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We are really grateful to NIFT for providing us with an opportunity to do our Graduation
Bengaluru. A project report usually falls short of its expectations until and unless guided by the
right people at the right time. Hence, we would like to express our deep sense of gratitude and
heartfelt thanks to our college Mentor Dr. A K. Khare, Professor without whom our graduation
project would have been a distant dream. We would also like to acknowledge Mrs. Kavita
Pathare, Course Coordinator and other faculty of Department of Fashion Technology for their
guidance and feedback.

We are indebted to the Ms. Angie Mahtaney, Chief Executive Officer and Mr. Anjan
Mohanty, Chief Operating Officer of K.MOHAN & COMPANY (EXPORTS) PVT.LTD for letting us to
pursue/carry out our graduation project with their organisation and for constantly supporting
and motivating us throughout this project’s tenure. We also express our sincere gratitude to our
industry mentor, Mr. H. P. Vishwanath, General Manager, Industrial Engineering Dept. for
providing valuable insights of the industry and for mentoring us at each and every stage, leading
to the successful completion of our project.

We also pay our gratitude to Mr. Shubham Maheshwari and Mr. Hitesh Verma for their
IT related contributions and for bringing our mobile based application live.

Last but not the least; we would like to thank all other employees, staffs and operators of
the organization for their selfless help throughout the project’s tenure.


1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Literature Review
4. Methodology
5. Implementation and execution/experimentation
6. Findings/Results
7. Suggestions and recommendation
7. Scope of the project in Future
8. Conclusion

The Indian Textiles Industry has an overwhelming presence in the economic life of the country. Apart from
providing one of the basic necessities of life, the textile industry also plays a pivotal role through its
contribution to industrial output, employment generation, and the export earnings of the country. It
provides direct employment to over 45 million people. (Corporate Catalyst (India) Pvt. Ltd.)

India is a very competitive player in the global textile and apparel market. However, the global market for
textiles and apparels is very competitive and requires all the major suppliers to continuously improve their
product basket in terms of quality and pricing. Due to certain infrastructure disadvantage, cost of inputs
and transaction costs Indian Textiles and apparel industry has been losing its competitiveness to emerging
smaller economies such as Bangladesh, Vietnam etc. [Freepatents, 2008]

The apparel sector is the final stage of the textiles value chain, with maximum value addition at this level.
It is a low investment and high labor-intensive industry. The apparel sector consists mainly of knitted and
woven garment segments. This sector is fragmented and is predominantly in the small scale.

K. Mohan & Company (Exports) Pvt. Ltd., is a Bengaluru based apparel manufacturing export house. K.

Mohan specializes in manufacturing high-quality men’s and women’s wear in the woven fabric
category. The company was established by Mr. Raju Mahtaney in 1973. Although they have
clients worldwide, they mainly cater to the American & European market. At present there are 8
manufacturing facilities producing approx. 4.5 million garments per year. Major buyers include Superdry,
Marco Polo, Gap, banana republic, True Religion, Old Navy etc.

The authors of this report got an opportunity to carry out their graduation project with NB1 unit of the
company which produces approx. 5.5 lakh woven garments per year.

The 14 week project commenced with the observational study of the entire plant, but with a focus on
cutting and sewing operations. The authors did observe each and every process for initial 7 days in the
cutting room and 10 days in the sewing room. The findings of this phase are presented below which were
discussed with the management.
Cutting Room

 There were two units in the vicinity of around 150 meters. The first one, NB1 produced
woven shirts.

 The unit has 2 computerized spreaders and 1 computerized cutting machine with an
installed capacity of cutting approx. 1, 25,000 pcs/ month. The spreader was not being
used due to machine breakdown and poor maintenance. Most of the Spreading was done

The other unit, NB2 had an installed capacity of around 3000 cotton/formal trousers per day.

The production output of last 2 months of these 2 units is enclosed as Annexure I. This would
indicate that the average production per day was 1600 shirts and 2000 trousers respectively.

These observations lead to the idea of a centralized cutting room catering to both NB and Nb2

Sewing Section

 Efficiency was as low as 27%

 Crude methods employed for production monitoring system; done manually on registers,
sheets, etc., ultimately leading to misinterpretation of production figures and leading to
bogus stock.
 Poor methods used in sewing, thus resulting in lower productivity. Minimal usage of work-
aids in sewing operations.
 Lack of coordination with the IE Dept. and sewing section. The IE dept. prepared the
OB/docket which is seldom followed by the sewing department.
 Inordinate delays in style change.
 Sewing machines were usually cluttered with bundles and garment panels, occupying the
majority of table area and making it difficult for an operator to sew efficiently. Due to this
poor workplace arrangement, it created a lot of confusion on the sewing tables. Common
problems observed were:
 Confusion on workstation and searching for corresponding garment parts.
 Panels often falling from operator's lap.
 Less working space for operation as a major portion of table area was occupied by the
 Part mix up and a lot of time wasted to find the right panels.
 Excessive torque movements and ultimately increased fatigue levels.
The student’s team brainstormed these observations with the concerned employees of the
section and came out with various following solutions.

 To centralize the cutting section for both the units, i.e. NB1 & NB2 as the capacity in NB2
is enough to cut for both the units. This possibility was discussed and was given to our
colleagues to work on.
 To create new means of transferring production information using technological aspect.
 To improve material handling system on the production floor.
 To create a standard set of documents for I.E department in order to improve line
planning according to the upcoming style.

These problems and possible solutions were discussed with the management at length and while
appreciating the efforts of the student’s team, the management in principle agreed to
experiment the suggestions as a part of the GP:
 To develop and implement a production tracking mobile based application for Android
platform to improve transparency of production statistics.
 To reduce material handling of sewing floor and improve workstation designs.
 To design a standardized I.E docket for a new style to be manufactured and the
implementation of appropriate methods for assembling the components.

This led to finalize the objective for GP.


I. To develop and implement a production tracking mobile based application

for Android platform to improve transparency of production statistics.

This helped in achieving followings:

 Providing standardized and user friendly reports of production output & efficiency for
each line.
 Swift and timely transfer of production information between different levels of
organizational hierarchy (top management & production staff).
 Eliminate delayed decision making in problem areas by implementing up to date
 Easy identification of underutilised and underperforming batches/lines.
 Reduction of manpower; mainly production writers and ultimately reduction in
manufacturing cost.
II. To reduce material handling of sewing floor and improve workstation

This phase included:

 Enhancing operator’s efficiency by providing the suitable work-aids for several sewing
 Introducing proper output pins and thus giving sewing lines a neat and sorted look, by
removing heaps of garments on the machine table; and
 Redesigning of workstations based on ergonomics principles.

III. To design a standardized I.E docket for a new style to be manufactured and
the implementation of appropriate methods for assembling the

This part included:

 Analyzing the design and designing an improved operation bulletin providing all necessary
details like line capacity, target, machinery, operators etc.;
 Quick changeover of styles minimizing delays for line setup.
 Implementing the revised format across all manufacturing units.

