AAB Proceedings - Issue #41

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AAB Proceedings

30 September, 1999 Issue 42

The newsletter of the History of the Imperium Working Group

(HIWG). Produced and distributed by Clayton R. Bush.

Nusku World Notes . . . . . . . . . 2
Nusku Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Nusku System - Solomani Rim 1822 Nusku Vilanicum . . . . . . . . . 4

P 61 Cygni A K7V Dushaam World Notes . . . . . . . 5
Nusku Terrani . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
0 Nusku D 56977B-7 M ain world
The Sea Floor Project . . . . . . . . 7
1 Dekkon E 620 Dushaam Development . . . . . . . 8
2 Alpha Belt G 000579-8 M ining colony. Secret Salvage . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Mercenary Characters . . . . . . 10
3 Odin L GG A turbulent GG.
3.5 .. _ 700 D.S.R. Koscuisko . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.6 .. _ 500 Book Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.9 .. _ 600
3.12 .. _ 800 Contact Info & Legalese . . . . . . 12
3.50 Red Eye _ 9A0
3.55 .. _ 500
3.95 Lone Wolf _200000-8 M onitoring devices. 61 Cygni System
A binary star system close t o Terra, and
4 Thor S GG S afe for refueling. long observed by astronomers.
4.40 Baldur H 600153-8 T raffic control. Astronomers compute that 61 Cygni A
has a heavy planet orbiting it. The unseen
5 Freya S GG companion is computed to weigh 15
5.1 r ing Jupiter-masses. This is definitely into t h e
5.15 .. _ 500 weight range for a brown dwarf, a body
5.20 Sulphur _ 7C0 just too small t o generate a stable fusion
5.80 .. _ 500 reaction and become a star.
The companion, 61 Cygni B, has a 720-
6 Norn S GG year orbit. That puts it in a far orbit, with
ring its o w n system of planets. (Nusku has t w o
3 moons planetary boxes in the game Imperium.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This secondary system has little of interest,
Far 61 Cygni B K 5V although it has military interest for
0 Dushaam Y 6A4285-8 M ining colony. transiting t o other systems beyond the J-2
Nusku World Notes
Nusku i s an excellent world for without frost could be arranged. This must compete with i mported
human habitation. The closeness The problem was that the world Vilani and Terran species. As a
to its sun causes most of the was already named. The Vilani starting point, the chart below
planet lies in the temperate zone. were there first. And yet they tell shows the animal l ife common to
The large ocean l evels tempera- of livi ng on many other worlds. the isl and i nitially settled by the
tures more so than on Terra, while There must be some way to Terran colonists.
the short year i s scarcely longer convince them to let Terra have Nusku l and species tend to be
than a month. Adaptation to that this one ... small and l ittle developed.
short year hindered direct That is the background conflict Developments such as poisons are
importation of Terran flora, but behind any adventure on Nusku virtually unknown, and prove weak
with proper choice of site a year during the early Interstellar Wars. once encountered.
Sealife is simi lar ly young. Large
Nusku Data Geology species of whales and sharks exist
This planet is in the innermost in l arge numbers. Smaller species
Ratation: 19 hours
orbit of a main sequence star. It is are still filling i n unfilled niches.
Year: 44.55 days
seismically active, and has tides.
Hex Base Max Min The exposed surface is young. Strategy
Row Temp Temp Temp The higher sea level means deeper Nusku was three jump-2 jumps
1 26.1 30.9 16.6 oceans and the potential for higher from Terra, and the quickest route
2 21.1 25.9 11.6 waves. because of the potential for to the Vilani Imperium. All three
3 16.1 20.9 6.6 tsunami's, the Vilani chose to live worlds were already settled b y
4 11.1 15.9 1.6 inland. The eventual Terran Vilani, however, so the U.N. chose
5 6.1 13.9 -8.4 settlers chose to follow their to focus on settling empty worlds.
6 1.1 11.9 -18.4 example until they knew more Before the First Interstellar War,
7 -3.9 9.9 -28.4 about the variety of terrestrial Terran war plans aimed at seized
8 -8.9 7.9 -38.4 worlds possible. and holding Barnard. Agidda was
9 -13.9 2.9 -43.4 desired; Nusku required a major
10 -18.9 -2.1 -48.4 Animal Life invasion force.
11 -23.9 -7.1 -53.4 Nusku has its own native life. Nusku became the focus of the
Second and T h ird Interstellar

