYMENT: As for any pittance had a few flaws, but it was certainly not
organizations, each requiring a.
of financial compensation, I am a prospective breeding ground for a
separate operation.
re...ooeptive to any suggestions. I really prospective M al'Xist state (thankfully. )
don'tcarewhat is decided upon. We
"M7fI3/fnte.nce.:Y es, this is the
I can't reconcile the concepts of the
group that naval characters can go to
must do some hard work, however, Imperium that the existence of IRIS
school in in the Enhanced Naval
before we have the luxury of would represent. I strongly urge you to
Characters rules section. The good 01'
addressing this "problem." develop any agency listed in the ESIG
NI will require a fair amount of detail
_Permit me to establish a few points project
in its write-up.
and guidelines:
Quadrant 1 Newsletter Issue 13 Page 5

II. RIiQUIREq existing characters and campaigns comments and constructive criticism.
""~i",,~,,,a with AA'" cl th", ""S...a.u",1I. Aft~.r l'Q~~.iving th~ rtipon~ I will
ELEMENTS Por e.",ample, If these players portray relay them to the appropriate
F or each organization, address each their characters as heroic INI contributor for action.
of the following areas: operatives, our work should not go out 3) Each ESIG contributor will then
1) Pre-Rebellion background of its way to depict INI as a bunch of have a two-month period for any
2) The Agency's Powers and cowardly bootlickers. The good and corrections and additions.
Resources the bad can be found in any agency, it 4) I will send contributors:a new
3) Organization -is simply a fact ofIife. copy. Then I'll assemble comments,
4) Status and activities during the A certain amount of characterization and personally perform corrections
Rebellion is called for in some cases. With the after consulting with the proper writer
5) The Agency's Goals, before and cosmopolitan nature of the Imperium, over the phone. This twice-edited
during the Rebellion. (These may be it is probably difficult to perform this work will be submitted for review for
very different.) characterization fairly. On the other eventual publication after a total of
hand, the almost e.-rclusively human twelye months;
III. OPTIONAL SolSec would be ~sjer game.
Several published GDW adventures VI_ CONTACT ME
ELEMENTS (i.e., S{~;JIO.Kj depict SolSec agents
A) Examples of the Agency' s covert Please contact me ASAP with your
as a dedicated, fanatical lot Who
and o""ert operations preferences in the ESIG project.
knows? After all, the Zhodani were
B) Character generation: a sample Please list two or three alternate
not as evil as we were led to believe.
character representative of the Agency choices as well, jf you are willing to
(Isn't propaganda/dir.information
C) Quirks and enigmas a&'Sociateci help and your first choice cannot be
with a particular agency accommodated. Believe me, I'll do my
The above items should provide a best to keep everyone happy. When
good start. I'm sure you can provide
V_ TENTATIVE you list alternatives, bear in mind that
many other interesting ideas, and I SCHEDULE it is sometimes fun to work in an area
look fotVVard to reading them. that you know lit de. The research can
I t may not be totally realistic, but I set
a tentative schedule. I'll be happy if we be fun.
Please respond ASAP. I look
IV. AVOID BLA- are anywhere near this schedule.
forward to hearing from you and
1) I hope to assemble material from
TANTNEGATIVE everyone in 5-6 months. Don't fret, this
working with youl
Sincerely yours,
STEREOTYPING isn't the end
Keep in mind that our material. couid 2) I shall send each contributor a full
copy of the assembled material for l.T. Wister
have profound effect on players with 631 Oak Street. SE
Minneapolis. MN 55414
_",J -c:~~ .
rl . ,,--.
'.~ -...........":.::::.::-- -.~


.;\.l\B Procccclingt'

ftoosle.r Plant Effects

The U CP on the left was done by Clay Bush, and uses the" optimal" 30-day
fuel supply. The example on the right was done by Scott Olson, and uses booster
There are several differences in the design specifications. Mine follows the
.f4.~b uu.'lniUSP's specifications. Scott Olson's design varies from the old H....iQ-b
(,.7118.n:1design's specifications in that his carries 120 2O-ton fighters and a Rapid
Launch Tibe fer them. This changes crew requirements, but I allowed full
Scott's design is capable of 6G manuever and providies enough purification
plant to refine all his fuel in 12 hours. I had to cut down to 40 and an (odd) 28
hours to refine the fueL In combat, even allowing for quantity discounts on his
design, my version gives twice as many :spinal mounts for a given budget, but he
has agility-4 (to my agiiity-O), an extra five armor factors, and a fighter l;warm.