“The emphasis in organizational theory on order and control often handicaps theorists
when they want to understand the processes of creativity and innovation” (Weick ,1998).

According to this, scholars tried to transpose to an organizational context, as metaphors,

the key characteristics observed in some of the most improvisational environments, such as jazz
music, theatrical performances, sports, and public speaking (e.g. Weick, 1993; Barrett, 1998;
Meyer, 1998). This massive use of metaphors is one of the main critics moved to the bases of
improvisation literature framework.

In fact, the first studies focused on this topic suffer properly from an over-reliance on the
excessive use of metaphors (Cunha et al., 1999; Cornelissen, 2006) because they are in part based
on insights from jazz and theatrical improvisation (Vera & Crossan, 2005). This view sometimes
has tended to obscure the notion that “improvisation is more than a metaphor” (Crossan, 1998).
As a consequence, scholars attempted to define a formal theoretical framework (Kamoche,
Cuhna & Cuhna, 2003), initially through the construction of grounded theories (Baker et al., 2003;
Baker & Nelson, 2005) and lately through the identification and empirical testing of some of the
antecedents and consequences of improvisation (Moorman & Miner, 1998).

Moreover, it is necessary and useful to signal that, even if improvisation has been firstly
studied in artistic fields, the occurrence of improvisational activities and behaviours has been
fully detected in multiple organizational contexts. This insight supports the idea that
improvisation might take place moving from contexts where improvisation is expected, to more
counterintuitive settings. Specifically, empirical studies settings go from new product
development (e.g. Moorman & Miner, 1998b), to firm founding processes (Baker et al., 10 2003),
to public administration (Vera & Crossan, 2005).

Although collective, team or group improvisation is built on individual improvisation,

“team improvisation is more than the sum of individual improvisations, because the joint
activities of individuals create a collective system of improvisational action” (Vera & Crossan,
Specifically, some researchers described improvisation as conducted by individuals. Weick
is one of the first scholars that inquired how individuals improvise (1993; 1998). Improvisation
has been studied also in entrepreneurial processes, considering for example in founding
processes (Baker et al., 2003) its tie with opportunity recognition patterns or examining how
proclivity to improvisation may conduct to future entrepreneurship intentions (Chen & Ma, 2005;
Hmieleski & Corbett, 2006; 2008).

Eventually, individuals have been considered in improvisation studies also inquiring the
role of team leaders in this kind of process (Vera & Rodriguez-Lopez, 2007). In addition to
individual improvisation, scholars found out that improvisation may arise at group level. Scholars
approaching a team level study must consider other factors apart from individual improvisational
capabilities that may influence team improvisation, such as team characteristics, team dynamics,
and contextual influences.

Finally, several contributions focused on organizational improvisation, which includes

improvisation by groups, departments, or whole organizations (Moorman & Miner, 1998). These
works, starting from the assumption that the individual improvisation is the base for 11
organizational improvisations, considered in some cases the organization as a macro-team, or as
a cultural entity. In other cases organizational improvisation has been related to organizational
culture and strategy (Vera & Crossan, 2005).

Production Monitoring System:

The task of a PMS is to collect and distribute real time data of events on the shop floor.
This data must be understandable and useful for decision making. Monitored data should help
the production team to respond timely on the events that may affect the desired result. Such
system should also alarm and inform respective department concerning all recognized faults.

PMS is not just display boards that show production data, it also has a reporting and
administration module, where stored data can be analyzed to find trends, estimations and
projections for easier decision making and production planning. Proactively detected faults will
decrease wasted time and improve overall equipment effectiveness.
“The idea of a real time PMS is not to give some information simultaneously as the event
occurred, but provide the production team, as fast as possible, with the accurate and meaningful
data. But it should be enough time to respond timely on these events. It will always take some
time (seconds, minutes or even hours) to analyse monitored data and respond on it. And the goal
is to try to decrease this time.” (Cowling, P. Johansson, M. Using real time information for
effective dynamic scheduling; European Journal of Operational Research.)

“Real time production monitoring information can be classified into two main groups. One
group is related to the status of resources and another one to the status of jobs. Information on
actual or potential disruptions may relate to resources or jobs. Machine breakdowns, material or
tool shortages and longer-than-expected processing times give resource problems. Job related
disturbances arising from planning systems and customers include changes in priority,
reassignments of jobs to orders and the emergence of new jobs. Quality problems may relate to
both resources and jobs.” (Cowling, P. Johansson, M. Using real time information for effective
dynamic scheduling; European Journal of Operational Research.)

Classification of real time information helps to understand how the desired PMS should
be structured. The first step of real time data in the monitoring process is detection. Data can be
detected by sensors, operators, bar code scanner etc. Understanding the detection process will
lead to effective use of real time data capture devices, and removal of unnecessary and useless
devices. Then data should be classified and identified. For example, transferred to respective
department or handled automatically. And the last step is diagnosis and analysis. There is no
reason to store all collected data in the database. Good decision will decrease running costs and
improve performance of the database.

“Production data collected on the shop floor may be incorrect, mostly due to human
intervention or improper production monitoring system. The human factor is more common in
this case. That is why a PMS should capture most of the required data without human
intervention. When an unscheduled outage does happen, time is spent notifying support
resources that a problem has occurred, time is spent for the support resource to respond to the
issue, time is spent troubleshooting and finally the time is spent resolving the problem. But the
predictive nature of continuous remote monitoring more often avoids unscheduled outages by
addressing the issues before they affect machine operation and product quality.” (Bixler, Ted S.
Remote monitoring and expert diagnostic support for the pulp & paper industry. In Conference
Record of 2008 54th Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference, 22-27 June, Seattle,
WA. 2008)

“The benefit of installing an efficient real time PMS is the immediate access to all required
production related information by the relevant personnel. And it should be enough data to
clearly identify the reasons of production stops, time loss, etc. At the same time, presenting too
much information can confuse or even distract operators. The most important requirements of
any PMS are that the system is economical, accurate and easy to set up on a production line. And
it has to be capable of providing straightforward connectivity to switches, sensors, PLC outputs
and other common industrial equipment. If the true production data can be automatically
captured and presented in a simple, understandable way to the operators, they will become a
more integral part of the improvement process.” (Subramaniam, S. Husin, S. Singh, R. and
Hamidon, A. Production Monitoring System for Monitoring the Industrial Shop Floor
Performance. International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development. 2009.)
Objective 1:

To develop and implement a production tracking mobile based application

for Android platform to improve transparency of production statistics.

The company was not using any effective system or software to transfer data or information
across factories. The production data were recorded by the production writers first in paper
sheets and registers using pencils. The same was being fed later into the computer system by the
staff and forwarded to H.O at the end of the day through the mail every day.