Nusku Animal Encounter Table

Die Animal Weight Hits Armor Wounds Weapons Reactions
2. Intimidator 0.5 2/0 -- 0 teeth A5 F3 S1
3. Gatherer 0.5 1/0 -- 0 claws A9 F3 S1
4. 9 Reducer 25 7/5 2 5 thrasher A4 F3 S2
5. 3 Hunter 3 1/2 2 1 teeth A1 F3 S1
6. Filter 2 5/4 2 2 hooves A0 F4 S0
7. Filter 100 13/11 -- 6 horn A0 F4 S0
8. 2 Intermittent 50 17/6 -- 8 teeth A0 F4 S1
9. 8 Chaser 3 5/2 -- 8 as broadsword A0 F9 S2
10. Seismic quake
11. 6 Flying Chaser 6 1/11 -- 8 stinger A0 F4 S3
12. 1 Chaser 200 22/8 -- 9 claws AS F8 S2

30 September, 1999 Page 2 AAB Proceedings 42

AAB Proceedings 42 Page 3 30 September, 1999
Nusku Vilanicum
The Vilani settlement was clustered i n one rather than raised higher above the ground.
peninsula. One city grew near the starport. Local After contact, Sharurshid established an i ndustrial
settlement around i t was in the form of plantations or park on the city's north edge. Industries were lef t
market towns, both with populations under 3,000. open to cater to whatever the Terrans wanted to buy.

Starport Mining Camps

The starport lies due north of the city of Vasakimik. More distant settlements were primarily mining
It advanced to class-C with l ittle offworld i nterest. T h e operations which supplied easily-obtained ores to the
primary commercial b uildings were storage and world's limi ted i ndustry. Distant settlements were
refining facilities. Several derelict ships abandoned on supplied by air; the planetary population was not
the north edge of the starport were used as makeshift interested i n sea-faring.
habitats by those ostracized by Vilani society. Retiring soldiers received rights to a land grant,
Following contact with Terra, Sharurshid Bureau which was not always traded back to the government
became more interested i n Nusku. Visiting engineers or a corporation. A farm and a store near a mining
built a large commercial exhibition area south of the operation could be very profitable. Distant settlements
starport. The derelict ships were hauled off to a tended to have more ex-military leaders than the
nearby mountain valley, where society's outcasts soon main settlement.
re-established their residences.
In both time periods, the commercial offices, goods Military
storage, and maintenance areas were in a long, brown The bureau had the shell of a military establishment
pavilion. Traffic control and administrative office s provide order. The military slant derived from the
were in upper story. days when the Vilani occupied the Vegan polity, and
all rimw ar d worlds were placed under military
Government Dome jurisdiction. They had never had reason to change
Government offices are near the south edge of the that offici al arrangement.
starport, the better to deal w ith arriving ships and Military police patrolled the hinterlands and
monitor trade. After contact, Sharurshid considered maintained posts on other continents. The engineer
bringing i n a grav-equipped floating sphere. Because company was committed to opening areas for
of the maintenance problems with having to import settlement. Most lower ranks were local r ecruits.
parts and technicians, Sharurshid just refurbished the Higher ranks contained experienced offworlders who
existing dome. planned to retire here; the top slots could be held b y
Trade faction: The Terrans must have precious either offworlders or l ocals.
metals. Trade them finished goods of higher tech l evel After contact with Terra, the sector Army command
to drain their treasury. transferred a light battalion (no heavy tanks or
Technology faction: Permit the Terrans to acquire artillery) and the cadre of a line regiment to Nusku.
rights to some technologies, which require use of Service with the regulars is not generally popular.
other patents, and l et them wake up one day and
realize how much they owe us in annual fees. Relations with the Terrans
Wolf faction: This Terran race could be another The Vilani were amazed at the number of diseases
Vargr race. Be polite, of course, but don't encourage which the Terrans reported they endured. T h e
them to visi t. Never close any deals; i ssues can always imp ression of uncleanliness helped convince the Vilani
be renegotiated. Maybe they'll go away; probably they that the Terrans were barbarians with too many
won't. But, whatever happens, regard them as a problems of their own to be a threat.
threat. Terran Trade Corporation: The Vilani set up a
trade corporation (at Nusku) to control trade of
Vasakimik City technology to this race. It was a subsidiary of the
The city population was one million at contact, with planetary corporation which was owned b y
the rest of the inhabitants settled i n satellite towns Sharurshid. The trade corporation prospered because
and villages. An effici ent light rail system service d its profits benefitted the Nusku world government.
most settlements. That entity had been trying to increase revenues to
Prestigious structures were extended and widened finance more settlement on Nusku.

