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Nazariy Gorpynyuk Kiev, Ukraine
Professional iOS developer. Experienced full-stack developer. Skype: nazariyg
Swift & Objective-C. All things Apple. Python & Django. Linux shell. GitHub/nazariyg
Over 8 years of iOS development and 15 years in software engineering. LinkedIn/nazariyg
Code quality, clarity, & readability devotee. Fluent English speaker. +380963718561
On a quest for great ideas to code them into sublime masterpieces.


iOS app for a car driving assistant & prediction service iOS Development, Swift,
Networking, Realm, FRP, ReactiveSwift, ReactiveCocoa, MVVM, GUI, autolayout, Cocoa Touch, Objective-C,
Core Location, Core Motion, Google Maps SDK, Google Places, GCD, MapKit, Git, GCD, macOS Development,
Crashlytics, Firebase. Languages: Swift, Objective-C. Python, Django,
iOS app for an instant messaging service User Interface Design, C/C++,
Networking, frontend/backend, Core Data, GCD, GUI, autolayout, Core Graphics, JavaScript, Git, Sourcetree,
StoreKit, AVKit, APN, WebRTC, WebKit, P2P encryption, Git, TestFlight, Linux, Ubuntu, Nginx,
CI via Jenkins, Fabric, Crashlytics. Languages: Objective-C, Swift. PostgreSQL, PHP, HTML,
iOS app for a cloud document storage service CSS, PCRE,
Networking, frontend/backend, Core Data, GCD, APN, GUI, autolayout, MapKit,
Computer Graphics,
Core Location, StoreKit, WebKit, Git, HockeyApp. Language: Objective-C. Product Development,
Product Marketing,
iOS SDK for a gaming service platform
Visual Studio, Graphic Design,
Networking, frontend/backend, GCD, GUI, autolayout, Git. Language: Swift.
Photoshop, Illustrator,
Markdown, Sublime Text,

Swift App Core — The core to my own Swift apps

My own Swift 4 implementations of concurrency, networking, logging, FRP, persistent
storage, serialization, backend API, authentication, remote notifications, and core UI.
English, Russian, Ukrainian
Swift App Core


O'Day app is where the user's future lives as vivid and exciting visions. Was written in
GitHub Repositories
Swift 2 back in the day. In Python/Django for the backend.
Swift Source, Python/Django Source, Presentation PDF
Qcore — C/C++ library InstaDjango
Implements smart pointers, runtime type introspection, efficient arrays, maps, sets, and Solr-5-for-django-haystack
lists, fast sorting, algorithms for data compression, image processing, about 20 image
formats, pieces from computational geometry, and a 3D engine.

iOS Developer. Full-stack iOS/Python/Django developer.


Skill Mark Years of usage Last used

Objective-C 10 6 2019

Swift 10 4 2019

iOS SDK 10 8 2019

macOS SDK 8 3 2018

iOS/macOS Core Data 9 3 2018

iOS/macOS Core Graphics 8 5 2019

iOS/macOS GCD & Concurrency 8 5 2019

Python 9 5 2019

Django 9 3 2019

C/C++ 6 4 2017

Linux/Ubuntu 7 5 2019

Nginx 7 3 2019

PHP 8 2 2016

JavaScript 7 4 2019

HTML/CSS 6 3 2019

Architecture design, instant messengers, social networks, blockchain, custom UI, 2D & 3D computer
graphics, algorithmics, frontend/backend architectures, real-time applications.

Advanced Level, fluent speaker.


iOS development: 8 years.
Overall development experience: 15 years.

September 2018 – Present: iOS Developer at a startup company, work under NDA

February 2018 – September 2018: iOS Developer at CloudMade, Kiev, Ukraine

Projects: iOS app for a car driving assistant and prediction service, iOS app for collecting
driver data and driver activities
Tasks and Accomplishments:
• Designing app architecture
• Supporting and improving the existing code base
• Designing and writing Objective-C wrappers for the C API of the service’s mobile platform SDK
• Minimizing battery consumption for continuous location tracking on iOS
• Adapting the data collection app to requirements from automotive vendors
• Implementing data collection algorithms based on the user’s motion activity
• Adding and adapting UI for various screen sizes
• Implementing a Realm-based local storage layer
• Making use of functional-reactive design approaches in networking and UI
• Code refactoring and restructuring
• UI/UX design
• Troubleshooting and bug fixing
Languages: Swift, Objective-C
Technologies: iOS SDK, Realm, FRP, ReactiveSwift, ReactiveCocoa, MVVM, GUI, autolayout,
Core Location, Core Motion, Google Maps SDK, Google Places, GCD, MapKit, Git, Crashlytics
Tools: JIRA, Confluence, CocoaPods, Firebase, Zeplin, Framer
Source Control: Git, Sourcetree
Methodology: Agile