As the production data was being fed in sheets and registers using pencils which often were
subjected to change/modifications by the production staff. It was also observed that Production
Managers also mishandling these data in order to show the production of extra pieces (Bogus
pieces) during the day, but later on amending the figures in the final production report.

This mishandling the production data was the genesis for the idea to develop a platform of
android based mobile application and recording the data in real time.

An application based on Smartphone can be used to link different departments of the factory and
enhance information flow. Factory teams can be well connected to top management for timely
and transparent information flow. The app can be used to share production figures per hour per
line, give a clear picture of the capacity and efficiency, and can help management to take crucial
decisions at the right time.

Objective 2
To reduce material handling of sewing floor and improve workstation designs.

The findings of the observation study highlighted significantly high off standard time in the
sewing section. It was found that the major reason of low level of operator efficiency was poorly
designed workstations. The workstations lacked the basics of ergonomics and 5S principles.
There were several non-value added activities and wasted movements in which an operator was
engaged during the major portion of the hour, which was ultimately reducing his efficiency.
Sewing task primarily involves three elements; pick up, sew and disposition. A scientifically
designed layout is defined as minimum reach for picking up and dispose of components. This
includes that every component and tools must be kept within the operator’s reach. It was
observed that several operators were wasting time on unnecessary movements and removing
those could enhance the output. This necessitated analyzing the individual sewing process and
re-designing the workstations.

The major components of a sewing workstation include:

 Machine Table
 Operator Chair
 Input Bin
 Output Bin
 Illumination

On doing the Work Study for various workstations, it was observed that the above mentioned
problems are purely due to lack of work aides & guides, and poor material handling within
workstations. A great scope of re-designing the workstations was observed so as to ease material
handling, eliminate unnecessary operator movements, and ultimately increase operator

Major critical areas were observed, where the material handling and arrangement were poor and
solutions explored.

Objective 3:

To design a standardised I.E docket for new style to be manufactured and the
implementation of appropriate methods for assembling the components.

In a typical garment manufacturing unit, the IE department is responsible to analyze a new style
and prepare operation bulletin which includes the operation sequence, machinery and
equipment required and individual as well as line targets. This bulletin is to be followed by the
manufacturing personnel for assembling the components. This also helps in minimizing the
changeover time and productivity losses. O.B is one of the important documents which consist of
all the necessary information for production of a garment.
The findings revealed that the company was suffering from huge losses of productivity due to
significantly excessive time in changing the style. The order quantities were relatively small and
style changing almost every week. The situation demanded an effective system to minimize the
changeover time and pass on all the desired information about the upcoming style to the sewing
floor. The company was using a format of O.B which included only list of operations along with
their SMVs.
An attempt was made to improvise the OB incorporating necessary details which could be
implemented across the manufacturing facilities.
5. Project Implementation
Mobile Application
o Mapping of old system – key information required by the stakeholders

Fig: 1. Traditional method of process flow of information to stakeholders

 Traditionally, the hourly production was recorded by production writers
assigned to their respective lines.
 That information was then recorded in the registers by record keeping staff
after every hour.
 At the end of the shift, a daily sewing report was created by junior I.E.
enclosed in Annexure IV.
 Everyday around 10:30 A.M., a daily KPI report was created by the I.E.
manager which included total factory output of the past day, factory and
line efficiency etc. (Attached in Annexure V)
 This KPI report was then sent to concerned Managers and officers for
reviewing and taking decision.
 The actions which management took after reviewing the daily KPI report
could have been taken earlier if they had received the information on past
day’s evening.

o Development of mobile app

 For developing the application, first of all it was discussed within the team
that what all data is required to convert it into useful information through
 Many layouts for the application were designed on papers creating a
concept of how the application would look and function.
 After finalizing the designs, layouts of the application were prepared on
Excel in order to understand the User interface.
 Regular discussions were held with college and industry mentor in order to
understand what is desired from the application.
 After finalizing the layouts, authors started learning the software which
was used to create the application through online tutorials and YouTube
 Initial layouts were created using the software for input of data. A
demo/beta application was created and presented to the management for
improvements and changes.
 After several discussions with the mentor, final application layout was fixed
incorporating the feedback. During this process, several application
versions were created.
 As the authors had less knowledge about the software, a software engineer
was hired for linking the database to the application and providing server
(4.1.2) LAYOUT of SmarTrack
The application will have 2 interfaces: one for the supervisor/line IE to feed production and the
other for the managers to view production and efficiency.
(4.1.2.a) INTERFACE I: Supervisor’s Interface

Following is the supervisor’s interface, which is very user friendly.

Clear Button to
clear all columns

Automatic Date

Entry for Style No.


 The date will be included automatically with phone’s date. The input boxes of date and
production once entered will not be modified.
 The landing page of the application of manager app will direct the user to the LOGIN
 It will ask the user for his/her unique ID and password to proceed.

 The login page will also give the supervisors the liberty to SIGN UP as a new user and
create a new account.
(4.1.2.b) INTERFACE II : Top Management’s Interface

The second interface, which will be for top management and all managers, will have the
following main tabs:


After the login of manager, the application shall lead him to the following page:

Fig: 4 Manager’s view

Fig: 6. Line Selection
Fig: 5. Date Selection

 The user gets an interactive interface when he taps on the input box against ‘Select Date’.
He can select a date from any month to view the production.
 On taping the ‘Select Line’ input box, a drop down appears on the user’s screen from
where he can select any line from A to F to view its production and efficiency reports.
 After selecting desired line and date, the user is supposed to tap refresh button to fetch
data for all lines.
 After the fetching is complete, on tapping the ‘GET’ button, user will be directed to the
Hourly Production Report of the selected line on a selected date.

After the manager has selected a line and a date, the next page will direct him to a complete
report of production of that line per hour on that particular day.
The page will have time slots, starting from 8.30 am till 5.00pm, against production of every hour
and target.
 After the manager has selected a line and a date, the next page will direct him to a
complete report of production of that line per hour on that particular day.
 The page will have time slots, starting from 8.30 am till 5.00pm, against production of
every hour and target.

The VIEW tab will have details like Line number, style number, date and data feeder’s name.

Fig: 7. Line wise production

The PRODUCTION VARIANCE BUTTON generates a bar graph report for easy understanding.
On tapping the PRODUCTION VARIANCE BUTTON, it will generate a bar graph report of the
selected line and will display production of each hour graphically in format:

Fig: 8. Hourly production bar graph

 After viewing the hourly production, if the manager wants to view overall factory’s
performance, he may select the sliding MENU from where he can access tabs like
Production Summary, Efficiency Report, Achieved v/s Target etc.

 The layout for MENU tab shall appear in the following format:

Fig: 9. Menu Tab

If the management wants to view the overall efficiency and performance of the factory,
considering all the lines, EFFICIENCY TAB will be used.
This will give a bar graph of efficiencies of all the lines. This graph will help us to identify
underperforming batches and will help management to make swift actions so as to complete
shipment on time without any delays.