30 September, 1999 Page 4 AAB Proceedings 42

Dushaam, the Second System
Imagine you are a troublemaker, or messed up big. beacon i s beside a hangar building and cleared
Imagine the worst places your superiors can send landing fiel d. The complex is on the west side of a
you. Now, add distance, for the worst, farthest away small mountain; a tunnel from the hangar l eads to
place. That is how the Vilani v i ewed 61 Cygni B . the mining base inside the mountain.
The dangerous atmosphere and terrestrial g ravity The tunnel comes out in the administrative area.
forced l ivi ng i n the domes all the time. There was no The main corridor from south to northwest can b e
possibility of going for a walk or of training for vac identified as recreation, livi ng quarters,
suit or zero-G qualifications. Residents could d o administration, ore storage, and workshops. Mining
nothing work or stay in quarters. Many books were is done at levels reached by shafts.
read, and many quilts made. The recreation area extands beyond the south
The nearness of Nusku easily covers corporate side of a cliff. The exterior area is a huge
policies on l eave. excavation i n the cliff, 60 meters tall and 100
meters across. A steel and plastic bubble encloses
Encounters the site, with the bottom of the bubble being 100
The event for this planet is an earthquake, the same meters from the interior wall at its farthest extent.
as that for Nusku. The animal l ife is toxic an i nedible. This area is decorated with a swimming pool o n
Consequently, I did not feel i t useful to generate a the floor and hanging gardens on the inside cliff
separate table that would not be used. wall.
Hook: A referee may generate a table if he creates
an adventure where someone is trying to catch these Kakinig, The Abandoned Base
exotic animals for study The abandoned base at Kakinig can be worked
into an adventure as a discreet meeting site. It can
Prime also be someone’s hideout. As Dushaam is low on
Dushaam’s prime base, and starport, consists of 24 Vilani p riorities anyway, an abandoned base there
buildings under a sealed dome. Two kilometers away, is very private.
across the landing fiel d, is an older dome, deserted Kakinig i s between Prime, Dingaan, and Mankiini.
when i ts age made it dangerous to inhabit. That dome It can be reached from any of the three inhabited
has been cleared of useful i tems, although some bases by suborbital grav craft.
abandoned equipment has been permanently parked The layout is simi lar to that at Mankiini. Mankiini
inside. is the successor to Kakinig. Its design i s more
The dome itself is solid for i ts bottom five meters. rational and developed than the hodgepodge of
Above that, it is transparent except for girders and ventilation, power, and communication access
supports. The dome has an estimated useful l ife of ways which mark Kakinag.
200 years.

Dingaan Base Dushaam System - Solomani Rim 1822

This base is above the arctic circle. T h e
local, flightless wildlife has accumulated a Far 61 Cygni B K 5V
large supply of phosphorous in easily 0 Dushaam Y 6A4285-8 M ining colony.
collectible deposits. The people are a
very isolated 12-14 people. 1 Galdaa S GG
The base itself is a large cylinder buried no moons
2 meters underground. There are two
rooftop accesses, and one end extends 2 Tiliggi SGG
outside the hill, permitting a ground-level 2.2 -- r ing
access. Quarters and other rooms have 2.60 T-2 - 410---
been built inside the cylinder.
This system has only three filled orbits, and there is not much of
Mankiini Base interest in the system. It's importance comes from its location, as
The landing site is in a mountain pass, way to bypass Nusku when travelling between the Vilani Imperium
at 2,000 meters elevation. A landing and Terra.

AAB Proceedings 42 Page 5 30 September, 1999

Nusku Terrani
Contact The Institute runs three along simi lar ‘caste’ lines.
The U.N. quickly sent an restaurants, staffed by classes, run Referee: The historical site is a
expedition to Nusku after first by teaching chefs, and open to the good place for a rendezvous. It
contact at Barnard's Star. This public. Prices are high, but the draws a fair crowd, but grounds
expedition refueled at Agidda, a food i s first class. They also host and gardens are extensive enough
desert world, visi ted Nusku, and weddings and gatherings for a to easily arrange privacy.
returned. This established the suitable fee.
pattern of contact: Terrans coming The institute consists of three Porka
to the Vilani. Vilani conservatism four-story brownstones, with The second city of Nusku was
and both side’s interest in classrooms upstairs and the founded after the system changed
quarantine combined to make this restaurants on the first floor. Two- to Terran control. The southern
arrangement formal. story student dormitories face the continent's lodes were untouched,
Terran presence started with classrooms across a grass mall. and the distance appealed to
settlement of a large isl and south Behind the dormitories are student Terrans who distrusted U.N.
of the Vilani-settled peninsula. It recreation areas and faculty control or did not want cultural
was initially developed as the U.N. housing. Entrance to the entire contact with the Vilani.
base, and remained the cosmopoli- complex is through the The site is at a vigorous 8,000
tan center of the world i n l ater brownstones. feet elevation. The thin air keeps
centuries. New Horizon Zoo: This site the city chilly and free of tropical
was deliberately placed away from life.
Avalon Island the cities. The designers wanted to
The U.N. had l ong discussions have ground for l arge habitats. Project Deep Flow
about the first named settlement The oldest section showcases Terrans scientists were
on this major habitable world. A Terran animals, which appealed to interested by the large size of
recourse to Latin l ed to Avalon. Vilani sightseers. The next section Nusku sea life. They reasoned that
Camelot Landing: The site collected Vilani animals. Later deep water l ife, being the oldest,
where the first Terran colonial sections were often enclosed, to might be even l arger. In their
transport landed. They continued accommodate animals from quest to see what earlier l ife looks
to arrive, registering at the dissimilar atmospheres. like, they seek to explore deep i n
immigration desk, and creating a the ocean trenches.
large database which was used for Maxim Radetski Estate The Liberty Abyssal - 2,000
genealogy studies through the Rule An estate built by an early kilometers east of Avalon Island -
of Man and beyond. industrialist. Radetski started with has the highest number of
Ivory College/University: bio-engineered crops adapted to anomalous "sea monster"
Wherever Terrans went, they Nusku’s biosphere, but he moved sightings. Most are heat source
established places of learning, into food processing after marrying detections by orbital sensors.
even while they established a Vilani. Adapting Vilani p rocessing Dissenters point out that these
internets. The early colonists techniques to new crops gave him sightings may be underwater
indicated their yearnings for a first- the edge in providing food to geysers or volcanoes. The hope is
class university by making i ts name settlers and passing ships. He that large animals, possibly based
evoke an “Ivy League” connection. ended controlling the marketing in part on silicon, may inhabit the
Galactic Culinary Institute: side of the agricultural sector. abyssal's depths.
This grandiose title was chosen The estate mixes Terran and Resolution requires a thorough
early. Vilani cuisine, with i ts Vilani design elements. T h e study of the abyssal's lower
emphasis on processed foods, and gardens are definitive Vilani, depths. Pressure effects make the
French sauces, originally used to emphasizing strict separation of power sources of robot probes
make bad food palatable, were species and placing dissimilar unreliable. Consequently, a base
fused quickly. The Institute species adjacent (to limi t blights). must be lowered. A partially
continues to collect recipes and The house has all food manned base is the preferred
food processing tips from all preparation i n a separate building, solution.
known space; i t continues to favor which also housed the food service
sauces over basic foods. staff. Other servants were split