Plankwell-Class Battleship
CraftID: Plankwell-class dreadnought, Type BB, TL 15, MCr 85735 (d)
Hull: 1&0000/450000, Disp:: 200000, Config= 4SL
Unloaded::: 2841077 tons, Loaded= 2965019 tons, Armor= 650 COMMENTS:
Power: 15300/30600, Fusion= 2746&00 MegaWatts, Duration= 30/90 Electronic Circuit Protection.
Loco: 29700/59400, Maneuver= 4 One factor-T meson gun spinaJ
13500/27000, J ump= 4 mount.
NOE= 190, Cruise= 750, Top= 1000, Vacuum= 3400 Fifty l00-ton repulsor bays.
Agility= 0 Eighty 50-ton missile bays.
Commo: Radio= systemx3, Laser= systemx20, Maser= systemx3 Two hundred triple beam laser
Sensors: Passive-EMS= Interstellarx3,A~tiveEMS= Far Orbitx3 turrets. Two hundred particle
Densitometer: LowPen/250m xl, HighPen/lkm x2 accelerator turrets. Forty double fusion
Neutrino= (10kw)x~ EMS Jammer= FarOrbitx3 turrets. Two hundred triple sandcaster
ActObjScan Routine, ActObjPin Routine turret~
PasObjScan Routine, PasObjPin Routine Magazine holds fifty battery rounds
PasEngScan Simple, PasE.ngPin Routine of 2500 missiles.
OFFENSE: MesonGun= Txx, Partic1eAcc= xx 7, Missile= x 9x 1&2 megawatts of power unallocated.
Batt S 20 80
Bear S 13 52 Design hy Clayton R. Bush
BLaser= xx 9, FusienOun= xx 6
B~ W W
Bear 13 13 .
DEF: DefDM = 7, MesonScrn= 3, NucDampe.r= 9, ArmorDM = -&
Repulser= x 9x, Sandcaster = xx 7 -
Batt SO 50
Bear 33 33
Control: Computer= 9fibx 3, Panel = 4&31
Special= LgHoloDispx5(), HeadsUpHolox250
Basic Env, basic & ext LS, grav plates, inertial compo
Accom: Crew= 705 (WOx 4), Staterooms= 705
(Bridge.2&, Engrng23&, Mtce40, Gunnery 60, Flight 15,
Troops 200, Command 96, Stewards 23, Medical 5)
Subcraft: Five 50-ton craft of assorted designs.
Other: Fuel: 1663848kliters, Cargo= 7472kliters
Fuel Scoops, PurificationPlant (2& hours)
ObjSize= Large, EMLevel= Strong
Quadrant 1 Newsletter Issue 13 Page 7