Fig: 10. Efficiency Graph

 The next tab will be of Production Summary. This tab will allow the manager to view the
overall performance of the factory, giving details about the output, balance production
and efficiency of all the lines on a particular day.
 The page shall appear in the following format:

Fig: 11. Production Summary

 When the manager wants to view the actual performance of batches in terms of pieces
produced and wants to know the balance between the planned output and actual output,
the ‘PLANNED V/S ACTUAL’ tab will be used. This tab will give him a graphical
representation along with production figures, as follows:

Fig: 12. Achieved V/S Targeted Production

 The last tab is of ‘RELATIVE PRODUCTION’. This tab gives a relative production Pie-Chart
between different batches in a factory. This will give us an idea which batch produced the
most and which batch did the least.

Fig: 13. Total Factory Production Chart

The ‘ABOUT US’ tab gives a brief summary about SmarTrack, its functioning and advantages along
with its logo.

Fig: 14. About Us Tab


SmarTrack is a mobile solution for efficient production tracking and monitoring which
promises to reduce organization’s overhead costs involved in manually writing and feeding the
same. On analyzing the major overhead costs involved in current tracking system, it was observed
that the Production Writers are major contributors of overhead cost involved in the process.

Currently, there are 4 production writers who are merely doing the job of writing hourly
production. They feed data on Production Sheets from all the sections like Collar, Cuff, Front,
Back and Assembly to identify the bottleneck areas and the same figures are used to generate
Daily Sewing Reports and KPI Report and circulated through mail.

We proposed elimination of 2 production writers and implementation of SmarTrack for

all sewing lines of NB1. The input in mobile can be done by only 1 production writer as its easy
and less time consuming. The other writer can be used to feed that report into computer to
generate KPI report. It will also save the time and resources involved in making the daily sewing
report as the application will cover ‘Production Summary’ in one of its tabs.

With the elimination of 2 production writers we planned to save Rs. 16000 per month, which
sums up to Rs. 1, 92,000 per annum.
(4.1.4) OTHER BENEFITS OF SmarTrack:

Apart from financial benefits, SmarTrack offers various other significant benefits. These include:

 It ensures swift and timely transfer of production information between different levels of
organizational hierarchy (top management & production staff).

 It’s a live production tracking solution.

 It eliminates delayed decision making in problem areas by implementing up to date


 Easy identification of underutilized and underperforming batches/lines.

 Reduces manpower; mainly production writers.

 Reduces organization’s cost involved in stationery and printing.

 It provides standardized and user friendly reports for every line’s production & efficiency.

 No chances of ‘Bogus’ stock.


Currently, the application focuses on only Sewing section and its efficiency & production figures.
However, the same platform can be further used to create a link between different departments
as well. Different departments like Cutting, Finishing and Washing may also be monitored on
hourly basis to know the output of each section. This will help the management to get a clear
overall picture of the entire factory with all its sections.

Apart from setting up this in only 1 factory, all the seven factories could come under one
common platform of SmarTrack and precise & live Tracking could be done for K.Mohan group.



(All Departments under Common Platform)

Workstation redesign
The operation which was critically observed was Neck band attach to Collar. This operation has
mainly 3 small parts; top collar, fusible neck band and non-fusible neck band. Presently, all the 3
bundles were open and spread on the sewing machine, which cluttered the workplace and made
3 separate heaps on the table. Due to this, the parts often got mixed and the operator had to
waste a lot of time to find the corresponding parts. The appearance of the workstation was also
very bad:

Fig: 15. Collar Prep Operation

While observing the operation carefully, following were the recordings:



It was observed that the current capacity of operator was limited and there was a scope of
eliminating occasional elements and confusion for the operation. A collar specific work aid was
designed, which would have 3 cabinets to accommodate the corresponding parts and will give
more working space to the operator. This would also give a cleaner and more sorted look to the
Following work aid would be used as an input bin:




Fig: 16. Proposed Collar Stand


On doing the GSD comparison between before and after adoption of proposed operation
method, following were the projected savings in seconds and rupees with respect to extra
minutes generated:

Operation: Collar band attach

Before After
GSD Value = 843.2 TMU GSD Value = 797.2 TMU

SAM = 0.42 Min. SAM = 0.40 Min.

Allowance = 20% Allowance = 20%

Bundle Time = 0.067 Min. Bundle Time = 0 Min.

SMV = 0.57 Min. SMV = 0.48 Min.

Capacity @ 100% per hour = 105 pc Capacity @ 100% per hour = 125 pc

Capacity @ 50% per hour = 52 pc Capacity @ 50% per hour = 62 pc

Improvement = 19.2%
Capacity increased @ 50% per day = 80 pc
Time saved per cycle = 0.09 Min.
Cost per minute = Rs.6
Extra minutes generated per day = 38.4 Min.
Savings per day = Rs.230
Savings per month = Rs.5,760
Savings per year = Rs.69,120

The total extra minutes generated per annum on this workstation are 0.09 and savings per
annum is = Rs.69, 120

Cuff preparation is another critical workstation where a lot of avoidable off standard time was
observed. As the cuff prepare operation requires two small parts – fusible upper cuff and under
cuff, the two parts create a lot of confusion on the sewing table as they are not kept and stacked
properly. The two bundles are merely kept on the machine table and often get mixed with one
another. This results in wasting a lot of time by the operator as he has to find the two
corresponding parts of the same number sequence. The cluttered workstation makes it even
more difficult for him to sew efficiently as majority of his working is occupied by scattered
The condition of workstation before bin installation was as follows:

Poorly arranged cuff parts on

sewing table

Fig: 17. Cuff Operation

Another cuff preparation w/s

where cluttering lead to parts
mix-up and ultimately a lot of
time was wasted searching for
the corresponding part.

Fig: 18. Cuff Operation

While observing the operation carefully, following were the recordings:



The avoidable occasional element which was observed in the operation was the cuff panel fell
from the sewing table of operator, due to which she wasted around 8 seconds in picking up that
part and again putting it in the right place. This occasional element of falling garment panels from
the operator’s table or lap is very common in the factory as there is no proper workstation
These extra lost seconds can be saved by providing proper input and output bin at the
workstation so that operator can easily pick small cuff parts and can dispose them securely after
completing the operation. This would increase her productivity as well.
We proposed following workstation appearance for easy material handling:

Small Bin for


Curved Bin for

secure & easy

Fig: 19. Proposed Bins for Cuff Operation


On doing the GSD comparison between before and after adoption of proposed operation
method, following were the projected savings in seconds and rupees with respect to extra
minutes generated:

Operation: Cuff Preparation

Before After
GSD Value = 655 TMU GSD Value = 624 TMU

SAM = 0.33 Min. SAM = 0.31 Min.

