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Slangs / Terminologies Exclusive to Aussie

“Stop faffing around”. Australian slang is full of hilarious expressions that we should all use. Here are
some of the funniest Aussie expressions around.

Australian English is more than just an accent, it’s full of hilarious Australian slang that induce
hilarious mental images. Aussie’s are down-to-earth people and our colourful expressions reflect our

Even though Australian English has its roots in British English, living in London means I have to tone
down my Australian slang and expressions in order to be understood. But, sometimes I just throw them
out there to see what reaction I’ll get. I thoroughly enjoy explaining the meanings of such phrases like
“budgie smugglers” and “woop woop”. Both of which you’ll learn later.

The term for Australia slang and pronunciation is called Strine. One of its signature features is making
words as short as possible. It’s also interesting to learn how the Australian accent evolved.

1. Root: sexual intercourse. This one can get really get foreigners in trouble. There are numerous
stories about Americans coming to Australia telling people how they love to "root for their team." If
you come to Australia, you would want to use the word "barrack" instead. On the same note, a
"wombat" is someone who eats roots and leaves.

2. Fair suck: Made famous by the ill-fated former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who enjoyed using
Australian slang to speak to the electorate and often pleaded for a "fair suck." The phrase generally
means that you want to be treated fairly.

"Fair suck" was coined by struggling Australian families who shared droppings of tomato sauce to
flavor their meat.

3. Put a sock in it: Tells somebody to "shut up."

4. Smoko, garbo, bowlo, bottlo, arvo

An "o" is the suffix to any word it can shorten. If in doubt, throw an "o" on the end of the word and
it's bound to be Australian.

A break when you smoke is a "smoko." Someone who collects garbage is a "garbo." A bowling and
community club is a "bowlo." A bottle shop is a "bottlo." And the word afternoon, with three
syllables, just doesn't stand a chance: it's evolved/devolved to arvo.

When you learn English you’re taught how to speak and write ‘proper’ English. Then you visit an English
speaking country and start hearing some very strange slang terms. Australian slang is certainly
‘interesting’! Whether you’re dreaming of visiting Australia, have just arrived or have been in this
gigantic island of paradise for a while, there are a few Australian slang words that you should learn to
help you get through day to day life.
Although Australia is an English speaking country, arriving into the country with little knowledge of the
most popular Aussie slang words may just get you into a few awkward situations. It’s worth noting that
Aussies have a tendency to shorten most words in the English vocabulary as well. You will soon become
accustomed to this! Here are a list of some common slang words (some found in other English speaking
countries) that should help you get by…

If we’ve missed any please free to leave a comment below.

100 Australian Slang Words & Phrases

A Cold One – Beer

Accadacca – How Aussies refer to Australian band ACDC

Ankle Biter – Child

Arvo – Afternoon (S’Arvo – this afternoon!)

Aussie Salute – Wave to scare the flies

Avo – Avocado

Bail – To cancel plans. ‘Bruce bailed’ = Bruce isn’t going to turn up.

Barbie – Barbecue

Bathers – Swimsuit

Beauty! – Great! Most often exclaimed as “You Beauty”

Billabong – A pond in a dry riverbed

Billy – Teapot (In the Outback on the fire)

Bloody – Very. Used to extenuate a point

Bloody oath – yes or its true. “You right mate?”… “Bloody Oath”

Bludger – Someone who’s lazy, generally also who relies on others (when it’s someone who relies on
the state they’re often called a ‘dole bludger’)

Bogan – This word is used for people who are, well let’s say, rednecks. Or, if you like, just call your
friends a bogan when they are acting weird.

Booze Bus – Police vehicle used to catch drunk drivers

Bottle-O – Bottle Shop, basically a place to buy alcohol

Brekky – Breakfast

Brolly – Umbrella
Bruce – An Aussie Bloke

Budgie Smugglers – Speedos

Bush – “Out in the bush” – “he’s gone bush” In the countryside away from civilisation

Cab Sav – Cabernet Sauvignon

Cactus – Dead, Broken

Choc A Bloc – Full

Choccy Biccy – Chocolate Biscuit

Chook – Chicken

Chrissie – Christmas

Ciggy – a Cigarette

Clucky – feeling maternal

Cobber – Very good friend. ‘Alright me ‘ol cobber’.

Coldie – Beer. ‘Come over for a few coldie’s mate.’

Coppers – Policemen

Crack the shits – Getting angry at someone or something

Crikey – an expression of surprise

Crook – Being ill or angry; ‘Don’t go crook on me for getting crook’

C*nt, the “C” word – Used when exchanging pleasantries between close friends or family member. If
someone calls you the “C” word in Australia (and you haven’t done anything to make them angry),
then breathe a sigh of relief… it means you have entered the mate zone.

Dag – Someone who’s a bit of a nerd or geek.

Daks – Trousers. ‘Tracky daks’ = sweatpants (tracksuit pants)

Dardy – meaning “cool”, is used amongst South West Australian Aboriginal peoples and has also been
adopted by non-indigenous teens. – source

Deadset – True

Defo – Definitely

Devo – Devastated

Drongo – a Fool, ‘Don’t be a drongo mate’

Dunny – Toilet

Durry – Cigarette
Esky – An insulated container that keeps things cold (usually beers)

Facey – Facebook

Fair Dinkum – ‘Fair Dinkum?’ … ‘Fair Dinkum!’ = Honestly? … Yeah honestly!