Plankwell-class Batt~~ship
CraftID: Battleship, Type BB, TL15, MCr211,068:T5 .r 37359.37
Hull: 1~OOOO/45()()()(). Disp=200,00(), Conng=lSL; A,rmor=700
U nloaded= 4,595,270 tons, Loaded = 4,666,239 tons
Power: 42555156739, Fusion= 7,659, nSMw,
Cruise Duration (M -2, no weapons or agility) = 10130
Non-combat Duration (M-6, no weapons or agility) = 10/30
Combat Duration= 1.5/4.5 COMMENTS
LOI..-o; 45,9(1()/ 61,200, Manuever=6, The Plankwe1l-class Battleship is
13,500/18,000, Jump=4, designed as a main battle Hne anchor,
NOE=l90kph, Cruise~'150kph, Top=10()()kph, with good agility and weaponry, and
Vacuum Cruise = 3150lCpb., Vacuum Top=4200kph excellent speed and armor. One of it's
Agility=4 features is a high degree of redundancy
Commo: Meson = System ... 4, Laser=System * 120, Radio=System'" 120 amongst it's various systems: two
Sensors; EMMask, ActiveEMS=System * 6, PassiveEMS=System .. 6, complete backup computer ~ystems,
Densitometer=LoPenl250m" 6, Nuetrino=10Kw* 6 backup screens, etc. It's fighter
ActObjScan=Rout,, completement is not inconsiderabie,
PasObjScan= Rout, PasObjPin= Rout, either, and is often used for scouting or
PasEngScan=Simp, direct combat, as required.
Off; ParticleAccel = 0 W, MesonGun = T 9 X
Batt 10 S6 Design By Scott Olson
Batt 14 Sg
BeamLaser = xx. 7, PusionGl.ln = x() 6, Missile = x() 7
Bear 52 13 36
B~tt SO 20 54
Dei: DefDM= + 11, MesonScreen=9("'3); Danlpers=~("3)
Repl.llsors = x 9x, Sandcaster = xx 9
Bear 16 32
Batt 24 49
Control: Computer=9fib*6 (Sfib'" 3 backup), Panel=HoloDynamic Linked'" 71,
Special = Large HoloDisplay" 175, ECP
Environ= basic env. basic Is, extend Is, grav plates, inertial comp, airlock'" 60
Accomm: Crew = 200* 10 Staterooms=257, SmallStaterooms=1627, LowBerths=120
(Bridge:::: 351, Engineer = 435. Maint=115. Gunnery=63, Flight =364,
Marines=216, Command = 257, Stewards=62, Medical=21, FrozenWatch=120),
SubCraft: 120 '" 20 ton Fighters, 6 '" 50 ton Cutters, 120-ton Launch Tube
Other: Cargo=1/~23Kliters, Fl.lel=1,096,12SKlite~,
Fuel Scoops, Purification Plant= 12hrs
Nuclear Btty-Rds= 144, HE Btty-Rds= 72
ObjSize= Large, EMLevel= Moderate
Page 8 Issue 13 AAB Proceedings

library data and one subsector arrived

Collected Notes (con.) at the same time as .F/amiJ:Jj!.£fr.'<fa. I
mistakenly told him that .F/a.117./17..~f:!,'F'e
developed Windhorn M, which he had
Dagudashaag Viand developed.
Jae Campbell is taking over as It's about time the VIand sector 1was wrong. As he points out, it gives
Dagudashaag Sector Analyst. He sent analyst produced some more UWPs for a few worlds in the comer.
me three developed subsector maps documents. Bfforts in designing Ikhog does have a full-page treatment,
and UWPs: Pact (K), Argi (N), and starships and typing in Maliszewski's but it's still only four worlds. The. ball is
Sapphyre (0). Toward library data, I minor human races and other back in his court, where it belongs.
have a draft of an article on Scanians, a documents do not advance And I am sorry for any delay caused by
geneered rac.e of Daguudashaag. Look development of VIand. (Even though my confusion.
for a new HD announcement when I the Thaggeshi and Answerin write-ups
get a final version. refer to races in Viand sector. ) Zhodani Space
~ Jae intends to start a quarteriy The most decisive action so far has Evan Spence, a new HIWGer,
fanzine specifically set in Dagudash- been droppping RvOl througb RV04 wrote asking for t.'lfOr1nation. on the'll detail planetary stats, news, as obsolete, and he is eng-aged in Zhodani. The following people have
etc. HwiU "be easier for me (Jae] to reviewing current HDs to see how recently expressed interest in the
devote 8 to 12 pages detailing a minor others have organized their work. Zhodani:
race than it would be fur you." As I've Clay Bush will have new HDs in the David Schneider, Australia
set AABProceedings at 10 pages, list next time, or I'll have to fire him as Siegfried Zuber, Germany
that's a true statement. Tentatively sector and faction analyst. Evan Spence, Scotland
titled Slgo.YO.&;the far..zme aims to I am trying to find someone( s)
highlight British and Buropean talents. Windhorn interested in starting work on the
Karl Gaarsoe,,:r0te that Shattered Dave Cheever has taken over Zhodani section of an alien race book.
/LJ7penin:17i.s "dead as a commercial Wiildhorn. His package developing So far, despite expressed interest, no
pr~duct." He didn't say what L.1.e fatal one has done anything with them.
fuctor was, but his work and effurt are Those who actually act to develop
appreciated. There are good ideas in areas will become famous (at least in
his .:fba/"i'e.redImpenuLJ7 Pa.,oers
• t.
*.• • certain circles). % ,.... %