Allowance = 20% Allowance = 20%

Bundle Time = 0.067 Min. Bundle Time = 0 Min.

SMV = 0.46 Min. SMV = 0.37 Min.

Capacity @ 100% per hour = 130 pc Capacity @ 100% per hour = 162 pc

Capacity @ 50% per hour = 65 pc Capacity @ 50% per hour = 81 pc

Improvement = 24.62%
Capacity increased @ 50% per day = 128 pc
Time saved per cycle = 0.09 Min.
Cost per minute = Rs. 6
Extra minutes generated per day = 47.36 Min.
Savings per day = Rs. 284
Savings per month = Rs. 7,104
Savings per year = Rs. 85,248

The total extra minutes generated per annum on this workstation are 0.09 and savings per
annum is = Rs.85, 248.

The third operation which was critically examined was back moon panel/label attach to yoke.
Every shirt has a yoke operation where either additional panel or the brand/size label is directly
attached on it. The operation has one big part – yoke, and one small part – moon panel/label. The
traditional method which was being used in the factory was keeping the yoke panel scattered on
the left side of sewing table and small moon panel on the right or under the machine. The poor
arrangement of parts created the same problem, i.e. parts mix-up. The workstation looked messy
and unorganized.

The condition of workstation was as follows:

Small Back moon


Operator working
area being
hampered by
scattered bundles

Poorly arranged
yoke panels

Fig: 20. D-patch attach to Yoke

While observing the operation carefully, following were the recordings:



The occasional element observed in the operation was the operator had to look for back moon
part of the corresponding size as it got misplaced and mixed on sewing table. This wasted around
12 seconds in a bundle. This could have been avoided if the operator was given a better designed
workplace which safely accommodates both small and big parts in a proper segregated manner.
The proposed workstation design was as follows:

Fig: 21. Proposed Bins

Input bin designed
for yoke cake

4” 21”

Fig: 22. Proposed Bins

Input bin designed

for small parts like
back moon panel or

Fig: 23. Proposed Bins

The input bin of yoke can serve as an input for the whole cake rather than small bundles. on to
the next operator. This will also eliminate the bundle creation time in the preceding operation
and the whole cake will be fed to this operator.

On doing the GSD comparison between before and after adoption of proposed operation
method, following were the projected savings in seconds and rupees with respect to extra
minutes generated:

Operation: Moon patch attach to yoke

Before After
GSD Value = 729.7 TMU GSD Value = 686.7 TMU

SAM = 0.36 Min. SAM = 0.34 Min.

Allowance = 20% Allowance = 20%

Bundle Time = 0.067 Min. Bundle Time = 0 Min.

SMV = 0.50 Min. SMV = 0.41 Min.

Capacity @ 100% per hour = 120 pc Capacity @ 100% per hour = 146 pc

Capacity @ 50% per hour = 60 pc Capacity @ 50% per hour = 73 pc

Improvement = 21.67%
Capacity increased @ 50% per day = 104 pc
Time saved per cycle = 0.09 Min.
Cost per minute = Rs.6
Extra minutes generated per day = 42.64 Min.
Savings per day = Rs.255
Savings per month = Rs.6,396
Savings per year = Rs.76,752

The total extra minutes generated per cycle on this workstation is 0.09 min and savings per
annum is = Rs.76, 752, increasing the capacity by 13p pcs/hr.

The operation which was observed and critically examined was dart making on the back panel.
Here, the problem with the operator was not only the unorganized workstation but also the extra
cycle time which she was taking. Due to lack of space on table for long back panel, the operator
was involved in folding the panel three times after completing the operation and then disposing it
aside. This was increasing the cycle time for her as well as the next operator as she would have to
again open those folds so as to stitch the panel. These folded completed back panels were also
obstructing her working area.
The condition before improvising the workstation was:

Current panel
obstruction with
completed ones

Completed panels
folded and kept
on the table
Fig: 24. Back Dart Operation

Further, on doing the time study of existing setup, it was found that the total cycle/pc (including
the bundle opening and closing) is 60 seconds which makes her capacity to only 60 pieces per
hour. Her capacity can be significantly increased by designing proper work aides for her which are
specific to her operation.
While observing the operation carefully, following were the recordings:



As observed in the table, the operator is not engaged in any occasional activity which decreasing
her productivity. However, the operator is wasting around 4-5 seconds per piece in folding the
panel and then placing it on the table. This can be avoided by providing her a proper dispose
area. In this operation, as the length of panel is big, bins will not be useful. Therefore, an output
rod can be attached to the workstation which will have a folding provision for when not in use.
The proposed workstation is as follows:

Foldable Rod for

completed long
back panels

Fig: 25. Proposed Rod for Output


On doing the GSD comparison between before and after adoption of proposed operation
method, following were the projected savings in seconds and rupees with respect to extra
minutes generated:

Operation: Back Dart Stitch

Before After
GSD Value = 1264.5 TMU GSD Value = 1165.5 TMU

SAM = 0.63 Min. SAM = 0.58 Min.

Allowance = 20% Allowance = 20%

Bundle Time = 0 Min. Bundle Time = 0 Min.

SMV = 0.76 Min. SMV = 0.70 Min.

Capacity @ 100% per hour = 79 pc Capacity @ 100% per hour = 86 pc

Capacity @ 50% per hour = 40 pc Capacity @ 50% per hour = 43 pc

Improvement = 8.86%
Capacity increased @ 50% per day = 24 pc
Time saved per cycle = 0.06 Min.
Cost per minute = Rs.6
Extra minutes generated per day = 16.8 Min.
Savings per day = Rs.100
Savings per month = Rs.2,520
Savings per year = Rs.30,240

The total extra minutes generated per annum on this workstation are 0.06 and savings per
annum is = Rs.30,240 increasing the capacity by 3p pcs/hr.

The important details which should be transferred well before a style is fed into the line are as

 List of all operations with SMV

 Machines Required
 Attachments Required
 Required Efficiency
 Target at expected efficiency
 Operator name, skill grade
 Utilization Level of operator
 Manpower Requirement
 Helper Requirements

Currently the reasons for increased changeover time in K.Mohan are as follows:
 Incomplete O.B which lacks important details like manpower requirements, helper
requirements etc. Due to this, the manpower allocation is done on the day feeding only
due to which it takes more time to set the batch.
 Machine requisition is made on the same morning of changeover day due to which the
maintenance department takes their own time arranging the required machines and
 Batch setup usually takes longer time than usual and is often changing till the second day
according the requirements. This is purely because line design/layout is not fixed in
advance and decisions are made on the day of batch setting.

