Statement of 313 CRPC Project

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Criminal Case No. 7542/2018

State v. Dinmey Dubey

P.S.-Safdarjung Hospital

Final Arguments on behalf of Prosecution

The prosecution requests the Hon’ble Court to permit and allow to submit the present Written
Arguments on behalf of prosecution, on record of matter in the interest of justice.


a.) That the Investigating Officer under his official duty went to the AIIMS Hospital for the
investigation of the crime on 25th August 2017. The accused intentionally testified for the
false evidence.
b.) On the basis of the complaint filed, investigation was done and a final report was
submitted to the magistrate. While investigating in statement under 161 CrP.C. was
called in by the investigating officer and statements of witnesses were called in from
which it was clearly given that accused Dinmey Dubey signed the medical report
c.) As the search and seizure was provided in it was proved in that through the SFSL
report(exhibit ) that the accused was seen through the CCTV footage 1 (exhibit ) to be
entering the emergenc ward at 1:40 PM and he is noted to be there till 6:40 PM.
d.) As per the statement of PW-2, Shaili Dixit had told Mr. Khajal Jain that Dr. Gharshit
Gupta was not in his office.
e.) As per the CCTV footage 3(exhibit), Mr.Khajal Jain is noted to be submitting his medical
reports in the documentation office.
f.) It is clear from the evidences that Dr. Gharshit Gupta was not present in his office till
7:00 PM but Mr. Khajal Jain was able to submit his reports at 4:00 PM as per the CCTV
footage 3(exhibit).
g.) It is clear from all the evidences that the accused have done all this intentionally.
Therefore should be convicted under section 196 of IPC making him liable for fine as
well as three years.

It is therefore most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble court may graciously be pleased to:

1) Pass an order against the accused under section 196 for imprisonment of three years as well as

2) To pass orders and further orders in favour of the prosecution and against the accused as may
be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.

Date: 10.09.2018

Signature of P.P. Abhineet Kalia

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