Flannie / Flanno – flannelette shirt

Flat out – Really busy – “Flat out like a lizard drinking” – As busy as a bee

Footy – Football (AFL / Aussie Rules)

Frothy – Beer

F*ck Me Dead – that’s unfortunate, that surprises me

Furphy – rumours or stories that are improbable or absurd

G’day – Hello

Galah – an Australian cockatoo with a reputation for not being bright, hence a galah is also a stupid

Going off – busy, lots of people / angry person “he’s going off”

Good On Ya – Good work

Goon – the best invention ever produced by mankind. Goon is a cheap, boxed wine that will inevitably
become an integral part of your Australian backpacking experience.

Hard yakka – Hard work

Heaps – loads, lots, many

Hoon – Hooligan (normally driving badly!)

Iffy – bit risky or unreasonable

Knickers – female underwear

Lappy – Laptop

Larrikin – Someone who’s always up for a laugh, bit of a harmless prankster

Legless – Someone who is really drunk

Lollies – Sweets

Maccas – McDonalds

Manchester – Sheets / Linen etc. If you’re from England, finding a department within a shop called
Manchester could seriously confuse you.

Mongrel – Someone who’s a bit of a dick

Mozzie – Mosquito
No Drama – No problem / it’s ok

No Worries – No problem / it’s ok

No Wucka’s – A truly Aussie way to say ‘no worries’

Nuddy – Naked

Outback – The interior of Australia, “The Outback” is more remote than those areas named “the bush”

Pash – to kiss

Piece of Piss – easy

Piss Off – go away, get lost

Piss Up – a party, a get together and in Australia – most social occasions

Piss – (To Piss) to urinate

Pissed – Intoxicated, Drunk

Pissed Off – Annoyed

Rack Off – The less offensive way to tell someone to ‘F Off’!

Rapt – Very happy

Reckon – for sure. ‘You Reckon?’… ‘I reckon!’

Rellie / Rello – Relatives

Ripper – ‘You little ripper’ = That’s fantastic mate!

Root Rat – someone who enjoys sex (maybe a little too much)

Rooted – Tired or Broken

Runners – Trainers, Sneakers

Servo – Service Station / Garage

Sheila – A woman

Shoot Through – To leave

Sickie – a sick day off work, or ‘to pull a sickie’ would be to take a day off when you aren’t actually sick

Skull – To down a beer

Slab – A carton of beers

Snag – Sausage

Stiffy – Erection

Stoked – Happy, Pleased

Straya – Australia

Strewth – An exclamation of surprise

Stubby – a bottle of beer

Stubby Holder – Used so your hands don’t get cold when holding your beer, or to keep your beer

Stuffed – Tired

Sunnies – Sunglasses

Swag – Single bed you can roll up, a bit like a sleeping bag.

Tea – Dinner

Tinny – Can of beer or small boat

Thongs – Flip Flops. Do not be alarmed if your new found Australian friend asks you to wear thongs to
the beach. They are most likely expressing their concern of the hot sand on your delicate feet.

True Blue – Genuinely Australian

Tucker – Food. ‘Bush Tucker’ tends to be food found in the Outback such as witchety grubs.

Two Up – A gambling game played on Anzac day.

U-IE – to take a U-Turn when driving

Up Yourself – Stuck up

Woop Woop – middle of nowhere “he lives out woop woop”

Ya – You

Yous – (youse) plural of you!

Some of these words may not be as commonly used these days, but you might still hear them being
used ironically or by older Australians.

How To Speak Australian

Once you’ve been in Australia for, well, an hour, you’ll notice that nearly every word has an ‘o’ on the
end of it. This is because for some weird reason Australians like to shorten every word and then add a
vowel to the end of it… e.g. “bottle-o” (Bottle shop / off license) “servo” (garage / service station).

Oddly though, some of these words end up being longer than they were originally. At other times
they’ll just add a different vowel instead of the ‘o’. MacDonalds, you know that famous fast food
burger joint, is only known as Macca’s over here! I think the video below perfectly illustrates this
unique way of speaking Australian!
Australian Phrases & Sayings

Some phrases can be a bit more difficult to work out than the abbreviations Australians use. When
someone exclaimed to me: “OMG check out his budgie smugglers” I really had absolutely no clue what
they were talking about. Let’s just say it only refers to men, and they tend to be wearing speedos!

I was at the bar and my friend says “it’s my shout mate“. Huh?! This is an important one to know. If it’s
their shout they’re going to be paying. Another common one to hear at the pub is “he’s blotto“… Yeah
don’t buy that guy another drink he’s already had too many!

The word “bogan” is a typically Aussie slang word as well. This word is used for people who are, well
let’s say, rednecks. Or, if you like, just call your friends a bogan when they are acting weird.

If you find yourself in a bit of an argument and you begin to act unreasonably you might be told to “pull
ya head in“, if however you’re right (stubborn) and you really want the other person to believe what
you’re saying you can say “fair dinkum mate“.

Worried that something isn’t going to plan? “No worries, she’ll be right mate” – It’s not a problem,
everything will be okay!

“Put some snags on the barbie” – this is a statement you’ll hear way more often than “Put a shrimp on
the barbie”… why? Well because snags, i.e. sausages, exist, whereas in Australia shrimps don’t… they’re
known as prawns!

Heard that someone is “Flat out like a lizard drinking“? The English phrase for this would be “busy as a

I was doing a little googling on this particular topic and came across a website, called the Australian
slang dictionary. Scanning through it I found an expression that I just had to share: “He’s got kangaroos
loose in the top paddock“. The meaning of the phrase? Someone who is a bit wacky. Or, as the
dictionary says in a prettier way; someone who is intellectually challenged.

Top Tip! If you’re really stuck but want to seem as though you’re beginning to learn some of the local
Australia language – the lingo if you will, always say hello by saying “G’day” and always add “mate” to
the end of every sentence.

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