Gushemege •
David Burden has taken over as
Gush=l'negesectoranalyst. He's
already submitted five HIWG
dOCUme.llts, and is working on detailillg
the Lancian culture. This will fill in the
Gueshemegen part uf the uF our
Corner~" art;;~3.
David' swo.l'k divides Gushemege up
into cultural zones: while these do not
agree with the 1120 borders, that fact
actually gives him his future faction
He is interested in cyberpunk. So far,
he has accepted wi's idea uf wncia
being a peaceful, pastoral SOciety. They
and theS'mrii, .her~iore, d,;,veloped
the technology - for peaceful purposes.
I t has spread to less pacifistic areas, and
thereby hangs the tale.
Notes on Naval Operations
As some of you are aware. my long-term goal in working on starship spreadsheets. ship
design philosophies, collecting soarce material, and. so forth has been to dear the path for d
naval adventm'e supplement This could be considered an updated 7hl/.l~Ul ('}-edil S<?'
While it is on no one's production sG1edule. the idea of this supplement gives organization to
and prioritizes a number of activities. TIle project's title is L'IljJend./ M!'Ki'..l &uli:lb<)!¥: (fUUj

se1s. when they know they have to arrive m

SDB/EC2:./THfPDUKA270H unison. spend Significantly longer at the start
CBUSH: Fa.n discussion has assumed tha.t com nutinl2' and sharing U
iump vector com- ~ ~ J

ships which jump to the same de.stination putations. Tnis leads to a much more a.ccura.te
arrive at different times over tWQ days. There jump exit at the other' end. with the error
is a. reference t() ha.ving the best na,jlga.tor in a droppi11g significantly.
squa.dron plot one course, and all "ships in The formula in SOPM vol 1 for normal
communica.tion \~lith him jump togeiher. In ium psnace exit is:
this would the ··squadron" roll once ror i24 hrs + (2D x 6 hrs). liie1dino d result of
•. J -.,J:

the. tim e in
't.!.~• ';'lm",<''no''ce
J..... J'
• !> ...
'f'-Jr _11
d...U <-h
in .,.')
.... p'u., from 136 - 196 hours (5.7 to 8.2 days)
'!' ~

M.MARSH2 [Michat"l]: I use a. method If double the jump preparation time is spent
.• . 1" .
NOT'"" 01 ilCl<lJ .lJu.t It
with all the affected shins , III COl1l0uter
, link vld
solves the problem.. All nav computers communication lines. use the fallowing for-
linked to the flag, /nav plot. one course is mula instead:
computed and fed into all Nav computers. The 167 hours + (2D x 0.1 hr). jlclding a ::-esclt
indi~idua1 ships na.v computers corred the from i67.2 - 168.2 noms.
figures based on kno\!;'n ship statistics. Mast ships will arri . .·e within minutes or each
Tbe ma.rgln of error is in hours not. in dJ.ys other. with the worst spread being up to (in
at this There is still a ra.gged exit from hour apart
jump space but it is ships arriving hours a.part Constant communication during the jump
rather tha.n days. As far as military ops goes. 'u'ector generate is essential for this to worK.
the effect is tbat. milita.ry units jump so as to and DOUBLE the normal vector gener3.tio:l
a.rrive outSIde i1 system's defenses a.nd enter time must be observed. But ·wheI'. ugettim! u
on maneu:lier drive. rather than attempt 1,0 "on a dime" timewise is essential. then thIS
jum p .:;.s dose 3.S they can. technique is the kev. Most clvi1ian vessels
Oe!C'c:/JO.lL' fart of this is tlUt to my don't bother.
,:111o'.vd.nce of a. Hon-sia.nda.rci item: a. pre-jump
exi, detector. I believe such an instrument
\.%uld}should eyjst ba.sed on the description of
Karl Gaarsoe~ 31-Ang-90: Ed confirIT'.eci
.......... 1.... -+. i A'-G ;1'''''''''
j..J~"'l!r.l.l .... n in
.jp.~_ ~ta"""ni\)
.,.. toJ, .. ..:Jo! A ,oJ..m",.,na
()U'" 1
that the "mis-iumn" rules disaDDearea. frv!ll
1 1,).,"d.iJ. l......