30 September, 1999 Page 6 AAB Proceedings 42

The Sea Floor Project
Humans have always studied the Calypso I was an undersized model them in some isolated place; or
seas around them. The number of which is used for local traffic. It is too leaving ship and crew permanently on
known species there has risen small to be seaworthy in bad weather. the bottom of the sea.
constantly. From these, humans derive Calypso II may be operational or not The smugglers intend to leave
food, drugs, and materials. depending on when players arrive. It during a gap in Vilani orbital sensor
On a major new world, the Terrans provides a convenient base of coverage. One should occur two days
quickly turned to the seas. Who knew operations in an obscure location. after the players start searching.
what treasures they would find? The Clever characters might realize the
Vilani offered technology; the new Adventure Hooks smugglers could be a valuable
seas offered new life. 1. The Calypso I went down in a resource. They know things about
recent storm. The crew survived. The Vilani sensors...
S.F.O.N. colonists request assistance in locating 3. The Calypso is overdue, as above.
The U.N.’s Sea Floor on Nusku the wreck, determining the status of How likely is it to blunder into a
(S.F.O.N.) initiative focused on the the reactor and other gear, and rendevous? Local businessmen want
continental shelf. The majority of sea recovery or proper disposal. to discuss unreported trade with a
life, both by number of species and 2. Either Calypso is overdue. Visiting Terran official. Since the Vilani bureau
body weight, lives in this area. spacers are asked to investigate. is one big company, they insist on
This is staffed as a multi-national "It would look weak to go to the dealing with an official from the Terran
project. Remote sensing is the Vilani for help. We would much rather company.
preferred method of study, but all prefer that Terrans find out what 4. The police of the Vilani Bureau
personnel are qualified scuba divers. happened." are running a sting. They act as in 3,
The surface ship has been largely but only to gather evidence.
Calypso Project ignored by Vilani media. They consider
it an anachronism. Consequently,
Administrators desire a low
maintenance surface ship capable of when it sailed into an obscure cove, Black Smokers
carrying specialists to an area and the smugglers were surprised to see it. Pull: Ore deposits which originally
loitering there. Consequently, studies The crew are being held captive formed underwater are exceptionally
focus on what parts (a nuclear reactor, while the smugglers figure out what to rich in copper and gold. The following
etc.) must be imported or bought do with them and the ship. The ranges are in bonanza yield rates.
locally, from the Vilani. The ship smugglers leadership is divided over Copper 10-15%
project was promptly named Calypso releasing their captives to their ship Zinc 3-25%
by the Terran colonists. when the smugglers depart; stranding Gold 15-20 grams/ton
Silver 120-200 grams/ton
For m at i on: Smokers occur along
tectonic boundaries. Magma near the
surface heats up water in the sea
floor, leading it to absorb minerals and
move upward. As the rising water
cools, the minerals separate out and
build metal-rich chimneys up to 11
meters high.
Ecosystem: These smoking vents
also host an unusual ecosystem, which
interests scientists. Water leaving the
underwater vents can be heated to
nearly 600°F. Adapted bacteria
convert the heated water’s energy and
the sulphuric metal mix into new
bacteria. Grounded worms, blind
crustaceans, giant clams, and fish
commonly eat the bacteria.