The current O.B format which is being used is as follows:



Total SMV 22.98

Excluding KB 21.63
Operations Estd. Machine TGT
SMV Type /HR
W/b & loop preparation
1 belt loop make 0.28 3TFL 214
2 belt loop measure & cut 0.25 ht 240
3 Front preparation
4 front rise & btn fly serge 0.28 3tol 214
5 right fly run stitch & serge 0.34 3tol 176
6 left fly serge 0.20 3tol 300
7 left fly attach & e/s 0.43 snls 140
8 zip attach 0.34 dnls 176
9 right fly attach 0.32 snls 188
10 right frt attach & e/s 0.34 snls 176
11 j stitch make 0.34 dnls 176
12 frt rise attach 0.27 snls 222
13 frt rise t/s 0.20 dnls 300
14 coin pkt mark & set 0.25 ht 240
15 coin pkt press 0.22 pt 273
16 coin pkt hem & attach 0.52 dnls 115
17 facing attach 0.42 4TFL 143
18 pkt mark & set 0.40 snls 150
19 pkt attach 0.58 snls 103
20 turn & press 0.40 pt 150
21 pkt t/s 0.44 dnls 136
22 pkt bag close 0.54 snec 111
23 turn bag 0.25 ht 240
24 pkt bag t/s 0.48 pt 125
25 pkt tack 0.50 snls 120
26 Front checking 0.30 ct 200
27 Back preparation
28 bk yoke attach 0.48 foa 125
29 pkt mark & set 0.40 ht 150
30 pkt press 0.64 pt 94
31 pkt hem 0.42 dncs 143
32 pkt attach 1.20 dnls 50
33 Back checking 0.30 ct 200
34 Assembly
35 Set front & back 0.20 ht 300
36 side seam tack 0.50 snls 120
37 side seam attach 0.70 5tol 86
38 side seam t/s upto pkt 0.48 dnls 125
39 Checking 0.25 ct 240
40 bk rise attach 0.40 snls 150
41 bk rise t/s 0.36 foa 167
42 Inseam attach 0.80 foa 75
43 w/b trim 0.42 snec 143
44 W/b set & attach marking 0.40 ht 150
45 W/b attach to body 0.60 kansai 100
46 Checking 0.25 ct 240
47 main label attach 0.38 snls 158
48 w/b end close 0.90 snls 67
49 Loop position mark & set 0.40 ht 150
50 Tack loop to body 0.50 snls 120
51 Loop finish 0.50 snls 120
52 keyhole make 0.16 kh 375
53 bottom hem 0.70 snls 86
54 End line checking 0.40 ct 150
55 Prewash
56 loop bt 0.60 bt 100
57 frt & bk bt 0.60 bt 100
58 snap attach 0.15 bs 400

TOTAL 22.98

As per sample
Sewing SMV @ 100% 22.98
Expected Efficiency 65% Expected Efficiency 65% TOTAL W/S 70
Takt Time 0.53 Takt Time 0.52
32 31
As the O.B lacks important details, the very first step towards making a standardized docket is re-

SL- Operations Estimated Machine Target / Time In Target/Day Target/Day Operater Name/s Operator Folder No. of M/C Rounded Mcs Oprs Skill Target Balanced Comments Efficiency Tentitive
SMV Type Hour secs @ 100% @ 70% Category /Attachment required for Off grade pcs/hr/m/ O/P Required to Cycle
Target O/P reqd. c @100% pcs/hr/m/c meet Target Time
1 frt V lace panel attach 0.56 snls 107 34 857 600 T 1.66 2 2 2 107 58 Under Utilised 53.96% 17
2 frt V panel serge 0.34 3tol 176 20 1412 988 T 1.01 1 1 1 176 116 65.52% 20
3 frt V panel e/s 0.50 snls 120 30 960 672 T 1.48 1 1 1 120 116 96.35% 30
4 frt side yoke lace panel attach 0.50 snls 120 30 960 672 T 1.48 1 1 1 120 116 96.35% 30
5 frt side yoke panel serge 0.30 3tol 200 18 1600 1120 T 0.89 1 1 1 200 116 57.81% 18
6 frt side yoke panel e/s 0.46 snls 130 28 1043 730 T 1.36 1 1 1 130 116 88.65% 28
7 frt panel lace attach - left 0.56 snls 107 34 857 600 T 1.66 2 2 2 107 58 Under Utilised 53.96% 17
8 frt panel serge 0.34 3tol 176 20 1412 988 T 1.01 1 1 1 176 116 65.52% 20
9 frt panel e/s 0.50 snls 120 30 960 672 T 1.48 1 1 1 120 116 96.35% 30
10 frt panel lace attach - righ 0.56 snls 107 34 857 600 T 1.66 2 2 2 107 58 Under Utilised 53.96% 17
11 frt panel serge 0.34 3tol 176 20 1412 988 T 1.01 1 1 1 176 116 65.52% 20
12 frt panel e/s 0.50 snls 120 30 960 672 T 1.48 1 1 1 120 116 96.35% 30
13 frt bottom panel lace attach 0.62 snls 97 37 774 542 T 1.84 2 2 2 97 58 59.74% 19
14 frt btm panel serge 0.48 3tol 125 29 1000 700 T 1.42 1 1 1 125 116 92.50% 29
15 frt btm panel e/s 0.56 snls 107 34 857 600 T 1.66 2 2 2 107 58 Under Utilised 53.96% 17
16 V lace & mid lace tack 0.34 snls 176 20 1412 988 T 1.01 1 1 1 176 116 65.52% 20
17 frt panel & yoke attach ( mid ) 0.64 snls 94 38 750 525 T 1.90 2 2 2 94 58 61.67% 19
18 frt panel & yoke serge at top side 0.24 3tol 250 14 2000 1400 T 0.71 1 1 1 250 116 Under Utilised 46.25% 14
19 frt yoke & body e/s at top 0.30 snls 200 18 1600 1120 T 0.89 1 1 1 200 116 57.81% 18
20 lace attach to shoulder 0.48 snls 125 29 1000 700 T 1.42 1 1 1 125 116 92.50% 29
21 lace serge at btm side 0.28 3tol 214 17 1714 1200 T 0.83 1 1 1 214 116 Under Utilised 53.96% 17
structuring O.B format and including all the relevant details.