Ii VOff. have to tea.r /3. rift i.o <?et in. then you 1vlT: thi~ is a..n. imD()TtJ..Ilt lnecnarJ.ic f(;T .J .i ~ i

: ~I.
no:"'€ to i)pea .3. rift to gel oui. Thai. rift emits
timiling Vilani expansion a.nd the paJtern (If
6.1 - PRIOR to t-r-ansi-
e"" .....
nF• .7 " - ,'1e[prf::>h1
·_· .. 0 j•·,_l,..

tion ba.d: to normal spa.ce.

e ""n p ,.·...,'·,
u ......................
1...0, 1., .......
conflict in Ll17Der.izl.7J'. The Vila!'.i and Rule or
I, 1,1>. ""

Man rarely made jumps io or from deep

DIGEST.GROUP [Joe Fugate]: I like snace. In a sUper-fEJJer.i£ilIl. do we let nl.3J.'
t .( ! ..
l\tlich.iel's description of military vessel jump
buy drop tanks?
e:it a.IlQ it jives well with \A/hat Marc Miller a.nd
Nah. simDh' sav that iUillD theorv does not
I h-:lve been discussing about military ship allow consistent navigation from deeD space \.., J .; i .;

J LT.ITIUlnt;r in 2'eneral Essentially .
.:. \..1 \..1 milito.I"_Y ve~- _ _
until you reach tech level 14. Published data say (from the power plants) involved in arnvmg.
that you jump to a place in a gravity well: all so detection is based solely on those visual
the rule has t.o say is that it is wildly unreliable. effects. (I haven't heard anything about gravi-
Sure. the bold. daring. and desperate accept a tic or other effects of reinsertion into normal
30-40% chance of misjump. but that's not a space.)
good planning factor for commercial or
military operations, SUBJEC7: CHAlEbEOK
J.:lDNDE1lT [(Farstar)]: Is there an
A£flfYA£ llYSTSFEK additional cost for the Cname1eon Hull option
C.BUSH: SOpMl says ships automatically mentioned in SOpM? What other information
emerge into normal space when they pene- about. t.his option has been worked out?
trate within 100 diamders of a planetary body. DIGEST.GKOUP [Joe Fugate]: Our line
Does the primary's 100 diameter limit over- of thinking at DGP is that a chameleon hull
ride that of inner planets? and EM Masking are the same thing. That
I assume. for now. that reinsertion occurs at answers the questions about it After an.
iOO sola.r diameters unless you aimed for an visible light is a part of the EM spectrum. A
o"4ter planet. This ';1./01.;1.1 give a way to estimate vessel with em masking should be able to
distance from mala "vorld to jump point. for change hull colors. as well as mask for IR or
resolving detection 3.ttempts. UV sensors -- in fact. mask for most of the
I t also gi yes an in ner "Norld hours or da ys to EM band. Sounds an awful lot like chameleon
prepare. There . .,;.:ould be time advantages to hull. doesn't it? That's what we thought. too.
placing refueling ::~,6.tions in the third orbit or
on worlds fartter out_.. Those are con- SUB/EC'7: AA'60A'
sequences of my answer to my second The current rules do not have weight or
question. . volume for armor. The tech level limit is the
:M..MI"E:ESH: rm certain jumping in (or .only effective limit to armor. Look at the
out. safely) can ollly occur 100 diameters (or Armor-120 ships of FSOTSI: i.e.. all ships in
equivalent) from a.ny significant object. in- that product! With the armor DM formula. you
cluding planets. stars. and other spacecra.fl I get plus-modifiers that make surface hits
don't remember where I heard confirmation totally ineffective.
of t.his, a.nd I can't think (If anything in the I favor keeping the TL limit on armor.
literature stating this either. changing the armor DMformula to divide by
five (rather than three). and setting plane-
SUB/ECT:-/UIPIKC- toidconfigurations 8 & 9's armor factors to
55 and 70. The armor table could be pruned of
.A.R.R.lYAb DEF.cC'rIOH odd values at higher levels (e.g.• 101-104) to
C.RUSH: Departure is easily detected make room to extend the table to factor 145.
of the heat generated during creation
beC2.ESE' [(TL 15 If 5) -+- 70]
of the rift into ium psuace.
J • L l_rnNDEllT [(FarsJar)]: Armor weight
Predictable exit points give primary search isn"t totally ignored. it can play merry hell with
area. for insystem sensor operators.. SOpIv11 ground vehicles (our tank is SINKING in
does describe visual effects on departure and concrete!!!) and it wipes starship agility out at
arrival. but doesn't suecihl how far awav thevJ
J. J -I an alarming rate. If you don't mind an Agility
are visible. There's no energy production
Clayton R. Bush 3 AAB 13 Insert