AAB Proceedings 42 Page 7 30 September, 1999

Secret Salvage: A Multi-System Adventure
An adventure starting i n Terran space. Adventurers ID collars provided are for a later version of the
could start at Terra, Barnard, Agidda, or even Nusku. program; someone may try to adapt them or the
Briefing Problem: Medical staff will have to diagnose any
A group of renegades has delivered the location of a puppy infections to see if alien germs are mutating
salvageable destroyer from Vilani Imperium space. into forms that could reverse-infect humans – either
The ship i s sought by Vilani authorities, so they will Terran or Vilani.
oppose removing i t to Terran space - i f they know
about the operation. Location Check
The adventurers are to verify the ship’s location and After l eaving Nusku, the Kolkota will j ump to the
condition, repair i t, and bring i t back to Terra. Dushaam system instead of back to Agidda. After
Ship:The Khoverop is a 2000-ton destroyer refueling, the adventurers will l and and verify that the
designed for l ong-range operations and armed Khoverop is there and repairable. If it not, of course,
offensively. Its cargo space is larger than usual, which the Kolkota is to jump for Terra.
made it attractive a minor faction i n Imperium politics. Park the Kolkota in the crevice, equally hidden, and
Now i t is fleeing Imperium justice. operate on ship power i nstead of solar power. Then,
The ship i s holed up i n a crevice on a minor planet strip the Kolkota to provide the parts needed for the
in the Dushaam system. Some of the crew are Khoverop’s overdue maintenance. The tricky part will
present in l ow berth. A few representatives managed be when you power down the Kolkota’s power plant
to contact Terran representatives. and run on batteries until the Khoverop’s power plant
Do not ask the crew what they were doing. That is operating again.
discretion i s part of the deal for turning over the ship. Referee: If the Khoverop’s crew i s revived to help
Referee: A little mystery here permits shaping with the repair, much chance exists for i ntercultural
subsequent Vilani contacts to meet player i nterests. interaction. Flirting, courting, fist-fights, distrust,
(Political, dissident, minor race activists, or just paranoia, gambling games, etc. Otherwise these
smugglers. Or whatever.) activities can enliven the trip to Terra.

Travel Out Travel Back

The planners feel i t is desirable to carry as much l ife Leave the Kolkota there, the apparent victim of a
support as possible. This would permit fully hijacking by desperate, oh, pirates? The revived crew
recharging the destroyer’s life support; i t may also be aboard the Khoverop’s will have to pilot back to Terra.
very important in providing adequate time for reliable The route has to be Agidda, Nusku, and the Terra.
repairs to the Khoverop’s systems. A cover story is Discovery at the last stop permits clai ms of Terran
always useful. jurisdiction. Discovery earlier would bring Vilani
The adventurers travel on the old Terran transport warships to Terra.
Kolkota. It is an old ship, which has modified to test a The Khoverop could just disappear i f not detected
prototype jump-2 drive built entirely by Terrans. This before arriving at Terra. If Vilani do sense it, the
drive is why the ship was selected for this mission. Terrans can clai m it jumped farther rimw ard. T h e
Openly, it is traveling to Nusku to test and demon- Kolkota’s crew would reportedly have been dropped
strate its capabilities. off in return for safe refueling at Saturn and safe
The Kolkota’s cargo of live animals justifies passage beyond Terran colonies to rimw ard.
additional l ife support. The animals are too young to Referee: Naturally, pursuit by a Vilani ship will b e
be cold-berthed, and guaranteed to be welcomed b y more exciting. My preference is for a ship to arrive in
the Vilani. The animals are ... puppies! (Watch Vilani Dushaam, start searching the system, and force the
children try to resist their charms!) pace of the repairs.
Players will expect the usual p roblems with escaping Once the Khoverop is moving, the subject of status
animals. A further complication i s children or Vilani of the jump fuel gauge becomes critical. If the
getting i nto the area to play with them. Here are adventurers have not arranged re-fueling, the the ship
some others. will have to perform wilderness re-fueling with
Problem: The number of little life forms will r equire untested repairs while being pursued.
re-programming the ship’s anti-hijack program. T h e