22 lace e/s at btm side 0.40 snls 150 24 1200 840 T 1.19 1 1 1 150 116 77.08% 24
23 lining att to yoke 0.40 snls 150 24 1200 840 T 1.19 1 1 1 150 116 77.08% 24
24 frt panel & yoke serge at btm side 0.24 3tol 250 14 2000 1400 T 0.71 1 1 1 250 116 Under Utilised 46.25% 14
25 frt panel & yoke e/s at btm 0.30 snls 200 18 1600 1120 T 0.89 1 1 1 200 116 57.81% 18
26 bk btm panel lace attach 0.62 snls 97 37 774 542 T 1.84 2 2 2 97 58 59.74% 19
27 bk btm panel serge 0.48 3tol 125 29 1000 700 T 1.42 1 1 1 125 116 92.50% 29
28 bk btm panel e/s 0.56 snls 107 34 857 600 T 1.66 2 2 2 107 58 Under Utilised 53.96% 17
29 bk label attach 0.34 snls 176 20 1412 988 T 1.01 1 1 1 176 116 65.52% 20
30 bk slit binding 0.32 snls 188 19 1500 1050 T 0.95 1 1 1 188 116 61.67% 19
31 bk slit turn & press 0.24 pt 250 14 2000 1400 IT 0.71 1 250 116 Under Utilised 46.25% 14
32 bk slit e/s & t/s 0.48 snls 125 29 1000 700 T 1.42 1 1 1 125 116 92.50% 29
33 frt & bk check 0.30 ct 200 18 1600 1120 CT 0.89 1 200 116 57.81% 18
34 set frt & bk 0.20 ht 300 12 2400 1680 HT 0.59 1 300 116 Under Utilised 38.54% 12
35 shoudler attach 0.48 snls 125 29 1000 700 T 1.42 1 1 1 125 116 92.50% 29
36 shoulder serge 0.28 3tol 214 17 1714 1200 T 0.83 1 1 1 214 116 Under Utilised 53.96% 17
37 shoulder e/s 0.40 snls 150 24 1200 840 T 1.19 1 1 1 150 116 77.08% 24
38 nk binding attach 0.54 snls 111 32 889 622 T 1.60 2 2 2 111 58 Under Utilised 52.03% 16
39 btn loop make, attach 0.32 snls 188 19 1500 1050 T Folder 0.95 1 1 1 188 116 61.67% 19
40 nk binding close 0.24 snls 250 14 2000 1400 T 0.71 1 1 1 250 116 Under Utilised 46.25% 14
41 nk binding e/s 0.44 snls 136 26 1091 764 T 1.30 1 1 1 136 116 84.79% 26
42 nk binding press 0.34 pt 176 20 1412 988 IT 1.01 1 176 116 65.52% 20
43 nk binding finish 0.50 snls 120 30 960 672 T 1.48 2 2 2 120 58 Under Utilised 48.18% 15
44 slv mark & set 0.25 ht 240 15 1920 1344 HT 0.74 1 240 116 Under Utilised 48.18% 15
45 slv attach 0.80 snls 75 48 600 420 T 2.37 2 2 2 75 58 77.08% 24
46 slv serge 0.60 5tol 100 36 800 560 T 1.78 1 1 1 100 116 115.63% 36
47 side label attach 0.24 snls 250 14 2000 1400 T 0.71 1 1 1 250 116 Under Utilised 46.25% 14
48 side seam attach 0.68 snls 88 41 706 494 T 2.02 2 2 2 88 58 65.52% 20
49 side seam serge 0.48 5tol 125 29 1000 700 T 1.42 2 2 2 125 58 46.25% 14
50 side seam bend back seam 0.64 snls 94 38 750 525 T 1.90 2 2 2 94 58 61.67% 19
51 slv hem 0.75 snls 80 45 640 448 T 2.22 2 2 2 80 58 72.27% 23
52 btm trim 0.30 ht 200 18 1600 1120 HT 0.89 1 200 116 57.81% 18
53 bottom hem 0.70 snls 86 42 686 480 T 2.08 2 2 2 86 58 67.45% 21
54 End line checking 0.35 ct 171 21 1371 960 CT 1.04 1 171 116 67.45% 21
55 btn attach 0.12 bs 500 7 4000 2800 T 0.36 0.33 0.33 0.33 500 350 1 Btn Operator for 3 lines 70.08% 22
TOTAL 23.73 70.4 70.3 63.3 63.3
Sewing SMV @ 100% 21.75
Non Operator SMV 1.98
(4.3.2) Changes Made

As the new O.B has all necessary details like operators, helpers, it becomes easy to
allocate manpower before the new style starts. It also has an option for operator grade and name
so that the operation is pre-assigned to the operator according to his skill grade.

Apart from manpower allocation, majority of the time in batch setting is wasted in finding
and allocating necessary machines in the line. If new machines are to be added in the line for a
particular style, maintenance department checks for the availability on the same day itself which
sometimes delays he process.

Therefore, we propose including a second document in the docket which will be Machine
Requirement Plan. Based on the style, a complete machine requirement plan should be
generated by the factory I.E and should be forwarded to the maintenance department for
approval so that they can arrange the extra machines required well in advance.

The machine requirement plan is as follows:



1 snls 50.00 48 2.00
2 snec 0.00 4 -4.00
3 dnls 0.00 2 -2.00
4 5tol 3.00 2 1.00
5 3tol 10.00 1 9.00
6 blind hem 0.00 0 0.00
7 foa 0.00 0 0.00
8 welt mc 0.00 0 0.00
9 kh 0.00 0 0.00
10 bs 0.33 0 0.33
11 ht 3.00 0 3.00
12 pt 2.00 0 2.00
13 ct 2.00 0 2.00
14 cuff turning 0.00 1 -1.00
15 collar point 0.00 1 -1.00

Fig: 26. Machine Requirement Plan

The red column depicts that machines of particular type are extra and should be removed
on the day of batch setting. The green column signals incoming/requirement of more machines of
that particular type.

Another common reason of poor efficiency and extra material movement within a line is
poor line layout. The batch setting should aim at minimization of material movement and
elimination of reverse material flow. The piece flow in a line should always be unidirectional.

The majority of batch setting time is devoted in setting up the right sequence of
operations on the suitable machine. The production team has to allocate machines and operators
according to their skill and capability. This is done again on the day of batch setting which wastes
a lot of time.

We proposed designing of a Line Design format which will have all necessary details about
the machines and operation to be performed on that along with its SMV. This layout should be
fixed at least 2 days in advance of starting a new style, along with the consultation of IED and
floor in charges, supervisor and production manager. This will result in significant reduction of
changeover time as there will be no on spot decision making for line setup and machine setup
will be quick. The maintenance department and production team will just have to refer the
already frozen line design and adjust machines accordingly.
The Line Design is K MOHAN - NB1- 124711- LINE DESIGN


following format: nk binding finish / 0.5 /

43 43
nk binding finish / 0.5 / slv mark & set / 0.25 /
slv attach / 0.8 / snls
snls snls ht 44 45
nk binding press / 0.34 / nk binding e/s / 0.44 /
42 41 slv attach / 0.8 / snls slv serge / 0.6 / 5tol
pt snls 45 46

btn loop make, attach / nk binding close / 0.24 / side seam attach / 0.68 side label attach / 0.24 /
39 40
0.32 / snls snls / snls 48 47 snls
Folder LP

nk binding attach / 0.54 nk binding attach / 0.54 side seam attach / 0.68 side seam serge / 0.48
38 38
/ snls / snls / snls 48 49 / 5tol
shoulder serge / 0.28 / side seam serge / 0.48 side seam bend back
36 37 shoulder e/s / 0.4 / snls
3tol / 5tol 49 50 seam / 0.64 / snls