of zero. then why sure there's no armor limiL detected if a starship exits jumpspace with the
s..OLSON4: In many cases. having an black globe active. The zuchai crystals in the
Agility of 0 and good armor is just fine. jumpdrive will manage to swallow the energy
e~pecial1y if you're deep in the Terran-V:i1ani from the burst safely. However. if the craft
War archives [like Oay usually is :)]. As long does a rough exit and there are no spare
as your enemy does not have meson guns. crystals, the crystals may be oveI'loaded and
what do .;'f'OU care if you can't dodge a turtle? destroy the ship.
His point I think. is that the weight doesn't 2 An invasion could be done by letting a
affect anything. except agility. in starships. blackglobe squadron head for the target system
As for vehicles. ever .look at the Lagerhedd some days before the main force. (Not all
AFV from page 19 of 101 Vehicles?? It weighs ships utilize black globes.) When these ships
584 (m) tons. As. long as it's. ground pressure enter the target system undetected. they can
is low enough. it doesn:t affectY9t(as long as travel in the system with sma]. chance of being
you can avoid bridges..~' . , 1; , • detected. They may wreak much havoc by
Personally. I think the rule (of TV'S for surprise attack on enemy targets. When the
armor) is OK. although itcauses some pro- main force arrives. important positions may
blems in the lower tech levels (5-8), where be destroyed or their operation capability
armor is forced tobe unrealistically low (13 em severel y curtailed.
of armor MAX at TL6???n). 3. What about psychological stress factor on
navy personnel 111at have been confined to the
.hODg Passage #J cnift for several weeks? Fighting ships have
Koger Myhre. 7::Mar-91 and 12-Mar-91: less space for comfort than commercial ships
Naval combat in the far future holds many do. All my naval designs include bunks for
possibilities. but many important factors must ordinary crew and small staterooms for
be considered. Vector movement is one medics and officers. SDB craft are sonething
lmpor t an.t f ac.or.
t else: they don't have to sacrifice space for
MT starship combat is a step forward and a jumpdrive and fuel for crew space.
step ba.ckwa.rd. in development. The step for- In Larry Niven's A Gili h"-O.1Zl .EaII/;. the
ward is the wide array of deadly weapons such police put short-term prisoners to sleep by
as meson guns and fusion guns. The step sending small electrical currents through
backward is the lack of tactics which can be some parts of their brains to make them sleep
exploited on the game board. The velocity and without dreams. This can be done on cre\~
beading of a ship have no impad on what you members to reduce 'stress and also the use of
fire al calming drugs. For safety reasons, a ship crew
There may be more options to use on a must be alert at all times and not under the
strategic scale: from deployment of a fleet influence of mind-altering substances.
entering a star system to the target world. 4. Why not use robots as crew members on
When the situation comes down to a tactical starships? Say somewhere between 15% and
comba.t. it turns out to be a slug-it-out- 60% of the crew are robot.s. Officers must be Speed in living beings. I read somewhere that robots
NIT combat onlil tells who can run awav from cannot be in control of a starship: I don't
, J

whom. remember what the reason was.