30 September, 1999 Page 8 AAB Proceedings 42

The Interstellar Wars
“One major problem of designing any American Civil War
game is to find a point in the conflict where stupidity rules and
chit drawings do not have to be incorporated and where a
Agidda in the 1FW
situation that has a chance to be a balanced challenge is left for The Terran settlement was defended before and after the
the players.” (Wargamer 41) That applies to modelling the early First Interstellar War. Before the war began, it had a self-
Interstellar Wars. defense militia headquarters. The Vilani initially ignored it.
These were first detailed with the board game Imperium. Its In the second year of the war, the Vilani governor finally
scale depicts capital ships, divisional invasions, and abstracted mobilized a military response to Terran claims of indepen-
colonization. Only forced peaces permit Terra to survive. dence on a Vilani world. The campaign used the mobility o f
Vilani air/rafts to outmaneuver Terran ground vehicles.
Unfortunately, General Rallagaz chose to turn back and take
Scale of Forces North Point after isolating it. The two-week engagement
Building capital ships and enough transports to carry a single
exhausted his small force.
division depends on the design rules used. Under High Guard,
The Terrans realized that Rallagaz had deployed his forces
Terra’s tech level of 10 does not permit large ships. TCS
in too many detachments. They reassembled and attacked,
campaign rules do not permit muc h tonnage. Worse, the numbe r
only to be defeated in the Battle of Hunchback Ridge. The
of high population worlds in the single Vilani sector means that
Vilani still held a technological edge, and the forces so small
a governor could have sent a relatively overwhelming force.
that the Vilani still had a professional edge. (The Vilani
In Imperium, an effective early Terran strategy is to place
militia and reservists were at home.) The Vilani losses led
settlements quickly to end wars before the Vilani can win. It is
Rollagaz to withdraw from the island. Consequently, the
a type of stupidity rule: Vilani commanders could scarcely have
Terrans claim the campaign a strategic victory.
cared about relative Terran expansion. The rule permits the
North Point Military Base: This militia base was
Terran player to build transport capacity and win wars with it.
established with the colony. It was activated at the start o f
By the third war the Terrans may have a large enough economy
the First Frontier War, and sustained a brief siege.
to support a battle line.
North Point Military Base reservation was extended south
to Hunchback Ridge. The reservation has been home to
Vilani Forces military units and, most of the time, to a military academy.
The scale of the Vilani Imperiumpermits thoughts of huge Dragon Lair: The Terrans built this underground redoubt
forces. The statement that only the forces of one Vilani sector during the 1FW. The site was afterward maintained as a
were involved until the 9th War provides perspective. museum, showing the arms and equipment used in the early
It does not provide guidance on Vilani emphasis on trade, Interstellar Wars.
military building, or industrialization. Did they prefer to
produce goods locally or not, so that they could import them Vilani Army Garrison
fromthe neighboring Vilani regions. 16th infantry Regiment 1,305
One major factor is that during the Interstellar Wars, the 29th Light Infanrtry batalion 500
Vilani had to keep forces back to occupy the Veg a polity. The 1 infanrtry Guard Company 226
Vegans did change sides later, but it is unclear how much 1 Mobile Artillery battery 150
resistance they gave the Vilani occupiers during the Wars. 1 Engineer company 200
Military Police - infantry 1,042
What United Nations? Which Terra? Military Police - cavalry 95
Another factor is how the U.N. is treated. After it unifies the Military Police - headquarters 13
militaries, what factor do you use for computing the world's Total 3,531
military budget? In the TCS rules, it matters whether the world
government is a popular dictatorship, a feudal technocracy, or
a representative democracy. Our destiny exerts its influence over us even when, as
The relative emphasis on colonization, industrial upgrading yet, we have not learned its nature; It is our future that
(technology imports), and military build-up are also political lays down the law of our today. -- Nietsche
decisions that are up to each referee. Sounds like we are characters in a carefully plotted novel ....
Is Terra a cyberpunk dysutopia or an ecologically-sound
paradise? A unitary culture, or strongly factionalized ?
We must love them both--those whose opinions we share
With neither side subject to a commonly-accepted model,
and those whose opinions we reject. For both have labored
there is no way to build a commonly-accepted course of events.
in the search for truth, and both have helped us in the
I have settled for developing worlds for referees to use.
finding of it. --St. Thomas Aquinas

