Cluster Purposive: Availability

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sample that is selected based

multiple clusters of people are on characteristics of a Purposive

created from a population where population and the objective of
Cluster they are indicative of homogeneous the study
characteristics and have an equal
chance of being a part of the sample

relies on data collection from

population members who are
conveniently available to
participate in study

based on referrals from initial Snowball

subjects to generate additional
Kylle Nicole A. Bonga 11-Alcaraz 01-28-19


Method or process of selecting respondents or people to

answer questions meant to yield data for a research study

Probability Sampling Non- Probability Sampling

sampling technique where every

item in the population has an even assembled sample has the
Simple Random same proportions of
chance and likelihood of being
selected in the sample individuals as the entire
population with respect to
known characteristics, traits
sample members from a larger or focused phenomenon
population are selected according to
Systematic a random starting point and a fixed,
periodic interval
sample is made up of people
who self-select into the survey
and have a strong interest in the
involves the division of a population main topic
into smaller groups known as strata
Probability sampling- sample from a larger population are chosen using a method based on the theory of probability
Simple Random sampling: Names of 30 students being chosen out of a hat from a school of 1000 students
Systematic sampling: Selected starting point was 20, the 70th person on the list would be chosen followed by the 120th, and so on. Once the end of the list was
reached and if additional participants are required, the count loops to the beginning of the list to finish the count.
Stratified sampling: Demographics of college students in the U.S is identified and researcher finds the percentage of what students major in 12% major in English,
28% major in science, 24% major in computer science, 21% major in engineering, and 15% major in mathematics. Thus, five strata are created from the stratified
random sampling process.
Cluster sampling: Researcher clubs the universities from each city into one cluster. These clusters then define all the sophomore student population in the US. Next,
either using simple random sampling or systematic random sampling, some clusters can be picked for the research study. Subsequently, by using simple or systematic
sampling, sophomores from each of these selected clusters can be picked on whom to conduct the research study.
Non-Probability sampling- researcher selects samples based on the subjective judgment of the researcher rather than random selection
Quota sampling: Researcher first identifies the subgroups. Usually, the subgroups are the characteristics or variables of the study. The researcher divides the entire
population into class levels, intersected with gender and socioeconomic status. Then, he takes note of the proportions of these subgroups in the entire population and
then samples each subgroup accordingly.
Voluntary sampling: News show asks viewers to participate in an on-line poll. This would be a voluntary sample. The sample is chosen by the viewers, not by the survey

Purposive sampling: For example, you may be conducting a study on why high school students choose community college over university. You might canvas high
school students and your first question would be “Are you planning to attend college?” People who answer “No,” would be excluded from the study.
Availability sampling: Facebook poll has been conducted whether what subjects do people love in school.
Snowball sampling: If a researcher wishes to interview undocumented immigrants from Mexico, for example, he or she might interview a few undocumented
individuals that he or she knows or can locate, gain their trust, then rely on those subjects to help locate more undocumented individuals. This process continues until
the researcher has all the interviews he or she needs or until all contacts have been exhausted. A considerable amount of time is often required for a study that relies
on snowball sampling.

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