I have some ideas for strategic and tactical With part of the crew as robots. the cost will
doctrine for IBN. , go down and efficiency may go up. Robots
1 The jump exit flare would likely not be have fe'W' costs 'Nhen first purchased. A living
being must have training, salary_ health care.
food. dothing, and lodging. all of which cost point A to point B. Number One. Two. a.nd
money. A robot needs maintenance. fUt"·l. and Three were used in combat situations. This
storage space. Depending on design. it may gave me my agiliiy and beam weapon power.
be more expensive than the initial training of The effediveness of this design was proved
a cre'N member. but the navy would save in its first outing. I was lying in wait near
money in the long nm on a crew that does dot N arsil/Sword W orldslSpin ward Marches. I
demand food three times a dall. detected a Far Trader exiting jumpspace and
A robot would orJy need one or two starting to head toward the main world. I
programs for the current task (pilot and powered ltp. moved into position. and fired.
navi2'ation u
or ,2'unnen(
and ship's tactics'l. If everything. The attack resulted in three critical
,.&. ~

required for other tasks. a robot may change hits on the Far two did not.hing and
progra.mming by down loading a program the L1ird killed the crew (Crew-l result~ Having
sTored in the ship's c6mputer storage. surprise and that they an died without knowing
5. What is the status on "iump fuel (;Ol1snmn- .
lion? Nh, view is that if ..''fOil. have a ship.. with aboard.
, WIhat h ' " i '
1 It. them auoweu, r:"le tOptlt apIlze crew

~'''~p-5 L&.:1.·
f-l.J.J..L ~~pacl't"
p L..'1 1', '-~c'u1A
L.:.uJ J u. be po' "''''I'rue to J..
~~. make
L .. /t:.7?.B: d!!/;0llJTJ] OJzly O.lVE POUl-eT pli-lJII c.::w
-3. jump-2 then a}ump-3. This issue must be !JjJerale a! if !.ime. IlJe resa/! dc!Jieved above
settled once for all before anyone can write a CdR &st' be dcllJeved !bfou.E'1l o •Dowef.:'JIP"·dOfif71.
good cam pa,ign. RUJ1JliJ{57 /;./s ,1k'H'l3'f j/Lw/ d/ mfee .l6>J,a/s H',(;W/C/
A :.;quadron of jump-4 s..1ips may eliminate a fmP£')SI? SO.lJ:] 8 delsy .iJl pou>erfi167 up,. COl//;8
tanker or (wo if they are to attack a system above is srrbsld.llliiii(y [fJlc!Jd.llgedJ
onlv two narsecs awav. Thev wou.ld have
.1 L w' ",'
A flaw that seems to prevail in MT is that
reserve fu,el if the OUi-?ratioll went sour. they tell you to roll these dice and this happens.
H they cannot split Uleir fuel. d or two They don't te11you how or why it happens. it
must be brollght \A/llh them. The ships can just does. More detail would be greaL (Senors
refuel immediately ,;liter they exit jumpspace. is one area) As one player mentioned. MT
111is increases t.he iikelihood of the operation generalizes everything and specifies nothing.
::.:ucceeding: travci1i11g to a gas giant can More specifics are needed.
p''.:pose them to ene::-l y defense forces. o GDW did not place much effort in this
T\'e factor which makes a war machine move revisio,n. Many paTts aTe copied verbatim
;':., '11':: logIstics. d.l1U i:ue1 is one of the most. from Traveller: little Droblems creeD in. For , L

i:;:lporL.:mt factor::.: in the navy. Uncertainty in instance. aIle criiical hit can destroy your
this field G'tn <;poil many good campaign bridge. In Traveller., everyone knew where the
ide-as. bridge was. In MT. there's a bridge section.
Does this eniire bridge section go when that
£ODg Passage #§ critical hit is rolled? Where do the pilot and
Gary Affeldt .. 28-Jan-91: navigator sit to fly the ship? We just placed. a
¥yu...., nla"l'I1"
T '·11::>'" ,J: t" Jo.6 3- r" "ir- <:'0 I wenl' pi-ra I1"& I
u,,1;t..... ....
ii small
>. . . . .
room whit1i the control nane1s.. We also
designed. 3. ship Vvlth three power plants. placed two more aboard the ~hip somewhere
.A. '¥'1\"" ....

Number One WdS the m.inimum to power life else. Didn't know what else to do.
&upport. o.nd electronics: I could fire six Another big 'problem wiTh starship combat
fact~)r-2 missile ba.tterie!: I Llsed Number Orte was that you don'! take account where certain
for 10.ying in \,NiUL beca.use the EM could elements of the ship are located in the design.
mask '!Ii y EM sign,':\i,ure entirely. Number One In theory you could have a great big glass
3.nd Two were iJ.sed to mO\ie the ship from bubble and it wouldn't make any difference in
combat! ~~o'%

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