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Thread Benang Use Menggunakan

Vein Cadar Make Membuat
Ring ‫ خاتم‬Cincin Buy ‫ يستري‬membeli
Tie Dasi Broke Memecahkan
Coat ‫ سترة‬Jas Take Mengambil
Rain coat Jas hujan Give Memberi
Veil Cadar Wear Mengenakan
Glasses kacamata Find menemukan
Cloth kaos Ask menanyakan
Necklace Kalung Have mempunyai
Botton Kancing Want menginginkan
Cotton Kapas Save menyimpan
Collar Kerah baju Say mengatakan
Costum kostum Wash mencuci
Cup ‫ قلنسوة‬Peci Know mengetahui
Brooch Penit Wish mengharapkan
Skirt Rok Count menghitung
Vest Rompi Get mendapatkan
Belt Sabuk Draw menggambar
Pocket Saku Repair memperbaiki
Glove Sapu Tangan Think memikirkan
Sarong ‫ ازار‬Sarung Fold melipat
Pillowcase Sarung Bantal Bring membawa
Prayer of mat Sejadah Leave meninggalkan
Shoes ‫ حداء‬Sepatu Forget melupakan
Gelang talk membicarakan
‫ سروال‬Celana hold memegang

I me
You you
He him
She her
Absurd Different
Afraid Difficult
Amazing Diligent
Angry Dissapointng
Annoying Disgustng
Arrogant Easy
Beautful Expensive
Big Fair
Bitter Famous
Blind Fast
Boring Fat
Brave Forgetful
Busy Friendly
Careful Funny
Careless Talktve
Charming Gloomy
Cheap Handsome
Cheerful Happy
Childish Sleepy
Clear Angry
Clever Silly
Cloudy Great
Cmfortable ridiculous
Where do you go, Mr, Miss, Ustadzah, guys, honey? mau kemana pak?
I wanna go to Canteen,the class, Mosque, to bathroom, bedroom saya mau ke kantn
Are you coming with me? mau ikut?
Sure, wait. I take sandal first. tentu, tunggu. Saya ambil sandal dulu.
Hei, What's up? How is your feeling? hei, apa kabar?
Never Better, Fine, Great, Sleepy, tred, boring. biasa saja, baik, baik, ngantuk, lelah, bosan
What's going on? ada apa nih?
It's OK, It Doesn't matter oh iya gpp
Thanks anyway oh iya makasih
give me that book berikan aku buku itu.
here it is nih
i wanna go home aku ingin pulang.
When will you go home? kapan kamu mau pulang?
i think you should talk to your parents aku rasa kamu perlu bicara sama orang tuamu
be patent guys! sabar yaa
i have something for you, suprised! aku ada sesuatu untuk mu, kejutan!
OMG, you are very kind. OMG, kamu baik banget.
Thank you. makasih
Hey, Over here/ Over there hey, sebelah sini
May i help you? boleh aku bantu?
Can you help me? bisakah kamu membantuku?
yeah,What? iya, apa?
take me a pen ambilkan aku pulpen
What are you looking for? apa yang sedang kamu cari?
I am looking for Dictonary, Have you seen it? aku lagi nyari kamus
Have you seen Dina? apa kamu lihat dina?
Hey, Where have you been? hey, kemana saja?
I am going no where, just stay in the room. aku nggk kemana-mana, hanya tnggal di ruangan
wait a minute tunggu sebentar
What are you waitng for? apa yang sedang kamu tunggu?
Come on ayo
Hurry up cepat
Wake up buddy! bangun woy
We are late kita telat nih
Where is your book? dimana bukumu?
Where is your shoes? dimana sepatu mu?
stop doing that. Lewat sini, ayo
What do you think of this pict? menurut kamu gimana gambar ini?
It's beautful cantk/ indah
It's totally boring benar-benar membosankan
give me another kasih aku yang lain
stop doing that. berhent melakukan hal itu.
i dont think so aku rasa tdak
i think so aku rasa iya/ stuju
Sorry to bother you maaf mengganggumu
Idont wanna go to canteen aku nggk mau ke kantn
Dont worry! jgn khawatr
how about you? ai kamu gimana
i dont know aku nggk tau
what do you think of this story? kalo menurut kamu gimana cerita ini?
its interestng menarik
Actually, i dont like it but i appreciate him. sebenarnya, aku nggk menyukainya
How much does it cost? berapaan nih
attenton, please. Attenton please! perhatan perhatan
You rock! kamu luarbiasa
Just for you cuman buat kamu
Congrats Buddy! selamat buddy
Will you joint in study group tonight? mau ikut kelompok belajar nant malam?
i have no idea aku belum kepikiran
seize the day raih kesempatan
just one tousand serebuan
you can do it kamu bisa
i miss my parent
i miss you

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