May 2016 – February 2018: iOS Developer at DevelopEx, Kiev, Ukraine

Project: iOS app for an instant messaging service

Tasks and Accomplishments:
• Designing and implementing client/server interoperability architecture
• Adding and adapting UI for various screen sizes and device orientations
• Implementing audio and video calls between users
• Extending and optimizing push notifications
• Improving performance
• Implementing encrypted persistent storage
• Implementing encrypted messaging
• Adding the feature of sending video messages
• Improving secure vault storage
• Code refactoring and restructuring
• UI/UX design
• Troubleshooting and bug fixing
Languages: Objective-C, Swift
Technologies: iOS SDK, Core Data, GCD, GUI, autolayout, Core Graphics, StoreKit, AVKit, APN,
WebRTC, Quickblox, WebKit, CloudKit, Fabric, Crashlytics
Tools: JIRA, Confluence, Jenkins, Gradle, Instruments, TestFlight, CocoaPods
Source Control: Git, Sourcetree
Methodology: Agile
Project: iOS app for a cloud document storage service
Tasks and Accomplishments:
• Implementing new features for document storage and document geolocation
• Implementing the data persistency layer
• Implementing the network communication layer
• Optimizing performance and concurrency
• Improving document and metadata retrieval
• Designing and improving the UI
• Adapting the UI for iPhone/iPad
• Code refactoring
• Communicating with the customers
• Troubleshooting and bug fixing
Language: Objective-C
Technologies: iOS SDK, Core Data, GCD, APN, GUI, autolayout, MapKit, Core Location, StoreKit
Tools: JIRA, Confluence, Instruments, HockeyApp, CocoaPods
Source Control: Git, Sourcetree
Methodology: Agile

Project: iOS SDK for a gaming service platform

Tasks and Accomplishments:
• Implementing new features and functionality
• Adapting the UI to various screen sizes and device orientations
• Implementing secure user authorization and login storage
• Improving the process of cross-platform code loading
• Code refactoring
• Peer-to-peer code reviewing
• Improving the cloud storage
• Optimizing memory usage and performance
• Improving communication between the native and cross-platform components
• Working on product development strategies
• Taking part in daily standups
• Providing technical support to business clients
• Troubleshooting and bug fixing
Languages: Swift
Technologies: iOS SDK, GCD, GUI, autolayout, APN, StoreKit, React Native, Fabric, Crashlytics
Tools: JIRA, Instruments, CocoaPods
Source Control: GitHub, Git, Sourcetree
Methodology: Agile

March 2016 - May 2016: iOS Developer at Pharm Media, Kiev, Ukraine

Project: iOS app for supporting a pharmaceutical product

Languages: Swift
Technologies: iOS SDK, GUI, autolayout
Tools: CocoaPods
Methodology: Incremental
2011 - March 2016: Freelance iOS, Server-side, & Flash Developer

Project: O’Day, Presentation PDF

Future events calendar with visually appealing effects and social network sharing.
Languages: Swift, Objective-C
Technologies: iOS SDK, GUI, autolayout, GCD, GPUImage, MessageUI, Facebook iOS SDK
Tools: CocoaPods
Methodology: Incremental

Project: Online store for, server and client sides

Languages: PHP, HTML/CSS
Databases: MySQL

Project: Red Universe 2.0, interactive avatar-based chat for Red Interactive Agency, Presentation PDF
Languages: ActionScript, Java, YouTube Flash API
Technologies: Flash, Unity Server
Cover Letter
Dear HR manager,

With an extensive experience of more than 14 years in software development, ranging from C++ to Web and
from server-side to Swift, my skills and capabilities in learning new technologies have eventually enabled me
to get focused on a handful of areas of expertise in a proficient, deeply contextual way.

The skills listed in my resume are strongly backed by countless hours of hands-on experience with client-
server application design, profiling and testing, forward-thinking analysis, time-constrained problem
solving, performance optimization, and quality assurance. In addition, I am characterized with:
• Exceptionally clean, readable, highly structured and reusable code.
• Comprehensive naming and commenting in flawless English.
• Touch typing in English.
• Focusing on achieving the best user experience possible.
• Highest priorities for product quality, both functional and visual.
• Methodological approach to task completion with high attention to details.
• Customer-focused thinking.
• Good understanding of usability concepts.
• Motivation for learning and using new technologies, frameworks, tools, and open-source solutions to
benefit productive development.
• Willing to continuously discover, evaluate, and implement such technologies and solutions.
• Sense for high user satisfaction by means of clean UI and visual appeal.
• Good problem solving and troubleshooting skills.
• Ability to multi-task and prioritize.
• Being a responsible team member.
• Ability to adapt to new development strategies.
• Proactive problem identification and avoidance.
• Attitude of getting things done regardless of circumstances.
• Understanding of the importance of optimizing for speed, memory usage, and end-user responsiveness.
• Significant experience with concurrency and multithreading.
• Experience in writing specifications and technical documentation.

I am confident in my capabilities to create advantages for your company with my experience, enthusiasm,
and forward thinking. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my potential contribution.

Thank you for this consideration,


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