AAB Proceedings 42 Page 9 30 September, 1999

1) Colonel Marzz Jensen for too long and l eft the service. Now he has joined a
A64B9C Age 43, 5 term army ex-Lt Colonel. mercenary outfit as a special aide to the commander.
University and army OTC graduate. One of his chief duties are as unit recruiter and
Skill List: Language (Vilani)-1, Ship’s boat-1, intelligence officer. He likes the ability to work outside
Navigation-1, Computer-4, Physics-1, Leader-2, of a rigid structure and has been very effective in
Tactics-1, Rifle-3, SMG-1, Watercraft-2, Battledress-1, gathering new soldiers and l eading teams in
helicopter-3, Knife-4, Carousing-1, Artillery-2 clandestine missions. His chief weaknesses are his
hatred for formal l earning and his quick temper.
Colonel Jensen i s the leader of a mercenary
company that is equipped to TL-9 standards. The unit 3) Sergeant Griswald
special izes in commando tickets on to TL-5-8 planets. 989766 Age 30, 2 terms Marine sergeant.
The unit has a variety of helicopter and fast water- Skill List: Cutlass-1, Rifle-3, Tactics-3, Brawling-1,
craft assets which the Colonel p refers to grav vehicles Environ Cbt-1, Leader-1
because of the relative ease of maintenance on l ow Griswald constantly switches from mercenary unit to
tech worlds. When not engaged on a ticket, Colonel unit. He is a very talented soldier and i s trained to do
Jensen can usually be found i n l arge starports looking very little else. However, he is constantly finding
for recruits and equipment. He will u sually react himself in l eadership positions, almost always by
negatively about candidates who are over enthusiastic accident, when l ess talented hire-ups get themselves
about cutting edge tech. Rather he looks for men with killed. Whenever this occurs he begins to get very
professional d ispositions. uncomfortable and attempts to leave the unit as soon
as legally possible.
2) Marquis Milos Humbarru
86AB5D Age 32, 3 term Navy sub-lieutenant. 44) “Later” Urudush.
Member of Traveller’s Aid 887766 Age 25, 2 terms Army corporal
Skill List: Mechanics-1, Brawling-1, Navigation-1, Skill List: Rifle-1, Carousing-2, Admin-2, Streetwise-
Ship Tactics-2, Cryptology-1, Recruiting-1, Fencing-2, 2, Brawling-1
Ship’s Guns-2, Instruction-1, Liason-1, Medic-2 Urudush has been repeatedly fired from mercenary
units across local space. He at first appears to be a
As a boy Milos’ favorite expression was “have the good guy to hit the town with and competent military
tutor beaten.” He is a spoiled son of a noble house cler k. As soon as he gets comfortable, however, he
who hated everything to do with l earning and suddenly does no work. Everything will be done
education. He was forced by circumstance into the “later”; thus his nickname.
navy where his natural i ntelligence raised him into the By David L. Nelson
officer corps. He was too self-important to take orders
Contraband Lists
After drugs and arms, wild animals are the third largest
contraband trade in the world. Illegal trading is driven by a desire
toput an unusual animal in a private zoo or in food. Of the
animals shipped illegally, 80-90% die in transit. Drugs and
confinement are the culprits. Survivors arrive undomesticated,
and are often abandoned.
The most commonly illegal import items (often counterfeit):
1. Movies 2 9%
2. Computers & parts 17%
3. Clothing 9%
4. Toys and video games 6%
5. Fans 5%
6. Watches and parts 4%
7. Power chargers, adapters 3%
8. Perfumes and make-up 3%
9. Hats and clothing accessories 2%

30 September, 1999 Page 10 AAB Proceedings 42

Koskuisko Layout
This is a huge ship, in which it was
easy for the crew to get lost outside
their usual work areas. It may be used
just to convince PCs their ship is small.
Deep Space Repair (DSR) vessels have
a primary role of repairing adventuring
ships for free; ask any broken-down
merchant explorer.
The five arms extending from the
central core were named T1 through
T5. For scale, the covers at the ends
of T3 and T4 protect internal “Main
Repair Bays” large enough to hold an
escort destroyer. Each arm has 17
decks, numbered out from the hub.
Passenger dock (arrival and
departures) is located at the base of
T4. Cargo can be received by any arm
(and any deck on T3 and T4), but the
passenger dock is a good place to
start any arriving PCs.
T3 and T4 are repair arms. Their
exteriors are solid, but internally they
are split into port and starboard wings
by a Main Repair Bay. There are cross-
connects at decks 1-3 and a walkway
on decks 16 and17. The oblong
shaded areas are engine test beds,
which can also dock smaller ships.
The T5 arm’s primary use is as the
site of the ship’s medical wing.
The T1 arm houses the offices of
the ship’s commanders. The ship and GenCon Report
the ‘embarked’ Repair Wings have
There was little of interest for 2300AD
commanders, which leads to some
TRAVELLERs at this GenCon. 2300AD was discussed at Origins.
high-level discussions. The ship’s
bridge is on deck 17, the deck farthest Marc clarified on the HIWG-TWg list
from the hub. The tank at the end of Straight TRAVELLER that what was said was: If anyone
the arm was a late addition, and its Marc had hoped to have a new wanted to do anything with 2300AD,
purpose has not been publically edition out. The only new TRAVELLER contact Marc. Tantalus has the rights,
explained. Therefore, naval personnel products I saw were a few copies of but they refer inquiries to Marc.
do not ask further about its nature. 101 Religions and 101 Governments
Most of T1 is taken up by specialized imported from Britain. Other SF
workshops for fabricating crystal-iron There was no seminar. Marc Miller A city-mapping supplement is out
pieces to order. They are not near T3 was there, at the Jolly Roger booth, for Campaign Cartographer II. It does
or T4. It was more important to have but I missed him. The man at the not work with the first version. It
these workshops far from the jarring booth had been at Marc’s talk at includes building symbols for SF
of arriving and departing craft and Origins, and said that Marc intended settings as well as medieval and
engine tests. to self-publish TRAVELLER 5. Marc modern construction. This popped up
The T2 arm is housing and would not continue MARC MILLER’S a symbol catalog set that looked just
recreation areas. There are gardens TRAVELLER. He would instead return like starship map elements from
on the highest deck, for environmental to the classic TRAVELLER rules. TRAVELLER.
control as well as recreation.