shoudler attach / 0.48 / side seam bend back

35 34 set frt & bk / 0.2 / ht slv hem / 0.75 / snls
snls seam / 0.64 / snls 50 51

bk slit e/s & t/s / 0.48 /

32 33 frt & bk check / 0.3 / ct slv hem / 0.75 / snls btm trim / 0.3 / ht
snls 51 52

bk slit turn & press / bk slit binding / 0.32 /

31 30 bottom hem / 0.7 / snls bottom hem / 0.7 / snls
0.24 / pt snls 53 53

bk btm panel e/s / 0.56 bk label attach / 0.34 / End line checking / 0.35
28 29 btn attach / 0.12 / bs
/ snls snls 55 54 / ct
bk btm panel e/s / 0.56 bk btm panel serge /
28 27
/ snls 0.48 / 3tol SUMMARY OF MACHINES

snls 50
bk btm panel lace bk btm panel lace
26 26
attach / 0.62 / snls attach / 0.62 / snls snec 0
dnls 0
frt panel & yoke e/s at
btm / 0.3 / snls 5tol 3

3tol 10
Fig: 27. Line Design

lining att to yoke / 0.4 / frt panel & yoke serge

23 24
snls at btm side / 0.24 / 3tol blind hem 0
foa 0
lace e/s at btm side / lace serge at btm side /
22 21
0.4 / snls 0.28 / 3tol welt mc 0

kh 0
frt yoke & body e/s at lace attach to shoulder /
19 20
top / 0.3 / snls 0.48 / snls bs 0.33
ht 3
frt panel & yoke serge frt panel & yoke attach (
18 17
at top side / 0.24 / 3tol mid ) / 0.64 / snls pt 2

ct 2
V lace & mid lace tack / frt panel & yoke attach (
16 17
0.34 / snls mid ) / 0.64 / snls 70.33

frt btm panel e/s / 0.56 / frt btm panel e/s / 0.56 /
15 15
snls snls

frt btm panel serge / frt bottom panel lace

14 13

0.48 / 3tol attach / 0.62 / snls

frt bottom panel lace
frt panel e/s / 0.5 / snls 12 13
attach / 0.62 / snls
frt panel serge / 0.34 / frt panel lace attach -
11 10
3tol righ / 0.56 / snls
frt panel lace attach -
frt panel e/s / 0.5 / snls 9 10
righ / 0.56 / snls
frt panel serge / 0.34 / frt panel lace attach -
8 7
3tol left / 0.56 / snls
frt side yoke panel e/s / frt panel lace attach -
6 7
0.46 / snls left / 0.56 / snls
frt side yoke panel frt side yoke lace panel
5 4
serge / 0.3 / 3tol attach / 0.5 / snls
frt V panel serge / 0.34 / frt V panel e/s / 0.5 /
2 3
3tol snls

frt V lace panel attach / frt V lace panel attach /

1 1
0.56 / snls 0.56 / snls
capacity. Therefore, the document to be included in the I.E Docket is Start-up Drive which have a
Once the Line Design is fixed, the batch is set and style is fed into the line, it should be observed
for 2 days to determine if there are any challenges with the line. On the 3rd day of style feeding,


time study for all the operations should be done in order to determine the exact possible

0.56 snls
frt V lace panel attach 2
0.56 snls
frt V panel serge 1 0.34 3tol
frt V panel e/s 1 0.50 snls
frt side yoke lace panel attach 1 0.50 snls
frt side yoke panel serge 1 0.30 3tol
frt side yoke panel e/s 1 0.46 snls
0.56 snls
frt panel lace attach - left 2
format of time study of the entire line to determine its actual capacity.

0.56 snls
frt panel serge 1 0.34 3tol
frt panel e/s 1 0.50 snls
0.56 snls
frt panel lace attach - righ 2
0.56 snls
frt panel serge 1 0.34 3tol
frt panel e/s 1 0.50 snls
0.62 snls
frt bottom panel lace attach 2
0.62 snls
frt btm panel serge 1 0.48 3tol
0.56 snls
frt btm panel e/s 2
0.56 snls
V lace & mid lace tack 1 0.34 snls
0.64 snls
frt panel & yoke attach ( mid ) 2
0.64 snls
frt panel & yoke serge at top side 1 0.24 3tol
frt yoke & body e/s at top 1 0.30 snls
lace attach to shoulder 1 0.48 snls
lace serge at btm side 1 0.28 3tol
lace e/s at btm side 1 0.40 snls
lining att to yoke 1 0.40 snls
frt panel & yoke serge at btm side 1 0.24 3tol
frt panel & yoke e/s at btm 1 0.30 snls
0.62 snls
bk btm panel lace attach 2
0.62 snls
bk btm panel serge 1 0.48 3tol
0.56 snls
bk btm panel e/s 2
0.56 snls
bk label attach 1 0.34 snls
bk slit binding 1 0.32 snls
bk slit turn & press 1 0.24 pt
bk slit e/s & t/s 1 0.48 snls
frt & bk check 1 0.30 ct
 The docket will provide all necessary details like line capacity, target, machinery,
operators etc. through the new Operation Bulletin.

 It will include all machinery requirement details.

 All necessary details and requirements will be frozen in advance like manpower, helpers

 It will enable swift information flow for machinery and attachment requirements so that
maintenance department will not delay batch setting.

 It will enable quick changeover of styles without any delays on the day of line setup.

 It will eliminate waiting time and production team will be able to feed the line with new
style quickly.

 A standard format which will be uniform for all the seven factories without any variations.

 The docket will standardize K.M. E’s sewing reports and will enhance its performance.

1. To develop and implement a production tracking mobile based application for

Android platform to improve transparency of production statistics.

The successful implementation of SmarTrack will enhance and improve communication between
different levels of hierarchy. It will provide live tracking of production for different orders and
different styles. Apart from serving as a production monitoring platform, the application removed
2 Production Writers and saved stationery and record maintenance cost of the company. It
saved Rs.1, 92,000 per annum and is capable of delivering return of investment in only 23 days.

2. To reduce material handling of sewing floor and improve workstation designs.

Re-designing 4 workstations by providing them with input and output bin helped to improve
material handling within workstations. It enhanced the overall appearance of the workstations by
eliminating cluttered garment panels and gave a sorted look to it. The project would generate
total of 145.28 minutes saved in one single line, by saving Rs.2, 61, 360.

3. To design a standardised I.E docket for new style to be manufactured and the
implementation of appropriate methods for assembling the components.

The I.E Docket helped NB1 in simplification & standardization of reports. It reduced changeover
time by eliminating unwanted waiting time before a batch setup. It provided all necessary
details about manpower, helper, targets, expected efficiency, machinery requirement etc.

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