AAB Proceedings 42 Page 11 30 September, 1999

Book Reviews dissected during a Board of Inquiry.
This issue, I review a trilogy and a book by Elizabeth Following the Board, Ensign Esmay visits home, makes
Moon. They are well-written and set in an interesting a disturbing discovery about her youth, and travels to an
stellar neighborhood. obscure assignment on a mobile repair ship. (Take the
This universe is the only believable use of equestrian hero junior officer, and send her someplace to learn the
skill I have read in a SF novel – or series that does not trade where her reputation won’ t get her or a ship in
require crashing on a backward planet. The nobility keeps trouble.) The big problem is that the Blood Horde pirates
its horses on agricultural worlds. There are a series of have a plan to attack that ship. Other problems happen
events that occur on certain world’s according to the along the way.
world’s climate and year. These create a circuit which the The biggest failing of this book is problems which seem
rich and idle nobles travel. to arise or go away too easily, because of where the plot
The societies are dealing with the consequences of was supposed to go. I was especially irked by the lack of
having recently discovered a re-usable rejuvenation picture or schematic of the D.S.R. Koscuisko: the lack
treatment. It is a recurring facet which affects a number of complicated following events.
people’s long-term decisions. If father is not going to die,
possibly ever, then why should I wait here to inherit? Will
the establishment become fatally risk-averse?
The solid Familias Regnant polity is the playing field. AAB Proceedings
It’s near neighbors include the Mafia-like Benignity of the AAB Proceedings is distributed to all HIWG members bi-
Compassionate Hand, the lower tech Blood Horde raiders, monthly. Membership rates are $10/year in the U.S.A. and
and the higher tech Guerni Republic. Not a bad mix for a $18.00/year overseas. (The difference goes entirely to the
role-playing setting. postal service.)
To submit material, please send it to: Clayton R. Bush;
• Hunting Party PO Box 895; Limon, CO 80828. or ClayRBush@AOL.COM.
Spaceship captain Heris Serrano was maneuvered into All materials are copyrighted by author, and printed for
resigning by an admiral. A space crew placement agency discussion by per- mission. (N.B. Copyright law protects
finds her a job piloting a rich woman’s yacht. The patron, words, not ideas.)
an middle-aged Olympic rider, likes her captain, and
insists that her friend learn enough riding to pass in Acknowledgements
society. Having dealt with a number of problems and Traveller, MegaTraveller, Traveller: The New Era , and
gotten things going the way they want them to go, the Marc Miller's Traveller are trademarks owned by Marc
protagonists find out what is going on at a remote camp. Miller. References to products of licensees are not
And they have to stop it. intended to infringe on his or their rights.

HIWG Connection
• Sporting Chance HIWG (“History of the Imperium Working Group”) is a
Court intrigue strikes at Heris’s patron. Continuing fan organization for the Traveller role-playing game. For
characters strike off in several directions to deal with membership information, write to:
pieces of the plot. It climaxes at a convocation of nobles to Membership Secretary: Clay Bush; P.O. Box 895;
judge the king's fitness and other issues. Limon, CO 80828. ClayRBush@AOL.COM.
HIWG-Australia: David Schneider; 5 East Avenue;
• Winning Colors Allenby Gardens, SA 5009; Australia.
Serrano and ship are at a frontier world to let her patron HIWG-NZ: Richard Field; 9/26 Phillip Street;
look over horse lines. (The patron plans to pay off some Johnsonville; Wellington; New Zealand. E-mail :
debts.) Unfortunately, the world expects recent Blood rfields@actrix.gen.nz
Horde raids to continue, and recruits Heris to advise
them. Then things get interesting. Computer Connections
IBM PC: Brian Borich, 3890 50th Street; San Diego, CA
• Once a Hero 92105-3005.
If you plan to read only one book, this one is the best MacIntosh: Rob Prior; 67 Greenbelt Road; Richmond
single book in Moon’s universe. If you read it in order, it Hill, Ontario, Canada L4C 5S1.
is the fourth book. Homepage: http://home.sn.no/~starwolf/hiwg/
A minor character from Winning Colors gets her own
book. Some references to events in Winning Colors are

30 September, 1999 Page 12 AAB Proceedings 42

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